xt7gb56d3n67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gb56d3n67/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_500 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 500 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 500  2014 true xt7gb56d3n67 section xt7gb56d3n67 l A 4   ?.~ M X F  ’ l/*·_» V
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By J. F. Freeman and Russell A. Hunt A
Circular SOO
I _ _
953 University of Kentucky • College of Agrieulture ond Home Eco-
nomics, Extension Division Q FRANK J. WELCH, Dean and Dareerer

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Untreated (left) and Methl Bromide treated portions of plant bed. Wild grass has
Y - rl
crowded out tobacco plants on the untreated soil. F )
_ ( igure 1
Table of Contents lg
Introduction ..V..V....V....V.................................................................. 3
Soil preparation ......,...V................................V..,.......V.i................... 3 [
Gas-proof covers ..V. V .......V..............................V.V......,...........,...V....... 3 1
Cover supports ...V.V.V........V.....V..V...V..................V.V....................VV..... 4
Evaporating troughs and tubing ..........V.Vt...V...............V.,.................. 4 E
Placing the cover ,..............V.V.V.V...V..V...V.....V.V................V................ 5
Seal cover thoroughly .,V.....,.V.V.V.................V.V........V....,.V........V.V....V. 5  
Applying the gas ..............................V....V.....V......V.i...........,...V...V... 6
Removing the cover ....................V....V.............V..V..............V..........V. 7 1;
Care of treated beds ....................V...V.V...........i.................V....,V....,.. 8 U
Handling precautions ...V...................V......V....................V,............... 8

   Treatment of Plant Bed Soils with
  Methyl Bromicle Fumigant
  By J. F. Freeman and Russell A. Hunt
  Gas treatment; of plant bed soils has been used since 1949 by
  some Kentucky growers as a substitute for burning or steaming.
  A liquefied gas, methyl bromide containing 2 percent chloropicrin
"  X (tear gas) , is released under a gas—proof cover fitted over the pre-
 f i;  pared soil of the seedbed, and confined for 24 to 48 hours. Dur-
  `i`i ing treatment the gas penetrates the loose soil of the seedbed and
i kills most of the weed seeds and any living plants and insects
  which are present. Expense of treatment by this method is less
  than that for steaming if the cost of the gas-proof cover and of
  the special applicator is spread over 10 or more uses. Methyl
  bromide fumigation is not effective if the soil temperature is below
 y 50°F. Best results are obtained when the soil is 60°F, in which
  case 24 hours exposure time is enough. If it is necessary to gas
S has plant beds when the soil temperature is between 50°F and 60°F
the exposure time should be 48 hours.
Soil preparation
Plow the area and smooth it down in advance. The soil of
each bed should be worked into a fine loose condition just ahead
of treatment. It should be free ol? clods and unpulverized pieces
of sod. The fumigant penetrates only as deep as the soil is
properly worked. Soil should be moist enough to work well
because the weed seeds must be moist for the most effective kill.
The prepared area should be at least 4 feet wider and longer
than the bed is to be, so that loose soil will be available for plac-
ing on the edges of the cover to seal it to the ground. Because
the gas tends to concentrate in low areas, long beds on steep
ground should be located on the contour rather than up and
down the slope.
Gus-proof covers
Suitable covers made either of plastic sheeting or of asphalt
laminated paper are available for gas treatment of beds. They
may be had in either of the two sizes, l0% ft x 100 ft for beds 9

