xt7g4f1mkk4w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g4f1mkk4w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19140507 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 32, May 7, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 32, May 7, 1914 1914 2015 true xt7g4f1mkk4w section xt7g4f1mkk4w t
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University of Kentucky
A. i ‘ i i ‘ e -
{ VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MAY 7, 1914. No. 32.
' ' .-..~..".1;I..._ LT Ti.?} iIiZ1‘2TZ‘;.`
*’·—· " l .
Int•rcoII•g|•t• D•b•t• and Champion-l I T0
•hIp For Two Y•|d•. Appointed by United Staten Govern- Part of Proceeds to Ric to "Unlv•r•ity
··-—— Wn Enjoyed by 1 Large Number of _—*"-" ment as Tobacco Expert. Loan Fund" to Aid 8tud•nt•.
(Tho Canto.) Sunni. and Fnamn Team Breaks Even In Six Gamu ___ __
The annual intercolleglsto debate _r_ W Played South of Mason and J. A. Hatter, it Senior ln the Agrlrul- Mrs. Stout, of Frankfort, Physical
held under the auspices of the Kon- May 1st. was u joyous day for DIxon'• Lina. trual College-, has just, received an hlructor of Women at the University
tucky Orntorlcsl Association was held lunlors and others The time for thol appointment from the l`nit+·d *!t·tt» · of Kentucky is
. . ._——. , , . . ·~ . , . preparing an elabo-
ill H10 Chapel Frldsy nI|ht, April 24, long expected dance finally becamel mc LEAGUE BALL ONE DAY• Government to go to Manila. He doeslrute performance of "Pygmullan and
with the State University. A thing present. Some time after 9 o'clock ACK LOT BALL THE NEXT not go as an embassy of war or p¢·u¢·•-,\*}ulat+·a," with classic dances in
tht! IGM. tmunull iutorolt to the 0c- on that evening, the class of fifteen The wndmtg-;;·urnPd Saturday but as st tobacco expert to direct the Greek costume, to be given Saturday
_ CIIIOD WAS the fact that this debate marched ln the Phoenix ball room mgm from wen qmnheh mar with native in their tolls of producing n evening, May ltith, at u local theatre,
{ docldvd the state championship for to begin the real dance of their col- A tm) record of 300 The tem;] was weed of better quality and quantity. in honor of the Henry Claggett (`hup-
_ IWO Yell'!. WB htvlul defeated George- lege life. Nearly every Junior and given 8 érdml récexguon an the way "Jack" is from Franklin county and ter of the Daughters of the American
i0W|1 Bild State Transylvania last year. Senior, who dance, were present with has had various e• ttie pt; it ut 1 ties sic dance as a mw an and 8, form of
-.. .. ............. :2.0 . ' ' > S· ·.
Romer was Sta.w’s next man. He ,_ , , . la ama In Cu eq n tw mu [Meh spiritual expression cherished by the
contended that six years was thai HW mst *‘*`***u“kY ****€*`Sc**°***¤**c Park and Reed; Smith and Wells. \\'hen the Hyllesby people took over] I ie { tl [ mé mtr cmm Offered
, uic n, so ia a
proper length Ot term and that mel *`0***`********‘*** “'*** be **9*** **6** 0** April 30. Alabama bunched hits on the gas and electric business fronilu bu ‘ m be Mmu nm;
, l ¤ u c v ‘ u e an ·-
change was entirely in h my with Thursday. brlduy and Saturday. \\'0odgon, and defeated Kentucky 5 to me city or Louisville at a purchase; I D tl { I b tyre )
arm nn·· nu. nas one e 0 .
About ww hundred high school sw- 2. price or about ten million dollars, * g
our present principles of government. _ _ The Henry Ulaggett Chapter, D. A.
. _ **9****** **0*** ***1 1*****8 of ***0 5**1*9 will R. H. E. they brought General Hnrries on from
· 'lhe lust and probably one of the . lt., being anxious to do an educational
'¢0***€ to L€X***g*0** *0 d€*€*`******8 ***6 Kentucky ............ 2 6 3 Washington (`ity to take entire charge
best speeches ot the evening was , . :<: <: .- A V i
****~9*`S€**0***$***' €*******l**0**$***D *** m**¤**`» Alabama ............. 5 7 0 of their part of the transfer with the (Continued on Page Six)
made by Bethurum. He emphasized ,
the (act that usix years are too long l***b**€ Bl*€**k***S and track 8****8***% \Voodson and Reed; Stevenson and countless details incident thereto.l -. . ...•.......
