xt7ghx15n565_118 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Department of Pedagogy Pamphlets text Department of Pedagogy Pamphlets 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_12/Folder_3/129918.pdf 1898-1899 1899 1898-1899 section false xt7ghx15n565_118 xt7ghx15n565 WHAT THE STATE OF KENTUCKY
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Bnef Siaiementéfigfldvantages flfiered
The State College of Kentucky


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L > fii'vfi'NE of the most serious difi‘iculties that
faced Horace Mann, fifty years ago,
_~5 > _ R in lns work for public education, was
" ' the dense apathy and the even worse
j' ' 3 I: antagonism of the teachers themselves.
~ 25 , , ,, They did not believe they needed any
5 31*)?- special training to fit them for their
‘ - I work and they did not want any.
.5? Long.r after the teachers walked to a
. realization of the value of professional train-
, insr and began to avail themselves of it, the
general public remained indifferent, or hostile.
And even now the idea is entertained by not a
I. few that knowledge of a subject and the ability
‘ to teach it are convertible or identical quanti-
_' ties.

i But by far the greater number of both teach-
‘ ers and general public are to-da)‘ convinced
'~ that teaching is a profession, one that touches
'. - intimately all other professions—since everyone
5', _, 5,. must pass through the schoolmaster's hands
fiand requires for its successful practice a thor—
. >, ough and special preparation. To such as object
. that they cannot afford this special preparation,
' the answer is, that the properly prepared teacher
2 is sure of more money [or his services than can
j . be earned by the ill-equipped.

w .
i5 KicN’rt'eKY er’rr, Common. i
.‘ v
The Normal Department of the Kentuekv
_] .
, State College offers the following advantages,
_. each designed to diminish greatly the cost of
' preparation for higher work:
i I. Fn'r' Iran/174;" ut/nw.vrxv, to and from the .
I College, for all appointees who remain ‘
through a ten months session. .‘
' Il. /"n'w [Hf/foil [/1 all A’I/ly'c‘r/x rifle/til. for all ‘
appointees, whether or not they remain a i
5 whole year in College. ‘
> III. /"n'¢' room 1171/ (for male appointees only)
during the term of their appointment. A i‘
. nominal fee of $2.51) per year is eharged v
{or use of furniture. Students oeeupymg '
the College Dormitory furnish their own
bedding and towels.
IV. firm/kw! and/4141” (for all male appoint- ,
ees only) during the term of their appoint» 5
' ment. 4
NOTE. Lady students board and room in pri- ;
: vate families at a total expense of [52100 per i
' week, average, personal laundry work not ?
included. i
Gentlemen must purehase the eadet uui— i
form, costing about $18.00.

l DHI'AR’I‘MICNT m: I’rtrnuzmnv.
Appointnu-nts to tho fill/1‘ fwd/iv (hi/11m“ 1'11
/l't/tl_.t"llt\':l' .'Il‘t‘ unulv hy tlw County Snlu-rintvn—
«ll-uh, nu (‘Hlllllt'lltlYL‘ t-xruninutinns, hclrl hy
thmn at such um- :unl plncv :15~ tlwy may :lt-sig-
‘ nntv, l7t'l\\'k‘t'll junu l .’llhl .Iuly .‘H.
l :\p]miut1ncnts to the x/Iw/n' mnz‘xwx of this
? tlt‘lml‘llllk‘llt :u‘c nnulv in thv sznnc way. hctu'ecn
;' july 1 nml llccwnlwr til.
, LillllL‘S .’llhl gontlctnt-n :u'v 1111])11l1110ll upon
I the snnw vmnhtiuns.
Amwintnn-nts to the four ymrs wun'so must
3 llL‘ umtlc out tn tlu- (,II/hjgr fut/>17: Appuiub
l nwnts tn thv shut'tcr voursvs 1m» gmnl for our
1; I'r'tzz‘mlly,:11nlulusthvnuule nut 14» the .\VI’I'U/H/
‘ /)z'/>lI/'/1m'///.
Appuintnmnts. us sown 11Hlllt’ltlc(HILSllOllltlllL‘
sent «lirvct tn the l’I't'SltlL‘lll of the College, Dr.
l jus, K. l’uttcrsnn, Luxingtun, Ky, :unl unly he
’ uswl hy lllt‘ :tmmintces at :my llIIlL’ during the
, ywu’ L‘lll'l't'lll.
‘ ()nly um' nppointce nmy he sent {‘:lt‘ll yezu'
l from each county to the tour ycurs course.
l /'l’l//‘ uppuintccs may he sent tn the Nunnzll De—
1 purtmeut UlCll year from ouch county. for the
l short courses.

