xt7g7940sk0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g7940sk0s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1993 journals English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 63, no. 2, 1993 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 63, no. 2, 1993 1993 2012 true xt7g7940sk0s section xt7g7940sk0s Q » .£°»· AV`v*= ‘ i A , i ;*`·:`;A A;-> . .A 71A§A'—'AAl91€i; ;; A *§§`?i'ié'?A{?A;A A , A.? iii. »»· -*>?*a~=?é fi -` . . * ji'! as ., " f ,·‘T#;§; »’VA¥ ' “ *—. V jen waz ’‘ ~ :f··‘·;.·;¤ A. · ’=·.= Fg; __ V r A ‘ ‘ A``'` ‘ ·v:; A i A*’*A§`}`n‘r _. A _ ag ;f_:_ ffffi; &_;~Q=s _.,''_ . jfr·;»i¤ ’ , `A’A% _ _- l ,’ I ·- ab yr ’ rn. { ·,,?s~:E~,(:’ ‘ ¤ ‘_ _ ‘v >· .v.. _ V; p »_;j·..;;: V ig $*1 "~;__v ; , A _ ‘ ¢ Q o e · C = 0 0 ’ i ~ ‘_.V' ‘ f , 4 . ‘ ‘ * · i»V ‘ A _0 _ - V . A J, ‘ ~. ‘’· ‘ . ‘ ¤ A ` C __“ A YA = A A `:"gj_ AQ AA; AA A A _; A - AS} A `A; f ~>?<* `5, · AA i _ A A A'· il -`;2 l i· ·.—•~A"E A - ` A' _r `A· w ‘* A"? ; X =»-T. " "'3¥ i `?>'.A`2*; ’ ~ . ZA '· l .. M ‘ [Y1 ', ‘*l;li~·,g.¤r -4 ;°’ ~ '_v ‘ , V ` , AA ._ AI`; xi - iQ I 5;;;, -- . =;_-,_ __ g w V ~ .0 ~ ,.,» ¢ M4, `E 15* J" . x. ` ·` »» ·· ·i. . ‘ ·‘ ..=‘ . ‘ ° n' ¢· -·: i x` Y i F ;<€z;1=»· ` ` e. A · 0. _ ic; · E ’ A 9 _, ’§ j ~ `= “ /_/$.}‘*"`° [ ¤ Q ‘ he ;? ? . » 0 i·e » ‘ A " ”?· ` 0,.5 , ` . 0 —g r4‘—.;: ·· _ ·;_ - = _ · I; e· , <»_ . -_ » Y » V 1 · , , ` ~§,r’;·1;;‘.`J·r’· “ A’ » . A A ‘ A #`»4 , ».r, ,'·?;:ihk*-A— ”‘ z ij V · ‘ College of Dentistry _ 0 · 0 *if·Agg_ 1 ’ Works Magic 2* P¤I‘I'Gl'l' Ill the Pros I . A 90§O17 AX ‘uo+5u gxaj _ 9€OIUu·U°d d U-U so + 60 S¤Mw¤Jv >m ,- , · . *01501 -¤<>N 80Zi 0 1795500000 1¤° Y¢¤|'$ °l¢l m A ·· . A A I ,- JA X . 7* {arr { 6 »7~ ‘>Q1!/~/ . · Fighting Breast Cancer = ) l l 1 pj 4 S ;_ K; { V ` A A / ·(•/x "" ‘ AA ‘r 0, 0 ef a pj) . .. NG-\’HEW\L‘gi§YDCA KY ANNOUNCQAL C‘°‘ED\E>v KENTUC ‘ THE O"` Nw ERSW A » wei Op THE U W FQQMQM ” “ ‘ /~—` 5·“'V ' ¤)r'[ \ { Q A A ~~» W \ * ; if QU Q /Y- »»/;i; Y `‘·., X `»»&;/ ¢‘ ` \“ / BFE?} -4\-MQ Y 4' 4 ja \ X \ fL,q &Ti¤3 A __N— —~"` `_'A__]U J \\\\ _ j K Q; 9/Z T v|SA i N" : v , .1 — / 7/ J '/ I I I E i l KENTUGEIIQK I l 1 ` V ` ·‘ ., 7*** . ._ V. We ¤ · I i` ·g'_?' " _. ~. N ·?» F 6% q Q, P ..‘ V I, E H S J, · H E -_ .-_ E .‘“ - E ""vv ¥ ¤* ( , il W { l »‘ ‘::s¤.-ew U { ’ . ' E ~ { og} ‘¤; ‘ =— A 1 * cn VE \_ Z Ee _ V ** " V ,.,V; E · Q ..r »· ey, l ’ ,t » ° ‘ E gulf _ on or ,, :- * . g V \ 7 /‘ _ I, I..or~»· COVER 1992-93 OFFICERS T W F TKT H HTFnf VT I I FTF TT TTF Tin" W F The tooth fairy from Feaiures `{ the UK College of PRESIDENT H ,?_ _ __r_ _ ____ W, _?_ ___, _ _______ _ __ ,___ _,_ ____, ______ Q Dentistry is an ambas— Dan Gi son ’69 . | SEdoE foE good dental Ashland) P¤rreH' lh the Pros jeff Parrett has moved from town t0 6 health Ul¤S¤r¤ti¤¤ by town in his professional career as a major league pitcher. This E Rm] Bell §R,§§;Qrf§T‘ELECT year you can see him on the mound for the expansion I Vol. 63 no. 2 ISNO732- Spragens,jr. `57 COlOYadO ROCkl€$- ` 6297. The Kentucky Lebanon A1 ' bl' h d . . I EQQQQIYQ; fyfillcls ° TREASURER Reuching for More Thun Recovery Dons Rosenbaum 9 I University of Kentucky William T. Uzzle `62 I`€I`LlS€Cl to become 3 VICKIIII OI" `ust l‘€COV€I‘ ITOITI l)I`€21S[ C3.1lC€I`. | . rl . . ( . . J i ·°‘l“‘“‘“ ’*‘S"°‘““°“· B“`m‘“gl“““· All Instead, she 1S a tireless volunteer and lobbyist. } and Host Commun- ` ications, Inc., SECRETARY l Lexington, Kentucky, Bob C. Whitaker- ‘58 It’s ¤ Greek Llfe Social fraternities ot their start on the UK `I2 ’ r ‘ ·d ‘ re tr g I 'fm Om campus IOO years ago with the inadvertent encouragement of “l expressed are not nec- ASSOCIATION STAFF Pfesfdenfjames K- Paff€f$OU· l essarily those ofthe Y U',·*fK kr, DIRECT R · . Lhilxgiilhgnnfmuf l ROE C Eaimker ER Denful School W0rk$ M¤gIC The outreach care provided `I6 Association or Host by this UK college often seems like magic to the recipients. i C°m““‘“l““f°“*· EPIEOR d RGS More than 25 percent ofthe college’s services are performed IZ O\\’2`il` = Posrmrxsriziz; Off Camlous- Forwarding and ASST. EDITOR 1 address correction Kayjolmson `86 - - - R requested. Send to The D * * i Kentucky Ainmnns, ourizizacn/ctuns EIN"` men $ ‘ UK Alumni Stan Key `72 .777 77777 77 -..