xt7ghx15n565_103 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Military Department Reports text Military Department Reports 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_10/Folder_3/123358.pdf 1893, undated 1893 1893, undated section false xt7ghx15n565_103 xt7ghx15n565 o o ‘
Headquarters Flllltary Department,
Kentucky State College, '
Order No.
L ' Lexington, Ky,189
‘- I, y‘ {:1 NAME. ‘ OFFENSE. ' DEHERITS.
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.» Headquarters Military Department, .
,7 Kentucky State College,
Order No, b 7,;
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Lexington , Ky. ,,__;;‘_..; 189
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Headquarters Phlltary Department,
Kentucky State College,
Order No,
Lexington , Ky. , ,‘89
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Wopcrt of on Inmwsotion a? the Vilitiry F:;artnuot of the
A rioultural and lochanifinl College, Loxinfitcn, KY., b? “qfitflin
Charles Killer, 3rd Infahtry,in compliance with par.2 S.C.To,85
r1 ,5: .T?r3:1Il(711rii*iz(ai?:7 ll Authoritios.

Tho Coll "e hqi nolscd For *Lo YTiT on Jrn? 3rd 1”” t‘nre
“or‘ no Cadets present on Juno 6th, th* in? (f the Inx‘vfition.

No inforfnticn is to tie date of t;o closing r? 1" oollofle
v~v Ibo nénscn Tofloinfi 20 until June 4th, t1» fin? fiftfi? it Ifld

*10 Army C??iocr on duty at t;o College stated to 1% an
the finy a? tgfi indnoétion, that he hnfi ioiorflei tLo innovator
C\w‘rnl F portwnnt 6? +10 hikss, of the data 0? tls Xfiflm dinning
0* iWw onllnje, in bin 1 ttor Cf April ?€tL lPOfi. This imiter
rotorred to me, is ierowith enolcs i, nnfi shown t*e offider to
h7V" boon in error as to notification of date of olCHiHS.

iflv: i3u“tinzoi:iovis :Frer ii16' IrifiTvvhixvr fiazfiorVIl TI. 7 . ltrrn’q
Hi? act roman To till F37 fifith; tho Viiot finttnlifin ”is in 131p
at Ashlnnd, ly., till ”fir Elst. From tin 9m: to tdw LtW iIzt. I
‘vifi 'Hirifofl. in II'e lost witic-a 7T {fie IVllVT"’fii+gr ov“91nzrxriee.

CTi *i'1 ’T" T ’lo‘ifilt :1? “ ’ ‘lfi”fl313 -“9 *.:' 'V:ll =t: :7 ‘,. I tgt‘ni I
(“1'1 "'_"3 ."l’l‘f Tf’T"‘,’-,'if‘fl}_n.>

Attention is invited to wislnwei quontioflfl 111 m1u~svm,
the answers hi inf hn'fl Iide by the Professor of Yilitwrv Sqionco g
uni Tactics on flflty at tEn institution, ooptoin forrji U. eroade,
T, s, erv, retirofi.

Tho rosult of ry obnorVQtionn flaring tho innvootion are
onboiéd in tho reflfirks under the following hands:—

 i i
.. g ._


1 — Ordnanoo moi Orinanoo stores:—

All the Governont Proportjloanea to +19 Institution in nartir
oularly Well stored and tfiiouahly oaned for. All in inx serviceable
oondition. There hoine two 3.2 inon hrooohloaaine fiolfi guns and
two 3 iaoh nuanl loading field suns on Land, it in rooo tended
that authority be given the fiollo:o Authorities to plaoe the two


muzzleloading fiela guns on the oanpus. Whie authority in imoh
desired by the oollogo, chioh Will nrovifi tia nooeosarv woulins
for the pnotootion of the guns. They are at arooent hoot in the
drill hall. a, O. No.94 A. o. 0, series 1902, does not reouire
institution of learning of the and Class to fiimo inotruotion in
Artillorv Drill, mmmmnflnmfl nevertfiolues as this institution does
maintain a battery of £1911 Artillerylit is rooonmanaod that the
field rieoes,aahers oto. be kept with tho institution.

