xt7gb56d5729 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gb56d5729/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 2000 2000 2000-02-16 2020 true xt7gb56d5729 section xt7gb56d5729 Stupid or

“I would not
live forever, be-
cause we
should not live
because if we
were supposed
to live forever.
then we would
live forever. but
we cannot live
forever. which
is why I would
not live
Miss Alabama in the

I994 Miss Universe

discovered that
produces some
of the same
reactions in the
brain as
marijuana .
also discovered
between the
two. but can’t
remember what
' they are."

-Matt Lauer on NBC's
Today show, August 22.

“I haven‘t
committed a
crime. What I
did was fail to
comply with
the law.”

'David Dlnltlns, New York
City Mayor, answering
accusations that he
failed to pay his taxes.

“Smoking kills.
If you're killed.
you’ve lost a
very important
part of your
-Brooke Shields. during
an interview to become
spokesperson for a

federal anti-smoking



Bill passes first hurdle

Narrow margin: After
close vote, the bottle bill
continues; debate next

by Mark Vanderhoft


The “bottle bill" barely tiiade it out of
tlte House .»\ppropriations and Revenue
committee yesterday. being passed on to
the Holise floor oltly after two representa
lives. including Rep. Susan .loltlts‘. I)
Louisville. put iit "yes" votes at the last

(‘omments by members of' the House
committee sent a very clear message
file bottle bill has a Ioiig way to go before
the House passes it.

Matty representatives expressed con
cerns about life wording oftlte bill and tile
impact a refundable deposit would have
on small grocers, fast food restaurants aitd
existing recyclittg programs.

The vote to pass the bottle bill on to
tile House for further debate was tall at
ler Johns who h. id previously waived her
v.ote decided toc: ist ayes to eitcourage


tiiore debate on the issue a reasoning
expressed by most representatives who
voted to pass the bill on.

“It's time to move on arid continue dis
cussion of this bill." said Rep. Rocky .~\d
kins. l) Sandy Hook. who has expressed
reservations about the bill but acknowi
Milled its proposal has sited light on Ken
tucky"s litter problem.

The bottle bill would place a deposit
on many beverage containers. impose
statewide mandatory garbage pick-up. and
place a fee on each piece of wrapping from
driyetlirough and carryout restaurants.

Medical beverages. many nutritional
beverages aitd milk would be excluded
from the deposit provision. said House
Majority li‘loor Leader Greg Stumbo. I)
I’restonsburg. the sponsoi ol’tlie bill

The legislition has still opposition
from bottlers it-itiileis aitd r‘estaui: in
teurs. who have launched ait ad campaign
and spoken at debates
on the bill.

Ray Gillespie. of
the Kentucky Soft
ill‘lllix’ Association.
spoke against the bill
yesterday. He warned
beverage sales would

To contact your



Tragedy strikes again

Two dead: Columbine High School
students found in local Subway store


l.l'l"l‘i,i‘1'l‘()N. (‘olo 'I‘wo

sweethearts were found dead early Monday after a


Investigators were


.lell'ers‘oii (‘ounty siiertll‘s spokesman Steve Davis
said the cause ol’dezitli had not been determined. and
said lie did not know wiietbei a weapon had been
reviewing a
videotape from the restaurant. but. without eiaborat
iitg. Ilavis said late Monday it was iiitlikeiy to provide
clues He also said there was no reason to believe the

decrease. the state would have to under
write the recycling program and a deposit
s\sleilt would burden citizens with extra
work and a de lacto tax.

Rebecca Freeman. of the Kentucky
I~‘.irm Ilureau. 'I‘om Fitzgerald. a lawyer
with the Kentucky Resources (‘ouncil and
iti'andon (‘ampbelL a l‘K student. spoke to
support the bill.

"i“.‘tl'llli‘l‘s and landowners are tired of

cleaning up alter the rest of‘ the state."
i'l't't'lllftil said. Site said litter was a danger
to livestock. wildlife. the people who have
to clean it up arid farm equipment. and
hoped the bill would create an economic
incentive for people not to litter.

i‘ll/gt'l'ttiti said the bill would help con
serve landfill space. recover precious re
sources and change consumer attitudes
about littering.