-- 7- Association, · · · · R Lexington) Kentucky MEMBERSHIW UK Beut Strategic Plan, Community College Recognition 2 . 40506. MARKETING Tasha Kell `89 Sports NCAA Champion, Hall of Fame 4 PRINTING Host STAFF Communications, Inc, Brenda Bain CICSS NOTES CIZISS-l)y—Cl21SS L1pCl3[€ julia Brothers ADVERTISING Linda Brumfield F I. F I 2 , For dd,,o,.dEidg iofoo Mmtgio Cdroy ¤X me QCUS Trustees want to know 3 , mation,eontaet Rebecca Foley _ ,i_.W;_ - Will Vennes at Ruby Hardin uHlV€|’$lI·`Y ‘·f cm ‘ "*$ i (606) 253-3230. Charles Livingston ; =.»E_ [__ E ·t__, ,_ , _ 3,l,U-Eh I Carolyn Rhorer Mnsixgt L 5"°‘?f *"§`fi•`§ P ( l Tom \\'hite U_Y,v/__{t,‘i En'. U.); ,_, RER- L,. V e·· ·. . A" ' -'P‘— —;-Q" ¢_‘-·4_-_ _ .--,· I ! 1 I I I . I , . I . Q ., 4. I {VW l A V V »_‘~ _VJ V 'V , -V ` ”,'· __A»_¢. I I I r·· ~~ I A““ V I ` e 4 M ' V. ' » · ` *2.21 ·;···‘` I 1 ‘ ~ ··\_ 2 V ‘’v’i . J ,.. _- `V i ?:‘ ''V/ " . ¢— •. `Vi _ , ; I _ r E l 4 ` I · V_;jw;r"“ . 71 I · 1 E V _ ~ iz -.;·:~ · V =z is ° A vi > #- . V I . 1%;; K gi A _ ____ _; » ,,;» V. .»* I V I ·_Llg\V V f i Ul. V f··-.V'* iwggl _`; I 1 ’ ;V‘’ .» . 1 . = . is *r2> % A *·. * . sx I ..2 " " I ·• 'I ' : ‘ *V —~ )` ‘ I I li`}: il I t w, _($) { I. · ·V ;’ ’V Vl, ‘ V l V= - · "7• I .`· ‘ - I J — . •$§2=·. --·· A ., I I 4 wr We. , , . ‘ V . .. ‘¤ ‘ ** —V = * . 2- » = . I l The 1993 Great Dqvid M. Olsfer, His- ’ ‘ " " ” ' . bilities that comprise the workload of ° I O O I _ _ _ l T°°°h°"‘ "‘{°'° h°“' '°"Y/H°"‘°"$ P"°' vI$IOI'I {Of 'IIIG FlI'I'I.II‘E I faculty in the university system and cred with ¤ lun- grum; Cynthia E. V V V VV I ll h f d . . cheon ¤t the King Barber, Lexington . SPC Out [ 6 Process Pr Fmflmmng Alumni House. Here CommunilyCoIIege; The UK Board of Trustees has 5 a ‘D1fferent1ated Distribution of V Y"°h P"°"d°'" °°“°ld M°l°Y/ P‘{d' approved a strategic plan setting the I Effort’ for each faculty member and Wethinglon ure the uc¤h Community . . , f _ h f. l h d . l . ,, honoreesllmmlelll Ccllegelvemell university s goals O1 t e next ive V eac e ucationa unit. Joel M. Lee, College Lurkin-Bussell, Hop- years and a first-ever UK faculty work- 1 VV*V iici é' V V VVVW ''‘‘'‘' V V V . · • » • _ I I °f A"'°d H°°I'h’ k'""2I‘ilC°'“"‘”";'*l?' load policy statement. GOIIIQ "I"0III TWO 'I'0 FOIIP I o e e, ¤n . , lcmis Holler, Among other goals, the strategic E V VVVVV VV VVV'V’VVVV‘VVV V VVVV l Dep¤r1ment of plan calls for UK to: I A new national survey shows the l5I;;:{‘:Y‘ Tl'°ll;K • Increase its private donations to University of Kentucky community col- i ssociui n . . » . . . ‘ has presenled llw $25 lUlll101] annually from the current lege system ranks high in companson to I ¤w¤rds since 1961. rate ofabout $528 million; other states in the number of students Ph°*° by K°" G°°d‘ • Complete construction of the transferring to four-year institutions. l new libraiy by 1996; The survey shows 36.1 percent of l • Increase to $5120 million each year 1 Kentucky’s community college stu- ` the amount of research grant money dents who began their studies in attracted b ¤ the universi ’s facul ; i 1987, and com leted at least four col- } P • Increase graduate enrollment to lege credit courses, transferred to a 5,500 students and doctoral enroll- l state college or university. The nation- 1 lllelit to 1,850. I al average was 22 percent, according