xt7g7940tx7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g7940tx7x/data/mets.xml Kentucky United States. Work Projects Administration, Kentucky. Division of Employment 1938 v. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number JF1351 .U550 1938. books  English  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Manual of Procedures, Employment Bulletin No. 58, Part IV- Wage Rates, Hours of Work, Occupational Classifications, Specifications and Labor Policies, Revised July 1, 1938 text Manual of Procedures, Employment Bulletin No. 58, Part IV- Wage Rates, Hours of Work, Occupational Classifications, Specifications and Labor Policies, Revised July 1, 1938 1938 1938 2015 true xt7g7940tx7x section xt7g7940tx7x   81 _ __,., »`.-.-V   `   l A".
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' “ United States. Work Projects  
.   Manual of procedures,  
JF1351 .U550 1938 F
{3 = »_,=   e,— -  
6l538—A-l §

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Sufficient copies of iiis volume are being released to provide a
copy for all Area Engineers, Area Supervisors, Eroject Engineers,
i Supervising Timekeeperz, Senior Timekeepers, State and District
A Supervisors of State—Vide Projects, Supervisors of projects oper-
7 awed by other Federal Agencies and ell interested officials of the
I Disprici WPA.
' m,, o._, . L . . . P Q E .. ., G . Ib
y 1  iris ,ric   Division oi;. Employment, will be responsiole J; Or seeing e
i that eaci of the persons indicated herein receives e copy and is
f acquainled with its purpose and use, and for securing the coopera-
‘ tion of all Divisions of WPA end other agencies operating Works
i Program Projects toward tne end that workers are classified and
1 paid in accordance wisn the actual work required of them and their
I individual°abiliiy to efficiently perform that work.
E Signed:
[ rr‘“"'”
{ (2£L2}{ZQZ4q{;Q/ j¢¢¢”vQAZ;QL§?
h Richard M. livrell, State Director
Division of Employment
{ //’ C7g;;3f;{/©4L¢%Z/£(;_
,, G r- 3. soodman //
Sgate Administrazor
_ P
f E
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Part IV, Chap. I, Sec. A, Item I q
ng · · ·
For the purpose of determining the maximum monthly wage which they may (A
a` be permitted to earn, all workers employed on projects prosecuted on a §
force account basis and financed in whole or in part with funds appro- {
_ priated in accordance with the various Emergency Relief Acts to which y
lr apply the schedule of monthly earnings set forth by Executive Order ip
No. 7046 shall be divided into five major classifications as follows: ig
(I) Unskilled yJ·
(2) Intermediate Q
(3) Skilled QA,
(4) Professional and Technical @1
(5) Supervisory and Administrative QF
I In addition to the above five classifications the unskilled and inter- it
mediate classes have been further divided into two grades in order to E
simplify the assignment of a basic hourly wage rate to the occupations —t
included in these two classes. In preparing assignment documents the pg
“wage class" as indicated thereon shall in all cases show in addition h
to the classification the “grade" for all occupational titles in the K
unskilled and intermediate classes. As for example: “
"Occupational Title: Concrete Mixing Plant Operator Wage Class: Q
Intermediate — Grade A.“ X·
“Occupational Title: Concrete Mixer Operator wage Class:
. Intermediate — Grade B." I
Occupations have been placed in the different classifications in A
accordance with the varying degrees of skill, education and responsi— (
bility required of a person successfully performing in that occupation. {
A general explanation of the types of work included in each of the five l
classes is outlined hereafter: ;)
l. Unskilled
This includes work of a routine and simple nature which re- \
quires little or no formal education, previous training or ;(
experience, or for which proficiency may be acquired with the ¥
minimum of application. Such work may require a good physique i
but it does not expose the individual to an unusually hazardous F
task which requires special physical fitness or ability. It 5%
includes routine office and clerical work for which little ex- ZQ
) perience and training is necessary. This class of work may §*
involve the use of simple hand tools and equipment, and is gf
generally performed under constant supervision. Manual workers 9%
in unskilled categories may often be assigned to assist skilled w
laborers when the work involved is not sufficiently difficult (D
to require using a helper. tp
i ‘ QQ
Q i  