(‘ampbelL a I'K civil engineering
sophomore, pulled out three I’epsi (‘aiis
w fill a pre Willis pull tab and a rusted out
Budweiser can that was so old the con
.sumer bad to poke two holes iit it to drink.
He said he found the calls on the side of a

“I don't want my grandchildren to
have to pick up the bottles tny peers are
throwing out." he said.

investigators from i
the Jefferson Coun- i
ty, Colo., Sheriff's i
Department check

over evidence in the i
alleyway behind a
Subway sandwich

shop in which two
Columbine High stu-
dents were found

dead early Monday.

in the southwest
Denver suburb of
Littleton, Colo.
Investigators are
looking over a vehi-

cle that belonged to
one of the victims.

The restaurant is
located roughly

three blocks south

of Columbine High.

By Katie Nelsen


I‘Iconom ics.

Ier said.

Si n’ll‘t‘il.


reel's available.


“The Internet is part of this technological bootii.
“The Internet has made workers iitore efficient. making
for art enormous demand for technological workers.“

With all of the jobs out there. some might wonder if stii
dents are putting the idea of higher education out of their mind
and simply becoming part ofthe working class with nothing but

Cultural cuisine

Japanese food
and drink
and where to
get it! t

The legislative path
(a very condensed version)

i. Introduction 8 Committee Referral

A bill may be introduced in the House or Senate.
Each bill is referred to a standing committee by
the Committee on Committees.

2. Committee Consideration

Committees report bills out with comments
and/or changes and can essentially kill a bill by
failing to act on it. This happened yesterday to
the bottle bill.

3. First Reading
The bill has its first reading and is placed in the
calendar for the following day.

4. Second Reading: to Rules

The bill is read by title a second time and sent to
the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee may
send the bill back to a committee or place it in
the Orders of the Day for a specific day.

5. Third Reading 8 Passage

Debate on a bill before a final vote. A bill must
be approved by at least two- fifths of the mem-
bers of the chamber (40 representatives or 16
senators) and a majority of the members pre-

sent and voting.

6. What Happens Next?
Both chambers must agree on the final form of
each bill.

7. Enrollment
The bill is signed by the presiding member of
each house and sent to the Governor.

8. Governor's Action
The Governor may sign a bill, permit it to
become law without signing it. or veto it.

Job market
great for grads

Students can eirioy the benefits ol'a bolstering economy. but
only it they work at it.

James I’ackler.
said the economy.
growing numbers ill student job availability.

”Every body's got help wanted signs lit the windows."
"You can't miss them,"

it‘ackier said the economy is creating jobs like cra/y and he
was itot surprised to find a large increase ill the demand for col
lege level graduates.

Sharon (‘hllds. assistant director for the [K (‘areer (‘enteix
believes students are the finders of their own wealth when it
comes to job hunting.

“I think students are getting tnore savvy with the job
(‘Inlds said. “
that know ltow to go about a job search. aitd therefore are stiiti
ulating an increase in jobs,”

(‘iiilrls admits that obtaining an ideal job is not easy.

”There are ltlilS for people who work to get them."
“You must be creative.

While It'ackler and (‘hiids both admit to a significant in
crease in the demand for college level graduates. they note the
especially high number ofteclutoiogicai and computer based ca

professor in the (‘oilege of Business and
in part. is responsible for the


It seems like now there are more students

and you must work hard at it."

" It'ackler

deaths were linked to the (‘oiumbine massacre

“I hope it was just a robbery. ” said one of Kunsei
man's co-workers. .l,.l Iiod; ic k. w. I \e Ii id itioie
than enough ol'this 'i‘ltis stuli needs Io stop.

The shooting was the latest in a string of

all undergraduate degree

I’at Itoiid. assistant deaii for the ()llice of Academic Admis
stints at the Graduate Scitool. said there is no decrease in gi'adu
ate admissions due to the increasing ituiitber ofjobs available to

shooting at a sandwich shop within sight of their
school. compounding the heartbreak in the communi-
ty that suffered the worst school shooting in IRS. his

“Outside of the

has one of the
lowest crime
rates in the

-Mayor Marlon Dan'y.
Washington, M.

