xt7ghx15n565_102 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Kentucky State College Report text Kentucky State College Report 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_10/Folder_2/122512.pdf 1890 1890 1890 section false xt7ghx15n565_102 xt7ghx15n565 i ' 0
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Agricultural and )‘lcchanicul Colleges in thc United Statcs _
owe their origin to an act of Congress, entitled “.\n act donating ‘
r public lands to the several States and ',l‘erritorics which may .
. provide colleges for the benefit of agricultural and mechanic
arts,” approved July ‘2, 1862. The amount of land donated was I -
30,000 acres for each Representative in the National Congress. “i
Under this allotment Kentucky received 330,000 acres. Several -
years elapsed before the Commonwealth established an Agricnl— ' i
tural and Mechanical College under the. act. \thn established, p y
it was not placed upon an independent basis, but was made one. i
_ of the Colleges of Kentucky University, to which Institution
the annual interest of the proceeds of the Congressional land "
grant were to be given for the purpose of carrying on its opcra— , '
7 tions. The land scrip had meanwhile been sold for titty cents _
' per acre, and the amount received—$165,000—invcstcd in six '
per cent. Kentucky State bonds, of which the State became the l ‘
custodian in trust for the College.
The connection with Kentucky University continued till . _
,,,; ' 1878, when the act of 1865, making it one of the colleges of said .
, University, was repealed, and a Commission was appointed to
1 recommend to the Legislature of 1879—’80 a plan of organiza— ‘
5 ' tion for an Institution including an Agricultural and Mechanical , . ; .
College such as the necessities of the Connnonwcalth require. . '
The city of Lexington oll’crcd to the Ctnnmission (which was ,5 3
also authorized to recommend to the General Assembly the place, i
which, all things considered, otl’cred the best and greatest inducc— -_
ments for the future and pcrmancnt location of the College) the ' .
. City Park, containing fifty-two acres of land, within the limits
: of the city, and thirty thousand dollars in city bonds for the 0‘.
erection of buildings. This oll'cr the county of Fayette supple—
- Incntcd by twenty thousand dollars. in county bonds, to be used
either for the erection of buildings or for the purchase of land.
The. offers of the city of lxcxington and ot'the county of Fayette
were :icccptcd by the (lcncral Assembly.
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l ' By the act of incorporation, and the amendments thereto,
E constituting the charter of the Agricultural and l\leehanieal C‘ol—
l lege of Kentucky, liberal provision is made for edueating, free of
_ l ‘ tuition the encrretie vounr men of the Commonwealth whose
l 9 . g3 .
l means are limited. The Normal Department, for which pro-
; o c o u c . .- u -
g v1s10n is also made, is Intended to aid in building up the Common
ji School system by furnishing properly qualified teaehers. This
l College, with the associated departments whieli will, from time
l to time. be 0 )ened as the means )laeed at the dis iosal of the
i ’ l
I 5 Trustees allow, Will, it is hoped, in the no distant tuture, do a
9 - great work in advancing the edueational interests of Kentueky.
L Being entirelv undenominational in its character, it will appeal
, .
- 3 With confidence to people of all creeds and of no creed, and \Vlll
i endeavor, in strict conformity with the requirements of its or—
E ganic law, to afford equal advantages to all, exclusive advantages
g to none. The liberality of the Commonwealth in supplementing
- E; the inadequate annual income arising from the proceeds of the
' 3 land scrip invested in State bonds \\'lll, it is believed, enable the
: Trustees to begin _and carry on, upon a scale emumensurate \vith
' the wants of our people, the operations of the institution whose
management and oversight have been committed to them by the
*2; General Assembly of Kentucky.
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3"333333333333333-333‘3-‘33‘3333‘3‘3‘3‘333»(‘33:):"32333238‘3 ‘ ,3 ' .‘ ‘ :U' “ afififififli‘wfla Col. L. J. Bradford..........,........................................Covxngid .