Other enrollment goals for the to the data. 1 university were also established. Tony Newberry, vice chancellor for I The university`s first faculty work- academic affairs for the UK commu- I load policy statement was designed by nity college system, said, “We are very j a faculty committee headed by geog- pleased with the results. They verify ra yhy rofessor, Karl Raitz. what we have known all alon . _ I . P S Raitz said the faculty policy state- Community college counselors and ment "clescribes the diverse responsi- faculty are doing an excellentjob in I I 2 lieiitiirki .\luumu~ Summer ]9Q3 ~ I I I l q advising students about opportunities 1 ij at four-yearinstitutions.” • • • • U ¥--3 ·»·» ~— i Umversnly of Kenlucky 'I'u|I·|¤n Schedule [ Cencerl Series Cempurnsen - Full '92 wilh Fall '93 i They come from Eastern Europe, Ireland, Italy, even the Australian out- y Lexington (]arnPnS/ Fal] 92 Fall 93 Dollar Poyoent back and the heartland ef America- f Medical Center Rates Rates Increase Increase i They are among the world’s elite classi- I , cal orchestras, instrumentalists, singers, Undergraduate ·I and charnber ensembles. They are UK Resident 840 980 140 16.7 i i nexnéasfamid me for the ,1999 , ·= ~ Ncnresident 2,520 an-tn 420 16.7 94 University Artists concert series at the Singletary Center for the Arts. l The five-part classical agenda 1 Gnlduatc begins October 12 with the Irish i Resident 920 1*080 169 17*4 pianist Barry DOug1aS_ November 4, l Nonresident 2,760 3,240 480 17.4 the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra takes the stage with Kazimierz Kord, ·. . Law . conductor, and Ruth Laredo, piano. Ai; i Aix Resident 1,380 1,640 260 18.8 Continuing the series is opera star Nonresident 4,045 4,710 665 16.4 i Samuel_Ramey on December 4, and the i Italian chamber ensemble, I Musici, —._,_;__,·· M€dicin€_AImual I Opens the l994 rearJannaw9l- YZF; Resident 5,550 5,400 950 17.2 V For the Hm Ulm *1*9 Must $9*99 is 1 Nonresident 15,270 15,190 -80 -0.5 showcasing a brass soloist: Barry 1 \ Tuckwell, French horn, on February 21. ® Dentistry Annual · All University Artist Series perfor- Resident 4,650 5,030 380 8-2 mances begin at 8.00 p.m. 1n the 1 _ E Singlctary Center fOr thc AI_tS· Nonresldent '1,940 *].4.1 i Subscription tickets are now on sale i · ~ at tne Singletary Center Ticket 1 WM,-in-i, Cernnnnnty College System n Office, Rose and Euclid Avenue, 1 ··.— . 7 Resident 950 420 70 20-0 (606) 257-4929. i Nonresident 1,050 1,260 210 20.0 I TEI\¢|II'I' (I" c0IdS'I‘¢GIII Lexington Community College PVT Crri M Resident 810 810 0 0.0 Another tenant will be moving into the Nonresident 2,430 2,430 0 0_0 University of Kentucky’s Coldstream research development park. The Kentucky Technology Center, a wholly ’ . "¥ fre; held Saturday, May 8 in Memorial owned subsidiary of Kentucky Tech- - ‘*'*§‘;,_ Coliseum, honored 5,768 students. nology Inc. will be a multi-building, ' President Charles T. Wethington multi-tenant complex. The first build- ` E .:___ §1, 2- _ · , jr. delivered the commencement ing is expected to be ready for occu- j ’ ` " » , ‘ address to the eandidates for de- i pancy in early 1994 by Process Tech- ."°` gh _i ji . grees, including 3,473 students Q nology, Inc., a researcl1 and develop- li {qi ' y , ‘*_i receiving bacl1elor’s degrees, 328 ment organization focusing on s {_ 1 i ` yy. students receiving professional advanced coal cleaning processes and . °` 1 , degrees and 1,967 students earning instrumentation and control systems , I ° graduate degrees. currently based i11 Calumet, Mich. David Van King of Versailles and "’ is ‘*ii V i gg j I Kelly Ann Sullivan of Danville, left, c0II‘lIIIEI‘I¢EI\I¢I\'I' I 993 ? é received tl1e Singletary Award as out- · 7 1 K is ~ . _·_i { sl ; standing graduating seniors. Photo UK’s 126th commencement ceremony, t···`·l» U - - ` I by David Coyle. Summer 1993 Kcmiicky Alumnus 3 v I · :.4 ` · , ‘~ my .,- . - ·¢‘ ._ e- », A·§f§‘“€’ ; ‘“ 1; ’ _- ,,`» jJ¢‘T‘ rr rrb, -. i" , ‘·· ‘ ·*~ ,`“ F '**{P/1`.J. { *7 ‘·. M1, . ` " . it »‘` ir": · · . . J 2 *. . »¤~» .