xt7ghx15n565_150 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Undated text Undated 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_15/Folder_4/106853.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_150 xt7ghx15n565 ”1,. . . , , . '
AN ACT to change the more or the Agricultural aid Mechani- in
col College of Kentucky. >
I KEEREAW, the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kon- i
tugky has outgrown its original proportions and has for some years i
post Kaintained eight distinct courses of otufly, each extending '
over four years in the College Dropor and each loading to e degree, (MT
WHEREAG, this diversity of education, theoretical and
i practical, requiros that the no G, title and ossification of this i
Institution, Gray; ennajed and adriniotorcd by the State of Ken—
. tacky shoals no coriencnrxto with its chm aetcr and work, thcrcforc,
B? IT ENACTED by the General isocrblr of the Comion—
wealth of Kentucky: That the institutioe founded under the land- i
great of 1862 by the Congress of the United “totes, and known f
hitherto under the corporate designation and title of "Agricultur 3
ral and Mechanical Onllcgc of Kentucky", be hereafter known and ‘
' designated as the "State Uaivcroitv of Ke.tncky."
That all the acts or the General Asscfibly of the Common-
wealth oi“ Kentucky :peliing 3guz°ovitzion for the mnuport z-‘ind 1::-15.3;1tenzanoo
of the Agricultural and Economical College of Kentucky, heretofore
cnuotod, viz. An act of the General Aoeonbly, approved April 9,
1878, one an act of the General Acme bly, approves April 39, 1880‘
and section 184 of the Constitution of Kentucky, guaranteeing the
validity of tie tax levied for the honor t or the Agricultwral and l
Ucchanieel College by the said ect, approved April 29, 1880, and t
that all the acts of the Congress of the United States creating and
endoring colleges under the lend-grant of 1883, viz: The not pro—
viding for the establishment of colleges for the benefit of agri-
cultural and the mechanical arts, annrovcd July 2, l868, the act
establishing experiment stations as departments or agricultural
colleges, approved March 2,1887. and the act for applying a portion ,
of tle proceeds of the public lands to the nore complete enoownont
of the colleges established under the act of July 2, 1862. which ‘

 passed the Senate June 25, 1890, shall not be affected by this
change of name, and the revenues accruing from these sources, State
and Federal, shall continue to be paid over by the State and Peder» ‘
al authorities to the trees ror of the State University of Ken—
tuoky fiir its use and naintenmlce in accordance with the provis—
ions of said acts of Congress and of the General Asmanbly of Ken- ' W
t 73. o 1;}! .
That the roquirononts of the law of Congress, approved
July 2, 1862, for inotruntion in those hranc OR of learning relat—
' in; to agriculture and the :oohanie arts ard tn military tactics
shall be carried out fully, and that those branches shall continue
to be integral and indispensable courses of i struat on in the
State University of Kentucky, ~nd that one of the colleges of the
. State University shall be donoxinatod the Agricultural College, '
5 and another the College of Economic Arts of the State University
or Kothwky.
That the iteration of the Il‘lstititiion ontz‘z‘olitxhod by the
not locating the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky,
approved February 8, 1880, shall not be affected by this change of
more. .
That all acts passed by tlm Legislature of Kentucky and
the regulations made by the Board of Trwsteon in pursuance thereof
for tho government of the Agricultural and Voohanioal College shall
continue in effect and apply to the Sovornment of the State Uni—
versity of Kentucky.

 WHEREAS the Executive Committee of the State
University, after consideration of the report of the Com—
, mittee of Deans, thought it inexpedient to sanction the
I proposed consolidation of the Colleges of Mechanical and
. Civil Engineering;
AND WHEREAS the proposed consolidation, while
pending, caused much anxiety and unrest among the faculty
and students of the College of Civil Engineering, which
anxiety and unrest is not yet allayed, because of the
apprehension that the proposition may be revived;
AND WHEREAS the best interests of the University _;
require mutual and harmonious co-operation between the
‘ governing authorities of the University and the faculty and
students of the University, ‘ ,
First. That it is the sense of this Board of True-
tees that the Executive Committee acted wisely in refusing to H
sanction and to adept the proposed scheme of consolidation.
Second. That all future suggestions relating to '
radical changes in the existing organization of colleges,
schools and departments originate with and emanate from the
Board of Trustees. ,
Third. That whenever the Board of Trustees deem '
it expedient to consider any suggestion relating to a pro-
posed change or changes in the existing organization of ‘
colleges, schools and departments, they shall appoint for
this purpose a committee of the Board, whose duty it shall
be to visit the schools, colleges or departments concerned,
to take testimony of the faculties, deans, principals and '
professors, and,if it be thought advisable,tf students, to
' collect and collate statistics and to embody the same in a
report to the next meeting of the Board ofTrustees, with or 2‘
without advice or recommendation thereon. lg

