xt7ghx15n565_130 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Newspaper Clippings (typed copies) text Newspaper Clippings (typed copies) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_13/Folder_4/2104.pdf 1914-1922, 1934-1954 1954 1914-1922, 1934-1954 section false xt7ghx15n565_130 xt7ghx15n565 v ‘ n I i' o, o: ’4' a ,.‘?) .
Erlendly Ltttgation '“ .2 W57.-
' i ' ‘ F! S '
Trust Company , 1 es u1t
U K Ch' if” W'll
Over EX— . -. ~- 1e 8 1
Lexington, Ky., Oct. 28 (AP)—A declaration of rights was
sought today in a friendly suit brought by the Security Trust
Company against the University of Kentucky trustees. '
The suit seeks to determine whether the trust company can
deliver to trustees money left by former university President
James K. Patterson to establish a college for teaching diplomacy,
consular service, and international commerce. The former presi-
dent dicd in 1922. He proposed to name the college for his son,
William Andrew Patterson.
l The suit said the trustees have stated willingness to supplement
income from the trust and establish the college. 4
Patterson’s will directed that part of the estate be held in
trust “at compound interest for 40 to 50 years or until principal
and accrued interest shall amount to seven or eight times the
original principal.” 4‘ ,
Officials said figures on the amount of the fund were not avail-
able tonight. However, it was disclosed that the original bequest
was more than $100,000. One source said the principal now is “not i
1 more than half a million dollars” and that current income from the E
i fund is about $20,000 a year. I
l- Security Trust alleged the trustees have “made demand on the l
l plaintiff that the latter begin to turn over the current income and
l discontinue the process of accumulation.” . i
'4 - The plaintiff asked the court if an actual controversy existed,
if the. defendant could demand that income be given it, or if the i
plaintiff could agree to such a demand. .
«. ‘ . 71.4

 . l: K. PATTERSO . -
, \‘x-é ‘- .
f - ...—...»... . _
A, 3,0,. Stanley Is Speaker at
Dé‘dication of Statue \of For-
_ mer Presulent of U‘l'llj -
, varsity
. , -_ ' g
Augustus Lukemay, Sculptor, Is
‘ Present for xer- - ‘
"MW” 3,1
' Several hundred emleys of the
, faculty. student body, alumni and,
friends of the University of Ken-
tucky gathered beneathAthe shade L'
of trees adjacent to the quadrangle
v east of-thne Administration building
yesterday afternoon to witness the
unwilling exercises for the’ Jame'u - - . ». , . ‘
Kennedy Patterson memorial statue”. -.-....,.;. ..__,_ . . “ . ‘ . l
The dedicatory address was mad vocation given by Dr. E. E. Snoddy’
by A- 0-. Stanley, former governm professor of Christian doctrine at
‘3 and United States senator from Transylvania College, Dr. Roberts
Kentucky. iintroduced Mr. Manning, who has
1 When the statue stood revealed! served as secretary-treasurer of the
‘ after it had been unveiled by littleI memorial committee, saying:
Miss Elinor Manning Isaacs, grand“ “Executor and truStee. under the
daughter of Charles N. Manning~ will of President Patterson, Mr.
who-presented the statue to the uni Manning was one of those students
YETSitY on behalf of the memoriaf whose life t‘vas touched and inspired
- ’ committee, it was seen to be an firm by the life of President Patterson.
posing work, depicting Dr. Patter It was highly-fitting that he should
son seated in a chair, his left hand have been chosen chairman of the
grasping his cane and his right memorial committee that has per-
, hand holding a. sheaf of papers. 1 formed tis work of love that is be-
: The work of Augustus Lukeman? ing consummated “HEM"
i Who was,‘p1‘esent for the unveiling MT. Manning SDORG as fOUOWSi
. the statue is beautifully. mounteé "T311 years ago, almost to the
j upon avr'narble ,base, at the foot 03 minute, a. group of men and women
l ’ .v._.._ —-~ van ' who either were connected with or
' . .. , ‘ _ , friends of this university, assembled
winch is a. small file pay-111011, sur— near this spot and with Words of
rounded by a 10W marble wall aud admiration, appreciation and affec-
havmg W0 marblebenches “Don 1t- tion dedicated the residence in
The entire terracevls surrounded by which James Kennedy Patterson
,shrubs, had lived for many years and in
,Dr. George Roberts, of the class which he had died as a shrine to
of ’99, assistant to the dean of the his memory. The tablet affixed to
COHBEe‘ of Agriculture, presided at its wall recites that from 1869 to
the meeting and introduced the 1910 he was the president of this
val-loudspeakers. Following the in- institution and bears the quotation
dfiogfrom Virgil: ‘Haec ollm meminisse
u”“‘juvabit,—hereafter it will be a de
, iguana to remember. these things; .
.ui “And indeed it is a. delight to
111 realize that the fame of this grea
on man has increased with the flight
- filer years and with the growth of
.mzthis university, of which it may be
aqltruly said he ‘was the father, for
.Jd'which he labored so long and so
‘izealously, upon which he bestowed
pq‘his pride and affection while liv—
v filing, and- to which he gave virtually
. _flhl5 entire estate at his death.
el “The foundation's which he laid
/ _§Were_~so broad and so strong that
1,hls successors have been able to
“{build upon them a greater institu-
ation than the means at his com-
«,mand permitted him to erect; and
jupon the greatness of him upon
éiwhom his mantle has fallen is at-
,2teSted not alone by the additions 1
' . fiiwhich he has made to the achieve-
ments‘of his distinguished predeces- .
‘ 802', but likewise to his earnest and ',
constant efforts to honor his mem— 5
cry and to preserve the traditions '
Which he has bequeathed. '-
“And doubtless other friends and
defenders of, popular educationli
throughout Kentucky, in this mo- '
ment of its distress and peril, re- {
‘ membering the battles fought and ,
won in its behalf by this jndomi- w
IM’L ee- ..