 l  ¥ V»{:·   ° tf) V1   T  A i    "’”  "  I "  ``‘°   ” `. § ;¤pa·;;. ··     ~ I I .. .  .;  
\   V V V _ ____ f J 1 l {l ei;  I Ev ‘ V     LQQMQ,      
{ ‘ ·-   ·. T x . ·  I .- ·  .  . _. r    I    ,_.= l  wil ·~  
l Part IV, Chap. I, Sec. A, Items 2-A
Qi 2. Intermediate
This calls for a limited degree of skill and experience
_ sufficient to enable the individual to proceed efficiently
7 with his duties after 2. short breaking-in period. In the ·
I most generally used sense, the term applies to certain
l occupations requiring an average amount of skill but no
long period of apprenticeship or training. This classifi-
cation includes helpers to the skilled and professional and
I technical workers, persons performing work of a simple routine
“ nature under hazardous conditions, operators of power driven
f tools or equipment on repetitive operations, and the operators
Q of most office machines.
g Helpers to the skilled occupations may perform certain phases
lr of the skilled work under immediate supervision. Operators
3 of power driven tools, machines or equipment may be required
r I to make minor or exterior repairs to their equipment. workers
assigned at intermediate classifications frequently supervise
I and direct the work of unskilled workers.
l I Intermediate non-manual work may call for a minimum education-
D. al requirement and some previous specific training or exper-
{ ience.
{ V 3. Skilled
, This requires considerable training and experience and in-
V volves a minimum of supervision in performance. It includes
{ that work normally performed by journeymen mechanics who have
served a standard apprenticeship and who can perform all of
l the more important operations of their trade. Such workers
I · may direct the activities of helpers or unskilled workers.
Y Work of non-professional character for which employees must be
W p licensed by municipal or state authority is usually considered
J skilled work, as well as work for which employees are directly
r responsible and which is subject to inspection by authorized
_V building and construction inspectors.
work in the sub-professional categories requiring a considerable
amount of education, training or special talent is often in-
cluded in skilled work.
f Skilled work may require considerable training or experience
I in addition to certain formal educational requirements.
A. Profespional and Technical
· This classification includes professional, scientific and
technical types of emploiment as well as work of a recognized
) professional grade in the established fields of art, music,
p literature, or the theatre. A license is often required to
‘ At perform work of this nature.
` T r oisia-A-4

   - . ·.   ~····::v,:_··r·—,,»C,' "““f"§‘·`."  _   2     M   ,   J; Yi j _ - ' d ,"iEf€.**`·'4?`lW   f i .`z·*¤ `Q  _,   ·{ Mr"   ‘    
  `fd   l d¢    , 4   -* . ;% *?» ¤ . N i * *_ @* -*1 *;  N/f$%`-d _ `
??=·.;J’   __ l I · _   A
_ Part IV, Chap. I, Sec. A Item A (cont'd)
‘L Item 5 Q
Such work requires recognized professional or technical Q
training in a specialized field of employment. In many E
cases college education with post—graduate work or pro- {
fessional schooling is necessary. t
i .
O 5. Supervisory and Administrative  
Classification of persons engaged upon projects and paid from M
project funds as Supervisory or Administrative employees, shall F
be in accordance with the following definitions: &
a. Supervisory persons shall be defined as those persons tw
who are responsible for planning the work and directing Y]
the efforts of other persons employed upon the l%”_
project. gf
b. Administrative persons shall be defined as those _?{’
persons engaged upon projects who are performing a yl
service which is not productive along the lines of {
that for which the project was set up to accomplish, Q
and who are not supervising other persons on the if
project. jQ
Assignment of persons on projects as Supervisory or Adminis— ij
trative shall be confined to those occupational titles which Q
are listed as such in Item 2 (g) Section B, of this Chapter and ¥
Under the above definitions, it is possible that persons_em- jg
ployed at occupational titles listed as Intermediate, Skilled, I
or Professional and Technical may actually be performing an
Administrative function on the project, but before such occu— f
pational titles may be construed as Administrative or Super-
visory, authority must be issued by the State Office, Division J
. of Employment, to make such assignments under the Supervisory r
and Administrative classification. _;
Wage differentials are established by Administrative Order for
the various classifications and grades of Supervisory or V
Administrative personnel. The different classifications at E
2 which Supervisory or Administrative persons may be assigned it
vary from Class A to Class K, inclusive, as determined by the Q
minimum number of hours of work which are required in the {
operation of the project. Where the actual minimum hours re- Q
quired for operation of a project varies from the different ¥&
minimums established for these Classes, the class to be speci— A kp
fied shall be that having the nearest minimum requirements under ii
the actual requirements. Grading of such employees shall vary gp
from Grade l to Grade 24, and shall be determined by the type fs
of service to be performed and the qualifications of the indivi— I
dual to perform that service. .-. , 5,
la}  I
gkwh 6l53b A 5 I!
x T

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f - ,_   ‘  A""‘4‘——————-——·———— V  V      . .   ,    / · ,  vfféi ‘    
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) exrmpln, ““y©f.;" S]p;;vQ;©r, GT~;s A. “*·_ Gr;i; i" w®ul& iidicabe 6
[ serum; ylng, ;¢yvii;; *4 ,·,’` ».4· TE yewuliql ];mI §lHG an Lic pD0j@ct, &nd
? QE Vi; 7ufY Liikesi *u2ILT1;aiic;s .·,  ;L;i ccwlx U; ?0$md. “F0r@m&n,
Wl¤sq L, G:eui iL," Qculi in@icw;; 2 parecn  .A, jose servi©&s were .~~.
recwlr ¢ 4¤ u 0; ¤Q¤ »y©j©  · · L {gil tim;. agi w;©;; ;;eQifi;;¤i©ns would
{ bg wnlw 1L¤ minimum ii :§;;; [,* ngi S; i]YiCC]j OT i€m€mi5iT&tiv€
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