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- JULY_ 1979 '

EmployerPaneI VisitsKSR

On July 17, the Living Skills
- Department at the Reforma-
'tory held apanel discussion,
entitled, “The Successful Em-
ployee.” The panelists, busi-’

ness persons'from the Louis- _
their -

ville area, .' discussed
, views on the hiring of ex-of-
fenders. They also responded
to questions from a group of
over 100 residents.
. > “The biggest problem
Seems to be showing up for.
work,” said Richard Chadwell
of Hettinger and Schuck Heat-
» ing and Air Conditioning.

'.?."._.“The men we have the great-

est problem with, and not just

e m hasizefdth‘efact'thatj‘
Ompa‘ny’ is in business to


The LivingSkills Program at
C'Ken‘tucky State Reformatory
sponsored the Prison Postal

. Novice Weight Lifting Contest


This novice tournament was '

composed of seven weight
. 'classes’:132-lbs..
lbs. 181 lbs. 198 lbs. 220
lbs. and 242 lbs Each weight
class had three lifts— squat,
_ bench press and deadlift.

During the squat lift the.

lifter raised the bar on his
' shoulders while backing out of
the rack. Once motionless, he
was required to squat on
command and face the referee
, at all times.
> The .,.squatter could not
bounce out of the squat and
the center of his tights- had to
‘be': below parallel bar. His

hands could not move on .the -

ban and he was required to
wait for the signal of command
' to rack
'! With the bench press, the
hands could not be more than

32 Inches apart. The lifters


d» _ed the residents to take Speech
'make a profit and that anyone”

who helps them make a profit '
' will have a job. 7
' In response to a question

Novice Power Meet HeIdAt KSR

"their personal
appearance, posture and gen-

148 lbs., 165 _‘

about the attitude of employ-l
ers towards the ex-offender,
Kenes Bowling of Goodwill
Industries said that he takes a
‘wait and seeiattit'ude’ when
hiring an ex'-offender, but that

.he likes for the person to be.

“up-front" about his record.
Mr. Bowling indicated that he

"a wanted to know' what the

person has done to change
himself and especially how the
person spent his time while
incarcerated. _

Relating to thegroup how.


he himself had to ‘build'

towards success, Duane

Loverher president of Ken-
_ ; (_‘

H encoura

or drama courses to improve
effect. Good

eral, attitude are necessary to

1By Kenny Hayes

were required. to have loaders

'help them in and out of the '

rack and the referee gave a

- command to lift only after the

bar was motionless on the
lifter's chest- The lifter raised
the bar at arm’s length, and
the referee gave the command
to rack.

Some of the disqualifying
factors are: bouncing the bars

4 off the chest, pressing before

command. touching the rack
during the lift, moving feet

(and uneven extension of the

arms. .

In the‘dead lift, thebar is
placed on the floor. The lifter
lifts when he is ready. and the
referee gives a command of
down after the lift is complet-
ed. The lifter must pull the
weight to. the erect position
with Shoulders. back and legs

’ _ straight.

Stopping or lowering the bar

, on the way up are two of the
' disqualifying factors.
~others are: bumping the bar
. off the body. failing to stand



' Y __
~ Paoppforth a resident at
, institution. Ms.
that similar programs will be " "

A few.

achieve success in any field, ”4

L'overher said
Other members of the panel

~ _included Anita Edmundson of

Hill Personnel, Grant Rickard
of: Clark Electric, ' Stanley
Lanaham of General Pest Con-
trol, Luther Lemley and David
Robinson of Spalding College:

Panel ,members said that
they would be willing to inter-
View residents before they

were released from the institu-'

tion. One panelist evennoffered
to conduct a training program
inside the institution;


Widup says

held on a regular basis in the

erect and failing to wait for

There were 21 contestants
in this novice contest. Acting
as the master of ceremonies,

.Donald Satterly called the

contestants’ weights and final
scores to the audience. He
gave an update account of
each division.

According to the weight
lifting formula, Michael
Strickland was by far the best

lifter of the day. This 148.

pound young' man won each
category in his weight class.

>He should have. For, the size
of a person is not what makes '

the man. It’s his dedication,
desire and work toward
achieving his goal—the goal to

I be the best.

This , was a great contest.
We hope that there will be
many more in the future here.

1Who knows—we may have a

national champion hidden
here at La Grange.~



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“Best Offer. Geing"

By Mike 'Jolner'


;“MEER .7:





- What’s an FCDC? As the
picture clearly'shOWS, it’s a
work camp. In all actuality the
picture ofGlendale Tooley and
Dewey Parker is. of them
,working‘ona tree which the

'Futuristic Jaycees of the”

'Frankfort Career Development
, Center undertook to cut up as

a chapter _money making pro-


Nonetheless, the point re-
mains that FCDC is in fact, a
work camp providing services
to various offices of the state
government. The Frankfort

'Detail, as it is called, performs

such tasks as picking up trash,
maintaining buildings, assist-
ing'the state police. landscap-
ing and providing personnel
for both ,of the governor’s
mansions. It also provides
cafeteria workers, painters,
electricians and moving crews.

Also on the career develop-
ment side, are several men
working for the Department-of
Finance Print Shop. Whereas
. some of these men are exper-
ienced printers, there are
some novices learning a new
skill. .

Population stays at about
seventy men who occupythree
dorms. The dorms, kitchen,
dining room, pool room, TV

room. CCU. conference rooin,

administrative offices, laundry
room and weight room are all
housed under.~one roof. A

separate ‘ building for visitors _~

is located behin'd'the main unit

in the picnic area. Activities
.consist of volleyball,

ball and softball teams which
-compete in the Frankfort ‘Re-
creational League. An active
AA, Jaycees, GED and college'
program is offered at FCDC.

Of course, all these activities-

are after hours'programs.
In short, a perfect place to,
kill some time?.WRONG! Like

other camps, _FCDC has its'

problems.- We :haVe a level
system that’s fairly reason-
able. However, level achieve~
ment is another question.
Minor rule infractions are met
with write- -up_s resulting in
extra duty.’Not so miner rule
violations are met. with
shackles and a fast trip to LA.

An overall ‘view Would indi-

cate that as far asthe prison‘

system is concerned, FCDC is

the best offer going. However, .

like all .places'there are those
who would wish to be el-se-.
where. Most current residents

are content to’ remain .at least

until the parole board meets.