\lo|1ile, Alu.;
Ky.: Willium
·`o111:1i11c ltd.,
1C. Czissidy,
11, Ky.; Wil-
3 ;\ll··11 $1,, ___
will l·`¤»wl1·r,¤ _t———-—·—·—‘ "-+- L
7\__1<>g ;_ lliii-y· ___ V V , 7 »7*———— — img X L11Hl)€l` 5
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im',§'f"`. 77*;  . 7 LEXING PON, KY·» ll M-- ’ __ 7.————-
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l|lII<*S, Emi 1l‘_ , , • ( } ( ,    
<.·i—i-. 121143  ni
1 7l·»s¤·|>11 Wil.   Clilnaxgd by the annual alum f
:1; 1·;_ wml-,  V___ _..7-··—;— —  banquet ln the large ball T00m O
H mln. me  ` f H0l10I‘ 3E Ballqllét tne Student Union Building. at
1`<·,. ,·#xi1i1;- , 7 · e
llurslizill. nil;}   0 which 5()() glumnl &1‘1(l friends WEE
l11¤l7i ll»·1‘;1i·e **  in attendance Alumnl DHY· June _ '
iv··1·s111, lm-    ' N B  1938l proved to be rh€·great€SE IU
. 211311 lli\llll)— 7 ;'  l-\7 ` ie J the history of the A$$OC13~tlOn· in
-` ` ' ` ¢··" 7 i7· ’  9 . 7 . .
·‘hl]ll u` Mui [   7;  · ` . Registration started at ,9 a. m t
mi · mi. intl., . p » . 7 ,i.» . ld where
- :1·» 113 lic. ‘ ’ J, {  Q : the Student Union BU1 mg; t
*‘” N "“'·‘11$· ` 7 -— 7.   ` ir · U ~ alumni had the chance to mspec
ilanlioiuil jlily, __ ,_, L _    7 Q 4 l and Enjoy the (;OIT1fOI`t and beauty
1ii`iu`1{_M1|·el$j 7. .7 I K `· · srl. * .1...  f of the Alumni Office and we Pell;
3115 Alalrylziiid _ i °` _ 7 ` ‘ bulldmg in general. R€tu1`Dmg at
Hmm mldwinw  it umni met and talked with old fri-
" `·,._ siooie. $.1 € I _ -·g" were held 3 - pg · ,18 ,28
. .It·r¤·11ii:ll1 PJ  J . ' eens for the claSS€S Of O8· ‘ '
··l; l" l‘7- ***1    ·33 were held in the ball room of the
\\1·1·1. ··1m· nl  - _ - ` ` ` LuI1Cl1€01'1$
- ·.   77 1; Union Bl.11ld1Ug·
lligli stlionl,  _7 7 I Stud€H , , .93 were
*-- *"""ll‘¤l"“·.  " " - 3 7 {gr the classes of 03- %3‘ " ‘
  ""’   1 ‘ · — · r   7 ld t dO\Vl'llZOWU hows
Aslilliml, K1'.;    ,~ _,»77 · '., *T` 1°· 7 he a _ Yvlces were held
liv _-\ll¤»1`11¢·)' RK,  Q/ . ' ll; • _;7' S . B*3_QC3lHl1I€at€ Se I _
V P <€>* '• ` I ‘ ·< { ‘ P37g€ Slxl
.     · 7 -» __ 7 . · Cgntmuéd 0¤
imus H·»#|¤1iH7l.,  V fw   ' -2** ,, (
ulels 1.. args  _} \ "     7 xy   we 7 - —· 
"11¤11121S . 0   7. ~ _   . `  , ’ . · ( )
=A7 NM Y~r·‘  7   ut ·   ql ’·  ··'* ` I { x , d
"i·‘t?"‘i£i¥·i§?    ,7 ` " ·& ·~s 57 `\ ·•·  C asses 0 I-1 an 9
1Tl> llllllllillllf  , "`—“"··_ · · t n   (39
isscll   ···» 11.,  jT',i_-._...»——-e T Re urn
|l;lm1il1;1l }lC·g  —~ ~s V" ’''' ‘” O , _,
llsiiivillv, l{¥.§eg  _ I H rv Cm-[ls, are shown as they were bn classes Ending in ..4 and
    @6**%** G· B""ml‘l };?S$l§l%H53$lQs_`  Suglilo nzllroom of tlfe §§:?ii};£gU;;1l;;bl3F;1gf __9?’€;;;1 Scheduled to return to the
all l;<·\`l' (MVS-E  `uapped ug lu;l;u*u&$1‘e honor guests 01 the 0C€§1Sion, being the on B C2.I1'1DLlS fO1' Alullllll Day- Thursday`
my lu"iili;ui—§    iz1z1i1.`ii·1ii¢1i eeioimitm its smh YETWII4 7 im"`”— June 1 1939. Although tum {late  
dm ins 41  7. ` · K V   "' ` the dig an 1
ni, 11.: lilizzi- ~  ° $01116 eleven 11101} · , fm.
