xt7gf18sfc4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gf18sfc4h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1980 1980 1980-09-30 2020 true xt7gf18sfc4h section xt7gf18sfc4h , ,
\' l l\'\'lll 's tt 3 Ker e] lniversitt ufKemue-In
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Tuesday September ‘0 I980 an independent student newquper Lexmgton. kentuck)
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§ —
11 v . 1 1'1». 1 ram-f ' 1~1 e. . . . ' . 1 .va *1 , x
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. '2'; ='=""°fl'. ..11 A" i’ ' 1', tilt. '3 ’4" e: ' ‘5 ......':5:5:=5""1'1'..~::z§f-' t. r 125"" ".- " 1’! " 't £3!
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‘1‘! 3'- "’ i .‘ } » 33-3.? I ‘3 :1 " sine-:25 15:25:32 111253312331: V 3;! .1....1.i§'1."’".: » K.
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, W 1- e1 ”$5. ~14: '1 '3 we??? ‘2’ ~ 1 ..'..°? _
...1 1 "“3”" ' ' ' ' ”Vt '.>.153:“’-3"':::-»"1§°v1'==‘:'37?923‘ ”‘3 31 ' -« «3" 4:31; 3‘ TIM .-\l”.R\ ll] UlllL'l l \ detelopntentx
‘ ‘1 ' .. - = - - .. 1w 1: .. ..w » ..;.' '::1 1-: ;::-‘..;.-1. ':=15-. :._.;,.::11; ~ _
,. rm.“ 37 .. ......» “Mm ..%-x wwx-w-Awww .3: °-. ' 1 1- - 2.5: ‘22:?” ”a ’ t...» w» the testetuux '
1 ' .1.- " 3 ' ghv a” . ' 1 11 _ Sen I tutteht lllllsll. ll—Id.th.
" ’ 3 H l 1 -- . '3‘?" .W '.-::"-.1._ ~z;-;;-.;;., .'- .2 .35.. {3:155 155111 .15W:‘1_1:..;.1.,.3~.._..
» as”, ,. ~ 1 1 ‘ » g .»1;_113.1-.“’? ”as . 1 - gr!» =3... , =‘:=s.:<:~:-».v=.:1::' Ihe l ntteel States. \shtle te.tttttttt— the ehutttttun ot tlte \enute I otete
1.: -- '1 1 wa;:;._.: =43:j‘.?":;.:':.’:f°-ag3-1:2;?'jM131111.111- 3-311 »- 5 ' ’ "3‘ 1 1 1 my tts tteuttulttt ttt tlte lt.tq1ltellt \s.tt. Relnttons ('ontnttttce. s.t\s the t n,
‘ " "'=1=I-‘"1"1""‘-’11«'1'1r1" 1 5" ., 1:22:12 1 , '
3 11 1-11» 13,1331, 3. 3f:“'--*'¢"”1 331-3 1 l: .. Is eonstdettne setteltnp plane's teel states should etse lls \;t\\, 1:
,1 , out-1:3. . :‘1 31;, . c2: 51;:- :_ _.I 1- 4,.; 1,21:-;_ 1 .1113: 112:: 1, ». we -1-: -
e . 1. -. ...V A» -::1:= 1C; ,3.'“Z'E'».:. 33:36?) ' 33.6%,, . $5 (“mmul “'lll “"“lll‘k' l"l"”l”l-' ”WNW”: 1“ I‘WP ”'9 N't‘ll “PU”
1’ " . "‘ “ :. "...: m; . 1>. . “ meme? e19" ; ’..." ; 15?’ 312‘. 1 . ’ .
3 . A'-3 .. W1 ,1 3. £13,133 MM “113-11313 .5 MW 3133,11 1. 51:33; equtptnent to \tutlt \t.tht.t. .tpput: l’..ktstttrt s ptttne nttntstee
_‘ I A,“ we: 1., .A.1. . g1, - 1.1. 1- 1 (231... 1. .’