,'*`1¤<> following irish ¤<·*w<>1s will be \Vells. ues. llurrles’ resiuelwe in Louisville BOARD ELECTS
for a bad President and too short for _ \ E T
a good Pmsidcntn H8 also Bhowedl *`€P*`€*=*€***€d¥ L°***$V***€ $****9. [0***5* May 1. Parks kept 'I`ennessee's hits is but temporary und he retains com-I W
that Federal Gmc; holdem do not ex-; V*|*€ Mulillul. *’HdU¢‘8h. 0W€¤1¤b0!`0. well scattered, and ills teammates mund of the District Brigade. I Stonewall Jggkmniuign After
amiga 8. smut power H6 than t00k`SP*`***S**€*d» E**Za**€*****·*“'**» $**9***3+ run wild on buses, which resulted in u General Harries is at native ol`] Nearly Yun work
up the om of me` vm pmsidemy ville. *·¤wr¢>¤¤¤<**>urs. Maysville. Mays- to to 1 victory for Kentucky. miles, unit moe touutry so noted me ____
lick, Uyllthiuilll, Nl. Swflillg. Stull- R, H, E. its righting stock. lle ctune to Amer- Lust Nlonduy 'l`he IDEA Board of
under the proposed system. _ _
*0*”d» A¤***¤**¢*· U***6**S*****`K- L<>‘X***S· Kentucky ............ 10 8 2 ica when about 14 years old, und while Uontrol inet ut noon in chapel and uc-
The rebuttals were delivered by ,_ ` _
Swope and Roomer *0** *4-**** l**'0***¤****>' 0***€*`¤· ***9 P*`0· Tennessee ........... I 4 1 ill his teens enlisted in the 'l`hlrd U. ceptctl the resignation of Mr. Stone-
l ¤*'***** *5 **¤ folluwsr I Parks und Parks; lluwson und S. llegnl.u· t‘ni’;tlry. This was ill the wull Jackson, who hus been edit0r·in·
_ The judges than gave their decision _ _ _ _ _ _ M _
Thursday, May 7. Keith. seventies and his service was under chiet ot lhe llJl¤A since lust October.
unanimously ln favor of the atlirmu- _ , _
uva 1- R“*’·i“u`***“"* uf high School May 2. The Volunteers hopped on Foster. l‘ztnby. und other heroes ofthe Nlr. Jackson resigned at this time,
A•g0°d crowd heard the arguments $**l**‘*`*****‘**d<‘***S 1***** P*'***€*D¤*¤· UY*1*· Parks in the early rounds and sewed frontier xxhen lndiun righting was u since he was crowded with much
and interest was Somewhat enhanced **¤S****** ******4***%- *‘ *·*· ****2 P· *¥*· up the game by hunched hits. Wood- stcrnn reality. ile was promoted to\ work und bringing to u close his many
by the presence of a number or K C 2· S¢*****·*******S *** *****5*** U****'6*`· son tinlshed u creditable session on at lieutcnnncy, but when frontier duty duties of u. brilliant college career.
W girls I . the hill, but Kentucky lacked the ‘ (V {mu d I Pu P qi`) \ Xlr. Ulyde 'l`u.ylor, who has been
. . in n e ot ·· . .
punch to lund the decision. ( L latssistunt editor with Mr. Jackson, was
R. H. E. Wright ........... 6 26 T .269 chosen cditor»ln—chlcf by the Board to
· ............ .2 5 6 .‘l °1l" .......,.. ‘ lei 7. .263 ;k· tl · k, l dit tl
•••••••·••·•··•·•·••··•··•··•··•··•··•··••··•·•··•··•··•·•·•·••·• :"'"“°"" 6 9 I ;l""`i °; { I _)___l;_`_`_l""fl;"\`;°”__V‘T‘;` "M_ ;;`r";"’;”)”
· * ` * ennasseé ............ ltlllltlh ........ ....• I Ul it o 0\ lll. _tti,. A so ..,.
