xt7ghx15n565_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Agricultural Experiment Station text Agricultural Experiment Station 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_3/Folder_2/Multipage2209.pdf 1887-1889 1889 1887-1889 section false xt7ghx15n565_14 xt7ghx15n565 f L, LL’W; f7 LL’KL C, I41 ,Cv! L/C/w \J \. dé-‘f ~f7fl/L/L f/i/M/L $415 (141/!1 //4. 5342/ 2 «gm 7‘ 7., -/{"l“ 0/7/51,“ :0 M- % 510m“. 5 * ‘ ” / /./L/L, . Lk/fl/ififb ///U ”(:1 cQ/am 7/2/44: 7M4“? :Hfl / [hf/M" Z;vf7-z‘_ Cll'4 %j»w‘ / EJ/ZJ; Eu 5 law—u. /7ic_,; .//gr-1216 aw ,5 /(/c vai‘: 70” 25 50v D06 9714/» 0% /m /' Mod 22‘ m / {kg/44m Zzzaw/«V 5&4. Zr?) ‘1. 7 MVZ" 51/1 64 WW %/(/M/1, M:— y M [17/51 ”Z / / . ', / / /’1*’/ -6 C/MI/L L" Van/if: fife 44/13/40? Zé’pé fii/DL’ ,,2 z” 1‘ ”/7 WL MWIL 2; M W451 ///. L /‘ A” 441 .//5»///Lr é Ll ‘ZUL/Z 70%;“? /’7M5& WNW/Z ’2: f)”: /{M 2’4. K”? W01 Z- W /‘ WVC €377 % J/ I w (”V/L [LL17 Ii L/L» —L Z: (‘Vr’im'A/Lc. )tLMJ J6 4W (/1 Du. flz’Ai— fl I 659%. 7 ‘ I /‘ Wu, % /U/ /4/77 732/;“4—_ //4:Km Z” 4’06 75165952" 4 \— A/g [/II’YL 40 W m a a Fig, 7M Mil/V. fl‘ ./LL'M “(4 ”LI/l/ 4’ W 1M“? W CW - , 37" ’ V, ;' —- / 17’ 7/1C/A /%/w- fl 9&7“; Z: / fl/W ’ / a“ 52/? ?1[f’d% L /(,¢./ MW / / /’v W“ ().1?“l?‘I'(')E 017‘ MAS'J‘ER. NANNII‘J I). Bruscvuxv. "UNION. Km ‘ ”3.1% ’I Y'l'l \‘113 COAXRII'X‘I'ICLI. :2. 2:. 1:.5‘1'5. Bullittoviue, :«zy. ,v. , . «\ ,//~/ hIlvesxfilzvvmnMRe- , LéZ&%¢%w%4M% ‘334@¢”' lupu“ tvzxc. BATTEREON, :aebran. 1:5». ; / , // ’ ” ' ‘ ’9' Colle e, LGZCUJgtOD1 2:7. Dear sir: The Kentucky State Grange will Joli its t enty—fonrth en.nel session at Cynthiane, KV., October 18th, 19th end 20th ani in the name t/ of the Grenge I ooriielly invite your attenienoe at one session, the date most convenient ”r' g I it being our pleasure to give you a worm welcome ugon the part if ’ g We shall elso be gratifiei to you include in this invitation w tion. It is the lesire of the 7* * :39 '4E "” " es the G "v: 3'1 “ ,. L”; Jr to get into clOHQr contact nfl£ oo—oqerntion with :-»'. College. oresence at our gnthering in October would nndoubteily an advance in that direction. Sincerely trusting that we may receive your e rly rejly and aooovt— fl ence and that you will Eindly sgeciif the day most convenient for you to attend, I beg to remain, tmnfzgi...) "r“ " V A V (1%)?) eff/IV 2/ ' KENTUCKY AgBSiCULTURAtb ..«..N h , ,_. (EXPERIMENT- STATIO‘NT””‘ 'CIR‘CULAR N0. :2. THE NEWEWLTZER LAW. The following is a copy of an act recently passed by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Per— sons selling fertilizers in this State will take notice. M. A. SCOV’ELL, Director, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Legingtgn, K33, April 26th, 1886. CHAPTER 638.- 3‘, P, Claw so! ALV ACT to regulate the sale of Ea-z‘iliunw in this Cbnznzoau'euli/z \' and to protect the agriculturist in the purchase, and use of same. t it enacted by the General Assembly of tile Connnmm'eatl/L of Ifenfnely/u - __. § 1 ( n or before, the first day of May in each year, before any person or company, shall sell, otl’er or expose for sale, in this State, any commercial fertilizer, whose retail price is more than ten dollars per ton, said person or company shall furnish to the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, inaugura- ted by the Agricultural and h’l'echanical College of Kentucky (which station isherehy recognized as the “Kentucky Agricul— tural Experiment Station”) a quantity of such commercial fer— tilizer, not less than one ponml, sutlicient for analysis, accom- 1...