xt7g7940w113 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g7940w113/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1998 1998 1998-04-08 2020 true xt7g7940w113 section xt7g7940w113  










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‘il [errlujy Rii‘ing'jailx to make amlienrev care

about clmmrterx. See Dilemmas, page 3.


WEATIHI Rain likely an

afternoon, big/.1 near 75. Clear
and cool tonight, [02." ()f4 5.

”arm tomorrow, big/J qf'f't).





April 8, 1998

o (am/{w 5 l)lit'I\IU1I\ 2


l (/ilH/fllI/l 7 \[wm 4

(,iuu‘..wi/ 7 I n .. [u [Ill 5




State's women likely victims ol violence

By Mat Horton

Nam Editor

\Vomen in Kentucky are twice
as likely to get murdered on the
job than women in other states, a
new study reveals.

The study, part of a longer pro-
ject on occupational homicides that
began in 1994, examined the num-
ber of male and female occupation-
al homicides around the nation and
compared them with state figures
to find that while the number of
homicides on the job decreased

nationally, btit the numbers rose
over the last four years in the state.

“\Ve don't really know why that
is," said lillyn Moon, manager of the
project. called Fatality Assessment
and Control l‘ivaluation, or I’ACI‘L

Although 1997 national fi tires
on the homicides aren't avaifiible,
the project used figures from
1995-96 to show the downward
trend in occupational homicides
across the country.

On the other hand, research
showed these homicides have
increased for the women who

work in the Bluegrass: In I994. H
occupational homicides were
reported; five in 1995; ID in 1996;
and 1‘) last year.

Moon, who has worked at the
Kentucky Injury and Prevention
Research Center at the .\ledical
Center since March 1995, said
almost halfofthe cases involved a
personal situation, such as a
domestic dispute that carried over
at work, or involved disgruntled
former employers who decided to
act on their feelings.

The project, one of many oper-

ated by the Occupational Injury
Prevention Program, involves
surveillance with “an investigation
component" .\loon said.

Researchers conduct on—site
investigations into machine—related
cases, falls and logging incidents.
Over the course of the project, an
average of H7 cases have come in a
year, usually investigate 18-20 per
year. On other fatalities,
researchers gather data throu rh
outlets such as newspapers and tlie
county coroner's office.

“H e try to make our existence

known so that people can notify us
when they hear of occupational
fatalities," she said.

Kentucky isn‘t the only state
where l“.-\( 1|: projects occur. So
far, 16 states .irc currently involved
in these projects, but not all of
them ha\ e the same focus as L'K’s.

“( )ur main purpose is preven-
tion, to keep an accurate account of
occupational fatalities and to devise
prevention strategies," Moon said.

The center keeps a list of vari—
ons organizations and govern-
ments to mail this information to,

namely the department of labor,
public health piofessionals and
employers, by telc\ isioii and radio
stations, .\looii said

The solutions are myriad for
curbing occupational boiiiieidc.
such as learning defense techniques
and nonviolent response, and for
employers to keep their grounds
clear and well~lit, \loon said.

“l“.iiiployers should get to know
their employees." she said. “ \nd if
you‘re an employee, and e\perieiie~
ing some kind ofdoiiicstic issue. you
should alert your employ er.”


llltl grading
option hack
in II. Senate

By Kathleen Ellison

(,‘nmrilimmg II 'rirer

Remember when plus/minus was defeated?

The grading system came back

after the Landscape Architecture Program and the College

of Architecture proposed they be
professional degree status.

Representatives from the college and the program went
before the L'niversity Senate Council last fall. They request-
ed and received, by council vote, an exemption for their pro-
grams. But due to an oversight, the council’s decision was
not presented to the University Senate at the time the pro-
posal for plus/minus was considered.

Hence, the two are trying to have their proposal recon-


Both programs argue they should retain the plus/minus
system that existed for 20 years because they have mostly
800- and ()OD-Ievel courses and their bachelor’s degree is
recognized by national organizations as a professional


“The professional programs are in a gray area because
they’re not a professional college,‘
fessor and chair ofthe Landscape Architecture Program.

john Cody is concerned the change in the grading system
will negatively impact the reputation of the program of

Landscape Architecture.