33’ 3 . 1 m» .3” . .._: . 1r :3.- "-.W.3 a--'§"’j:'.':: I. entl) to keep closet ttuek ot the \mt «\ghtt Shuht. tttet \stthl \ Seen-tun
(3 . a 3 __ “Q " ’ 3" i . 1..1. w, Wt; :szw 3': ””3 § :1 I.- . hL'l“L'CIl lltL [\Ht I’k‘lsldll (Illll tll NldlL' ldnlund \ \l Ushtc at [It:
.1 - " . '1. ‘ «tr-W: .wm-u. .111v-«1w'1 -' » .' 1'
$1 .5 . 3 . {3 . 31 3-} 1 1 a . _ . encnttes l ntted \.tttons .tnd \h.tht s.ttet lute"
I g 12ft. . ..., '1 ' .1 1'. 3 "»:.‘""’»1~~'§.11. ""“'"':,Q...~am"’iwi’3_" 11,2“ .1”: “m “miffmv " .~ ' -1 l’t'estdettt ( “I“ “M ll“ WI‘ “'1' that his tt.ttton opposes Iltle‘HL‘llllttt’
1:1: ' . . M 1133., W. A ' «A.- . .. .w ..x 1.». we“. -. 1 1 .111 ._1 1 1 1 _ 1 1
‘ "' " 1='-' .-~ 33‘2‘ 3,: 1 ,1 3! 1‘ 1_1' ”:12” "’3’" : Vijyu’éw 3:1.1W‘ifi-5-w- 33331-331. _ .1 w 1_.. etgn polte} eltl\lstets ht teted ettttgtev tn the (Hill In outstde ptHH'ls tttelutl
1 wwe»w,::y~1“~» 3Wwvxfiwflw »1-‘ ‘Www~m . .. E... stonul lt'.l:l\‘l\ l.t~t ntght on \\h.tt tng thy t mtg-Lt 511”“
.3 . V1 1- '. ~-1.1.,;1-€~, {1113-1313- My...» .1333.“ .1 ..e» _1! 3.1;??‘15 ...1... 3” antigen. \3;~g{ww-‘”W= 1 .1 veg.- :111 steps the l tttteel \tutes .tttd tts .tlltes Ihc 511”. lleptttttttent. “h”,
1 '. 41...... u;£33:31:mw new; 1111?" 13_#‘1’1j3sv,3r.=§-31"1 wwwgmr .-1~:”””M .1' 1":31111 _ could take to s.tleett.ttd tttl\llppllk's1 t'e.ttlttnttne [ \ [,L-UHJM: m ”11
V V ,. ...-1W: 2%“ '3 11 3:53:5731133’ .3 513913933143 1.j"'1“°'_:*“"* 'rk 1 ,. v 3 ‘1 ' " but no dcetstons \\L'IL' .tttttoutteed \tut. \.l|(l tt (\pptlscs \L'l/UIL' ”1 1g”.
_. 2 11 ~_:&g1& ‘11.“3‘Amw43w13‘13 «mfg - ”1““ ”Lair "”3"?" "1””?3xgm. W111: - .3 Intel. houewt. .ltlltltlthltultt‘lt tort h.‘ huge- tn thy “1“
' ”7v”? 2. . W“ . -"'"'._». -.~'1 *1 ‘1'»7'" '1 0:.“ .3 13.-.e.3:1%13;2=1"' “...ahmw‘ ' " . 3.1 soutees \\lto .leelttted to he tele'tttttteel [it I .tnelott. \xestetn tltplotttutte
. 11. "M111~»....11....1°3..f~ _ _Ww 1.. .. 1V ..W11-<-M_wm. “m?“mWw”. - . ».1-1- 3 s.ttel the .ltlttlllttsltdlltttl \\lll eleettle soutees \lltl l.tp.tn. Httt.ttn. Itunee
' ' . MI... W .. ' '1> W” “~ 1 1M“ w, , , 1 ...... .1 . - . 1 a
A ' ' ”’3’” aw." *3 - 3' 2;" "”33: "‘3‘ "' ‘* " ‘53 1k . * :1 .31 ,. . “ltstltet to send the tnodtttcel "ll |t.tl\ .tnd \\ est (tettn.tn\ h.ttl.tgteet1
_ "‘ ‘. 1. “M”" if...» .3 71:11:“. 1:7. 1.1.: A _. tets. kttomt .ts \tthotne “:lllttlly to .tl .\ e.tll tot talkson keeptnuthe
«3..., 3.31: 1. ,3 W 1« ‘
. . _ 3:153 ‘33 1‘31" and ( ttttttttl \\slt‘ttl t1\\\ \( 5) ml lungs ttpe'tt
'° 3-3“- § “13.233573 planes to Sgtttelt -\t.tht.t
' . .. lhe planes. \thteh h.t\e settstttte ~
i ‘ t.tel.tt .tnel ntttttttttttny eqtttptnent. Ira t0 hew
. . . . . . \tete l.t\l tn the .ttL'd ttt \1.tteh l9"). q
B\ I \\(.I,\ l-\l»\\ kernel Stall 1
atlence IS “[1 ue ‘ u hen the\ \seteutso tn\.tttelt \t.tht.t.
