xt7gf18sf84v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gf18sf84v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 19990416 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Twenty-Fifth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Carbohydrates and Cell Recognition" text Twenty-Fifth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Carbohydrates and Cell Recognition" 1999 2017 true xt7gf18sf84v section xt7gf18sf84v JJJ‘JJ; ’-.é"..A"-sl Janfiiiyypv 0, . £3 1‘3“}, 2.: 23;" "{E‘.'3J"~,J‘.' ‘31,”.2}: ‘Ti'l'ér'fi' J;_ “:22, Jaw .2923; .J '2'?” 6,.7‘I‘r‘y‘ 3;”. I 5,351 , ; . 9.5" ”ng57 . _ T"J‘,"2"‘.q,i’, Jana" . .; slat, 2“.";'..'6‘_ , 5.4;. 5'3.- ,"2 if". 'A‘t' n Qlflffii 1",- ; Lax]. J‘J 3J3; ‘4", 21m"? J,“ J 'T‘VEZ'." "T?“ I.) 'z'., .JJJW ’39."? -. 2- " “99$“ «2 6e93, .. - 9 922993.19" H 313399;. T: “a 2 5,. . :2'22.~ .. - ”We; '. 1' '29’3‘» 1"": 9 '{Je .2 °‘.‘, J 22;Y 52.15%- e “ 2..., ,thfisigaJJté. Jo” ; 3,~_:. ‘ggfista .Qté‘éflgiqigg~ J _ $1.34 ex; 1232' ‘-2. .33, ‘r J 2' ,2»? 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' 22"" ' J." pJJ .,JL ...J3.,2.J,_‘ 49.32.7529. .. ‘~...~" “:2 22.3% 1,3,..- _J:} J; 'J r; J ., , _ ' ’JI- 513.2 .‘r: 7‘S2:1,-"-"v‘12'27-" "2's": J 3:55 at" 5.5;: ' '3J-‘2Y'J‘32;.f.:'jx,.'¥‘$r‘:_{ 22'1"? ‘23. 21:5.“ ,"t‘.J.;~v,:j‘§_J=' 5.5:. J.,' 2 ‘1‘1‘2 v'_‘ "7.2“.2'6 *1 .§‘§::.::;J‘. fa" .{J " " .2 a ‘ ',,"".’,' {590" 'r' '."' 15';va .‘4 ' '3'; 2' “2'?" : "5‘9.“ .' " TEX ?' .6 3 ' .. .3 "2'. ,‘n 42:12? 2. 13'." . ' ‘3 3.2; .; """§:¥.;;,’21;:»3‘7§f2'; “’«TTJJJJJ M2,», 2-? .ygni 2t:;i%va-§..;;J.‘9 if, 1.9929” ”triffiaflmgh’jfi ii'Ti'Aiféggfiéeéi‘ Twig“?artafiérttg'Z-é‘lfiJ:JJ T}? 2 23.52%. 731241 '5.“ " ‘§&“~' gal-9.: . 9‘ ~. 12.; J . 2- 2. 5. 91."? 2 . . 2 J. , 2;.» 2 « .. r. v. 2 . 2 . , , ”6 J. ,-»J I)" :.L.2 . ,. .34.} 3“, “2’2. ..~~..‘-,.. 2’.4‘i ,3 J ~ 2,1...» 1.3, 52.53:» _. ta. 6, by L..' ._ ..2 .2 2 31/19.!"th ism V. ,t-e we»? syaJiquu ,J-f "3‘9"". ..~'.J, ..5,;JJ,J,.L. ,JJJ J :32, 2s, Lab-J at” J i" a ,2 war, JJJ' J, J‘ ..‘. 9': é J2 .,-'J {'JJ 'J 3'. ,' 1999 PROGRAM JJJJf’f' Twenty-Fifth Annual 3' 8:00 a.m. Registration and_Coffee - Room HG-611, to produce ligands for carbohydrate-binding proteins. We term '22. ;J;"." SympOSIum on far: Hospital Auditorium, UK Medical Center the resulting molecules “carbohybrids” since they contain a sugar, . .J' .J . V :2 2.62:3):- .' _ J a small organic ring spacer and a derivatized amine, usually an 3. - 1;; 3.3,: 3;. 12';2-".I‘ 8:20 a.m. Welcome by Dr. Fitzgerald Bramwell, Vice _ amino acid. The solution synthesis of such compounds has al2 2. " el I ”S ry f ’.§;jg:.;‘gzs PreSIdept for Research and Graduate Studles, ready been reported [Nilsson et al, Biorg. Med. Chem, 6, 1563 end... ‘ J; 51.24 Umversrty of_Ker_itucky ' 909m “Ci-511, (1998)], and the chemistry has now been extended to the solid a ,l't.'_.~._2;}f-f{§ & a; 2;" HOSPItal AUdItOflum, UK Medical Center phase using unprotected sugars and a trityl linker. The synthesis ‘ 13-95193." gig"- “fie“, ,3} _ of a (BOO-member B-GlcNAc carbohybrid library illustrates the "23:24" _ .2'.‘r‘.'.":""'-:.' 