· - *· · -....=. wm . — · ·. · .. . ,,, { f rlféuq , {El -,'¢;3’} Ul ,,,6 , F', .S .. Q .4* M;} __ eaéw- ‘Y·· . Esp? . . r¤ { »»· A5 l T - .·.:W 1 I . gi .., •€·;jII_·j_ 5 iII 5 ` i ··A·A fr; j `° ‘ » , A¤?$¢<£¢ ,3 * A » , ‘ Q LQ `. ` ‘’l*. ; H'. ·¢V·A ? [ 2; ° `Y " = ~6· i { IFI A 2, _.,·III rh im; I§¥;.}k•7`,$4_I I, r· (_ {QW ':5tz··`! l’ ¤—.{._ €` ‘é; ’.?`, {Cl ,5 X I I — {I .;·*I·.§‘I·IIII I ’ x { IrI:·i//I;`_·Ie§· L ...__ ·*IU I* ‘,‘· I, Ig I· gi ’·... ;5;.II_). * », II. .I _ Q5 QI I I v__v I_ gg · I _>`— -·i?:;"i·.nT*<·l?‘f¥’” M _‘"‘‘ 2 ~_‘‘ ' '`,_ 43%:* ” { ‘ ;~,~§;,# 4-. J ¢·—- ?·‘~Sf_;»g 3 { _@vI:I· , _ `€I“’$NI,`;f;_··(•*?; ,,· , I , I », __I { ,3 ._ _ KT ` _I U _ ;*‘ ·’ ;·_,%gI .· "_ as )'§"‘ gah.); gg: *_ — _;_;‘, ·<'“’ __ · ( *» ~i‘l .`.‘‘v _ . * ~‘*’ ,";_. S " A·' if 1 -. ’ A..» . I ...,,~§Iy·,I~I··· ,»‘ II r · . I —~·»i,,IIIII r—».-_r» VV>-» -2. I . ,:IIII_.I,i,I I IUI II I I " I. rv . ay? ,-’1;L»’_ I =, I ‘~ V=·~ * J. , ’· ·· ag? ’·’ V? ° ` { J Y ’·Y ’·‘¤iK’?-·Y~ `‘'' V ° ‘ “ ' ` I ` 1 ·,. A ~I· 'i?“*’i€%'l2 ·i . 3 ~·, ’ I· . 3;};:3;;;:;;,; — ·:s;_ * Q Q ‘ _ F, y*·,,,; · pls _ ·"_ k§` . · 4, I: ,:· It , I•{.·' __, g4:·1·:.»;.;;;_·;·. ‘ up . g ‘ '• , "` " if ,*1 ,·* A ·· .55* ·"’ *»‘ / l *5* We 3%*2. . `‘'· I ·/in '» ’ ' 1 `Q 7 i J J ‘·`· . ` I ·· I I' ' ' III II I ,I I I _,“ NIIII I I 1 1 ,*1,: In; M _ _s»¤£ ‘`~¢ 3 t . I · III A- »é#;,·*., 1 ‘ *" " * ' l *.·-*5 ~: ¢:· · ii: ‘¤::· . ‘· ’·rr¤‘**-`*1 -*’;·g lr - `“" #·* *'{*‘ ? l *;*1 l° ~,I_.,·¤-; ?,#,·Ix; ' .:21* ‘ * * In ·,»··,._ ¢· II.·,g- · _ »I AI I I yI_ II . rl · A I.;.;:, · *1;; : I my {II .4 STI II *+ IIE · J;. _ ~,,‘ IIII ` , I ‘ .I _ · ‘ ‘ 5:] V j, ,1-qi? { =*ir.· _.,, ‘·‘"';I" ` ' 3 , » ( 1 ¥*¤?{’5’Q*’Z `‘{4 it WL —. 1,*. .e ~ *‘“ZTT’ , *f* ‘ I ,, ‘,g.*_’I M I 1», _, ‘*. I »··¤ · __,·.__··i ,—;_ ye', §;j{:555i{5;;Z§g:= . — Y. , \ig@§"l* ‘¤jig$§‘§f‘.» R:. ‘ " .¤-. ii" ·. ' 1 U': . ‘ . Q i ,t -’ y . 1 . Cai Q?,;.t_Q§.,,§? “ T Q1 * *»·· _ ( 7 t ; {I , I , Y = ~ V · 4 \ ' _; ;_;_ if , I I I» , $3 I , i I _ sg?} TIII{·*' _ IZIIV; - · f*"»¤" Ij if Ig ¤,_*g·?” ~&·{;e·_‘;.· · 1 ··`·{/Z L 32* - °7 " #$5 r .* ''‘`` ~ U . ~ C iti'! [ · t M ‘, ’ E " ft? f *12;*~l`*%¥2'2:?§?},¥ff§£¤¤¥ ” II ‘‘"» ., , `’·'.‘ ”‘°`* ’j.· ». I ,; II» i . •- II-,}--· ..·· \"· rf~s ~ I .1 (gw ··-. A · . ·' ? * ` 1 .,_·v, ’_ sl ·· , · “’” ~·v· h “* _ v,», i . ....A · ley ,=_, * _·_’ ’ if `·v ` ` ·§" ax; ' ‘ , · - 1 .: *\¢ we rg ,‘*v: `‘,’ * ‘ . 1 g ' 5, . 1.· lll ,."». " n ..., i (1,51, » , ~ Q _ · II ’ I ' I 72, I I ,II‘ · I, n —- /··- I 1 F #4 1 ~ ` ’ ‘. i S :*5; "? f· I E 1 i,¤*·»·' a »» **.. 2:7 I J" I; I I 1 { I. I. I`} VI.! , ¤I ,y¤;H»’·A;,iy'xyLEI‘CK ·r , A i- — .. M , .,4 v_ 7, 5 X.- 1 5* Fil -~—·· ' * “''”‘° TZ;;“‘*···~>» ’‘‘`' E gw ILAIMIQ-____-·-_—I '¢{Q)`I ‘f?4 rigié UKSTPLAQ ,,lvrh4c' IJ; V 1 Jenny H¤nsen, ¤ se¤s¤n ¤nd fresh- , "7 ii7TTD'i ii 1 linebacker, was chosen by the Seattle , 1 I I I _ ; fr°shm°" f*···r· m°" ?Hh° Y°°r 1 Rlné CIIIIIIIPIGII l Seahawks in the fourth round; Perry, a , Somerset, Wis., rs honors m the SEC, ; WI iI I I hi W I IIII Wifi 1 _ 1 UK’s first ever NCAA Hunsen become the 6‘5¤ 292‘POUUd Off€U$1V€ guardq by th€ 1 ¢h°mP1°“1"9Ym' first W°m¢¤'$ 9Ym' Nancy Napolski, a freshman from Chicago Bears, also in the fourth f "°°':aQ;:L"u";;2I:;° '::;;;4IEAAr?°°'°W Downer’s Grove, Ill., captured the round; Bradley, a 6-5, 305-pound offen- . pe ect I0 , . . . . . . . f Age, mp",.