ttllte'tdls \.ttel I I N fin
i.ttte't .llltl ttthet .lllIL‘tl lL'.tthl\ . . wage
It's been I! years since the Re\. (LB. (.'arner. pastor of last l'arm pond. \pparentI) the fish remembered his last appearance l‘11“ W 'k‘l‘le'tht‘ \“ll lit“ \“d” "l
2nd Street (hristian (hurelt. has gone fishing at Spindlctop because he hadn't had a bite in twt hours. H"’”'“" H“ “U ”HR-Mimi P‘hmll‘w‘” il Il'all ‘l‘m 8"
the bottom .tt tlte l’etstun (tttII. \Hll
he kept open tlesp.te1 the \\.It \hont
. l\\tt-lllllkl\ ot the "It ll\k‘tel bx “estettt .. ,
_ 1 3 B) SII-\I.l\.lll\l)\
t..tttotts l.tt\\\ tllll‘tlL‘ll t.te \lt.t.1 \
1 1 w..t!l":\\.“
l en SC 0 a] S lttttst.tt.theteh.ts htk'ttlltMlltllhr ‘ ‘
ttttt th.ttsh.ppttt1e:.1mn tt.tt.:tttsothet H'\(llll)\l) “N “N ..gtet-u
f R S l ttt.ttt Il.l\i .tttel lt.ttt hm heen .ttteeteel Wen-Ht.“ to .t l \ te.tttgett-.1W1.e1
Odds are goo har rs uture bodes eho are . ...... WW .... ,............ ...... .... .... ....
stott.tl lemlets e.tttte .tnttd etoutne the: ttghttng thd not \[lhsldl'
H) (()\( Illl \ Rl II .tttttttt.e~:tt:t,.:..1ttwtteptttgmn; Ihe 1.1:.tt ‘ltl‘lttts\\i.thk‘\l‘l.lk :ttt \tI21l'lll't‘\ ltttl..t:t.t etlltl (llt.tt speettlutttttt tlt.tt the l tttteel \t.ttes 1M1“ ”1,1,“ 11,111 eetutptnettt
1“ \I.tt\ll.t..\1lttt.1|:slttp\.llk'.t\.t‘.l.l hotl‘. the ~t.tte _tttet teetttttul t. eel \ tun. 1? Rhodes \:lt:t.‘.tts .tt. tntght tetke pent tl‘t .t eonthtneel .tllted ntt)\t‘d \ttuth\§1”‘l .nmtt» 1,1.” “M1,“:
hie ttntt. :.t \ttt.t....n ..tuem [ht-t \eteetttttt ettttttntttces .tt‘. hotlt le\ eleetetl .ti‘ttt...t. . tt.t\.t l.t\l\ totee to keep ttpet. the {hp yngn)\\ .ttt Ite.tttl.tnd. ultet.
\ltltttttett l l\ l:.t\ not he! .t “L‘H .1:‘.th..s‘t.e«‘ :1 It:,t.ttt:1n l‘l\'?.t\ s'l‘ :‘tk' t"‘ttt~1'1:\ tt'-Tk'lt‘li't't ”1 l"-~ \ 111_ 1 h H 11 W h \ttmt :tl Ilotttttt/ lt.tnt.ttt tL'slslntte’t' .tpneuted to lt.t\.
. \k' \l .L‘ ‘-t .5 l tun}; l '
' Rtmtle: \eltt l::' .tt .m. 't:' 3" \e.t.’s .t L't‘sttttt .~t flunk: mt tl‘L \111tett1tt. t'tel.x.tftt.t 1 .hutm l:’.::\,..~ :1 h 1 h l Rh l \ (‘I1I\"”‘ \etts .l.teohl\ l.t\tts. R‘\ \ ..tttel \(IIIe'nc‘d
‘ .1 . t.s e. : 't. t-te\ c’.t'; ._ 1
II.‘I\‘I\ I" .1ee.t[)11t1,L_I{1.\\‘|1ljt1]:\ \l\l Pltl\ «let! .‘N It'te l Ittl'e'tl \l.tl\'\ Mllll lllV l'l"\\' " 5‘“ ‘-llll‘t\l "V l ‘ ( li<> 3 “‘3‘ l: ‘1‘“ (ldthIllk’ I’c'll. IlK I. lttltl It‘ptth Ildktl l’lkthlt'ttl \elcltldttt Iltl\\s'lt'
' t‘Is' 'ttte\\t‘i '1‘. u t: .
