xt7g4f1mh65c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g4f1mh65c/data/mets.xml Taylor, William C. 1878 books b92-49-26953094 English Caperton & Cates, : Louisville, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Taylor, Alfred, 1808-1865 Baptists Biography. Biography of Elder Alfred Taylor / by his son W. C. Taylor. text Biography of Elder Alfred Taylor / by his son W. C. Taylor. 1878 2002 true xt7g4f1mh65c section xt7g4f1mh65c BIOGRAPHY OF ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. BY HIS SON, W C. TAYLOR, AUBURN, KY. LOUISVILLE, KY.: PAPERTON CATES. 1878. This page in the original text is blank. DEDICATION. To Gasper River Association, whose care, love, admira- tion and highest honors abounded to my departed father while living, who dropped the tear of sadness when he was dead, and whose continued appreciation may be seen in the monument erected by her beneficence at his grave, is this work dedicated by THE AUTHOR. This page in the original text is blank. INTRODUCTION. The following, copied from the minutes of Gas- per River Association for the year i875, explains my connection with a work which I would have most cheerfully resigned to others whose age and ability better fitted them for such responsibility. Elder J. S. Coleman offered the following: WHEREAS, We remember with gratitude the labo- rious, self-sacrificing and useful life of Elder Alfred Taylor, who labored so long and so successfully as a minister and Moderator of this body; and WHEREAS, The time in which, and the brethren and sisters from whom, the facts and reminiscences necessary to preparing and preserving a true biog- raphy of this great and good man are passing rap- idly away; therefore, Resolved, That this body request Elder Wm. C. Taylor, who is the son of Elder Alfred Taylor, to collect the material necessary for the future pub- lication of a biographical sketch of the said Alfred Taylor. Upon this request I have acted, and now offer to the public this little volume. I have aimed at a simple statement of facts. In many instances the record is partial and defective, because all the facts were not at my command. For more than half of his ministerial life he left no journal. Some of the Vi INTRODUCTION. churches and brethren treated my communications with silent indifference, and from them and their churches I gathered nothing. These, and an utter want of inquisitiveness on the part of the author, leave many things of inter- est still buried in the forgotten past. To the many who have aided me in the prosecu- tion of this work, I return my most sincere thanks. To the God of my sainted father, whose divine guidance I have sought in preparing this work, I look alone for a. blessing in its circulation. If His approving smiles shall make it a blessing to those who may chance to read it, I shall feel more than repaid for all the labor rendered or the criticism that may follow. AUBURN, Ky. WILLIAM C. TAYLOR. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. His Birth and Early Life ....... CHAPTER IT. [His Conversion. .. . . CHAPTER III. The Beginning of His Ministry .... CHAPTER IV. His Family. . .. . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER V. His Consecration.... . . ... CHAPTER VI. Alfred Taylor Comes to the Front . . . CHAPTER VII. History of His Work with the Churches CHAPTER VIII. His Associational Record d...... CHAPTER IX. Miscellaneous.Work. CHAPTER X. His Debates ............. PAGE. ....... . . . 9 .. . . . . . 14 .. . . . 18 .. . . . . 21 .. . . . . 24 .. . . . 38 .. . . . . 71 .. . . . . . 83 .. . . . . . 89 Viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER Xl. PAG E. His Timothys . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 CHAPTER XII. Contributions to His Memory ... . .... .... Koo CHAPTER XIII. Obituaries and Conclusion.. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 CHAPTER I. HIS BIRTH AND EARLY LIFE. Elder Alfred Taylor, the youngest son of Elder Joseph Taylor, was born in Warren county, Kentucky, July 19, 1808. His parents emi- grated shortly after marriage from North Carolina to the county of his birth. They embraced re- ligion in early life, and became members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In this connection Joseph Taylor began the ministry. Some years before the birth of their son Alfred, they were constrained by the force of truth to forsake the church of their fathers and identify themselves with the Baptist, and were baptized by Nathan Arnette, of Tennessee. In September, 1804, four years before the birth of Alfred, they, with others, were constituted into what is known as Providence Baptist Church, Warren county, Ken- tucky. The fountain-head becoming Baptistic, the streams have been strongly marked with the same peculiarities. Alfred was born of Baptist parents. His father was a good man, lived above reproach, and did some good as a minister of Jesus Christ. His mother's family gained some political distinction in North Carolina. BIOGRAPHY OF When Alfred was three years old his parents moved to Butler county, Kentucky. Here he lived until his removal to Ohio county, which occurred some time after his marriage. His early life was spent upon the farm, where he acquired habits of industry, and developed that energy which characterized his whole life. Aside from the