-.. 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A Convention 0‘ Representatives oft/1e Agricultural Colleges and Ex- periment Stations in tlze several States, as. provided for ly the act approved Marc/z 2, I887, will no lzeld at tlze Department (3f Agriculture, I/Vaslzzngton, Euesbay, webnesbay and Ehursbay, cht. 18 ~20, 1887, oegznning at 10 o’clock Tuesday morning. He meeting is designed to aflord opportunity for a full and free con- sultation as to tlze oest metlzods of fulfilling tlie requirements of tlze new law, and delegates are earnestlv reanested to come full ' prepared for ousiness and for tile discussion of suclz practical ouestions as will naturally present them— selves. . A mong tlzese oestions may lie suggested .- lee general suly'ect of Ex- periment Stations; tlze olI/ects and scope in tlze worlc to lie done ; tlze most use— fnl experiments and investigations demanded liy farmers in tlze diflerent States; and tile practical/flit}! of oay‘nstingr tlzese experiments lietween tlze dz er- ent Stations so as to avoid duplication of worlc. In order to give some general direction to tile course (y’ discussion, in- vitations to present papers lzave lzeen accepted as follows.- Prof. Geo H Coo/c, on “T l1e Limitations (2/ Experiment nan-e.” Prof. W. 0. A twater, on “ T/lt‘ Co-ordination of I'Vork in Agricultur- al Experimenting.” ' Pref. S. IV. folznson lzopes to lie alI/e to ”HZ/65’ some sliqeestions on “ ler Successful Conduct of Experiment Stations.” lee Executive Committee will lie (glad to receive any otlzer papers, to l2e included in tlze program or otlzerzoise disposed (y’ as file Convention may order. lee Hon. U. S. Connnissioner rf Agriculture will ta/ae an active part in tile proceedings 0‘ tlie convention, and promises liis cordial co-operation in promotingr its success. A report may lie expected from tlze Committee on Legislation appointed a} tlze convention of fuly, 1885. -—-Delegates wlzo expect to attend will confer a favor lzy scndiigr tlzeir K names and post offices to tlie undersigned, at State College, Centre county, Pa. By order of tile Executive Committee. GEO. I/V. ATHERTOZV, Clzaz'rman. lee Eooitt House will entertain members of tlie convention at the re- duced rate of ,$ 3.00 per day. G?‘\O\)L or THE 7:4 770 P ' Iv State GIu‘I'I‘BgB 11f SKmtturky. Lexington, Ky., :%Q.; L :LO/M @ZZZZZZZZZ ZLLR‘Z/du‘n ilk M77 3&1}:— :fifly/Laum 77/7217 WW} flaw 3““ WOL‘EMW" W MZLZthK ”Ct/LIVE; W) QM/l/L pL%: r . P$?