-;ng gn the yqulf qnd women s air rifle title at the National I sive tackle, by the Houston Oilers in I °V°"Y U§L"d1V1d°I:’1 $°°°'*:Id 1:** *1*1*;;* junior Olympic Championships this the sixth round, and Pelfrey, a 5-11, 3 ° { ' |· - . . . . . remr urmg ° ¤I_°un§;;r;n semester. Napolski, a member of the 183-pound kicker, by the Cincinnati f championship UK rifle team, hit 388 out of 400 points Bengals in the eighth round. I h1’*°I;Y- ?:'2*° tw I in the match. She is a former three- , The College Football Association uw °Y e` time Illinois state rifle champion. again awarded Kentucky’s football 'T"' ° W program honorable mention honors F00“)G" News . for academic achievement. Duke won 1 r trier the award with a 100 ercent radua- , P 1 Four UK la ters were selected in the tion rate. UK and 18 other schools . P 1 1 1993 National Football League draft. had graduation rates of 70 percent or . Dean Wells, Todd Perr , Chuck better. Other SEC schools included . Y , l Bradley and Doug Pelfrey as a group 1 were Mississippi, Mississippi State and A represent the second-highest number I Tennessee. According to the NCAA, . of Wildcats selected in the NFL draft in the average graduation rate for men one ear. The hi hest number of onl at Division I-A level is 54 ercent. Y 8 Y P Wildcats chosen was five in 1966, which Kentucky took top honors in 1989. included three first-round selections Clyde Rudolph, a 5-7, 167—pound 1 Sam Ball, Rick Norton and Rod er `unior tailback, s rinted his wa into the g J P Y Bird). a second-round choice (Bob SEC indoor track and field record book I Windsor), and an 18th-round pick with a championship in the 200-meter (Rick Kestner). Wells, a 6-3, 243-pound dash with a time of21.44 seconds. I —l limitinrkv :\ll1IllIlllS Summer 1993 ! l l l W (F F I W 7 PTT TTF Kentucky football team. Because of also played a key role in the Colonels’ [ A I'I8¢II"I'I¢"' Loss the person I knew Ted to be, I was not 1975 championship season. Zi ‘ NT i' i` ' 5**5 ee'e'' or '’ee” surprised when informed there was When the ABA folded, Issel went l no alcohol or drugs in his system at to the Denver Nuggets for the re- . _ the time of the incident.” The death mainder of his career. As a Nugget, l was initially termed accidental, but is Issel became that team’s second all- ' _ , _ m__ still under investigation. time leading scorer (16,589) and first r IALV A "7"F in rebounds (6,630). Issel also ranks ( V _ Issel’s FCIIIE first in the Nuggets’ record book in ‘ l ’" cc"' ‘"m’ W"' e` W " free throws made and attempted, and 7 gg ‘ ·V second in minutes played and field l ,’’’ f V_ _ . goals made. Issel played in the 1977 V7 t · E All-Star Game as a Nugget. _,·W . .v.;` _ W Basketball News tzf--~ A `l=`:i , .,~( . ‘ . . QE ( L glu Associate coach Herb Sendek w1ll·be ` ‘(’‘ _ _ t " ` ,, ij coaching basketball at Miami (Ohio) The umvcrslty €0mmU¤1tY Was $3d· sy “ L;-at if ·-”‘ ` s 1 University. This is the 10th Pitino dened by the death of Ted Presley, a l li 5; tw j I __ * ( assistant to move to a head coaching walk-on cornerback on the UK foot- j { ._ g, L s position. Pitino promoted Billy ball team who died from a gunshot 1 Q I K- Donovan to associate coach, a posi- wound to the head. Teammates L ( tion that includes duties as recruiting decided to cancel the annual spring ( A ( ‘· i ( coordinator. Donovan came to UK in Blue-White game when they learned _ 7 . r` 1989. Also moving up, from assistant of Pres1ey’s death. This coming sea- m ( strength and conditioning coach to son the team will add Presley’s ini- M ,,... ... ( it i full-time assistant, is Delray Brooks. tials to their helmets alongside those ,;-5 Brooks joined the UK staff last july. of Delandual Conwell. Conwell was a - ,; jj JA1. 