“1 had a lot of success in the job hunt because ofthe reputa—
tion the program has." said Cody, the president of the Student
Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. “If
this is not allowed, then upcoming students may not get the
same benefits of this established reputation. And, eventually,
the overall reputation ofthe University will be affected.“

The Senate Council debated Monday over whether the
plus/minus would be affect undergraduates of other colleges
if they took any ofthe ZOO-level survey courses. If a student
from another college were to take these courses. their grade
would be stripped of the plus/minus when the Registrar

received it, the council said.

‘ said llorst Schach. pro-

froiii the dead yesterday

exempt because of their

Sunny outlook



is, In My;


Interior designfret/mm)! Claire Davidson .x'fadiea'fbr a clan in f/Jt’ afternoon .vayesterday. .1 [any .VflIt/t'llfa' took advantage ofthe mild fl’7II/7t'l'llf1ll't'V to get warm/e,


on the second floor of the Coin-

was the oiily

ers. Karnes said.
Btit the debate about elevators
complaint has

brought many students

The real dilemma is not the plus/minus designation,
rather the council is worried about preventing other schools
from requesting the same consideration. Cody does not see

this as a problem.

“\Ve are not saying that we are any better than any other
program,” Cody said. “If they want to have plus/minus and
raise their courses to the 800-900 level, I'd be happy for

them to do so.”

Council members considered this same idea when debat-

ing the proposal.

“Plus/minus does not have that iiitich impact overall,"
said member Rov Moore, associate dean of graduate studies
in the College ofCommunications and Information Studies.
“Personally I prefer the plus/minus system but I respect the

wishes ofthe majority."


See GRADING (in 5

There was talk about the need for
an elevator at the Kirwan-Blanding
Complex Commons to accommo—
date disabled students. But the pos-
sibility was put aside because of a
lack of funding.

“(Funds) have to come otit of
housing funds," said Allen Rieman,
director of Auxiliary Services at UK.
“It has not been listed as a top prior-

Rieman said the project is being
put offindefinitely.

The issue of installing an elevator
at the Commons arose last semester
when a student was injured and had
trouble getting to the computer lab

received regarding the Commons.
said jack Karnes. head of the l)i.s-
ability Resource Center.

“It‘s not a super high priority."
Karnes said.

One important point is that no
disabled students live on South

As Chris Bederka, disabled stu-
dents‘ chairperson for Student (lov-
ernment Association, said last
semester, “If there's nobody dis»
abled in the Commons, then it's a
moot point."

Disabled students usually go to
the lab in the Business and lico-
nomics building to use the comput—

together. Last year, SGA and Res-
idence llall Association got
involved. A petition is circulating
on campus for the elevator to pro-
mote general awareness of the sit-

“l“.levators are the only thing
that's keeping them (disabled stu-
dents) froiii living here," said Jen-
nifer Borths, a undeclared fresh—
man who lives in Blanding Tower.
“Handicapped students should
have the same access as everyone

The issue has been ptit on the
back burner due to the change of
RI lA‘s administration and disabled

[30k 01 funding stalls elevator plan

By Halli Wu

Sen/0r Staff ll 'rm'r

student representatives dropping
out of S(i'\, said S(u-\ President
Melanie Cruz.

(Iriil eiiiphasiles the fact that the
problem ”is one of the issues we are
still dealing with."

“To tis it's a big priority because
a student isn‘t guaranteed the same
rights." Crul said. “\Ve (S(i-\) real-~
ly want to let students know that we
will fight for their rights "

(iru/ does admit S(. \ is looking
for an ;‘llIL‘l‘ll.ltI\ c route to deal with
the accessibility problem. \Vith .i
new library on South (,aiiiptis. S(i;\
wants to make sure it is .itcessiblc to
all students.

As for the elevator in the (loin-
mons. it will not happen in the near



air III‘DMISBS health tips

By Jeff Belokonny

Hospital and the Chandler Med-

Participants can interact with



Program DTTBI'S unity

Contributing u'rm’r

Students, faculty and staff
can take some ersonal time to

ical Center. Devore hopes the
fair will brin the students, facul—
ty and staffgof UK and LCC
together as a community.

The fair takes place at the

the displays by having their
blood pressure or lung capacity
checked for free. Student nurses
from the Kentucky Association


et to know t eir bodies at a
free health fair today.
“Our goal is to et students
oriented toward t eir health,
both mental and physical," fac-

()swald and Maloney buildings
on the LCC campus next to
Commonwealth Stadium. The
()swald Building has displays by

Seventeen black health profes-
sions graduates were honored in a
Rites of Passage ceremony last
week, a ceremony that marks the
transition from college life to the

ulty counselor Michelle l)cvore

Sponsored by the Lexington
Community College Support
Center, the fair has pulled
together professionals from the
surrounding health fields to

Participants include profes-
sors from both LCC and UK. as
well as physicians from St._]oseph

. I

the Kentucky State Police, UK
Food Services and UK Health
Services. among others.

