xt7g4f1mkr4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g4f1mkr4n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1986 1986 1986-09-23 2020 true xt7g4f1mkr4n section xt7g4f1mkr4n \ I . I I
E P Vol. XCI. No.20 Established 1894 UNIveTSl'y of Kentucky. Lexmgion, Kentucky Independent sin“ 1971 Tuesday, September 23, 19.6 . ‘ -' '
R ’ d b th t 'l' (1 °
eagan 5 war s 0 s em, conCi iatory uring U.N. address . . . .
3‘ “NE“XELI’lEEI'II‘Il —'_————__— Reagan's 5p"‘~“'h u-‘Eed Stern “”115 applaUdt’d 1th Reagan ttttished l'nion hears the refip)n5|htllh\ gt” «use «is kit the hip Of the agenda" I . ‘r .
- Angumt PH.“ American press agencies are iii It'l‘lllt‘llf the Soviets. not oInlI\ for speaking ,, the consequences ofch actions :n lI' s NixieYIreiatons ’ ’I. I! ‘. .
, 7 - calling '0' the ”has 0, Nich— Ur IIrcatmeIntI of Danilotf. the An administration official. brief But the president gaVe no clue m ltie ott (1.1. “ll" demanded ano- ,. ' , . -' .III
l'NlTl‘Zl) .\,.\'1‘[ti_\;5 , President olasDaniloff.See Page 5. American Joumalist held captive in me, ieporters about the speech on to what those consequences mm“ ItIVll‘ilt} dismissed reports that a . , I , '
Reagan told the l' N General I,“ Moscow after the arrest of the NHL condition he not be identified saltl be break iii the (rise might be lmml' . I II ,
. 56mm) )estei'dm 'the m, of the he —I I II et pliIvs‘iCis't in New \urk. but also that alter Reagan recened a letter Later, as he was going ”WI II nen' The tiillt’ml said. “I know of no I. . I. . .
' Wham”: stalemate could break" ”12 Wt“ ”tt‘tllum' and l‘tttfl'ldnflt' for thmr treatment of Civilians in so; l‘Irtdav from Stivlt'i leader Mikhail ”Mflmg here mm fureugii munch,“ rzen proixisiin I Jlll not aware of . 2 EI E, _. .E ‘
during the current round of Geneva ”Mlmrmwwl‘ I II . II \‘ieHX'cupied Afghanistan and their 5 (yorbachev. he .issed that the oi [' S alliesI Reagan told rt-portm inzx Len thugs twind I '. . I . . ,.3
arms talks \Hlll llit‘NWlt‘l l'nion RONNIE”; If, the l‘ ltl ‘\ “1”“ 1” ”‘S'SIWW "” supporting Miir‘hl'lk‘ *ll‘t‘t'h ht‘ N‘Vlem'ti to 'iiigike sure I'm not going to comment tio‘.\ lix Hi. urn:~ «witrm howexer. Rea .' . i, ' '. E. _’ ,.
' “”4”“ ”t “ NM” “mph-W“ 0‘ the ””1”! '”-\“”“El”’”5 around m“ ”‘t‘l"”‘r’wa*”“l “it-‘0 ervthinHEstoodelicate " grit. \ Hui. M» i'usuallv conciliato~ ' . . r, ' . (E. i
[Emu‘d \Eitlmll‘ accused 0’ ‘l’tmg it)" \WFld Hut Reagan Cited Iiiiiiiiott s .‘u‘i’i-st ‘ .". E ‘ I . ,E t ", IE '. . .
