xt7gf18sfg6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gf18sfg6b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 2007 2007 2007-04-05 2020 true xt7gf18sfg6b section xt7gf18sfg6b BEAUX ARTS BALL COMES TO TOWN

See Kernel POP on page 3

\\ \NVV KY KERNEL ( ()M T} {URSI ),\\' APR“ 3,


-— CELEBRATING it) YFARS ()l INDl'l’lNlH \( l

Attorney general candidates want
Board of Trustees' agendas sooner

By Juliann Vachon




attoit:e\ general is the
state Hi

and lon l aisoii \llsxth'xl their \tt-us the roie o! the
on Kentueks‘s open lllt't'llllf.’\ and tl‘aef laxs entoieenient ottitei.
open ietoids laus at i p m at the l llt o the due: pittsettitoi in the
\L‘I\ll_\ ot KK'l”ULl\\.\ \V I. \ounf. lt Kentutk)
hiai} auditoiium Kttttltali tlisaeieed sayne a part ot
While the) \tliat 1 is new; the thzet lau entoitement otti
\llittlltl tltt. ”it: Ldl‘itlltlalcs had
optntons on lio\\ the

waehonakykett‘e :‘ .tt'

:\II the Kentuek} attorne) general
eandidates present at an open toruin
last night said making l'K‘s lloaid ot
Trustees‘ meeting agendas axailahle
sooner than tour hours betoie the
meeting at a )esterda} nielit \toultl
make l'K' appear more open

“It eertainl) does not seem to Loin
port unit the spirit ot the law."
eandidate laek (‘onuat

Demoeratie eandidates Roltert Hul
loek and (‘onxsay and Republiean tan
didates lint (‘olemair l’hilip Kimball

ngt‘cd «tll


\atietl Lei ls otteitng suggestions lot legisla

attoiiie\ tion that is haitntul '.o the state



ottiee should handle open ineetnies up protetlines suLh as [u

and open ietoids issues ttl the state tetiile touit ttittteettines is one issue
Kitill‘all said he \\ouid 'aoik tonard it
slalt' \ L'lt'tlt’tl

atloinet :eii think \ou'u'

aisoit. said in the pipe

(d'L‘dllllj; neu legislation espetial
1} based on toneeins oxei the
Sunshine :s not the
ei'al's primaix iole.l
"(tpen emei'nineiit.
nieiit. is

ROBIN BAKER srw said

Attttt'tev general randdates trtt'tt ‘ett In 't tawny Pittho Kztttttait latt thrtett-att Jars
Ct"l\\tt\ aed R t‘tt ”7 BL)?! t K some t': Wl Y who t‘n'try as: ant": l"e tarta-
tates s't ate at t": 'a. e 2‘ t; tus‘ and
aestttt ,tnttte Ke' fat to rttt ,. t» t t et il

UK grad
to share
stories from
'Body Farm’

By Jill Laster

,laSiU’ngKC’lW' L‘Q’“

ia\\sr tteett reading a lot

ahout the piot‘lenis \te
:Jttittl L‘iHL'lll
tei'iibh important laisttn seLiet. K::

said "I inst \\attl to emphasi/e that

haw heeans: a lot o? these pioeess are
"I don‘t uaitt to

Open Meetings : it 5

“‘“t lutEYt “Ur” 'ei ‘91s (has

:iltati \tltl

Bli'li No'i‘ic SYMI’I io.\'\'

l'he tirst thing: students notite \then
the} ualk into Bill Hass's Ullht‘ is the

”Haxe _\ou L'\L‘t. \theii _\ou‘ie Lll'l\ll1:_'
do\\n the road. smelled a tdeadt pos
sum ’“ “It's like that but mag;
nitied a hundred times "

Bass. einei‘itus at the
l'noersit} ot lennessee. is the touiider
ot the loi‘eitsit \nthi‘ttpoloet Reseai'eli
luieility otten ealled the "Both larni

Bass. .1
1K graduate,

\\ ill be speak

{Siam}: “'3 students might
mm A“, like to know
girativntt‘e'tfitfit what a forensic
’ g' anthropologist

lll Memorial

“ass saltl

d l‘l'itlcssnt'


;\l the
Bod} l'arni,
3““ “Vs" BILL BASS
bodies that are ‘
tlttlldlL’il. as ‘

\sell as un

elaimed bod

ies trom the

mediLal examiner's ttlllL'L‘ He allows the
hodies to deLa} in \arsing elements. in
(hiding \teather. and
then esamines the bodies to determine
the Lause ot death

Bass. alone \\ ith students and taLult}
in the anthropolog) program at 1'1. ana
ljtle the titl'lel‘ettt \\.l_\s the
tompose. \shieh tan help poliee uhen
the} are uorkine on a eriminal ease 'l he
Hod) [aim \\il| e\amiiie about H5 hod
ies this _\ear

"The polite by the \\a_\.
“ho it is. but ho“ long tlte_\'\e
there." he said

Bass “1” be shottnte slides ot some
ot the eases he‘s \torked on \stth len
nessee State I’oliLe and the l‘lltl. helping:
them determine ho“ long: \lLlllll\ had
been dead

"I get the bodies \shen their sott lls
\HC ls ticket-\Ctl.“ Bass said ‘IWL‘ gttl lit
get do\\n to the bones ”

Based on “ital he has seen as .1 pro
lessor. slides shim in; dead bodies might
make students uneomtoitable.