Students can attend hourly
presentations in rooms 109 and
110 of the Maloney Building
from 9 a.m until 3 pm. Presen-
tations will take place on a wide
variety of topics, including
women's health. depression and
stress management.

of Nursing Students will take 9-050 n
blood pressure readings. 10-10350 m1
“Blood pressure readin s are 11-1150 WWW
important. because a high )Iood ”12:50 W
pressure may be indicative of 1-150 mum
poor health." said Sandi Met— 2-2” TM“

zgcr. a student nurse.
High blood pressure is indi-


cated when the pressure of the ”W
blood in the heart. while at "35‘. 3%“ OM
is higher than normal. “41% W
“Too much pressure on the ”12;” “um
valves of the heart ma cause a 1-1” MUM
stroke,” said Karen fambs. a 2.250 mm
See PM“ on 5
I. 0
_ \ "‘ '7 '

professional world.

This was the third 'ear the cere-
mony has been heltf
joined last year I) a similar entry
ceremony for blacli students enter-
ing UK medical colleges.

“Rites of Passage is a pro ram
that was designed to show grad
in minori
af airs department is proud of eacrl‘i

. and it was


students that the


By Jessica Coy

Amtram New Fairer

student and their accomplish-
ments," said Cassandra (ioins, a
fourth-year medical student who
was honored in the ceremony.

“The entry ceremony was added
because the department wants to
Show its support of the students
from the beginning to the end,"
(ioins said.

The program began with a pro-
cession of traditional drummers,
students and Medical Center col-
lege deans.

Each of the I7 black graduates
was given the opportunity to speak.
The students in ked about where
they are heading after graduation

See BITE! on 0

a“. .

- '2‘»:



 ,. wan... (MM

. - agvvvmv

2 II VI‘LIIIlfil/AI‘,

lpn/ 1‘, I'I‘IV Ken/Inky Kernel


mm. (mm-m Euthanshe. _ _

u‘gv'ma':r,m}k"v‘, gate, 2,1 , ;_ kid; I.,


/V _.,‘,_c,ay.’



Viva _

By Kevin Hall

\IJH II um

\\ hcn Iloh I)yl.tn put down his
.lUIlIsIlt guitar and began plug—
gInu Into an amp. hardcore Ians
“le outtaged. I‘ans ol' the Iolk
.II'II\I \ouetl never to

listen to hIIiI LIL’JIII.
sInte electIIc gttitats
\ieIc olnIoIIslt 'he

ttnot'ell IIIsII'iIIIIcnt ol-

\s I'IIIe “cit! In,
lumen-I. I)\lttIt

proved [hell he t‘nlllil



country to folk and back to rock.

Setting the tone for the
remainder of the album, “Rocket
Fuel" displays Snider's electric,
hill band sound.

“Yesterdays and Used to Be’s”
has Snider moving into Tom
Petty territory, circa
I’M/l .Iloon I’ez'er. This
acoustic number
shares Petty's vocal
delivery and instru—

Another Petty—
inIIuenced song, “Out

All Night."


blend Iolk sLII\|l)IllIIL‘\ V the album's high
\Hllt .IIIIplIIImI rock, **** points. \Vith. crunch—
(I‘CJIIIIQ stilllt’ ol‘ _ . ing guitars for emo—
IIttIsic‘s IIIost IIllllIt‘II (out 011’”) tional etnphasis,
tI.Il .IIhIIIIts. Snider sings about his
‘ l'ans ol I odd ‘Viva Satellite’ escape~ from difficult
Snider slll llIltI be pre Todd Snider pubescent years. .

hare-d IHI' .I \lIlIlltII' shIIt OTC/T) ()n Positively
In style. I'Iqti VIII/III Is ‘ Negative,“ Snider

.I complete change

l'roIII Snider's lirst two

albums ()II lira. he has lound a
\chIIphIs sound that should trans—
late well Into a live show.

