xt7ghx15n428 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n428/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19330118 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1933-01-jan18-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1933-01-jan18-ec. 1933 2011 true xt7ghx15n428 section xt7ghx15n428 Minutes of Meeting of the Executive Co-mamittee of the Universi- ty of Kentucky, January 18, 1933. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Kentucky met in President 11oVey's office at the Uni- versity of Kentucky, January 18, 1933, at 10:30 a. m. The members of the Committee present were Judge R. C. Stoll, James Park, E. B. Webb, Joe B. Andrews, and Judge Robert G. Gordon. President Fra-.nk L, HcVey and Secretary D. H. Peak were also present. 1. Minutes Aporoved. The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of Novem- ber 29, 1932, were approved. 2. Proceedings of 1eeting of December 13, 1932, Ratified. A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken- tucky was scheduled for Decem.1ber 13, 1932, The following .ne-miibers (not sufficient in number to make a quorum) were prevent: Judge R. C. Stoll, E. B. Webb, Louis Hillenmeyer, and rugene Flowers, Coommissioner of Agriculture; President F. L. HcVey and Secretary D. H. Peak.; It was decided to proceed with the usual order of bus- iness, and the record of the proceedings was prepared under the heading, "Minutes of the Quarterly Heeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, December 13, 1932;" which record. was sub- mitted to this meeting, and the following action thereon was taken; The record of the proceedings of the -meeting, December 13, 1932, of members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken- tucky, is hereby approved and ratified as the action of the Execu- give Committee of the University of Kentuclcy, and it is ordered to be recorded in the permanent records of the Minutes of the Executive Committee. 3. Financial Report. The financial report for December was received and ordered to be recorded in the Minutes. It reads as follows: 2. EXHIBIT "B" Statement of Income and Pxpenditures Month of Decem-Aber 1932 Previously ;Re-oort ed Current honth Fiscal Yenr To Date General Fund Income Pederal Appropriation 42,750.00 Special Agri. AT)pro. Vocational Ed. Board 6, 571.16 Bureau of Min. & Top. Sur- vey - Misc. Receipts 567.36 Burecau of Min. & Top. Sur- vey - State Appropriation 1,762,15 State Tax 182,643.32 Int. on Endowment Bonds 4,322.25 Int. on Liberty Loan Bonds 850.00 Student Fees 92,1153.18 Student Fees - Sum. Schi. 14,393.29 Student Fees - t Hn. High 4,001.50 Student Fees - 71.Tr.Sch. 4,075.00 Student Fees - Un, Pxt. 12,646.50 Miscellaneous Receipts 11,750.19 Rentals 1,050.66 Men's Dormitories 6,425.14 Total 385,921.70 7,330,81 4,360.51 78. 60 209.70 165, 388.43 1,214.64 22. 25 90.00 1,946.31 1,574.57 247.20 136,50 182.599.52 42,750.00 7,330.81 10,931.67 645 96 1,971.85 348,031.75 4,322.25 850.00 93,327832 14,415.54 4,091,50 4,075.00 14,592.81 13,324 76 1,297.86 6,561.64 568,521.22 rgxpenditures Instruct ion Adm. Vxp. & Mlaintenance Adeitionr and Betterements Total Txcess of Income over - penditures Patterson Hall Inco-e Board Hiscellaneous Receipts Room Rent - Summer Schoc Total E3xpenditures Tyxpensse Additions and Betterment Tot .1I Txcess of Income. over Ex penC i ture s 06, 404. 60 103,279.43 5.204-71 78,688.24 35,189.09 585.38 385,092.84 138,468.52 5.790. 09 414 888 74 11446 2 71 529,35145 (28,967.04) 68,136.81 39 169.77 1 19,998.66 70.84 1.261.50 86.70 54.40 20,085.36 125.24 1.261- 50 21,331.00 141i10 21i472.10 11, 472.41 39155,72 14,628.13 ;s 1,8 816,50 263.62 2 ,080.12 13, 23 S.1 3,A19; 34 78 25 8 0''09 -(3M278,24) 4,763.85 3. General Fund Income 407,252.70 General Fund 'Expenditures 426,177,65 Excess of General Fund Incom11e over Expend. (20,924. 1395) Accountus Payable liqui- dated (32854.59) !x]cess of Receipts over Expenditures for General Ledger Accounts 77,918,29 Txcess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund 53,13875 Txcess of Receipts over Expenditures for the fis- cal year to date - General Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 - General Fund Cash in Bank December 31, 1932 - General Fund .xperi-mlent Station Incomiie Hatch - Federal Appro. 