xt7ghx15n565_129 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Newspaper Clippings (typed copies) text Newspaper Clippings (typed copies) 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_13/Folder_3/Multipage12512.pdf 1904-1913 1913 1904-1913 section false xt7ghx15n565_129 xt7ghx15n565 President Patterson

flakes Explicit statement of state College‘s

Financial Condition- State Gives it $20,000.

President Janos K. Patterson, of state College, was seen last night in regard
to the resolution offered in the house yesterday by Representative of a committee
of five to investigate the financial condition of State College.

President Patterson denies the report that there is $40,000 of the college's
money in a Lexington bank, but there is in bank between eight and nine thousand
dollars belonging to the general fund. In explaining how the impression got out
that State College is reserving money he said.

The annual incoae of State College 1: sheet 59‘3""? received from the folloving
sources: From the Horrill Act of 1890, $21,375; the income from state tax varies,
but for 1903 it was $34,500; interest from United States bends, $8,644.50; fees
from students, $3,954.75. Total, $68, 474. 55.

”Out of this cones the salaries of professors, assistants and enplcyees, $52,560,
current expenses, occluding fuel, water, lights, improvements and salaries of cadet
officers brings the total sapenses up to $79,920.

“The state legislature of 1900 and 1902 made an appropriation of $60,000 for
the erection of a feaale dornitory. Out of this there was spent $10,500 for grounds-
This amount was borrowed from a bank in this city. It was utterly impossible at
that time to get our warrants cashed. The lot on which the dormitory was built had
to be bought within a limited time so the only chance was to secure this nosey and
at once close the deal. There has only been $40,000 drawn from the state on this
appropriation, leaving a balance of $20,000 due. This amount has also been borrcred
from the banks to meet contracting obligations which could not be postponed. There
is now due the StatebCollege $5,000 semi-annual interest on bonds. This money has
been due since January 1.

"Representative Clark raised the question that the college has made no report
to the legislature, saying what the school is doing. I say on the contrary that we
have made a report to each legislature since 1880. The report for the present year
was handed to Gov. Beckham for transmission to the legislature the first day of the
session. That report was sent to the fetter Printing company at Louisville by State
Inspector Hines about the middle of January. It is still in the hands of the Fetter
people and will he delivered within a few days.

"This report contains a full detailed statement of the operation of the college
since the last report, which Was delivered to the legislature of 1902.

"The law requires the college authorities to submit their report to the general
assembly within one month from convening: “0 "‘mrrr “ave it in preparation in time
to place it in the neuhert' hands within the required time, The delay is not caused
from the college authorities, but from the printer."

President Patterson says he will heartily welcome an inspection of the college's
books, for then the legislature sill have a thorough opportunity to see its needs.
An investigation will reveal the fact that every dollar spent is accounted for and
will give the neabers an insight into the running of this grand institution.

The Lexington Democrat, rob. 12, 1904.

01 e .
cmm 7/17/1941. P 9 “1 3 i 4


 Pres. Patterson

lakes Teechere a Little folk on Second
Day of Joint-County Institute.

Yesterday wee the second doy of the Joint institute of the toechere of Fiyette
and Jessenils tounties. Frat. m. . Winfrey, of the Middleeboro public schools is
conducting the session and proving beyond a doubt thet he is the right nan in the
right pleee. He takes hold with a Vin and notes the teachers feel their work is
a pleasure indeed.

The teachers were treeted to o short talk by President Patterson of State Col-
lege yesterday and expressed the greatest odniration for hin. He gave then o
clear-cut sensible talk on matters of interest to every teacher and received the
earnest attention or all. .

Prof. c. F. Cronton is conducting the musical feature in his usual inimiteble

... (Teachers trip to world's fair after adjournment.)


The Lexington Democrat , Aug. 24, 1904.




 with Leniency

President Patterson Decided hurrell Case -
Student Hay Return To Dormitory After
Short Period.