2 — Sifiaal Property:—

- This institution maintains and inetruots a signal P taohr
«out. It has no N, 8, Signal Pnoporty of in? kind. The flafo used
in the instruotion of the detaohmont were made hv the oxaote.

The oolle o should have a regular Sijnal outfit, oonoistint of
flaflo and staffs an wall as a not of the small size haliojraph
rui‘i'l .3_i:.\‘fimooi’ii'imiiied tit-2.1; tines-e: stores or: loaned to t1: . ool‘icafie by
the ”or Department.

II - Too florpo of Cadets.

l — TAoii Orianiaation:¥ ‘
Attention is invited to too ;ii‘iolcnod envy of‘ tho fionoolir‘citeft

o _ _ _ 3.4;" , ,
Uroninfi Report of too corps of Cadeto of June Roth 1903, oubMitted
in lieu of the roouired viola Return.

; All'walo students at the inotitrtion QTfl roouirofi to wonder
Military servioo until tnev are advnnooa to the nonior Class.
This Class at present in exempt from Filitary duty. this exonption
is of rooont date and an effort will no pain by the PT oiiout
of i;o oolo§e\boforo two begginning of the next term, to again
reouiro Military Servioo from tho Senior Class ani to make the ‘
' obtaining of diplomas from the institution oonditional upon urof=

 K .
.. '_-3 _.
Wrcfiéi any in fir Filifiary Ponarfiywnt. Vale sfiuflnntn guysioally
2sz7,ng3);!5Ljijr-2”: for 2':1‘1:"(‘).'l.11"1e1‘;t in 0312» cf the. In““:1nfir17 (102132211023
0?? 1’1110 Rufnterv 0:5" 'i‘a’ield. ,v’:_:v_~"!:1111,0737 r‘ejwa'if‘ r*=11:1].ifi:2-7.l:‘mquired to
TfihflGT SGTVine in fiha Signal HT Hoa§ifinl Definch.ents,
Titre C(‘W‘sn 0:? C'WJEtS is,“ ()F’Lii‘inifriti‘fl into :_1 31211312311011 of Inn?-
QHtTY 0f fiTfi ”Pfirfifiiflg, Viih drum ana bugle Corps, fl bdfifiory of
Wi'ibl flvfiij’icry, :1 ifilfilnl.1N=tnn}gv=nt, :1 Hflfiflfliffij‘YNNfi3033jfint 11nd
n Grnpflny cf Sub—Freshmen, boy? :00: all +0 n2 but in wit? :he
TWTUIRT Britnlion.
2 N Libointm>nt vf Offiémrc uni UOfirCOYDiCSiGfiCC Officers.
Edie fiHTéUEMfi fin regulationm; :he Offinars ani acne of fine high—
Jr Non—Corpiuaioned Of 143:3 from fihc Junior Class, float of :he
mfihér Vnnrfinwnitfiicned 0?”iccrn thm :he inphanerefilmm.
T11 iNGtitution, :0 max: the position of Comuismicnpfl Cndefi
. °?
0 Floor more desireablw an: t: enhance t;£%fiuporbanan, ways the
Cnlefi O?*iders Turing fianh fiollegifite ywar as follows:-
“awtqins $77.00 — lat Lieufienants $90.00 - 23d Lieutnnnnts $lB.OO#MQQ
3 - Unifnrfiz—
“'3?“ (72251912 07”":‘f2-2‘5.’?r; @711 211223? “9:7 31'. 9. n, Inf'rizfi;¢éi‘3f OJT'JTTLdaJ‘fl;
CUT ”mist Hon~30nriswione1 CffléflTS mnfi Privafias ~ gray blouse
Ami irnufierfi ind blue fiap. In aifiiiion all the nadefis vafl white
+3*m;.r2r:':“r3 .
«L ~ Ilelnliirx‘figu71- ,
flihipllnu Tui dontyol a? lnrmifiories in under £10 Cam inlant
g¥ nudctr. an rules, regulations and general system a?» very
310:3, -
5 ~ Quneffll B131 lino u? £10 Sndefi Corps.
Awynrontly exnollant as dififilnfiafi by examinatiun of ranards.
Tn» PTOdebbT of Yilitnry Selene: aid ”anfiios in givan much authe
/ V
J ority uni all nu and nunporfi bv inn faculfiy nnfi ha i“ Wriyarily
vofiponmihlo fin? £90 juq3?al fiinipllnc of the Ca&efi Tarps.
T,» PmuJidant of hfln mollnje, Japan K. Pfifiterflon, Ph.D., has ins—
fiitutod a nounnil of Cadet Officers "1th dééiplignary aafi limited
ndministrntédgpownrs. '