I. lib/1r Your: Col/(gr (kn/I'M, leading to the
Degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy. 'l‘his t3
‘ course is very strong, being made up of
'_ the special courses in Pedagogy and the
regular Scientific Course in English, Math-
; ematics and Science, to which are added
I two years of advanced Latin.
‘: II. S/aft' L2'I'f{fiz't1/t' (hurry. This course he-
. gins in mid-winter, and ofiers five months
thorough study of the four branches?
' Higher Arithmetic, Algehra, Literature
, and Educational Psychology and Pedagogy
—in which, in addition to the common
V‘ branches, applicants for State Certificates
must be examined.
, Students who enter this course should
i already hold first class County Certificates
or high school diplomas
III. 77wCalm/ycl'r/Uira/z'(.lmrxr. This course
is offered to those who have never taught,
hut desire to prepare for teaching; and to
teachers who desire to make more thorough
preparation for their work, or to secure
better certificates than they now hold.
The Course includes a strongr review and
drill in all the common branches, and
special work in Pedagogy. The drill in
Pedagogy will he found thoroughly prac- i“
tical and helpful, touching,r at all p01nts ‘,
the daily work and needs of the teacher. \9
The seCond half year is divided into two .
terms of ten weeks each, so that teachers
who desire to enter after their own schools
close can do so and complete the County
‘ Certificate Course in the second half year.

1% IV. .\‘pt't‘fa/ Clara’s. Arrangements have been
made whereby those who enter the four
l3 years Course in Pedagogy in midwiuter
may complete l’lane Geometry and take
Elementary Latin, in the second term
This opportunity will be greatly appreci-
ated by those who have taken the State
Certificate Course here. and are-otherwise
well prepared. since it enables them to
enter after the holidays and take up regular
Freshman work.

In the State Certificate Course, the text-hooks
used are Ray‘s Higher Aritlmietic, \Ventwortli‘s
Higher Algebra, Kellogg's Literature and
Roark‘s l’syclmlogy in Education.

In the County Certificate Course, the text-
books are Ray's Arithmetics, Holbrook's Gratit-
mar, Chittenden's Composition. Peterman‘s
Civics, liggleston's t'nited States History, Kin—
kead‘s History of Kentucky, The Natural Ad—
vanced Geography, Martin's Human Body
(smaller edition), Roark‘s Drills in Pedagogy.

Consult the catalogue for the list of texts used
in the four years College Course in Pedagogy.

Pupils are especially urged to bring with

i?“ them any text-book, old or new, which they

\ y, may have.

\’ The Library of the Normal Department is

‘ stocked with reference books, and the best
selection of works on the Science and Art of
Teaching. The leading periodicals are taken

 Kim'ri'cxv STATE Common. ,7
also, and everything is (lone to encourage the
lormation of the reading ll.’ll)ll, without which
no one can claim justly to be educated. 'l‘he
llf)()l{.\‘lllltl periodicals are for the free use of 'i
the students of this department.

Kentucky teachers should not forget that
this is their State. Institution, and that as such
it should receive their patronage and intlu-
i ence. It rests largely with the teachers of the
Commonwealth to make their Normal School
one of the liest and most largely attended in
the Central United States
Lexington is a historic as well as an educa~
tional center, and oll‘ers many opportunities for
culture outside college walls In the citv are A.
the public library, various reading rooms, and I
most excellent churches and other religious _e
The best talent in the country Comes to Lex— ‘k
ington platforms, and students and eitiyens
have frequent opportunities of hearingr excel»
lent lectures and musical programs.
All appointees to the State College fora year’s
, attendance should he sure to take receipts from
5 railroad agents and others [or all traveling
l expensesincurred. This is in order to secure &»
payment by the college of the expenses of such
, as are entitled thereto.
If further information is desired write to 4
JAMES K. PATTERSON, LL. D., President. Y
Or RURIC N. ROARK, Ph. D., Dean,
Lexington, Ky.

Annual Scssiun opens ’l‘hursdziy. Sept. 8, 1898.
Ifnlmnu- léxunlinntinns Imgin Monday, Sept. 7».
Sccund TCI‘III (>1)v115j:11111111'y 23, 181M
Second Tcn \Vccks Tenn opens April 3, 15M).


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E E 1 f ‘ _ ' V
E E f E " “‘ . ‘ " . . E E GIVES HER TEACHERS.
, E E e . . E E E 5* E
E 3 E E . , E _ ,:_ Brief SfafemenfEEZAdvenfeges Offered
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E , . __ . ' I E DEPARTMENT or l'EDAGOGY
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E? ‘ E E j E . E _ _E _ The State College of Kentucky
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