xt7ghx15n565_122 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Patterson Addresses and Letters printed in Newspaper text Patterson Addresses and Letters printed in Newspaper 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_12/Folder_7/Multipage11501.pdf 1870-1907 1907 1870-1907 section false xt7ghx15n565_122 xt7ghx15n565 KENTUCKY'S NEED OF A STATE UNIVERSITY












Head of State College Ad-
dresses Kentucky. Edu-
cational Association on
Vital Theme. i


Prof. J. K. Patterson, President of
State College, delivered Wednesday be-
fore the Kentucky Educational Asso-
ciation at Winchester one of the ablest
addresses that it has yet been the
pleasure of the convention to hear.
President Patterson chose as his
theme, “Kentucky's Need of a. State
University,” and in his treatment of
the subject said:

Kentucky's Need of a state University

The shadows of mcdinevalism and some—
times of an antiquity more remote still
rest upon many of the institutions with
which we are familiar today. This is
true of the origin of colleges and uni-

A pious ecclesiastic, noted for his learn-
ing and his desire to beneiit his kind,
not infrequently attracted to his side men
of piety-and learning, who deemed it a
privilege to become his associates, andi
these in turn attracted men of a younger
generation, who were eager to acquire and
to assimilate the knowledge possessed by
their superiors. oftentimes such a volun-
tary association became. the nucleus of a
collegiate foundation which in due time
Ittracted the attention of the Church and
the State and obtained definite recog-
nition from the one or the other. Thus
came into existence the famous univer-
sities of Oxford, Salamanca and the
Borbenne, not to speak 'of others, which
though organized upon a smaller scale,
:btained equal celebrity. They became
the depositories of all the learning of
that age and of past ages which had sur-
vived the irruption of the northern bar-,
barians who precipitated themselves upon
the defenseless empire and wrought its

As population and wealth increased,
other institutions of a similar character
Lnd under like patronage came into being.
Mathematics, Latin, rhetoric, logic, meta-‘




laid to exist, but they served to hand
in the torch of learning from the scholars
of Greece and of the empire and when the
period of awakening, known as the .Re-
naissance, came, the existing collegiate
and university institutions supplied the
necessary conditons for the revival of

At the period of reformation, two
iamous universities existed in England,

before the revival of letters, and three
in Scotland. VVlth the exception of
imany were of later origin than those of

1‘ the British Isles.

Not long after the colonial foundations

provide the colonists with the learning of
the time. First among these was Har—
vard College, which celebrated its 250th
anniversary nearly twenty years ago. The
institutions founded thereafter did not for
many years take on the more ambitious
title of university, but contented them-


most of whose colleges were established



the great universities of Ger-i

in America began, steps were taken to'


smté in the Union, which have already
taken high rank.as centres of instruc-
tion and investigation. All these have a
distinctively State organization and con—
trol. In the majority of instances, the
income accruing from the Congressional
grant of 1862 and legislation subsequent
thereto, while' they formed the founda-
tion upon which these institutions were
built, represent but a fraction of their
income. The States in which they are
established have“ for the most part re-
sponded with"a liberality for their up-
building and maintenance, out of all pro-
portion to anything that has hitherto
been done for education in America. In
1884, the total income of all the colleges
and universities in America, numbering
nearly four hundred, was somewhat short
of $6,000,000. Today hal a dozen uni—
versities founded under th land grant of
1862 can show a united income sur-
passing that of all the institutions in
America in 1884. In a large number of
States, colleges were established upon
this foundation. In a still larger num—
ber State universities were provided for.
Mentmn may be made of Cornell, of the
Ohio State University, the University of
Illinois, Purdue University, the University
of Minnesota, of Wisconsin, of Nebraska,
of California, of Nevada and of Missouri.
Their buildings, lands and equipment far‘
surpass those of other institutions, ec-
clesiastical and private, while their in-


comes are already in excess ohthose of
the historic old institutions of the coun-

selves with the humbler designation of]. my


The first institution bearing the 'i
name of university was the University:

The chief function of a college in these
modern days is to give instruction in the

of Pennsylvania, founded about 1750. With i! accumulated wisdom of the past, in lan-

that exception, no institution in America
bore the name of university until after
the admission of Vermont as an inde-
gendent State. The institution founded at
urlington bore the name bf university.

iThe next institution which bore the name

was that founded by Thomas Jefferson
at Charlottesviile, Virginia, destined to
take rank as one of the great uni-
versities ot' the country.