"\ou amass ha\e sortie \sho ean't

See Body Farm \ nine 5

SG to Barnhart: ‘Pay top dollar’ for Billy Donovan

By Chris Miles

cmtles-wkykernel com


lt‘i‘es‘hman computer science major 'l‘;1\lor Brandenhurtt. rieght. and .lett Harhee. ajunit )l‘ musie
eduettion major plat their tuhas tlllllll” the l K eonLeit h titds pertoi'manee last night in the
Singletao (ientei for the .'\its. l he hand has t\\ o more pertormanees this on )nth. one on the
i5th and one on the 21nd hoth ofn‘hieh \Vlll he held at '1; pm. in the Singletai't ( Ienter.

inseets and light.

hittllt‘s de

Research VP candidates to offer visions for campus

By Juliann Vachon
westtmrkyker e L ‘tt‘

lhe ne\s \ tee l‘rt s it 'lll

don't ask .
e\p.intt l K s it-seaith

tattaltilt'tt's t“.
l‘s'e‘ll ‘

lt‘\\'tllell enterprise t‘
loiii' eandidates \till \1sit Lampus met the ne\t timeh \si'h ewnotm
tuo \seekse um}; toi a top administratite position at
one ot the iinoeisit} 's biggest total points lhe

l‘he \ILL‘ Pl‘t‘slth‘lll ttl RL‘sL‘Jl'Lll L.tl‘itlltl.tle\ All:
meet \\ith the administiation. as \sell as attend to
ruins \sith tatult}. statt and students to distuss then
\iston tor the tutute ot researth at the unoersio

"A\ n‘iaior part ot \\ hat this institution is all about I ( raw: | \esstet
is teseath reseaith into piobleitts that iinpatt "ll? stztute ai-tf \tate ' we" s
statLR tounti'} and \sorld and reseaith that helps e\. l‘llll‘
pand the bod) ot spetiali/ed kno\\ledge about a par
health area." said I’ro\ost Kuniltle Subbasnano lll
an email to the Kernel

'\ lt‘M‘Jlslt lt‘ ills"

\\.Lll\§t \tl
lllt‘llshil fitti! taililtifalt's ‘
eat it '.isittt.;: wit a «tzt‘
it‘llll‘ls all “e
tlllltt‘ lots"

l v
klgltk \

l‘a'tei sot:


I .lan‘es \\ liat \ ‘l

sm \lathson \sti! \istt \lotttlat
I lanzes R llalpett at 'lts

Bass said


”Whereas l K \ -\ tl K \thlettL \sso. taiiont is :tetht,’ on not» t. \sas t' t' , :t t' “N “'l' .7' or be es
\silline to pa) top dollai tor a great eoath hapter ot the Inn tttl\ lonntl tllltll l'tt 'omt .Y .tmdine
"Whereas the « iti/ens ot the ('otttmonuealth ot ts send;ne than to l K stall l t _" t t. s x‘ ' -' ‘ ~ = - ' -~ s ' " atlt- mare
Kentiieks \sill aetept no less than the besl tolleee l'klidlltll to hold \ :r‘s it illlls
Loaeh in \meriea l' s an »s “lIL'hl

”\Vhereas Hilh Hone-Min is the best tolieee \entiire at l K "etlbatk

limiting to whet the -. ts olt

,tttyi W ' My

a tree Lhtttt
llitl‘itl to see \(t saz‘,“ :‘

saitl \1t‘.l'lil.t\1t‘l".:l

The Student (imemnieiit Senate gtn e its ot'ti
eial endorsement ot Bill} Donox an last night.
unanimoush passing a resolution \s ritten on a Mel

lo“ Mushroom napkin

“Is this real ’" asked one senator

“This is real." responded Sen .lason Robinson.
\\ ho sponsored the resolution.

The napkin letter to [K Athletie Direttor
Mitch Barnhan. asking him to hire l'nis'ersit) ot
Honda head eoaeh Bill) I)ono\ an at an) eost. was
photix‘opied and given to the senators to sign as the
tinal pieec of legislation of the night.

The letter read,

First issue hoe. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

Loaeh in .\merie.i

”Be It hereby enatted that \lh'Cllk‘ l)lrk'\lt‘l
MitLh Barnhan otter Mr l)ono\ an a Lontratt that
he uould ha\e no ehoiee but to aeLept ”

Nine senators signed the resolution brought he
tore the full Senate

“We teel that he is the best toaeh tor l'K'"
Robinson told the Senate “\he represent the \HI\ e
of the students "

Senators also unanimoush apprmed $2407 in

ll "

m the t k Lhat‘lt‘t a: at,- l ~ ~ -.

lllllllh ll \ L'lt‘ttl t'\_t\tt!|t it \( ;t ‘

\ionhl see 'e that‘
on liidttie t htkhe'i st it»
haw ne\et been esamined b\ a .loetoi lhe
.ipproseil b\ \(i to bin the needed n'ieilztattens
“I” be a .great help to the group

Sen loe) Vlattiiteh. u ho proposed the teeisla
tion. said mam senators didn I understand \s hat the

Human said her group
IN“ patients on its \istt

Jet said

.'l inattoush
wuss ttie tint\ersil_\
iitzfzttent haLk
t'lll‘. \oiorities
t: s e ss het ore the

\l‘fi1ttf'llg‘ ‘K

ll. let \1eltihtl

‘tk‘sl at the Pan

SG oaoe 5

Newsroom: 28‘ ’9‘? Advertising: 257-2872


 PAGEZ] lltttl‘s‘tldy April 5 2on7

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kemel ‘ 0'

W Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution
I — —





“t gotta t' Brat k

'i‘ gret the advantage .‘net‘i the stat s
tiring ’
tit ist t‘ltd/lt’litjli’it}

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

My is t 7 V: t.

