xt7ghx15n565_127 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Newspaper Articles on President Patterson text Newspaper Articles on President Patterson 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_13/Folder_1/2377.pdf 1887-1919 1919 1887-1919 section false xt7ghx15n565_127 xt7ghx15n565 .imont' attaches much iinimrlancel

to _ use annual conventions. Viashington l
sends its own stenographers to attend!
and transcribe thehusiness of all meet-
ings. iL: .', ">.—.
A Successhrl Prolfe'snor. J '

\Vv‘hen Alderman John IE. LPet caught
sigh-t of Prof. Patterson of the Kentucky
university. president of the institution, he ‘
at once transformed from an active poli-
tician to a thorough student in agricul-
t't'ire'and metaphysios. Twenty-five years
ago Mr. 'lieet a'ttvndnd Prof. Patterson's
(“misses and half way regrets he did not

’ stick to the business. Many of his class—
mates did well. indeed, Prof. Patterson's
college is said to have turned out more
successful man than any other similar in—
stitution. The only man other than a
Frenchman who obtained the cross of the
Legion of Honor for botanical work was
a classmate of Mr. Levit’s and an old stu-
dent of Prof. Pailnrson. This is T. B.
Munsen now of Toxas. One or the grout-
ost industries of Frnnm is wiin- making:
and the ravages of inset-ts among the
vines amounttd to millions of francs an—
nually. Munson lllFt'th‘TOll in 'l‘nxas a
wild grape that was fatal to the French
pest. l-le wont. over to l“l‘iiil(‘u with his
roots, grafited minus on to them and tho
result was a, total success. For this .\lun-
sen was decorated. From a commercial
standpoint Itlunsen seems to have been

‘ equally sum-essful for he made a fortune

growingr flowers sr‘ientiiicaily in Texas.
Scope of Such Colleges.

Speaking of the work of agricultural
colleges and their mission, Prof. Patter—
son said:

"Agricultural (‘olloges are misunder-
stood. The idea. that they are to teach
farming; is not well comprehended. They
do this, but they do more. They iltdiei
students for sucoussi‘ul agriuuittiralists
and in so doing equip ['hI-‘l'll for C'lllt‘l
walks 01' life. Tho Morrill bill, which
startwl those collvg‘os, doc-s not routine
tin-ir «mermtions to farming pure and sim~
1m, but to brain-hos of til. i cnni't-ss we
iind riiilin-ulty in o/htaiiiiin: sttnlmits for
our agru-ulturai voilvgos. lt‘itl‘lllvl‘s do not
want their boys to in: l‘armurs, nidthor
do l-iurgymnn, lawyt-rs or otln-r nrul'c-s-
sional neoplm partinulztriy sim-o the agri-
vulrtnral intern-stu thaw,- lJDi'Ul‘nt‘, so de—
prussutl. 'l‘hu idea is that by trashing a
studént botany so that. lll) may under-
stand plant life; entomology, so that he
may umivrsiainl tho tinsm-ts which are
incidvnt to farming; (*hnmistry. so- that he
may understand tho nature and origin of
soils, t-lw studwnt liwsonivs itttud for fol—
lowing :tgrivulturu."

Attached to all agri‘nnltural r‘oi‘legos are
morhnnival dr‘partinciris, chemistry lab—
orzttorivs, botanical gardens, irrigation
and hydraulic departments and other
higher oduczttional brain-hos.

(Jn Thursday l’retsidvnt .\lsvtnn Ellis 3,
1th.- ("olorndo A;:;ri(~nltural college “111
l‘l‘:'.il an inlerosliny,~ [Htpl'l' upon what stil-
dit-s Should be romhinod in 1L course at an
agricultural z-olh-gv, and why they should
lm. This will lm ono of the most rintvr—
ostinp; pant-rs road at tho mnvontion from
an. popular point of ViiMV.

0n u "up: llunt.

Although the reinvention LlOl’S not be—
;,-in until this morning, the «“iitoniologists,
or “lingologists,” as tht‘y are familiarly
rvi'oi‘rI-d do by their lln‘ot‘hor professors,
started last night. i’roi'. (JUUkI‘l‘l’ll ot.’ has
(.‘rnovs, N. 31., handed it party down town
last night on a hug-catching uxpwliilion.
llo boru with llll'ill 2L net for [hti purpose
of t-nsaring anything,r of a. desirable kind ,
which might hvavu in sight and he i'wapud
a regular harvest in “the vivinity of arc.
lights. it 'is mm thing to KIlU\V how to

i grow a ('l‘OlJ and anontlwr how to saw it
'- n'v insm'rls. l’roi‘. Snow of Kansas (in-