7,500.00 Milk & Butter - Cash Rec. 3,886,73 Dairy Cattle Sales 148.60 Sheep Sales 176486 Swine Sales 209,20 Poultry Sales 813,96 Farm Produce Sales 368.00 Horticultural Sales 252.37 Seed Test 162.35 Seed Inspection 5,402.54 Rentals 720,35 Miscellaneous 453 76 Fertilizer - Fees 2,541,25 Public Service - State Appropriation 6,576,03 Public Service - Misc. Rec e Feeding Stuffs - Fees 11,834.84 Adams - Federal Appro, 7,500.00 Serum - Sales 681,45 Serum - Virus Sales 36.07 Serum - Supply Sales 63.05 Serum - Miscellaneous Rec. 60,00 State Appropriation 19,257.43 Craeamery License Fees 4,377,50 Creamery - Testers License 1,215.00 Creamery - Glassware Tested 188,24 Robinson - State Appro. 3,550,47 Robinson - Misc. Receipts 3,113.87 NVest Ky.-State Appnopriation 3,100,45 182,740.62 589,993,32 117,882.05 5546,059.70 64,858.05 __43 033J62 (125.50) (3,980.09) (73,610.81) 4,307.48 (8,877. 74) ;442 261.01 44, 261.01 (12, 274.36) 31, 98b 65 748.90 85.35 25.99 20,85 124,08 34.60 8.95 92.30 350085 2,144.67 81.91 3,666,68 8.14 2,828025 106.82 11.15 7.25 10,075.09 21.00 26.00 17.14 2,312,57 120.-1 2,614.33 7,500.00 4,65 635 23. 95 202?85 2310.05 938,04 402.60 261.32 254.65 5 753e39 2, 865.02 537,67 2,541,25 10,242.69 8.14 14, 663.09 7, 50Q 00 788.27 47.22 70.30 60.00 29, 332,52 4 398.50 1,241000 203.38 5, 863604 3,233.98 5,714.78 4. West Ky. - Miscellaneous Tiec. 2,315.80 Purnel1 - Federal Appro. 30,000.00 Nursery Inspection - Fees 1 000,30 Blood Test 545,00 Total 118,051.47 161.47 2,477.27 30;000.00 80.00 1,080.30 54 75 599.75 25,829.18 143,880.65 Expenditures Expense Additions & Betterments Total Excess of Income over Ex- penditures Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for General Ledger Accounts 118,983.55 822. 14 119,805.69- (1,754.22) 5,739.30 22,080,57 141,064,12 822.14 22,080.57 141,886.26 3,748,61 1,994.39 1,753.47 7,492.77 Excess of Receipts over Tx- penditures Excess of Rreipts over Wax- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Experiment Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 - Experiment Station Cash in Bank December 31, 1932 - Experiment Station Extension Division In Federal Smith-Lever Federal Additional Federal Supplementa Federal Capper-Ketc Stat'e Smith-Lever State Capper-Ketche County and Other Expenditures Expense 3 985.08 5,502.08 9,487.16 91487.16 (5. 383 43) 4,103.73 1come 74,154.38 74, 154.38 Co-op, 15,500.00 15,500.00 .ry 26,545,52 26,545.52 ;ham 18,400,49 18,400,49 43,560,27 23,725.50 67,285,77 302,83 302,83 914.08 730.06 1,644.14 Total 179,377.57 24,455.56 203,833.13 150,235.62 34,473.66 184,709,28 Exceps of Income over Ex-- penditures 9Q 141 95 (10-Ot1810) 19.123.85 Excess of Income over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - xtexnsion Division Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 - Extension Division Cafh in Bank December 31, 1932 - Extension Division 1 99123,85 7,737868 26._ - - - s - -. - -. - - =. --- - - - 5, Trust Fund Income Student Loan Fund Student Notes Paid Total Receipts Expenditures Expense Student Notes Total 7xcess of Receipts over Ex- penditures 372,75 36,34 409,29 148,00 1,072.77 1.297,72 184.34 6 207'49 213005275 1.213.24 84 48 38.00 245,49 1.005.75 - ____38. 10 2 ~T,524- 146.34 _230_82 7,xcess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 - Trust Fund Cash in Bank December 31, 1932 -Trust Fund 230.82 1,308,58 1 539.40 Summary General Fund Income Experiment Station Income Extension Division Income Trust Fund Income Total 407,252,70 118, 051,47 179 377 57 372.95 705,054.69 182, 740,62 25,829.18 24,455.56 36. 34 233.061. 70 589,993.32 143,880*65 203,833,13 409,29 938.163 General Fund Expenditures Experiment Station Expend. Extension Division Expend. Trust Fund Expenditures Total 428,177, 65 119,805. 69 150,235,62 207. 49 698 .426.45 117,882.05 22, 080. 57 34,473.66 38 00 174.474. 28 546,059.70 141 , 886, 26 184, 709,28 245.49 872 900, 73 Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 6,628.24 Accounts Payable liquidated (3,854.59) Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for General Ledger accounts 83,657.59 Student Loan Fund - Notes (80.98) Exceps of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 86,350.26 ( 1 Txcess of Receipts over axe- penditures for -he fiscal year to date - Jo;^,bined Fund. Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1932 - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand December 31, 1932 - Co.mbined Fund 58,587.42 65,215.66 (125.50) (3,980,09) (71,857.34) 11,800.25 148. 00 67.02 3,247.42) 73,102.84 73,102.84 __(6, 611. 53)- 661491 1 . 6. Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Eqxpenditures as "Excess of Recelpts over Expenditures for Gen- eral Ledger account .ll,800.25" Debit Credit Accounts Receivable 4,163,79 Insurance Paid in Advance 321.21 Sundry Accounts 12,370.67 Surplus 4,413,00________ 4p734.21 16,534.46 4,734.21 11,800.25 4. Insurance On motion and second, which carried, it was ordered that the fire insurance cairied on schedule for the College and Experiment Station buildings, be renewed for the period of one year from expira- tion Iriarch 14, 1933; that the renewals be made on the same plan and basis as heretofore approved by the Board of Trustees of the Univer- sity of Kentucky, 5. G-rant of Roadway Through Robinson Experiment Sub-Station Property. Dean Thomas P. Cooper presented the following request from the Judge of Breathitt County Court: TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEE.S OF TIE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY: The undersigned judge of the Breathitt County Court respectfully reouests permission to use the road bed form- erly occupied by the narrow guage road of the Mowbray and Robinson Company, being a strip of land 30 feet wide and beginning at the property line of Sylvania Campbell and extending through the lands of the University of Kentucky to the State Highway at QuicksandP In the event you grant this permission, Breathitt County will furnish the vire and posts and build all fencing necessary by reason of the occupation of this strip of land as a road and highway, said fence to be constructed out of 42 inch Farm fencing wire, and. to be built at the expense of the county, wunder the direc- tion and supervision of the foreman selected by the Uni- versity of Kentucky, and the said county shall maintain 7. and keep in repair said fence during the period that it uses said strip as a highway. The said strip to be used as a public road is a continuation of the pub- lic road heretofore condemned. by the county thru the lands of Sylvania Campbell. Given under my hand this January 4th, 1933. (signede) William Turner Judge Breathitt County Dean Cooperfs recommendation: January 13, 1933 President Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky Dear President McVey: I enclose a request from the Judge of Breathitt County, Mr. William Turner, for a right-of-way through certain lands of the University of Kentucky at the Rob- inson Substation, for use in extending a public road. Breathitt County agrees to furnish the wire and posts and build all necessary fencing bDy reason of the occupation of this strip of land as a road and highway, and to main- tain and keep the fence in repair during the period that the land is used as a highway. Under the circumstances, I presume that this reouest should be granted and I so recommend. Very truly yours, (Signed) Thomas Cooper Dean and, Director It was ordered that the right of way be granted as requested by Jud2-e Turner and approved by Dean Cooper. Judge R. C. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Committee, was authorized to execute deed for right of way. 6. Collections for Museum. President McVey was authorized to accept on loan basis collec- tions of materials and exhibits for the Museum, It was stated that the University incurs no liability in so accepting collections. 8. 7. Report of Committee on Business of Athletic Council. Pre-ident McVey stated that he haad appointed. Dean Edward Wiest, of the College of Commerce; Dr. J. S. Chambers, head of the Dispen- sary; and L. H. McCain, accountant in the Business Office, as a com.- mittee to investigate the business management ande business affairs of the Athletic Council. He presented the report of that Commit- tee to the Executive Committee. The action of the President and the report of the Committee so appointed were approved. 8. Sale of State Warrants. The Treasurer and Business Agent were authorized to sell State Warrants on hand at not lews than 91-2- per cent and accrued interest. The following report of the Business Agent of sale of State Warrants was approved: Warrants Sold Please approve of the following warrants sold in August not included in previous lists approved. Western Kentucky Face Value 89 3/4 Interest Total Per Cent 391. 02 1,248.44 5.22 1,253.66 Robinson A, 157.89 1,039.21 4.35 1,043.56 9. Patterson Tstate Indebtedness and Bequest A. E. Evans, Dean of the Law School, was authorized to prepare the necessary papers for the transfer to the University of Kentucky by the executor of the estate of Walter K. Patterson of the bequest in the will of Walter K. Patterson, deceased, made to the Student Loan Fund, and to report to the next mneeting of the :Txecutive Co~n- mittee. 