were l‘t‘tl” iiw int: "’l‘

t7 s the tatstrsr in)» ‘ the

44x ital”; rm?) 4t ~


. it"‘ii’e‘flltlllt' ‘3 i s-
t:"'vti_ii i". ’ .' t ’ ;
t' {hid New .s it itin‘ : ' "

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

‘33? the Hill's") (if r f


w )"lW this "t‘ they ..iri is l‘. :
.ti'tt‘tvtt‘v \tttltttitf they “

t' t"tt‘i"y"dl‘llti t’th’

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

23‘», is it: ‘iw it our ." ‘ "
is less, (ijri when yt ti lt‘ 7 "
r', at} ft -v,u{v rive m -.

atom; t ‘l lul'Ttt ,i it l?‘ 1 "



(l! t‘w

Cancer (June 22-July 22)


\ it ‘t'I'izst _:1r‘_ll»1\t
all ire, yr ii, irt hills inst tittini till)
. t

r v wt \ ll‘ ‘ t' " r' H,

(tritrd ‘i' itl ti \‘.*‘l H

’7‘)? s" .

Leo (July 23-Augt 22)
5 hi; ”hi, li (H'ttttlr‘d lt‘ ' i“
may l’ 1 t ~.i ti 2‘ um! i" l't‘rl‘vl‘t)

“irtt'ttriitx‘ " its :‘ ~ in


viii l‘y‘ _l

Virgo (Aug. 23-Septl 22) A

Wit; ll“ ll \t

Libra (Sept, 23-Oct 22)
1 yin‘t‘rttht gr.

.4 It , '4‘ .' .4‘ ‘4»

"t t‘ stlil

it (i'j

t“ n

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

4 .





llt‘ttlti‘w‘ ‘lll‘t’l\ tire tlt‘tJt/‘lttlttltt on


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

' ‘tt is :(r ‘ts hard in ttllld‘l

er it en‘tu s its'" fir-tit tiel tltlt‘i lllltl'

:5 r ‘it' iron st ’lltlllll’i’d ll‘.l'

t. - 4
M .t ,] Wllllr‘

srtr. . it ‘v- in tire: ‘rir
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Tr»
"l‘u lt‘ the one With the
’ t'wJ'yl‘ Its \zltTKtt‘tj A“

Evie we” spent

‘1 is

v , '5 'lti 'iist
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) m
‘12. : ‘ 'lit, i ll"ltf tftzt: i“-
'i'~. tt.‘ )llull we."
"“tizitw‘f 5‘ they Hit“ it 'i llrl (ll yort'
52“ 'l‘v't' ir‘trt

"‘r i‘\.iil, Til);

'lr .~ lit: dtl


with s It‘sl t4i.l“llt I:

i ("Nu

.t s y' 'yttltt 5'

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 'i
1"" Affinilt Vllltl‘t‘ llitllt]
‘tiii with“
lrtlt yt'tl it»

(i i we“,


l Horoscope
(Sponsored By:


Hi \1.Hlltlltl .irid lciiirisi


,slo l tielid Me.



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ltirtesl Id




1119 Di

By Mara Reinstein

Is Bind \\ itli her" “here tit:-
the kids.’ Is she attending :1 glob
til eoritei'eiite’ l‘li.it‘s “lldl the lo
mils t1\|\L'\llllUll]\L'l\C\ \\helt “old
spi‘etid that Angelina Jolie liud iu
med Muieh I} in (‘lueuggo
Turns out. the .ietress \i;is siriipl)
t’epomng loi' \xoi'k in this ezise.
pr'epi'mluetioii on her .SL'llUl‘,
riio\ie ”\Mriited " [or A ten
hours. Jolie sti'eeiirtested ill
(‘hreiigo Studio (‘iti domitovtii
rind e\eii test~dro\e Dodge
Vipers that “I” he used tor the
liliit. .ieeordiug.v to Ultiset soui'tes
”Sllc seemed to lk‘ ill .t grind
mood and retillj. lllt'i‘ to e‘xer‘)
title‘s” tt sittll'L‘L‘ l'e‘lls l s dtlkllll‘:
that she turned to the set \\ ithout
l’itt or their kids But it
\It’lcll) httslttcss.'

()l eitlllstfl lllk' l.l\l llldl lt‘llt'
\\d\ urindwre hut tit hoirie \\lll:
liei t.iiitil\ \\.is surprising. to su.)
the le.istt lust eight dos earlier.
the tiett‘ess li.id prtked tip 'rier'
ltL‘\‘.l) .idopted sort. l‘_i\. tioiii ti
Vietiiurtrese orphanage turd iii
short order. elitiiigetl the ? j.\'.tt
oltls ititiodutwstl hint to
llL‘\‘ \ll‘llllL'\ \l,‘\lklll\ " /.!lidl.l
I. tiiitl \‘liiloh lt‘! iiioittlis .itid tip




rooted llllit to l \ l'lioiia'lt her
tritetitiotis \xeie terttiit'flx tiohle

‘l l‘..t\t‘ iiotliirie l‘lll .tilllllitillitl'l
lot her tlIltl ) s\l\li ltt‘i turd liei
l‘k'tlllllllil t.iiiiiij~. the \t‘t\ hest.‘
.it tress xlltl ltlllitW. \\lio has it)
.tiliit‘lt‘il t'lllltllt‘ll lx'lls l'\ the}
\\t‘l't’ .rlso iiiet \\llll eiillkk'lll lltrltl
tliose her. ‘Hitid
thought she nurture too

closest to
i.2si.‘ rt sitttttt' tells l s lirlle ttlsi‘
ieteiiti} :uttioriiieetl ‘Aitli ll‘iilsll


l.ll‘ildlk‘ thtrt stir \\otild he ti std}


Happy homemaker?
H Controlling workaholic?

