CKfiKJA Central Kentucky Jewish Association Vol. V November 1981 No. 6 JUD TH E. LEV PRESIDENT JUDITH SAXE, coanIIITI WORKER ISRAEL BONDS TO HONOR STANLEY ROSE Stanley Rose, local businessman and community leader has been chosen by the Lexington Committee for State of Israel Bonds to receive the "Lion of Judah" award at its annual dinner on Sunday evening, November 22, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Mr. Rose has been active in Jewish and Lexington community affairs since his arrival here over 30 years ago. He has served as President of Temple Adath Israel, chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, and President of B'nai B'rith. He has been a member of the American Civil Liberties Union for 45 years, served on the boards of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Anti—Defamation League, and was a charter member of the Lexington—Fayette County Urban League. He has also served on the board of CKJA, and is currently a member of the Community Relations Committee. Rose is President of Factory Services, Inc.,a nd in his professional capacity has served on local and state commissions de ali_g with solid waste disposal. In 1979 he was named Member of the Year of the Solid Waste Management Association. *con inued on page 2 32:: new TI‘ 1k-‘ ..~; The annual meeting of the membership of p.m. on Wednesday, November 25, 1981 a: Templ provide all members of the Jewish community‘the accomplishments or our community during ‘ chairperson of CKJA will present an a. activities and seek suggestions and COT: Nominations for directors of will also be accepted from th According to the constitution have co ntribu‘eT to the annual f The erson nominated must have alrea must be nominated by Iour other mem‘ ce in writing and signed by the 3 , 0 (no m w a L" i" I? 1 fl‘ 0H (D )‘ ; v