Al'ltWL’ll “me ‘itIttl “it Pd“ hi” the Kremlin Reagan said. “Mistbx Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard ,-\ b} the SoViet KGB and his sntist- A senior l' S tittlt‘lal said HMELLLK Elt' ‘ttl‘i 'fiv \oxiets while unWilv ; i ‘E . . , - .E ". i
‘ iiiwt‘htfh':it-lihlEi‘ llijuiiliitiudfiiitmii: mg ”HE “mm \fm‘mf for purposes Shevardnadze listened to Reagan's quent confinement to Most-on on sp} hild dN'U-‘M’d . ””1“ important " llt‘ “it-E " ‘ "l” :E ‘ PlEOW‘aIS for a E‘ -E'E'
. i‘ . t of espionage does a giaw disseiHCe address. making notes uithout \lgr charges as “a partitiilartx lilslurli attaches to allied solidarit) w his 1n iwr w.‘ X It. intercontinental . . _' .- . ' - - _
. tlHl ”0t \tlts‘tltfi‘l Itht‘ (‘LN‘ “011M stand to this oi'giiiu/ation The world e\' naling any emotion. and sat qlllt‘ll} ing example of sow-t ti'teitsui'essioiis talk to the NATO ministers. and mm in. Nit“ wratw s and submarines. f E. E .EE. 3. .E ' ‘ 'E'; _‘ '
Ii I” 1h“ ‘-‘«t.\ “1 lttt‘tllt'>> “Mitt“ “‘le pectsbetter ' as representatives of other nations against human rights The .\o\iet ht' UN) [UM them that "tht' I’itY‘t-i‘tt' ‘ “mm“ Page: A l E f . "E E
Q :I' .E 15‘ id.‘ EEI‘II..".E.
I x I . .. ,. v .E " .
I ’- ' 1'2" 'E»
f . . ree- or-
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. ' . ' ’ - . .E I I I g I.
- n F. .. disappom mg
I ’ I'tiiik. '5. .E ,I IIII._uI.II.I t"
‘ ' "E .. » ea ac o sponsors promp s .- , ,
i EE‘u“ ER ' " 1.9E I; vsfiq‘s‘g’ E , . ..' E‘ E E- IE “ ..E 3'
. «L t. i /, debate by event organizers 1 I; ; ~. -.
'i ’E , «z( i I a E I f I I h h ,-‘Et .m‘
' E ~e .1 . . If; .~ : lh K\t I\ PHILLIPS 'itzv' wanted " 'trv? pew e 3 an t e ‘ . ‘. ’ Ii; ‘
f. E 3‘ V f “E I... ' sin: Writer i»' p '. . E' '.
. . . ,. . .III _ ~ ~ amt»; .\H"h\ A unit; getting ‘E ‘ -~ .
rig, EE EE E E ” , ;. l’ai'ticipation and inone} raised .0 '!.e lilt'lt'fiit' '~ At“ t. i'eall} helps," " - = ‘ . I_ II‘.I \; 'I'~I.‘=,
'. Sundays Free tor».>\ll shim a slim; '« sh: Etna v: we were ver} . . - '. . ‘I I II
‘ If‘ I decline from past tears and who's lt- ..t r.-. ‘t. haw ftw K. 'an step for I ' II . I _ ils- I
. g 1:: I?" blame has betoiiie a question a 'r. ut' ‘ t' tumwvmi .' ‘, - - '. E- '
. ‘ _ I I z “er? many answers "-~ "2'1" Cahor 1.-1 no' sponsor . ‘ - ’. . . - .
. ' »,. '~ gvfit’ Vifi fl 1‘ 3 For the prexious‘ two Ivears r 1K1.‘t "to r‘~ .. 3 if \.f 'i: s tear because of , - . . . ‘I II
t I . ' . .. Q... v». -‘ station \K'KQQFM has been the pro ? ?'--~'.L gum... '~ mitt Klm , . 'E'EE i t, r. ~
‘ -_ / nioter ot the annual festival .‘.i'i,‘ in lkrw ' yz'itn‘io'wi. lirector for I . i . . E.. ‘
' C E%;‘ .; E ' is siwiisored h} the Student .xt'm film." ‘E " I ’ E
«'- EE ” Exe, 5: ilies Board the Student (imcriniw :1‘ it n .i‘ t‘o'f 1;: specific we were -.' 2 ‘: t 5 ~ ‘
i: ' ‘4 ~ “K . -\~'"t t-tt‘ll-~~'~ . - - ll‘td t" ' -. - .
. I . i, . 3 We 42‘ . socia 10L ..nt 0 (gum. i-ti \ta r.I - A, , ~ WUHH 01 . . . , r
g a xé ~ “ .QI ,. *2. rletiiu'Excellence \l-t \ .: lllt'I‘. llbi asked us to . ' '- t ‘ "
. ‘ ' ‘ES E . 9% E “some” Il'his _\'Oar \\ KQQ did no: bi.” ' r. W ' .' Ali"! .w c- Ultlll' dl‘ve them - ‘ E» . . . I E I. .