@mewu fab; W @VLT/y 51,4 40am t ”V Sit“ ' fl/Q Jim ‘ DEPARTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE HORTICULTURE AND FORESTRY KNOXVILLE CHARLES A. KEFFER. PROFESSOR July 12 ’ l 9 02 . Director M. A. Scovell, Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. Dear Sir: I have just been informed that you are about to elect a and I want to recommend for this position Mr N. O. Booth, at present first assistant in the department of horticulture of the N. Y. Experi- ment Station at Geneva. Mr Booth was a student under me at Columbia, Mo., in the early 90's, and assisted my successor there until he went to Geneva. I know him to be a most excellent man for the position you are about to create. He is a careful observer and a persistent worker, and he has the very important quality of being able to make practical deed-notions from his observation .111 ”York. He is a modest fellow, who has a large capacity for attending to his own business and leaving oth— er people's alone, and I found him to be a man of unusual common sense, and recommend him to you most heartily, feeling confident that you could not make a mistake in selecting him. Yours very truly, /’ /I> Xx", ‘ ‘j/ / fl/ V'ng/y’ “/uy/Z%Z¥gfitr BOARD OF CONTROL York Agricultural Experiment Station, GOVERNOR BENJAMIN B. ODELL, jR., Albany. STEPHEN H. HAMMOND, Geneva. FREDERICK C. SCHRAUB, LOWVine. NICHOLAS HALLOCK, Queens. W. H. JORDAN, DIRECTOR. LYMAN P. HAVILAND, Camden. EDGAR G. DUSENBURY, Portville. OSCAR H. HALE, North Stockholm MARTIN 1" ALLEN' Fayette. Auuxuss Au. counesponowue To ms N. Y‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. THOMAS 3. WILSON, .Hllls Corners. JENS JENSEN, Binghamton. GENEVA, N. Y. Prof.M.E.Scovell, Lexington,Ky. I understand that you are to appoint a horticulturiet for your Station.v Mr.NathaLiel O. Booth, Assistant Hortiou turist at this Station is candidate for the place and he asked me to write you in his behalf. Mr.Booth came to us from Missouri where his work a pears to have been success- P. ful and when he care to us he refused a position in one of the southern institutions at a salary much larger than that we could give him. He wished, however, to get the training and experience in a larger and better equipped horticultural field. Mr.Booth appears to be a man with a good fund of knowledge and good powers of observation and the ability to reason acturately. He writes fairly well I think. I have reason to believe, I think, from my observation of Mr.Booth the ,ast year that he would give you faithful and efficient service. As you must know, his opportunitiee for ohservatio: aur— ing his stay here have been exceptionally good. Yours tru 7, /%I Director. MISSOURI STATE FRUIT EXPERIMENT STATION, MOUNTAIN GROVE, MISSOURI. ]. T. STINSON, DIRECTOR. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: FRANK HORSFALL, J. C. KERBY. WEST PLAINS. ASSISTANT HORTKCULTURIST. C. B. McAFEE, SPRINGFIELD. F. W. FAUROT. ’1‘. M. CULVER, KOSHKONONG. ASSISTANT IN INVESTIGATION OF PLANT DISEASES. A. M. SWARTWOUT, FIELD ASSISTANT. Mountain Grove, Mo., July 15, 1902. To the Honorable Board of Control, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, I'entucky. Gentlemen : —— I ‘n informed by Mr. N. O. Booth, of Geneva, N. Y., that he is an applicant for the position of Horticulturist in the Kentucky Agricul— tural Experiment 8 ation. I have known Mr. Booth for a number of years, no I believe that he is qualified to take charge of the work in the Station. He is an original investigator, a hard worker and 4.; , '8 well \ equipped for Station work. He has had splendid training in Missouri Experinent Station, in ednition to th LDGFiBHCG in