 table Scotsman in earlier days

would join with the head of thi

nstitution in a paraphrase o

Vordsworth's apostrophe to Milton

and exclaim: ‘Patterson, thOi

shouldst he livmg at this hour
Kentucky has need of thee!"

After tracing the history of th

efforts of various committee mei

in securing the necessary funds t

’ commission Mr. Lukeman to ex.

‘ cute the statue, Mr. Manning close-

" with the following statement:

“It is my part and my great priv
ilege and pleasure. Mr. President, 0

,' behalf of the Patterson Memorial
committee and of all who have con—
tributed of their time, their labor
or their means to the fruition of
this day, to present to the Univer-

_ sity of Kentucky, as a token of their
admiration, appreciation, affection,
gratitude and pride, and as a sym—
bol of those unseen things which
are eternal, this statue of that great
scholar, great teacher, great states-
man, great man. president for more
than 40 years of this great institu—
tion which will ever stand as a me-
morial to the useful and consecrated
life of James Kennedy Patterson.”

Dr. Roberts then introduced Dr.
Frank L. McVey, president of the
. university, saying of him. “The Uni-
versity of Kentucky is indeed for-
tunate to have a man to continue
the work of our beloved President
Patterson “ho has the highest con-,
ception of the functions of a univer-i‘
sity of the state, and whose high‘
scholarship and rare gift of execu-l
tive ability have inspired the confi-
dence of his faculty and constitu-
ency and have enabled him to guide
the university in a remarkable de—
velopment during his incumbency.”
Dr. McVey said that he accepted
the statue on behalf of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky first, “because it
Is an expression of appreciation,
generosity and love of a. large num-
ber of men and women. Second, be
cause it is a beautiful expression oi
the sculptor's art, and third, be
cause it carries the spirit of Jame
Kennedy Patterson and will serv
as a constant reminder of what h.
did for the university, and thus wii
bring to the university staff 0
today and the future a new under
standing of What the universxty i
and the service we owe to it."

Augustus Lukeman, the sculptor
was then introduced by Professo
Roberts who said of him, “the ma
who can put into enduring Y‘orm no:
only the physical outline of ahuma
being but can make even the spirit
seem as though it were inhabiting
and shining through the form, pos-
E sesses genius that contributes to the
, perpetuation of the noblest qualities
_ of Man."

Senator Stanley. an alumnus of
ithe university, then pl'i“b('l'\t,~:d his
dedicatory address. during which he
related the history of Dr. Patter-
son‘s life, his struggle to triumph
over what seemed insurmountabi:
handicaps, to the development 0
the university which, the speake
said, stands today as a monumen
to his life.

The full text of Senator Stanley’
speech will be published in Sunday'
'- issue of The Herald.