.it home lllUHL their tittepted the
'\'\tuited~ role

She's Working Again

()ii \lur’eh to, lolie told the
Ho ('hi Mirth ('it_\ luxi llt‘\\\ptl
per mhieh \\i1\ their translated h)
the Associated Press). "I will st.r_\
:it home to help l’;i\ udiust to his
iieu lite l htne tour thtldr‘eii
.uid utility (or tlierii is the riiost
iriiporttuit illlltfl lot the tit the mo

iiierit.” But iust tour dais litIL‘l‘.
\';u‘ret_\ reported that the ()sezu'

\HllllCl' litid signed on to plu) tlll
.l\\‘|\\|ll iii "\Muitetlf' which is
set to hegiii \litttillllg iii 3\Plll iii
l’i'uyile. lollooed h) ;i stint in
(.lllkilpt) selletlttlc \\tll
grim more llL‘CllL this summer as
she pioiiiotes her role .is .\l;ui.uie
Pearl Ill ‘\ Might} lleui't" tdue
Julie 21!. \\lll\l| l'itt toi‘iiodiited
She s ttlsi‘ \ldlk'll tn sltil tll " \(ltts
\lri'ueeed.” .iri tltlilpldlltil‘ of the
,\}.ii Rtitid tioiel. turd iii ('liiit
l';ist\\ood‘s dituiin “ l'he
('hurieeline "

She Can't Stay Still

\ttei trawling; illilllllil tlit-
\ioitd hind their sortie) ill the past
but sinus. .lolie eorilti'iiied to ls
lll ltllllitli\ that she .zllil l’itt were
your»: to l‘ll_\ .i lioirie ll' \t-xi t)i
lk'ttlls ultere l’itt \ttts tiliitirte
" Hie ('rir’rous (use ol Ht‘llitttlllll
Hutton“ urid rxiise tlreii lrtlllll_\ iii
the lit}: li.is_\ d\ it i'eeupei.ites
llitlt‘. Zlittis lltii‘r‘it.iiie }\.11r‘iii.i
llo\\ e\ er. the .ltrllcrl‘llls lett their
V 5 lllllllttl)‘ HVlX‘tllUiittl l'ieiieli
Quartet uhode iii e.u'l\ \ldlkllt
tillil since returning tioiii \ ietir.irii
ori \Lii‘eh I'Lthe l.iittil\ litis heeii
\lt‘.\|ll}_' iril ‘\

.lolte s

A New Addiction?

Siiiee .idoptirr}; \l.itldo\ iii
1002. Jolie has l‘l'kk'l‘lllllt‘kl iiu
iiierous titties that she hits kreked
llL‘l.)UllllIltll ptistiiiies. “hieli Ill'
eluded eolleetirig krm es and Ink
trig. opiates tsee hm. page Mt.
[{\)\\C\Cl. "uddretne teriderieies
don't iiist go ti\\;i_\f' Dr Dre“
Pinks} tells l's Arid utter .idopt
H)“; three kids iii tiie _\e.u'sc its
possible that she's picked up .i
tor'iii ot doriiestie .iddietion.

Will Brad and Angie last?

\\ll\‘tl Hind l’itt tell iii line
With his “\li' tk Mrs Smith"
tosttu \llth‘lllld )olret she \\.is ti
se\_\. siriijle riiorii ot orie .iiid he
\\.i\ eiuiirte .i ltiirii)_\ But time
three )t‘dts lttlt'l. li.l\ ,lirlit‘ lk‘r
eorrie .r little too loeitsed on e\
initidtrii' tlieri 'iiood’ l’eiliups
she stilllllllldllk

s.t\s the liiiliigtsi
l toxieute lt
gets on .i pkiite .rrid goes sulllt"
ulieie turd l!\i.‘\ this firm lite that
sl‘tt‘ ltml prior to her lt‘ldllt‘ll‘sllll‘
\\:tlt Hldtl. I think llltll eotlld he
the undoing,r or their relationship

Another potentinl pinlilertt '\ll'
ptoltleiiis heedtise its llktittet'lllr
oil ltiitt'i jtou our! to hurld ti
staple l.tlllll_\ or \oit mutt to he ti
\\Hlll‘.tll “lill the t.u‘eer \shos ott
tliiii: liei'e ll}lll‘_‘ there )“U
\‘llll lime it hotli \\tr_\sc
lt.\\rerit ‘ \llfik'l‘rlld iii.tkes the
eitx ii‘oriitieiu urtpie
\lteldl‘le. \‘.litle ”Ltd st‘t'tiis lit lk'
lllk strlttl L'lt‘lllltl (iit' these klils
llmt s

[‘lt‘ .

:Eeliims lk'll.t\lt‘l nurse


kids more

i tli.illeii;'e the} re inning:





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And so is the money to pay for it

(‘olleee expenses should not be it roadblock l‘or‘ _\oui' future Sta} on track \\lll1


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and make no priyiiieiits until I: iiioiitlis alter _\ou graduate, i\ppl_\ oiiliiie today

:llCtllltpllstliitit‘C0111(OI'CLL‘1\C;IHtt|1t)l't)\‘dltlsltttll} iii less lllttll tr itiiritite Spend

tour time planning; for tour (more. not \xorri lllu .rlioiit llU\\ to pa) (or it

You have the will. We have the way.








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u ill gather Saturdm .1: the this um '~ 910 9115 pm. — UK [iith‘ i usiii'itiii' 121012230 a.m. -- q'fifiii reins.