-Source: www.dav-



T‘In‘il'iu‘i ‘-
J‘i‘ oilit x

4.7 2.4

Vucky rain and snow.



News tips?

Call: 257-l9I5 or write:


The bodies of Nicholas
way shop where Kunseiinan worked.



Stephanie Hart. to. were discovered inside the Sub
did not disclose a motive but ruled out murder sui~

1.3. and

tragedies that itave bit the Denver suburb since teen
age gunmen i‘Iric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed i2
students and a teacher at t‘olumbine on Apr.

college graduates.

‘10 and

See TRAGEDY on 2 said. "

Ilespite ait increase in Jobs, the value of a graduate degree
continues to be of use to students in all inaiors.“i’e«iple are pur
suing grad sciiool to make themselves more marketable.”
The very best _|obs are very competitive_“


State university contracts laced with deals


FRANKFURT. Ky. Sweet deals. indeed.

(‘ompanies competing for food and hey
erage contracts at the state universities
sweeten their bids with all manner of good
ies. according to reports filed with the attor
ney general.

They give millions for sports stadiums.
promotions and scholarships. ’l‘hey treat
campus presidents and student organiza
tions to free catering. They give golf shirts
and six-foot-Iong sandwiches

It's legal. too. “There are no inherent
violations“ if‘the contract “enhancers" bert-
efit the university and not an individual.
John (Tubine, director of administrative
services for Attorney General lien (‘han-
dler. said Monday.

Enhancers are used so twrvasively that
banning them might serve only to increase
the contractor's profits rather titan save the
school any money. (‘handier's staff coir
eluded in a report to legislators


All but one ofthe eight state untyersi
ties reported getting enhancers in contracts
for food aitd beverage services. The excep
tioit was the University of Kentucky. which
is not to say IIK abstains from the practice
Its enhancers come iii other areas.

In one of its contracts for telecommum
cations services. G'i‘E (‘ommunications
(‘oi'p was required to contribute a Swill“)
:t~yt‘.‘ll‘"('1ISill‘llilllllCt‘lllt‘lll” to the universi
ty. A second contract. with .\l(‘l 'l‘elecom
munications. called for a $100000 enhance
ment. UK disclosed.

The General Assembly‘s Goveritment
(‘ontract Review (‘ommittee asked (‘han
dier in November to review Kentucky
State‘s llKXi'SL‘l’ViCL‘S contract with Sodexlto
Marriott Management Inc The committee
wanted to know how it compared with
those at other institutions.

The KSli contract. which took effect
Aug. l. Mitt and runs tltrough .iuiy .‘tl. in-
cluded these features:

A $l0.000 annual contribution to a

"host fund" for KSli President George Reid.

.v\ SUM) coitlribution for Reid‘s inau

3:3 free nights per yearat Marriott Ito
tels and motels for travelers on university

'I‘hose paled beside enhancers siiillt‘
other universities reported coaxing from

To make itself the University of
Louisville's official soft drink. I’epsi (‘oia
donated $2 million for the football stadium
and Sitkliklti for a track

it purchased luxury suites and tickets
for football and basketball. It donated
$10,000 a year for use at the university‘s dis
cretioti and promoted the university Ill bill
boards and television commercials. among
other things

At Murray State. i’epsi donated
$I00.000 for construction of the MSI' Re
giotial Special Events (‘enter and another
3100.000 for its scoreboard. the university
reported, l'eps‘i also returned $81000 a year

for athletic marketing and promotion and
$1.000 a year for athletic academic scholar

.-\t Northern Kentucky i’niy'ersity.
Sodexho Marriott gives the president
310000 a year Ill free catering i‘eople play
ing iit his golf tournament get free shirts
wortit Silitkl The company also con
tributed $5l.000 for a Goyet‘ltoi"s Scholars

:\raniark donates $IL’..000 in catering at
Moreliead State and $10,000 for catering at
|~'..istern Kentucky I'niversity Western
Kentucky l'niversity reported getting
sittioo a year for student food scholarships
from Marriott

(me of the more unusual enhancers
was from Subway. the sandwich chain. it
gayi‘ the l'niyersity of iNlIlSVIHt‘ 1;") six foot
sandwiches each year

State Sen Marshall Itong. whose dis
trict contains Frankfort and the KSI' rain
pus. said the report shows the campuses
should "get all the enhancers they can "






The Low-down

kind of
like the
in the


admitting to
"Dateline NBC"
that he would

like to return to
his hit sitcom.

