xt7ghx15n565_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Administrative text Administrative 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_2/Folder_4/105115.pdf 1905-1909 1909 1905-1909 section false xt7ghx15n565_11 xt7ghx15n565 williamahurg Elusiitute
LATIN, may]???SATHEMMS ‘ University of Term.
Williamsburg, Ky.__.:7.E?f...§.§z..l39E“..- I90
Pres; James K. Patterson,
, Lexington, Ky.
My Dear President:-

I intimated to you some time ago they I shOuld
probably be a candidate for Supt. of Public Instruction to succeed Mr.
Fuqua and accordingly I have made up my mind to enter the race. I am now
preparing a booklet consisting of the endorsements of leading Educators
of the State asto my competency and fitness for the position and in ad-

dition to these testimonials, setting forth some of my views asto the
needs and betterment of Our Public Schools. '
Now, you may think that I am rather hasty in doing this but
I see that this is an age when we must make our wants known in due time.
Of course, I shall make no announcement till the proper time.The point
. is this ,will you kindly give me atestimonial for the booklet,stating a
word as to my work while at State College and if you do believe that I
can well serve the people in that capacity,I should like to have you ad]
this. I am now doing some special work here in the University and like I
the work very much.Wishing you continued success, trusting that you area
in good health, allow me to thank you in advance for your kindness.
' Yours Obediently,.

, DANVILLE. KY./m #'/y0f
72"? de—q.) wxfliifi} ' '\ :" " '
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June 27, 1905
James K. Patterson, Ph, D, Pres.
State College of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
‘ Dear Sir:-
As yau know, we have for a number of years,
included ycur college among those instititions in which we '
award sonolarstips in retirn for subscription work dOne for us.
During that time, we have swarmed something more than a I
thousand of these scholarships but have not received as many ,
inquiries concerning year college as we hoped for. A plan
occurs to us which we think may enahle us to increase this _.
You, dcubtless, have numerous inquiries
from those cesiring to attend but who lack the funds to do so.
If you can furnish us with such a list, we will write to each
One of these young people, stating that the name has been
handed to us ly ysu, outlining the plan, and sending a cony
of the booklet of which we are Iorwarding you a copy under
another cover. We trust that through this plan, we shall be
able to seno ycu a number of students.
Ycur early reply will oblige. ,
Very trquchrs ' ~
w t
Manager Educational Bureau
P. S. Kindly send us one of your latest catalogs.

 All; ‘ 1}
(may; we“ 35 ml . . t
' ‘ ‘ '1 ta. ‘ as: , ,1. ’ w _-; 3:3 __ . . CABLE ADDRESS‘
;~r~~~::»::7_(S/::: ‘e Eiwgmie-La TEHERAKFT‘ 7731‘ 3:12:55: HUTCHCRAFTPAFPISKY.
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OFFICE IDs—ms THIRD 5T. '°‘ ,..,gfl'lfigsgxl. ’Vg‘ NJ, , N084 “ Ascent-ye EDITION
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206.210 5.212 PLEASANT 51205. 20a THIRD ST. ,-“ *RQA _ 2):; ‘9' ~ v "i n 3,: .”‘-«Laufl-‘x'an'umriwxmw .'
" ;§%E\\ "I” 96?)? Gluu _N, V HIP-1 Efi‘fi ‘34“ I: _ 5‘ BRANC H HOUSES
,épofi Ssbg\e»x~: a asgwm,vzwmr_w__vi ‘iii‘-‘ wgguirww=sguessssiiii, t” WLHPSBUPGKV
' , HEM?“ 56 SEED; ” __*‘**:—:rwhitim-TIW4"”"“"??IISZn.7,??? ‘: CENTEPV'LLE “Y
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4/ 97:77:74». , <2 i ‘
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gi (ZZZJ;/¢;%, June 29th,1905.
. Ur. I.K. Patterson,
President State College,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—
It is the purpose of the literary societies of Kentucky
University to ask those of Central University, Georgetown College
and State College to join with us in forming an Inter—collegiate
Debate Association. The plan has been submitted to President Jen—
kins, who heartily approved of it. We wish to ask your Opinion as
to the desirability of such an organization and any suggestions that
you may make will have weifht in shaping the new association.
It is desired that a meeting of the represenatives of these
institutions be held immediately after the Opening in September to

