xt7ghx15n565_144 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Board of Trustees Materials text Board of Trustees Materials 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_14/Folder_5/3129.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_144 xt7ghx15n565 , /~
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 Important Extras needed for the Agricultural
Plastering of the Resonant Ceiling f 120.00
Tinting Walls and Ceilings of the four-
Public Rooue,including two offices,roading
room and Assembly Room 150.00
One Ivon Franc Gracnhoumo,29’ I 50’ 8000.00
Extra Heatin; reinired for same, 550.00
fi 2680.00
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 State finiurraitg
Lexington, Ky,Aprill41 lfi).....
Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees:-
Dear Sirs:—
' As Chairman or the Committee of the
Faculty appointed to consider certain changes in the courses of
study which are rendered necessary by our change from a college to
a university, I have the honor to present the following as a proposed
_ reorganization of the Departments of
Classics and Science in the institution into a "College of Arts and
ihe College of Arts and Science offers courses leading to the de—
grees of A.B. and 8.3., to the degree of B.S. in Chemistry and
A.B and B.E. in Education.
' ro receive any of the above degrees a student must be able to
offer 64 creditl hours exclusive of those required in Military Science,
Domestic Science and Physical rraining. Men are required to offer
8 credits in Military Science and 2 in Physical Training, and women
are required to offer 2 credits in Domestic Science and 2 in Physical
rhe term ”credit hour", or briefly a "credit“, as used in this
UniVersity is defined as the satisfactory completion of a study involygy
ing lectures or recitations for one hourfix week tor one year,
or laboratory work for two hours per week for the same period.
Military Science and Physical Training are classed as laboratory


Persons excused from Military Science or Physical rraining For
disability or any other cause must offer an equivalent number of
credits in some other subjects.

A student must take a sufficient amount of work each year to secure
at least 14 credits and he will not be allowed more than 18 credits.

ihe degree of A. B. will be conterrcd only on students who at grad-

uation have completed, in addition to the other requirments, a minimum
of five years of Latinré three units of preparatory and two units 9?
( 6 credits) of university Latin.

;he branches taught in this college are grouped into thir—
teen courses , each designated by a major subject. Deviations from
this grouping must receive the sanction of the Bean of the College
and the head of the Department under whom the student elects to take
his major subject.

All the subjects are to be offered,tith the year, term, days in
the week and hour in the day in which each is taken, are set torth
on the accompanying blue-print schedule.

In order to put this schedule into effect properly during
the coming year it will require Some addition to our teaching
force - particularly in History and Modern Languages, and an immed-


iate enlargement of laboratory and lecturehfacilities for chemistry
students. It is contemplated in accordance Wibh the proposed
schedule that every student in the institution be required to take
some €hemistry in his Freshman lear.

We earnestly hope you may be able to see your way clear to.make

such provision as will enable us to start in on xxx schedule next



in View of the 1“act that numerous changes in courses or study
rill be necessary in the near future which cannot all be anticipated
for so long a period a head as six months or a year, we earnestly
request that you delegate to the Executive Com. power to approve
changes in the courses of study recommended by the Faculty.

Very respectPully,
Chairman 0? the Faculty Com. on Changes in EnhadxiXk Curric-


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fiid gym,

The Board of Trustees,
State University,
Ucntlomen: ( Thro President Patterson )

l have the honor to request that I be granted perv
mission to cncump the cadets of this institution on the State Rifle Range .
near Frankfort for a neck or ten days during the Sprinp of 1909.1 have
received pcrnission from the state to occupy the range and have been prom-
ised all necessary equipogc for such an encampment.Practical field in-
stroction and target nractice cannot be tdren advantage of in any other

1 recommend that the following amounts be appro- '
printed for the military department in order that a greater degree of
interest may be taken in this department so that it will attain a greater

‘ degree of efficiency in the future than it has in the fast;
Free tuition or the equivalent thereof to all
commissioned officers;twenty seven in all.
Salaries as followe;two majors $50.00,eight captains
$200.00,ninc first lieutenants $180.00,nine second lieutenante $135.00
For running expenses for the your $700.00
For camp,fare to and from tho camp site?500.00
I have not allowed anything for uniforms as has benn
the custom in former years.

I also recommend that the present uniform be changed
from cadct grey to olive drab.The olive drab will cheaper and much more
serviceable than the grey uniform now morn.0aptain Shelton,durin5 his annual
inspection,told me that nearly all of the colleges in the south which he
inspected ,are now equipped with the olive drab uniform.

I earnestly request that, the foregoing; recommendations 1
will be favorably considered.
Very respectmlly,
Commmxdant of Cadets.

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