'I‘I1" "1w 1"- ltw \\ 1. :l..ttte‘e1 t't .titet “H. U \\,t: ll Rm t‘nett‘m ttnt’: 15““‘l l“"ll"‘l‘1"‘“WWW“ l" \1} 1‘ 1, l ..‘3 h wk tets .tt tlte \\htte lltvttse' .tttet lllL' \dtLl til .1 lette't t.t l \ \eeteiuH
' . .. .~ :t..:1 mt ...:te t . . 1
ms} \llltl‘» ”t 3;..1 l%“tl et. | 1: t1.:\ I; ..t tttte s ~._\ Am: t?t.1?\e:.‘t.t .ets... .t': 13 ”I ll 1 . 1,, I1_'t h ). l‘llt‘l'l‘tlll‘tdi (.ttte't (ltd ttttt.ttttt.tt-1- (u'ttetul Istttt “lmmwm that lt.t:1
t {.1- e ‘. .tt' wet. t e ' I‘e te‘e ..t 1
ll: \.l .1 .t. ttk~ thew-«hf: 't:.t‘. t1,.1 thett :tww. It: .ttltt :' I 3 . 1 t '1‘ 1 1! l VH‘ \\lt.tt .te'tntt he ttttettels to take \toultl heed .t \eetttttt (ttttttetl
. .t. : . 1.. I...\\.. “meet . 11 ‘1 ‘ ‘
1l‘.l k~t.t-. Rhea. . n . ..t ....- tt:.~. \ .t e.:. .... 1 _..t 1 f 3'“ . \n:ette.t :.tt..e:tt.e.~tt.tket'.ttt.t:.tttj: .tppeut lot .I xk..l\L'1lt[g‘ ll tt1ttt1..e.. .
tlt'ttls t.t .Ii‘l‘l\ ..1 tt.1.tl. tl'e l{l1~.t_s l‘testt};':' t‘ .t\\.t'\l\ tnt! lttttztetl ‘:1 tttttt‘ tt,tt ‘:\:t e.tt..‘t,tt.t1~ \ ' "th I ‘ s'tle'lt L‘lltttt. llt‘“k'\k'l. l.l\tl\ Mild \tttttlel Ilussettt ttteetl the ettttnetl t.»
1 .ttttl \1.tt~h.tlt st 11.nl.:tslt.;\~ lttn. \lt \s‘leel .tasttt .: wt» ttttl t'1 s.n.l t. :tdt‘i's \lt\"t~' la. 1:‘ .. .twl‘t ;‘ 1::..~ : ~1:t-’t1:~lt:tl llts’ Wit-1101* tlttl Mt (Kittk't ”“11 "take necessutt nte.tstttes to urge the
lttt':ets:tt.s \lt'ltl\ \l‘nttiltl 1m.11.1...1_..:.\_..11...: llt: l tt-':\1\t~tt»\ \ «M «in? ' .ttte' It . Itt tt~tt ~'.Ile‘l't.tll .t:t:l ettt.» ltneel to them the "WWW “1' t\ “”11 |t.tnt.tn ml. to .thtete” h\ the tesolt:
lhe' l tt.t.tt \t.t'.~ ‘thtl\ 1,‘ t.t1e:1h_1e.t..\. '1 et. .:'f. t..l l I\ will}! :lmttteh :t1 .1. 1:" :lN .:1 .41.;'. n \t (ljt'tl .t. 211W ll. \.t.t~ .t:t l‘h' \ltlt'llll}: ttstttg ttttel sought thett tton .tpptmeel Sunelu) |t.tn eltel ttot
Rhodes \elttt..tt\ : ‘.':'.t' t. tt'. \[tt‘lteul I1~ .1t. -...:«;eel:tt1p.ts:~..t.’ tttttte't :te’et1 th.‘ ltl ltet t.:tl‘.e't\ m K and» _'
\..-.:._.v.tt.1..t1 1. 1..1 \:~:..tt:.1tl “I still 1.1t 1: he 'tlt.t: when t“:sh U‘T'if“~1U-:f\ :\-t tltl t‘la‘. t» lt‘.\ nun ”a ,1 1. 5:- .3315
l): ‘E‘ttt lm '\\ .I..t..t.t.e 1 I‘le\\ ..mt \llt \. .t: .tl .1 l'1 \. \\ ettlllt’\ t. :t .tt.. ‘Ite 1..»t.1t st.tt‘t:llt‘t1L t: 1‘l‘ l” t‘ “‘1 "“ ‘11l‘l 5-' ”1“” \ 3': M ’1'.‘ "
“W“m tt‘-““1 t‘“ tlt‘lll‘1’e‘l-’1? \1‘lhl.itte\lll\ \:1:\:l‘.ttt t!t.1tt‘e lllL'KttlLll1Ll“‘tll‘t\\t. nut: to: \t.ele.1 l"":l“?: [the the tttltt: ..etttf..t.tt:s' "‘1 . . .-. ”1.1:“ I.