‘ ho way to gut rid oi’ trite
have a hut of l‘ * ‘
l .. Lt

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' V 1 \ ,
VOL. 7. V LEXINGTON, KY.. SAlUltDAY, JUNE 4, 1887. N0 42' ‘
W . i
’ ' ' t 1; when .ol. V . 0. IF Judge James H. Mulligan i‘eall Go '- K I’. :.. - ' ~ .. '- m ' _ ___—
IT is said ha C ‘V . 1 5" I: h . i .’:... py V not 6 Address pupls thin any ten entiie books. in BOOTS AND SIIOES. _
. Bradley was a fifteen-yeai-Old boy at ( esiies tie 01101 and Shaman 0f the The address made by Gov. Knott the language. There is in earliest in- WW~M~W-W~WM WMMMNMWMWW ” ‘
‘ school his playmates gave him the Democratic .,Dfll'ty, he ought to Witli~ at the closing exercises of the State i‘aiiry a sense ofjustice and right that ' __'_— ”a '
1‘ nickname “Bobby Billy Bradley.” draw troni the legislative race and let College in this city, Thursday, was demand :t reason forevery act oflil‘e . t Ems H 0 E S VMWi '
' > From the way the battle-scared Col- some men who has honestly and the ablest and the'inost exhaustive There is, (Lil intuitive judgment in _""—' l __._— It
. V onel is now bobbing around, those faithfully supported the party fillthe presentation of the natural resources cliilfilmml that l'equii'és satisfaction.
'5‘ ,bOYS must have been philosophers 1h “0W vacant place 0‘1 the UCkOL I’Ie of the State and her true condition as Give iliiit, satisfaction, promptly, i — 0 .
,.:: . human naturevaud prophets iii ken. may claim that he got such a large an inviting field for capital and enii- kill-Hy, :fricefnllv, and the child all-'
5 . vote iii the alleged primary as to W211“- gration ever given to the world. It pro-if: the lesson, enters cheerfully - 'g ’ l
‘ NOT a single Lenington newspaper iant him in the belief that he is the l is the result of a thorough research into the line of duty required, and '
_ Was represented in the Press 0011- choice of the party. But he cannot into the facts touching the great nat- gill” H‘)! 0111)’ moral strength and I s '
:v , , vention at LouisVillc this week. It deceive himself With any such dclu - ural wealth of the State as discovered moral courage, but intellectual power ~ I '
was our purpose to attend, but» re- 5'0”. EVCI'YhOdy knows how that by close personal observation, the re- and progress as well. There is oui
. garding the State College CKOI'CISOS vote was obtained, and the ludicrous— ports of the State Geologist and the the ti: ‘1‘ hillld ill 9"91')’ human heart 0
“ ~ ~ * ) i ' - .Ll ‘ w 1 ' ». . , » , .. ' a 1 - - - ’
.1 too impouant to be neglected, we nessIot the piocecdings .was the jest l figuies and facts laid before the peo- young- or old, a (rod-given instinct to l Ladies’ Kid 'l‘urii‘d Button elm/ant so 00 X
«45 were compelled to for-ego both the and Jliie tor weeks after it took place. ple of the State by the Auditor’s last rm Iii, llllii resist injustice and Wron 0' l Fl‘t‘ll -li liid Don rili t ti’Yi t0 a ‘1‘. I ‘ I
1:9. a . . ) . ' ' . . ’ . . . . V 5‘r .. ‘ "’ L1 7“ : .‘.; ‘— E'Z 'l 5 ‘ " 1“ R -" ‘ '
.,‘ pleasme and the pioht of meeting He may hope to get the vote of the i report, With logical deductions both ’l‘li. Wild destitute of this impulse {$0.00. Now $2 ()0, $2.23 $2.73. W I ‘4‘)”, )utton, fm nu DUO” "1'))"H")0'
j, with our professional brethren. party, but. in this he is fatally dc— astonishing and indisputable. From you Sf or old, is: hardly worth thci LOW Chi Button 211111 L'ii‘c $10k former prices) 0‘) s0 30 s9 0') ’
___—__.._— . ' . :i, .,s , . ‘ ‘ . . ' .. _ p . ‘ . . _ p. . _ . " ' ‘v 7 J , *t-- 1...- no. i . I
' i ') . - f- cciied. 3(101“ Of men who .“OUM the time “19 speech was fairly 01’ ‘3“‘7‘1 L1“ ’..‘“ J” nE-if‘g- an,” destitute 0f} Ladle": MHSIES“ and Children’s Opera Slippers from, 750. ’ V I (A