4 ./,,' ,,_ gi,. _ jj Both Donovan and Brooks played for teammate that had a tumor removed - ' __ _ l Pitino at Providence College in 1987 from his spine and has been wheel- fl `»·. - wi; when the Friars went to the Final chair bound ever since. Presley, from i Dan Issel, former UK all-American Four. Part-time assistant coach Bern- Hopkinsville, was listed No. 4 on the who played 15 years in the American adette Locke-Mattox turned down the depth chart at boundary cornerback. 1 and National Basketball associations, offer to become associate coach. It was his goal to make the traveling was inducted into the Basketball Hall Pitino said Locke—Mattox’s ultimate squad this fall while maintaining his of Fame this May. Issel is currently career goal is to become an athletics 3.0-plus grade point average as an head coach of the NBA team for director, not a head coach. Her cur- electrical engineering student. which he played, the Denver Nuggets. rentjob affords her opportunities in Presley attended Hopkinsville Issel came to UK from Batavia, Ill., administration not included in the Community College before deciding and graduated from UK in 1970 after other coaching positions. ¤ to continue his education and play becoming the 1/Vildcats’ all-time lead- Post-season Wildcat awards went to football at UK. l ing scorer. Altogether, Issel set 23 Travis Ford, best free throw shooter, “On the veiy first day Ted walked school records while playing for best play maker and student-athlete of on the football field,” commented l coach Adolph Rupp. the year; _]amal Mashburn, best coach Bill Curry, “he earned the Issel’s prolific scoring ability con- rebounder and most valuable player; respect of his teammates by displaying tinued into his professional career. In Rodney Dent and Dale Brown, fewest courage and unusual determination 1971, Issel’s rookie year with the turnovers per minutes played; Brown, while going through the grinds of a Kentucky Colonels, he was named the best defensive player and Mr. conditioning drill. And, in his last ABA’s Rookie of the Year and led the Def1ection;_]ared Prickett, Mr. Hustle; practice on Wednesday, he enjoyed league in scoring with 29.9 points. He junior Braddy, team leadership; his finest moment as a Wildcat foot- followed up that performance in his Andre Riddick, most improved player, ball player with several big plays dur- second year by setting the ABA and Todd Svoboda, Reggie Hanson ing the scrimmage. That type of spirit record for most points in a season sacrifice award. Pitino also named which Ted exhibited on the football (2,538) and was named the most valu- Ford,_]efl`Brassow and (Lime] Martinez field will always remain a part of this able player in the All-Star Game. Issel captains for the 1993-94 season. Summer 1993 Kentincky Alumnus 5 . l ` I i I v V_VV I I ° t vv_v [VW · , l ‘·.. I Q Q I I' l ` ~· id Q I PAIIIIETT K I VA`_A When thinking the tutelage of Madison. I P|_AY[|] M _!_ ~ about professional Although jeff likes to joke that I UK F|]|]M 23* athletes who are UK he and his former UK teammates could I l98l]-83_ _: ° men, Cliff Hagan, Dan Issel, have been track stars after all the quarter- . KY Sam Bowie, Kenny Walker and mile sprints Madison made them run, jeff ``—, T I Rex Chapman immediately credits his former college coach EIS 3 major '“*`°»·`N come to mind. All of these influence in his development asapitcher. · have one thing in common — basketball. “Coach Madison taught me the impor- However, many lail to realize that former UK tance of not overthrowing,”jeff said. “One of baseball player jeff Parrett came within two the things that can mess up a pitcher is that games of being the first UK man to pitch in one out of every 10 times, I’m able to throw E the World Series. the ball as hard as I can. And then the next I jeff, who pitched for baseball coach Keith nine times, I can’t throw it that hard, I Madison`s