E " * E I”, 3 ’ ,~ 'E E?‘ “:1: fig: «9: full to be the e\ent's proimtwr x .w: ‘ . ' I ' -. '
- .v” . “if Q. E "1 * 'lie vaifut in Kt'rnt'f stepped ‘ ‘ l ' ~'si i.‘ .izs ‘dl‘i 'I'ie shortage . ; , E - I
"£34an . . ‘ ....» s. ltlkt’lls place r \lwt or» «.m itne 'o the Kentucky I_ f- ‘ . EI
3”,... ' _ . g‘ .. ,EI. 'lhe change of promoters n.» twv-m In -' ‘ ttiz j. :1; ‘s responsibili- . . . ' ’ Z . > . ,
. . . My.» I E ‘ ' we“ 5;, the primary cause for the h“: toi‘ 'tt'?-I-=\ Et“ 4‘1”” ’ I ‘E 3
. _I , . I ' ,_,. ' '1‘3‘3 ~:’ \d s poor results. act-oi'drni; 't- uni: .:-. v t t. I writ out the N 'E.' . . . 4,
' . I . I .. ‘I "i ‘ . “(w-#1 A .~ M‘I-II. ~‘ .‘ ersot SGA. ~N'Altand(‘ollt-uiiins .-".-:s ‘ 't‘v 'f t: mitts Nike they E * , tE . I .‘
' .‘V E “9 . ," - .. ‘25s “ .~ it 'E - r . ‘E .‘t' ‘ q u ‘ .W‘m'v’“ ' t E E E .t’ E ” If“ '\\ KQQ would ve have been ‘2 ~,.-' “'3' wt'i'mt’” " Y-t' we? ' - - '. . 7 _
' * ¢ Q 4““ 8%: 3'“; * Ek‘ ”1? % % ~ “E I = , IE3; . tei ;:i'otiiotei', said Iininid li't‘t' tot.» 't.t 5' ’lltl send out - ' . ' _ .E I’-
s E E EE E ' E' ' ' ‘ I W '. .l.m. E'E’EEE’ if“ E E"'" E“ ' E“ welt, NM president "That has a te’iei~ m tzist tea: s merchants and I E . I
. “E" ~ E .. be Ex: 1.;Es‘EE1‘gesti ‘:i run ttictor til the hooi lt‘\tl," u ~13 t' E"-" "E't‘ 5n"l'~‘ ”1 the ' i ' E ' E -'
* ' 5 E «w E‘s: TIE}: efi‘ figsfi , 'llim w done it so intuit Iveais an: it: E‘r‘s‘. .t" ".lariot and Paula An~ ‘ . I ' ‘ '
, “‘"E‘ . , a. fifth "tezrrianie t\ :«ell-knouii ”3 Y” '-"-' ' lr'ili'l‘i'itl-‘mh ““5” E -' E 1 E'
. ‘ ... ' . E EE $k§ {It 2;.) \ext _\eai"s Frt‘e»i()l‘-s\ll will I» i -: «N mt‘\ titt'rk‘h«tttt>. Wh“ ' EE , . ' : .
E .' v...» . 3% L ‘? g; I_*"E.-.~sI;§;- Si ,. pittll‘ittlt‘tl b} WKQQ til't't'f‘iAt‘l. «12" phr't iat'i iY‘. lhl? year‘s , I I ‘. 'E ~
' . E » EE’ EE ‘ ‘ “ ,EEE‘ g‘l’E“ ..:~“ , s' . t l~rrv t t.!. w: . 7 random con» - » E . E "E .E' i
.. s as . ~ - . . . ~
- ' g Q 35“" "I think the low merctiai.’ .nn: Z,r"v . "it i. .".L_ :t'llt’.’\ from the ‘ - - .
, .. 3-.er it ' s“. Q - . . ' ~ ’1 .. , > ,
.: . 5%“ $5. _. ~ . ., . student turnout had a lot to do wit; P» ' 4' ".t' fie! \"H' I. .. . . -, - I .'