Provision was made by Congress by
which two townships, or 45,000 acres of
land, were given to the States admitted
to the Union after 1802, and upon this
foundation were established universities

in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and

other Western States as they were ad-
mitted. It is only of recent years that
Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia
have assumed the title of university. In
the latter part of the nineteenth century,
.Iohns-Iiopkins, Chicago University, Van-
derbilt and Leland Stanford, institutions
privately endowed and having no con-
nection whatever with the State,
founded and endowed through individual
beneflcence and assumed at the outset
the style and title of university. The
older institutions were for the most part
established through denominational in-
fluence and their main purpose was to
educate men for the liberal professions,
especially for the ministry.

In 1862, the large grants of land given

were 1

guage, history, philosophy, logic, mathe-
matics and science. They seldom under-
take original investigation, for the suf-
ficient reason that their resources do not
supply the necessary iaboraton‘ies and
equipment for independent and original
research. The universities, on the other
hand, while discharging for the most part
collegiate duties, undertake also original
research upon a large scale. Their equip-
ments enable them to do this and the
post-graduate work for advanced degrees
for which they provide, encourages and
stimulates young and ambitious investi-
gators to add to the reputation which a
degree confers, the prestige and the con-

‘, sequence attaching to original discovery.

As Professor Huxley well remarked, the
chief function of the college is to look
behind and to gather up and communi-
cate the learning of the ages. The chief
function of the university, on the other
hand, is to‘ look to the future, to enlarge
the boundaries and the domailn of human
knowledge, to live in constant contact
with nature and with natural processes,
to discover truth for its own sake and
for the sake of its application to the'
vindustrial processes of life. The far-see-
‘ing intuition of Justin S. Merrill, the au-
thor of the Act of 1862, in providing,
that those branches of learning related to}
agriculture and the mechanic arts should|
form an essential feature of the instruc-


by’Congress to the several States in theition given in the colleges and univer-
Unlion to found and endow institutions in ( sitlcs founded under Congressional aus-
which should be taught those branches ' pices, excltesflthe wonder and the admira-
! tion of those familiar with the conditions
ioi.’ his lip-bringing and his.legislative sur-

of learning related to agriculture and the
mechanic arts, not excluding classics and
other scientific studies and including mili-
tary tactics, made provisionri‘or a third


physics, music, the civil law and the
moon law, formed the staple of their in-i
itruetion. What we now know‘and desig—i‘
nate as science could scarcely have been!

order of colleges and universities dis-
tinct in many ways from those mentioned
above. Upon this legislation have been
founded colleges and universities in every

roundings. The establishment of these
institutions marks an era. in original re-
search and in industrial development in
America. Their influence has not been,
confined to the Western continent, but.




was reassess a







has gone beyond the Atlantic and has led
to a. profound modification of the consti—
tution and work of Oxford and Cambridge,
of the University of Paris, the universi-
ties of Spain and of Italy ,and has even
been foremost in maintaining and in en-
larging their State universities, have
profited. abundantly by their beneficence.
We all know what Harvard and Yale and
Princeton have done for their respective
communities, how profoundly they have
influenced the constitution and the prog-
ress of society in the Middle States, the
West. the Middle-West and the Fachst,
how they have contributed men of large
education and of generous ambition who
have assisted materially in the develop-
ment and upbuilding of the great agri-
cultural and industrial communities of
the North and West. But great as these
influences have been, they are now more
than matched by the intelligent and in-

dustrious activity in ‘the application of;

science to agric lture and the mechanic
arts, determined by the discoveries made
in the laboratories of these great insti-
tutions by hundreds of yOung men, able,
active and eager for distinction. Their
researches are conducted primarily with
reference to the discovery of truth for its
own sake, and secondarily for its prac-
tical application. The greatest achieve-
ments in scientific discovery in America
issue from the laboratories of these State
institutions, but they immediately find
application in the useful arts, and re-

pay their respective commonwealths ten-.