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Bed Areu, reudy for gus·proof cover. Note the soil mounds for supporting the cover, und
the plustic-lined trench, plastic tubing and upplicutor for methyl bromide cons.
(Figure 2) g
feet wide or 13% ft x 100 ft for beds 12 feet wide. The extra e
width of cover allows 9 inches on each side for weighting down r
with soil in making the seal. The plastic cover is being used a
1 more generally because of its durability, light weight, and greater
ease in handling. C
Cover Supp0l'l‘S F
The cover should be supported a few inches above the soil Y
so that the gas may move over the bed from the three points of 0
application. Low mounds made by heaping 4 or 5 shovelfuls of Y
bed soil together, spaced over the bed, provide a simple and ef- F
fective means of support. A satisfactory arrangement is to have
three rows of mounds running lengthwise of the bed, spaced about O
5 feet apart in the rows and the rows about 3 feet apart on cen~ S
ters. Following treatment. the mound soil should be raked back C
into place. C
. . u
Evoporotmg troughs und tubing
Since the liquid methyl bromide does not vaporize imme- S
diately upon application, the liquid should be delivered into
shallow metal pans or troughs to prevent the fumigant from run- U
ning directly into the ground. If plastic gas-proof covers are E
used, a suitable trough can be made by opening a shallow trench 1*

to V   ‘VVf   iiff    ‘··V’  A f   ° t A  
    ‘‘ ~   ° A 4   ."» .&‘~   . 1
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  V » »·   ;‘‘   »~ · ~; ,. ~ — . I.   ·
  Some bed with plastic gas-proof cover in place and the edges properly sealed with soil.
(Fxgure 3)
"‘ 2’ 24 inches long in the soil and lining it with a strip of the plastic.
A strip 15 inches wide cut from the end of the cover will provide
ttra enough plastic for 3 or 4 trough linings. Three troughs are
)wn recommended for each 100 foot bed, one placed near the middle
ised and the others about 16 feet from each end of the bed.
ater Three lengths of plastic tubing are provided with the appli-
cator, one for each trough. A piece of plastic tubing, through
which the methyl bromide flows from the applicator, should be
placed with one end anchored in the evaporating trough with a
soil rock or short length of metal pipe and the other end extending
s of out from under the cover so that the applicator may be attached
s of readily before the cans are punctured.
l ef Placing the cover
rave . .
mm The cover should be unfolded, or unrolled if paper is used,
CCH, OU top of the bed supports beginning at the end toward the wind.
mck $631 down the end of the cover completely with soil and as the
cover is unfolded place dirt along the outer edges to anchor the
cover firmly and to prevent sudden gusts of wind from catching
under it.
ime- Seal cover thoroughly
into A gastight seal around the entire edge of the cover should be
run- made after the cover is in place, as shown in Figs. 3 and 5.
are Enough dirt should be used for sealing that the weight of it
zncli when packed down will prevent the firmly stretched cover from

   sagging to the ground. A poorly sealed cover may permit gas to
5 escape and result in poor control of weeds. YA/hen completing
‘ the seal make sure that one end of each of the a licator tubes
extends out from under the cover. Before treatment place the
proper number of 1-pound cans of methyl bromide fumigant near
each of the applicator tubes. At the standard dosage of l pound
per 100 square feet, 3 cans would be required at each of 3 tubes
for 9-foot beds total 9 ounds , and 4 cans for 12-foot beds
(total 12 pounds).
Applying the gas
T The special applicator is easily attached to the plastic tubes 1
  by means of a rubber tube con- 1
  nector. One a licator is all that
  . _ is required. \~Vith it the can con-
t j   “ T A   ____Vp Z taining the liquid gas is punc-
`     P ,          tured and the hole automaticall T
i '.x_..~..   ‘ . ·_`..., , Y
    V       ‘‘·   _ '‘’- Q-ZT? gasketed so that the liquid Hows
‘   `   ii._ i`  _V_.‘ T   through the tubing into the
  s ‘~  . ~—‘‘ .·     /,·i      -
  . gr   ‘   evaporating trough underneath F
    `_’=    the Cover. During application, E
    hold the can so that the hole is
i\ y    in the lowest position. The can
.     —·-·.-   . . .
  »·   will be em tied in less than one
4       minute. Wlien through apply- I
    '   , " ;1"g·§’¥v·  . .
*v}..»li*Ti  ,   ing methyl bromide to one _
    trough, disconnect the applica- (
i`5sLi;$   ii"; »-..   tor, move to the next tubing in-
  .~      ¥7*:(   4% iii: {
yhg   A  *t/·   Q. _.·o let, and repeat the procedure. I
   ·’"   V     . _ . . . i
g  _:   Afte1 the gas application 1S com i
- ~   Pleted, the plastic tubes may be (
_ \ (   _`*    P   pulled out and placed for use on ,
 .,. ._ Wsj x  L  another bed. t
. _ sti "fgi. ·"‘¥t. ,,_   V4. ;]·
  . (
M *-1:; `JLZ ·-J .‘;‘ "3L<.`.£·?.:t=E.   Q""i `
Suitable applicator for l·p0und cans 5
of the fumigant. I
. (Figure 4) {