the Experiment Geneva, New York. Mr. Booth's work in this_state has been .ceived by the fruit growers, and by all others intpreeted. I be— that if he is selected for the position that he seeks in your state you will have no )RUSG to regret it. Yours very truly, ./ <7~ . =5é4~V°6H~~ I UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF )‘IISSOURI- COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION- H. J. WATERS. DEAN AND Dnmcron. COLUMBIA. MISSOURI, July 26 , 190,1 Prof. M. A. ScOVell, Director Experiment Station, , ’ Lexington; Kentucky. My Dear Prof. SCOVellz—— ' ’ Mr. N. O. Booth, first assistant in horticulturev to the New York Experiment Station, Geneva, New York, is thinking something of applying for the position now vacant in your institution in horticulture. Mr. Booth's record here as a student and assistant in horticulture was Very creditable indeed. ‘He will undoubtedly make a strong investigator and be capable of doing very high class work, I understand that his services at Geneya haVe been Very satisfactory. Mr. May Knows Mr. Booth Very well and can giVe you any detailed information you may want concerning him. Our Experiment Station Bulle— tin #50 on "Test Spray Nozzels" will give you an idea.of his ability to originate,plan and execute high class work. You will agree with me that a man in horticulture who is capable of doing Very high class work is hard to find in this countiy. 'Very truly yours, ML: Dean )il‘tiftt 01'. W7 WM thfiux /W/ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, LEXINGTON, xv, WW1 Z 2‘, /70 l , H. GARMAN. TE ENTOMOLOGIST. gtwmwfw W ‘ 7? $157. MWWWW Hwy/25700712 W) /QQZ:o/C7/ 144 Am Wfikfiuww” 5% mmmmmwmwmema me waMAQKVF‘K‘TFAdQW K%% w agricultural Qfixpzrimtnt gtntimt OF THE Etude Qfinllngn of gamthtcim. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. as reyuirea’ oy t/ze [am entitled “fin flat to provide for tile inspection of nursery stock and to prevent t/ze a’is— /‘°§ «a E’ :0 TI semination of noxious insects and fungi” (ficts of Me genera/i 27:50»:ny oft/1e Commonweaitfi of Mntucdjy, g Jpeeiai Jession, Marc/1,1897), and no indications were found of Me presence of Jan fose Scale or ot/zer ,9 WWW dangerous/y injurious pests. “W 3711's certificate is invalid alter fune I5, [.90 £7, “I a £ex1nyton, Ky ,. ...... \LX'Ja ................ b20,4 ........ /.90.Z: ' Jtate (futomoloyl'st. é%%%%%%%%wfi%%%fi%%fi%fi%w 71,355; fifimyfiw fiyfififiyfijfi 352%; a $3 §W%%%%%%%%%%%%fifi%fifi%%&”%%%%%%fi”fi~fi%%%%%%%%%%%%%%fl :Q h. Gertificate of jnspection of ZZurserg Stockgigf (”Agricultural Qfixrwrimcnt @mtinn flmggg OF THE gtaic (Eating): of ficntusim. %$%% E1 Na OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. %9$%%% 3721's is lo certify Mai Me nursery stock belonging Io 447/9 52 ’ UM .............. siiuafed a! L“- ; WM Counly, .l/enluety, was inspeeled W 43/ (lull— - $2 ..... ...................................... . I % as required 63/ Me law enlitied “an .270! to provide for Me inspeeiion of nursery stock and to prevent I/ze dis- seminaiion of noxious inseefs and fungi” (flats of Me general fissemoiy of Me Commonwea/I/z of .Z/eniueky, 0 fig w@%mw Jpeeial Jession, Ware/z, [8.97), and no indieaiions were found of Me presence of Jan fise (Yea/e or oMer W%% 6 a dangerous/y injurious pesis. ‘ 113 «s I'M"?! %.m S‘I 5711's oerlifietzle is invalid a/ier fune [5, [90.33. S? W , a W s M fig ¥ £exinya‘on, Ky”. ............. v. m¥2fl¢ ........ 