influences of home, the moral atmosphere surrounding his youthful days was by no means healthy. No Sabbath-schools, and church oppor- tunities being meagre, many of his Sundays were spent in fishing and roaming the woods. His constant associates in this Sabbath desecration were his brother Stephen, Reuben McCoy and Amos Russ. Drinking was common in those days. Most every family "kept it." At all public gatherings the jug was indispensable. To drink a little too much was not attended with that odium as it is now. Whatever is com- mon becomes respectable with the masses. Christmas was the special season for drinking. At this time the best of the wine was brought forth. Alfred Taylor and his bosom friend, A. Russ, confined their dissipation to this annual festive season. For several years they yielded to the customs of that day, and on the 25th day of December drank to intoxication. This con- tinued to be their annual celebration of the sup- 10 ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. posed birthday of the Savior until the subject of this biography was converted. He forsook the evil cup, to return to it no more. In his own account of his conversion he records the fact that through the evil influence of wicked asso- ciates he became profanely wicked. Having but little interest in literary pursuits, he spent many of his winter nights in hunting. This source of amusement and profit was suddenly cut off as follows: Upon cutting a tree for a "coon," it fell just opposite to what they had anticipated, from which his brother Stephen barely escaped instant death. In their great alarm they forgot their game, and hastened home. Their excite- ment was so great that they closed not their eyes to sleep that night. The cure was effectual and permanent. Concerning his early education, I find this brief mention in his journal: "Although his desires were ardent for knowledge, his oppor- tunities were so limited that at the age of twenty he could hardly read intelligibly, and could scarcely write his own name." The school ad- vantages of those days were nothing to compare with those of our times. Now a want of a reasonable education is almost criminal; then it was pardonable. Schools then were few and inferior, and in the rural districts never lasted I I BIOGRAPHY OF more than three months in the year. The teacher who had gone to " Proportion " in the arithmetic was thought to be well qualified for the office of pedagogue. The spelling-book and Bible were often the only text-books used by young ladies and gentlemen. That the reader may know some of the disad- vantages of his early day, I state it as a fact that my father borrowed a grammar, the only only one in his reach, copied it, and, therefrom he learned the rudiments of his mother tongue. Elder J. M. Pendleton, for many years his co- laborer, writes: "Your father had an active, investigating mind, and was always anxious to know the reasons of things. He and myself were accustomed to lament our lack of thorough education, but it was always our determination to do the best we could with the resources in our possession." In his journal for 1846 I find the following: " In view of my failure to improve my time heretofore, I resolve, by the assisting grace of God, hereafter I will try, as far as possi- ble, to write something each day of my life on some profitable subject, to enable me to make some additions to my small stock of useful knowledge. " After entering the ministry he returned to Warren county and spent some time in going to school to Elder David Mansfield. At a still 1 2 ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. later period he became a student under Elder William Warder, of Logan county. The time spent at either place I have been unable to learn. But whatever of mental discipline he may have gained was mainly the results of his continued efforts after his school days were past. In his journal I see mention of the time when he be- gan and when he finished reading many books, and often, in the same connection, he gives his synopsis of the book just read, which shows that he digested the work as he perused it. In the popular sense, Alfred Taylor was not an educated man. In the truer sense of the word he might have claimed that honor. He had learned to think. Wherever he was, there he could bring to bear the power of his mind. Often have I seen him, when about the various duties of life, take out his pencil and write down a thought. Many of his best discourses were made while about the other duties of life. Dur- ing protracted meetings he often made his dis- courses new from day to day, and, while others were talking on every side, he would make and jot down the divisions and subdivisions of his sermon. In this, that his mind was trained to think, and to think under -any and all circum- stances, he was educated. In that, that he was ignorant of many of the higher branches now taught in our schools, he was uneducated. I 3 CHAPTER II. HIS CONVERSION. In giving an account of his conversion, I will copy his own statements: " Being raised under the preaching of the Gospel, at an early age I saw the heinous nature of sin and the necessity of religion, but from the languid state of the church, and the influence of unconverted asso- ciates, I was led to indulge in many sinful prac- tices, and