""""""" ' 3: g. » ~l£3 3 .i‘:::i~i, Hon. A. R. Boone,.... ....Mayfie .
3' 33'33333"'3'333"333'333333333"3'33 '33" ' fi'fiJfifiw'rfE'fi-fifili “333," 3‘3 333513333333'3‘333:33‘33‘333'333337331393339373323332?3333333323535}?533 Hon. P. P. John5t0n,.._, ....Fayette 001111th
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3'3 3333 3'3'3"335-"”3“33593339‘33!“:3 3‘3 " “33'3“‘Hr‘rr36—19E5h3331:..‘rf14' .‘ Judge B J— Peters, .. .Mt. Sterhng-
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3" '3'3‘3’33'3'333 33‘3""3‘33!" "‘7‘ 4:- :24.“ 3 'fimm:‘*;~‘ 3’1‘3343M'J’éjfigfikq Hon. J. M. Unthank3.... 331113011011 gm
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3 3' l3! 33‘333:H‘31333|33‘ 313343333333 3133:3311”. 3KFF’F3?” 34in]:—.:Edgfimfivm,33":j3:L3‘taxiifir‘:'g;;",'g§1ic§ g6, i333:- n ~g‘fgfi,’ . Gen S B 1,3110an __ H H “Hart county.
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3' i'l 33' 3 3 3'33 3' 3333' 333 '33 3 “hm ' :_'? a: waif-#3113 El"3 33':3""‘,‘333“3 7:3333333 3:; '3".3.?3‘373‘=: «wk: ”33:? -: r "g!" 443 : .
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3 3 ‘ 3‘ 3i,|3333:33:1333323333333313333333333333333333,3'3 l l 33 333 {1% ;’wrfi?ag*lm'l3i'""333'3'33"3lw3f . ‘ 913‘ '33'1 lf’l’%£§%§ 3 FA C U LTY I I
. . 3-.‘.‘33_3 31,33 :3;l‘;'333:3.:.3.3“ ‘3 3‘3, 3. 3 3 3 ~ 3 5_ mun; ...; ”3333;333:333 3333.3 3,. ”W: .. 33‘" 3., “avid“ _ V Y 9 ‘ -
' 3 3333333333333333333““333333313:": 33‘3“ [/33 r3F34‘37—1—nr2723w3'é‘33335333:fiiw"32¢*tifllfim Mfr->4: - JAMESJL PA: rEnsom. I’h. D9135. 4.. 3
333333.333” 33331333334333.3333. :33 33333133}: 3:33;.“ 333:: ‘33. \ 3 33%433‘mi%‘ 3.13; 1553;333:3333}. ,c ‘rgfifiigggg’iai'l' 1:33,. 1 ..‘-fig ‘ President Professor of Memphysm Cw“ HEW.
3:33:33 3 3" Hwys" ‘33‘3‘ "3:3‘3‘ ...: 33"‘33. 1 3‘3}: . u .3“ ' ., v. 5 3... 3.3 :94. Y 3‘ .. . .‘r {9! ”#33 . 3: 5:9 up"
3 3333333333315.)33'33‘3fq333335'33’33'3331333::;1i3333ih3’f3‘j"1"31:3“ 3 "33‘: "3 "£73me «3:: 3‘??? @éflfiflufiwfik 9 $35533: %%:&3IW¢“.‘HW ‘ ROBERT PETER. M. D” V
a w 1 3.. 1‘43',:3'3‘3"‘}‘3' 3333.333333- 33:::3~:‘3,‘l33. :33: 3'3. . r3, . —- — '; .1: :33-3 dim-V .1514” ‘3 : 2,. n- . . 3 .3 9 t . ’ - H.
3-l'333333313333""3333333333333333333333333331"3333333 332733333 % 3fi'i—f3vigz3 .7 75‘ EF%:3’3'33"3‘73W 33%;“fifii'ififli'i' Pron-ssnr of Clmmxstm and Expernnentnl P1135103.
