I N D E X Page Chronology of Events of Wade Case (through bombing) (With references to Grand Jury and Braden Trial Transcript ---------- 1 Question of Bown's Radio ................................................... 5 Matter of Bown's Time Gard at Dixie Cartage ................................ 11 Matter Of Alleged Confession to Bombing .................................... 11 Matter of Alleged Conversation in Dianer's store --------------------------- 1.3 Matter Of Alleged Meeting at Wade house .................................... 15 Matter of Testimony Concerning Lubka ........................................ 15 Matter of Alleged Bowu Stat ement in Jail ................................... 14 ‘1‘ fitter 0f Rona at a]. connection with White Citizens Council ———————————————— 14 Speculation as to how ExplOSive Placed Under House ......................... 14 Testimony of Officer William E. Blevins .................................... 16 Testimony of Lawrence Rinehart ............................................. 1-7 Testimcny of Buster Rona ................................................... 19 Testimony of Stanley Wilt .................................................. 20 Testimony of Ralph Diemer .................................................. g1 Testimony of John W. Blair-u-u-g .......................................... 24 Testimony of Carl Heustis ................................................. 25 Testimony of Kenneth Bixby ------------------------------------------------ 26 List of Witnesses (whose testimony was pertinent) before Grand Jury and at Braden Trial ------------------------------------------ 29 T.ist of Witnesses to be Subpeomed for Bown Trial ------------------------- 32 \ Appendix ----- Detailed memorandum on facts of bonbing. \/