eventually became profanely wicked. It- is, however, a source of joy to reflect that my career in sin was short. After laboring four years trying to recommend myself into God's favor, I was enabled in my twenty-second year, October, I829, to trust in Him whose blood speaketh better things than that of Able; in whom believing, I was enabled to rejoice with joy unutterable and full of glory. In November following I was baptized in Sandy creek, Butler county, Kentucky, by Elder Benjamin Talbott." From him and his brother I have learned the following: His first impressions to seek religion were received when eleven years old. These endured only for a season. In his eighteenth year he was again awakened under the preaching ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. of Elders Abner and Emery. These brethren were returning from an association, and preached in a private house near his father's residence. At the close of their discourses those wishing the prayers of Christians were invited forward. Alfred Taylor, with about twenty others, was found at the altar seeking the pardoning mercy of an offended God. There being no protracted efforts in those days, these men of God left this multitude of penitents and proceeded on their journey home. How mysterious this course appears to us of a better day. Every genera- tion is fettered by its own customs. It was not customary to follow up these awakenings, hence the duty so apparent to us was unperceived and unperformed by them. For some weeks after the Christians of the immediate community met one night in each week to pray for the salvation of those who were seeking Christ. During these meetings many were converted ; but not so with him of whom we write. Those on the right and those on the left, friendsyounger and friends older, found the pearl of great price, but all was darkness in his own heart. For four years he sought and found not, because he sought not by faith. During all this time the doctrine of special election and reprobation con- fronted him and kept him from the cross. The 15 BIOGRAPHY OF thought, I am one for whom Christ has not died, hindered the exercise of that faith so es- sential to salvation. Doubtless his own troubles on this point had much to do in shaping his views of the same, and led him to oppose through life that feature of special, uncondi- tional election, which had been such an obstacle in the way of his own salvation. The question was finally solved, and he was elected through sanctification of the Spirit and the belief of the truth. The full and precious assurance was given to his soul, not in the existed multitude, but in the dense forest, as he returned from an errand to a neighbor's house. There he made the vaults of nature ring with the praises of his new-found Savior, while angels caught and swelled the strain, until Heaven was filled with the glad tidings. The first meeting following his joyous acknowl- edgemerit of Christ he joined Sandy Creek Bap- tist Church, and was baptized, as previously stated. From the baptismal grave he arises to walk in a new life. He forsakes the sins and dissipations of former years, and by a godly walk and conversation seals the testimony of his espousal to Christ. He soon began to exercise his gift in public prayer, and in less than one year and a half from the time he united with the ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. 17 church he was licensed to preach. The spirit of true obedience to Christ knows no end. It be- gins promptly, and continues to advance as God in His providence may open the way. So it manifested itself in the new life of this new creature in Christ Jesus. CHAPTER III. THE BEGINNING OF HIS MINISTRY. He was licensed to preach the third Saturday in May, 1831. Where he preached his first sermon is a question of some doubt. Several places are contended for as the point where he made his first efforts. My opinion is that he attempted his first discourse at Sandy Creek Church. From the beginning of his ministry he was a Timothy to Elder Talbott. With him he made visits to Muhlenburg and Ohio counties. Upon these tours he tried to preach. His second effort was made at Brother Roade's, of Muhlenburg county; the third at Brother Ashby's, of Ohio county. This is the order of his efforts as I gather them from the many reports received. Of these efforts there is but one opinion. The universal verdict is that his beginning was exceedingly unpropitious. Of all that have spoken of his first efforts, none have said Alfred Taylor could preach, or give any hope of making a preacher at the first. His first effort was attended with much sorrow. He arose. under great embarrassment, took his text, spoke a few words, and then followed that ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. dreadful pause so painful to all present. After a while he proceeded a little further, then com- plete silence reigned, and ceased not. Mortified even to bitter tears, he sat down. A few min- utes covered the entire time of this unhappy effort. In an effort made shortly after this, at Nelson Creek Church, his confusion and embar- rassment was so great that he turned his side to his audience, and remained in that uncomely attitude until he sat down. The masses said, " That man had better quit." Occasionally some of the more