 l .
. .
.. 4 ...
Of this oouneil the Gothaniant of C fleta ix tic Er wilont. It
7 hello floatinfio as often as any b~ n on fiery, at 1 act onoe a
\ «Livy;
month, and a record tfiéa preeuodinzs in tept in a book wrovided
For the purpose. Tho good reunlte obtalnoi :Vlly juxtifr its OX-
intonoe on? thin feature mifiht with ndvnntago or adeptel by other
iantitutione of a nmlalanxrnr eimillar oloraetor.
6 — Facilities for Pfihtical and Theorottioal Inntrxotion.
leosué 523w: ‘f’ITF {30(w1. Tliznfo 1:; Ft dJFiJQL §:?0131d. , T3313. 1: “~Vboc1
wnfl nquioiontly largo; a nor drill null L_fi 3 wall fifliiTT‘l gytr
uaoinx, A Shooting gallery appeara vnry flowirefiblu To? :“llery
”Iaotieo. '
V ~ Kncwlude ot Trill, general appearaoee, hehuvior,ete.
'T’iii'.l,(."'fi.nj; the z-‘ifli’éfinfi": of} In Carie’us -‘i‘('.\:“:. insi‘fxi’iution
it t?» tion 0? the iflfiVefitiOh (for the reason firoviounly stated),
, . ,
it was not youMiblw to observe. From tun “sacral anvemronoe of
much dotfiila as Rake up the Tilitnry Povartnnnt in? Teen the irr
aversion gonorally, Thifih foroefi itself upon-wofl 12 lei to believe
that the Hilitary efficiency of th Corps of Cadets ’n of a degree
? fleeting oredit uyon tho institution.
8 — Flaje and Galorn, , ’
The 311‘1-i3t:‘|_1ion earring, “flig‘lJ‘f-(Liil 1121-75 ”:3;-C- ’“Iri':>3.ll_.ia"’2 .'lC‘CLOTH. -
T one in no Military flagsttff on the oahpua in? Qintlmyinj the
Tatianal Flax. Floatationx flnonlfl be note by th: doll :2 arth-
wtitios aoootdingly.
III — Verification of iata nontulned in the annual r 303% of
tho Yilitary Instructor to the Inopootor GZnatul.
This report, at tnv> tine nl‘+xxa inapeotionlhad not garb he n
wreyaned by the Nilitfiry Instructor. V9 was not aware that such
. _
a retort nae required.ulnstrnotionn were miv n hi; in the matter
and the rwyort will he made. ~
IV — Couplianoo Vitl the provisions ofi fifiuanl era r Yo.9&, :
L. d. 0. , series 1902, PG regards practical and thaorotioal i