Clinton addresses security

WASHINGTON President Clinton yester-
day began exploring ways to tighten Internet se-
curity after a deluge of hacker attacks last week.
Surrounded by technology experts and a hacker
known as Mudge, Clinton said the attacks served
as a needed wake-up call. Afterward. some of the
participants said they discussed ways to share
int‘m‘mation. but made clear to Clinton that they
do not want a large federal presence in Internet

Georgia tornado aftermath

CAMILLA. Ga. Residents set to work yes~
terday to remove the debris and wreckage litter-
ing the landscape after Georgia's deadliest attack
of tornadoes in more than 50 years. The torna-
does that struck southwestern Georgia early yes-
ter d 1y killed at least 22 people and injured more
th in 100 the states worst toll from twisters since
19:15. The oldest victim was 85. the youngest 8
months. Many likely were killed as they slept. p0<
lice said. The tornadoes smashed mobile homes.
llipped automobiles and splintered trees.

McCain, Bush to debate

COLUMBIA. SC. John McCain anti
George W. Bush geared up yesterday for their fi-
nal debate in make or-break South Carolina. Mc-
(‘ain told an audience in lrmo: ”I'm as interested
in how this campaign is judged as I am in win-
ning or losing. I've always had a sense of histo-

_\ " Bush used his own appearances to announce
his plan to overhaul campaign finance A USA
Yesterday CNN Gallup poll published yesterday
showed Bush leading McCain 49 percent to 42
percent. just above the margin of error. A Los
Angeles Times poll had the two in a statistical
dead heat.

Plea Deal in Border Arrest

.\I()I\'TPI<‘.LIER. \'t. A Montreal woman
linked to a group of Algerians thought to be plot.
ting a bombing in the United States was ordered
freed yesterday after prosecutors said she had co-
operated with investigators and had no knowl»
edge of any terrorist activities. Lucia Garofalo.
35. agreed to plead guilty to two immigration
charges . transporting an alien into the United
States and conspiring to transport aliens. She
could face as many as 10 years in jail. but prose-
cutors said they would recommend leniency.
Garofalo had been held since Dec. 19. when she
tried to enter Vermont with an Algerian man.

Eddie Murphy
will be back in
Dr. Dolittle it.
He received
$20 million in
advance for the
new filsm. Dr.
grossed $240
million. The
director of the
first movie.
Betty Thomas
will not be com-
ing back to
direct Dr.
DoLittle II. The
search is on for
a new director.

worst of ‘99:
Kevin Costner
was nominated
for "Worst
Actor of 1999"
by the Razzies
awards, deter-
mined by the
Among the
“worst" movies
of the year are
"Wild Wild
West," and

Intel unveils computer chip

PALM SPRINGS. Calif. Intel Corp. took the
wraps off the world's fastest computer chip yes-
teiday running at 1. ) gigahertz in its latest bet
that consumers and businesses increasingly will
feel the need for speed. Intel has been locked in a
race with its main rival Advanced Micro De
vices Inc., to produce the fastest chip.
Willamette. which goes on sale this fall. would
far outpace the processing power of AMI)’s re»
cently announced Athlon chip running at 1 giga-
hertz. or 1 billion bits of information per second.
Intel's fastest chip being sold yesterday is a Pen
tium III running at 800 megahertz. slightly more
than half as fast.

Sportsmanship for parents

JUPITER. Fla. Parents who scream at the
ump. berate the ref or make little kids cry in the
batter‘s box are getting a lesson in sportsman-
ship. Skip the class. and those budding athletes
won't get to play ball at all. An athletic associa-
tion in Florida is trying to end parents' misbe-
havior by forcing them to take the class and sign
an ethics code. About 2.000 parents were to sit in
the bleachers yesterday at a spring training facil»
ity for the St. Louis Cardinals and Montreal Ex-
pos to learn how to be good sports. A 19-minute
video was to show them the roles and responsi-
bilities of parents of young athletes.

