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Major George L. Byroadc,
My dear Sir:- I

I am extremely anxious that the regulations relating to

study hours,absoncc from quarters and roll calls be enforced, —not harshly
but firmly. We have already lost valuable time in getting the Military
organization fairly under way. It should be delayed no longer.

I hope that the Military Department will be so conducted this year as to
leave nothing to be desired in discipline,officicncy,good conduct behavior
and good order in all the relations which the student sustains to the
College. To this and I am ready to give you my hearty cooperation.

there should be regular monthly meetings of the Military Council
held in my room at such an hour as I can attend.

I wish a list of absentccs from quarterc,ao shown by the inspection
of the preceding night,laid upon my table each morning by Mr. Urmcton,
your Secretary. I can then know how matters go in the dormitories.

I wish to see you for a few minutes each morning in my office,say
about 9 A.M.,that we may consider and exchange views upon the Military
status of the cadets and concert such measures as will promote the ob-
jects connected with Military training made obligatory by law in tho
Land-Grant Colleges.

Yours truly,
Major George L. Byroudc,
State College of Kentucky,
Loxington,Ky. .
My dear Sir:-

It is desirable that an adjuotment of the Physical Training
of the Gymnasiunito the requirements of the iilitary department he made
as early as practicahlo.l therefore request that you complete organiza-
tion of the Battalion at the earliest possible date. As soon as you re—
port to me that this has been done I will have a meeting of the Committee
for the adjustment of the hours for athletic exercises to the hours fixed
for you for military drill.

Yours truly,

 } E ‘
.:‘ . 3": E _ C’ i
_ ,. _ n , ’
1. E ,
. e

Major George L. Byroade,
My dear Sir:—
I am extremely anxious that the regulations relating to

study hours,absence from quarters and roll calls be enforced, —not harshly
but firmly. We have already lost valuable time in getting the Military
organization fairly under way. It should be delayed no longer.
I hope that the Military Department will be so conducted this year as to
leave nothing to be desired in discipline,efficiency,good conduct behavior
and good order in all the relations which the student sustains to the
College. To this end I am ready to give you my hearty cooperation.

There should be regular monthly meetings of the Military Council
held in my room at such an hour as I can attend. 1

I uish a list of absentees from quarters,as shown by the inspection
of the preceding night,laid upon my table each morning by Mr. Urmston,
your Secretary. I can then know how matters go in the dormitories.

I wish to see you for a few minutes each morning in my office,say
about 9 A.M.,that we may consider and exchange views upon the Military
status of the cadets and concert such measures as will promote the ob—
jects connected with Military training made obligatory by law in the
Land—Grant Colleges.

Yours truly,
_ Lexington,Ky.Sept.IB,1905.
Major George L. Byroade, ' _
State College of Kentucky,
My dear Sir:—

It is desirable that an adjustment of the Physical Training
of the Gymnasium to the requirements of the Military department he made
as early as practicable.l therefore request_that you complete organiza—
tion of the Battalion at the earliest possible date. As soon as you re—
port to me that this has been done I will have a meeting of the Committee
for the adjustment of the hours for athletic exercises to the hours fixed
for you for military drill. 1

Yours truly,

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 ’ State College of Kentucky,
jas. K. Patterson, Ph. D., LL. D., President.
Lexington, Ky., Sept. 7,1905.
Pros. D.B.Purinton,
Morgantown,W.Va. ,
Dear Sir:—- ‘

A committee has been appointed by our Board offrustees to
revise the salaries of assistant professors. I should be greatly obliged
if you will kindly answer the following questions at your earleist con-
venience and transmit the reply to me.

I.Salary of “9 professors in your institutionbfll/J MI
2.Salary ofauaqassis ant professors in your institutionw led/D ~
3.13y whom appointed —- by the Board of Trustee or by the President
of the sellege?f),.i ma.) svfam WMIZ—gymo/M.‘
4,By whom removable Wait/add)—
5.Salarios of professors d assistants in Experiment Station?.
I wish the o egomg data in order that we may have a basis of compari—
son with other Colleges and Universities.
Stamp enclosed for reply.
Your Ob't.,Servant, _
W Gig/244M 76” W1W.
fl , President,State College of Ky. .

 Z: ”"r '..," ',. v!
p / /w/ - £4 7
« ~ ‘ v v I

September lo, 1905.
President Jas. K. Patterson,
Lexinrton, Ky.
Dear Sir: .
Your letter of the 7th is received. I am enclosing Biennial
Report aid refer you to pages 15—16 as to salaries of let and 2nd
assistant professors in this coljsgfi,
They are appointed and removable by the Board of Trustees.
7' , Yours very truly,
President. ’
- ' rei- ' .