10. TaPPing Sewer On recommendation of President McVey and Dean Cooper, collit- tee appointed at meeting of the Executive Committee of Tove-.nber 29, 1932, Dean A. E. Evans was authorized to draw an easement to E. H. Johnson to tap and use the sewer running between the Small Animal House and Washington Avenue, and t-o deliver the papers to Dean Thomas P. Cooper. 9. 11. Lot South of Service Building, The Business Agent reported that in compliance with the order made by the Executive Committee of November 29, 1932, he had made a partial examination of title to the lot adjoining the Service Building on the South, and that it appears from a deed dated Feb- ruary 10, 1917, recorded in Deed Book No. 184, page 485, Fayette County Court Clerk's Office, that a boundary corresponding to the lot in question was conveyed to the City of Lexxi tUon. President McVey was authorized to make investigations looking to the acquiring of this lot by the University of Kentucky, 12. Policy Regarding Borrovwers from Student Loan Fund.0 President MocVey presented the question of collection of notes due the Student Loan Fund, stating that all of the fund has been loaned to students, many of whom are out of school and some are now in school; that collections are unusually slow, and an amount sufficient to meet present requests for loans is not available. He asked the opinion of the Committee as to procedure in collecting the loans, and the relation of such unpaid obligations to the policy of the University in withholding grades and refusal of registra.tion until all obligations are paid, It was the unanimous opinion of the members of the Executive Committee that an obligation to the Student Loan Fund is not such as comes within the class of unpaid obligations for which grades may be withheld or the privilege of registration denied. It was furtlher suggested that the difficulty of collection of Student Loan notes may be largely due to stress of the times. However, it is well to press sureties for payment and, in some instances, take legal steps for collection. 13. RFeleasetf Securities of First National Bank, Princeton, Kent-ucky, It appearing from report of the Business Agent that the amount on d eposit in the First National Bank of Princeton, Kentucky, to the account of the Western Kentucky Sub-7xperiment Station of the Univerpity of Kentucky, was on January 6, 1933, '-2,956. 44, and that the additional deposits made in said. bank by the Superintendent, S. J. Lowry, are withdrawn each month, and it further appearing that the First National Bank and Trust Company of Lexington, Kentucky, holds in escrow United States Fourth Liberty Bonds aggregating .4, 750.00 and one State Warrant for $257.88 as sec. ity for such deposit; On motion duly seconded it was ordered that the Fir st N'ational Bank and Trust Company of Lexington, Kentucky, deliver to the First National Bank of Princeton, Kentuclky, United States Fourth Lilberty Bonds thus held in escrow to the aggregate amount of %i2,000.00, on request of that bank made through the Business Office of the Uni- versity of Kentucky. 10. Wherefore, the Business Agent of the University of Kentucky notified the First National Bank of Princeton, Kentucky, and On reouest of the 5ashier of that Bank, approved by a certified copy of the order above recorded, action was imnediately taken by the Fir st National Bank and Trust Company of Lexington, Kentucky, as shown by following copy of Itter, and receipt for bonds: January 23, 1933 Mr. L. G. Cox, Cashier Ftst National Bank Princeton, Ky. Dear Mr. Cox: As recuested in your letter of January 20th, we are enclosing herewith ::2,000.00 Fourth 4-% U. S. Liberty Loan Bonds Nos. A01909881 and F02794255 for $1,000.00 each with April 15th, 1933 and all subsequent coupons attached8 Delivery of these bonds is being made in ac- cordance with your request and has been authorized by reso- lution of the Executive Committee of the Ilniversity of Ken- tucky, certified copy of which has been delivered to us. These bonds have been withdrawn from the col- lateral which you had deposited with us under escrow for security of deposits of the University of Kentucky under the terms of our receipt issued to yourselves under date of April 22nd, 1932. The said receipt is returned herewith after our having made notation of delivery of the bonds re- ferred to. You will kindly execute the enclosed receipt acknowledging delivery to you of the "8,000.00 Fourth 414=5 Libexty Bonds and return for our files, The cost of Forwarding these bonds under