xt7ghx15n565_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Agricultural Experiment Station text Agricultural Experiment Station 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_3/Folder_1/101744.pdf 1882-1900 1900 1882-1900 section false xt7ghx15n565_13 xt7ghx15n565 El}? lemsnlnnniu Stair QIollrgr,
EzeESIDE-mm's ORE-llGli.
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I . 74/3- /7, .1857.

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CHAS. \V. I)ABNEY,_Tr., Ph. D., TI‘I—I'h] ArOIi’l‘I-I (i’AI—iOIJE'A B. von Hel‘ff, Ph. 1).:
‘ ””“’” AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 52? 1553334337331 \
MILTox Wurrxm‘, Supt. Farm. ' J“ W. A- ,Wighers‘, A~ M,
w. o. Bum, Signal Corps, U. s. A. AND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. ASS‘Chemlfits-
g, / __ ‘
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 $743.3,- _
Director, DR. E. L. STURTEVANT. -
U. S. I’me, B.S., First Assistant.
mean S. GOFF, Horticulturist.
M. H. Bacxwu‘u, Asx’t Horticultm'fst.
J. C. ARTHUR, D.Sc., Botanist.
s Mcggfiggfimcocx, A.M., Ph.D., Cjenovct, gt.6)§.,__ JLLflE 8 ’ 1.8. 8J88
E. F. LADD, D.S., Assistant Chemist
GEO. W. CHURCHILL, Furmrr. ,
FRANK E. NEWTON, Stmmm‘aphcr.
Pres.Jas.K.Parterson, .
State Coilege,£aringron,Ky.

Dear Sir;— Ybur favor of Jane 4 is
received,sfating that the chair of '
chemistry at fhe Kentucky State 00!—
Zeoe 7's vacanz‘. -

Please send me a caraZogre of the '
instirvfion and a sched028,0P srare—

o n - ',.-7 E
ment,of fhe course 7n onemzsfry,ol
sirflies deafened to the chair of chem— '
ferry. If the course is as I presume _
- ‘3:
if is.[ shovld be oleased to make ap-
olicafiow for fhe Professorship and ,
71””? 7' $7: refe rence s and re s r Mama 2’ a! s.
Sincerely yours,

 Kentucky Agricultural Experime . -
Officers. Board of Controi. -
BI. A. SCOVELP, Director. ‘ \V. BVKIN KEEXD. V
TZOSFJECQY’iTfi‘I.‘ “Jim “5 2133235319“ ' ERIE? £11k...
:L E. MENKE. , “ “ Agri. (:J‘helu. and Agriculture. §;.‘})‘.b§l[’8}£'jLAgl
A. T. PARKER, Microscopist. JAS. K. PATTERSON.
A. M. PETER, Assistant Chemist. M. A. SCOYELL.
. L ng/zm, @é? ,. mad?
WM Magw *
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 i{7_.,di'(lF§/ A
, Association {
* . American Agricultural Colleges
Experlment Statlons.
‘ _ Adopted by a ConVention of Delegates from ngieul— ‘
I . tuna] Colleges and Experiment Stations, held
' ‘ at the U. S. Department of Aghieulture,
Washington, D. 0., Oct. 18~20, 1887.

 NAME- . i the meeting at which they were elected and until their

This Association shall be called The Association of successors shall be elected.

American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Sta- The President, Secretary, and five persons, to be
tions. ‘ ' chosen by the Association, shall constitute an Executive
QBJ‘ECT_ Committee, which shall elect its own chairman.