• ` * Park, Woodson and Park; Hutt-hin· t`. l'nrk .......... 4 lll 3 .234ii llcynolds, a Junior ln the College of
· . * ........... ` 24 5 .2 U l.; , ’a.· ·l .‘~ ·. tsfsz t d' ‘.
O Luck consists in ulways tnuking preparations for every alter- Q wu and Kem] Hmwn if _ mi N “ B ` MMU M H" lm 9 mn
· native * Trip Batting Average;. \\'uters ........... »» \.» 3 .2•¤o \|r. Reynolds hus been at contributor
I t‘. A.ll. ll. l’.(`.'I`. ‘· .......... .. 1 23 4 .l74\· tl — · · f tllu r td
, (lun; t t> l¤.pd[N.l‘0l‘l110l‘0 ll&yt‘l1tl\
.l. Park ............ ti 25 8 .320 llecd ......... . . 6 23 4 .174b l*|`Ulll\$t‘Pi lo become very yuluuble in
I ’l`uttle ............ 6 21 ti .285 Woodson ......... 3 ti 0 .00t)_pnttln;.; out our college weekly.
3 ‘ T H E ID E A
- WMW“_ mwl T _ - .-5-* ..
MEET Admission l0c 1
Children 5c
FIRITCLAII IN (VERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. OTAMPER, Jr., 0wn•r and Mannpr. OPIN 10 A. M. T0 11 P. M. I,
·E~ ALI THEATER I,-_ H_ KENNEDV NEXT vumw there nre just lots ol' thlmzs to! lf the apple- blossomed, vnn the tree •
p p _____ { y_ M_ c_ A_ PRESIDENT he done. And you talk about fun, the Ienrn? No, but the saw would.
Kellh Vlvd0Vl|l¢- · __ _ "Pollege Widow" won‘t rome nenr the ___ ,.,,, ,
Tndmwg "mHn......w wm SM the hm". Anqcmuon Electo New 0ff|¤¢r|· cirzlzlmmlohq Mp mw under wav Pntrnmza our Adv•|’titef•.
nuratlon of the half week of Keith At the revent huslness meetlng of wlgh mp mmgmnml 700 and mp Ch;
vaudeville, whlvh promises to he the the Young M•·n`s Fhrlstlnn Assooln- _ I ` R S i
· · l)(‘SI !l() far 5194*]] hP]‘(A4 'I`h(‘· [](·[y4 nrp M()]]_ [hp rpth-ing prpgidpnh (¤. iiag;) l:?I)D0(:I:;)"`:• {ro"` ‘“'hlI(.h · I
oa, ·¢· w . w
BI B all good and some new features that lllevlns, appointed a vommlttee of (rms nn "mq W
borrowed. We will not montlon what ._ {
are rnrely seen outside of larger eltles. Seniors to nominate the new nftlvere mmr kmdq of mm? anim I “(` “m ,
· . s · · ,
The- n4—¤m|m~npp wm show u new of the orpmnizntlon for the year Imp but H r Mn h il ( { Save m0;N*y by ordermg ;
_ n · . ae e · e a sor s n rom us
' · , ‘ · Ti, . I- 1114-1.».
Thursday. Friday, Saturday lmlunl 11 hp Tmlilk 8:1 r Y rm] nflwof •'\`hi·¤ r·mnn1ltteepr<¤ented the nnmpq animals' both rm! and Oumrwiga ___ ·
vn ang ng com nn on 0 me y o . ·. .
· Jl ml. tlIlllt·~,I.
(Only Mlunee) the Four Rlanos, will he heard with of l·`rnnk ll. Kennedy for President; mgslsepngssgnagllf T;) L5'; th; rpxlssl
' . _ ) .
pIe;asu;·e. T;;eill¢>|1kl|1sdil1ls;`ers;, :1:; ;x;1r:P?¢;r:';;s;. zo); :;::0:-(;·;:l g e es a 0-
· • · * - , f I ' bl d -
Nlght Pnces loc, 25c, 50c ville stage and has been highly com meeting or tw new ca net an com bam: Mt: $15 to me best Individual Ender, Keen Cutter,
mended by the press wherever seen. mlttee force, where the various forms
T v nd Norman in a comedy sin - of work to be undertaken next year Mmbauc act; $10 to the best mdlvi- and Ever Ready
400 immt lilo d I tri d in Et re discussed Fach chairman sub ldual comedy ML and Sm for the best JUST WHAT You NEED
r, n cen <· anc a a . . , . -
m` 8 ng a ec g _ side show. ln aerobatlv acts see Prof.