.:‘ 9‘14"“ A '3 Ff} ' g _ 7 . c k 1 X (0”; CABLE ADDRESS,
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OFFICE (DE-(OB THIRD ST. ‘ ',.:g/fifigQ/‘f'; . 75,711; MW, 5‘ ”0‘84 AND
STORAGE Houszs: $.‘ (@Xfi' :Lv—fhggrflfl; “:_;;~J;;_w_~k:__:: ,A _ ROBINSON CODES USED.
«3 < M, ,» 1“,. »» ~ ~ w _ the-zzmaiury‘r'fimn'mfl-I- ”I“ . r 3.
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\{GH B‘DRESEE\ l , -»- 3 ali ' v ' , aftdahi’Eid‘usl': if g: FWLLEPSEUPG KY‘
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perfect the organization. We therefore request that at your earli-
est convenience you send us the name and present address of the
President of each literary society in your College.

Assuring you that we shall appreciate your attention to this
matter, we are *
Respectfully yours,
W E g E, gig-Z : i
. Pres. Ceciopian Society of K.U.

1“'-MP8 dd I"? 91y ‘50 WW

Reuben butchcraft, Pres. Periclean Society of K.U.

Paris, Kentucky.

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OFFICERS. 1906 _—
PRESIDENT The President, Vice-President,
a. mm NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Secretamnhemm
Chancellor University of Nebraska . - , .. , . . - RouaR'i‘ B. FULTON
Lincoln, Nebraska OF Chancellor Universtty of Mississippi
VICE-PRESIDENT . ., ' _ , . , University, Miss.
President University of Texas STATE l INIVERSITIES President University of Iowa
Austin, Texas . . . . Iowa City, Iowa
- Ex-orslmo‘VIcE—PRESIDENT '
U. S. Commissioner-bf Education ‘ . _ . , .
Washington, D. C. i
President University of Maine
Orono, Maine -. '
, , . . . . (TL-1:- 12. 12,05 I ‘
Dear Sir:- _ _ ,t , I ... .. . . .. 4. ,
a . ... . .z. I A J.‘- ‘-T ‘ O '
Tue last meeelfig of use nationa1.Assooiation of utate
UniVGrsitias was held in Des ”mines, Iowa, October 31 and «evemoer
l, 1";‘0-1’: . The. :1 5:11:32. sea-ted to m: unanimous that 3511.3 meetmg was
i .‘- - ..~ . -~‘:—.-“‘. '-. --»' ' .‘---r i.~ ‘4‘ 'a-- '« ‘~
‘taazicst SLCCUbbsul 1a yelnt of attendance and interest gaze“ and
u - ~ - . ~ _ .. u, . - ‘ ' ,:.-. ,..“... .‘..L ' .t .,u. ‘nd. 5 -
up it fiaat films ween said. In fine oplnlen of and UAecuulvc CCJfllvaQ .
two circumstances largelfi contributed to the success of ugls meetlag.
First, the nesting JRS so placed that members of the Association » .
who were also members of the American Association of Agricultural
Colleges and :xperimeut Stations might attend Hoth.Associatiens ' ’ ?
witL a single is racy. ficccnd, sufficient topics of vital interest =
had been szfigesaed by members so that the discussions of the A550-
- ---.« ...". ...,.. 'i‘ L,— . ' ., "_ a . '
0121151011. H‘Ji t; -I..;t.‘.‘cut=.t13.l,-t g_)-f'C-J.1i;d.‘.-lci . __ ' ' :3? -.
In orc‘ier-+1'.::.a'i; the; next fleet. ing: 21:10.33 if. possil‘tle, ‘oe T-Eézttar
than the last, eaal.menhar is rcquesued to name at-leasu three
topics which he wguld like tc have discussed and also the amass of
these when Ls woula sag ast'zc lead the discussion. ‘Thc meeting '
W111 probatl? he quenber 15 and 14, 1905. Please fill out and
i. . ... .’., " '.'. ,.., . _.". - .. .,H .. . . I
1‘6 1,1215. 13.--33 oct 90;". Of -.~.j-lb b‘.’ 28x; '4. a.» 0.2021. ‘ ;.‘ '
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' e"
. _rr Secretarfi-
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LEXINGTON. KY., July 51,-1.~ 1905.
Hon. Jzumes K Patterson,
I'Te‘cfiidr’filt ‘1~3.:1'11t‘-.;c‘1-.y tit-ate Calla-5’8,
11v::-;1'1,'1011, l‘bZ'IILCZ-Qy'.
213' (1:31:13? figs: v
1 1:13;" to t‘rverh E’LL'J fr,“ four gngruw‘ous letter
to tit: E'Tv"FMiul;t (tcrmzvmélE1113 51‘s:- '1 1“ (1‘ .II-125211211
’ :.53‘1'-"~"'111F< “if“ 7? ‘1".‘7, 72:1 :11‘ '1 :""""2,<7.r—: 1m": 1'1: flic- f'n’3‘1"=1",t}‘1 "1‘ ‘ iectiam
i‘istI-ict. "ran-‘.': 1": 1’.‘~111:<:':~:‘r:gratin: 2"‘11 ;' ‘2"? "UTE; (fie—11‘1“}:
“0+ xviiflit in debrminin? €712? “lfiitjri’l’l (‘3 my reteption, and.
_'I :1::(‘1117913 71311 01 my *«11111‘80321:13:: If' ‘_'c-izr (‘xrvrtsanv in the. matter.
"'ith 3:711:51 persgnzil Fey‘ards, I. am
Yours: Yew: truLy,
M) flW , -