The object of this Association shall be the consid— The Executive Committee shall determine the time
eration and discussion of all questions pertaining to the and place 0f the next meeting 0f the Association ; shall
successful progress and administration of the colleges issue its call {01' said meeting, stating the general pur-
and stations included in the Association. pose thereof, not less than thirty days before the date

‘ at which it shall be held; shall provide a well prepared
MEI/EBERSHIP- order of business and program' of exercises for such

At any regularly called meeting of the Association meeting, and shall make seasonable issue of said pro-
each college established under the Act of Congress ap- gram. V I
proved July 2, 1862, and each experiment station estab- It shall be the duty of each institution included in

' lished under State or Congressional authority, and the this Association to present, at each regularly called
Department of Agriculture, shall be entitled to one del- meeting, a brief report of the work and progress of said
egate; but no delegate shall cast more than one vote. institution, and such report shall be called for in the
Other institutions engaged in experimental work in the regular order of business.
interest of Agriculture may be admitted to representa- The Executive Committee shall be charged with
tion in this Association, by a majority vote. at any leg" the general arrangement and conduct of the meeting
ular meeting- Of’ the Association. ' called by it; at which meeting, before its adjournment, '
OFFICERS a new Executive Committee shall be chosen.

The Officers of this Association shall be a Presi— AMENDMENTS"
dent, five Vice Presidents, and a Secretary, who shall This Constitution may be amended, or changed, at
act as Treasurer. They shall be chosen by ballot, and any regularly called meeting by a vote of two—thirds of

_ shall perform the duties which usually devolve upon the delegates present.
such Officers. They shall hold office from the close of

Adopted at a Convention of delegates from the above named Institutions held at the
_ U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Oct. 18-20, 1887. ‘
Your Committee is of the opinion that in those States which have established, or may hereafter establish,
Agricultural Experiment Stations, by special charter or incorporation separate from any college or school, under
district Boards ofControl or Trustees, the organization may be assumed to be so separate and fixed, as to render
- unnecessary any consideration by this convention, ofthis class of institutions.
The Committee has therefore directed its attention solely to experiment stations connected with colleges
and under the same general governing board.
After prolonged conference and full discussion of thc mrtny questions involved, your Committee have agreed,
unanimously, with a single exception, to the following advisory proposition :—
lst That all appropriations received under what is known as “the Hatch bill," should be applied in good
faith, to agricultural research and experiment and the dissemination of the results thereof among the people,
and that any diversion of funds to the general uses of the colleges would be a direct violation of the plain spirit
and intent of the law, and an inexcusable disappointment ot'just public expectation.
2nd That the experiment stations specially referred to should be so far separate and distinct from the
colleges that it shall be possible, at any moment, to show to any authorized inspector or investigator, that all
the funds derived from the United States under the Hatch bill, have been expended solely for the purposes of
agricultural experimentation according to the intent of the law.
31d That every department to be known and designated as an agricultural experiment station should
be (l;StlnCtl_Y ormnizcd with its duties and control clearly defined and with a recognized oflicial head, whose
time shall be chiclly devoted to this departn'ient, who should be. on an equal footing with the other heads of
departments, or professor of the college, and whose compensation should recognize the fact that the duties of
the position occupy every month of the year.
4th That the publications of the stations should be entirely separate from those ofthe colleges. The
quartcly, or more frequent bulletins, should give their readers the results of experiments as fast as completed,
and only as completed, or as distinct chapters are completed. These bulletins should enlarge on those practi—
cal points, such as the in’iprovcmcnts or restoration of soils, the development of plants and the breeding of
stock, when suggested by work done, even to the extent of repeating well-known principles and facts, when
these need to be taught.
Chas. \V. Dabney, ’.’f Term. ‘
\V. I. Chainberlian, QfImva. l
Henry E. Alvord, of Mass. }. COMMITTEE.
S. D. Lee, (if/Vise. i
F or the Committee, Edwin \Villcts, of Mirth. J
Henry E. Alvord,
\VASHINGTON, OCT. 19, 1887.

 g; Ute-ETA /; . "L (PC/”C 9. (a, /g “.3 " 7 j
WASHlNC'l‘ON, D. C. OCTOBER, 18—20, 1887.

This Association shall be called The Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experi-
ment Stations.


The object of this Association shall be the consideration and discussion of all questions pertaining to
the successful progress and administration of the colleges and stations included in the Association.