 I ..,: ,. . ;.
‘J', _ l/‘ . n V
, !,_v_
v ,

 Stat» 011111ng nf Kmturkg,
E. 01. iflmgrr, Enninmn Agmx. '
, fin“ 7" < ‘ “r“
Erxmgtnu, £11.. ‘JKZxJLC..ibCT l1. , 122‘.
3.3301“ G. L. Eyroaido,
1 “state College of >-I:T‘:’1t‘_1C"y,
Lexir‘lgton, 2);.
Ly 3831“ Sir:—
1t ‘5 C1681‘W:~‘1—JC +11": ‘9 “W ":14 .1 (“4"- 1" ‘..' ‘ ‘ I
.-1..1,- U. L..: 11.: 1,1.11311::U:..1.1;t of we pnyrslcul
.pffl:.r‘%7nm. 4" ‘“:\ ‘1 ... n. : v _1- 1‘ ‘
t_1.-:.-.-._\ o; tub gunman)?“ to 1m: I'CQ‘JLI‘i'ZLCRti-S of the Lillian: de—
‘.1? ”18"‘1' 1V1, 1,1.17'21 .:fi 3.‘ .7.. .,,.:.‘ a - ~
p: H. _.t .er “1101., (.2 LL13”; _111 zumxzusmmz practhuble. i therefor:
Yr: 1 ‘z‘4 AM‘ , _ 7 O. c -.111.u,_v1:
-LCJCcu huht 1’2}! CLT’UTQ‘P *1“: “nun P "1fi " _ ' ’ -, '
1 u “t““L’Afxgééxétt’f 01 LL11.- 1' “11.11.1011 at the arrimst
r: 0114?“; ( 1»4-, 1‘ 1. ‘r r-»,» < ,, -
Roxana: 11.93. ‘,.: $111121 11:; you. raywrt to :.e tkm‘; 11111:“: 11:15: 110411 Cove
1 will 13» :1 mm: ;» 7 ‘ ' ,. -‘ “ '
.1.1V 1 :1..:._.L.,:1:_', of Lne Co.:.r,..1LLw_: i‘ut‘ L110 :‘.’r“‘v'c*rw" Ln 1"C ‘L’W‘ f“ ‘ "
V- ‘ “,.: 1,; :2 “1 4
L V“, .1:\1,<1 [‘u: Crow. [01 £1.11: “1:3,
' drill.
‘1' LI‘II'T; 111,111"? 9

 U ".7" _. x" .= 3

' " Sept 19th 1905.
Dear Jones, 7
Your letter at hand at 5 this afternoon. If it is all right
for me to come to Lexington on Monday night to see you, let me know and
I will come. Either call me up by phone or write me a note that it is all
right to call on Monday night. I shall be compelled however to return
. on Tuesday monring, as I am very busy on this trial, and can not leave here
in the day time, and-the trial will be over about Thursday from present
outlook. At any rate I A No d m r '
Yours very €ggii:/:::3up on - n ay 0 nlnso


 _ a ..., “vi--
7%,,__w.w1.:m ‘,_ ~an ~ * “I.
1 'fi
fiat» Olnllmy at Kenturkg
m. G. ifiruzm‘, muninma Amut
. 1 70’ +;zv-T-;;-»w ('1‘ 1’1",”
prmgtnu, Kg. 1 '1"“"“ *“v- *H‘UV‘ '
Bear 1135 iinkesd: '
Xour lottar of ywutsrfiuy vac quTiVCd. tbs nnxt resw‘ar nectin; of
‘.. *1, . '2. A 1 '3' a 1“” rum "5‘! n .».n 1 , ,7,-,,_ .1 1 ~
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AUCLJTUQ shoulc D: CJMHLCd tn! EmCJTLJ 1111 LthuNS yum; yrr-fian. ,
1 03b Lu CCLJHQ you Lh-t LUMCJPTCHLlf uiLh 501: gypoflgt ant “a Luci—
..-\ w ,1 - _. .v w - ,, . -. - I .,A .~ :. ,1” 11 ' -—' ,,
uycr on ~n9115n thgzutlre Ly LLQ Lvarc Jun ucru dva ayfiOlnted Lu QLVO
Class room instruction in the #epcrtne t uf Engl;sh. Ibis Hatter is quite
,, ~ 1 V. , rm” '. .: ,.N -r‘--_,..,. ’.1—:\* i ,1,; 1,, ~—: a. V .1 :s 1
as Aden an le1bufi10u no L-c 1wxxcr. ;HGbUC 1 UV Hct buC hwy you can uLb—
- , \ u. , __, _.1, “mp . w“ - ~, ,.‘. ‘-A“
assuCLUte Luna, mom 3U} Raj 1gyuL-QLe the ggu u1Ln-1L h.febgt;n¢ vuc Vtucr.
rw V v '1 a w“! .- — ‘21 __ ,.w‘. :1 r . . w y ‘w 3, "~- ‘.“, ' ....41: 1:
lne ;RGCUtLVt COMMLtLQE u1d Nut -HQ cellL Hut rain-1e yo. fly} thy ou--Q-p;un
to give Class room instruction. Mhather you should or shoulu not no class
roe: work was hut referred to Lhni by the Ecard.
. _p. 1 _nfiq.‘ :‘ 11m _ 1: ..19 ~1 11 H, A _F 1,“ , \, ,“
LOLMltHSLgHLLHG tn: uLQtUEHt 1; 1311. LQC:;nw;e iv in: LOHTQ to in
noyv i‘V‘UOY‘TU‘I1 11"" wt: 1.76) 'tfi'wvjcmv 1““ «‘,fii‘mv 371'”: 1 4*. ~21~ “"61“ w'n ‘.{o r- (”1163/
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1 venture to say figgfi in conclus on that the terns ”inuuit" and ii—
‘ :.~ ..v » .v. - .1 .. 6.4a h : ‘,. ‘-1 .1 .- : 1 A: , :-6 ‘..
mL-H;L", afv “UJ11thhmé to 10; ans Lac .mrsunul1t;es and not to tn:n;g.
L; J A A. l u
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‘1 1. ‘7. n. <. (,1.
£10.11“ 01$":- atrvhnL,