Mil M Ihc‘ 01d 1“,“ 30min,“ ”Nun” 92151010315 p.m. —— ii Utiii‘m Domini: 12:30 101 am ——— Li” 'i‘ii Sims.

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Architecture professor, students
create wild tradition at UK


By Meghan Cam .i m \fmgkg a -.\

i: he» \ In \ \\..' i i 1
gli‘i'i i!‘ \' «i\\-i 'it'
I’m; tort-yin .iiii: iii: in. :iiiu 'i ..i'»,_ 1

iii :‘iii'i‘i‘xi li“\ _i: i: iiwiii t .Giiim' 1 n


“Hull H x i \
lit' iiqriaA \i?~ is. ‘ i,“ xiii ‘i- " i"
’,l."- HMH‘iliii“ \xiii' .‘3 ': wi-Mcic giti 5" ' "- ‘i‘ ‘
mi ihrl>liixi'~ i‘.» i "i \‘ “ p"
.iiiiL' i l\ ‘Vlliiijlih " ~ ".ui ‘ Hi‘i \iiiii'Ji “W ”V "4' ‘ " ‘
x \.i!;.i i.» .ii ‘ i' i' 12‘ 'iii iiii: [.iii lé-uii "‘ "’
i)l*"‘i\'i\ \- "
l!“ 'i!"i liiiii \Iiiitii 'x\.l\ \I‘|‘H\Uik"ii ”x ‘i“““*“‘~ 7"" '7” "
{iiitiiix \iitiini HIV ( HEW-2i «it'lk'wgii xiii! r“ \ \1 k ' v“ R h
‘lit \tiimv! «ii \lk'ii'xKYHIC iiiiik imitt' i i”““"‘ “
W’ifi .tlhl \ms iiiiit'” M twink «in H“ RM“ \5" h“ ' 15 ‘
!.:iii\ xiiii .iiihiii‘tiiiit' i‘ii‘IL‘\\Iii Hun ““"13 “‘5’" ""‘1\\*i ' -’/~ “"
.lt‘iiix ii? Hit '.?i}c‘.i\‘\imi‘. ' -, 1‘“

l m ”1C
l'<‘i".\ UHC )L'uh .1};U.l.c\illk‘ [‘Iliniikt'ii
Ilh .ii‘chiiu‘iut‘c ki.l\\ iii \I‘li'i ti iii.i\qiit-i.iiit


'Ii ;\ .i Drill} lixg ilii i‘mix‘I iii] mi;

'iiii ‘\1J\.i\ Milk! ’\\t' \x mm! iii r 1‘ "ii

'mil in C\]il.1IIHH}J li\i1.2\iliiiili “‘“i'm‘” “m" ‘“ ~‘ ‘ ‘7‘ mi" ‘ 1 1“

"Tim “mm \I’Y\ Hiiii \u‘iil initlx iiiiiii Mk" ‘1“ WM “‘ """ ' "‘
tii‘h. IN“ \C.H\ 41:17.“ I CHIN \iiil ”if ‘~\.1\ ”NM"! i‘m‘h“: d‘" F“ " VI 5 H ‘1“ H
Maxim: Eli ”mm .\H\ \tl]4‘<‘] iii } idlh iii‘iii "'i-"i‘1"‘\i‘m " ”‘i""“"“”"‘"‘ " "‘

'ik'il'.tiili!01)\\ii\ k'diilL‘ki iniili iii ihh mini “-“E‘ ”" ”W “"‘W‘m" ”“1“ "' i“
ii\ iiiiuiiuiit ii “mild i»; iimi In liiii'ikiilxc' :\\\“‘\"H‘l\\"il§\1i\.ii1i'\ ,1
i iicic. Anii ii \mi'kmi nut Hlkk‘h ” ”W WWI“! i“”"\ ’V.‘-""" '“

luriic'x ~Ilixik'lii\ iim'cii m;- iii’xi ixiii iii “WV-7” * “““1 “"5”“ 3" H ‘ i

lVIV".1\LU\\.IICh1‘ll\(' \iiiliiiii 12(‘\Hi\ik‘l‘.i\


ii\ \.l|i‘i



iltxn‘d 111') .Ulii \lAILL‘ii [U ”k“ HCJKKN JHK’ HIV“ “(‘3‘ int” ‘: My" “‘1“
‘iiiL‘i rock «Hid Hi” iiiiii‘x iriiiii int- inniilx \"“‘“‘ "‘ “V“ ““"V’? '
”1C[IMIIIL‘ili\illiiit.‘\I‘ik'Mlix‘Hi.iili‘tk'iii “ 3”" ““- -””““i"‘~"* "‘ -
Hum \i‘tx HAIL \M'ii~ iiiii iiiii iliift'ix-iii \likJ‘ Ni“!
'liiiii \IHHL‘ iii the \i‘\[iiiiik‘\ iii the WOW H‘ m "W “W” “"‘i‘ ”I" “~""‘ “-‘ '
"Hicrc \\.l\ some [Mi'iiili ninlih. .l\ l 11' m“ ‘WW “ ”h " “i?“ i"“i\‘~ I'm“ ‘1'“! ~""1
iH;\Cl1 hd’x‘k ”NH.” I (\llk‘ \.Ilii IlL‘h" U \‘x k.l\ Mild “U .ii\li EHIJ w ii?
.\u Ulik' kncxx \\Ii.ii in expat .ii lhlx l|l\1 Beaux Arts .: 4


i‘ "Vi \" “l.'\\tllj

THIRSTY THURSDAY - $1 Beer and Pepsi

-3Hii'5 iie‘vtturgt-rs Presents [Y a “My ‘ ii NM ‘ wuxn'r -, .iiiti' :h- .31” ,

E i , ,1;i V?

izshy Fri/My- Fried fish sent : ' Mair ‘essiori ewes
-_; i'.’ “y“; I. I .
to"er Egg Hunt and : mos, Hardbai: ta ago, Neg-w r whedule i weaway
presented by Teri & Jess Kerr {\ZHCSTOUQ RI nfy‘ Consultants)

3 i.‘ N" Dost-game fireworks!