President J. K. Patterson, of the state College, has settled the A. D. Harrell a
case to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. He has decided that lurrell must
leave the dormitoryp but that if he behaves as a student at the college should, he
till be permitted to return to the dormitory in due time.

After the resolution of the executive committee was adopted that gave {resident
Patterson the authority to decide the controversy, lurrell vent to President Patterson
and told hia that he was sorry that the controversy had come up, and that he would
not have taken the stand that he did if he had not been ill-advised. President
Patterson says that he behaved like a gentlemen and a man.

The relieving is the resolution of the executive committee;

"Resolved, That authority be given to the president of the college to refuse
to admit to residence on the grounds those students whose presence he regards as
likely to be detrimental to discipline and the general good, and that he be direct-
ed te notify such students of hie intention to refuse them permission to live on
the college grenade, and that he have authority likewise to remove from the ground
any student whose presence may in his estimation be injurious to the general well



The Lexington Democrat, October 8, 1904. p.8, col. 1.





Returns from important Mission in Washington .

Presi ent James K.Petterson has just returned from a
visit to Washington City where he fled gone to hold an interview
with leading members of Congresn in regard to an important measure
now yonding in Congress which, if passed, will be a great relief
to State Col ege. The bills, which are now before both Houses of
Congress with favorable conditions of pee:ege provide a handsome
enfiowment for nohoele of .ines and mining engineering in connection
with land grant colleges organized under the not of 1862, is already
told in the LEADER. The pesmege of the bills by Congress would be a
been not only to State Colleges, but to Lexington as well. Owing to
the recent novelopnent of minee and mining influstries in the State
the need of a great school of mines for the State has been keenly

felto O o
In an interview with e representative of the Lessee

President Patterson sale in regard to his visit to Tashington:
There are two sills pending before Congress, one known as

the Senate Bill No. 3253, an& the other pending before the House,
Known as the hondell Bill No. 7006. Senator Patterson, of Colorado,
who has charge of the bill in the Senate, said in an interview with
him that there was no doubt whatever that it would pass the Senate at
an early day by e large majority. If so, it will go to the House with
the prestige of success in the Senate. The information is that an
overwhelming majority of the House of Representatives is in favor of the
passage of the neasure. The Committee on Eules in the House of Representa-
tives can expedite or delay any measure before that body...

In general terms, the hill provides for an apgroprietion of
$10,000 a year for the endowment of schools of mines and mining

engineering organized in connection with the land grant colleges of 1862.


 Teachers Not Paid Enough.

President Patterson's Opinion Ccir*4“~ ”4“ View of Noted

English Educator on the Subject.

(Nothing pertaining to State College.)


The Lexington Democrat, October 17, 1904,

p02, 60].. 3'





State universities maintained by the State, and which heve

elreaiy establiehed in connection with them schools of mines and
mining engineering,will share equally in the annual approDriation

with the land grant colleges. Schools of Mines and Mining Engineering
est blithefi in any State, but not in connection with either land

grant colleges or State universities, will also share as beneficiaries
in the engroprietion made. Almost every State in the Union is more

or less interested in mining influstries. The appropriation at

$10,000 the first year will be increased by an annual increment of

$1,000 a year until the maximum, namely, $20,000, is reached.

Both the Sen tors and all the Retresentatives of Kentucky in

Congress will give it their unqualified and earnest supgort.



Source of information: The Lexington Leader. Agril 12,1906.
.47. 7, CO]... 4"

10/ 20/ 39



Head of State College goes to Northern City to
procure Professors to fill vacant chairs.

PresM eat J mes K..l tter2on of t32e State College,
has just returned from Cnic mo, 2here he went for the ;t3"'pose

mee ting sever-l profesrors of Civil engineering in

oqnueotion 1th b.12 Ian of sealring the bes ts mtion he
can gospibly make for the Civil Engineering Department of the
State College, nhich was maée Vacant by the departure of
Prof. John P.3rooks at the close of last term.