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  `·-ugh],   _i4’; fig;vi;/i=~§{.;I,_i‘{vL/"'H) _   V P g
rath Releasing Methyl Bromide beneath gas-proof paper cover, using special application
- equipment.
*0*} (Figure si
e is
Call Removing the cover
  After the proper exposure time has elapsed the cover may
Elie be removed. This is done readily by removing the soil seal with
Hm- 3 Stiff broom or by flippinglthe dirt off the edge by lifting the
_ edge of the cover. A plastic cover is removed most easily by
S me folding, with a man on each side. One end is carried forward
  to The Other to double the sheet. then the folded part is carried
yl be fOYW&rCl even with the loose ends. and this is repeated until lt
can be folded crosswise for easy handling. as is done in folding
B On 3 Wagon sheet. For unfolding, the reverse procedure is used. If
two beds side by side, or end to end, are to be treated with the
one cover. it is not necessary to fold the cover. Instead the soil
seal on the side or end toward the second bed is left undisturbed
to serve again as the seal on that side. After removing the seal
from the other sides and end, the cover is turned over onto the
supports of the new bed—bottom side up. The free edges of the
cover are then sealed down as previously described. Paper covers

 V V  ‘ .  
Q should be rolled up for removal. or if the adjacent bed is ready  
? for treatment the paper may be turned over on it as described c __
‘ for the plastic cover. or may be dragged into place if it is not  
windy. The cover should be inspected for small holes or tears if V  —~
as it is being moved and any needed repairs should be made.
Masking tape is a satisfactory material for repairing small holes  
and tears from which gas might escape during the next bed treat- T
ment. li
Care of treated beds Q.,
Ditch around beds to prevent rainwater from washing weed
seed and untreated soil over the bed after treatment. This is ·
. essential in the case of fall—treated beds. Spring—treated beds may `
be boxed and seeded at once; then ditched. li 
A light working of the soil is necessary before seeding fall- \ ``t‘_-
treated beds. but the soil should be moved as little as possible.
to avoid dragging untreated soil which contains live weed seeds up
· onto the bed. .  
Handling precautions Y; i·i~
Methyl bromide fumigant is a poisonous gas. lt is quite vola— "
tile and may cause burns. lts vapors are extremely hazardous.    
Follow instructions carefully.   ¤
Use only for fumigation of soil, manure, or compost. l`
Store in outbuildings away from dwellings.  g_
· Do not breathe the vapor. i   ‘ i 
Do not spill. If the liquid gets on shoes or clothing remove    A
them at once and do not wear them again until they are thor-  
oughly aired outdoors for several days. Do not use gloves when  
applying the fumigant. l  
Keep children and animals away from beds being treated and  
_ for at least 30 minutes after the cover is removed. The fumigant  
contains tear gas as a warning agent which causes pain and closing
of the eyes when the gas concentration becomes too high. This
will warn against leakage or spillage during storage or handling.
but the warning agent disappears within a few hours after the gas
has been discharged and will not keep children and animals from
crawling under the cover.
. Read instructions on the can before applying. Ciycul
Lexington. Kentucky TT-TM   Kenh
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