 PAGE 4 | lht.isday Atiiil E), 700/


[Iti'tti'iuetl tnim page 3

t‘oldlng tultl \lillllt‘s \\ c huilt oursclws It “as
\cr) C\Clllllg "

lt \\;l\ at Illl\ lllllC thttl .t drug quccn show
was illlthtl to the ex cnlng's [X‘I'llll‘llldlk'c\

” l'hc) ucrc \Ullk‘llllllg we tell vu- needed
to create the owmll atmosphere ot' the hull."
McKu) stud “'I‘hut l\ \\ hut tnttltcs lt tltu‘lsc "

lite) also \Hllllctl this cvcnt to gtw hack
to the community. so the) hcgun ginng thc
prtwccds to local charities lll\L‘ thlttlt tot
llulnttnit} or AIDS \oluntccrs ol~ Lexington.

'l‘hut Ill'\[ war. the cwnt rttlscd more
than $500, and last war the Boom Arts Bull
l';ll\t‘tl about $5000

"This l\ not pennies “c .ll't‘ talking about
hcrc; it is \tilllt‘llllng stgntltcttnt." MtKu}
\tllLl “As (fill) and as cclccttc as llll\ pun}
gets, it isn‘t lust .thout h.t\ lllg .t good time Ill
l.C\lllglttll ll 1\ about gtx tng hack to thc

Since WW, thc l‘lL‘;lll\ .\11\ Hall has rc-
liltllllt'tl popular: \\ Illl 1,300 people lll ttltcn
tlttncc l.l\t )c.tr.

"People tr} to tlrcss the \CUL‘sl, era/text
.tntl llllllllC\l so the} can get III the nmupm
pct or on the Web \llc or inst get up on sttlgc
and get applause." sttttl 'l‘on_\ Shlhcr. tll‘L‘lll’
tt‘cturc \Cltlnl‘ and president of the BC‘JUX
:\tt\ littll.

'l'hc L‘O\lLllllk'\ make the tttgltt nostcrrous
tlllkl tltt't'ct'cnt than other panics, Mt'Ktt) \tlltl.

‘t'QP IO

‘s-"K: ;:§ i, > t
w s _ a \‘\:"V 3

Most-played songs of the week

1 Panda Bear, "Person Pitch"

2 LCD Soundsystem, “Sound of Silver"

3 Andrew Bird, "Armchair Apochryplia"

4 Low, ”Drums and Guns"

5 Arcade Fire, "Neon Bible"

' Gowns, “Red State"

, High Llamas, "Cari Cladders“

‘ Night Canopy ”OI Honey and Country"
lll, "Myth Takes"

to Ry Cooder, “My Name is Buddy"



FRIDAY, April 6

"(‘ostutnt-s ttrt- .thsoltttcl) nct‘cssur) lice
LJU\C the} .uc part ol the in) \llqllk‘ Mt‘Ktt)
\ttttl ".\n}thtng got-x. tttttl pcoplc cttn he
\cr) (tattoo It has to he that \itt). or it lust
oottltln‘l he the mine '

l'hts _\Ctll Shil‘cr \lltl the) limo changed
the lllll\lt' up rt hit

"lit the [inst _\L‘.ll\. the scope ol‘ the lllll\lL‘
\\.l\ ltlnltctlf‘ Shtht-r \tlltl "lt lotuscd more
on techno tlllkl llUll\k‘ inttsttx tlllkl not ‘.I lot ol
people \\lll go we tt \hou lllxt' that."

l'hc ntttstt llli\ )mr \\ lll int\ techno. hip—
hop and demo to become more Lll\t'l\k‘. and
.t cm Cl l‘dlltl \\lll pltt).

“\h- \Mllll the itlttxlt'. .l\ it goes on


1. Best of the Bluegrass

DJ Miles
'llllbll‘ tlll
static tit,
titl'it‘t‘ Iil‘o‘S’l
lilis ymr
Betlstx Arts
stat? tlft'
Uldyllit] ’lltllt’
liitl HUD and
rap IllUSIt‘


tltrougltout the night. to C\Pltt\'lk‘ Sltthcr
sttttl "It is ‘.l tl)ll.lllll\‘ putt ot the night."

l.L'\ll\L' \\ ho tlllL‘llle'll the hull lust )L‘dl'
lor the lust llllk‘ tn 40 _\C.ll'\. lllougltt thc ltlllr
sic \\.l\ too loud

"lust )cttr \\tl\ l:tt larger llltlll LllC one itt
'(iof~ ht' stutl "'l'hc group \\‘.l.\ much more til
\ct’sc. but I lust couldn‘t hear utolhtng.”

l.c\ inc decided to go l;l\l _\'cttr lX‘Cilth‘ it
htttl hccn ton} _\c;u\ suite the ill"~l one. and
he thought hc \mtlltl go cwr) tort) yours to
the Bonn Ans Bull.