'33""'3'3‘333333‘3‘33333'33333333‘ 1333333733 "333"" 33333 :1. WE‘VE'Z' fig'i‘3iviavi‘i‘mi:33533333333333333 ,313‘ :fi3‘13“'3€'§§ JOHN SI—IACKLEFORD, A. M.,
. ‘333- ‘333r3‘w. 3:3‘3v3-3333 ‘3: 3 ‘3'3‘ 3.335;: ‘.'33“w 3~‘ ‘ 9 ‘_3 .,-= .1. .._}: ;. . 3:9{':13':'l“l'3.3l‘3‘}3 3 .5334, (.31., . _ ._E 34.“ .. _ y l ‘ I I ‘
'333'33'3'33'3'3 3333"3'33333333333333333:3333”193-33333333' é: fli—gfljfi gg—"t—TQEWY5""33333333333"3‘:l333‘333.33333333333333133'333333333 I 3333' {r 'figi'zfifl I’rolvss'ln- of tho Engllsll Language and lemtme.
33333333333 1““‘1‘1‘3‘3: 33333:":3113‘3‘ 91335:“..i33333333: “-. . ‘3= crew- =14€73 3:353:123:3;3‘3i3llr3‘if3‘33:333‘333333 ‘u:’:’~‘ei.\‘v 33:2»?!in . Eu. (1 \VHITE
31‘3'133333'313‘3‘333. ‘3‘332‘333w‘r‘ l"333|23:3'3'33‘::3l3—‘3r::.‘: 3:"!‘13-‘1‘. 35?; ‘ 3-az3irfiigx3..'.e‘fgfi1.13%“:-W“331:3::3i33333‘3‘33:333:33Q"A.,?“ .‘axff'gcmi‘j JAM ~ r- . , . ’
3333333333" 33333333 ' 3'33 '3 3 "3333333313 333 3333" 3:3 ,L~——3,—:' : ”3: 7i33333g'333'33'3333333333333333" L‘n2~’?§%wl§‘ Professor of Muthenmtivs, Pllysws, and Astronom).
""'3"-‘"“"‘ "“3337 3:.‘3‘...'33=.‘:.;:33': " KW “ -12.. . :3: ‘- 4:333:313 (.2553: -3:.=if:.-»:,;z?,::z,,,3 -411: A} 3 .
v.33!,33 {:3 3.31.1333: . 3 3‘3 4 3 3333,343333333333333.,,,Waw w,” _W #21:: x R CRANDALL I
"3""33"333' '3' ' "33" '3‘3'3'13" ““3"“ 3 WWW 1'13»: “33‘3“ “"fiiér figs”: :fxfz...z.~»_:; 1 . . v . _
333333333333333333333333'fit 3 "33"‘3'3'3 ' ' ""3331" ""w33'"3'333|3+$:§¢7fiifi¥~§u przg'ghi‘3 professor of Natural History and Director at the
3"33333333333333333331333"1333333 “3333'" 3" "333333 3 3 3"3‘3‘3'3’435E:33":3'33S'33"‘ 3337331133133”: "r“ fmfiifiifit‘ Mechanical Department.
‘3'“ ~33 “”3333" 11‘33339‘: ":5 , :1: z” 3‘! , .1 .3 «3.,- 53:3; 313333: 3. 9 .. ll: :7, 3 .3; a _
33333337333333» 33333“33333333533333";3333333333?3 v33’3333‘333 . 3333“!»u,3374;‘21::31::323333333333333333 ixllllllll. ' ‘3‘ é‘kfli‘gw c3, 1:. TYLER, Second Lieutenant U. S. A.._
3'3333331333333333333'333g33'3'3333333 “333"333'""33333333 3 V. 3 33'3““? 33:33-333.3333333333333333333 ~‘, T355» ‘3. ~£§a§3 professor of Civil, Mechanical, and Mining Engmoor- .