President sat erso on 3 a visit to New York three
weeks ago in the same connection. Both in that city ené in
Chiczgo he found several professors of Civil engineering who
seemed to reach the standard of his requirements. He is n02
con2idering carefully, the choice to be mafia from five of
these, any one of whom has the highest qualifications for
confiucting e sugerior civil engineering course.

Presiflent Patterson said to the LEADER regresentative
that it is his yolioy to come in contact personauhy'uifla

professors when endoevoring to fill a vaoenQp in any of the
deyartments so that he will have every opyortunity to make the
best selection. He considers not only the ability of those with

whom he meets for the purpose, but their caoecity in the way of

personal magnetism.
n’1e2i: ant L W ers on said th2t the Dep.rtment of Chemis try
also had a vacancy, onfi fl$}1ad under consideration the selection
of one from several profes are who were up to his r ouiremente.

The vacancy in the deagrtment of French and German, he said, was



mm. muzzz‘ason .33 FROM memo. ‘ moat.)

recantly filled to his satisfaction by the acceptance of

the apgointmant cf Professor Alfred Zembrod of Kentucky University.



Source of information: The Lexingtqn Leader. July 29, 1906.

AD: 11/ 2/ 39


 11133. l’zlmTt” C’N

fieturns fr Jm B ton flouge Conference...

Preeident J: mes K. :«tterson of Kentucky
Jtate ColAege rctuyned Jzturfifly: 153.2t from the innual Assoc; tion
of American Upn‘ Urr+nt C ; ;': :hi h rs: held at Enton range:
Louis; ene. Ibere Lu? W A r50 :ttoni nee :t the : HOCifitiOn zzd in
m‘ny rvu;pgte the meeting id; ane of the ;0 ext “oted in the
of the 13 mo iation. Kentucky 4tate 801.938 feel: honorez


:roi. H.A.Cuovell, Eirector of the ngeriment :t;ti0n, chosen
one of the vice ,rq3idents.

At chagel a ;w~?“>c Z wirw :“32iient 1 Jo- son
Spoke briefly of the great L 1 “ 5 being acc m_1i :hed long
educational lines by the difg-fi~ -;:i 5:;nt col us which owe
their vx‘s ~ _ o the Lorrell got -' Congress. fine of the chief
features of the meetings of t_c a Jociction is to investiggte
the character aha amount of work done in thew ious crl eges by
both graduate nd under-graduate etuflents. Jhiln the numbers of
stuf u*nts in lentucky is not so lerge As in “any other otates, the
character of negn done com ores most favorably :ith that of other
Jtates whose enrollment 5:: oxeegds thst of Kentucky.

lajor Eileen $.3urtt retorted to re‘2/enu ;.tt erson

_ y anfi formally entered u;on hiu C _=,_; “eigendent oi the

college. he returned sundgy :r‘u Ken iork, 2' v 2* ~ . to turn

over all e ulpments and eupilies of his comgu ' ‘ w:“~‘ Legiment

of the U.6.Government.
Vejor Durtt was given a ‘eusing reception by the


stuflent body who w:lcome his return to :1 rect the military offairs of


 Tcting commv-fiant, ‘ill continue


L02.M.L. Pence in the ze~

gaics. b“. Kehb, :Lring finger Lurtt‘: absence,
J-.:.. .
\,;£‘J gm;

dad tw the TOTk 3f both fie artmcnts.


of information: T

he L :ingtcn p;;duy. Hov.20,l?06.

1‘1 *

‘. 5', no c 3~

‘twte SmlLege,

=on3 itcsnfi Ere I tion 1

nifition of ,tgte s


..... ,. 1.. ,‘I
.4... ".

A - ., ,7 a
5..“ . v. Ux..\l.




Returns from trip to East in interest of State College.
Conferred with Andrew Carnegie relative to the new library

donated by Scotsman.

President James K.Patterson, of “entucky State College,

has returned from an extended Eastern trip, during which he bisited
both New York and Washington in the interests of the State College.