"I don't think ill \\;ut .tnothct‘ tort) )cttrs
to go .tgtun." ltcvtnc \Lllil. “But the llC\l one I
go to. l \\ lll he sure to hung in) earplugs."

l'ltt‘ ”lint ot lllL ltltit‘gt'ttss" l\‘\ll'\.ll 'Mt ks oll lllltlili'l'tl\\ .tntl \\lll Ulilllllllt‘ tttlltl

.\]‘l'll 1‘

till. lillhlt.

[he wont tclcltralcs lllk‘ lllticgrttss‘ llIllqtlL‘ t‘ttlttu'i.‘ \\llll ltNKL opci'u
tl.tnting ttntl lltotottglthtt'ti toting ()pt‘ntng tltt_\ .tt Kct‘ttcltlntl l\ the

highlight ol the lii‘st lo. and the sports tonltltttc in the owning “itch the l,c\

ttigtoit l\._'L'll‘tl\ lilo .tt "
llx’ \\ill l‘llCl ti

\llltlk’lll\ tllltl tat ttlt\

lilts l)o\\nto'.\ ll \l'l\ (‘cntct' l\ ltmllng tl tlttttt‘t't ttntl
t.ttitptt~ \\ IllL‘ tutllt'n lli'i‘ to tt'lt'htntt' thc l.tlcttt\ ol art studio
Hip hop struts _tt ‘ l' '11. \\illt tt tt'tt'illton ;ll the Rttstlttll

(ittllctx Hi the \ltttlt‘nl ( t‘ittt't l‘l‘t Inoit' lllllllllltllillllttlll thalllil—T3150I'L‘o

to \\ \1. \\ lwtxztitfiiwl‘lttt‘g‘! tt\\.|\l‘.‘

2. Are you ready for some football?

l t‘\itt;‘lt~ii \ ttt‘vtm littii‘ull 'k‘.llli
attittc llll\ \tllllltltl}
.lt Roms \lL'lltl _tt _

lilt'!ll.:lll in still i 3*”,

1(I ll jl‘;

\s, .,.,
fix \\‘\

3 Earth and music

l'lilll‘ili‘v‘x‘ ;\ \llwt l‘ri‘x ti ‘;"it

Hit lll‘l\t‘lllt'll, u:
ttgttiiix‘ the l ‘\.ll|\‘~lllt lilttqtnts
\Hlll ll\l\’t‘l\ ltlll;‘lil‘_' ttotn \h to 9*

iii ~.l‘it)‘.\ 35;;

l l‘t‘ pltt} lng lllCll' lll'\l holnt-
l'ltt- guttlc \xtll take pltttt'
l‘ttl more in

qut'tlt li:l\\ illlltll tott titre [K‘s

(itccntllttnth \llttl‘lk‘l |\ \\‘lt'l‘vl,llll‘.:.' i‘vx tin-tn: ttoittt-il on the l.l\\il tts tntrt ol
tltt it I .lllll l).t\\ tn fl.t ltlonjilw xii» l‘tt \llt‘»\ \Hll lttit‘ ttltttt‘ tn the \lt-ttio

ti.tl llttll tlllli‘llllllL'tilt’l shitting
l)ttl\ \\lll ttlm

llk'; .lllll ‘ll‘<_'ll to ill\’ y-tililtt

Fm the week


5 :'


.1' I» 9 'll \\ y'lt llit~ l ll\lllll lllil \l
lllxl ltlltll \hll.lill«tl i‘l lit .tilwllk' 'lu- \l!ll\\ .tl i\ }\ ll'. lllk‘ went I\

T p in ,('|tll\

TUESDAY, April 10

t,’ .\

‘1. __\.\

WEDNESDAY, April 1 1

mile .1/2/{1'Za/


Enjoy the whimsical fool
of ltrlartl‘ia's Vineyard
in the Bluegiass With
(ottiitl titilns (,y’ixtsrttel‘. :llul
more Iiiirri \i’ii'ioyztitl Viiitta.
l.t)i_\tzitl.ttltl"t (“XIAltl‘tlr‘r‘
solitarttt llt iitclttrles tips,

belts, {updl’K/E nil litrls

Tuesday Sunday
9:00 am. 5:00 pm.



N ’t-‘\i'it \in

( (17/ \L,’ I



tine music & spirits

Lorry Redmon
& Kenny Owens



2 for 1 Wells

For reservations call


269 West Main Street,
Lexington Ky 40507


[qt 5\L__
.‘1 v" W S7 l
\n 11’1"“! l . "Ill!

want a mum IISI atoms:
mull 9

m m res-mm
sou urinal: m Item
Allltllllllm I nusr




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FREE PARKING weeknrqhts and all day Sat/Sun Just 5 mm from Campusli

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it )l l.\'S(,)N ( IllN'l‘lClt Hill to
(;t)_\ll-.()t' l‘.\l'|l1l{ l\;lll',\l'.l..\.\li




Cutitiriuca truri‘ page ‘


leading reseai'eh institution. hut it Will also eieate thotr
sands ol yobs tor our eoniiiiunit) and state.” he said "\M-
need someone mth the leadership and management ahili
ties to help Us grois this eritieall) important enterprise "
UK is aiming to haie a lie“ \‘iee President ot Res


t. "taxi my, page”

handle it." Bass said. "But we haie
l()tt graduate students iii our pro
gram and “C eould haie Illlll."
Bass isn‘t sliosstiig the slides to
make students queas). hut to tell

liplstklcs til \l]\t\\\ like id“ t\'
()rdet SVl' and ('SI ha\e also tea
tured Bass‘ Hod) lariii altliotigli
Bass said the shtms don't poi'tra)
lorensie anthioixilog} realistieall)