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l — .5... Legends aria-1 tical 11.-s m L..:tlcii.
> - . ,. r _ ..,, q , . J. . 4. . . ...~ ..7 L1, . , ,._..,J ,,_ A. {.,‘ ,‘,.
” entice are; not only _._‘L.I,.ll:J 'TTzi-Ly‘lifiu ‘.Llll , .. ...:r a .,_.3.._,et.
/J vu
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- ._ ...“)..L . a .. .'I , ‘ .’1 3 . .1 .'-3 <‘ ‘, _. Cl~7 . . 'I 71,.._I.n -.. .‘.“ _
wlgvoll to a. I). I-tmxsjwl 7‘1..,--I- i. I“..L‘I,-L.I. 1.3er 1 cl. .1 33,1113. “.- ”n.1,.
‘ ~.‘ . . r - ,‘..~ —. ,. '3 .~,.-...~~.
. :3.”? t ‘-',3.‘-.':.':",:L‘:. not .V.").il on acacim‘r, :..aril. (I: ‘,'-‘..lmlllizi A 10
-~ . v ~ .. . ,.. .:. ,-..., .. .-, .,.'~ 7 .. ;- ,.., r ,,. an 1, I.
':.”..l?“'.’i I3 «(its 2.~ 2.; m an}: :.t Aegis-..I... “(3., . lr‘. no
, , . ,.. ._._ _._ -._ q .’,”. -, _' .1 ,,,, J - n —_~ A
Jill). TI: lien-p.337 Instructor :ina ,.:?e aired r.- :,I_I.2r~,.L.'L.-. L‘II_.IL.Irt
.4 . ~ *2 . .' ,.., v ..,- '1 —' ., «.‘3 ',.';., N - “’7 (~17 q 1,,‘I.,..J - qr; , ..,.“,qu ,.:; ‘
I1?) 31.»? Juli? I.V'IILLL' (‘.‘:IL'L‘GJ 71.5. .'.il Lin-Lyn; LU ,gLJLI-g i.L\/Ivr,.‘..l.w . I ._IH.» U1.
. . » ,,. . " “.. .. -,7 ',L ‘ . ,r. +~ ,» .:‘... . I,. van -~«-€-‘~.‘- ' . H”.
tn: )11!)€ll'.1'3x;ilt. 1.21101; oscmlz, 1:, 115?. 141.: naming a....__.I-.,I_I’.L::1.n.,
- ... -. ..., ‘.,» ._w . 1",: .,‘ .. “..7,... ., .._, I ,.. »..H In .7 .'v, .. ,..... 111-
{1.1:- :*:.;r2:;...I_.-_I’ , ,,.“ ..I? ..I.:. —
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.I_";ZTI'Sii 71ml. '}.;§..Ll’1fi; was. <:1.IT.I;.».-_.L~.‘»llh .e -:-_ L.,-,.:..I blurLuy r: Lerod
w 7 . ..”“. ‘..,.._, ', ,.fi I. ,,1 J...
i _Ili‘v‘l.‘,‘I",iI;.LrI.€ 1.15:.”uethn tun 219.901.)”.
, .cIJ. , . H.,. .. _ _ .. ._ __ ,,_ .',—I».
l":.“3’11-§Lv‘:.L“, .L‘mlJD].’li-’3'B.L¢“Ill .:.rn than}: 7:17.“an :_,_,;.I:a I .,.;1 ;..I.Ie.li
'. '.. -,.":.i,.. ..7- ' ',_. {.,'v," .'.. 7"'v/‘IL"‘. u
".’lbtili‘ux :. Science in. Localltl,:—3" :lllfi‘; .Llne .I_n “ .I_rIi-IaLim, w. are
' . — ‘ .. ...—a, , .:. .\ .,. . — {,.'. s ‘I— '» a (1.,. ’t .,‘,. - , .C-
A'iII'IDfL«T)§.7LLl_, Outpost" ind 'Ifz..tl.,-m1rm Guard attaching m3“: T‘ucm; 0;.
01331.37" .
. "- I L.. ., .. 7' ' ,: ...I.-= v“ - -» :4.‘, 3+ ,,,-‘.‘ 4r" I ',‘ .., I-v
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' -. ’. \ ‘. wag. -‘. 4. -,-,. .
1140..) cm. ...:u. a, .Lfl m. . Lair-11113. .—.nt .
;; -— Lo I....cmetleal .L...~:I.3?I..ct1..r.-r2.:;T. H
..V'. .~ ~.,.. ( ..1. -:.'.. J......, ,1 L‘« ""‘J.' - ..’,
VI —— Akiltude m’.‘ 1,110. 001139;: 9111!,1;017m.1.:::s «,.-.,~.u-~..gr.= m 1.111 wry
T)a’3*';rn*’r,i 0,714.}. '
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x . ‘. ., .-.. ,r ... . ‘7” . . “ -..,.LVH ' A m -‘- n
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- ,_ , -,,r. ,'-. ,_ ~. .. ..-_. Hall 3 ‘.VJ. ,,>-‘ \_,».,.y
u; cfl:lig»h‘.on (”A-1‘: immune =3 LBS? CTR-113111;; .va..‘1u.—::r:_‘:», can 3
, , —‘. -. ..n ‘ ‘ 41...,fi4. 1 . 5 A. ,, . r, , .. 7 /.">.,,.. HQ, _., V-nv, .‘.“-
Mflxmk; mllltnry .:.1inhlhfltio3! ammulnnmz) , m! ,.rm.» 8. s,-1.:m1.w,4; «)9-
.‘.C‘r";’bir'—T2_1L.i(13’1 0:1? ir'jzlum 0'2.“ “2viil:?_'f,f;3:‘y 'h:r.’:;:i.1'11:r'15; in. ltxrmlf.
Ell fi’vri'u’li‘i'iw13.3735”; 23‘ 'fzi.::- Filiifiry Fog'ar‘axa’u'z‘iz 117;: "‘3701‘1‘01izr 1967‘.
x/ "
ill-’7. ;":':‘:>1;‘-:'3""3:7:" Cr? leili'txrjfir Reign-"5": 51:15: Wanting is; 2791]. rampar—
“0:32”: at all '53:“;2‘1. T779,- ritri'ze‘are m?" re.uti:1cv’3‘.fi:/‘, :’10'L:L-.r:Li'§r :11“: u::“‘f:‘u.l::ess
we," : ili'hfaxmr w”?‘ in r30n*;-'—7nr~:m?rdze “ '71}: 55"?)Df'il'ir'lj an":
“3.3.. {min}: $71.13 (2‘7:firtzizfa'rr" r77? insinfimtion is: 1mm. “my 4:319 sigovnrning,‘
1 ','... 4.1 _z.'.I .‘ 7.4.1... J»--'.
Jan. 0,. sum: _L11151J.u,1-,.I..C-1'1.
J'a'zlLallIJf’: ‘11310 r151? ;:::: of 9:3711'2v'1_t<;~r:;: ":10 have ZilTFCV‘i'n t2-yr:v,r=:':.1*~.r.~re:; i‘rimxis/
/ :‘qumh .'121'5. loyal Tiiml aiuzxnplcmvc of Military :Lzzs‘rcerwt151021 at. land—-
V ' .
":ir:’>:_T1t colleges, that (3:? J. H. Pz'ztiaermon 1:: 0:?“ i233» 77':I;i:*:'::.‘;>rr;t.
A -.‘ ..r- 4». « ,‘.. ' »- -. ~ J." -',r _ ~,
aopy‘ m «41:: “ Rr2_,,z.v.l.'-1t1~r:n,; "H geuflrngy, um?» seine, 1::-
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’i7T::,er;.r, :"’.2..:L=.3_nt1311": =13": 7'20 17¢. 31‘ W '. - ~ — . A ~ \ .‘.- 4, . < ;. n ‘-‘ $.’ ‘ *.;'.. A." “as“. .:.-‘ -. :
'T‘I‘a "Mil-’1 ““«f’v’HUAJW U-[Tun MP: wlb‘, 2'21. of "s..«w.:3?<:.L T-rlfit, m ,1 _‘L‘nnw‘m
if; Ermi—Grémt {Tollageg'g vili'lrmh my in 01' ILDtGJ‘GSX'fi r ‘.‘-cp—
.,.': "’4".
.1 «31177 op‘I‘ he "Annual i703? 1505" (:7? tin :an‘ni’nm5.1m}, "film; 1nd.
"Lite” 1‘ (11:1: 7.::.~.:i.l:‘:f3 .