. ’ ‘ "‘3“ “ E ‘- ' E the adxertisuie coming tron: it can: .‘.'t Pit“ it... reason for the i . - ' E 2 E
MINA-O lorndSmN pu> neuspapeij ' said [IIymin lltl'l' pm” « ii:'~ . Hit k of lirotzt for the E ' I‘I 'E IE I.
. . president of NAB "We lost double i"»-" s '.'.ti’ portit'ipatt'tt in the ~' ‘ I ' a ~ 3.:
Slipped dlSC t) sabilitIx toget off campus rt . _ E'I .- E , EI
I I '\ «tins. Miuiizdi't tron‘. tommon- . E: I; ,.E‘ .. ‘I'Eff ,E
DOV"! Brewet O Imember Of the Ph‘ K0990 To“ fraternity Sports Center yesterday H's throw netted h'm lh'rd piece '" .lohn Menkhaus (”lldlt‘ntdl. Hi Wait." lfitsnn a merchant who ,I I. . ,U
hecves o disuis during the intramural trot k meet at Shively the competition. (Eollt‘gians for Academic li\t'el.ei‘co part , tuft-1 II“! 5””. I\ Free-for- . E. .t I 'I’E. I. I. ..1
, also said the radio station “HUI“. \r; setnsnks Page: .I I , .I ', 4: I . ,
‘ PreSidem E" ; ' ' Ill B&E t d t t h l h' “
I. . > ,' "«‘_-' “., ,H
a . s 11 en s ge sc 0 ars ips ._
addresses .1 III .I E’ . H} MARJORIESII \ltl‘ Foi'ti director of alumni affairs for Mai ‘n.:‘t- \'tlI\l\iil]la l‘ni- ,IE ’, _ ‘ EI . _ 3' '1}
t ‘ “7 \ E I 1 ‘fi; .O) mer ['K dean has :nei‘ sz\ l'K \lll arshibtundFordsaid \t’t‘V‘l - "ttilti-i't‘ ' ' t' C .' ~"E
' . . » t I «I ’ w. '; ‘ “k \ dentsabi‘eaktron: 'uition this )‘t‘HlE The fund. which totals about Apt-nunfis \ui'e required to dem— I I. . 1‘ ’ .' .‘
‘ Singletary says UK ~V ' / -: Four busmess tilld t't‘Olli‘tltlb‘ tin Stoittiott is named in honor of [sex ttlblldti‘ s .pei'n-z' academic excel~ . I , I .E ' I.
‘ I \ ._ “I“; dergraduate students and two L‘rtid :ngton resident (‘eCil (‘ ('arpeiiter .i lenc: and e-tiniwst .llE. essa} of 600 to ' . - I" - '1 ‘- E .‘: ‘v
' ' ‘ uate students have received tul': 'u former dean of the College of Busy Hon \iords (‘\;‘-d:li!l‘.; uh} ther think ' * .t .I .' .- i
'I maklng progress ; itioii scholarships tor the tall .tntt iiess&Economics.Fordsaid the} *tt‘N't'Vrthesctiolarship 'I I - 3' .‘IE ‘: -.
5 I;- spring semesters t‘arpeiiter graduated with Tllt col All undergraduates were reqmred I ' I . ' -'. I-I
8) ”‘3 H “5“” ‘ Proceeds raised during last Item‘s legc's first class in 1926 He returned to'iie Kentutk) residents , ' . - '. . IE. .E - _ in ' ‘I
I StafHVi'iter .- L&' (‘ollege of Business & Economies tol'Kasaprofess‘orin1936 The scholarship recognizes stu— ‘ " . - .5
- :5 .- phone-a—thon. in which students in l'iidergraduate winners of the iit'tifs Ahlt do well academically, ' - . '- . . .I -. E‘. f'
Silttlt‘lt“ ”Wild “'itlt’t’ ”1“ ”18,10" ‘ ' the college raised 522.300 for the scholarships are Lisa Marie 'l'.t_\loi‘ Fttl'll\.iltl E‘ .