are In a class by themselves. Lough- mlts a written pohcy for his particular Rasmussen or Dave Barrow for com · &
_— ln‘s comedy dogs, a troupe of twelve committee which is altered gr ap- ' ’ _
T"°’h°”' as canines are said to be the best trained proved before being voted upon. 9:y acm Se; Szndglslxassr 3]; 81:: MMN
s ws s o . . . .
dogg ever seen here and close a really These meetings are held from 1:15 Wan mf as {O the, Zmmaloacts Bae
a ., ,
tz t high class vaudeville show. to 2:30 every Saturday afternoon. , j
° 1,1, . 0 1 , P r. F
.1...•....._.... On next Saturday, Mr. J. 0. Van q 2: n'“uA(;_n um Om trqtgsr HT {
. m . e o o s e
ETC. l\l6tPl‘, of Nlrldlah, MlSSlSSlDDl. Wlll B a V y g 5 0 Incorporated E
occupv part of the session with the one else Mn the money' M*”“"°'“"“ °' l
' ° ‘ l ` ` -—-·-•·-—— HAND-MADE CIGARS
Pipes R’cpa“‘ed' K. E. A. subject of "Soclal Service, or Boy’s
LIXINGTON, · · KENTUCKY Work." He is an expert on this sub- '
ject, and has won for himself a nation-
-—··-··l· I LUNCH ST D w... R., .... .,..., ., E..,,c...,,. ..... ¤· -p···¤··»··. »¤». vm Mm we QUEENR{¤)U(§I!}SESCENT Fon PENS me 1>1:Ncu,s
_ f m rly B y’· Secretary of tle Lex-
Cahn •xcIu•Iv•Iy to •tud•nt• Teach". °f the anu or Q 0 S I i-- and F
·”d '.cu"y of su`. unwuwny Tl I T { th K lngton (Ylty Y. M. (`. A. and is an old To cINc'NNA.n
ne annua mee ng 0 e en- State Student
A FI . '
A• B• tucky Educational Association closed ,_,,.,,;._... nd num
COR. I. LIHEBTONE AND COLFAX nam Saturday morning with the ele<·· SUNDAY, MAY 10th. —#·- --
HOU of officers after B. fO\Il` d8,yS ___ B . D c
YES cease1essz¤11. mr. w. P. xmg, super- A"] Qnxonjgjtle mmsed The first ¤><<*¤rSi¤¤ 0f the ¤¤¤S¤¤ un
am , s 1, > ,
W as I ' 1.20 intendont of the Bellevue public g l l given by the Queen and (/rescem WM. E. STAGG, Successor.
O N" sm. P"•“|”G Un W`. circus to be held during <·ommence— R vm b M 10 T I
_lt_ schools, was chosen as president. Out? “ 9 KY · he tran
ment week are fast taking shape, and _ , _ ,
The meeting was yyell attended l t f t t t leaves I4€xlngt,0n Ht, 7.3·» B. nl., and *
you nave any sor 0 a. s un a
d ltl * , t tl the regular excursion rate of one dol-
AM) may CLEANING WORKS an w I mam more preset] um you would like to put on you had bet- . _
I6! South Llmutone Phonc 621-y at any previous gathering or the K, l ` _ H lar and fltty cents will be the fare for • ,
._....j...._._.. E, A. ‘°' “"" ’°""* °' "‘°*“"_ “ °‘“"g"· °’ the mum: mp. rms as an excexnem (.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
·I~,,,.,,,. ,,,,,,,,,(.,0,S and ,,,,,],,6.,,, of Y°‘; ;‘°“"’ ‘""‘ ‘°t“‘*“‘“‘l :“ ;‘°""’H:"“’ opportunity rm smue-ms m me umm- DOROTHY DODD SHOES
* .· ,. · . ~ .1} ,