I be .IlhIIIII hegIns with the
drinng, Southern rock
"Rocket Fuel." SIIIch declares,
"Rock ‘n' rock ‘II‘ roll. you
don‘t tare II I sell IIl\ soul " Snider


IIIust ha\c rcadIed hIIIIsell {or that
drIlting II'oIII rock to


rill oi.

sotmds like a darker,
angrier Bruce Spring-
steen. \Vith lyrics like “I will let
you treat me like the victim I'm
not gonna be," Snider delivers the
ultimate kiss—off to a lost love.
The rest of I ’itw Sure/lite is pure
'I‘odd Snider, blending well craft—
ed lyrics with an interesting rock-
country hybrid. The trailer park
love song “( Iod Send" exemplifies

is one of

The former is, in Snider's words, a

(Iod or a lover.








A NERVOUS “BECK Tedd Snider and 1le [mm]. The .Ven'um‘ II 'ret‘i'v. lmt't’ Prod/(red unutberfine(ll/71ml in ‘l 727/ Safe/[inf

moved arotmd / you never let me
down," sings Snider, mixing spiri<-
tIIality and secularity. Is it (iod or
a woman? The song lets the lis—
tener decide, although Snider‘s
brother/manager Mike explained
it was indeed meant to he reli—

The album's final track, “Dou—
blewide Blues," is a standard
country song telling a humorous
tale about lite in the trailer park.

tric guitars with a smooth steel

Viva's two strongest tracks are
in the gospelish “( )nce IIe Finds
L's," and “Never Let Me Down."

“straight out Jesus song" declaring
Snider’s service to (Tod. “Never
Let Me Down," though, takes a
Inore subtle approach. never mak—
ing it clear it the song is about




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I‘lwlr. fin‘lu-l'...’

acter explains life as he sees it,
including lights behind arcades.
working two jobs and chasing
wotnen natned Flo. lyrics and the songwriting to sink ‘
Snider leaves fans another in.
ghost track (as he has on all his
albums) and this one, “I'm a Ner—
vous “'reck," is I’it'a's most rau«
cotts song. It‘s a short, thumping
number that is sure to be a staple
of concerts for years to come.
Snider’s fans may be quick to

upon initial listen. This one,
though. deserves repeated play—
ings, allowing the subtlety ol the

This is Snider's best album to
date and is anice chmge ofpa'i‘e
for old Ims and I gtctt introdm
tion Ior new ones.‘

\s one ol the songs on ”the
album s;'.tys u;Sitislaction gut-(Irin—











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this new sound. combining elec— “In all these years that I have Told in first person, a drunk char— dismiss this album as substandard : I
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r... .. Ha' ...









ByMatt Mulcahoy

Senior Staff Critic

Wiiscastin . It can be the down—
fall ofa goo scri t and make a bad
s'cript unwatchab e. Mercury Rising
falls into the latter category.

Mr. One-Dimensional himself,
Bruce Willis, tries to deviate from
his normal tough-guy routine to
play a sensitive FBI agent who risks
everything to help a young autistic
boy run from some secret govern—
ment a ency.

\Vil is is likable as always when
he plays the tough scenes. Not
since Clint Eastwood has an actor
been able to convey toughness and
cool through merely a menacing
glare and soft—spoken one liners. As

soon as he turns to sentiment, however, the

movie turns to disaster.

You almost have to wince as Vl'illis stumbles

through these scenes.

Apparently, he didn‘t learn from North,
Hudson Hawk and Color of Night. Stick to

badasses, Bruce.

However, Willis can’t be held solely
responsible for this fiasco. Equal responsibility

... ,.. ........

Kentucky Ken/(l, ll 'cdnei‘tltry. April 8, I998 .


tnust be shouldered by the script writers. Plau-
sibility goes out the window seemingly with
the opening credits. The convolut—
ed story has our young autistic
hero accidentally breaking a gov—
ernment super code found in the
hack ofa puzzle book.

For some reason mysterious bad
guy Alec Baldwin deems it necessary
to kill the kids' entire family and
everyone else associated with the
project. \Vhy such extreme mea—
sures inust be taken isn't explained,
but one thing for certain is that
Baldwin has never been worse.

just when it seems the movie
has hit rock bottom, a female char—
acter is thrown in just so \Villis can
have a love interest. \Villis looks
bloody, unshaven and is hiding
from the cops. So, of course, the woman lets
him stay at her house after knowing him for 10
minutes. Very realistic.