A few days prior to his degarture for Washington, he
received a communication from Senator Nelson, of Minnesota, notifying
him of the introduction of a bill for the further endowment of Land
Grant Colleges and Universities organized under the Act of 1862 and
requesting his active co-Operation in securing the supgort of the
Senators and Representatives from Kentucky.

President Patterson was doubtful as to whether or not any
measure benefiting the colleges could be put through Gongress this
session, owing to the fact that so little time remained before the

Immediately npon his arrival in Washington, President

Patterson had a conference with Senator Nelson in which the latter
expressed himself with some degree of confidence, saying that he had
an identical measure introduced into the Loser House by one of the
Representatives from Minnesota and that the purpose was to attach it to
some other bills carrying large appropriations, perhaps the General
ApprOpriation Bill, and perhaps the bill for appropriations to the
Agricultural Department at Washington, with which these colleges are

intimately as ociated.
President Patterson readily obtained pledges of support from

Senators McCreary and Blackburn and from all the Representatives



from Kentucky whom he had an opportunity to meet,
After having completed the business which took him to Washington,
President Patterson went to New York to complete arrangementa for

the erection of the Carnegie Library that is to form a part of the

State College equipment. fie had numerous conferences with Carnegie's

secretary and the designing architect of the library regarding
construction detail, etc., connected with the structure. The President-
wes given authority by the Board of Trustees to whom he reported

the successful conclusion of his negotiations with Mr.Carnegie last
June, to employ an anthitect and to supervise the details connected
with the erection of the building and to disburse the funds given in

Mr.Carnegie's donation.



Source of information: The Lexington Leader. Jun.31, 1907.
Po 7’ 0010 3"

AD: 12/ 4/ 39





Met many graduates of State Colleggbn recent trip

to New York~ All doing well.

During a recent visit of Preuident J.K. Peterson of
State College, in New York, he met guite a number of graduates
of the State College, who live in and around the metropolis.
A party of them entertained him at lunch and gave him a pres in;
invitation to be the guest of the Kentucky State College Club
at the annual meeting and banquet on Eebruary 16.

President Patterson reported that all were doing well,
occupying positions of trust with good salaries. is said that
the united income of three of these men, Fsyette county boys,

was last year $11,500. There are among them engineers, lawyers,

physicians, surgeons, chemists and professors, each of when is

a leader in his profession.

The State College Club numbers 78 members. President
Patterson was also one of the guests of the Burns Society of
New York on the evening of the anniversary of that poet, at
the annual dinner of the Society at fielmonico's.



Source of information: The Lexington Leader. Feb. 10,1907.
Po 7’ 0010 3"

AD: 12/ 4/ 39



President James K.Petterson, of State College, left
Frifiey afternoon for Lansing, Mich., where he goes to attend
the annual meeting of the Association of American Agricultural
Colleges and Experiment Stations. President Patterson expects
to be gone about a week. The meeting in Lansing this year is
in celebration of the Semi—Centennial Jubliee of the Michigan
Agricultural College, it being the oldest agricultural institution
in the United States. There are about fifty colleges and universities

belonging to this association.


SourCe of information: The Lexington Leader. May 24, 190?.
pa 5, C01. 3"

D: 12/ 16/ 39



The President of Kentucky’s greatest University- though it
still wears the more modest title or Collfige- is
Glasgow, Scotland, and came with his parents to America when ten
years of age. He graduated from Hanover L"allege, Indiana, in
1856, and taught in Western Kentucky and Tennessee till 1861,
when he removed to Lexington and became Principal of Bhat remained
of Transylvania University; was elected Professor of History and
Metaphysics in the Kentucky Stete College in 1865, ~nd became its
President four years later. In 1882 President Patterson, single-F
handed, resisted the united efforts of the denominational col-
leges to induce the Legislature to repeal the tax levied for its
maintenance. When the constitutional question was raised, he was
appointed by the Executive Committee of the College to reply to
the argument assailing its validity, made by Judge William Lindsay
before the Legislature, and on the basis of the brief which the
Court of Aopeals allowed President Patterson
‘ ‘ lity of the tax was affirm

as President Patterson's

issue. From that time the K. S. C. has increased in a tendance
and educational facilities, year after year until the present
session its matriculates number more than O-leading all the in-
stitutions of learning in the Commonwealth.