 l, ' ‘ l' \

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August 28, 1905
Dr. Jas. K. Patterson, President,
State College of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ky.,
My Dear Sir:—

I am just in reeeint of your letter of August
86th, and beg leave to say in response that we have no
course in Domestic Science in the University of-Miss—

. Very truly yours,
i 8/ 6?) d3;
Secretary to the President.

August 28, 1905.
Dear sir:

In the absence of President Van Hise, I beg to acknowledge
the receipt of your letter of the 25th inst. Under separate cover
I am sending you a copy of the University catalogue, and beg to
call your attention to the statement given on pages 188-189 regard-
ing home economics. From this you will see that a full professor
and an instructor are engaged by the University, and are regular
members of the Faculty. Miss Hunt as Professor of Home Economics
receives a salary of $1,800, and Miss Huntington, a salary of $1,000.

I am, '
Very truly yours,
President James K. Patterson,
State College of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ky.

> FAY 1c T'l‘EVILLJ-Z.
Plan 511)}: N'r's 01v FICE. Jony'N.T1LLMAN,B LIL
Au€.28, 1905.
Mr.Jmmes K.Patterson,
Lexington ,Ky .
Dear Sir:-
In reply to your letter Of Aug-3.25 beg to say trat there
is no Department of Domestic Science in the university of Arkansas.
' Yours very truly,

o. pnzaD...
Ames, Iowa, August 28, 1905a.
My dear Sir:-

In reply to your favor of the 26th, I am having sent
you under separate cover a copy of our catalog giving the
course offered in Domestic Science at this institution. The
head of the department is a regular member of the faculty and
at present receives a salary of $1400.00 per year.

- Vents::§;;ehg i
V HIP-Dri‘James K. Patterson, Cfg237//zgf::EE:'vL«’c/L.4f/’Tfl
Lexington, Ky.