[\te‘stcle'tlttu. \.ttttlttl.'.'e lwlttt \tttkt tle‘lXtY. he‘uee f: Ruth: «l l\ ‘x »
‘ ‘ . . . r< . . .. _ __ . _ 4 \a\ \
‘ss‘nEar-d (‘h‘ in. swoopLa' down iron. the sh} to .tsell with a :slN iiiillioii slioitlall iit retetIUes. K: 3". ‘ w ..
proud; .3 lllllu lubrication a $1 mtlhon grunt. Enterthe hero. Many people say many badthrngs ‘ ”I COULD \1’100 1 _ .
. . 1' l K *"'~"*il'»"ll ”l“ Singletur) Cilllt‘d ”11lhs‘ "MN about but business. big oil in particular. l’hilan- EV WgA—r OI '1’»-
~ . \Ig'illls-ihi NI PUT-”C 3'” ”1 lht‘ hm”) 0’ ”“5 thrOPV isn‘t one of the more publiCiIed facets of the CLAR\ 1 1 1 ///7" ‘1‘ 111' A»
. ' .. ' . . . . , 1 1 ‘ '1 .513,
- . 1mm on 1 faceless Corporation. but hCllClVC it or not it does go ‘~"'}“~ ~ {00 MEAN BY -. .- é, Sgt}
‘ .. . 9‘.
. I Heea‘ \1. tn. n one} has been earmarked to assist on. 6006 WORDS, 4:17;? ‘. 2.... en:
1 "I t ' 1? ,t‘ 11' ' ‘ ‘ ,u ' ‘ - . ‘ . . 00° . :7 I15! 2‘. ‘ 111' 11,1 "-‘ 3121.139 1
. H“ l ‘ v‘ I I ‘ I‘Inmhmém‘ ””91 \T'Inun “”1 According to lerr) Mobley. l K s dtreetor ol 0 MRPReflvaVT- 14‘)“ 32‘9”. c, ”(5%?
\ ‘ ' up. I“ “' ' .t i ‘ - . ..~ . .3 ‘1 ,’ i",
1 . tspans . .11 .t It or L34 ot llslIlLss lIlL etHiomI dewlopment. ( urrent tax laws make it extremely ~.€i.%J1/; é/ . L
. .. ll". on: , i r; l . ‘i ‘v‘ . . - -. 1 .1 I /
’ “ l ~ ‘ “H ‘ ”‘N‘Wn'h‘ m1” H” L‘ ‘5‘ ‘ east lot eorporations to donate up to 5 percent 01 i I q ‘\u‘? .I/ 4 ?
~ 1. 1 \ .. . . . .. , , -\_ I 1. , u
_ l M“ their corporate prohts to tnstitutions such as ours. \ z/- "z ‘ “ . ,., "1 I)" x ,
' “it -« it’d rot haw come at ti more opportune . . II $1,, +79 ' /./I_ ,
.. 1 _ In addttton to the 5! million grant. to be imple- ~19; . t m ,7 ,/ , xvi"
tame. \tl‘.L'l;‘(ttl\ sand lndeed. classes had hewme _. . _ ‘1 1,... a ,, . . . . , / \
-‘ ' I mented mer a li\e—\‘ear period. Ashland establtshed ' . 2 Ir.“ ('1 .3 1 ' / I \\1
.. tom}. .3 to toe pontt that some students had had to . . ' . w‘ i , \ In . 4 I ‘ .
- . 1 . a Sl00.0(m \1s1ting prolessor grant. * ' _ 1 ‘ 1;" ’ 1 1 t.
> ‘ postp. : ~ Igraduatron heeanse the} eoualnt get In _ . - -. //« \.\ 1‘0 , / .1 1
' I 1m, eta-1 1h“ ”Md“! 3“ well—desened pat on the baclt goes to [I’restdent » . . “ / J1” / I ‘t. '1’. “
« ‘ 1 - l ls We! sehoot. ltlseotherstierosstheeountn. Singletar} l‘” h” [“1” years 0‘ negotiation “”h ‘ 1 , 7" ) . i 13‘ ‘ l l 11-";
1 .. n t - 1 Ashland oltierals And ot course hearn thanks are ;‘ ""‘"“ ”‘1 111 ‘1 It
- ?'.i‘1.:‘1 .: l m -.nnent lae load on laeult} members » ... . . . I . . -1..' a /. \ MK .
. , . . . , « s ‘—__“ , \; ; ‘. ,‘~ .'