fold for all the money expended in their

Concurrently therewith, the education
provided in these institutions supplies the

bases upon which professional training‘

in law, in theology and in medicine is
founded. They supply, moreover, the edu-

cated material out of which statesmen, .

administrators, men of affairs. heads of
mercantile establishments, 'leaders of
modern industry, are ma e The North
and the West do not ion r need to go to
New England either for
learned men;
terms, to supply their own necessities
without calling upon their neighbors.

The centres of population. of political
influence, of agricultural production and
of industrial and manufacturing activity
have long since passed the Alleghenies.
The Northern and Western States have
long since become self-contained and in-
dependent entities, in all the conditions
of political, moral, financial and educa-
tional progress. ,Indeed, for years past
there has been an appreciable and steadily
increasing number of young men educated
:in the North and West who have been
called to the Middle and Eastern States
to become centres of educational, scien—
tific and industrial enterprise. The State
colleges and universities, endowed by
Congressional and State legislation, have
become the centres whence emanate these

dominant influences which! are now ma— 1

terially moulding the educational and pro-
ductive enterprises of the nation. The era

of subservience and subordination has : the developments of modern science and

long since passed away. followed by a
period of equality, under equal competi-
tive conditions, and now rapidly giving
place to an epoch of superiority.

learning or ‘
they are able, upon equal‘


It is a matter of regret and humilia-
tion that Kentucky has not yet fallen into
the ranks of progress which characterizes
the rapidly growing commonwealths of the
North and West and that she is not by

cation and university education in the
South. There is scarcely a State in the
Union which does not possess a State
university of large and liberal proportions.
The flime has now come when Kentucky
must, if she is to retain rank and pres-
tige and consideration, emancipate herself

has hitherto brooded over her.
emancipate herself from the servitude of
years which has characterized her rela-
tions in matters of c" ication to the East
and to the North 3.: . to the West. Her
vast productive area, abounding in the
elements of agricultural wealth, her still
vaster and richer domain teeming with
mineral resources out of all proportion to
those possessed by any other common-
wealth in the sisterhood of States, im-

peratively demand that these resources

should be developed, that wealth should be
created, a reputation for industrial and
commercial enterprise :obtained, not
through capital 9. d intellect imported
from outside her undaries, but .from
native intellect, educated at home and
capital created within her own borders
and applied to the development of her
mineral and agricultural resources. This
training can not be done by the denom-
inational college, nor by any private col-
lege or university. however muniticently
endowed, but must‘bo done through a
university maintained by State liberality,
controlled in the interests of all her
people, inspired by the prestige and repu-
tation of her past, for the education of the
young men and the young Women who
constitute by far the most valuable asset
which she possesses. The Commonwealth
of Kentucky is capable of sustaining a
population of twenty millions of souls, of
establishing Pittsburgs and Birminghams,
which shall vie with the centres of pro-
duction of the old world and of the new.
This may be done in the no distant future.
it may be accomplished by intellect and
energy and capital imported from abroad,
but\if so, the Commonwealth must be
content to rank as a. field of exploitation
for the benefit of the foreigner and the
stranger, and her dividends will go hence
to increase the wealth of those with whom
she has no vital interest in common.