 ‘ . ‘ “u z
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: . .nfl : 4: ,. -. .-. 2. ..--. _.-:2:_n.-
v m 733+nh «3+v 4“? 1mm U.l3tarv PsuquJCT may L3H Umnlhlfin 3
\ _. - 2 . .N.. J_ -. u i O
f "..2 ,2.-2. ,z. - .~. V“. W3. ~ “ ~- 4: . .2 . r '... ‘2 '.'u 2‘ -N.. V.‘ 72,..1.
2P3:12=331 «ro1
2 2:3.“ “222-: (3'733_L=::211I152, ';(3 , 713171 , 72.3 TL’; 123;r>115f:13; .Lf: 31(3“‘ :‘213"Ylllff:L7.TF 1111(1333?-
viva? iv Gwfitain eraadn.
-~ : , . V. ,,~ . .'..', ., ,1,, "2"“..p. *‘ .. ‘
Ta~v. snagfi to hm an 9 Jan 0? '1ut‘fii uLyo3;5-3 £231L¢rv rrfifi- *
v“uné »Iflgiiw fronuéh laxity on +MW part of tin finfle+®,3na Her"
fidt2 flu n t a Tma+ denlru +9 13:2 hlS dflfifirtfi”fifi pgpular.
“ -‘ ' - ,— 7 1 , '+-' :1 W‘ '.L». , 2
VII * IH?TBGQlUn% ,avarnlly oi CODJIVLOH 01 wllluury In nrtuent
.,‘.m, ..~2,,.. ,.1 . , . ' ' .. ~ .| 3 .» ,1
3;» - annex nonixnuqtlon 13 Jarrqntea b} result” gxumuc»~.
- "33'2““: 7232132323373: DF‘z‘f3r=.3?‘i;*"zr‘313; 01?? +372“;th (1:711:33: 3.": 32*= ave-Ty 3‘200d
2.3-3m. .. J 2« _. , ;, 2,. _”.fl,3~”¥, :v~:.n: _/
322.2232.3.:*,_Lr,n, Walla “323235 2.72:3;211133 CbufiiflOiL .Ln 3,332; .263,A_,=«Q2‘+,3.232.7* 3.22 ”we,
»adt Ivar here ontiPU3y »nt2»£qctory sti33 n ntQT houmlhn ~3y 26
10020“ TfirVfiTH in 3u73ng maxi nnllmj¢13ta year. The acntlhu3tion
.‘ ),'. y"'.‘.3. ..- - J.‘. ,.2, -.A, ‘ ‘ '..“ ,. .2.,‘. A. .... me .._..‘..-
()3 ' ." 27—1..’.'.‘:f‘..!?“;r n-‘f_’='13.'t;ud‘1h If; 1‘1—1.1.: Jayflujlfiyjfil ‘IJ'y n.3,) _2",’.)L3'_l _.1:
. {Pol-11 Y ‘.‘, (9d . .
., I
‘2 J.‘ -' v-29 . "i . .. .:-
«apualn ny¢ In33ntry,
.. ' . J.
. Sn601nl Inspecuor.