3333333 3‘ 3‘ 31:3‘31‘33"331331"3"3‘333‘3‘3‘3'33 1 “'33: -‘.'.‘ 3‘ ‘ 3" ..W: "39-3333:3'3333‘3‘:33:w33.3% Z". ‘9': 4:“.‘91-fg‘. - r . 3- . 3 - - 9 .3 3‘ 1' : u.
"'3'3333-"33'33'3333‘3'33 «3.333333%:3:1:111:33‘333‘33"3'33‘1‘3:3 '33 33‘ 3.3 ‘ ' _ Tl 151;»; l. ‘. "3333‘???“ 3‘: ‘17”??? gig”?! ”15,,1)r.uuiig, and 3313311313113 80mm
‘33‘"l3":1:-3““‘ 13331323323333 ‘3‘. 13 3‘3? :L-iim‘ ‘3 ' :33: ‘ l .: s3;3.3:33lr‘3:.:: 'Jl3.~ £329 ' ~'4;::,.:.;.: F. M. IlEL ' <. ., 3
:3: 3K. (313333.333 33.3.3: 3333.3333:.3:333-33 3 33.3... _. 3 3 ... .3 ‘ 33333333.; “I”? “Fm!- . ‘. “‘;:;‘- (L ‘ I r N '
333333333373333"3'33‘33'3’.”“33w333333“: 3"" -, -' ‘ 337333;?» . if'333'3’3333333333133333' 37333333133 iéigjn . I’rofvssm' of flip Frencl) um: (:ornmn Languams and
33333333333333 333" ""33333‘3‘3'3"3333'"'3" 33“" 3 3E3 . 1:25., 3E3 E""35533333343':“§!33‘33:3" 3333: 3:.“ 3‘)W€§%§53‘33'3373 Literature.
1 3. {3. 3m. L. -3 :3‘33 "l 333 .‘M’l'fl 3. . 3 3. ' fi': 3:. .3“ ‘173‘53133‘: 3.3.37 . .._: \3 , .' ‘3‘“.7715'L7ilfg‘3‘ v ‘ ' V I
'33333'33'3‘333'333'3333"3'3"" ' 3‘33'"'3'333"3"'3"33333 33333 3' 3 ' 355'; Z» ‘ 31. 13“?“‘3‘? '3‘ 3*: ' 33333333, l33l"’33!15‘i:3=3’:33z'3 JOHN H. NEVILLE. A. M., ..
'3‘ '3333333“3'35‘3'3‘333333 3 3333333331‘333333333.‘ 3333 .= . "333} 'r—3‘i‘ih‘3fl3'éél; 3*3‘:33'33":;33" 3333333333: Professor of [.110 Latin and Greek Languages and Lil- .
‘l"‘31""3‘“"33":‘l .x:3.:l33333‘:3;:33:33.: 'i= 3‘ 3: :: 3%:le 3mm, _M. . 3:3:::.v3::.: 3.3.3:.333.
343333.313: :333331333‘3' 1‘33 ‘Lj-‘j‘ 33: “33333 333.33}: 3‘3; '3; “393%“ 5.3;: . 3.., E‘ffiw 4 flaw»! a} 3331‘ 333333?“ v '
33:35.33 33'3“)“ 333.343“ 631333;: «31‘; 333:3 :33‘13533‘13': 13:3: ‘ 3'" -~.: . 3,.W§K’,3 %\3;ggg‘3gg;ggw:q¢é‘m}i 3;"é3313133'l3’:3333&333 MAURICE RIBBS. A..M.. -
"3333'33 333333333333 33 33333333333333"'33 ' a '3 3%?23335335g1333333333'ifigz3 'fiiafivz‘gw'md 4- professor at Moral and Political .l'lnlosomu'. and PW" ’ . . .
"I“‘i‘3'l3r '3 I'i‘l“‘2‘“‘l‘11:“1‘“: 9‘" l“ f'-‘ . - 9‘: 75:33:33-: :32: :hrfia‘é‘wweflwlim , . 3 ‘ .43..” .3; the Normal new. ,. 3 .