At any regularly called meeting of the Association each college established under the Act of Congress
approved July 2, 1862, and each experiment station established under State or Congressional authority,
and the Department of Agriculture, shall be entitled to one delegate; but no delegate shall cast more than
one vote. Other institutions engaged in experimental work in the interest of Agriculture may be admitted
to representation in this Association, by a majority vote, at any regular meeting of the Association.


The Officers of this Association shall be a President, five Vice Presidents, and a Secretary, who shall
act as Treasurer. They shall be chosen by ballot, and shall perform the duties which usually devolve
upon such Otlicers. They shall hold otlice, from the close ofthe meeting at which they were elected, and
until their successors shall be. elected.

‘ The President, Secretary, and five persons to be chosen by the Association, shall constitute an Execu-
tive Committee, which shall elect its own chairman.

The Executive Committee shall determine the time and place of the next meeting of the Association;
shall issue its call for said meeting, stating the general purpose thereof, not less than thirty days before the
date at which it shall be held ; shall provide a well prepared order of business, and program of exercies
for such meeting, and shall make seasonable issue of said program.

It shall be the duty of each institution included in this Association to present at each regularly called
meeting, a brief report of the work and progress of said institution, and such report shall be called for in
the regular order of business.

The Executive Committee shall be charged with the general arrangement and conduct of the meeting
called by it; at which meeting, before its adjournment, a new Executive Committee shall be chosen.


This Constitution may be amended, or changed, at any regularly called meeting by a vote of two-thirds

of the delegates present.

 "‘—~——‘*— , . 12,; ~ , ,,_ Railroad Depot. Freight and Ex. Office, Telegraph Office, WILLIMANTlc.
, _ .. ~. ' ' EAGLEVILLE.
' J n...- I]: I" #4} .‘. \ _ V I ‘ o ’
5 k 1 ~ Q . ._ p _ «>1 Ste rrs Rgmcultu ral College r<~
iii . ' ‘:jjI‘I'lfi'TI‘Ti' " ' ' ‘i‘i‘,U§-lééfimiihl:r ;,.,' ~ Jib-9” m
> . ”it. sw-v‘w‘“: ‘.‘—.‘. .- . . . I . .
. I; ’ mm; PITIIFML grill I‘f‘ l'l 5:- "it . 7 .,
~ ,_,-.1 . * *“‘,j"",'31-2\_. __‘ .
..‘ r.;,',*¥;¢_,,_.3f¢;v':.,.-.g-~.._...._;_.".’:f: , 33.1,;- «~31: :f.: EXPERIMENT STATION,
.:afiiirfmIfi‘ {WW -' STORRS, CONNECTICUT.
-.. '..-1., :‘~- ,, ;: :z.;.:,g::.=;i.*'.j;g_ " . 'i:”‘.’32§'g'53- ;:‘5,‘.'-.~‘*':_:1:,‘-..~._. ’» eff”; 5"“.1...‘ 5. -'
