xt7g4f1mkw2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g4f1mkw2p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1952-05-12  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 12, 1952 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 12, 1952 1952 1952-05-12 2020 true xt7g4f1mkw2p section xt7g4f1mkw2p  
























Minq§§§_gi_the Unive;sit} M"Cfilhlfl Avril 2;! 1332 946
. .nrt ‘ . ,v 1 x - v - /~”\ i r i L
He stated thut he woulu estimate uduu dDOuB Siruoeh \lo; OED oi tvchuy~
one (21) fraterni ies dil not have a standing of 1.3. Ur. UOHOV9h hide
tic statemen“ thou he felt if the rulilg were hostmonei u year, the
students rnight t;he chr of the situotion themselVO". Aftor considerahle
dlqcugsion the motiOu ”as made, soccndei 23d corried th't Section 1 lo
rmusou to re :sd (h follows: a
1. Any f"at3rhity c” sorority which, at the cloro of
”he school yoor 19H2~lgfifi c" luv ”an: thereafter.
has an nVQroge standing fir both active: and 332&gos {
lcvrer 'thxii l. % (tLUR Ell-“Re” (JF€I(,§Q} alt.ll 09 pl:u:6d {
on social ovarian for tho followihg yotr. chiol
prch'tion shill hrovent the frztcrnity from holfiing r
an” social affai" to kdich otlc; thvn herbs?" arc a
. .J_ 3 I
ln-VluCUo ’
The motion was then mole, svocndol UQL cgrr e“ that film reconfi;hdatiohs
on Social 0:53hizutioh “ololarship be ad ptcfl in entirety with Section
1 PS omcndel. ,
Tie Faculty PljcurnoC.
A l
“in A g£_the Luitwrsit} rooulty, wry l), 1932 I
The VhLVCrsity :uchlu, met in the Assembly Roam of Laffogty in};
Monday, May 12, at 4:00 3.“. In Che absance of Fresiient Donhvah,
Vice President Loo M. Chambc 3i Eros do . Memb:rs nbsent "are H. L.
a‘ 'r

W1 n i 6
A. J. Br.w Louis Clifton, Lyle R. Lawson H .
- i s Hartforrh Sarah B. Holmes;g A» D. Kirwah, A. C.
McPdrlch. C, N. ”ion 1 Frank E Peterson A. E S
and Frank J. Welch.

-L.‘_ l. a

The minutes of April 21 were read arfi approvof

Dean White presented for the College of Arts and Soie noes cha anges
h title and catalog & scri 3)tiohs, which were aphroved by t1' 1% Univer~
ity Faculty as follows:


m w



English 101, Change title from Current Englis h Uso';@ and
Gramma§_to The Grammar of Structure and Usage.



“Tet Catalog Desorihtioh: D6501i}1tive gramm&r for
students. Analysis of sentence structure; considers tion of

stnhdurds of usage; ir Nestiggation of current practic ce





.EIanlish 1.2 CLange title from Introduction to the Study

he English Language to Mon_ern Britisl: and }
Kew CfltfllogiDBSL.T1Dtl0n: A surVey of modern British aid
American English with res hoot to pronunciation, syntax,
“llihg, and usage, Historical develoyments will be
ex ami he



insofar as d.i:1fi so sheds light on modern practicee





English 204. Change title from Ifi ddl le English and Modern


* r.
Abs enCe GK?l mined



 - F"


M ,__1
- “,r—





University Faculty, buy 11, lQRL 947


nfilish to Fistory f the Enfilish Lnnruagg,
Sew Catalogigcecrimtion: L surve¢ tracinc the (ev1lo,mcrt of



lish from its Indo-Euronean origin. Emnhasis


modeIn storms 3
will be p12. ce on the Historv o: sounds, inflections, and voca~
hulnif one the vmrying concepts of ”cm W‘octne s.,."
been White nresented a request from the Department of Military Science
to (110m the mrrurr" of T=’c‘:sI>1'3.1_; Rifles to he mhsent from classes May 15 to
13 in order to (UDOHU the Pors1inL Rifles An21uul Drill Meet at Ohio Univer~
sit}, Athens. Onio, The University Faculty voted nynrovul of the request.
isnn Wlits also pres ente3 recommendations from the College of Arts and
Sciences to chengs the Hul.es of the University F0cult1v, more Tl, section 11,
re mting to the requirement in physical eduCation. Dean Cm renter nres .cnted

n substitrte motion, Which was ndoyted by the Faculty, as iollows:

A. deginning in the frll of 1952 all unflervrndunte students
exceTt those mentioned in pnrocrcoh J 7111 116 reouired to acquire
two semester houss credit in _,hysic-m l eSuczuion. Crecit will be
grantei on the basis of one credit ior GHCfieS semester course and
ruulity Icints sholl be computed on th /h:51 as other University
cnrrsco. Ime sweLt in the onewcrefiit course shall not orcoed

O «
phgfi5 icol eoncation ”eonircmonts:

l. Stuicxts enterinfl the University with junior standing
or abovee _

2. S "dents who hRVQ suCCCszully completed two semesters
0 physical education in on.o her college or university.

3. Students who hove nossed their tvrenay ~fifth uirthday
Iior to enrollment at the University of Kentucky.
4. 3tuuents who are ex used from physical eoucation by
the Dean or the College involved unon the written

recommenddtion ofthc University why icia n.
5. Students who 01% er evi(ience to the respective Deans
of Militn ry Service exceecling three months. Such
cases shill be certified to the Registrar by the
alnrooriat; dean.
Note: It is iiticiI ~ted tLg t each service (renuircd) course Shall

Ca.rry one semester hour of credit 5nd that the required two
semester credi‘ its will be in ad ition to the nresent minimum
of 178 crcrHts required for grnduation. (This doe s not 031 nly
where graduation requirements are in excess of 128 credits.)

Dean Terrell presented a recommeauln tion from the College of Engineering
that a new course be added. The Univ er sitv Fnculty nonroved the course,
as follows:


New Course to be addec:

ijil Eneineering4126, Hydrology, g sem. hrs.
Occurrence, control and utilization of water
particularly as a problem of Civil and anitarv
EnggineerinI. Prereouisite: Civil Engineering




Professor W. S. Ward reefl to the Faculty the following resolution:

















































v, . , lekg; Mw.».,..

Minutes of the Univers ‘1 Faculty, Mn"

with otliers

Inemoers {fiVe of
athletics committee of
elected by this
conclusions end

And be it resolved that this
meeting from those members of
;iL 1e for m mbers lip in this

be it res oLve1
e res solutions,
no at its next




1:11.: 6 i I“?! 'AA

b (1%


N H”
c1- (D




m; ,_

wh er;

Following the adOgtion of the resolution the folloving college refre~
sentatiVes were elected: Agriculture and Home .conomic Stephen
Diachun; Engineering, H. A. Ronanowitz; Law” F: W. * Me; Education,
Ellis Hartford; COmmerce, W. A. Tolmm ; and Phermacv, v Miles. The
members of the present Arts and Sc:ienc- es Cor tmittee are C. A. Anders on,
T. D. Clark, George P, Faust , James Ward, Relyh Weaver.

Dr. Chamberlain spoke briefly to the importance of the Committee
to investigate athletics. He emphasized the need for iccom.n ndCtions
of n positiVG nature and pointea to a great 0"i “ uu-t= ll a
public suyport for appropriate action.

The Faculty adiournefi.

R. Li. Tuthi 1