‘ MAJ. P. l. delusion s name is 10- icpudiate him under ordinary Circuni- to its close it grew in interest to the illt' .1 on. Eiil- ,.’t'ii‘u 150W01":- that makes ,,. _ 7 y 4 1
, quently mentioned throughout the stances, will vote for him at the close audience, and notwithstanding its Udliw-iil-m olditéfié : '. . ' 1]“: “WM ”“"“ 7’2 ",0 [W (”"53/ Bro/hem, (flirt/x (it Wheeler, and P. 00.7}. /" (t -
‘ fl _ n _ . _, v . . j . _. l . _ H ) W ‘ | . .. ' “:‘you. '1' . - . . p . ' - '
L, State do the probable SpeValxei ot the ot the ‘pllllLCtl LILLLL to be used at the length and the usual soporilic ell‘ects Witliat . fail-e limits of inspired . Men ‘?IVC‘,‘,“.B"FL””' he?" “”31 Congress, Bread and Nill‘l'ow Toe. jformer (
" IOWCI' 1101159 01 the 1101“ General AS? P0115, t01' the “3215311 that they Will not of statistics, continued in increasinir sr-mly‘on iii} no passage ~(if more Dch “1“’ M W‘ $-,).l.|t!. how 'TIMU’ $3'W’ $3‘JO‘ t I I
, . ‘7 1 . ‘ ‘1 1 _ . l I _4 ‘ A '1‘ _ ... z: rafts, ~,' _ o- r
,_ sembly. Fiche better1 cBuld )euiiic'ii have the coinage to stop when they inteiest to the end. practical value, in temporal affairs 1710” we “I’ll/0 71}! BM". Show it- .»lflI/nts, In?" CUP/2's (0 \Vlicclcr mul the
,3 tioned. . c is a s'ounc '101111?Cldi,;di1 .MVC 1“”?th the listot the real iioni- It is not only the best einigi'aiion than that which says, “Parents pro- reason Hwy are offered of, we]; ;-«'r[[c«(/ou.,-II,, [0”; prices ,3. becaitse l
, , 'ab‘ebpalhalim‘lunumnl,::ilesttililziii‘wifhl “1085- hilt these W111 .bc iGW Wheii document the State has ever had, but vote ”lot your children‘ t0-,.wl'a'tli.” we?” “"0 “I.V/[Hy "s/iOI)-t’—"JI'/i.”
I. _ isa on 21‘ e se, an i . s l ' cUlllpttlLA With the entiic number of it is the bestcampaign paper that can The vinlaliou‘ofthis injunctioulis _onri WIGWAM SLIPPERS AN D 8A5": BALL SHOES t
g . a firm detcriilination to do right re- the faithful Democratic voters of the lie used in the present contest It ol'w'flmlrtpotentinllueucefé'to Cl‘hlle '11 l r ‘I ' I V
_ ‘ . . . . .. w h . , V i} :3.... .'. x V " ‘ 1 7 '~' 1‘ ~,, . .' _ ,6
gardless 0i 1'8511115- ClW- lle may thlhh he “7111 he able to will take the wind out of Col. Brad- and iifhourly adding to‘ this" alrczuhf i ) ) 5L bOX E :UHOOL .5110}? «1111— Amen”? every pair warranted, "
-~, 2:..—'___; . buy negro votes enough to carry lli’il ley’s stereotv H1 - '1' 0'" .- .‘im ' . ‘K ' ' - 5 on i '4 "a.
4 THE‘tddr “ ofer Kuott noti‘cd [1 ion 1 b l . 1 . 1 l - . lb Wt“ mas set to the 01in«.uliilgileystpthepenltéutlfll} |
~ ‘ ..1-3: x . . y , u . 1' 3‘1; ut ie is LUCUIVUL in t iis. notes ofthedc'id march in‘tl'c it . ' l ' " 7 I. ' ‘ \
_ ,i . , i t I]Cl,- dill, ..i- _,.tliO\Vb. Men. ave studied - ’
‘_ ,. , .., , v 11 .“_: . _ ,, ‘ . 2' J.."?
a EEG‘Yllt‘lé, iilaiflio=13lf1i1t>illt a fit? ii: LVO .\tdlu have limde a guest change cssary for him to make battle on an— the n l'l’illlgS of greatedufltors, from M. P. LAN-“ASTER.
1. the inching o1 pcli itica tiLeotiiss a” in the number 01 purchasable negro other line and spend another five Clllli'lli-llln‘ to Horace-.‘Lfiimi, in vain 56 8‘ 58 EAS
% e lcllidtel‘ldlt elveipiiinfnt's: ctziiiStiu votes in this city. \Vlienlie made his years in getting up a bill of com- for light on this Subject. It. is net to T MAIN STREET'
H . U‘ - ~ v "I~ ‘ ) n .. \ '. -'w . .1 . -~, ' . ‘ i .7, '~=~‘
,: nOiZh alige:OU:fy ‘11.,” 01”fo 5:1) lastiacctoi thelegislatuictheic welt plaints against the State and a new be loiiiid there. ._It-«is .to be found Opposite the W’oma