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Telephone Connection at the College. T R U S T E E S : ‘
His Excellency, the Governor, Liv-(W., PRESIDENT. Hon. XV. E. SIMONDS, Canton, VICE—PRESIDENT. T. S. GOLD, West Cornwall. SECRETARY. H. C. MILES,
Milford, Treasurer. J. M. HUBBARD, Middleton'n. Hon. E. S. HENRY, Rockville. Dr. A. HYDE, Norwich. F. E. BLAKEMAN, Oronoque. Prof. S. W. JOHNSON,
lair—(2f. New Haven. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, H. C. MILES, ’1‘. S. GOLD, A. HYDE.
B- R K09NS‘ PRESIDEM‘ ~ - - ‘ - - Natural HiStOVY- w. 0. ATWATER. Dz'mm, . . . . . . . Middletown.
2' SB {FIEIE’BIESES‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ I’ngeffsssfroffizi‘liirslfl:§ C. D. WOODS, L"ictv1)1'7'ec!ar‘ and C/zcmzlrt, . . . Middletown.
GEO. A. V\’;lTERI\‘IAN, . . . Professor of Veterinary Science. (3' 5‘ PHI‘tL‘PS' ”43’7””,"7’3‘ ' ' , - ~ ' ~ ~ SWIS-
A. G. GULLEY, . ' . . Professor of Botany and Horticulture. C. B. LANE, AA‘A‘IA‘tllflt m I’nrm Erficrzmz’m‘r, . . . Storrs.
Miss MARGARET KEN‘VILL, . . . . . . Lady Principal.
E. I. LE‘VIS, . . . . . Professor of English and Literature. T. S. GOLD. ‘I
Miss H. LEZLA SMITH, . . . Professor of Domestic Science. J, M. HUBBARD, 5 Executive Committee.
H. S. PATTERSON. . . . Instructor in \Vood and Iron Shop. B. F. KOONS, '
- Miss L. J. BARBER, . . . Instructor in Mathematics and English. J
L., P. CHAMBERLAIN, . . . . . . Farm Superintendent.
Miss ANITA LOOMIS, . . . . I . . Stenographer,
Norwich, Conn. , Oct. 30th, 1895. ,_,,
My Dear Sir:—— ,
On behalf of the Board of True tees, of the ,Storrs Agri cultural Col 1 ege' ....
of Connecti cut, of which I am a member, I beg to, ascer tain from you the ,_ ,4,
system in vogue at your insti tution of purchasing materials and supplies
5 for college use. What we desi re to know more particularly is, who does ,.
' the purchasing, for instance: after it is decided by the proper authori- 7
ties to make a purchase, does some offi cer of the insti tution act as pur- _
chasing agent, whose duty 1 t i s to do all the purchasing, or does the _
Presi dent of the college have the general oversi ght of the mat ter and _
allow the other offi cers of the di fferent depar tments to do the purchasi ng
for thei r depar tments? Thi 3 lat ter plan 1 8 our system at present. The ,
thought in making thi s inqui ry i s to evol ve some econoIni cal business pl an
that will more thoroughly sys temi 2e the matter and put 1 t, i f possible,
above cri ti cism. Hoping to receive an early reply from you in regard to
the cus tOm at your College , together wi th jdur personal ideas on the sub—
ject, I am, Very respectfully, , ‘5
, ) kw.
Cay , . e I ' a
~ . Late/c/ AZ/L’m/Z/ @M/fl’bzfl / J z“ 4’64 ..