‘American Beauty' Oscar

BEVERLY HILLS. Calif. ~- ”American Beau-
ty " led all films yesterday in ()scar nominations
with eight. including one for’ Best Picture. Two
other best picture nominees. ”The Insider" and
”Cider House Rules." have seven nominations
apiece. The ghost story “The Sixth Sense." last
year’s biggest box-office surprise with $278 mil-
lion. received six nominations including one for
11-year-old Haley Joel ()sment for supporting ac-

Dow Ends Up 198.25

NEW YORK A rally in oil and some bar-
gain-hunting buoyed the stock market yesterday
with blue chips helping to pull technology shares
out of a severe slump. The Dow Jones industrial
average rose 198.25 to close at 10.718053. On the
NYSE. gainers led losers 1.5511490. The Nasdaq.
which tumbled as much as 127 points earlier.
closed up 1 70 at l 120 -5.

Compiled from wire reports.



Officials stand near the wreckage of a small plane which crashed
into a hillside Monday, in Leesburo, fly. The four people believed to
be on the plane.a two-engine Beech Daron, were killed while travel-
ing from Tri-City in Blountville, Tenn.. to Indianapolis.




Continued from page I

then committed suicide.

Among the other incidents
that have added to the unease
111 the community:

111 October. the mother of

a student partially paralyzed
in the massacre shot herself to

On Feb. 1. the body of an
11-year-old boy was found in a
trash bin within blocks of the
school. No arrests have been

. Last week. a Florida man
pleaded guilty in Denver to
sending a Columbine student
an Internet message threaten-
ing to finish the massacre. The
threat prompted officials to
close the school for the Christ-
mas holidays two days early. He
faces up to five years in prison.




Everybody Scores.







$100,000 Townnos


mybytess om...

ssco eats



'03) CLO SE Tilizlfi'l



Nah-chasm Voadinfiondoondwhmprohbhdbylow. MhbwlmddonthriothMM) llyn
inmwimonnloaodotrvridomondnofiliodlnuomlybydk WPanmflthMoouWJRI/Wmd

notifiedviomilmdragulorUSmoil. Oddlof '



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After a rough first year
hoop museum turns one

Positive outlook: Things are looking up, say museum officials

By Chris Markus


The 1 K Basketball Museum celebrated its
first birtltday on February 1:; and supporters
hope the museum s s111 111111 you won't be as fir
nanc 1' 111_\' perilous as the tii st

"lhe ntuse 11111 s 111 bt 11' 1s been a stigtna to the
institution since its opening1 1' 1st yze 11 but as the
museum begins its second year. there seems to
be an air ofconf1d111111e around the home of 17K
basketball heritage.

“It‘s getting better." said (‘yndi Whaley.
memberships and event manager at the museum.
“We‘re just going to keep on trying things until
we find what works."

Whaley said plans to attract more visitors to
the museum in its second year include targeting
certain UK student groups. Whaley is planning
on using the museum to play host to social gath-
erings for fratet nities 11nd soto1 ities.

()ther plans to am act visitors include the
possibility of a play 111s 1eunion and an autograph

Whaley said one indication of the museum's
road to recovery frotn debt has been the UK fans.

“We‘ve had more visitors in the past three or
four home gatnes titan at the beginning of the
season." Whaley said.

What she calls "negative press" by the local
media on the museum's monetary woes has actu-
ally been an advantage. she said. by increasing
awareness about the museum and ultimately at-
tracting more visitors.

In its struggle to beat out the bottom line. the
museum has enlisted the help of two outside par

Both the mayor‘s office and former I’K play-
ers have come to the aid of the museum. donating
money. time and artifacts.

Whaley hopes that by bringing in new ex-
hibits and new fans the museum will finally be
able to get out from behind the eight ball.

But. she added. the chief goal of the museum
in its second year will remain the same as it was
at the inception.

“We just want to continue to be here for the


t"); V 1 : § ': 7


The UK Basketball museum documents the story of the

karmic“ 11mm 1 wronrsoiv, FEBRUARY 16, 20001 3



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fans." Whaley said. sport of basketball at the University of Kentucky.

