xt7ghx15n41p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n41p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1962059 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-05-jun9-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-05-jun9-ec. 1962 2011 true xt7ghx15n41p section xt7ghx15n41p 

      Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, June 9; 1962.

      The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
met for a special called meeting in the President's Office on the campus of
the University at 11 00 a.m. EST, Saturday, June 9, 1962, with the following
members present: Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Chairman of the Executive
Committee; Robert H. Hillenmeyer, and Dr. Hershell B. Murray. Absent
were: Smith Broadbent. Jr, i and Harper Gatton. President Frank G. Dickey
and Secretary Frank D. Peterson also attended the meeting, as well as the
press and the public.

      A. Meeting Opened.

      Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci assumed the chair and presented to the Secretary,
for incorporation into the Minutes, a Notice of Special Meeting and Waiver of
Notice dated June 6, 1962, which Waiver of Notice was accepted and signed by
all members of the Executive Committee.

     B. Acceptance of Project Number AR-Ky-61.013. 1, Wood Use Demon-
stration Program.

     President Dickey explained to members of the Executive Committee that
the University has heretofore filed with the Federal Government, on behalf of
the University of Kentucky, a request for grant of Federal assistance in con-
nection with the special project and contract. He explained that the application
grew out of the efforts of two or three agencies in Kentucky, working with the
Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Kentucky. He further
explained that this program will make possible the establishment in the state
of a Wood Use Demonstration Center with appurtenant facilities and that the
Governor of the Commonwealth has agreed to make available funds for its op-
eration. He read some sections of the offer, and, thereupon, Executive
Committee member Robert Hillenmeyer introduced, caused to be read., and
moved the adoption of a resolution as follows:


     (Acceptance of offer for Federal Assistance in the amount of
     $642, 000. 00 to construct a Wood Use Demonstration Center
     and appurtenant facilities)

     WHEREAS, The University of Kentucky has applied to the United States
Government for Federal assistance under the Area Redevelopment Act



Public Law 87-27 and designated as Project No. AR-Ky-61. 013. 1 dated
March 6, 1962;

      WHEREAS, The United States through the Housing and Home Finance
Agency, Community Facilities Administration, has made an offer dated June
4, 1962, to make a grant of not to exceed $642, 000. 00; and

      WHEREAS, said offer has been fully considered which offer is subject
to terms and conditions dated 9-61 designated as Exhibit "A" and to special
conditions designated as Exhibit 'B"; and

      WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and in the best interest of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky that said offer be accepted:

      NOW. THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky that the said offer dated
June 4, 1962, and further identified as Project No. AR-Ky-61.013. 1, Contract
No. H-302-861 together with the terms and conditions identified as Exhibit
"A" Form CCFA-1020 (9-61) and Exhibit " B" identified as Project No. AR-
Ky-61. 031. 1, University of Kentucky Wood Use Demonstration Center, be and
the same hereby is accepted and the Vice President, Business Administration
authorized to sign Federal Acceptance Form CFA-1022.

      The resolution was seconded by Hershell B. Murray, and upon vote being
taken, was passed unanimously.

     C. Department of Forestry,

     Following the acceptance of the Wood Utilization Center, Dr. Angelucci
asked why the University does not establish a School of Forestry.  Various
members of the Committee joined in the discussion and President Dickey ad-
vised that the University had established a Department of Forestry which has
not yet been fully implemented, He gave as one of the reasons for delaying
the implementation of the Department of Forestry, in lieu of a School of
Forestry, the cost involved in fully activating a Department of Forestry. This
seemed to satisfy members of the Committee.

     D. Tennessee Valley Authority Contract for Fertilizer.

     President Dickey presented for consideration Agreement No. Ky. 1131-
47 under Contract No. TV-13411A, with Tennessee Valley Authority, as amended.
He explained that this is a Contract Agreement for the Tennessee Valley Au-
thority to supply to the University of Kentucky TVA fertilizer materials.  He
stated that the University agrees to employ the necessary personnel and provide
facilities to conduct. experimentation as requested by TVA; to report progress
on the research; to contribute a portion of the cost of the project not covered by
TVA and to permit TVA to observe the project activities and examine the books



and records at any convenient time. The cost incident to this Agreement to
be borne by the University has already been appropriated in the 1962-63

      The Tennessee Valley Authority, under the Agreement, will provide
$13, 000.00 to the University for expenditures incurred in carrying out the
project plus University appropriation.

      President Dickey stated that he thought the Agreement was a good one
and concurred in the recommendation that it be approved.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was approved
and authorized executed.

     E. Change-of-Work Status for Rosa Washington.

     President Dickey stated that Rosa Washington, maid in the Women's
Residence Halls, has been continuously connected with the University for a
period of 35 years and 10 months. He stated that Rosa Washington had reached
the age that entitles her to full change-of-work status, and he recommended
that this be granted, effective July 1; 1962, at a salary of 56% of her salary
at the age of 65. He further recommended that she be assigned duties as
follows: to be available for emergency call to the Women's Residence Halls, as
determined by the Executive Housekeeper.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Rosa Washington was
granted change-of-work status, effective July 1, 1962, at a salary of $766. 08
per annum.

     F. Board Members Appointed to Kentucky Research Foundation.

     President Dickey reported that the terms of two members of the Board
of Trustees on the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Research Foundation
had expired: Floyd H, Wright and Robert H. Hillenmeyer.  He suggested that
these Board members be reappointed; whereupon, motion was made, seconded
and carried that Mr. Floyd H. Wright and Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer be ap-
pointed to full terms with the Kentucky Research Foundation.

     G. Adjournment,

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Called Meeting of
the Executive Committee was adjourned at 11:50 a.m. EST.

                                         Frank D. Peterson, Secretary
                                         Board of Trustees and Executive