The action sequences don't exactly help
matters either. Director lIarold Becker’s “cli-
mactic" skyscraper battle between \\'illis and
Baldwin lasts all of II) seconds, concluding
with the standard swan dive into a plate glass




(out of five)



Bruce Willis

[ms no clnznce
to shine in bod
action movie




for bad.


Raw and lllitro BXGBI
With great matches

strange one in the world of

professional wrestling. But I
guess that statement is a out as
rare as seeing an episode ofjerry
Springer without a brawl break-
ing out or a girl flashing herself
after her school won the National

All in all though, I was actually
surprised by the quality of match—
es and extracurricular activ-
ity that occurred Monday
night. After all, one of the
first things we see is Cactus
Jack promisin that he
won’t wrestle or a while.
Personally, I think that’s a
blessing. It would be a dif—
ferent story if he was still
competing in barbed wire

T his week was certainly a


bad with the good.

As for the Sting—Nash title
bout, I was disappointed with the
outcome, but the match had
some great highlights. ()ne of
which was “Big Sexy, The (liant
Killer’s" comment that he better
not wear the Savage T—shirt for
too long or else Savage might get
fired — an obvious shout—out to
Syxx in the \VVVF.

Plus I’m glad to see
that Sting has now offi-
cially abandoned his
repelling from the rafters
trick. I mean, when the
guy did it from the top of
the Alamodome I was
fairly impressed, but
when he does it from the
roof of the bingo parlor

or fire matches by himself. a." at American Legion Post
But as of late, we’ve had MCCOIIIIIII 114, I think that the

to watch Terry Funk wres- Wrestling stunt loses some of its

tle as his partner, and while Columnist luster.

Funk was a great wrestler, V As for the match

the key phrase there is war. It’s
wrestlers like Funk, and Hogan,
and Piper, and (at the risk of
upsetting many) Flair, that hurt
wrestling by competing well past
their prime. Thankfully, Flair has
turned to wrestling mainly at
house shows, so viewers will no
longer wonder if he’s going to
make an entrance wearing
Kramer’s Bro/Manssiere.

In W'CVV we started out
strong, by seeing “Macho Man“
carried out on a stretcher, unfor-
tunately that meant that Eliza-
beth would not be in the arena
either. But you have to take the

itself, the wrestling was some of
the best I've seen in a \VCVV
tnain event for several weeks.
Unfortunately, IIogan stepped in
and once a ain Nitro went offthe
air with a (is ualification. Is any—
body else feetling a sense of déja

Another highlight of this past
Monday night's RAW would
have to have been the promo that
the WWF prepared for their
newest wrestler, Val Venis. IIis
gimmick is, well, an adult movie
entertainer at least that's what
I think the politically correct
term is for a porno star. While

the interview was a little more
graphic than it probably needed
to be, it was hilarious to say the
least. I can already tell that this
guy would fit in well with the cast
ofl)egeneration .\'.

But as we await the arrival of
several new wrestlers in the
\VVVF, one new talent made his
ring debut. l)an Severn, who
tnost of you have seen on the
Ultimate Fighting (lhampi-
onship, destroyed Flash Funk (no
relation to ’l‘erry) in his first
nationally televised wrestling
match. Personally I hope that we
don‘t have to wait too long before
we get a match between Severn
and Shamrock. It would be inter—
esting to see if a \\'\\'F match
between two L‘ltimate Fighters
would be similar to the L'FC
matches, but we'll probably be
forced to wait on that one for a

Finally, the biggest news from
the night in my mind would be
Bill Goldberg’s 69th win in a row
on Monday Nitro, which far sur-
passes the last rookie winning
streak in either organization. In
fact, I believe 'I‘atanka was the
last one to rival this mark, when
he won his first 40 matches in the
\V‘VF. \VCIV should celebrate
this momentous occasion by giv—
ing him his choice of a title shot
or a Nitro girl.

ll 'rcxtlmg Columnist (fury .\Ic(.'ollum I\'
o marketing and political science yup/.707
more and can lie rcm l'ctl .II

gtlmct*o()@pop, nky. t't/ll



By Dan O'Neill

Arrociatr Editor

A “temporary break from the
band” he calls it.

Although Jerry Cantrell's
words offer a glimmer hope for an
Alice In Chains reunion, his solo
work provides fans with a worth
substitute during the wait. Wit
Layne Stanley too doped up to cut
a new album, Cantrell put his
down time to ood use with his
first full-lengt effort outside
AIC, Boggy Depot.