. ~.i hem ‘. one I ntortunatel). their pawnecksdont ‘Xund‘d to “5'11““! 0" lm- : 3‘. 1 .~ , gfitzmr. \‘
" - 'Z'tt'Jst"; w \I. one pomt last tear Y‘L'Ys‘l'L‘ "eost ot Let us all hope the l1n1\ersit_\ is as successful wrth ‘ 111‘; y" '5 *2.“
' ‘ ' 1‘ 1.1.; .1. .1 ' “1.51;va Nitart l'1il\L’\11\\."~‘.:Ppt0\cd the prorosttions it has presented to IBM and other I.“ N1 .1. 1...»; 1
' a . 1 l". 4“: us: B.enr.:al Budgt: R.“ laetilt) corporations W -‘ " " -,
_ 1 M Q ‘ m” '
1 , [1| _ ‘ 1
1 - o ,_ o o o o _‘. ,3“ wt ll p L. n
- 1 ' 1' r t «r ’ Ta 0‘ 11 . '2 v‘ ‘1‘
. L a ‘23. , _ .. . ' »
. t ,v ~ I . 1 .
1 1 g i in (a. .1 . 1n.
1 o o o o 4. I s. --§. (”7 ..
' 1 I‘l ? 1"\ "* ' wt ' - 1' ' 11K ’
- COLL 8 ease inanCLa C 818 g' » . 1 .-~su§ 14.x.
' 1 1 1 ”I. 1 1 ”EI..\-:.....‘1:;..1 ( “ w 1 Q; J 1 ‘ s
.' '1 1 1; ' 1'11"”:1’1'111 - ‘I 1 .‘-. ;. \ ‘ 1 \
‘ 1 I‘ 1). t. _\ r1. .lz‘ ll‘opt \oi. an. l); llortmatk 1. among those “ho necessau to huI\ th rtght to pun f" ,. .. , ,. 1_'_."1.:_;.':“ .J I". ‘
. . -' . . .1, . 1 .‘ I an “2...: zlm! I... w .1 m z or .omplotzentazx s'ltuw WNW “CM“ 1“! “H‘lhd” V ’ '- ‘11111111131’1-‘1 :1}, .1 ‘ ll. 1 ,.-_
1 '4 1 ' 1 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ K “"‘ ’1“ 1h” * “““l‘ t s H’l‘» ll! HHHmaL k s H I‘ ‘s 'l Eldmi" £015., _-3‘ ,_ 1111/1111 ’ 1 K I ..; .::;1. .
.~ ' . .. .. . I“, .~ 113.11‘ “.3” “11.1“,“ 1' 1h.“ Sll‘ would not he an ltltlL‘astilttr 1 - “v f"! ‘ “s _ g
' 1 . " i" 1‘ " ‘-"l‘~t ‘um‘l‘ l‘d“: ‘ .t.~:.. . he that tor mam. man. \L'tll\ hle prtte tor each season pass ('orr K7 ’ \‘ \ I . \ ‘ ’ 1
:1 , ., «7 \ 3 " 'i~ ~ .‘..r\ FUJ' Y" I: s .-. rol:t'\ [Hal \\.1\ not estahltslxtl slder that tltere are polttterans whosit * » ‘ j 1 . QBVIOWLY TRYING
1 .' ls. .mL mum . s \or i. ol these on .\'1‘.hilt1‘ at tht ti!tl‘.t‘l\|l\ mm‘ in these seats lot lI.L' “h“ lhlllk fig: \ ‘ TO Be “27/7 T
'1 é.I..1p.;.p__;..t‘11::..it‘.t..texidonozsto \\ «3.. In lluttihas‘k. I think that‘s nothing oi throwing a SIDS a plate I}; ‘ ”AN
1 . , ' .r. . '1'. an? a. (HHLlIlt' .1 .1il'. answu Illlidrldthlllg dinner \ntt thex draw 1 ”.3” CM“? 11% WW
. 11 l \» 1h 1' "W‘s" d' ' ‘Wi . W 1'-' n. H: whatnot sass ll at tlrt huge clouds -m 1 H65 5NeATlNG’
. ‘ . 1 w = w 1 .. n1». 1 m 1 w... — "=._ ’ . '
‘ W 1 '1. 1 1 . ‘: .1!!'. 't' 1.x. V... l‘ot basketball HeLets [llk priee 3 1
1 ‘ .. . ., -..-:’_~= ‘
1 .- .1. t - .1 . l’» .1t1_.t.: lttat‘. should h; snhteet to open htddtng.
1 1 11 1‘ \11 111 11 off. ‘Ust Mt a seat on th. \ew \otk '1 1 '
' i . a 1 ‘ v pup; \xltu gr] 111 Stoel. l \enange Ur the prite ol a
. 4 ' s. '1’ - '~ . . . In. I' tttlset \Ullld srmpl) he pegged to the
" 1: 1 . ' ,. Ix. .. prne ot gold hulhon In I andwn . . . . . .