{llrk-l·`luIu:;hé  •       G I   not too early te eigalglgt pljtilrglgnglgzgg
l (*. \, ·» —  fl ’ . · '
1···‘ll }?"l‘!‘“"l*§  9   nel g I I $1;,;n;;r&a3£1lg 50th a¤11i\`€1`$al`Y Of
»li1<·1··7 \5`·  ,3 . 7
7. » _~ -*1] ” ·  I     nj ASSOClHtlO1l·
·l*1l*`*·iul\‘ll’?*  Are Elected 1(OT the Year 9 ' th il‘;1Q,QfQDa,, fo,. 1938 we ot oi-got .
11. NV -"s·  - · ` nnection with 6 ` ` the Ass0ciati0n’s
11;   717 L=¤l ·’e . .7 , 7 ‘ sit tion Ag€¤t In CO 7 · - · one, the best in __ _ .
L*u'l"l'°· 7m'   Acme membeli sf $hbAEsg;Ylidti0ll Agricultural Extension Drvision at history. However. even greater rllaige
·l _'5‘llH ll3{}§:$“%  of K€¤¥¤€l¥<>f¤S$°*‘ ;QlQ°§§§;mm gf class secretaries
l_`¤l"· "ll,§}l;el%  bers of thi? executive commu QL He is at p1‘eS€¤t ii Pgutuell m tue meuehi; class S€CY€t€‘u`Y_ and the
llmmlP¤i··¤‘il'é;l$  l“"“5 Of three years each. f ‘i1`Cl1lt€Cllll`€ll and engineering illm selection of representatives fmln
"‘{l.‘(‘,.7,-le.-171:10%  Mr; Redwine, an 2‘~u°m€y‘. O ` l— Frankel & Curtis, Lexingf0¤· ch college having graduates in
r"l111Ti11¤1=11l_·l ,2;  Winchester, K€lltllCkyi was alllxgggk 0 D1, Wlleell who has b€€¤ the gse class
.~ ll \'·   . ‘ s . " · ' 7 - '
Hl(’:·ll*1`[ uY“°h’  Ed as a mlnugpl Ol th(V·[_;luSglServeci ASS0Cl9~tl0u,S preslqent ancl a' 139;;- Alumni will be lDf01`IU€d @011%*1
,·liir1oii. K1'-   1·u=7ive Committee lll 173 R _ _ 7 7 [hg Alumni Executive 0 d the alumni news
¤\ 1·· s 1 DEI of Al 11`lllllS an
0.* ‘l‘{u‘l.:l§g{  RS ll1€‘ A$$0Cia·uOu`S pmsldmlt ll mlttee Served as Alumlll RBPYESBH} ih{>um1l‘ Of the Kernel Of all devel—
.[E]EllY"Sii·~»}T   1937 38- lf, member or ttitive for the Uuivmuy iz"; Oa ggmems and just when ¤€1‘¤¤=·~‘¤°‘>¤l
l,_u..,ll_ 3li1=l17 .;3 Miss Logan. 9· 1 j _   Trustees for six Y€§ii`$- _ Ve been c0n1pl€t€d7
]"(`=w`ll10;ll  "`° "“°‘“it§i"1 ‘§L§‘;§€L§§.1£,‘f$3l13‘Z practicing physician io Lexington. plans ha
"‘· 7· " -`   111 Assistan 21 G ` """""""""’{"""”'*
l_ (}·,m111) l#" 7,_7  
, . li  i; ,_,,,,...-··—·~·•***"
gl·*‘*g"‘$§..i,.$§`7  ·~··~~··" · a GS [I An d 5
. .. · 4 ,  
*‘ ·*·‘ " ""*‘l`   Alumnl n 9
l lwilllilli, l¢“Xk•  t    
1 :=¤~7 i=·~****   pOl' Bn ~_,,,,,,,,,7NN~.~-~·