We just want to continue to be
here for the fans”

7 ‘ , S“
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Thursday, February 17
Memorial Coliseum

F ebruali l6 - l ('7)!‘ll(ll\ 20 .2000

The (Mun (Moi is ptodomt by the 0“" at Student 1111:1115 Registered

hllptH www pity; do Sindhi“ MN Studui ihttiiivlni
73867 '
'1EAP 7750mham1toll
'Math 69pm Hownlmme
'Vhysiu 810m (damn lollioom
‘3‘! Hmomnflomm 7pm 703 Stud (ti
'Omxvon Delta [moo 53011111 706811111 (ii

WEI] . ,
TUIOKMQ 1 1 11 ..
’Ul MN Aw! 17pm 1711 Fulton Ha"

Three lucky students will be selected

'Hrstory 108310? 639m 11m 1W

1.113101119159111 Holimsflnwoomuoiwnfloilioan

'Xpomh $7 mtlmiml430130 306(oimm

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Dinner at the Down with the ttitielr‘lev‘iithshudoni 01g 6 '8 111111111 Hall
101112vaan 359m M0911 Beomtnei Hltohonl

to take home an autographed ball WWW-,1?“

by Coach Mattox, Coach Mumme,

and Coach Smith.


I i'meSollddenseflidv 830p!» Ahmfivmloh
i ‘10: MIN 5er Mom Stud 11m
”Milled“ “MI: lpm liupAiono
'UKWUth from Mlmoym Sb

'UI minim-mile tom 3111*an (ii

‘Wlil live lmellondx 61) 9pm K 601mm


111th 1713M 71“ Wait

1 UK SWOMM 09m W01
1 Pnduhowng lam 61519110111100". 1111 71970

. Limit:
1 1.1111 can; phlqrwhy 1m mum

1111 8
to dash IOI‘

. i ‘ihnloud 1o Rummy M [om 1)de Sumo: 1 Kim 7M 811111 111 111-1111»
3 10119th 1111111163
tutu-Mg— trio-1113M.“

‘H ‘17- Ilium--

Wim ‘Ilfl Sill (III—tilin—
‘H U” (will

Chevron, Inc. Will allow 1W0 lucky students



N'v-H 1.11.1} ...< >1


1% 1 w- W 1m 17'“
Who‘d—Onion. . , ,1.

at halftime






 Alan Slone
Assistant Scene Editor
Phone-151196 l lI-mailzkernelarteiyahoolcom


4*; l wrovrsoivf Economy 1522905 I museum


siiktio ME

Japanese wine finds home in US

Asian delight: Japanese tradition, along with American ingenuity, shakes up the
alcohol world, and makes drinking a little more interesting

By Amanda York

The first time tiriftith Frost
tasted sake he fell in love. He
loved the taste of the .lapanese
wine so much. he opened up the
only American owned sake
kura in this country.

“I fell in love with premium
chilled sakes in Japan." Frost

Frost lived in Japan for 1:;
years. and had a number of oc-
cupations. He did everything
from running English language
schools to building log homes to
running a hot springs hotel.

Making sake seemed like
the next thing to do. Frost now
works as the CEO of SakeOne
Corporation in his birthstate of
Oregon. ,

"Actually there are seven
sake kura in the United States

five in California. one in Col-

orado and one in Oregon (ns).” '

he said. "We are the only Amer-
ican-owned saké kura. The rest
are owned by Japanese saké
kura based in Japan."

Frost‘s dream of producing
sake in the United States he
came possible when he met the
president of Momokawa Sake in
Japan anti the tWo ventured in
an effort to develop a sake busi»
ness in America.

The two did more than just
develop a saké business. they
have literally recreated the sake
business and even changed it in
some ways to suit the tastes of

Many people consider sake
the "drink of the gods." Frost
said. Frost and his company be-
gan producing infused versions
of sake to make it more appeal-
ing to the American palette.

“We are the first folks ever
to create infused sakes and they
are shaking up the H.800 year
old world of sake." Frost said.

Frost said that many Japan
ese sake makers view his new
invention as "defiling the drink
of the gods."

"'l'o me. I am simply mak»
ing sake enticing for the .-\iiieri~
can consumer to try." he said.

liven though .'\lili‘l‘lt‘t'lli.\‘
may find the infused sakes ap-
pealing. many people said the
new invention will never work
in Japan.