C• A• the minds of the States youths are Timf 1:26 nosmn QMS (du u O"] nutl and vlclnlty. FOR WOMEN {
. · · r, er 1 m n, 1
mm you wm Md mmhmg _ working rm- u greater stm by edu- Hm ‘;“‘“"‘“ ’ m‘;"_ r“_ml “l:[ _ ,2 $3.50 to $5.00 s
vw ·rr¤·eus o·,»-
COMPLETE. DRUG STORE cation and advocate many fine prlncl- w` A u Ig ` ‘ P."°m.° mw Adv°""e"‘ RALSTON HEALTH SHOES 2
~A$:°“:|N:.v;At;Uc;°.8;°:EkT8 Ipuls which will put Kentucky in u FQR MEN
I standard position. • ‘4_00 to $5_00 l
I Some of the things which they em-
C0, lphaslzed was higher salaries for For the
Anthracite and Bituminous teachers, thus insuring better lnstruc- C B ‘
GOALS “"”° """°' ’°“"*· ""‘g""°"‘°°" °‘“"S Tuesday and Friday evenings at U. C. T. Hall, by 0 We WS Smoker
- · and an extensive course in agricul- G0 to
me "¤**·*··#=¢ SM and M**·m* M Miss Spurr and wm. wamaa. Admission 50 cms. The Lewin cam co. l
for establishment of vocational 0 N. Ph I Y
W S scho0ls·· increased effort for safe- _ ML * Nan
• • ' . _ Special appomtmcnts made for teaching the Tango, i
guarding the home as a relignous instl-
The sanitary Grocer tutlon; submission of educational and _ _ _ F ·
PHONE 720 moral problems to the masses; night MaxIx€* H°S*tat'°“ and One Step'
- · · · lectures in rural schools and earn- T8k$ [CSS Sh0I'[¢IIlII§ l
Cor. S- Lime and Vlrgmm Ave. l¤¤ll·i¤ Wallis! llllleravv and a speedy _”“°d° by_ ‘
S Flltillgé lll OUP system of taxation. K In wd S 0., l
The program ended Saturday, whleh
TW ·°UT_H UPPER BT- _ represented the four days' work, and & I Prop r •
Fresh Candles Made DalIy· u tinal plea for greater endeavor was & c l
P0D Corn FrltterS• suhmltted. The last speakers were: ` r
L,Exm°T°N’ ` ` KENTUCKY Dr. M. U. Adams, president of rse· I ‘ O 107 8¤uth_LIm••t¤n• St., opp. Ph¤•nlx nom
twon (‘ollege; Dr. E. E. Wood, presl- ` ` ° F||\31’.cLAgg www qunuyugp ° ‘
C|.·nin" P'•··in'. Ah•rin" dent of (wulnberlund (yuuegp; Prof INLONPORATLU
Rcpamng <·. ummm, of now1mg Green; pr. A. "' °"° ‘55°`Y V In s' L°'““°°"‘
S, Mackenzie, of the Vniverslty, und -;,,]:3; I;. R()l’·‘\l{l)S
E , "' ‘
W, H. StCV€HSOn the llev. l·`. M. Thomas, of louisville. l { I U I N S C E Bvjvayn 'l`AII4(
[_-i_*-C? V A CI|||1I|\°, Pf|||||\° |||d |\|p||p|||¤
1adie8' Work a (‘ount |iItton~—"Mary accepted me A:P:::::::::::.3lV|:|::rl;a:::'.Y:l|¤r:n:
· last night and l just stopped ln to w ‘ » · PWIY
Svecwlrv _ , . , , COLLECI; WORK A SPl;CIAL1`Y
ask, Mr. llrown, it theres any in- --
· sanity in the l'arnlly." . I
son s. um. rn•»•1s1z-¤ *"‘ "‘ ""“"“ '"““‘ *"" DENTIST
··—·—•·•*· ··e·- · . . Q
•••••••••••••••• Patronizc our Aummm. .;..-%........_...; __ - e or c">' N"'- ”•”* W1-
O .
I I l I I Money Loancd on all goodsof Value. lcan save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
` Dnamonds. Watches, jewelry, Etc.