The result is an album remark-
ably similar to most AIC albums
— dark, depressing and generally
pissed off. In fact, it may e better
to say Stanley is the one on a
“tem orary break,” as AIC drum-
mer ean Kinney and bassist Mike
Inez a pear on several tracks,
while 'Foby Wri ht ( roducer of
the last three A C a bums) was
behind the dials.

But Cantrell, who wrote many
of AIC's overpowering hits, enjoys
a little less success minus his
ras y-voiced, heroin-shooting
bu dy. Their disparate voices
compliment each other well, and
without Stanley, Cantrell loses
that whinny yet addictive edge in

.. -«- -

many ofthe slower efforts.
In its early going, however, Boggy
Depot shows no signs of missing the
fronunan. Opening with the up—
tempo, guitar-raged “Dickeye” and
moving to the first single
“Cut You In," the album
appears on its way to fol-
low in the same vein of
other AIC efforts. And for
the most it does, just in a
more moderate fasl'tion.
After the third
track, the album

descends into a slower V

tempo when Cantrell
gets behind the piano
on the aptly—titled
“Settling Down." He
maintains this relative-
ly deliberate pace and
moody themes for the

majority of Ba

Depot. During tfii:

stretch his complex arrangements
are occasionally drawn out too
long, but he sustains enough
intensity to carry listeners
through the lulls.

The pace picks up on “Keep
the Light On” and “Devil By His
Side,” and down the stretch
Cantrell shows not all is solemn.
The acoustic, folk-tinged “I Iurt A

J . .- A-.....v-'»-o~--o’


h Chains

Long Time" and the eight-minute
final track “Cold Piece" display an
optimistic and experimental side of
the guitarist not seen with the band.

Perhaps his biggest and most
pleasant departure, the
late album cut
“Between,” carries a
pop—mixed, southern
rock twang to go along
with its surprisingly
tender lyrics.

Outside of his AIC
bandmates, Cantrell
brought in a few ofthe
industry‘s best bassists
to share duties. Primus'
Les Claypool, Fish-
honc's Norwood Fish-
er and Pantera’s Rex
Brown all contribute to
Cantrell's already stur-
dy musical presence.

With his first solo
outing, he proves himself as an
accomplished musician whose
vocal shortcomings prevent him
from achievin the same im res-
sive success of is band in lim ).

This summer Cantrell will sup—
port the album with a United States
tour along side Metallica and Days
of the New. The show will stop at
Cincinnati's Riverbend on July 7.







The poor writing. directing, and acting cul-
initiate in a laughable conclusion where \I'illis
attempts a sorrowful good-In c to the boy.

The scene doesn't exactly conjure tip mem-
ories of'l‘om (Irmsc‘s tearful farewell in Rain-
”/11”. In a way, .l li‘l‘t‘lH‘l’ Roll/g tries to be an odd
mixture of Ruiuman and a
movie. Hopefully. this formula won't ever be

In a classic scclic in Ix’immnmfl‘oiii (Iruise
explains how to play blackiack by instructing
Dustin Hoffman to “bet one for had, two for
good." In the case of \lcrcmjy Rising, bet one


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Wednesday, April 3, I998, Knmaky Kernel :r
r ,
g .
AIIUL‘ialed Pm; Press by phone Tuesday from the were assistants from 1990-92. é
Oxford campus. “We are going to Whoever replaces Evans will }' '
JACKSON, Miss. —— Rob move with haste.” inherit three starters — including i
. , Evans leaves the University of Boone refused to discuss poten- Michael White, the son of Ari- r; .-
amuel H. P181"! 18 Mississippi basketball program in tial candidates, only saying that “we zona State AD Kevin White — i-
the reat— reat much better shape ——- and held in are looking for a person at’s got a and four reserves from this year’s
g g much higher esteem —— than he great trac record with successful Ole Miss team that tied a school a
grandson 0f found it six years ago. pro rrams and is a good recruiter." record with 22 victories. ,:
Sen beh Pieh After transforming the )eren- ne possibility is Southern john Engstrom, a 7-footer, will i
g ’ nial loser he took over at Ole Miss Mississippi coach James Green, a also be ready for his Ole Miss
best known as Joseph in 1992 into a national recognized three-year lettermen at Ole Miss debut after spending this season i ' ‘
' winner in the always