SubjootzafilO—I.G.0. < .
. ‘J-‘ftr l3:’2}"tf‘;3"'i'.;'i 1’11),
Inspector General‘e OfVioey
, . Washington, Fay 23th 1933.
Tantain Charlea fitllor,
Sal Unitei Ttxtfie InfantTT.
'“rvt't; 'V?1(>:é‘as:, Efiir. ,
( Through the Pepflrt out Co ”finder )

“avinf been detailed to inaoeot filo Filitarv tenant ~tte of
r‘:4,:3'-'t',:‘ti11 mini]. It'tr'i'bit', i‘,.i_0]’1.‘f ("31" 1L1";f';:t.‘?113i:15'f, T”"”~l ”ill i‘a‘ ”‘0’ 3‘?! 1D?
tlw TGllOTiHT instracticna:—

{311 from?” :1:.éjeixftfi Zion "ill 47713:. no, F"-"";~'2i"':Intt, '.' *3"va—
‘h22:3:t:331 , ’::° 1 :47 ti) :‘w3::?" '*:?'?sé:‘"z , atizti r13177‘1?1 "t: ,”‘:”* 42*,*e 3: tr: > :"xizft:itt , 17?1:t<111
filzt'p‘lifii 'I_ “o 3.7.: 2i.‘€>lJ.O‘=".i.51{*; itttttifiresz—