Wildcats from 1980 through 1983, although I try to; so I tend to overthrow. The I had his linest season in professional baseball important thing to realize is that the ball may I this past year. l·le led the American League be reacting differently than the way I perceive I with nine relief wins, while being the most it to feel. He taught me to pitch my best no I consistent middle reliever on the Oakland matter how I felt on a given day.” ,#\thleties, the American League West division jeff enjoyed pitching at UK, but he also champions. This year he`s playing for the enjoyed the fun ofbeing in college. I expansion (Zolorado Rockies. “You've got boundless energy when you’re I _|el`l`was raised in Lexington, and attended in college because you’re in the prime of I Lafayette High School, where his heroes were your life,” jeff fondly remembers. “You can I Pete Rose, Tony Perez and other members of stay up until 3 a.m. studying, wake up at five, the (Iincinnati Reds teams that dominated and not feel a thing. Living in Kiiwan Tower I » baseball in the l97()s. was a lot offun.” I .—\t that time._]el`l`could only dream he would Although jeff pitched for UK for four I someday play major league baseball. But it was years, his funniest memory at UK on the base- I at l'li that jeff blossomed as a pitcher under ball field involved umpiring, not pitching. l ,,i,,. , ,, , , ,7,, , BY RUB MISEY { I 43 Keritttrkx .\|mmms Summer 1993 I [ `TD ..D.c.L__i ,c...L__.-_.-,c—.ca-_,.. cc -1 _._._,... · I “My roommate, Tim Luginbuhl, and I had I Braves sent him down to the minors in l had some differences. The next day, the Richmond, Va., in june 1991. They recalled l coaches had me umpiring— calling balls and him in August, pitched him for a single T strikes — from behind the pitcher’s mound," j inning appearance in which he picked up a I jeff recalled. “Well, Tim was hitting with two I win, and, six days later, returned him to the [ strikes. The next pitch bounced about four minors. The Braves released him at the end feet in front of the plate and I called him out of the season. It was a trying time forjeff. I — on strikes. I don’t think Tim appreciated it, "It was hard watching the Braves on TV j but everyone else got a big laugh out of it." in the World Series that year. I should have Unlike the majority of major league play- been there with them, but I wasn’t,” jeff I ers, who go straight from high school to the said. "My statistics did not substantiate me minor leagues, jeff was part of the emerging being in the big leagues at that time. Of minority of players who previously played ball course, the Braves didn’t seem to have in college.jeff believes it was for the best. I much patience with me, either." “I think the scouts knew I wanted to go to I Fortunately, jeff was able to sign with the college because I had been a good student in Oakland Athletics, who have a history of res- high school. Even though it delayed me cuing baseball careers and who were trying to entering minor league baseball until I was I rebuild a slumping pitching staff. The 21, I did a lot of growing up during my four Athletics invited jeff to spring training as a years at UK. Of course, I’m still doing a lot of non-roster player, and worked with him at growing up,"jeffjoked. “But not as much as building his confidence. I did back then." i "Although the game of baseball is impor- Last season jeff established himself as one , tant, I learned to put it in perspective. I P of the premier middle relievers in baseball and ij worked with a guy named Harvey played for a division-winning team. However, Dorfman who counsels a lot of the the struggle has been long and tough. Athletics,” jeff commented. “He helped me With a -1-1 record his senior season at UK, I realize that after