The chairman of the Sake
Association of America and

ma contribution.

1840 Oxford Circle
Lexington, KY 40504


president of ’l‘akera in Berkeley
that makes the Slio (.‘hiku Bai
brand of sake. 'l‘eisuke Kainu-
ma. said the infused sakes
strayed too far from tradition
for drinkers in Japan.

“(irif‘s idea is new and cor-
rect. but unthinkable in Japan,"
Kainuma said.

Frost said the Japanese en-
joy the drink at every major

"Sake is enjoyed at Japan»
ese weddings. funerals and
every other kind of celebra-
tion." he said. “It‘s used to cook
with. to drink and even to

Frost said saké is enjoyed
as a drink in Japan just like
Americans enjoy wine in the
LES. The Japanese even cele-
brate Sake Day on October 1.
and Frost said he wants to bring
this Japanese tradition to

“Everyone in Japan enjoys
saké on that day. The Sake As»
sociation of Anterica and
SakéOne are working to make it
a day when all Americans will
enjoy a glass of premium chilled
sake." Frost said.

Frost began producing sake
at his kura in 19% and he said
his new $10 million facility com-
bines high-tech brewing equip-
tnent with that of ageeld brew-
ing techniques from

“;\t SakeOne we use a com-
bination of American hitech
know-how combined with tradi'
tional Japanese handcrafted
sake making techniques to pro-
duce otir sake." Frost said.

Sake. like red or white
wine. can be served with many
dishes. Frost said sake tastes
best when served with fish.
chicken. pork. vegetarian and
Asian cuisine.

l'iilike wine. F‘rost said
sake does not have more flavor
than the food.

"Sake has i :i the acidity of
wine so it does not burn out the
freshness of food relative to
wine and it‘s easy on the stom-
ach as well." he said.

For Frost. enjoyment seems
to rule all aspects oflife.

“Why would anybody do
anything if they didn't enjoy it'.’
That‘s my move outlook on life
perhaps. but i have always done
it and it has always worked out
for me." Frost said.


Sake vs. wine

Saké has a lower acidity than wine.

sac. unlike wine, contains no sulfates (and to percent
of Americans are allergic to sulfites). '

Premium saké is virtually hangover-free.

In Japan. studies show that people who enjoy salié
daily strengthen their cardiovascular system
without wine’s characteristic “sour stomach."

Saké has 400 flavor components; wine has 200.

Salté is more subtle and delicate, which enhances its
ability to serve as a social catalyst promoting
wonderful relationships.

Some people subscribe to the legend that saké is an

let's talk solté

if you're going to seriously consider getting into saké.
here are a few terms every saké aficionado should

Kora: sake brewery

Toii: Chief brewer. sakémaster

-shu: a suffix meaning “wine" or "wine-like beverage"

Hiyazake: sake served at room temperature or slightly
chilled: another word for chilled sake’ is reishu

Kanzake: sake' that is served warm

Saké sayings

Try saying these to look like a saké pro:
Sake wa hyaltu yaku no choir
"A drink a day keeps the doctor away."

Sakénomi iozu wa nagaiki jozu.
"To know how to drink properly is to know longevity."

Sake' wa saki ni tomo to nari, ato ni tiki ni naru.
"Saké starts out as a friend but can end as an enemy."
Remember the importance of moderation.

Ippai nomeba yulii ga waki, hito-hataraki suru hodo set
go deru mono do.

“A good drink fills me with courage, and creates in me
the drive to get some work done."

What is bad sake?

Some tips to help you avoid saké that may be unfit for
human consumption:

Unbalanced combination of qualities

Excessive sweetness with no acidity

Something in the flavor that just doesn't belong there
Rubber or paper smell in the fragrance

Bland or flat impact

Dullish gold tinge (unless it is intentionally aged saké)
Old bottling tape

Bottle left open or in bright light

Source: "Sake, Pure + supple" by Griffith Frost
and John Gunther



All about sake

Griffith Frost holds a bottle of his creation in front of the tanks at his kura, SakéOne, in Ore-
gon. Saké. a traditional wine in Japan, is pronounced ‘sock-eh'.



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