8'25 a.m. Elfgoggfggrngfigggs 6f Egn'TSElfyn 8' method. The compounds, produced as mixtures, are screened "$5.53.:.,",:"¥9",9;e"—1 Molecular 9333i s i y using Frontal Affinity Chromatography with MS detection [Schriemer gait: as: a; 8:30 a.m. Dr. Chi-Huey Wong, Scripps Research Institute gt 2'! Angel/VJ qurfme’. 3d7" .338? (1998)]’ \g/hich cantd'etermine tlhe "'4" ": "'9‘ ' i a?” " 4‘". “Chemoenzymatic Approach to Carbohydrate- in t'nrg cons an s or in WI ua compoun s presen in a comp ex J,” J BIOlogy J;- Mediated Biological Recognitions” "M u e. °°°” . x3..}i';{."l:2.‘ 5.7; : g /_ Th2.- 7333373352 ‘9’ 2» '2'." This lecture will present our recent work on the development 0“ 0H "23., 'fi .' ‘ fs; «9" fag-731:3: "3. of new chemoenzymatic approaches to tackle the problem of car- 0 ’ \ NH t 'J 3* 2 NJ“ ""§I§§._.,1Z252':r$:""2'. bohydrate-mediated biological recognition processes. Studies of H0 5 7‘«‘;‘;2'i..'f ’J 75.; "2'2 selectin—carbohydrate interaction associated with infectious and on 2' ‘ e'::":§;t'2l":"2";3z 55.2.2355'ST'1‘339 Ti; inflammatory diseases and development of new methods for the - 2% “a?“ 2'? synthesis of carbohydrates and their conjugates, carbohydrate A Carbohybrid ff; ff}, ‘2":ng {-"2J.{$§ mimetics and mechanism-based inhibitors of glycosyltransferases . . ""2 ' .9. 1i '2‘. will be discussed. 11:35 a.m. Discussmn 5‘. as g) 9 .: '2 2t 2' 1223;: :1; "EL; 72' 9:20 a.m. Discussion 11 :45 a.m. Dr. C. Fred Brewer, Albert Einstein College of i. ,.}'.:{{'. 9:959 ’92.} $99.2" fl“; Medicine fair.“ £9.22 '53. 9:30 a.m. Dr. Laura L. Kiessling, University of Wisconsin “X-Flay Crystal Structures of Lectin-Carbohy- fias'wv; x.“ J _ xi, ; "Probing Saccharide Recognition with Syn- drate Cross-Linked Complexes" 1 “w established in the memory of 1,. . s thetic, Multidentate Ligands” . _ , _ _ '5’”; A S N ff Tiff.“ -' J J _ . J Lectin binding to the surface of cells leads to cross-linking of ‘;t22_2;-J§Jg§§.figgiae. nna - a "2:9. $19333 Saccharides employ unique mechanisms to mediate biologi- glycoconjugate receptors, including glycoproteins and glycolipids, ,2}; fr @511. fig; ATE-"$7 96:25:13.1} cally and medically important recognition events. One key fea- which, in many cases, is related to a variety of biological signal ii, waif}, 43°92“ ture that distinguishes protein-carbohydrate interactions from tra- transduction processes. We have observed that many naturally $1 "" fit”? ditional receptor-ligand binding events is that the former often re- occurring cell surface'oligosaccharides are multivalent and capable :9}? Carbohydrates and «if, ‘JJJm qu1res a multivalent display of saccharide ligands. We have de- of binding and preCIpitating With speCIfic lectins [C. F. Brewer, 22.90% . . ".._;2':"I§§;22<.§,29“; veloped the ring-opening metatheSIS polymerization (ROMP) as a Chemtracts — Blochem. & Molec. Biol, 6, 165 (1996)]. These cross- In if: C6” Recognlllon :i'Liff’:1‘~"'.:;:.-.;~.Ss'-J' new method to synthesize multivalentarrays. Using this approach, linking interactions lead to a new source of binding specificity, B j; ,','i.