For almost half a century President Patterson has la cred,
in s seen and out, for the uphuilding of schools in Kentucky.
He breathed his own heroic courage into the dormant energies of
educational progress, and it was roused from the lethargy which
had long fallen upon it. Unai
he forced the rough rock up the
stccles, and until now he has pl
But he has never paused to look bsck over his great achievements.
In 1875 he was appointed a deéegate to the International Congress
of Geographical Sciences, which met in Paris, France, August of
that year. Later he attended the meetings of the British Assoca-
tion for Advancement of Science as a delegate from Kentucky, in
1875, and in 1890. He received the degree of Ph. D. in 1875,
and of LL. D. from Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, in 1896; in
1879 was elected a Fellow of the S ciety of Antiquaries of Edin-
burgh, Scotland. In 1903 he was President of the American Assoc-
iation of State Colleges.

A few months ago President Patterson secured from the National

nment an endowment fund equal to the annual interest on v500,

there seek ease in re a his youth is

renewed like the eagle' . half dvzen
strong men, thirty—five
commencement to send for graduates in the a

North, South, who are spoken for even befbre they

Source of lnformation:The Kentucky Magazine June, 1907.
pp. 8&9.


(Reprinted from "The Kentuckian” by Fermi sion.)

James hennedy Patterson was born in Glasgow, Scotland,
on the 26th day of March, 1833. Xith his yarents he came to America
when he was but nine years of age and settled in the southeastern :art
of Indiana, which was Sparsely inhabited and where school facilities at
that time were very meagre, He had no educational opgortunities until
1849, when for two years he attended C school in E:dison, Ind. During
1850—51 he taught school near this place, and in the latter year entered
the preparatory degartment of Hanover College. The four years following
he taught school and attended college alternately, and in 1856 graduated.

For three years after his graduation from college he
held the gosition of principal of the Greenville Presbyterian Academy at
Greenville, Ky., but in 1859 accepted the chair of Latin and Greek in
Stewart College, Clarksville, Tenn. In 1861 he was called to Lexington
to accept the principalship of the Transylvania high School, which he
held for four years. he was also professor of Latin in Morrison College
from '66-'69 and of history and Metaphysics in the Agricultural College

of Kentucky University from '66—'69. From 1369 until 1878 we find him

president of the Agricultural College of Kentucky University, and in

1878 he became president of the State College of Kentucky, which position

he has ably filled to the present time. ...



Source of information: The Lexington Leader. June 16,1907.
P. 1, 2nd Section.

AD: 12/ 21/ 39



Catches hi: foot in his crutch 3.5 fella while making

Address. ...

(Special to The Leader.)

LOUISV;LLE, HOV. 20. ~ At the fitate Bevelopment
Convention thifi morning Pre;ifient J.K.P;tteyson of State College,
while making an address caucht his foot in his crutch an? fell from
the glatform. Greet excitement was caused, as it was thought he had

been stricken, but he arose unasmisted anfi vesumed his seeech amid

great epglauae.


TuLington Leaéer. fiov.30, 1997.