"It does not isork like (‘51 sa)s
It does." Bass said "it takes. llke.
l5 iiiiiitites ton the Slttl\\l and the
result shoots ottt It doesn't \sork



seareh iii plaee tor the tall semester. S‘uhhaswain) .said.
"We are fortunate tti ha\ e attraeted sueh outstanding

eatididates." Suhhasuani) said. “It‘s a reeognitioii ot the

grouiiig national prominenee ot the Llltl\Cl’\|I_\ as a re-

seareh eiiteiprise


Ctl'ltlttueil titi'n tiaiie ‘

llelleiiie (‘ouiieiT presented es ideiiee that pushing haek the
reeruitmetit proeess deeper into the semester \Hillld he detri-
inetit'al to stiidetit panieipation. sehoohsork and (iPAs
"We're reall} gratet‘ul S0 is stippomie ot the Pall-HUT
lenie s_\ stem." Mendor said. "The research “e hai e done
shows that the studetits at [K leel the eutrent s} stem is the
most henetietttl. Support mini 80 “ill help us more "
Mendor \\ as unable to sa) it l'K nould ultimatel} hai e
the final sa_\ in the matter. or IT the increased support \sould

help her eatise.

80 also approied the 3th7 eleetioii results iti \shieli
Niek Phelps \\ as eleeted president and Brllldll} Langdoii

was eleeted \iee president.


Continued llttf't man 7
sa_\ kids are heiiig taken ;t\\.t_\ in the iiigltt
h_\ .state workers. hut sometimes _\ou \\oii»
der it nitnhe that's not happening."

Some eandidates adi’oeated proiidiiig
more st'ateiiide edueation and resotirees to
help understand the eonipleut) ol opeti
meetings and open reeords laus.

“There are so man} ditterent e\eep-
(Inns and ho“ those e\eeptions appl} are
a little tough sometimes to make a epiiek
deeisioit on. and iou'\e onls got three
dais to respond." (‘olematt said.

(‘olenian suggested ereating a iieis re-
souree so people around the state eould

them about his ioh.

ogist does." Bass said.
Bass. interest

his tirst ease

and hurried otitside

ideiitil) it

want to dti.‘ " Bass said.

iiieknanie iii a hook hi

more easil) retiie\ e iiiloriiiatioii on open
meetings and open reeoids requests \xould
speed aeeess to i‘eeords and make the
proeess hettei' toi' e\erione.

(‘onlei‘enees Tt‘l loeal and state oltiees
ssould ereate greater aisareitess ahout the
state's Sunshine lans. Bulloek said

He also suggested inereasiiig the SIS a
da) penalt) tor \\1llllll \iolattoiis ot these
aets to deter institutions troiii intentional
ls elosiiig meetings or \sithholdmg doeu

(‘oiiisai said he \sill tolloss statutors
mandates that presume meetings aie held
iii open an and i'eeords are ttiiiied oiei
“he‘ll l’k‘tlltL'Sle‘tl ll L'le‘elt‘tl

”An) e\eeptioii to those rules ought to
he iiaii'oisl} eonstrued.” ("oii\\a\ said

"I thought students might like
to knois what a toreiisie antliropol

tn loreiisie
thropolog) began as a [K student.

.\s a graduate studetit at l'K iii
the 1050s, Bass staned working on
No trueks eollided
killing three people. Alter a eourt
order to e\hume one of the hodiest
Bass isorked “lllt his protessor to

"l thotight. "Ali. that's ishat l

Sinee then. Bass has eo—is rttten
three hooks. ineludiiig tiso tietional
ones. The Bod) Tami has been the
suhieet ol tour hooks h_\ l’atrieia
(‘oriiis ell. \slio eoiiied the taeilit) ~s
the same

like that ”

Bass also said the dead hodies
on (ST \sitli hair tn plaee and
iiiakettp on. are lai li‘oin the truth

"hi it )eat‘s looking at dead
bodies. l'ie neiei seen a Woman
lookitig like that." Bass said.

Bass is eurreiitl) rettied. hut is
isotking on a new hook and said he
still goes out to the Bod) l'dl’llt
onee a iseek to \iork. Just heeause
Bass ssorks \\llll dead hodtes.
though. doesn't mean he‘s at ease
\\ itli death

“I lost [\Hl \\i\es to eaiieei,”


Bass said. "I hate death. I hate
mourning. I hate tuiierals I hate
that \\ hole seene ..

Still. that doesn‘t stop Bass

ll‘Ullt doing his ioh

l \lttll-l \e‘e' the T‘Ukllk" .tS dead
bodies htit as thalleiiges." Bass

(’onisai said one area that needs to he
iiioie open. is the eeonoiiite dewlopment

('andidates agreed that aeeess to eoni
iittinieatton het\\een legislatois and then
eonstitueiits should not he suhieet to the
open i'eeoi‘ds la\\ heeause it diseourages
eoiiiersation hetore tiiial aetions are taken

The e\ent \\ as sponsored lv_\ tlie

Seripps lloisartl l-irst \iiientlnient (enter.

the liistitute toi‘ Rural Journalism and
('omniitiitt) lssues. the Soeieti ot l’i'otes
sional .loiii'nalists and l'K‘s S'eliool ot loui
iialisin and (‘tiitiiiitiiiiti Issues

.lud_\ (lahm. president and ehiet e\een
tiie ottteei ot the Stiipps lloisaid lotiiida
ttoii and tunnel editor ot llie Kentuelm
l‘ost. moderated the toiuni




Multicultural Scholar Ship preps for maiden Voyage

By Sally Dadismpn
M C_»:~VV"”T"R

When pieking a sttid_\~ahro.'id program
students ha\e a ehoiee Th