-":.;="‘.;-;2": 25.92,".5 ‘W we have been systematically exploring multivalent protein—saccha- namely, the formation of homogeneous carbohydrate—lectin cross- Z“ O ”is g $9.2“. $.53. at"?! . .2». .3 ride binding to illuminate features that give rise to high functional linked lattices, even in the presence of mixtures of the molecules. :73 >- 6 J33 '-.;(.Z.ET_2"JJJE€J;"3 2'2';'-,z.'f"';f,>f2‘r_s’f affinities. In addition, we have found new functions for multidentate Our recent studies show that many of these lattices are highly g '2‘) o ‘i,"‘ SPEAKERS 'at‘. saccharide ligands, suggesting the in vivo display of saccharide ordered and often crystalline. For example, the soybean aggluti- a) B 3 '5; ‘ is“? _ “yi‘Tg‘e clusters may have functions beyond protein—carbohydrate com- nin, atetrameric GalNAc/GaI-specific lectin from Glycine max, forms .4: :1 '43 ‘g " a“; ' 85 g 1' we}; 'rf-gfi from the cell surface, and to control signal transduction pathways chemistry, 36, 15073 (1997)]. We will describe the x-ray crystal ._. o M J' g'z‘f Ole Hindsgaul e‘TQTY' in bacterial chemotaXIs. structures of these complexes as well as more recent structural 5 3., c1" J'tvtagfé‘i' C Fred Brewer 15339493; J J studies which prowde in3ight into the structure—function properties E 3; g» ' 345:3T5§{'3;'~"¥;'£‘Tt’-;‘="i‘§'~ 10:20 a.m. DIscussron of multivalent lectins and carbohydrates. 5 5 c1) thJfa we“ Esta; 2f :2: 2:922; ;{:'6;21"2' firs. “ 10:30 a.m. Intermission 12:35 pm. Discussion % E 'Q :2 if? fiéfi? FfidayJ Apr" 16’ 1999 32:93:: G) ":5: f7 2'3' VII/ET", “Jr T 241;» 10:45 a.m. Dr. Ole Hindsgaul, University of Alberta 1:00 pm. Buffet Lunch, Faculty Club (Please return D D 3—1 75:33 fi‘gifif “Solid-Phase Synthesis and Screening of registration form by April 9, 1999 for reserva- 7"- "9' 2' ' 31'"”2’i"'""3""*' ' r . , . ,, . . . . -. . 2 22 ruff ’Carbohybrld Mixtures tions. Cost $10.00 to be paid at registration.) 2.x"; ”wife" Department Of ChemIStry :rirgLJ‘J . . . , _ _ J :55' ”,2 UniverSity of Kentucky ei'érrsitttéiig'kr; SoIId phase combinatorial chemistry has been used to add 3:00 p.m. Drscussron wrth Graduate Students, Ftoom f f; . ci‘ . James molecular diversity to minimal carbohydrate structures in an effort 137, chemistry-Physics Building (“4’6" Lexlngton, KY 40505'0055 @4335“? _ _. . . . it‘ 4; 92299925 2 s‘ "54;“?‘51621. 'iig.,u:i1'vJ,'."';_ .5111." J’sx"V\;’.~J;Xrtp,c 9712~;f.2’>:'{7‘2.%¢:rixi"l 152i}952353125"'.:'.f'§}."!f‘}ai'2".'3’55'2V2"'_‘;‘:",".2.‘10.35."? .5' J.;'2'_,62-.5.*~ ;,:2 J' "1255.931" 2 we 32:32.14: 9325.22, 2; -s;'.2~,-;2.2,~_‘-. ’_'..22‘ Lia-311521 s2; 9—.)- .A‘.’61‘J}JQA:)““‘ ;'2 . 5:33.53: "2;~;;T;br- 2.179;; , (Ln; .3 "wa’k‘s «J2: 9.29. ‘7‘”. “2"“ 3"79 H? eesrTl‘9”%?T2sT‘9 kiteseert’iiiifiesgeééww2'99'969’:99L%29s2 «'22? ”99“ .a sari? fies-Jeane; ,3} 9' emaflstéefi @EJ;:3}4¥;J*T'J;JB¢J,"2IY Jr‘swg’geeirv" Sagas 993:3“ sgfaamregjr'w wus‘v”~ 'Ly-h. .2} we. ’gj'g.«, crate" ; ; w ass-'9... .3 - 2‘" Las$3255229‘95:22?airstiggfliwtziitriilfiwritfiiéfiri£"‘?"~'“"fi Jjfi'sL9223i‘9gsg5-“1T2:.7???»:gifit“'iir¥j7fr‘t§?i"2’§22«t sage?"emaijggzfi‘rrf-gie29'QMEMA“ .E;;'§§»‘X§?fi$§iff"rfli‘¥aJytwTfifl‘waveéj'vh 6-4 93;”: 63%“;69‘ maimed-.3" 91-25.? v'.'i2.;::,2».t-»."