Urges State College stufients to peacefully observe hellowe'en. ..1
After chgpel sevvices at the State College Thursday, President
tte1son112ée a speech to the assembled etudente in regard to their
ccnfiuct on Thul mday night. his speech was mainly in the nature of a,
hi toricel 31m tsh oi‘ the origin oi the fe: tival known as Hellowe'en.
This festival :3 it now stsnds is a corruption of an ancient
cstival. The 1 ntheon, e1ected in Home near th ebeginning of
a temple for all the gods. This temple
1ope noni-lce 1V, into r Christian temple.
'part 3% feativels in memory
1 Sn nt L:tzick . Day on the seventeenth of
Zerch. These fewtiVels becene so nume- ous tlze-t on' L; 23" t apart
ell E:int's Dan ené imposing ceren onies were carried on in the Pantheon

to all the gods. This day has set as hovember l. The evening yrecefiing

the fe:ti*el was designated as hfalLoL ie'en or the evening before the

"Hillowed Day."
On Liiis ni ght tlm air 1&1 to be swarming with evil
L committed ser "5 315.1 anfi depredctions. “robebly
n lei to the cor: ption of the religious festival into
when evil doffls 3rd 7 a : jokers considered that they had
lic:nse to com it 1 g“; 11 “4 desired.
firesident Bat erson anded "a speech by asking that the utu ents
con not themselves in a dignified Lynner. “a gromiscd that no pelicemen
would be stationed abo ut eny ;:rt of the college grounds or buildings
or at Latterson $511, which is the girl‘s oormitory.
5e said that the college an horities would commit the entire lay-
out to the hands or the students, believing that when placed on their

thonor they would prove the”"c'v equal tu the occasion.


Source of information: The Lexington Le'der; Oct.31,l907. P.ll, Col.7-

AD: 1/3 /40


Says American Educa tion rests with the State Universities. ...
Exclusive of such great institutions as Harvard, Leland, Stanford,

Johns Hepkins and the University of Chicago, President James K.Patterson, of the
Kentucky State University, who is in Louisville to attend the meeting of members of
the Louisville medical fraternity with the Board of Trustees of the State Institution,
relative to the proppsed merger of all the local medical colleges and the subsequent
affiliation with the State University, believes that the future oqfimerican education

rests with the universities endowed and supported by the different States of the

Denominational colleges, President Patterson thinks , are to do much toward

the education of the American youth, but he believes their qsakness lies in the faeflfifi.

that they are at a great disadvantage for lack of funds as compared with the
great institutions supported by the States . The money that the different religious
denominations are able to donate to the support of their universities, President
Patterson said, is at best limited. This, he believes, naturally hampers the institu-
tion in its attempt to procure the best and latest that is necessar! to modern learning.
”This is the age,snid President Patterson, "when it is nec ssary that the
best methods and the most approved be applied in the education of the American youth.
Denominational colleges do wonderfully well considering the money they are allowed
with which to carry on their work. It is a noticeable fact, however, that our great
State institutions, such as the Universities of Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio a nd others,
are being well supplied with funds by their respective Legislatures that they are
ableia call into their service the best faculties and equip their laboratories and
class halls, with all that is now considered necessary to help a man or woman get
the best education in the most approved way. ...
President Patterson, in discussing the college football question, said that
he would not go on record as opposing the great collegiate sport,6ut he believed
that football was injurious only when it interfered with the studies of the collegian-
All men go to college, he said, or are at least expected to go, for the purpose of

acquiring learning. Football, like other sports, he said, is aéood thing for all round




development of the man when it is kept in its proper place and is not allowed to

occupy too much of the time and attention of the student. When it does this

President Patterson declanda he is ready to opgose the game.

\fhile he b lieves that football has caused many a young man to fall behind
in his studies, President Patterson takes an optimistic view of the question. He thinks
that in many cases the pane has been of advantage to the player nnqthat the development
he may have acquired in the pursuit of the pigskin has often helped him in life
after he has left the halls of his ulme mater.

fir.Petterson believes that there ought to be a school of jorunuliequflffiliated
with the University of Kentucky. How soon this may be brought about, if ever, President
Patterson is just now unable to say. If the department can be formed, President
Pattereory desires that each graduate of the school be required to complete a course
in mathemetics, logic, ancient and modern lunguages and history, economics, interna-
tional and constitutional law.