”1““th All” ltl'”L‘l‘t‘>> that ill" lldP' ‘ J (‘eCil (‘ (‘arix-nter Scholarship .in economics Junior from t'alitoi' Foiti \i.l 'lie em. is to increase ‘ I I - . I’
‘ pennig at the l'niversitIv during their I II _ “k Fund~ helped provide the schol lllil David (‘ Witt. an economics se the wt; ttt\\‘li(‘lll to Sharon“ so that 12 - II I ‘.' I »l -'
\tdt ht'l‘“ PNN‘lt‘ttt ("15 A 51W .. E arships ntor from Paris. K)‘ . ltand l4 scholarships per j.i-.ir may be - ‘ EI ‘ . _ -I ' ‘
gletar) Mild liN ”'ght after tht‘ an- " Warren ltosenthal. \\h() gratin uetl ltltike. a marketing and finance se .t\\ttl‘'-: ' '- A ' .. . . prolonged deliberations among the During the final session yesterday ‘ ‘ ‘. e arsaw 3ac an neutra
-, 1. ,N 1 1.1 earns. a _s.:¢,3 ,; : w extra-sense:- 1 ; . 1 , . countries to closely monitor each
; 53 _~ 3. r 11-; ~~.;,,1.33...:‘. 3 . 3:33 -,o.» “1:: 13,3. 1 United States. (anada. the Souet morning. the conference clock re- other‘s troo movements th ; m_
. '1-'.-"$‘.§',~-:1' 3’ w" gag"; "“§{"§§*§‘ 5' . 13"5'1' “ « , ‘3'}- Union and all European countries mained at 10:56 p.m.. the time it , . p . ‘ us
. .;.~,;. .213 :"£:.g-““2;cs1_§e; K1» tile-a 4313‘» \ 1‘, n... gt sear 1,4914“ a. :‘s’v-‘s. except Albania was stopped last Fridav Sept 19 creasmg mutual confidence and
' 4.‘ .531 .. "'" :W’V'fix $35» 2.; .1 ; ~ "‘“""" 1.“; _'.'“ -; _xgww r " _. . , . . ~' ' _~ ' 1 ' ' t .
"1.1171. 15.111“: 1 1 1 1 w ‘r -' x " “11%;. .. ‘. '“ “efxs ; _‘ ; The accord is politically binding Friday midnight was the original :§f;:nl(jnegle 212%??? be ween the
3.5-1?“ . V11“: mw"! . ;;—,‘;:»‘«-'- megahfrt 3 and when ratified will come into deadline for the conference, Dele» ‘ g “
.1 "2}. 3%??? 21‘, s .- ' T1 1‘ “ ‘ "1“, 11,. “aft ‘1 ' /" ’"Z‘ . ' " 1'_s,f1\1$1*,1-1§ 1» _ "I force Jan. 1. 1987. gates had to "freeze" time because ; , .- _
t~- . ;. _.., -; .- 1 ~ . " - “v 1t . -.»r. _.‘ u 4.>;¢.g."‘-»-’15‘5c. r- ' w . . The agreement expanded on simi
,1 3.3.151. f .. , ' 1 . ~ we: _ ‘vm:§1‘—';:-"’;-..H .L,,_;{$S'.‘ :1 ;_." ,3 - Agreement was reached last Sun— issues remained unresolved _ . - d l" k'
'., t a t a, _ ; 3 A 1 ~ ecu“ ' » r- ‘12:. ms *“ ~ 3 - . ; .' . , _ .. . , , , . lar measures include at He sin i lll
1.; :1 r.- f a “3“" ~ ' ~ - _ 1 w it" .» as . » gyms"..- . - day when Soyiet and L .S. negotia We have taken an important step __
'- 1"?“ - ..... 3 - 9‘ . 122%?esiaat'W' «out . 191°
{1' ,~' ’11‘1111’1 1:; : 1 1 1 3 ‘ is 3.1333731“ 51:41? 55’5” ”N 5177“ .1‘ I1 ‘
.;3 ., -. : 0 Sponsors
‘ ~"';"f.'_1;,1'1.',’ ~
‘ :1; 141'. 1; £11,1-: WWW/Kernel Sta"
. I" 3} Continued from page one
-".:- "vi 13,1; 1" .