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
_ For the dual purpose of thoroughly
_____ crlisvumslng the question of thru elevtion
Sonior Glrla at a Lovely R•c•ptlon atjnf tlwew Lruswns, In order to ·nabl¢> "_
_ _ _ ‘ With Extampornmous 8p••ch•• Ind
,,,, ,.- ..... --....... at A¤¤m¤• H¤••- "" "’ """‘ ""’ ""’ "'”“‘ "‘°“ 'h"° D , ,
.. . . _ ec amn one.
who Alumni haw pmprvd the Hem of _______ nm he prmnred from the Association,
J° L M-mvpy fn mp d,w,,|,,pm,.,,, of tha Ther Senmr girls nr smm \?¤|w~|-Huy MM! also uf fukin: up many othvr Sun TM H \;—~»--H q
I "“*"""**¥Y NW? wmm·4+—· WM`? guests of honor Sgmrdgy ,,_m.r.‘j•·<·t>< whivh urn uf vital innpnrmmzq I °"""` ‘ """ ‘°°"”·"Y ‘ "°*°tY
` " _ _ V , _ Iwlrl its annual vontvst Monday nhzht
L T dw I / A i ti umm {mm 4 tn; at H kwply rpppptlnn both tn tho I nhnrsity and Ln mo `
i I . I I ’“*"m . { me Alumni " "‘” "“°" "’ ` •M........ it h1~nh<· .I,I ....(.i...... ,,, ., ·<» ~··— ·»»·~<·~r ·~»···¤··»·.
I .. . ,y e, pres en 0 th,. hqgywst ,.m,,y,.m.,. fm. N,,rv|m for givvn for them hy the members of the · » ·· · '
I Aessupiatinn of State Univnnlty, has tm, U"h.,,,·,,“y_ Alumnae (mlb at Alumni Hu". rvunlrm hy ull {hp Alumni during (mn- Fun priuw xw-pp zu`.m.d,,d and Mn
5 { Ismu-ei a vlrvnlur letter to the Alumul 2_ To mm? an Mm,0 pan In the Tm. hun was u,.,mh.aHy d,.(.m-m,.,| m¤·m~•·nwm wm-k, »\. P2, \\'h:¤·rt won uw trophy gwgrqlnd
and has included u small folder din- DOIN), and (h_v`_|Umm_m OI. uw l,nh,m,_ gn |"M.,_ pu,[,|,_, and whm,_ which had Wv hope m r•»1i4·»,-•· mp (i0mm4»m·... in thr· winner of the ext,<·|npnram;0u.q
cunning the new plan of the Assovia- Sul gm.,] ur,-m,g,,d by ,1 ,,I,,,cml (.(,mmme,, mvm nf uu- I'uiv•·ry·;i\y of mlm. uf ps ¤s»•·•·r·h nn gx-uw. Aim; Len Ruberu-g »\
» “""· wm"h is t" °°`°"“"°t° uw Mu"' 3. To bring mm vlmmr rvlgtlnnghlp 0f Whivln Mrs. Maurice Well was chair- *`*¤¤"¥'*‘¤| 8Hv¢*<·t by injvvving inm in u “‘**** *¤“‘¤*`d**<| Mw vfilv for the but
X ties ofthe Alumni, the faculty and thv and activ? c0_0m_mu0n the trustees mam little lif•~_ run and p|.·m,ur,._ ;;pSm,., ·l<···lmnatinn¤_
‘ U'\|Bt€€B and unite H-H in the d9V*’I0P‘ the [Hpulty and the Alumni and md The r(¤¢·9p[i(m wm-; 3 pretty cgmpli-IW K"n"¥`B‘ ¥`*‘\|¥\*0U nf 8] tlw Alllllllli, '|`h+· r~2\|h->u|hj•·r·ts for gxmmporgn.