Sfinlce of information: The Lexington Leader. June 9, 1908.
F. 9, Col. 1-

ea: AD 1/19/40



FRANKFORT, KY., Aug. 12. - Attorney senaral Breathitt will ncrdecide

the State University and Normal School appropriation question before Friday, as he

has agreed to hear an argument to-morrow by President J. K. Patterson, of the

State Bollege, in favor of the legality of the bill.


Source of information: The Lexington Leader . Aug. 12, 1908.
P. 5, Col. 4-

HRzAD 1/24/40



At which this decition is made. ...
President James K.Pattereon , of State University, returned Monday night
from Frankfort where he went to join a conference of the representatives of the
State Normal schools to decide on some course of action to be taken in order to
secure the $500,000 appropriation for State University and the two State Normal
schools which were recently held up by Auditor Frank P.Jamee.
nth thehonference it was decided to prosecute the matter in the court-
and attorney McQuown and former Governor J.C.W.Beckham were enployed as counsel.

Auditor James refused to pay to the State archeole, the amount of the

appropriation new past due on the grounds that the act of the tegislature creating

the appropriation was unconstitutional, and he called for an investigation before
the Attorney General. President Patterson later made a trip to Frankfort where,
in the presence of the Attorney General, he delivered an argument in support of
the paying of the money but was unsuccessful in securing any portion of the money.
The result of Monday's conference means a bitter legal fight which is sure
to take a great deal of time and extenee aside from the present need of the money.
Those gresent at the conference were: President James K.?atterson, Judge
W.T.Lafferty of Cynthiana; Hon. Jere Sullivan, of Richmond; P.G.flhitt, Bowling

Green; G.L.Cole, J.K.Cram, Frankfort; and C.C.Terrell of Bedford.



Source of information: The Lexington Leader. Sept.1, 1908.
Per], 6010 5"

HR:AD 1/25/4 o



A decision was rendered by Circuit Judge R.L.Stout at Frankfort,

Friday declaring the constitution ality of the appropriation by the Legislature

for buildings and maintenance of the State University and Eastern and Western State

Normal Schools.
In an all-day session the court listened to arguments in favor of the

appropriation by Judge Louis McQueen,ex-governor Beckham, Morgan Chinn, H.0.Davie,
Judge A.R.Burnham and Judge Jerry Sullivan.

In addition to the strong pleas of the above mentioned men, at the
invitation of the Court, President Patterson of the State University made an argument
in behalf 6f the constitutionality of the appropriation.

President Patterson argued that the change of name from A.& M.College
to State University did not and could not invalidate appropriationsjmade for the
institution. The organic act of Congress of 1852 allowed the utmost latitude in
the organization of the Land Grant College, they might by action oi the Eegislature
of the respective Statesaremain collegefipr they might develop into Universities.

A change of name does not break the continuity of a State, a corporation or an
institution of learning. The law of Gontinuity operates until destruction or
dissolution takes place, an academy may develop into a college, a college into a

university. ...
President Patterson pointed out that institutions must grow.If they

cease to grow they become fossils, like an organism they grow, develop and expand
following the analogy of plant life. ... He argued also that the future of education
in America is with the Land Grant Colleges of which the State University is one. It
hehOOVes the State not to harm and cripple its progress by placing obstacles in
its way, out by a generous legislation and a wise and liberal interpretation of the
laws in its behalf by the judiciary to encourage, support and carry forward the great
work which the university is doing for the commonwealth.

Judge Stout said that he thought he was bound by the opinion of the Court of

Appeals in the case of Marsee against Eager which covered the points and that while




he might misconstrue he would not ignore a decision of the highest court-in the

As to the contention of Attorney General Breathitt that the change of the

name of the A.and N. College to the University and the abolishment of the Normal
Department at the University and conducting the schools at Bowling Green and
Richmond took from the Legislature the right to appropriate the money. Ea held
that it did not matter so long as the schools were actually conducted.

The case was appealed Friday night, and will go before the Court of Appeals
at the earliest Opportunity. An order was entered instructing Auditor James to pay
over to the three institutions $20,000 each immediately .

The order t