333:3 93.333 3 3 3 3 3r 3 333 , . \(¢n.u.i_-.fi,nn ( 3 Newmfflm‘ :.¢,:¢...?§3 w" 3:33:33...
"33335-3: "'3' 333"“ 3333' 3‘3 33‘ 5’33 r3513“ 3 3. - " 3' ' ‘3 33‘ 1&3 $3" 33331333’ififiw’flg afiwfizfiigwfilfilih‘ .' ALBERT A. MENKE, -
"'3‘" " “ "“ 3‘: ,‘ : ‘ ' :3: z: - - :k'l::3"-33:::“‘,‘ '- 4:39:93 . . , .
'3‘3'333‘"3333333333333"1 33?"'73"'*‘3123133;"1‘~33‘. v "1333 “"333" ’ ' V iwififa’gfifi‘fihflflk‘kwfif$133333"l . l’yufi-Hsm' Agricultural mmnnstry, Hortmxltuw. and
'33' 3 '33 “'33 H "3' 3 "'33 "' 3"" '3 " ‘ 3' ' - y‘ 11"" V i a" ‘3' :V 3331‘ :39, 4'3 ' 0. '4 1;- "3,7531 2:3 .~ _ . 1
”3:333qu'1133ll3llw3'in3‘3'33,3333“: 333 :3 3‘1‘ “ #3333? 3 .~ 3: '3‘ ‘ K3§€$5lfi‘gfifkkfifir333333;!53331fiiugU3"LM.;3333 Ammumlu’ ‘
33 ' H ‘ . > « *-.-‘~."r=-:. , 3. . :r . , . . .
‘133213‘3““3“3'33 “3'3“: ‘3 3:333:34: “3‘33337‘ 33,3“. 3:; @3213! : MFQI‘EI'33133‘3333' §.'3;3'::333:.3:s3::::33 wmmm. x. m: lERbON.
333'33333'3'33' 3" '3' 3333"" "'2'? 3'3"":3‘3‘3 33313 , f-sfifi‘fii ,“R§:§4E'%§ $33333533333‘3‘233W533.334373371333315 prim-1pm of {111: l’repzu'alnry Departmmlt.
' 33:3; ‘ ,3 3 333.: 1‘, .‘33‘3 3. h: 9‘ 3 1 _. -. . 3'5, . ..' ;.,-~._ “c.3433?” 11H” -3E:‘3,‘i".“::3' V v _
:3333'3 =.:333 3‘3““ 3‘ (13:55 13333355»;3‘23‘Fii:‘3‘ 3 . @933 953341,.5,3-.,~,9,,§;g3;fiy53&nggz.i:;39.\._3.43.~3£53:. “"“33913395'33 W. H, 'I‘llORMEURL
H3 ‘3 ww‘a 33 '33:}! 33' - ' ' " ""33 ' 7% "ARES”Ahlh/l‘f’v‘guu’“W’K‘IWJ‘ ‘3‘3‘3‘3 Instructor in Practical NIOClIfllllPS. .
"1““ ' '31 ‘ 3‘ ":‘_I “E : 33‘" ~ r3." '3 .‘"‘~';“ fut”: ~'. .«5 1‘«.---' - '1' 7.4.3541 74‘.» .3339: :.;3.3 .3 7 3 ‘ .
3‘2 3333‘: : 1 ‘ :‘ a 13:2. ‘1‘» ‘3 313:3. ' 22m?» 31%?33'33mgfiyv“3‘I3‘i‘13’;‘3§r,i;33 M. L. rman. n. :5. . . .
3333 3 '3' ' ' 3'3, 3 ' ' 33 M 3 wi‘LQJK-iijfi 3V€Ki§§§§wfifll7ifl$fi3w:333'3 ' l'rol‘l-ssur ni‘ l‘..::‘1'I>:333l;‘.3‘ ll J‘ $191.91.: 3 ' .