-Jf=. 92.2.“? 2:29:1wse'M-i2 aways» . 2-2‘2 2.6552'f9..‘a'1.2‘62*-..:.:fi? . .53; as“? "973L221. M4'fi'igié-2‘21145iwirtr gait-«49.25.33; svx'3‘9‘u‘v .W"“l'%.r léaj‘g‘f‘x :"‘22‘5*;~2§4443222"6 22,-9.5" 1F ..)>-’>';‘2‘.142‘F‘"2'2 '1 3‘ ' 6“ “3393-1129?“ 2593‘" ‘ skews; F‘T‘Z-‘T‘ 533199‘91-'4i's‘érlrius'riir' Milk" 5 ‘5“:39'2'e3' 9‘ "' 3f 1‘29.“ 9‘1: :ra'3.r?'tu¢":‘2'21a we 3‘2 22' é‘f‘hx " '7 51.222 29 1"5‘2‘. 2’3“” ’69“2“2'~§ WW2» 91"" ('W' t: $595339 9’31”: k‘ 2.2.6 ' 2:";2: " 2. - A .9 2, <. 2,5129%:W%9.22.52:.2'«¢:222¢?;¢:99:992.‘9 29%59‘929113‘?‘ 2‘22“: 9.99 . ”at ziw ‘rf‘i' 95429.52??er r29.9.‘"~':is""29".«22.2..2.‘9'2,:7v’"2"22;"2’~f6‘91. 26:29-93:21: $329.21"93199”939”"attired.-sr -2145“ 2 22%72'22’. \i. "ii'tfilwamtr22 f‘ 9e? 212 21.2.: s" . 2€§Wflwbw ”3:63.121 fifia-esef'iiirdefiwi‘rwws avitaer:2::.22.-,22.~r- 32;}: 2 26 ‘2. '. 2.. “ .. . . 9329?.‘2‘? 3522.: 99‘ W‘E’et‘ smith" Memes-2% r x .2 P“... 9.29:» new ‘2. 299222722512: .. ".“‘ «92 ¢9iiikefiakhwy~“wseffi‘itsifegf‘w’ii'em ea**i%&twe9§kt, "esfie‘mr‘m 3W2 93%»,9 2i? i... sew-121:5: 7T}?.'97'“.3.'5'“r2$7";1t'"3»31(1‘.22'3'523'5my:.‘Z‘i’ “1.229 with. "2;;.2'2'2*Tx2=2'2:.3'."2’f4 2534293)... a ers‘W‘w radii; fleet-«,2 3 ‘t mild/2 #9995? €22." .9991 3H3? Q’is' ..2.2.;'.22."~=2.e2e'«§t‘ £132" ~1‘i'é'fqr-Z269Pfi'ééil.92":9‘6'21112'5:'22W‘Pvg322'25‘ 2". :2» 2;.311'.r"':é“s*éi%‘. .3972“? 3.33.2 "'1“. 2 2195.1..2 ‘ 2233999129,.”fir'19919‘a2"‘z'i'uge‘tiszf Erri'r" ,. g M Department of Chemistry, UnIverSIty of Kentucky at, presents the -+ Twenty-Fifth Annual Symposrum on v» emls ry o ec u 0 r Io ogy ‘9 a». £37 3? ’ ’ ‘ r“ if established In the memory of Anna S. Naff :9 :‘~Z;‘::’i-i=:‘-‘.' ' ' . "ab? Friday, April 16, 1999 8.00 am. ,9» l ‘::--:t' "tee-‘39". v ' - - - - "4.: a -*’ 5.: Room HG-611, Hospital Auditorium, UK Medical Center 13%“? j .' 51,-3.2”: a: Jig: l l .35 ' ~:‘<‘fi y ; with“? - Carbohydrates and Cell Recognition 3:30 '3 “ —-————-—————————-—————————-———— 7‘3 :21 . at: a s» waw , - -, . ' ‘ «#5915355““iin'iifi'fi :V§*?:“rz“§fi;::§ s - _ , .‘3‘71 3. , :’ Vvij$gégttk ,: 9% - - '* 3:53? 7“,» - a $52,. a,» w titlifl’ ”‘ ' , i~ * *IW"r’ * ‘3' it); x a , 2,1; °3f$fl§f , a» . .-a‘” a: , tar: we: N 9‘ tie; i:= ’F Chi-Huey Wong, Ernest W. Hahn Professor of Chemis- Laura L. Kiessling, Associate Professor of Chemistry and fiéfia, try, Scripps Research Institute. Ph.D., Massachusetts In- Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin. Ph.D., Yale Uni— hfix” stitute of Technology; Searle Scholar Award in Biomedical versity; Phi Lambda Upsilon Honorary Chemical Society; ‘5‘ :fifiififl" Sciences; Presidential Young Investigator in Chemistry; ACS Sigma Xi scientific Research Society; American Cancer 50- "2-.9 "3,12: 3 Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award; IUPAC International Car- ciety Postdoctoral Fellowship; Proctor and Gamble Univer- 1*}, ‘ifii, bohydrate Award; Harrison Howe Award in Chemistry (pre- sity Exploratory Research Award; Shaw Scientist Award; égl’ sented by the ACS Rochester