reflecting of his hearers could see the out-croppings of some new thought, that sparkled like a gem in the midst of the rub- bish of his discourses. His developments were slow; his discouragements abounded upon every hand. Many who heard him in his prime will hardly believe me when I say his voice and delivery were miserably defective. The matter of his discourses, by no means the most entertaining, and this told in a squealing, whining tone, made bad worse. But we must not despise the day of small things ; neither are we to expect per- fection without practice. In speaking of his early ministry, he says: " I had been trying to preach four years, and had no assurare that I had been instrumental in the conversion of one 19 20 BIOGRAPHY. soul." He was ordained at Sandy Creek Church, May, 1834, by Joseph Tayltr, David Kelly and William Childres. His first pastorate was at Pond Run, Ohio county, and. dates from June, 1834. CHAPTER IV. HIS FAMILY. We have now reached that period of life where he begins a new epoch. He becomes a husband and a father. In both of these relations he was affectionate and' faithful. He became the hus- band of three wvives, and the father of fifteen children. His first marriage was to Mary Ann Mahon, of Butler county, and occurred September 22, 1835. His second marriage was to Marjary Jane Brown, of Ohio county, and dates-, I852. His third espousal was to Eliza Jane Gordon, of Daviess county; date of marriage, March i, 1859. With the first wife, he lived seventeen years; with the second, four years; with the third, six. By his first wife he had nine children-six boys and three girls; of these three are dead-one boy and two girls. Of the three children by his second wife two were daughters. The son died. By the last wife there were three children-two girls and a boy; of these one daughter died. Of the five gone, God took four of them in in- fancy and early childhood. Alice Newel, the first daughter and third child, became a wife and BIOGRAPHY OF mother before death called her. She was a graduate of Bethel Female College, and a woman of superior qualities. Against the wishes of father and family she married a man by the name of Tatum. I am sorry to say the match was not a congenial one ; so far from it that death welcomed her to the companionship of better things, for she was a dear lover of her Savior. 0 Of the living children all are Christians save three-Dr. V. M. Taylor, Mrs. Susan R. Grubbs, Hettie A. Taylor. These are the representa- tives of the three sets of children. .J. S. Taylor, J. P. Taylor and W. C. Taylor, sons by the wife of his early manhood, are all in the ministry, and following in the wake of their father. Whilst it is often claimed that in many respects they resemble their father in the pulpit, yet the want of age, and perhaps some- thing that age can not give, leave them some- thing short of the inimitable genius of Alfred Taylor. As to the three wives, they were all good women. Mary Ann, the first, was a woman of fine education and most noble parentage, espe- cially upon her mother's side, for her mother, Susanah Mahon, was known and felt throughout the Green River Country as a pious citizen and 22 ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. staunch Baptist. She raised a family of.likely girls, most of whom managed to marry men of distinction; among the number we may men- tion President J. W. Rust, of Bethel Female College, and Elder H. B. Wiggin, a wealthy merchant of New York City. Mary Ann was a faithful companion in the ministry, and often, in the absence of her hus- band, would she read the Scriptures in her family, and dedicate her children to God in prayer. Marjary Jane was universally esteemed for her amiable qualities, and admired for her great beauty. Their connection was most pleasant, which made the separation more bitter, for only four brief years and all was over. His last wife, Eliza Jane, though a good woman, was thought by many to be too young for one more than fifty, she being less than twenty. Notwithstanding this, the covenant re- lation was held in harmony, and in affection did they walk together till God took His servant, and left a widow to deeply mourn his loss. 23 CHAPTER V. HIS CONSECRATION. In a high degree Alfred Taylor was for many years a consecrated minister. After several years' labor, with but little fruit therefrom, he became doubtful of the reality of his call. Anxious to have this important question settled, and long- ing for the salvation of souls, he at once brings all of his tithes into the Master's store-house. In these times none might bring the charge that preachers in his section were hirelings. There was virtually no wages for the body. The reward was spiritual. Men labored five and six days in a week, and preached as best they could on Saturday and Sunday. My father, upon exam- ination, found he had means and surplus prop- erty enough to support his then small family for one year, and resolved to devote one year wholly to the work of the ministry. This reso- lution was faithfully executed, and he went every-where preaching the word, God working with him. During this year work so accumu- lated, preaching places so multiplied, and his heart was so much encouraged, that continued consecration seemed to be his imperative duty. ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. 