 Arkansas Egrinultnral Experiment Simian.

, t - a ‘ I
me W W.WW¢VJ«1WW
Ur We smartest? W firm W WWW/v» WW
WWW M} W WWW die/dz 941%"
W MST/Mfr ow m 4% Welsh-rm in WW,
W7. WW 6w Macaw/(5am WW WW4
6t Meagan/yam Wyw
W o 91» W W afflict? was?
Q/LLQ/z 6W Apt/r444 W W/im fetal;
“3' M We Mela; jet/t m WM Was WW/
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VI ONE. 5:351:13]: IE? Arnhem. Mass.
11 g Amerlcan Agrlcultural Colleges 1
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1.1133121:11111.31121111111111:111 % 1":

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Springfield. Ohio.
© ‘ -Cm‘ m;W%j€Wc7L
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”W W $12” )9? 7’ r99. QQVZZ“) W may/‘7 CIA/(b K300 Walla/[(1% P6123412 far/Vt” 1
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~ . IST SESSION. 6 .
V ’ T 1 DECEMBER 12, 1887.
T . > ; MR. SPOONER introduced the following bill ; which was read twice and referred
, ‘ p . , , j to the Committee on Appropriations.
, ~ .. .'.. T T l , ' ‘1: ~’; ,. ‘ ' .. - . , :y . VT mx Tar-i T; 4 ‘.': .. , ,l )- ~ [MTVNYT - 4 » ‘ ,
', g , g F f§ ,
| g is ca «3. to m In I
U CD 8 a?) O (m E >5 0
T I . T 3; 5 <1 P—‘ D E. CD U30 , .
O S o a) g g ‘5 E Z
' ' ‘ . E a 9‘ Sn“ 3' g p“ 9 m . . . .
' g a; g4 a; 5‘ g g , :35 _ , To amend an act entitled “An act to establish agricultural experi-
s i U a “ Fr’ 51 . ”1 . . _ . . . .
g; T g “to; g 93 § ,3 ' ment stations in connection With the colleges established in
, 5’ .0 l-‘ 5‘ EMU - ' . .
‘ ‘ g g 5 at; g :3 E Q the several States under the .prov1s10ns of an act approved
~ ‘ , T’ 9“ *5 3° ‘3' m 5‘ 5:" w '
x . . '1': or ’0‘ CD m ‘-’ T " ' _
E, 2. § g E g :5; g H H July second, eighteen hundred and Sixty two, and of the acts
. a . P“ at 2 .
J _ * . ii a 9.. g. g g, T3 t4 m _ supplementary thereto,” approved March second, eighteen
- - 5' H “T 5‘ T: :1: .
r .5 §~ a??? 5% E“ g g I I f“ hundred and eighty-seven.
, . , r-: O O :14 U)
:. I 4‘ .» p , ‘g, Ugr-uwHIS _
. » ‘ . 8* P 53%;” T’ 5 co 1 Be at enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re resenta-
. . E H m s: l; o m p y p
‘ ‘ ' . o 00 5‘ 0 ch 0 3 T
, . ' ' Q (DU C? E E: . . . ‘I- o
,. . . E 52%;: g $ é . 2 tzves of the Untied States of Amenca 272 Congress assembled,
‘ ' T ' , _ p _ . 3 That section five of the act entitled “An act to establish agri-
I; ; .. .. _ ,, - a» . ’ _‘ w, p . ,gwflé. ,‘ ; . . ,, 1" .... , ‘1.; ,. . , ~22f1TAI'TT‘T -. v: ”Riggs/é . ' r . ._ . l _ ' . a . .
‘ ‘ ‘ . .- 1 ‘ , , ‘ . , . I. « ‘ 'f ' ' 4 cultural experiment stations in connection With the colleges
. ' ‘ . - 5 established in the several States under the provisions of an
_ 6 act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.
7 and of the , acts supplementary thereto,” approved March '
- _ . . - _ 8' second, ' eighteen hundred and eighty—seven, is hereby
‘ - 9 amended so as to read as follows:
‘ ‘ 10 “SEC. 5. ‘That for the purpose of paying the necessary
‘ - 11 expenses of conducting investigations and experiments and

 . 12 printing and distributing the results as hereinbefore prescribed, ' . , , _ _
I! i 13 thesum of fifteen thousand dollars per annum is hereby ap- , ' l
14 propriated to each State, and to each Territory entitled under . i _ '
15 the provisions of section eight of this act, out of any money V V I ,
‘ 16' in the Treasury proceeding from the sales of public lands, to , h . v

17 be paid in equal quarterly payments, on the first day of J an- ' l I ' _— i ,

18 nary, April, July, and October in each year, to the treasurer '- _ 5 ~ ~ I ~ - IA 2 . I

6 19, or other officer duly appointed by the governing boards of said i _ I . . l
i 20' colleges to receive the same, the first payment to be made on , V , ' p p .
21 the first day‘of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven: . l . , _
22 Provided, however, That out of the first annual appropriation , _ I * , ' A
i 23 so received by any station an amount not exceeding one-fifth . ' A r h
_ 24 may be expended in» the erection, enlargement,_or repair of a ' 7 I v I ‘ g
’ 25 building or buildings necessary for carrying on the work of . '
26 such station; and thereafter an amount not exceeding five per - p , '
27 centum of such annual appropriation may be so expended.” I
\- 1 SEC. 2. That there is hereby appropriated to each State . fl ’ ' . ‘
i 2 and Territory entitled under the proVisions of said act, to be i V I ' I : l - d
I 3 paid as in said section five provided, the sum of three thous— I I r l i
4 and seven hundred and fifty dollars, as the first payment under . i _ ‘
5 said act for the quarter beginning on the first day of October, - i '
' 6 anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. . . I