ment of the University and Smw_ Students for the greater development mmlt to the Outgoing class and was an we are having reunions of all tlw •-ous spvaking were "The Economic
It IB tue purpose of Organized of lvniverxity, that Bu [nay \N()|‘k innovation as the hRB never Cn- (`IHSHPH and the int/Frost "]Hn‘f"Htf‘(l *74 Pllaphli ()f [[][(.)rna[‘0n8'l Ppa(£' A- `
Alumni to bring former graduates into mgethpr for the Same pm_p08€__m€ mrmmed fora Senior class before nnpre-<·¢>d¢·nte·d. \\e hope nlso lu PZ. \\'i;:e·rt; "!nt0rnati0nul Peace In
touch with an the other graduates, growth (md prospemyy of the Univer. The hours were Spent deughuumx transact important <:0nstru¢·titv•· busn- Iivgurrl to Man‘s Developmentf by
members of the faculty, Board of my mss Grace Ammermun furnished E ness mr thv Association uml the I ni- \\'. U. \\'ill¢=u, und "Tha Humanitarian
Trustees of the lyniverslty and to _ To develop th? State bv develop- prograrn of instrumental selections VPrS“,y. $ia Ride Against
old students in every part of the State Secure adequate funds fm. Such work WMS S6¥'V0d· will be seated according w classes, I’<‘=¤¤|¤." by NNN hm Darnell; "'|`h0
and country, and the whole into a 6_ To establish Scholarship loan Miss Mary Rcdes, president of the [hg gndgvggp being to gjyp one mph. Uld I)rnm," by Miss |,p|| Rgbgrgg_ gud
strong and effective central organiza- funds fm. worthy boys and gmB_ Club. WHS 8·¤¤iSi0d in ¥'€€€iVi¤8 by no each class. We want you to c0nml"“'h°'S A¥`¤¤i<¥." by NHSH Marie
u0¤_ Au of them things wm be accom Miss Cleo Gillis, secrtary—tr~easurer,|baCk and be with u,,_ we are going H, xIi<·|mr.
Until recently very Mme has been p plished by: **“" M"”· H- S· B'“"°'· huve ¤ svvd ¢i¤¤<>· We have r¤¤1¤¤¤- .._. ··——""·····—‘
done by the Alumni to develop the` 1. By becoming active and €mhuB_ A committee composed of Mrs. J. H. imxss to U-anSact_
Association or the University but it isguggiq members of me Aggogigtlon and husug MrS‘ W' T‘ L°“€rty’ M"' Hm" Alumni Headquarters will be in or ,4 -··
t not too late and they are united and Home club "iS°“ G"m""· M"' (" W‘ M°th€WS· near me Main Building. As soon as ‘·
A active in that direction. 2, By giving our financial as well and MN" J' T' (" Noe from the you arrive, be sure to register so your
{ Through recent efforts of the Alum- gg our moral support to me associ;. “'°m°‘"S (mg °f the Umv€rShy’ friends will know you are un hand. f 7.3;
E ni, u number of things for the better- non, Dean Am H'°““m°"* Mrs R' 1* S°°"°· We can guarantee than you will en- ` ___ . .r"“
1 ment of the University have been uc- 3, By seeing {hat, me very bes; Miss Imzabeth Kl"k€°’d* Miss Mary joy the va.ca.ti0n and the program that _ _ ‘
· · Y :¢ · ~.
_ complished. the most noteworthy be- mon available are enacted on me *"· b“"""°y· Miss Aubyn Cm""· Miss has been arranged for you. Make your _ ye-»_€ I
D ’ lng the following: Board of Trustees. Margaret L°wry’ Miss Ruby Buckmam arrangements now to come. You will E QB. J}
, 1. The impl‘0V€Il16I1t of COHGHJOIIS 4, By being one of the "ginger Miss Sue D` Mccumh Miss Sarah miss [hi? 8¥`€8Y·€$t €V€m·i¤ Y·h€hi$t0¥`Y I G9 » `
1 f' `
in the dormitories. jars" and the "g0-get-it-y0urself" in (/I‘"r"* Miss Beatrice Terrell and Miss of the Association and the University
2. The building of walks on the the association, Margaret King °f the Umv°rslty’ and if you do not -attend—besides, you C,-*'
campus. ny standing for right ideals and Mm Sh"lby T" H”"bl°°"’ °f th°' Owe it us a duty · · s`
3. The €SI&bHShm€Ilt of EH &d€- right gctjgn in [he association, “ Omans Club of Central K"“‘““kY· \\'ith DQSL \\'ish€S, / I A
quate business system at the Univer- 6, By mined effort and team work “'°r° invited t° m°°’t uw members Ot Sincerely yours. I `
sity. on the part of every graduate. me class' Miss Ruth Mc('h€Sn€y' Miss J. I. LYLE, / lj
4. The riddunce of saloons and _____,_,_,__._. Pauline H°‘“k· Mary Euzabem Vim°m’ President. °p.,cm¤
other objectionable mms rn me sm- Lzxmcrron c•.us ·r0 MEET. A““" E"“‘b""‘ “"“""· MMV K· J. n. Trnxmn, Secretary.