1.90.2. Suzie 6niomoloytls‘f. gg Efi$fi%%%%%%%%%%%%fi%%%%%%ftHag;@fi%%%%%%%%%%%%%fi%fi%fi AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, LEXINGTON. KY. % 171, /7l 2.‘ H. GARMAN. STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. 3gritulturul Qfixtptrimcnt gtutian (Luz—{Eu/ZZ ' OF THE gtatc @3011ch of fientucim. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. WM as re air/ed 6 Mo law onil't/oa’ “.7712 27o! z‘o rovia’o for Mo ins oofion of nurser slack and to prevent Mo dl's- 9' 3’ P P 3/ ; . somt’nafion of noxious l'nsools and fungi” (XL-ls of Mo general fissomo/J/ of Mo Commonwea/M of .m'nfucdjy, h ’5? ‘ Jpool’al Jess/on, Ware/I, [8.97), and no indications were fauna, of Me presence of Jan foso Joule or oifior dangerously injuriozts posls. (Jo/It's certified/{e is invalid aflo'r jam? [5, [90.13 . / f @MJLM, J ............ "nu. m...“ . foxinyt‘on, Ky” 23/ ........... 1902:: :5?an enlomoloyl'st’. Li" %%%%%%%%%% a %%%%W%W%%%%%fifi%%%%%% . WMWMWsmE‘éaé antimtltural Qquacriment gtntian OF THE ’6 0 Jo o gttatc QLollnge of ficntucizg. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. %% 1° N903; w w 5711's is lo eeriify Ma! Me nursery slack belonging (o a/fa/Q—XJ I ., WM/Alm .Couniy, feniueky, was inspected @- L/ / //]2/ 563;: fig :3?% Jpeeiai Jession, Ware/z, [3.97), and no indiealions were found of Me presence of Jan fose «Sea/e or oI/zer EEO . 9E dangerously injurious posts. :53 5%; 8711's ceriifi'eafe is invalid after fune [5, 1.90.3 , J ~: 2“» Jam enlomo/oylisl. E? §%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%fi%%%%%%&%%%%32W%%%%%%%%%%%%§ ‘7 (Eertificate of 311spection of Nursery Stock. 1" (agricultural Qfixpzrimsnt gttntimt OF THE fitted» QEnLlnge of ficntucizy. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. .Couniy, .Z’eniucky, was inspected as required by Me law enlit/ed ".761 .770! to provide for Me inspecficn of nursery slack and lo preceni Me dis- .1, :' seminaiion of noxious insects and fungi” (flex/s of Me general fisscmoly of Me Commonwealt/I of .Z’enlucky, A Jpeciai J'ession, Ware/1, 18.97 ), and no indicaiions were found of Me presence of Jan fuse Scar/e or of/zcr dangerously injurious pea-Is. V %% K / “'1 W E “.1 ............................ 7 ...................... ,1. ................ ° '3 g Jtafc (guiomoloylsl. gg V¥%%%%%%%%%%%fifififi U/zis certificaie is invalid after func 15, [90.43. W fifififififi%fi%fi%%%fi%fi%fifi%fi%%%%%%%%fi%%%%%%%fi3Kfi%%%%%%%§ Gleriificate of Btlspection of ZZurserg Stock. f agricultural @xperimmtt fitntinn OF THE gtatc @011232 :31" fivnhtciw. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. 6711's is to eefiify Ma! Me nursery slack belonyiny to /fl “Ava/WV“ [— é’gfll’q’Losiluaz‘ed at 1‘" WWW, ......... :5 W ..................... . Couniy, J/enlueky, was ins/veered C £6? E? @ gg as required 63/ Me law em'it‘ioa’ “.2771 .770! [0 provide for Me inspection of nursery sfoel‘ and lo preoen! Me a’is— ..'