'C«1.,1'_’;";11'.;1'1. Helmet 0“ “ heels All. said the business didn‘t get a lot “They inhibited our commerciali’ pointed With the FreelorAll's out-
;‘:’-f3i-~j_ ‘ 311311 Mom 0" yd the W119 Cindy both hgm, Le, fore the UK-Kent State game last Saturday. ofreturn forits dollars. zation yet wanted us to give outfree come. 3
1 f 3' ‘i-‘yia “mm,” :30; W m a ,emwe comfoi nemet be- The Wildcats beat me 0°:den Flashes, 37.12~ "We advertise what we‘re domg to stuff." said Jeff Slone. advertising 3 "I don t know who to blame." said
7.1;"), " get an increase in business," said director for Mid~State Distributing haren Stein. manager of the store
.. king/.3173 ~—~————————————-————————————————r Louise Atwood, Commonwealth (‘0..onc of last year‘s sponsors. for the Lexmgton-Louisville area
-:" Plasma's manager. "We didn't get “The lack of responsiveness to our “Doing it next year is really some-
? 1:.»1.."1:1<175-1Tt . that increase last year and decided product turned us off." he said. “It thing I'll have to think about." she
"11". 1 reSS itwas notawiseinvestment " was decided that we could take the said.
1'. 1-3}; .35.: - 3 However. Hunt said the merchants money required and the effort and This year's Freefor-All raised
.;".-1."-;/,1':‘1,1".1,A h 11 must make their own choices about domore things withit." about $1.000 and attracted around
:r’ ham. 1 1 - new 1.11. 'l 11' more modest reduc» on pursuing such a goal in stages. Whaltf‘ventsthGyEarttCépatgin) G11He15 “obvigusly misinforsrinedr“ 500 people. Hunt Bald
r‘ m 1 m 1‘ ~ .: s .. ~ s v as m 1:, .11: cm. >lt’ toward the we are prepared to conclude an in- " ‘5 UP [0 t 9 In 1“ U3 mer- reenwe $31 In answer 0 ones .. » . , , . g
11111111113111“ 111.111; 1 1 t‘\t e.;:::.i1.1:iun in 1htteiisive nu» terim agreement without delay.“ the chants ‘0 355955 what It Will d0 for statement. "Nothing has changed - 11101” know “11‘ "1911-8 student)
.1. .. ; _ ., . , .. didnt show up. she said. More .
; ~ .531.’ H V , ;. ,; m 1,1; ; I 11.9» L; presidentsaid them. Hunt said Merchants think from the lastyears, >0 1) from the community 'uallv
"7"“;1 13.12.21 .. 1111- ‘ .. 1 .m , ‘1 1 1 ,1 11.1.1 11 1 that once they get on campus they'll However. Slone said the Free-for» Shiv? (too .. - Uh -
1.11‘:‘ m1 . . ,1 , 1“3.1 1 1: 3-; ‘3 "All this gives me hope." Reagan haveabigincreasein business " All‘s sponsors wouldn't allow Mid» ( ‘
3.5343541" ”,1 11:; ; 111:.1: WW; .1 ”was ; “ " 1““; ““1“ mmement. told world leaders assembled for the Too many WSlTlCll‘mS placed on State ‘9 bring in its promotion ”Wk Last year‘s Free-forAll raised
E.;’;3_..v:-3;3.;-;::..’33.3_,1;L3-h;i _3_3 3‘ ‘3 ,3”; 3;; l\t _ :ilfwfe: He added that the opening of the annual General As- the merchants were also Cited as a likeltdidlast3y'ear . . about $4501) and was attended by
J WW3 l ' 1 1 s .. ,.\ \ l “3.1L" otal (llml- sembly session. “I can tell you the reason for not partictpating this l (an t‘Believe ll 5 \ogurt. (the 0f about 3.001 people. and the 1984
)g' .,;"j:-,?' X'nw» . . ., ;,\. .;,;; ,, t.” .1: . : ' 'z-r"'t:11aterai3ige mis- exchanges between our two sides year, this year s four sponsors. \ias disap— event raised 3.1;ny
;" 3’11}; it'.\> .y'av Ms: ' . trpmtm- \l .1 1 “‘3 “H‘med zero this summer could well have
; '13:; :' Rwy“, m A 1 d ”1111.; 1.1 i, " ”' " marked the beginning of a serious. __ -_.___-“___. ____. __._.__ _.EVW“ _.. _,_-.-.._.._. ~e_.-
F1314"; an}; spr..tus 12.111 :1“ :: '11s in productive negotiation on arms re- [ ‘1
,1” \iit‘; 'f‘,’ ' ' 'r" \Kz‘o's ~ preparw't ‘14.: " 't "lt‘ Niiwt lliiot: ll1>l>l> ductions.” f [TNIVERSITY OF KENTUCK‘Y ‘
11.: , l 'l A i
'- '13' ("2‘53 ‘ l f, '
g4¥4444ae¥444444444444444444443 1 :3 t
'1'" a‘ ~ 9 l i
'1"): 1’ .111"1’i"'1t ‘ 1 n 1
‘1 .5? 5:55 \ a i
tr 44 \ M R at ; DEVELOPMENT 1
(. 3,._- 133,311 * \ \4 ¥ . ‘1; (I
3” 3 1\.-3‘-‘,"’);1 ; . 1 u“ ; 1r 1 t
+1 ‘ "\ 3 an“: Q”—Ilsl’fiisi FOR I H E a COUNCIL ~ '
12*. a’a=:;,s.-;-:.;:z. \ ream», . 13¢ \1- . i
r i ) @J * ’5‘ W" " ' ‘11 - !