333333333333333‘3333333333.!33333333:33.3-3‘3233331133:33:3333331333.:13‘33‘3‘. .':.3.:».3.‘;,3‘:.3; 3x3 :31: * . » flfim'immz-zfigah.3‘Eginlllllullfllflm3333D3333:$333331:~.‘.2.

 The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, cs- Each room must be provided by the occupants thereof with
tablished in 1866, and reorganized and placed on an indcpcn~ neat and comfortable bed and bedding, table, washstand, 100k_
dent and nndcnomination basis in 1880, affilrds facilities for a ing glass, chairs, bowl and pitcher, water and 310p buckets.
wider and more extended range Ofil1strtlcti011, than anyCOllcgc The furniture bought at the outset can be sold at the end of
in Kentucky. It has a Faculty of fifteen Professors and Instruc— the collegiate year or retained for further use, at the option of
tors. It provides Agricultural and Mcchnnicnl, Scientific, En- the owner.
ginccring‘, Normal School, Classical and Commercial courses of , For students who are not supplied with appointments from
study. Its buildings arc all now; its Chapel and Recitation the Legislative Representative Districts OithciCommonweallh,
rooms, large and commodious; lighted by gas and heated by and who board in private families, the necessary expenses will
steam, Its l11nil1buildil1ghas capacity for instructing 600 pupils: , 2 be as follows : I , ‘
Each Legislature Representative district is entitled to Scnci Tuition fLG 315 00 I
four properly prepared students, free of tuition. The qualifi- « Matriculation it 5 00
cations for enteringr under this appointment, arc lx’ ending, Vv'ri— ' _ Board. and lodging, 38 weeks, at 84 to $5 per WCPki 15:3 00 to 190 00
ting, English Grammar, Geography and [\ritlii‘nctic. Apnoint— \Vashlng'........................... 1t) 00 ‘
, * Books and statloncrv........................ 1t) 00
ments are made by the County Court. \thn the County ' ' _% ___ '
Court fails to appoint, an appointment made by the County Tttll\1(l0 00 to $240 00 :
Judge, or by the Representative or Senator of ’tlu.~ District, \lill ‘ “—‘ ~‘
be recognized. Each county is also (‘llllll(‘(l to send {our . Compensated labor WM be furnished by the College to a
teachers, or persons prcpzlringto teach, to the Normal School ' limited number to assist them in providing for their maintenance
Department, tree of lIEilltlll, Appointments tor the Normal while at the COHCQC'
School l)cpnrh11cnt may he made by the Common School Com— The aim Of this Institution, supported partly by an income
missioncr. derived from lands given by the General Government, and
For the benefit ottllosc whose means are small, provision is partly ij the State, is to bringa good education Within the
made for board and lodging in the (,lornlitory, a large {our _ “C“‘fh 0‘ those, to whom it has hitherto been practicably denied.
story brick building on the College grounds. For appointees It 611111910 give Illl'eclllCdthll ofa practical character to the in-
occupying a room in the dormitory' tilc ,.,Qccssin‘y Cxpciiscg , (lustrlzli classes. it aims moreover to (:hcapcn education, and
will he as follows: to help those to obtain it, who desire to hclp'tllcmsclves.
,',nitim] .. 9000 For catalogues and other information, address judge \Villiam
“mm M, -, no ~ l3. Kinkead, Chairman'ot the Executive Committee, or Jas. K.
.\lntrirliliilinli.................... 5 00 l’ni’tcrsolr l’h. D., President Of the College.
('uslul'l‘tli‘lliaili”;l‘iiolll,:llmlli..,...,........,..,..,......... .. III 00 ‘
l“llt'lllltl'1‘n . 8 till ‘
\\l~hlllt it) (Hi
l'mlll'll. 328‘ weeks at :~'T’.'.’-‘"l pi'vl' \\‘i-i-l<.............. .. 5551) '
Punks, (Iliiiill it) till '

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