 .”'/»{ll‘ '7 , p ’
. ' ' 50TH CONGRESS, ' .
, _ ___—__— o _ o -
L l DECEMBER 12, 1887. .
_ MR. SPOONER introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred
\ ’ to the Committee on Appropriations.
*ww‘wvrir br‘ i ’ ~ .,,, " ‘ l, “ ..1- ‘a- ' 4 “ __.—_———-——————— ‘ l ‘
, s g L3
r, _
  _ I . A BILL
9 i=1? “‘3 = E;- a s3 ‘ 7.
3 a g s. a a 3g - . 4
,.‘ C? Cf I I O I
g g, g4 g r g g egg To amend an act ent1tled “An act to establish agrlcu'ltural experi-
s. i if q 2 e 9: ,,, a . . . . . .
g? g “m g g a 53, ~ g; ment stations in connection W1th the colleges established in
- ' o 9 l—‘ E: ENS - -
E E? ’f g :1 a g. (E: m _ the several States under the prov1s10ns of an act approved
. LE: 5: € 4° 5% a s Ud ' . .
E a. E g e a E: ’:‘L H ,.‘ 'July second, eighteen hundred and s1xty-two, and of the acts
. '3 E ‘2 9“ é 59+ 6" -4 - n l
. '2. ~ ‘9 ” - ‘ '
. éa : E? if??? t-I m ‘ supplementary thereto, approved March second, eighteen
g m ._‘. - ,
. 5’2 1:,» g 5 E g g g H i“ . hundred and eighty—seven. 1
r1 0 O {:.. m - ' .
. a r 2’3 H: _.. H. g . .
L ' § «:3 a g E: : g ' 1 Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Representa—
‘ a: m is a a o s 4
oora d ‘ =3 0" s . . . .
g 7‘%%> g (5:, a ' 2 tzves 0f the U mted States of Amemca 272 Congress assembled, '
. ’ ' 3 That section five of the act entitled “An act to establish agri-
_ - l 4 cultural experiment stat1ons In connection With the colleges .
a . , 5 established in the several States under the provisions of an
L ' L . . 6 act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two
, c l ' 7 and of the acts supplementary thereto,” approved March
8 second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, is hereby
' ‘ 9 amended so as to read as follows:
. 10 “SEO. 5. That for the purpose of paying the necessary
' , _ 11 expenses of conducting investigations and experiments and

 i 12 printing and distributing the results as hereinbefore prescribed, ' , 4 i I
13 the sum of fifteen thousand dollars per annum is hereby ap- ' _
. 14 propriated to each State, and to each Territory entitled under . - - _
15 the provisions of section eight of this act, out of any money i 7 L i
a ' 16 in the Treasury proceeding from the sales of public lands, to i _ ‘ ' I - ,, . I
17 be paid in equal quarterly payments, on the first day of J an- i - ' I .
- 18 nary, April, July, and October in each year, toi‘the treasurer ' . - . .. ‘.. ‘ - ' . ~ * ' _ '7 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘
. 19 or other officer duly appointed by the governing boards of said 7 I _
20 colleges to receive the same, the first payment to be made on ' 7 ' . ' i
V 21 the first day of October, eighteen hundred and eighty—seven: ‘ i
_ 22 Provided, however, That out of the first annual apprOpriat-ion ' i i ‘ ’ ' l i
6' 23 so received by any station an amount not exceeding one—fifth ' I
24 may be expended in the erection, enlargement, or repair of a ' V I
25 building or buildings necessary for carrying on the work of L ' I ‘ l
26 such station; and thereafter an amount not exceeding five per I . i . i ‘ v
27 centum of such annual appropriation may be so expended.” ‘ ~~ ‘
1 SEC. 2. That there is hereby appropriated to each State ' -
2 and Territory entitled under the provisions of said act, to be i r d ' l .
3 paid as in said section five provided,'the sum of three thous- »
4 and seven hundred and fifty dollars, as the first payment under . . , '
5 said act for the quarter beginning on the first day of October, ' d ’ '
' 6 anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. ' i I i i

