Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tucky for Wednesday, March 13, 1929.

      The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky met in regular monthly session in the
President's office at the University of Kentucky on Wednesday,
Miarch 13, 1929. The following members were present: Mr. Rob-
ert C. Gordon, Judge Richard C. Stoll, Senator H. M. Froman,
Mr. James Park.  Meeting with the Committee were Frank L.
McVey, President of the University, and Wellington Patrick,
Secretary of the Board.

     1. Approval of the Minutes.  The minutes of the previous
meeting of the Executive Committee were read and on motion,
dauly seconded, approved as published.

     2, Report of the Business Agent,   The report of the Bus-
iness Agent was received and ordered incorporated in the Min-
utes.  The report was as follows:

                                               EXHIBIT "1B"'

             Statement of Income and Expenditures
                   Mionth of February 1929

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation     42,750.00
  State Aopro.-New Ed. Bldg.  1,652.40
  Vocational Ed. Board       10,120.87
  Special Agri. Appro.      19,890.16
  State Tax                523,906.27
  Int. on Lib. Loan Bonds      850.00
  Int. on Endowment Bonds    4,322.25
  Student Fees               70,128.57
  Student Fees - Sum. Sch.   31,985.90
  Student Fees - U.H.S.      3,444.00
  Studesnt Fees - Univ. Ext. 14,481.59

   Current    Year
   Month      To Date

 6,758.84   8,411.24
  3,192,42  23,082.58
286,903.63 810,809.90
 4,322.25   81644.50
 45,832.20 115,960.77
     62.50   3,506.50
  3,130.34  17,611.93