-:,1‘1‘1-"1_'11’-1:,1e" . . 3) til-)1 I 11 3711.3 . I ‘3
r «1 KIDS «r . V . . . t
.3 ; 1/, * ‘ 1 1 i . treptmg. ominattons #113111 ,1 | - ~ 1
2'"..~' :,. 1 ‘ r 1 . - . d» ' ~. 1
V '31::1"? .2::1.:"f'=:'. * - ‘ ‘ K v/ * 1 Septem her 0-26. 1986 ;
55315- i I [lN\"‘ ‘ 377/} Sun Se 1 28th 12-00 { , 1
£431"; ?;,':'&;;'; \ ~ \ ‘ l J , " P ' ' ° 5 "The Student Derelopnwnt (.‘oum'il is (in ideal opportunitv for l
1111111111 1 i F( I 3 I 1 1 PKk up entry blanks G Don house, ¥ 1 students to rain ex writ'nr'e infundrt 'e'n r t n H 1 e N , It I\ . t 'k ' l
' ¥ \ ' x 1“”\ 468 Rose 51.. bY Sept. 24”! i . 1 . 1 L I . "1' .’1".' I '. H ""1” U 1 n m " 1
11;. 25:33; \ ,/ C t 1 h \r\/ / 1 bustness leaders. .4! the some Itlltt’. the l nn'ersttv and the student hodv ?
; ‘3»: 511.331; * ‘0 ‘ K , 0'" CC" 258-6991. . . . . . .. ‘ ‘ f
33.3; 137:; ‘\ \\ 1L [ x;\ _ _3 ,f * ll‘t" henefitfrom thmrfundrmstng efforts. .
'231 "1 ¥ A/W : .‘Ir. Terry If. "oh/0y 1
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. s SUNNYSIDE-UP TANS _____~_—__~-__.._
‘ , _ ' Wolff Tanning System
- E ' 1.5.1:: ~ 3
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18E ~13 Pla m This Week
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.' '; 131:“. of on evemng out. \ 1\ /1\\, \ f 3
p”, Remember ot SUNNYSIDE-UP TANS f l/"‘~_“3:/ x: k:
.f13.3‘:.‘3.‘1:_.'3"t3,j1.13‘. students tan for Half Price all the 33 j 1 , / I 1
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. Thurs. 2.00-6.00 257-3191 3 on . .
3. ‘ ' 1’. ’ " It . .
, 43._ g 3 Ladies 50¢ Drinks (Bar Drinks, Draft, Wine)
1' '_.' 1' ‘1 ‘ ‘ ‘
1- , . .. Men 50¢ Draft
. 3- 3 . 11- ‘ fi
3- . .. 3 it
', ' ; 3 Men only 1-9 ’3’ 6' § ‘
= “ 'i : QED? 3 ss-oo-dvo-«e ’1 a: a , —
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_ 3/ , ‘ r. : i 5!". 2‘ MW
. ‘ ' . , it ,, x ”'53—“.—
: 1! Ladies get in after show 8 2 for l m . 1
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. It g amnichmd u. 260-1414 F 1
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#flw—‘A—A _.. W N , m Andy Dun-good I .
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