. o, seminaiion of noxious ins-eels and fungi” (flats of Me general flssemoly of Me CommonwealM of .l/eniueky, \‘3 %%m~ Jpeeia/ Jession, Ware/5, [8.97), and no indie-aliens were found of Me presence of Jan fise Jodie or oMer f3, dangerous/y injurious pests. a 6751’s eerIi/ietzfe is invalid afler fune 15; [90.3%, I o ........... w . . W ,1“ 1» £exinyt‘on, Ky, g’é/ .....; J’dfla’ gamma/veil“- '%%%%%%%%%%1 0\ £%% 0 fl? AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, LEXINGTON, KY. $7 2/67/ /¢fl Z- / H. GARMAN. STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. %%%%%%%%%%%%%fifi%%fi%fifi%fifi%%%%%%%‘3 »- .. z i Eerfificate of 3nspection of Nursery Stock. '2 agricultural (Experiment gtation OF THE V gtatc Qfiollege of 321111113515. 0 2: ‘ OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST‘ 67:12: is to certify t/zat t/ze nursery stock belonyiny to g... . County, .Z’entueky, was inspected ......... . - /.. . v‘: as reguirea’ by Me [am entitled "fin flat to provide for Me inspection of nursery stock ana’ to prevent the a’is~ ° (W semination of noxious insects and fungi” (flats of Me general fissemaiy of tile Commonwealth of .mntuoky, Eg \o "a %6 % fig %@ dangerously injurious pests. 671i: certificate is invalid after fune I5, I90)? - »°-: = a ufi%% WM ............... . ....mu . I- Jtate 6ntomo/oyist. %%%%%%%%%%%%%a §%%%»%%mm%%%%wfi%%%fimg%%M%M%% %%%M% (Serrificate of jnspection of ZZurserg Stock <2£m+imtlturm @xpzriment gttatimt OF THE girth: (113011ch of Ear-ninth”. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. Zia/11's is In certify Mat Me nursery slack belonging Io (9W F /éufi:u:4 , V7 Candy, .Z’eniueky, was ins/vealed 444M /// {2,11%}; dangerously injurious pests. 3721's eerii/ieate is invalid afier flute I5, [.9034 Jtafe anfamaloyisf. g #%%%%%%%%%% ox %%%¥%W%§%§%fi$fififlfififi%w%%%%%w%%mW%m%fi (Eerttficate of jnspectton of 311$:er Stock JV'0._ flD gr 1711 mm swertmmt g a mu 3 i It 1 QB ‘ t ’1 t‘ OF THE é P me, 9 / 9 » W. 5min Qfinllcgc of ficntucizg. 1 \%%fl WW1? W OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. ‘7... W’ CW silualea’ al .Counlg, Mnluckg, was ins/vealed a; W firm 5711's is lo cerliif'y l/zal l/Ie nurserg slack belonging lo §%% as required 43/ Me law enliliea’ ".7772 flcl lo provide for Me inspeclion of nursery slack and lo prevenl Me a’ls— seminalion of noxious insecls and fungi” (”on of Me general flssemo/g of Me CommonweaiM of .ernluckg, Jpeeiai Jession, Ware/I, 13.97 ), and no indicalions were found of Me presence of Jan fose Jen/e or oMer % g %a@ gig % dangerous/g injurious peels. em 4 3711's cerlificale is invalid a/ler yum? l5; 1.90.45. ' r%%%%%%%%%fiz g £exinglon, Ky” ...................... - 3-“ 63,190.7- ’ Jlale 6nlomolog1st‘ %%%%%%%%%%%é%%%%%%%%%%%%%fi%«%%%%%%m%%%aw fiy%fi $¥ 0%? é%%g§ A \' x" (g v: @6373 3% Va agricultural QExper’tmtnt gttntimt OF THE gitutc $011292 of ficntucim. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. 6711's is to certify t/uzt t/te nurserg stac/r belonging to JA KM; J41 h seminatlon of noxious insects and fungi” (flcts of tile general flssemolg of tile Commonwealt/z of .Z/entuckg, 913 g Jpeeial «Session, Ware/z, [8.97), and no indications were found of Me presence of Jan fose Jed/e or older E? dangerously injurious pests. 