25 To this demand he yielded, and for many years, time, talents and all were laid upon the altar of the ministry. Preaching during the week either was or became common. People loved God and His.Gospel well enough to dismiss all business, and often would they meet in crowds to hear the word of our salvation. The preaching of the Gospel was not confined to church houses so much then as now. From house to house, as well as from church to church, he ceased not to warn both men and women, by day and by night. Dr. Pendleton, who is certainly a competent witness, says, in his letter to me: " He loved to preach. It was his greatest joy to proclaim salvation to dying men. Few ministers of his day spent more time in preaching, made greater sacrifices for the cause of Christ, and received a smaller compensation for faithful woik." His was the consecration, not only of time and talents, but also of means. Besides preaching much without any remuneration, he gave a part of the actual income from his churches and farm to the Lord's cause. In his journal of 1848 I find the following resolution: "As I resolved to give five per cent. of my income, that is, of all the cash I received last year, to some religious purpose or purposes, so, in the fear of God, I 3 BIOGRAPHY OF renew my resolution this year." How long he kept up this system of benevolence we can not tell, as we have no journal of his life beyond the above date. The record of his contributions shows that these years were only in harmony with the general tenor of his life, as it respects giving. His sacrifice of time and means some- times placed him in straightened circumstances. Once he had promised Elder J. F. Austin to aid in a meeting at Mt. Carmel, which he failed to do. At night, after a hard day's labor, he wrote as follows. After speaking of the disap- pointment and manual labor of the day, he said: "And at night feel that a helpless family demands my attention, and that it would be sinful to go and preach and leave them to suffer." Amid all his zeal for the church of Christ, he never forgot that the religion of the Bible de- mands care for our own, and especially those of our own family. The following well illustrates the illiberality of the churches and the self-denial of the min- istry of his day, and is certainly in order in this connection: " Lord's day and Lord's day night, heard Simeon Buchanan preach at Green River, and gave him fifty cents. As I rode home, after making the gift, I asked myself:- 'Had I done right ' I thought of a dependent wife 26 ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. and seven children; I thought on the fact that I had just been preaching fifteen days and nights, and had received one dollar and fifty cents in cash, and three dollars in trade. I also found that I had promised the dollar to the church where I had been laboring to help pay for their meeting-house; and now the fifty cents is gone. Then I thought, above all, not only my time and money were gone, but my health, which is worth more than all, is gone, perhaps never to be regained. But why did I grive it Because I have learned long since that preachers go to churches respectable for their appearance and numbers, and preach until they are worn down, and when they are done the brethren gather around them to take their hand and charge them to return. When he starts he remembers their tokens of love, but when he counts up all he finds he is out so much and nothing in pocket. He thinks of sinners and mourners; then he thinks, 'I shall be compelled to return home and work for my family.' To pre- vent these thoughts and feelings in part, as a member of the church to and for which he had been preaching, is the obligation of this gift. May God' bless the little gift and the imperfect giver. Amen." Think not of the little gift, but of the facts developed in this narrative. 27 BIOGRAPHY OF With him the ministry was always first. If at times he became in part secularized, it grew out of the broad and constant failure of the churches to supply his temporal wants. The most received during any one year of his min- istry from the pastorate did not exceed 300. In many instances it fell far short of that. He labored to make it true in his day, "that the poor have the Gospel preached to them." Had he lived in this day of extravagance, with his small salary, he could not have given so much of his time to his life work. His generation was one of fewer demands than the one succeeding him. Though he labored upon a small salary, he did not believe in a worldly, secularized min- istry. He believed the ministry should be sus- tained by the churches, and urged the rising ministry to demand a reasonable compensation for their services. Churches, whose unpaid sub- scriptions amount to hundreds, are never tired of praising Alfred Taylor's course with the churches. His was a kindness which circum- stances seem to demand. In the decline of life he regretted the course adopted in early man- hood. While to the ministry he leaves an ex- ample full of the spirit of consecration, in his charity to the churches to which he preached he has bequeathed to them a legacy of negligence 28 ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. in the support of the ministry that has robbed them of their best talent and