 l; r' :4. t; t-”
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 State College of Kentucky,
Jas. K. Patterson, Ph. D., LL. D., President.
. Lexington, KY» Sept. 29,1905.
Major George L. Byroade,
My dear Sir:—

I am extremely anxious that the regulations relating to
study hours,absence from quarters and roll calls be enforced, — not harsh—
ly but firmly. We have already lost valuable time in getting the military
organization fairly under way. It should be delayed no longer. 2
I hope that the military department will be so conducted this year as to
leave nothing to be desired in discipline,efficiency,good behavior and
good order in all the relations Which the students sustain to the Col—
lege. To this end I am ready to give you my hearty cooperation.

There should be regular monthly meetings of the military council
held'in my room at such an hour as I can attend.

I wish a list of absentces from quarters,as shown by the inspection of the
preceding night,laid upon my table each morning by Mr. Urmston,your Secre—
tary. I can then know haw matters go in the dormitories.

I wish to see you for a few minutes each morning in my office,say
about 9 A.M.,that we may consider and exchange views upon the military ’
status of the cadets and concert such measures as Will promote the objects
connected with military training made obligatory by law in the Land—Grant

‘ Yours truly,

 Ugh figu- a
, .
_ .
. .
. .

 1» .4 .5222 .3
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‘bJ/rml: 0-5 +4“ Staph: Gym”,
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 first» anl‘lrge nf $211111er
' El. 01. Efirazn‘. fllxm‘uu‘nu Aura!
I Emhmmn,fln Lurch 1L, 1004.
l President Jones h. fatterson, Ph. D. LL. D.,
State College College of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ly.
ln reference to the subject of an onenrpment of the Cadet corps
of this institution 1 have the honor to nuke the following statement:
After considerable corrGSpcndencc rith the torld's Fair people at St.
Louis and the railroads leading out of this city I believe 1 can ar—
range for the encampn‘nt on the horld's Fair Grounds at 3?. Louis for
a total cost of about i14.00 per nun. This rill include railroad fare
to and from St. Louis; the rcons and heals while there: reels while
enroute and entrance to the Fair urounds as often as the badets wish.
in 3rder that we may take as many Cadets as possible 1 rould
like to set the price for each Cadet at $12.00 and would request that
the College pay the balance rhich will be somewhere betreen §?00.0t and
$500.00 not to be over the last figure. 1 here this request because
as you know there are a great nony men here who will not be able to pay
much over £10.00 and rhile the additional $2.00 per man over 0l0.00 mill
eliminate some f4.00 would probably clininete half the non who would
want to take advantage of this low rate. 1 a: very anxious to arrange
for this trip because 1 believe it would be the best thing we cruld do
for the student body as a supplotent to their education and it will be
the only way nine—tenths of them will ever see the 1‘air.

As to the tire when we should be there 1 wish to state that l
have had a Conference with Lr. A. Y. Ford, Erosident of the hontucky
Lxhibit Association and he inferno to that June End will be “outuchy
day and they urc very nnxoous that re be on the grounds on that day to
take part in the gentucky day ceremonies.

 77—1117 .

 £71m 011111939 nt Kmturkg ,
‘ El. ([1. ilii-zizrr, Erratum Aurnt _
_ no Erxingtnn. 1K1].
In View or these facts 1 would like to request that you give this
your earnest consider.tion and if possible that you give it your support
with the Trssteos and that 1 may be instructed in the matter as soon as
possible in order that l nay Lake tho definite arrangement with the rail—
road and Fair authorities no nuke :oro arrongeronts for anding out the
Gadets who wish to go and raising the noney fron that sonrce.
\ 31117 ya >3
‘ //’D