5711's certificate is invalid after fune [5, [90.3, Jtate automologist. w W‘E’ééfil i; “1% \flmyé My “$943 3g1~itultnrul (Experiment gttutimt OF THE gttatc QEnchc of {fieutucinp 0 £1, 36 fi % % % OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST‘ .Couniy, fenlueky, was inspeeied / m as reyuired by Me law eniiiled “fin .210! {0 provide for Me inspeehon of nursery stoe/c and to preuem’ l/ze dis % m» seminalion of noxious inseels and fungi" (3701's of Me «general flssemoly of Me Commonwealflz of .Z/enfueky, E9“ (Sveoiai Jessign, Ware/z, 18.97), and no indieahons were found of Me presence of Jan fose «Sea/e or oi/zer 9;; <' 91v %%% dangerously injurious pests. 3711's certificate is invalid a/Ier fune I5, [.9053 I ”A? ........................ _ ................. ’2 é/190._2' Jtate entomologist $%%%%%%%m%%w%%%%%%%Wx%%%%%%%a fi%%%w%%%ww%yww%%fi%w «3%? AMMMMWMQME M MwflmfiflMQMMMMMM MEMMMW MM MMMflfl Mfg (Zertificate of :Snsmction of Nursery Stockfi ' ggricultnral QBxpm‘iment flirtation OF THE gear: Qfiallegc of ficutncim. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. 6711's is to eerlilfy Ma! Ma nursery stock belonging fa .......... 77 ._.__.._.C._. .......................................................... situated a! 9"” as required oy Me law emit? ed “an .210! la provide for Me inspection of nursery 51501: and fa preven! Me dis- "° 0 seminalion of noxious inseefs and fungi” (270’s of Me general .76me of Me Commonweafl/z of .erniueljy, e Jpeeial Jess/on, Ware/z, 1:997) and no indiealions were found of Me presence of Jan fose Jen/e or oi/zeri dangerous/y injurious pesls. 6711's eert‘i/ieaIe is invalid afler june 15, 1.90.3. - gucexinylon, Ky. ., '1 5%%%N%Q%%%§%mfi%%%%§%fié%%%%%%%%§%fi%fi%fifi%fiéfi% a filtem‘ggméwméégewfimwgfiefifimwMgémiegéawwgmr” mW m gmgfiaem (Xertift'cate of Enspection of Nursery Stock % wemgz agricultural QBxpzrimcnt gratian OF THE glint]: @011ch mi” ginnhtcizy. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST‘ ememm %@ ea 0% ‘mm as required by Me law em‘ifled "“7771 Xe! Io provide for Me inspection of nursery stock and lo prevent Me dis~ g? \o ,1: g? seminat‘iolz of noxious inseeis and fungi” (.7701: of Me Several flssemoly of Me Commonwealflz of .Z/enfueky, so Va Jpeeia/ Jession, Ware/IV, [8.97), and no indications were found of Me presence of Jan fist? Jen/e or offier Us 0 C V \ . “m dangerously injurious pasls. 6711's certificate is invalid after fume I5, IQUJ . gym 55% 2/6 Jlaie 61‘12‘omoloylls‘i. ui%%% wfi%%m%%%%%mm%fi%%%%%%%w%wwwa”a il%%§” (Eeriificate of 3nspection of ZZurserg Stock.% Nam/53..) ..... 2% ggxeicrclturnl QBxperimcnt gttat’mn (gf goal; OF THE x%%%M%%% 0% (Erich: QEnllege of fianntuchg. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. 6711's is to eerfify Mal Me nurserg slack belonging lo WM, W ".7711 ”a! lo provide for Me inspeefion of nursery slack and to prevent Me dis— R ‘1 as required by Me law enfiiled 1'” (flats of Me general fissemolg of Me Commonwealth of .Z’entuckg, Egg seminalion of noxious inseeis and fung Jpeeial Jession, Ware/1, A997), and no indications were found of Me presence of Jan ~fose Joule or officer a dangerously injurious pesls. % 6721's eerli/icale is invalid after lune 15, 1.90.5? v \/ WM, | ...... ; ................. '. ........ .. ............ l . .................... M; Jtafe anlomologisi. “’27", ‘ ‘f .A r ‘ , W mew Gleruftcate of jnspectton of Nursery mStock 7 agricultural (fixvcriment gtatian OF THE 3km: QLnllege of @cntunhy. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. 6111's is to oorhfy Ma! Ma nursery stock belonging' to ...................................................... f .m...... Couniy, Mniuoky, was inspecied as required by Me aw onh’iloa’ “.2712 flat Io provide for Me inspeciion of nursory stock and Io prooom’ Mo a’is- E: , W ” (flcis of {/10 general 273”»:ny of Me Commonweali/z of Ioniucky, gg we Jpeoiai Session, Ware/I, [8.97), and no indicaiions were found of Mo presence of «San foso Scale or oI/Ior 942 , :n , 91x saminaiion of noxious insects and fungi dangerously injurious pasts. 6711's cortifioaio is invalid aflor fune [5, 1.9037 . a I‘m «5'1an (Entomologist. .1; r 4- ~23” \r WWWWW “ / ~ »:a-Wé%§é§%/\€WWWW% %% (Eerttficate of jnspectton of 171115911} Stock JV'0.. .../J: 3gricnltural GBxperimcnt gtatian Mal? OF THE %%%%%%%% Qtate (findings of ginnhtcigg. Qfifi OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. 671129 is Io earl/{y Ma! Mo nursery flock belonging to I l flMW/I W County, .Z/onhmky, was ins/vealed W. %%%%%%%%$W42;W Jpeoiai Jess/on, Ware/1, [8.97), and no indications were found of Me prosence of Jon fine :50an or ot/wr dangerous/y injurious pasz‘s. UM: ooriifi'oaz‘e is invalid afler funo I5, 1.90..\§; Jfat‘a (infamoioylki. W%%%fl%%%%a$ww%%%m%wwfiwfi%§%w 7.6,; W ’mLAg%%%%%%%%%fifi%%%%%fififi%v% %%%%%%%%%%M%%§ Gertificate of 3115pection of ZZurserg Stockg agricultural (Experiment gtatinn OF THE gnaw QEnche of ficutucim. Q‘o €%%%%%%fl7%F mm ‘EX Wfim‘mx \ OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. a 6711’s is io peril/31 Mai Me nursery stock oelonyiny lo 5W fif’fy’ ...................... situaled 12! gg Couniy, lfeniuaky, was inspected Q94 Mid/7L V101 "(.24 ..., f" as re Itired o Me law eniilled “an flat to rowde for Me ins action of nurser stock and Io raven! Me dis~ 7 .3/ P P .3/ I" E seminal/'01: of noxious inseels and fungi” (flats of Me general .713”me oft/1e Commonweall/I 0/ ”721110131, g: gig :@ :flfi 6/9001?! Jession, Ware/I, [8.97), and no indicahons were found of Me presence of Jan fose Jed/e or ot/1er 3:“: 1 dangerously injurious peels. a :7 ca 5711's cert‘ifi'oafe is invalid after fune [5, 190.3; a M. £ex1'nyfon, Ky” ..................... «Zéfl902 ' 5"?“ 6"’°’”°’”I"" d%%%%%%%%§zé% %W%%%%%%%%%%%%w fifi'fiééfifif 1» E‘%%§ Mgmfiéw wfiésfi agricultural. QExperimcnt gitaticm OF THE gtatc (1131:111ch of ficntucim. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. dangerously injurious pears. U/u's tariff/cam is invalid after farm 15, 1.90.3. Jfaio antamalqytkf. * :f Wagfimfi‘ X‘W%“@%m§%% / l agricultural (Experiment gtntian OF THE fitatc @3011ch cf ficnturim. OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. ' gig: 5711's is to cerilfy Ma! Me nursery stock oe/onyl'ny to fl ' 4' (La/L4_LT» sifuaiea’ at $11: / . Couniy, .z’enluc/ry, was ins/ceded £74 Mf > 71 ,1 /¢0 2/. @f” as required oy Me law enfitle I, seml'naiz'on of noxious insects and fungi” (ifs-Is of Me general .713“me of Me Commonweall/I of .Zenfucky, ‘. : Jpeet’al Jess/'01:, 77/127011, [8.97