1 . . .- . , . -~ ‘1 . . .-.T ‘s _ lltt~ proceeds should [-tox ttlt seho— rlm tlme Vlewln Inc 6
" 11 1 ' 1 ‘ H \x: and .‘ .- "“" "W "11“” ‘1“ U‘WH'W 1““? latshtp Illllllk'\. sttenIutlur th. (“1. (3 g u S war
’ . t ,\ \. ' i..' d 4. .1':. l: 35‘ ‘ 31-” w. “‘1“ «MW ~‘ tegt' ol \tts and Serum-s ta sotel)
. ' " ' 1 ‘ r 1 '_ '. ‘. 1H. '2. rs' “" ' " ‘1' -‘-“ " ‘-\ w.» V ’V negleetul .nstitutioi: thext daxsl.
. . . .1 . . 1 .. - m. .m. z l.‘ .. a ‘1 \..(1 .Ispt. a l\ help “IN .. duh” [Hg NH.“ ml. By DAVE WHITFIELD thinextbda}: antler; I *d Iraq easualit) scores one ponit. an
. , ' . ' . _. 1 " > 3 "" ' "- r“ "l“ “I“ ~ "“1" work lid‘ hetn lnnntng. ot ltnanee 05“ ”n” d“ d most un tmttL Iranian casualit}. scores one point.
1 : ' ' 11 - 1.. . . 1 fat mi 1 :. ~: l5.“ rd ts . 1. , . 1 lor thts new area ot teleHsron . .1 1. . . ., .
: . . . ‘1.1.....\\ . l 1‘ L I I l l ‘ U‘ I thL deaud \l’l]\[lll\(ltlll hr the lhe teleHsron industry might mm ION” I th networks could send any innounteanulsor othu .it naal.
’ '-. < v. . - 1. . - .. .vv ._ - .t‘.n:: 1 ;‘\t|1.!. {ti .ttuh. Elle 1 s- L " ‘. ' ‘ ‘ ~ . 1 . . . 1
_' _ . . . t .l .te1t l 1 ”1:; lldlkllmqw \ Ll Ulll UH ”R. biggest blUL‘khUNlCl I “\ .gnt ) {ht bank and m 0rd r10 “huh er kIth “.0“ .5 punts
. ., .1 ,1 p1. --. . 1 t" qtazt ran. Iota t; w. t‘lls. C'C . t ‘ ‘ “ " C . .. . . . I .
.‘ . 1 . . . v 1 _ . . \. . a I I I. l x \ IIIII hundred 'hm. ind it spectal ot thrs eentun. It seems rm}. [he mtdmnm n if hand I0 For )our pleasure the mtwt IR
11' n 1 ,: v.1 ~. ' ,Lg't'f 3.\ s 'l w . M .. . ' e ‘ ' ‘ e. ‘ - - 1 . . . . .
.‘ ', . 1. . h.1 .r .1 . t s . I h- '1 I II h rather prtmitne that none 01 the . haxe dueloped a new mmpntu
, j . 1 1 ”.I . 1. 1...“. not 1.. :1mt- they. 1...“. lCil\1. wonal t ialsu [Hung] I Is 1 hand combat ts antietpated. which “I” Immediateh l‘lll\ ”H
' . 1 ‘ ‘ . .1 1 I ‘ l .11 »h \Mth md networks hawcome up wtththeidea 1. . I . -.- 1 1 . . - .
. . :..: 1 1 1.1. \3... .,,- \q...;.. *v. 1 Haw. wta» a: the \U'llplililk'll’ ”M “N -| Al P M ‘ d . ‘ 1 I I It you eant speak their Jibbertsh casualties I.“ soon a‘ xou see .‘ bodx
' ' I . l l .1. k I “ mll he ol doing lne prime time unerage ol . I . 1 , ' _ > 1 - ‘ ,
I . . . . .. . .I ,_I ., .‘ .. km. on... .1 he 11”,“. IN“ toothall n samt .. L s t l the Iraq Iran onlr mtation dont worn. the networks will get hlownapartthe seorewill reenter
. . . 1 . 1. - “ ...', HtHIJ‘. b. "lint nut-”11‘“ sold through the same \illlsL and the roude instant subtllles. ll ‘1,“ . . . _ 1 .
1 1.. 1 .. . . 1 1 IIHI 1 pv let-“l t“pl\ e. .- I III III the lhe networks ha\e come up wtth P . imnudiatel) in the right eornu ot
. 4.» ._ . , 1 . II .- .. ,Ih ”LI, I1”... I1I .. . .: 1.2.x. w , _ 1.. > .. . . ..