registered insured cover amounts to 53Q for which you will please let us have your check to cover. Yours very truly, (Signed) J. M. Sellers Cashier J'viS: H 7.nc. Reristered Mail 11. January 24th, ).33 RECEIPT Receivedl from the First National Bank and Trust Company of Lexington, Lexington, Kentucky - ')2 000 00 U. S. 4th LIBERTY LOAN 4+? BONDS 1933-38 Nos, A~i909881 and E02794255 for ;A,000.00 each with cou- pons due April B3th, 1933 and ASCA, %hich is partial delivery to us of the collateral held under terms of a receipt given by the said First National Bank and Trust Company under date of April 22nd, 1932, leaving in the hands of the said Ftzst National Bank and Trust Com- pany !P2750.00 U. S. Fourth 4*o Liberty Loan Bonds and State of Kentucky warrant for p2257,88, which is to be retained as collateral security for deposit carried with us by the said University of Kentucky. IN WITNESS WTPR!OF, the First National Bank of Prince- ton, Ky,, has hereunto affixed its corporate name by L. G. Cox, its cashier, at Princeton, Ky., this the 24th day of January 1933, FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Signed) L, G. Cox Cpshier 14, Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey.Statements - proved, XSaeet p Statement of salaries for the month of January, 1933, of em- ployees in the Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey; and state- ment of expense in same Bureau wzere approved. Statements are as follows: Salaries, Payable from Appzropriation David Young.... . ..@ ... ;80.00 Louise Barton ................., 30.00 Coleman Huntsr 42 hours @ .40 30 hours @ .30 33, 40 t;143.40 Sit ned -- A. C. McFarlan Head of Bureau 12. Expense, Payable from Cash Collectionas Buildings and Grounds -- Repairs and Renewals .. .j58.49 The State Journal Company, Printing. 2272 *.281. 21 Signed -- A. C. McFarlan Head of Bureau 15. Granting Degrees. The following list ofJ candidates for degreesrecormended by the University Senate wap, approved, and the degcrees recommended were authorized to be conferred: COLLEGEP OF ARTS AND SCIENCES CATDIDATPES FOR TIE DEGREE OF BACHEELOR OF ARTS Edna Backer Pauline Elizabeth Brisker Joseph Hartin Ferguson Evelyn Gall Freyman Grace Louise George Christine Heaps Innings Gilbert William Kingsbury Eddwin Roland Lane 7Ernest Eric McLefresh Willie E1dna Maddox Chester Walter Halasky Hargaret Eva Morton Hughs Farmer Norment Jeanie Bell Earker Lloyd Emmett Rogers Eidwin Strother Scott Price Sewell, Jr. Ellen Catherint Sullivan David Frazee tWeaver CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCI'i*CE Stuart Cohen Williami Samuel Jackowitz Jack Lentz Luther Hermann Parr C-eorge Rutherford Wesley Clarence Robertson Yeager COLLEGE5 OF AGRICULTURE CANDIDAT7S FOR THE DEGRE:9E OF BACHELOR OF SCI7.ITCE IN AGRICULTURE Henry Frederick Alma Floyd Dox CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHE5LOR OF SCIENTCE IN HOi.:E :EC ONOMICS' Kitty Berry Dorothy W7ycoff Raybournie Dorothy Ola Strother iMarry Belle White COLLEGDE OF LAW OANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BAC1TELOR OF LAWS ,asserre Rradlesv Beverly PcL ter White islesosaore Joh C.sady 13. COLLTEG OF EDUCATION CANDIDATES FOR THT, DEGREE OF BACTELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Catherine Ellis Cassidy Anne Thomas Denton Jefferson Sidney Dunn Frances Carolyn Foxworth Mucillee Hare Emily Bledsoe Jorris Carmel Vincent Ketron James Andrew Layne Robert Earl McGuire Ruth Hayes Edna Earle Rumans Glenn Robert Smith Katherine Cecil Williams COLLEGE OF COIEETROC CANDIDATES FOR TE, DEGREM OF BACIFLOR OF SCIENCE IF COD.ERCE John Albert Bush Newell MarmadukP Hargett John Leslie Mains Emler Albin Neuman Joseph Downing Webb GRFUlUATE SCHOOL CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS John Samuel Brown Lysle Warrick Croft David Hampton McKinney Ronald Macdonald William Edgar Newbolt Benjamin Stark Eva Taylor -Amy Rose Troxler Clarence Milton 1-Thalin CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SC IENCE Ray Herbert Wright CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCI- ETCE IN HO=., ECONOMICS Idah Munich 14'e 16e Appointments and Resignations. Mrs. Ruth Haines, of Philadelphia, was appointed instructor in elementary education for the second semester, 1932-1933, at a salary of 1')OOO.OO for the semester. Resignation of Miss Maud Freeland, employee in the University Extension Department, effective February 1, 1933, On motion, the meeting was adjourned. D. H. Peak Secretary of the Board of Trustees