At every period of their existence, uni-

versities have fulfilled a double func-
tion in the social order. They have been
the great training schools for the learned
professions and the custodians and expo—
nents of the ideal elements 'upon which
society ultimately rests. As a. condition
of their being. therefore, is to respond to
the needs and aspirations of society, the
history of universities has been neces—
sarily determined by the changing ideals
which men set themselves to follow. With
the Renaissance and the Reformation, be-
gun a new period in their history. From

the increasing complexity of modern life,

adjustment is needed to meet the ends



any means up to the level of higher edu-y

from the apathy and the lethargy which
She must

'for which they exist. The chief char-
acteristic of the modern period with
which we are more intimately concerned,
are the sub-division of studies,

the extraordinary developments of physi-
cal sciences, and the application of these
to the industrial arts. There are then
three functions for the university, namely,
to teach those subjects which relate to the
development of the mind, language, logic,
mathematics and especially the powers
and limitations of the human intellect;
to teach those subjects which relate to
men as citizens, namely, history, eco-‘
uomics, sociology, ethics and those sys-
tematized bodies of knowledge related to
the cosmos and known as the physical
sciences, with their practical application


to the well-being of mankind, and lastly,
and most important of all, to guide and
stimulate investigation and research, in
order to Widen the domain of human
knowledge and bring them into harmony
with fact. Under existing conditions,
there is no institution in Kentucky cap-
able of accomplishing what the modern
university should do. The balance can be
re-dressed only by the establishment of
an institution which will meet all these
requirements. This desideratum is be—
yond the ability of ' denominational, local
or individual enterprise'and must be done
by the State. .

Towards the attainment of this most
idesirable end, the united and active co—
‘operation of all the intelligent citizens
of this Commonwealth must work in bar-
mony. To you, teachers of Kentucky


will fall a. most important share in this _

[enterprise Bx becoming centres of ac-
tive and intelligent interest) in your re-
spective communities, you can mould pub—
lic sentiment which in turn will shape the

tated by the widened limits of knowledge,,‘


necessi- :



legislation necessary for the translation of

.lthe ideal into the actual, and make a

State university an accomplished fact. [




a third period has begun. when a further,


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By las. K. Patterson, Ph. 0., President ofthe State College of Kentucky.

DIES AND GENTLEMEN,—A half or even a quarter
of a century ago such an assemblage and such an
institution would have been impossible. I see be-
fore me to-day men and women, young and old and
middle-aged, from mountain and from valley, from
hill and from dale, from all parts of the common-
wealth, and even from beyond. Half a century
ago the means of travel did not exist for bringing
together such an assemblage. Half a century ago
the mental acquirements and the intelligence did
_ not exist upon which to found an institution of such

character and of such proportions. The school-
house was rude, the instructor comparatively un-
lettered. A few of the larger towns could boast of
an academy, and all the higher institutions of learn-
ing could be counted on half the fingers of one
hand. Now the common school is found by the
dozen and the score in every county. Every county
town has its seminary or high-school, and some in
counties which I could name have more than one
well equipped and well maintained, while the
higher institutions dispense a good general eduCa-
tion, and carry their students far beyond the limits
of the learning then known. Sciences and systems
of knowledge, the shadowing outlines only of which
were then beginning to be known, have since grown
into recognition, and now form part of the general
education of our young men and women. The
boundaries of then existing knowledge have been,
with each succeeding year, pushed back farther and
farther, and new realms'have been won from what
seemed to be the “void and fathomless infinite.”
Materials out of which all history, ancient and mod-
ern, have grotvn have been collected, sifted, com-
» pared, and adjusted, and Prehistoric Archwology now
forms the ample background upon which rests all
our knowledge of the past. The stru‘ctural forms
ofkafl sentier‘g;is§eno,e§wparenHg: endlosglgunrierl
as they are, have been carefully assorted, the acci-
dental discriminated from the permanent, the func-
tional from the organic, and the magnificent sciences
of Comparative Zoology and Anatomy have been
evolved and placed upon a basis durable as the
everlasting hills.

Fifty years ago our knowledge of language was
limited to the few forms existent in ‘Vestern Europe,
and to the classic and sacred tongues. To-day
languages that were dead and buried and embalmed
for three thousand years, traced upon sepulchral
pa'pYri, or engraven upon basalt and granite and
baked clay, have been exhumed, deciphered, and
interpreted; and today the whole history and
thought and politics and social life of the inhabit-
ants of the valleys of the Nile and Euphrates, of
the dweller in Accad and Iran, are as well known
to scholars as the exploits of Agamemnon, the vic-
tories of Cincinnatus, the laws of Draco, or the Li-
cinian rogations.