 wHEREAS the Executive Committee of the Etate .
University, eater consideration of the report of the Com-
mittee of Deane, thought it inexreaiant to sanction the .
proposed.eoneolidation of the Colleges of Kechanieal and
Civil Engineering;
AED WHEREAS the proposed consolidation, while
. pending, caused_much anxiety and unrest among the faculty
and students of the College of Civil Engineering, which
anxiety ana unrest is not yet alloyed, because of the
apprehension that the proposition may be revived;
ANE WHEREAS the beet interests of the University
require mutual and harmonious coaoparetion between the
governing authorities of the University and the faculty and
students of the Universityfi ‘
First. That it is the sense of this Board of True-
tees that the Executive Committee acted wisely in refusing to
sanction and to ddogt the yropcscd scheme of consolidation.
Second. That all future suggestions relating to
radical changes in the existing organization of colleges,
schools and departments originate with and emanate from the
Board of Trustees.
Third. That whenever the Board of Trustees deem ‘
it expedient to consider any ouggeation relating to a pro-
posed change or changes in the existing organization of
colleges, schools and departments, they shall appoint for
this purpose a committee of the Board, whose duty it shall
be to visit the schools, colleges or departments concerned,
to take testimony of the faouitiee, deans, principale and
profeesors, andgif it be thought advisoble,bf students, to
collect and collate statistics and to embody the same in a
report to the next meeting of the Board offlruetees, with or
withont advice or recommendation thereon.

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- . ”I.. w, . ._.”,314M’

‘ 42-
0? which fihfi Agrianlturnl & Hachnnicnl Callas“ OF Emntnfihv W3”
01:3,; {afgat {730 Afpwiz",:17_1‘,T'1_.‘"}1‘;:7_ "I; ’Tag—r3343.;:i_.v3;;fzv (j/Tj'z'r‘fffisji‘} ::{trivll :exizfijfig it:
tke Uwivwwthy; fifixt inn continuity a? film inniitafiicm in WAhrmkfin
221 it% identity unimyaiwafl. I annii fuwtkmw afitmxpi i0 «flaw that
the inhibition contained in C1063

kiwi. 131:". £3 41‘: and 55,) :‘::f‘ if? .:1: :':usv-t’r.'i_i'.‘..1‘L:i,;1_"\rr-iz- am 131371;: a leash-1:15:13. .’.;mme; dam:
lifii nwwe within fine macaw of the inhihitinn exuvemwefi in qrfiialem
4i and 50 aforafiatd.

“(frat gift L?‘§GW}1 my: “L710, ,‘.Egjfiivill Art‘i‘.9 iii-:32“(JVf'afii July 13nd“,
1389, made an afiyfinnvintifln 0f public landn is flue} utmtfi in in
Union, in pwnflowtiuq ta THQWHunninfiiCR in GQKQVH“W, fi‘w ifiifiTfifli
uéfirniflj ?Pam tfle Dreamwdm a? flue fining a? whiéh nhnnl& he Hflfirfi-
EVifiLfid My finch ntnfia whiflh night tahw Rafi alaiw the h05fififi a? the
Act, fiaw Eda nnfimwment, flupfiort anfi maintenanae 0? at least one