Session); ACS Claude S. National Science Foundation National Young Investigator ggfifgg’, Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry; Elected Mem- Award; Beckman Young Investigator Award; American Can- :. gvflm‘zé ber of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Editor- cer Society Junior Faculty Award; Zeneca Excellence in Large "'1" in-Chief, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry; Executive Chemistry Award; Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award; Alfred ‘41.;33} Board Member, Tetrahedron Publications. P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship; ACS Cope Scholar. :flhw‘fivjés “We, r; 7 ' - V 3" 5.», - ’ffiffifig _ ,"Ii, 3:); “my. A :zfifi3§“fi% a» ., M _ 3 ‘ afi’a - . a -, , _ _ '9» 1 * .. MW , few?“ ,, -_ ‘ ‘ via"? ' $4.. f _ .m " , ,_ ‘ , :57 , 7.. ,' 5&YAW: _, . . . ; _ ‘I :71: ‘51.“? _ .‘ 2;sz V .3 ‘ ~- , $~° .= " " 1' 5 *5 : '5: 3f? '» Ole Hindsgaui, Professor of Chemistry, University of C. Fred Brewer, Professor of Molecular Pharmacology, @4413” Alberta. Ph.D., University of Alberta. Dr. Hindsgau] was and Microbiology and Immunology, Albert Einstein Col- airi'égfltffi 1*! honored with the Merck Frost Center for Therapeutic Re- lege of Medicine. Ph.D., University of California at Santa fifih search Lecture Award and was nominated as a Fellow of the Barbara; National Science Foundation Trainee Fellowship; i’Kfifi‘g Chemical Institute of Canada. His work has been recog- NIH Postdoctoral Traineeship, Meller Research Award, “or""t nized with the support of the Stacie Fellowship of the Na— Albert Einstein College of Medicine; NIH Research Career ”a”; tional Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Development Award, Graver Alumni Service Award, UHi- gé’t'sfg; Canada. He was also the recipient of the 1998 Whistler versity of California, Santa Barbara; Editorial Board Mem« 35;}?er Award of the International Carbohydrate Organization. Dr. ber, Glycobiology; Editorial Board Member, Journal of Bio- futfixfigk Hindsgaul divides his time between his primary appointment logical Chemistry; Chair-Elect, Division of Carbohydrate #,«‘%‘3 at the University of Alberta and an adjunct appointment with Chemistry, ACS; Chairman, Division of Carbohydrate Chem- flags“ The Burnham Institute. istry, ACS. ‘3? ‘3 r a??? Free parking available at Commonwealth Stadium in the ”K” designated area on Cooper Drive. Shuttle buses run to the main 4;?»fi campus. Additional parking (for a fee) available in UK Medical Plaza Parking Garage, located approximately one block south of flatware») the Chemistry-Physics Building; this garage can be accessed from both Rose and Limestone Streets - look for Medical Plaza 3:122? Parking signs. For additional information, call Professor Robert Grossman, Department of Chemistry, (606) 257-1285 or by e-mail :32; :1??? (rbgrosl@pop.uky.edu). { ”<35; 1999 Committee: Robert B. Grossman, Chair (Chemistry), Arthur Cammers-Goodwin (Chemistry), Skip Waechter (Biochemistry) a _i§(&fi r" ’27: Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund gtrféw . 321%. ; r ".511 . wag