August 30th, 1905.
Dr. Jas. K. Patterson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
This Institution has no Department of.Domestic Science.
. - Very sincerely yours,
B'J.‘ fiestas; t. -

ALEKBONNVMAN, _._—TT_TTT§;lothorjwé, Ga., Pun: 31, '05.
My. Jas. K. Patna-"son,
Lexinrton, Ky. V
Dear Sir:
Mr.\¥. D. Gray in making application to
this Company for employment as hfsifixflt Angincer gives your
name as reference and we would very much appreciate your furnishing
- us with full information as to the party's previous record, his

habits and general character, his ability and competency to perform
the duties of the position which he seeks, etc., it being understood,
of course, that we will consider as confidential any information
with which you may favor us.

_ An early reply to this inquiry will be very much appreciated.

Yours truly,
/" ' ifi ,
C/M/ai W3
/,ififi£f:%%%{ngar; '7 7~—
/ <”

 9 7 Mme?" 3 I
3 I7 , ’3
lilimhrih sunny Kiukmd ‘/
the lectures was with the faculty, I IatrtutrrunEnglish Littratm‘e
urged upon its members, each time I €”fi““m””“m““”
was granted a hearing before them, my ,IIWISWI
conviction that compulsory attendance “memhKfiwfleiflhfir—Ifi—mm—
'was necessary if I was to have a re-
sponse at all adequate to the effort Professor Clarence w- Mathews
I put forth. Now that the Executive Secretary of the Facuny
Committee has given me the senior class, The 3’318 0011993 0f K3ntU0kY
and enforced attendance upon the lectures
from this class, and this alone, I recog— MY Dear PPofBSSOP Mathews:
nize that the faculty has a. rieht to do I be? leave to acknowledse YOU" com‘
as its members see fit with reward to munication concernins the action of the
all other classes during the lecture faCU1ty in relation t0 my lectures.
hour. ‘
Allow me to say that I am well aware
very truly yours, ‘ that few students of the State College,
,4Ja253/9 , or of any college, will attend any
22;? 41£f7%Q£:4&,1(LJ class when attendance is not required
of them in order to secure their decree.
That certain ones, since the commence- ‘
, ment of my courses in literature, have
' voluntarily elected, with little outside
encouragement, to be present at the
. lectures, is a matter of deep interest
to me, orov1ne that such work as I do
is in a measure appreciated, and awaken-
ing hopes of the future success of
these persons. As long as the power
to arrange the details pertaining to