The comparative method has been applied to liv-
ing languages and dead, to those that form the ve-
hicle of intercourse among the modern nations of
the earth and to those which serve as media of com-
munication for the Samoyed of Siberia, the Nez
Perce of North America, and the sable occupant of
the valley of the Congo, and the root words which
form the basis of all these families of speech have
been reduced to systematic unity, and the splendid
achievements of Comparative Philology have thrown
floods of light upon the early habits of mankind,
upon their systems of thought and jurisprudence,
laying bare the foundations upon whichall the re—
ligion and morals, the metaphysics and science of
these latter ages are built.

The caves of the valley of the Dordogne, the
shell mounds of Denmark, the lake dwellings of

Europe, the barrows of Enfdhd, and the great
mounds of America have dislosed their treasures
and revealed the existence if men long before
Aryan or Semite had left teir original homes.
They followed the chase, thejhrotected themselves
from the savage beast and lie still more savage
climate, they told of deeds (1 war and blood. and
no doubt too of love, around [eir lonely camp-fires,
and they buried their dead'fao, like Abraham in
the cave of Machpelah, wit, let us hope,-some
fore-gleams of immortality. {heir names have per—
ished with them; but they/jid not, rude though
they were, live in vain. Thimaterials which they
have left fit in and form imuerishable elements in
the great structures of Ethnpngy and Anthropology“
which the men of this generaion have built.

And, passing the limits J,’ this globe, and the
men and things upon it, arl the records in stone
under it, the men of our the have gone out into
the universe beyond. If hey have found within
the limits of this tiny sphea life without limit and
life without end, they hae found, too, that the
corner-stones upon which he illimitable universe
is built are identical with t}ose that form rock and
river, beast and bird and nan, here below. The
atom of oxygen and the atm of hydrogen are the
same in the corona of thé sun, in the luminous
body of Sirius, and in the ’ar away star-dust of the
nebulae, as in the disentonbed fossil and the tear
of affection that trickles down the human cheek.
The spectroscope and the telescope have revealed
space without limit and identity of workmanship,
infinite variety in unity, tlroughout the universe.
What wonderful opportunities belong to the men
and women of this generaiionl You have fallen
into the line of march. .You handle themes and
discuss subjects of which 'your grandfathers and
grandmothers never dreamed. You may not yet
be original investigators. Original investigation
and discovery are the province and the privilege of
the favored few and require moreover a life-time
nf flnvnfinn and sm'vifinl’z‘ But you can enter into
possession. Discoveries in science and achieve-
ments in literature, when once made, become the
common heritage of the race. Youcan acquire
and make your own by diligent reading and dili-
gent study what others have brought into the com-
mon stock of this universal heritage.

In this money-making age, when men, and some-
times women, too, are making haste to be rich, I
hail with satisfaction the movement of which this
is the outcome. You show by this organization,
spread all over the country and numbering its vo-
taries by hundreds and by thousands, that this is
not an exclusively materialistic age; that mankind
rises above the material to the intellectual, the
moral, and the spiritual. You show, too, that this
manifold organization addresses itself to many of the
felt wants of the day. You not only acquire, but
you desire to impart. You arrogate no exclusive mo-
nopoly in your acquisitions, but you bring all to a
common stock and aim to make them the possession
of all. You are not only anxious to provide the
material of knowledge, but by organized effort to
provide those to whom it is communicated with the
best means and methods of imparting it to others.
You address yourselves to the training of the intel-
lect, to the, development of the heart, to the culti—
vation of the taste, to the subjugation of the pas-
sions, and the growth of a wholesome sentiment.
All these agencies and these activities are needed to
counteract the crass materialism of the tendencies
of this age. If knowledge runs to and fro and is
increased, so does the hunger for wealth and the
thirst for gold.