- . ‘. ‘ \ ‘1‘”1 l 1 h h .1 ”WHIP Il ptnposu sueh mrnd snmtilating speetals as your mum. “h“‘urhd‘th‘ “ll-m"
. ‘. . 1. .1 ' '. e. M et: - p .. ~ . 1 . . . ‘ .
. _. .. 1 . ‘1. II I III Ball/eti/Ihe.\elu‘iirls 3m” Ball/elf! total when the) dtCldL to our! wtll
-'. ' ' 1 1 ~ .. ....1 .m‘ l '15:, ..t. axial \
‘ ' .l ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 1 1 " H 1 .\ , t , I“ ”II". “ll“ \wll AI llm t’WP- the Seven and Battle (1/ the o o “m-
. . 1 pt ~ \ ‘_ \ e t.\. "ll \\,,ll_\. ' 1 r . .
1 1 1 ‘ 11 1 11 1 k \ 1 1 1 1 1 1o ”T l I "“‘E-Nl’ ”F ll 1““ ‘i‘ml‘tk' ”I NAHUM: .S'upers/ars. Whv not dexelop Ball/e Oplnlon “ '5 rumored ”‘4‘ «H lhl‘ H“
:1 . 1 . 1 -. . v V "1' \‘ .K' "t. :lL‘ r (|\ - tvrs - 1 . . .
. ‘ I l“ w! ‘ * " 1 1 l kI t . t n tn a Ink vl nnderstatnlmp o! P5.I\ with?(1arrlt'l./('(‘/\'.\"1' nl‘lm‘m ”“1 ng~ 4 P“”“‘l““dl
.. .1 .. . . 11‘ \ ~ tr‘1t.1s.~1tt .~ It\ «H fit . . _ . ,
-. I 1" \ -. _ ‘ ‘~ . ~ ’ ’ 111 H 1 neal punks l .hadenet to haek Ihe American public .\ mm 01 hoxrng promoter. ts in the MtddlL
. 2 5... . .1 '~ .sl\ . . . . . .‘ .
11 .1 . l k 1 . ... I \ . lht'll .hvlhiWs \Klll]\\t‘l.llti>ttgllliltll hgulng [0 \cc rcpcat aitcr rcpcul * Ed“ attemptingto g‘nnpr‘wn‘HIUH‘”
'. f - M. . - v 1 >1. 4 Hr ' wm .. .mvtt tltt Momma I . . . . . -. ~
. , . _ .‘ .. ,. 1 . . l I t . I Ii i II\ I 1 'I (\pldll-hmhx I“ |\e 11H,“ ltett‘ “hilt the actors an. on strike. ”“5 subscribe to a cable channel IhC\ are pghts (0 ”It war “hllc lln_\d \ ol
. .i er . ‘ 1. " '_."\ . ‘l‘ .. t“t“t l AIJIK’ It’sutttmt‘t .. . . . , .. _ . .
I . . . .\i ‘1 I .1 I I I- I new 5mm would he a relreshing ollering uneensured subtitles. ondon has agreed to insurt th war
1' . I . 1 '. . . u utlnttng .pttrt. [mt .ttt .at run pratnta. go .ma ehan 6 ol 'iee tor \‘oun 'ind old A h-' bl I h' l in case President (‘arter decides to
- 1 1 . 1 ‘ ‘v " " -. "1 t: wry .? r t '. {ta ta. llllL tot sotm 'hlio; Hndt'lslantllngs h.i\t li‘\ m (ht most [It g ‘ P: - g ‘ ‘ ”m U PO‘N 1”) '3 I '31 ” bowott,
5 1-11. ,1- -. 1 15.1: -:.1. . : a3. .t‘orzs l oless the. .tetn \K1lll)ll\!|lltlllli|IlIth|k tlit nnner ‘1' " ”hum! repla). 11W] “it“ to go to tlte ll this new u e ol telenston l\ ‘l
1' ' ‘ 1 . . . . \\ 1 In order 1“ PdeU iht‘ American kttchen to get a beer. ll sou mrss the .p ‘
.‘- t ' _ ._ .~. , . . .. -, I k h t. .. -, l" my. the new. :at w. 11m sit\ has .\ l1,ILtd t at. h. gummy - sueeess then bortng sportin ments
’ 1 . ' .1 . 1. .1 v.1. “r \ tundra on». lil.ll||l\\I‘l!\«“npdllL1\1\71"l.ll‘\\1UHI FUN” “uh the maximum amount 11' hand grenade blowing apart '0 '