Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky, December 17, 1935.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
President McVey's office at the University December 17, 1935, at
10:30 a.m. in continuation of the meeting of December 10, 1935.
The members of the Board present were Governor A. B. Chandler,
chairman; James Park, John S. Cooper, Louis Hillenmeyer, Ri Miller
Holland, Dr. George Wilson, James Rash, 0. C. Whitfield, J. B.
Andrews, Eugene Flowers, Robert G. Gordon and G. C. Wells.   Gov-
ernor Chandler was welcomed by the members of the Board and Pres-
ident McVey, this being his first meeting.

     1. Minutes Approved.

     The minutes of the following meetings were approved as pub-
lished: Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, May 30, 1935;
Executive Committee, June 27, 1935; Executive Committee, July 18,
1935; Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, September 24,
1935; Executive Committee, October 31, 1935; Called Meeting of the
Board of Trustees, November 15, 19354

     The minutes of the Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees
of December 7, 1935, were approved as published with the follow-
ing correctiont insert in the form of bond Section 7, beginning
on page 42, at the end of first paragraph on page 43 the f ollow-
ing: This bond shall be callable at par plus accrued interest,
at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tucky, on any regular interest date.

     2. President's Report.

     The President made his regular quarterly report which was
ordered to be recorded in the Minutes.   The report is in words
and figures as follows:


     In presenting my report for the second quarter of this fis-
cal year I can only bring to the attention of the beard a few
matters of more than usual importance, due to the lack of time
to give consideration to them.

     First, I shall speak of the attendance at the University
this year.   On October 15 the Registrar reported 3169 students
registered.   This was the highest attendance that has been
reached by the University in its history with the exception of
that of the year 1930-31, when the attendance was 3249.    During
the depression the attendance went down to 2488 in 1933-34. Since
then the attendance has been increasing at the rate of 15% a year,
until now it has reached the figure just referred to.    The total
which I gave does not include the students that came to the summer
session or the training school.    If the students who attended the