 ' F
Augustus Lukeman, South 3 oremost
O 0
Sculptor, Is Here for Unveiling of
His Statue of James K. Patterson
M] E/I , -,_—_V_...— V" "’ I
Augustus Lukeman, distinguished ot' Mississippi’s representatives in'
sculptor Who is in Lexington to at- congress and the proposed removal
tend the unveiling of his statue of has been held in abeyance smce.
James K, Patterson, is one of the The excuse offered for the reducing
Southland's most noted present day the number of statues was a claim
sculptors. that the capitol floor was weakening" .
Mr. Lukeman, Who was born in under the growing weight of the
Virginia, made the heroic statue oii statuary.
Jefferson Davis, president of the The bust of Jeffeison Davis, un-
Confederacy, that stands in the veiled in Morrison College at Tran-
Hall of Fame in the National Cap- sylvania University a few years
itol at VVashinton—and thereby ago, is the work of Mr. Lukeman
hangs atale. Recently a move was and was modeled from the statue
made in congress to reduce the in \Vashington. *
number of figures immortalized in Mr. Lukeman came prominently
the capitol statuary group from two into the public limelight some eight
to one from each state. Mississippi or nine years ago when the Stone
had entered Jefferson Davis ‘15 one Mountain Memorial Assdciation, of
of their tWO. An order was about Georgia, annulled its contract with
to be okehed for the removal 0f the Gutzlum Borglum for the carving
Davis statue to the basement, 10' of the "Confederate host" across
gather with the eliminated statues the granite face of Stone Mountain
from the other states. A DI‘Ot‘JSt and engaged Mr. Lukeman to pro-
was promptly forthcoming from on? ceed with the work. Before Mr.
' Mr. Lukcman had progressed far
with the carving, the affairs of the
memorial association became so
entangled financially that the proj-
ect was abandoned until a reorgan-
ization could be effected, and the
'massivememorlal has been left in
its unfinished condition since short-
ly after Mr. Lukeman started upon
the work. Mr. Lnkemnn, at great
expense, had designed a- proposed
magnificant memorial hall at th
base of the structure.

K 1 . i > , . .
ADDRESS U. 0F K. , .,
Commencement Exercnses Will
1 Be Conducted in A111an Gym-‘
1 . y o . ,
‘ A.-. nasxureIhxs-Momuig
‘ at 10 o”Ciock
. Form r Governor A. 0. Stanle .
Will DeliverPAddress at -
‘ 1, 1 gkCeremony , 1 ,
Con Zement exercises for‘th
more than 300 students of the U11
versity of Kentucky who will 13
graduated in the class of 1934 wi
be conducted at 10 o’clock thi
morning in Alumni gymnasium Witl ’
Dr. Arthur E. Morgan, chairma
of the Tennessee Valley Authorlt ' .
and president of Antioch College
_ Yellow Springs, Ohio, delivering th-
‘ commencement address. Dr. Fran
' L. McVey,‘president of the univer
sity. will preside at the exercise
- ' and confer the degrees upon the
graduates. .
Dr. Marion Nelson Waldrip, pas-
tor of the First Methodist church,
South, will deliver the invocation »

. and benediction at the exercises, and
the University Girls' Glee Club,

' , under thedirection of Miss Mildre-
Lewis. and the university orchestra
under the. direction of Prof. C. A '
Lampert, will present a musica

- program. "
,The highlight in the week's ac
tivities for the alumni and the
friends ofthe university is the Pat-

_ terson Memorial Statue dedication
services" scheduled for 3 o’clock this
afternoon in the quadrangle' to the
east of the administration building.
At these services, A. 0. Stanley, 10!:-

' 'mer governor 'and. senator from
‘Kentucky and an'alumnus of the
university, will deliver the principal
a1ddress. The presentationof the
{memorial _to,th‘e, university ,.will be
made {by :C;";1§l:"lliannlngj chairman
'Ofl'the memorial committee,‘ and
whips unveiled by little Misa' Eli.
.mrinetting-macaw. Meanings
granddaughter; '{1‘119 statue .Will be
accepted on behalf of the university
by President'McVey.‘ Prof. George
Robert's, alumnus of the university
_ in the class of '99“le preside. at
the memorial services. ‘ ‘ ‘
Augustus Lukeman, sculptor, who
designed and executed the memo-
rial, Will be presented during the
. program anan Elmer Ellsworth
Snoddy, professor _of Christian _doo-
trine at 'mransylvania, College, will
say theinvooation and benediction.
- The committee ‘in charge of'the
dedication exercises is...composed of
Prof. R. ‘D.? McIntyre, chairman;
Erof. H. H. Downing and Prof. E.
A. Bureau. , '_ ‘ '

 é , r 1 1 LL‘
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