Colossal fortunes are made and lost, making men
mere accumulating and calculating machines, dry—
ing up the milk of kindness in the human soul,
leaving it a weary, worn, and blasted thing, without


Switzerland, the cromlechs and kists of Western

the scarred basalt or granite which have survived

the internal fires which burned up all else around

them. To this tendency literature, and art, and

science, and philosophy, and religion come as the

proper antidote. N

The literature and language of your own country

deserve special attention. No language is more

copious, more flexible, richer in powers of expres-
sion, or richer in the vast wealth which it contains.

In it are embodied the noblest thoughts in prose
and in verse. The many-sided Bard of Avon, of
whom Christopher North once said, “Millions of
men have some genius, thousands much, hundreds
more; the stars are out by twos and threes in the
highest heaven of invention, butonly one by night, the
moon, by day the sun,” thought and wrote in this
tongue. To him there is no equal in all the fields
of classic or of modern prose or verse. The lan-
guage of Macaulay and Bolingbroke, of Raleigh
and Spenser, of Tennyson and Longfellow, of Ban-
croft and Gibbon, of Goldsmith and Whittier, one
hund” (1 years ago the language of twelve millions
of people, to-day the language of one hundred and
twenty millions, and destined one hundred years
hence to be the vehicle of intercourse for one bill-
ion of mankind, is your native speech and mine.
No language ever spoken or written contains so
much of wealth as this. To the nations, whose
heritage it is, men look for the conservation of all
that is worth having, liberty of thought, liberty of
speech, free institutions, the just co-ordination of
freedom with authority.

You can bear a noble part in this work of the
present and the future. Let it be yours to assimi-
late the heritage of the past, the heritage of a thou-
sand years of noble thoughts and noble deeds, to
amplify and transmit it to those who shall come
after, worthy descendants of the illustrious ancestors,
from whose loins you sprang. At the beginning of
this meeting I perform the grateful task allotted to
me by a too-partial directory of bidding you wel-
come. Here, under the shadow of schools for both
sexes provided by private and public beneficence’, I’
bid you welcome. They address themselves to the
attainment of the same ends by more rigorous meth-
ods, perhaps, and for a time, at least, by a more
exclusive devotion to the subjects, literary and
scientific, which claim their attention. With them
for four years it is the one serious business of life,
with you a recreation from mental and bodily toil.

I bid you welcome under the shadow of the col-
umn, not far distant, erected to commemorate the
memory of a man whose name and memory you
venerate second only to that of the father of his
country, who made Kentucky a household word by
every hearth-stone throughout the length and breadth
of this mighty country, revered for his talent, re-
vered for his matchless powers at the bar and the
forum, still more revered because he ” would rather
be right than President.”

I welcome you in the midst of this old historic
town, coeval with the memorable struggfe which
made these commonwealths free, and made of them
collectively the grandest and freest and mightiest
nation on earth.

I welcome you under these kindliest. of skies and
in the midst of an agricultural profusion, with ‘
actualities and possibilities such as no equal area i
in the union of the States can surpass. ’

May this inaugural Assembly be one of happy
omen to Kentucky, a new link forged to bind all
within this broad domain together in industry, in
wealth, in intelligence, in morality, and in religion,
an important step in the era of universal progress
to the happy goal which has formed the ideal of
the great and good in every age and clime.

“For I doubt not through the ages
One unceasing purpose runs;
And the thoughts of men are widened


sympathy, all the nobler feelings extinguished, like

With the process of the suns.”




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Sunday, Aug. 7th.

8.. In. Bible Exposition and Conference,
Rev. S. Baker, D. D.
10.00 a. m. Preaching, Rev. J. H. Bayliss, D. D.
1.00 p. m. Chi‘idren’s Meeting, Rev. G. F. 01-
2.00 p. In. Preaching, Rev. J. N. Fitzgerald,


4.00 p. in. I Young People’s Meeting, Rev. L. E.
7.30 p. In. Preaching, Dr. L. W. Munhall.