I went home last year, even W the Milwaukee Brewers picked Parrett in the though I had a bad season, my wife still \ ~# ninth round of the 1983june free agent draft cooked me breakfast and my bird dogs still I 9 (the Montreal Expos had pickedjeff after his . pointed to birds. It helped me come to Q junior season, but he chose to stay in school.) spring training a lot looser." A The next two years, jeff pitched in the W At spring training, he soon ,7,.,. j ,. ‘ ‘ lower levels of minor league baseball in towns . impressed manager Tony La- \ rm! such as Beloit, Wis., Stockton, Calif., and even Russa and pitching coach " _ Paintsville, Ky. His big break came in the win- j Dave Duncan enough with ·‘ " ¢;~ j ter of 1985-86 when the Brewers failed to put his arm strength and a low /~ . "" j him on their 40-man roster and the Expos earned run average I`; ` __ j L_ V drafted him as a Rule 5 player, which re- (1.92) to win a spot on quired the Expos to keep him on their major j the team. These I A PMIIIEIT _ , league roster for a year. Playing in the l events further ` PITGIIEII FUR I J M M National League that summer of 1986, jeff Q boosted his con- THE PIIII.lIE$ _/,~ I got the thrill of pitching against his child- . fidence. III I999 hood heroes Rose and Perez. I jeff started MIII I999. » Following the 1988 season, Parrett was the season strong, {ig; I traded to the Philadelphia Phillies, where he earning wins in three of his first four A._. { posted his second-consecutive 12-win season. appearances. He was consistently effective . l I In September 1990, the Phillies traded him to as the Athletics’ set-up reliever over the —_ ¤_ Atlanta for long-time Brave Dale Murphy. course of the season. In games pitched by both ‘ "Every move was a good one," jeff said, Parrett and Dennis Eckersley, who won the Cy , ‘ “When I went to Philadelphia, it got me Young Award as the league’s best pitcher, the —\ back into the States, and in Atlanta, I was Athletics were an incredible 45-0. I = closer to Kentucky. " The A’s were pleased with Parrett’s suc- . i But times soured for jeff in Atlanta. The 1 cess. Manager LaRussa said, ‘jeff keeps Summer jggg Kentucky Alumnus 7 I getting stronger and stronger. For- _]eff likes tojoke that he had to I I tunately, he has a real strong arm so ck go to Missouri to find his wife f RIGHT: he can pitch often." ~ Debbie because “with my reputa- PIIRRETT Even thoughjeff had his best sta- I tion, I had to go out of state to I HIIS IIH tistics of his career this past year, he find someone,” but he’s very seri- EIIRIY took his season one pitch at a time. I `'’‘ · ous when talking about her I SEIISDH "Ijust wanted to try to stay within I " home cooking. “IfI had one last I 3.IS ERII myself`,” he said. "In a long season, `· meal to eat it would be at home,” I I WITH HIS there are a lot of outs for a pitcher . I ` jeff explained. “I’m on the road I GURREHT to get. All season long my goal was ,.r’ for eight months of the year, so I GIIIB, THE to throw as many pitches as I could I I I ‘ " it’s nice to have some home I I GDIDRIIDD that I would be proud of. I knew ifI did that, cooking. Of course, home cooking is even I I RDGKIES the statistics would take care of themselves.” I better because Debbie is a great cook." . EXPIIHSIDH Ifjeff had ajob in the office of career ser- This past season, the couple had their first TEIIM. vices, he would recommend a career as a child, Kyla, who will be ayear old in_]une. I BEI.DW: baseball player to anyone so inclined. “It’s awesome having a baby girl, but there I PIIRRETT "It’s still a thrill getting to put the uniform isn”t a lot of sleep,” he said. “It isn’t always I WITH on each day because it’s a lot of fun being a that easy. After I’ve played a game, I’m so I DIIIIGHTER, ball p