JOHN l. hnlamn 1 1 77
7 ,
Oct. 10, 1905.
. a r7 ., . J . , " '-'
01111 Ice 8c yuan <1 V. .:'.ultu‘ CLleJLJU,
‘ u . . 1 ..
Cal. R. «J. N'JLDLH,
.T Vamp (,1‘ L , K3: .
ju—nu‘ 511‘: -
Affim um" Ct.)i”lf.:1‘-3Y1tju at $110 Pineal): finial sewwral 1722;}:3
;11‘30 ral‘lti‘rz‘ “I. 431113 3111:? I01" Clarke 8.: merd [.1"'-3i net 821%
Celleifei ‘52". "§<;»1U‘21‘; 1Ii‘I‘lcs‘d “T233 $191". ‘.’";e C:.-‘1":i‘,f".:’?
unzvi 111113 ‘,c 4.1% .1“: ar‘vitrilticn in acccrdil‘wre ‘.‘.Iifii". the terms
“.'-"! v. 2.“. “< 7‘ H -‘v” _. ‘ - :‘.‘—...~
(.1 921:: cmur‘wst, Ana t::-..-.t an: Lula 1,413; K.,; ‘rrttlwrmt C-"//,LU.; JIM
we 9 "Villjifii "4; “P333 ".’-‘18 if .1 fi‘TITre, I ’:“zi‘fii, SI,!‘1<3“-,“=::r‘~3 '~‘—::fi"reI371
- 1. , 1 ",. r! H“, -. .1. ~, .,., _,, 3.4.
@1600. 3.01 -,L'.700. ‘..1 . 01¢ I-I: 1:1: uruacw-a n.2, he; 311:8, in; ::111;
.".L ~.. '.1 "‘ ‘~-. -4 ..A ‘.'.~ .'qn. .' " ,,. ‘ ‘,‘ "11,.
Sula, Ind. 13 I mid SI..11L.‘..I::d 111a Jumtrwxmuns I. mulq $1.“: 91,13?
~ I) ‘ ,‘,, J. _‘ _‘ ' v- ‘.‘ _,,__,, . .I,. 1 .. ..,., .~ ‘ ., - _. ‘ ‘ ,1
an, b~.:lI..1;i 1.1:). I 4-349, -.I aye—r, bag: wasp '.1 Id .1 .‘,CLII Iii-:'1:
_~ .1. 4. ' ... . V _ . _ 1 / 1; A“, .. A". ; . .\.‘n 1 _1 .... '
LI Lin-3 01mg» mum; fr m: -‘.-313:, And - J ,.'-a, I‘dqobf‘. 1‘::, ,_;I; 1“.—3:? I Wave
been ;3:zvns.:;©1‘::l;‘ ::nm Illng, :5 1‘, 01,111."; .,~.:sinl;' ”51;; avoided, 11. 5L
' 1,, ‘.1.“ n : .3,“. 4.‘ a ‘ V.. , .~— ,.‘ V ' 1,. ”‘..‘ . r. .'_ ,
1mm; t..-l-: lL‘.I_i«J1JJ_(,n I 1+. ‘:3 =~:‘.l..;<2a at In” .':.x-f: I ‘.'}.S Liv-:uta *
If, :1 3.;: (,‘,cu. 2.:d 2; 2r. I-I.lt ;ILQA21)1“I gm and I 41:11.: ‘3‘:
113 p L \ ‘ 1w '.1 ;< 17 3 >3 ) n,“‘ rv- ‘. d 1')“ I‘I"r‘)*.) 0"» ywdam d I 1', )Tr.) >
-. ,.,_._, ;(4 r‘vtlLJl JLAJM .\lLl-'n..ALfl Urruuln L'.) Lb 1. le_iLa.g LA.CC.I- A..L\~. ‘..
1 . 14.1 ,‘qv ‘ . . . ~vm “ _ 1., \ “-'_ 1 . . ..' , ' .. a". _ _.,
m, ILL/Luau .11-r Mum. . CI.A.X‘;~.3 ‘J<. 2mm; 113‘ ;J!kAi/LQJ.';1LII'1, n‘w lll‘bn 3‘.;
,. - , ‘ I.I-2: 3;. ..: ’..“ ~‘ '.0 ,; a
0mm lesimnulmll .y null ad; ”aim“: lI yw .:.ll mcet 1,; 1.».111“
way O'Swfrfic‘fl .«1. Clamx': ciulm, “mun {L Input $2700.00, a; u
‘.", 4,1. . N. . ». k - v ...‘ ' ,,. » : V, .3 ' . . ‘
malt my.) Calla-0:; 3111:; 1) 31:21 wzllln,_ tk, gay I I.’.Lll nc‘d ugly 1dvise,
a.;.-,.-j4. ., . .Ll..' “I - , _
m1; 11251 :31. man «my clmnts sewllng (QUJI thls Insis. It does seem

 R. w, N. .4’-2.
to me that, this would, 1: Better fer the F'cllege than tc fie inflc
115133.31 en ahcufl; the estate)", 1rd in the help cL' reaching sc-ee
amicable adjustment. 13711113: his list ::fi‘cl“. in‘ifikt ;"cu perscnally.
As I :m viclatingg my instructions every day in Thick I Ciel-1y I
suit I We; that you will ate 7:15: the f-Wcr to let; me have an
early reply fit this. \
Yours very truly, i
, ,

 M‘ W /: 7) $1111.11“, 11x11 1
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