Monday, Aug. 8“].


a. In. Bible Exposition and Conference,
Rev. S. Baker, D. D.

a. m. Preaching, Rev. James R. Mills, D. D.
p. In. Children’s Meeting, Rev. G. F. Ol-

p. In. Preaching, Rev. \V. C. Dawson.

p. 111. Young People’s Meeting, Rev. L. E.
Prentiss. ' '
p. In. Preaching, Dr. L. W. Munhall.

Tuesday, Aug. 9"]. 3 ‘1

6.00 a. m. PRAYER SERVICE. '

8.00 a. m. Bible Exposition and Conference,
Rev. S. Baker, D. D.

10.00 a. In. Preaching, Rev. C. V. Wilson.

1.00 p. m. Children’s Meeting, Rev. G. F. 01-

2.00 p. In. Preaching, Rev. A. J. Fish.

4.00_p. m. Young People’s Meeting, Rev. L. E.

7.30 p. In. Preaching, Dr. L. W. Munhall.

Wednesday, Aug. 10th. "

6.00 a. m. PRAYER SERVICE. .

8.00 a. In. Bible Exposition and Conference,
Rev. S. Baker, D. D.

0.00 a. m. Preaching, Rev. Leroy A. Belt, D. D.

1.00 p. In. Children’s Meeting, Rev. G. F. Ol-

2.00 p. In. Preaching, Rev. F. A. Gould.

4.00 p. m. Young People’s Meeting, Rev. L. E.
Prentiss. 1;

7.30 p. m. Preaching, Dr. L. W. Munhall.




Thursday, Aug. llth.

6.00 a. m. PRAYER SERVICE.
8.00 a. In. Bible Exposition and Conference,
Rev. S. Baker, D. D.
10.00 a. In. Preaching, Rev. W. A. Robinson,

1.00 R- 'm.' Children's Meeting, Rev. G. F. 01—

2.00 p. In. Preaching, Rev. J. W. Hill.

4.00 p. In. Young People’s Meeting, Rev. L. E.

7.30 p. m. Preaching, Dr. L. W. Munhall.

Friday, Aug. 12"..

6.00 a. m. PRAYER SERVICE.
8.00 a. In. Bible Exposition and Conference,
Rev. S. Baker, D. D.
10.00 a. In. Preaching, Rev. D. H. Muller, D. D.
1.00 p. m. Children’s Meeting, Rev. G. F. Ol-
2.00 p. m. Preaching, Rev. E. D. VVhitlock,
4.00 p. 111. Young People’s Meeting, Rev. L. E.
' Prentiss.
7.30 p. In. Preaching, Dr. L. \V. Munhall.

Sal Ill-day. Aug. 13th.

6.00 a. m. PRAYER SERVICE.

8.00 a. In. Bible Exposition and Conference,
Rev. S. Baker, D. D.

10.00 a. m. Preaching, Rev. J. S. Reager.

1.00 p. 111. Children’s Meeting, Rev. G. F. 01-

2.00 p. In.
D. D.

4.00 p. m. Young People’s Meeting, Rev. L. E.

7.30 p. m. Preaching, Dr. L. W. Munhall.

Sunday, Aug. 14th.

Preaching, Rev. C. E. Manchester,

6.00 a. m. PRAYER SERVICE.
8.00 a. m. Love-feast. Rev. S. Baker, D. D.

10.00 a. In.

1.00 B- m. Chiki’FeE Meeting, Rev. G. F. 01-

Iver. ‘ .

2.00 pDIn. Preachig, Rev. W'. H. H. Adams,
D _

4.00 p. in. ' Youngiéople’s Meeting, Rev. L. E.
Prentiss. i
7.30 p. m.' Preachig, Dr. L. W. Munhall.

Mandy, Aug. l5tll.


8.00‘a. In. Bible kanition and Conference,
Rev. S. Baker,D. D.

10.00 a. In. Preachin, Rev. W. H. H. Adams,
D. D. ‘ '

1.00 p. In. Children;