31.315? ”11.111327." Kitty 0 {,1 if}; iiili'ii‘u‘}! i'3_r“t}ti:‘«:I’M-7U!” 3703' 3111?: 31-1331 3','i,(f,3't_.
The v:rifieqtion of ego data containoa in his annual T jmrt to
11.30 _tf.‘,:"7:~':"':.)’=i‘ 5}»3-1:‘:::":.l. Til-3 v't’2,i;i‘iifetfir=.: tit-..‘) fiftjtlurp ‘Tt’:'.l‘..;:',‘:'_‘7§i)Ll. tr}
i'f’t]..'i.'l.fi.:i?jgr 31;; =:‘t'.ti"r.1- wt? . 711-: Eli's1‘_-")"LZ'.’:“-.'J’.t-‘T'H': .-:'::":“‘~.3‘.?.:.'~ng of
1131;";- s“. flats: at, "<.::‘1"i..r,-i' :".,i;.7'_ 11::‘3';-‘:"?'f‘.it:11., <23": 3133‘???“ 'y'c:-,:r‘;.‘._1‘5: it? nitr-
{133'1'}; 3,1,; j'tff" fl‘x 3_,‘_;‘l:,j{;f~';j" ”511', 5"‘."‘.:‘.".‘,]1J.j.:-1e:3_ ..'ti'j"; :1 \: i'iiiflii:l_‘1':l.t"&:i i
t fir; 51, :1:“.."tmz'fi‘.t‘:3;“f 25.131153 $1.?th Ct'fif‘tli‘g‘: Jiffin’ii’ifl- i't‘titbv‘ifi “T
2M1"w&31‘.it13rt uniform, and partly uni? yuafi: in it Jivffii—
noma 4' WwLaVie? *xriaj inn Inn cation; t »t: in? lwi a c‘ inn
Inflwtry Trill fie mlatiCfic, tfic ‘ajtil :7 a'; Vi If Vifi“ , *iTfifll‘
lay,t2‘ w? a‘r e is? finbjwet 1: ”Kick Tia? .a: Hsvo H ,n .raotiea—
11y "Larytrretarta “1;: T‘s?“ "‘:I.'“‘r‘:-'-t‘3_"_7_v:,'? it.“ < :'::::“;t.i“"2.1t.:“,t‘t‘."-."v"?"‘,‘.”3

riaer *aefiwa,ot0.

Yet “117 cteniew all Hovxrpwrt F“WE”T+T V 7 “ V?i li“ *23Utfiion
."»'.=-.".:l_3"-’Ti.il1j "1"171‘t :1.tt"‘§:rir:ft.<-';:': it‘ tam." r‘t‘r'" 715‘: <é“?r"1>"1‘1- ‘

, , , . V ., ..n .

Yen will ascertain if *1 yovtrier' r“ ‘ cr"wl 0r*wr No.
C4,fl.“.fi.,5n:tnt 9,1903,oopy atoloemfi,ttzm h- n aoiyli** “Eta
an to reactioal wad theoretical inatrtotton. You ‘iti "1* vonr
ii." .15??? mitosis; $5.? . xrz'tlly vtf' ‘3 :‘rottt’ti'i,tot: t:- ' ‘ titlii" art? "nit.
and/W.other its continuation {a vavroatefl o? tfie “ofi~?it= “no”neea

 it ~
1 O
037 ffi-x‘; {‘36)})“§_.‘-,’-‘_.<‘3Jr,im“) OF 43.319, Inspection YOU. will P131124". 7.51 ezlrefill
"'“7""1’-":3 ’33” E'Olli‘.‘ 07‘?=“~~:¢‘iffi_t:irjys; to '5...::: 3;11:31>*’?(3+4(~n" mammal,"trad j’?rfi):2?v.,=‘.€1rd
”111i." £1: :=-"?:?‘.Z-:r:>‘ut quneoesirivufv Felix-13". i
. Very rum-sworzfii‘ully, ¢
(Fifi) 5?. 31', 'ifurton,
31y1;»;‘_*."=r‘:+,n:zr (‘nlgmral ,
“it": .’th-‘OY, ‘
1 ; m 'Isl'f‘rzrut.3.‘37. .
5r. »- _