, mediate vicinity of the Un“,€rS“y_ Venable, Elsie Sheldon, Mabel Pollitt, Emi
' 5. Alumni representation on the An important meeting of the Lexing- Sally P€"°°‘ Sue Ma'me“LS‘ Katherine N0M|NA1·|Ng ¢,gMM|·r·r55
{ Board of Trustees, through which the ton Alumni Club will be held Wednes- I‘°g°n’ Lune '\Y°Sc°n‘ Lmolfn “ ab 5U5M|·r3 NAMES `
Alumni will be able to take part in the day afternoon, May 13, at the Phoenix kim" ma Lee lumen Mum lack and
` development of the University. Hotel, at 4 o'cl0ck, for the purpose of Puhmn MC('uir€' The nominating committee of the
Heretoforc the activities of the completing arrangements for me re- Hm m€"‘b"S °f uw Cl"?) prtjswt Mumui AS,;0(-mmm of sum; Umwp.
Alumnl have been looked upon by the union of Alumni to be held ut State w°r°: Misses Mary R°d€S"( l°° mms' sity huye Mm out me fouogying
authorities of [IIB University with IYl1i\'(%I‘si[y (]\lI`iI\}.Z` the HPS! week of b?"?'h Marsha"' burah `trargelx limi names from which [hg Officers for [he
more or less disfuvor but now that June, ("u‘“· Hume Noland bum em dm Couling ygar wm be elected at me bus.
· _ Annu Wallis, Lucy Hutchcraft, . . . _
H I H h R b xness meeting wluch xs ill be held
• P T . T Frances ughes, rene ug es, o er-‘“,E_dm_€duv June 3
( ta Newman Maymi Dixlakiéu al; President—\\'. L. Bronaugh, `E)9; H.
4 R d g“'°‘ K‘“g· D°“’ ‘“““ °· “ · P.1ng1es,‘os. the NEW SPRING
» ‘ re y Porter, Eloise Ginn, Anna Simrall. ,, , , , ,
` l _ Wwe lres1dent·—)la.r1ous la. John-
Q x Y ‘ Marguerite 1\[CL21llgllllll, Sarah Chorn, _ , _ \ __ , “_La '
, Q Lexingtonss S M C Beatrice Terrell wu`- mn, am, M1»». .[t\l`§,ll€I`l[€ . L ugh.
Q K., U" ‘° “""‘ _ _ ‘A‘b‘W uu, ··»;;. SERVING OF YOUR
% StOr€• garet King' Mary eifwbuu su Secnwtany-'1‘reusurer—'1‘ R. Bryant,
(‘hinn, Mrs. \\'. S. 'e , . rs. `nures _ _ ,_ . .
6 `~ ‘ The College Man’s Shop Smith Mm wen Mrs P. 1-*. xml- m' `]` U` lumen M
i .,-*;A. ° ’ I ' ’ ‘ There are only two vuuuxwies on
I `* A { pf \¤' emwr and Mm' J` H' Kumi?. Itlw l‘:Xt‘(‘llli\'t' l‘o1nn1ittw. 'fhercforv w ·_ ·
ni p — ~ » \ Come and see the new ,,, _.... _ _ _ . . Lnzlwh · rut Surts,
' ` / Fashions for young men I TO ALUMNI OF STATE ll \\‘1llb•·only possxble tor two ot the ` ` O
I V Shown at Store t`ullnwi11g six mum·s to be selcctedi bmilrt LngllSh OVER`-
¥ I The ronmwmg is the circular xemq- MM i·¤¤<·> Huu·l¤··¤·:¤f¤. ‘<·•¤: Miss Mary wuts class Neckwear
` We make a Study of mm-nl has uml issued to me Alumni *1 S~*~·~·¤¤•·>» ‘··~i: 1·<>ui¤ Hil1—·¤¤¤¤¤··>’~·r. ° y ’
‘ ’ . - . , _ _ . ' w * • .
n I young men S wants ·3I`€ lot Sum, l·m“,,.Sny_ prmmmng un iu, •n, und \\. l·.. l·x•.un.m, 04. Shlftb, Et?. btyhbh
! always pY°€