filled them with the evil fruits of their own inexcusable neglect. That my father was willing, at much sacrifice, to preach Christ and Him crucified, I most gladly record; that he indulged churches in willful neglect to support their pastor, I am neither proud of nor thankful for. What I have just written prepares the reader more fully to appreciate that devotion which he manifested amid such discourage- ments. To be a consecrated minister then and now requires different degrees of grace. My father very often preached beyond his bodily strength, and gave far beyond the just demands of benevolence. He died poor and premature. Elder J. F. Austin, upon the occasion of his death, remarked: " Brother Taylor died as much a martyr to the cause of Christ as if he he had been burned at the stake." Subse- quently Dr. Coleman made a similar statement. In contrast with the interest in the cause he ad- vocated, he could truthfully say: "I count not my life dear." In days fair and days gloomy, in weather cold and hot, in nights calm and nights stormy, in health and in afflic- tion, in poverty and disappointment, with cheer- ful activity he went forth persuading men to be 29 30 BIOGRAPHY. reconciled to God. He leaves behind an example in many respects worthy of the imitation of the many ministers whom he led to Christ and into baptismal waters. Many of us will never know, by experience, what sacrifices he endured in order to furnish us this noble example. He looked for his reward after the brief day of life was over. Elder Pendleton says: "He talked much of heaven, and his idea seemed to be that its joys would infinitely more than com- pensate for all the sorrows and trials of earth." To that reward he has gone; of those joys he has shared. The toils and afflictions of earth only exist in the recollections of the past. In all the glory of that heavenly home there is not one regret on account of the consecration which marked and adorned his ministry. CHAPTER VI. ALFRED TAYLOR COMES TO THE FRONT. It is said, circumstances make men. It would be truer to say, circumstances develop and test men. They bring to the surface what has been dormant. We hear that our civil war made bad men out of good ones. Not so. The war tested men and developed the weaknesses and wickednesses which previously existed. Cir- cumstances opened the way for Alfred Taylor to step to the front. The providence of God led him to take that step, while the ability of the man, directed and sanctified by Divine grace, en- abled him to hold the position assumed. Be- tween August, I835, and August, 1836, the following ministers were called to their reward: Elders -Talbott, Mormon, Warfield, Chapman, Kelly, Warder and Wilson. The ministry of these brethren had been connected, more or less, with the Green River Country. This wonderful and mysterious providence took all of the strong men from the Green River section. A few aged brethren and a Timothy or two were all that were left. The people in sadness and despond- ency asked, " What shall we do " Alfred BIOGRAPHY OF Taylor, probably more than any other man, felt the pressure of increased responsibilities. He looked at the vast field already white to harvest, and then asked: "How and by whom shall it be reaped " He had heard of Tom Fisher, and longed and prayed for him to come to the Green River Country. Fisher came not. Was it not God's will that another should lead his de- spondent host to battle and to victory The sequel makes it certain that such was the Divine will. To meet the increased demands Elder Taylor gives himself wholly to the work of preaching Christ crucified. The problem of protracted meetings was something new in his field of labor. He saw and contended that religious in- terest awakened should be fostered until the fruit was gathered. Convinced of the propri- ety of a continued effort for the salvation of sinners, he proceeds with the new departure. Many of the brethren and most of the aged ministers opposed outright this departure from the custom of the fathers. Argument failed to convince them. God convinced and won them by the precious fruits of the revival efforts- The first regular protracted meeting ever held in Ohio county was begun and carried on by Alfred Taylor, at Walton's Creek Church, De- 32 ELDER ALFRED TAYLOR. cember, i837. Many were openly against the meeting. Others would shake their hoary locks, doubting what all this might lead to. Nerved by the honesty of his purpose and led, as we believe, by the spirit of God, the youth- ful pastor continued preaching, day and night, until opposition gave way. God utterly con- sumed it. The revival, in its power and influ- ence, swept over the whole country for miles in every direction. All classes were reached.. Christians were overwhelmed with a sense of the goodness of God, while old and young, parents and children, youths and maidens, sought and found Christ a precious Savior. Men professed religion every-where; even those not attending the meeting, in some instances, were converted. The like had never been seen by this people. But all felt and acknowledged the power to be of God, and not of man. The meeting lasted just two weeks. Largely over one hundred persons professed conversion. During the meeting, and in a few months after, one hundred and forty-six were received into th