 mm’E/EFE'E/EEFEJEIE/Eflaldfi'rg ETJPJE'JWJEE/Erzrmy‘darfl \.
g Ofinxggiiggaz-ss. {:1} {,4 AS S e C [AT] 9 N [\4 p, Exaeumxggfggmmmaa. 1%
H i} _. .__ f:
g . _.“m‘ :3 5:355:31“ 1’" 37 O F .j MAJOR "Emu Emanc. E.,Cmuum. 6%
E ":gfifgofig‘fi‘g?‘gflfig'gof°,‘,‘;_€°v g{ g rmrmororAgrxculcun.nmunusezu.azxxcuuunlmum. at"
‘ VICE-PRESIDENTS. \] . , ' , human-.T. {a}
g h. g Amerlcan Agrlcultural Colleges ; P,e.‘:d'::;‘;;:.:::‘:z:’:;::2:;;.ge, :a
. culun a ega . .,n =-. g SulaCo P.0.,Cen¢reCo.,PI. S!
q s”":$;.P:;£2::;-mm ,. 5 AND E? ”mum--
S m \, § 3 M"
g I’residmlSm"..Agfiinlhlz:l'milleclmhmll‘ullruv. [Eli EXPER‘I MEN] 87‘AI1@N8 % Pn:;::ti;c:::fnnf§:;::n:uf(filliesarizufukr i
E .\I, 1).] $532322: ':.c X“? D., [flu % 1m, cums. 233:5:an Ph. D., 1%
, Hm 31:01:” h [HE] Q Pmddgntxllnlt‘xrlyonImmssck, [m
g mmwxew'lgfiéIggiffiglinfngfimmmm“ Si __.W'— ' I UK] | CHAMSKAI’)AMS,LL.D., %
% SECRETARY Aunr'nusunza Lil ‘ ' a” PresidmComellUI-imsity- E
h ' ' CHAfi 1L THORNE. . , ' h“ , A ii “MIVVIY- %
g “in" El uzxe/Z/Z/«SECBETABY’S OFFICE/M/I/w % cm3:35:33:vaan %
i‘éE/ErEE‘EE/aar—v? Eat—t EE'E E"ErEZ—1‘E,Eg 133333333333 fiaaa—EEE/E’Efar’fl
a . {I
,j / §prmgfieli 9h10,.0--<+-— [E E 1882-88.
PRESIDENT. D n] Hen-5h—
. ,G'EO‘ “'7 “T“ERTM." ”‘- P" 1 O F E MAJOR HENRY E. ALVOIID, cl 12.. Gummy,
. IE “$353133?‘13""m‘émc0‘ 011}? '% Professor :.r Agriculture. Mlulsmhuscus Agricultural College,
a . ., ., . . _ :\lnhrrn:,.\lu.s4.
% PresidentAgricullifii‘l':lell-Ellf-imngl1633,19onlmlaslppl, E Alnerlcan AgrlCLlltural C011€ges PKE:§HZI‘¥PI:E:;:::;0;MLICgllcgc,
r Agricultural Cullugo P. 0,, Miss. fl] 1 saw Culch p, o‘, cm” cm, Pa.
w " E AND
Yr “m" ' Agricultural Cullcgul'. Ol,.\lich.
““3333 E EXPEFN MEN? gmngmg E as:age-.32:2:1?:13;:-g;-L.’:v,:::;;::;.c;:k,..
v n L / ' ” " " ‘ ' [1 mingwn,K .
M. Clsigltlilsghscghél’ - D., 1] DE DR. CHAS‘ “'. DABNEX: JIL, I’ll. D.,
°‘°“°' M“ % l'xcuilltm University of Tennessee,
”Mull-“£3.52; “’“k‘flps —-£@§§»Ze— E mm’;°;"‘;:::;'m
New runswic ,.'. . A ‘ ‘ '. A' :lrsi ..,
E E " E
E me E e OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. l::- E W:;,:3;:§:F;,izgfm E