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.03..111...J?ter:; DOEJMT‘t-H‘fis‘l, (1- «n urn-.1171,
' raj, ' ”...1,” T-L- '...‘ -‘-‘ r. " A 3.1-. 1 (0'7
.1.".1 uglier, _., .Ll; ( .1.”! 1;:7‘ _l_.“1:ln'. 14 » J.
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9 " .'.‘1 .‘." ___._ L 1.;1‘311 ._._ L...,3".:. ‘, ,.l... . -‘. g ..'Tiuv
..~. it‘d" 1 A... l V! n _ .,,.5- . 1." fin .\ ”.,.... .‘.x') - ': .\{-~, :7 ~. -t~ .. »i «.,r .7.»; "’4 151-«wru-
, .gx. ., .'..) , . w 1. ‘_ .- --.-; w,- ./-.: . ..~_- '..,r 7‘ , .1 .'..wa -.__ ,y
w , . . '- -: " -. .m. '. M -- , . .11 my. .'. .. ....-.x , .. .. .-'
.’3"!1'1<”)<‘l?1 51-1.”... , .1.-1 1..-..1.” :,c;*’1..1 .' . ‘. 4?. ‘2, :13.“
TH: fujy-‘l', inf-rt) r32“: 3dr: :--
a" I .’.}.
7." 7.”
.~:.‘\v~‘! t“ ‘2‘. 1'1 ”3y": :1 '~ ‘1 ‘ "A71 "_«-..“ a -t;‘\"‘ “1""
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.,..4 ' ... .‘.‘m‘. A r ‘ . ,_* (‘1‘ '. , ' '. " ,. ~.. . ,... -.. .—u-
.‘la1...3.1,;.-..1.111 -.1 , “2.11.1331 71:11”? 'zrrfriw i111 ..tnlmn
.. - - .- g ‘ H.‘ —, -~-.°
7 ‘-.v c-‘J-n» 3.4:" "H ».1 - "n»--~. w‘”‘ -\ 97/»: n .,
1l111'f- .,.va 1.'-y ==Jlle?"’5‘Sfi(?, :-..21<1.-C‘-:l.l..1. :, « ->13r:i...’.3(;13,
”'.., -' -~.--m~\- '.l... ..'V 1 , .1...‘. ~. .. q '2, .. _ .
11111113321111: m .. : 91111.41, anfrmmz, '3011T1wmwe,
L ‘ 1".‘*". _. 11,1‘.,.—"1.‘- ,_ -q _ , ._,.; W ,.r"_- .- .,\_."_._
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.- 1, '- ”_j. .‘. ‘.|.. L .1 ‘fi .;.‘ , ,- ‘J.-',..
(is “to 1...: 111:1 ., .1 L. 1,1: 14mm 1!: , Innlam.
7- -;«'.'
Mr (“,0 .1 "‘31:": mt'if i’»=“.’:<=~.‘v*":.‘l. "Vim!!—
V W—
5' {UL-”v.1..." _l;. :1. ”.107”,
(;:3_‘.171}'11:l {3.1111 _2’1_:‘:L‘:,“1.f:’.'.r11'1‘.‘, 12:1'f':_!_‘l‘.."‘?';'l‘, {71"1‘12‘vwa,
- \‘ .'..u-..'.. ‘ ‘ . ..
.Iw..713.1,:1.111, 1: 2‘11.
['1 ....“ -'1~. . ,- .‘. : .
1.1.1111, .1...<1,1‘11r.‘.r, Copy.
m Xjécé CW
(WW1. ,-\r . \
11.111r,.1,u1 ~11 Inmntry.

{I I“ D
g 8664 '
1 ‘ " ’ lst Indorsement.
‘.’-JAR DEP..V”.:'?TI‘=:‘IF’Z'E '
’ ' ” War Department,
’- Inspector General's Office,
‘ ' V"fa811:1],1g‘tor].’:DICO’{T'Llrie 27,].903. ‘
Miller, Capt. Charles, Comr respectfully fur— .
- 5rd Infantry. nished the President of the
Kentucky State Agricultural
._‘ and Mechanical College,Lexing—-
" ton, Ky. , as required by Par.
, 9’70 Anny Regulations. "
Inspection of the M111— By direction of the
tarv Department of the A.& M. InSpecmr General'
college,Lexington, Ky.,made \71 w/
June 6, 1905. ‘ .
. Major of Infantry,
Inspector General. .