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.H, . “..‘, V 1 _. 1 . ..,. v ,., . .4. i ._ —. 4, .. ... a . p. . ,— .1- .. . 1 . .
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"2' I" 31-» “a" ”an-1271) 1r‘.x‘."..‘.‘ x ., " 4:" ". ‘m‘vc -‘ -~ " 12(‘1 mm- .. " r1" ~' '3‘ 'i' -' ‘ ‘5 3“- " “"'
R \' vM-Jw‘. with“. H v,t‘t=...@'.t. ...1. 1.4:El.lllr.!..(i:‘ 1‘.] gut-'1 ‘.‘{_.t_.2.,;,,-}g,z ,4.”- -'E7Ev7‘.~’7i‘§""7-»E~7‘“E!-'”n
...1. .w 4.1. . :2.- ‘- _,..t ,, L.. .1. .0 . . t, ..- ...... ... J". . .' ..- ..,. . .“‘ ."'
u: it: a ti,- 1.153.22wihfil» 121”"), ...-‘1 "Lil”. : .f m: L..,H‘! L‘HIUJJ:E'lfl’ié‘nf CA 5.31:“:
..: . . _,., t .. - .~.. ..,..1... .1. . . ‘ J’v ~~
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2...-war; 3..»... ..2 1.6.3122: ively ‘22- r;.;~,_.- 2-2m , is: .. ”HF 2.6.»,12'1720‘20 we ."'. .."m‘m.
..,“, .‘ .... ,5" .: ... ‘~ ':--,. -,.. 1..: .._.. - —‘-. ‘»,,., 1,39... .. .. ,- - "2 - - ,.. . . I... ' " .. . .. .. .
.414. _:_:.!’-.. =12 2.09:1. f'22i2...=....2,1. 3..-:2. {..1 3.5.1: 1,. $245.5,3‘ft71’} :21, Rz-trw 1.2:, i. 1,1: rugixrgwm:
”...... .3 .t , *1 ...V. ....” _ . ..7 ... ...,n -. .v .- r ‘7 a. - -. . -‘ .,.. . .«.L . .‘ . ~.. .. - w
.2" _r_' 531.: z. .g .1121. _‘.Eo" 1 (2,1515: £3,115: Mg. 313?), E 1r: ~_E:=_'1~i-‘,-._:z_; ’11 22 2(1:_;:,:‘:«‘E_ .'»2_" inn/1 ,2 ;:._L~E_'.‘}‘.‘ff?,
: E, 1..: 2; .l '1‘ (..:. ...,u . .... i -.f I . .I , ,: ...- .. .. - . .....u .- . 3 . .
1,:gt, rzz.(,..:x,,. .._..ic i_l.;.<_.;t‘: ~).t t_;i,;.:':j‘:i_.'c:2.,fl, Ltgfg. C:>§_i‘l,;vgl_7‘i :~:2.;«'uu:,i;:")‘:,.‘?7 131$"; hf;
-. . 1 .,_\- ,3 .1. : ~,._ . _,.”; -... rur- _;._ 1.., . .. ,-,._ . .... -, ._1 .... :. ... \‘- ,. -
,E.‘l't:cli1;57\-E‘. L-E :gi: llb»l,~’.‘.r" Ln, >,.‘i'31:.!‘:ii.‘-i7a t u?! GPQV Lilwei '. tau: :‘ 17w 1335. 13:23am 2‘:
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La..- - . -1. _ .,,m 1 .. . - .. . , — .,~. « .L .. ,1 - J ~ -~ .. .
- a . ...1. .-_ _ .,... ‘t .2. ...»,y ., ,2. , ..,. . » .... -§ .. ._.! ..
n-tw‘u"? 33“,}. .03 L1) .‘75 n! L(.~2.')}1‘-..;U .- .-, ._ 17.5%“, Ln..- ’\L“.I.I,‘31,L‘Jl&if7 7;": 2; '3} “(Wr‘usic'ij’i‘
.‘ 1.. . - 0. w} ...... .1 . .2 n .‘i . q . . r , . .
a .7 . ‘t . . ., . . r r f . .~,- —~ xx. ‘ ' .-.-. - ' .'«.
Lfig ‘L- {1‘7}, ‘l-‘Ltl. .lE..l.'.‘«-r..-‘. uq‘ihlu‘v‘). 17215351533 «I‘VE \1~“.‘..Nt::"‘~l;~-r.“E.‘,-"'. ‘E‘Ull‘fi’
., - ...i.-_.‘~.:_, 1 .v, ..' ..‘ 2. 37:. ._ ..‘. s , .'.. .'I.. '1 -~ ‘1._ .
Gav—2111.1; L-J 211:2. tab-13%": £24.11. ':Lah. L2: ,- .- we 2< , ”2‘1- 7Z3:"‘E.2..1::.
.._... “...-..
rr..,i._1~i,-,._v.:._ f 'I,- ... ,¢.. :. . ,.~_ .. .1... . . .. .v ,.. ~. ..,
1:2: Hit}. U 1,», :m—i :;_i‘«J\Il:§ :m ‘:.:g :, :Eds: f-i'itit’f } tin n 2:22:32}: t ‘.ch , 'E".,ri 1,3- .
...-- . J. .: 1..., t. 3 .. .1‘, .‘ .. 7,. .3 ,_ .. .__. ~ ' 1 _ -.. .L. . t .: .s,-- .' .... ..' . ~. 5 -. 1
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911'1oiz;»=;71l; 11(4‘>r:"l_::v»2711+‘2 to he: tmig‘l't. 371161 1',11:’:§::i_i'.‘:1t:i.0:11.": 7.7132116115142 3..-,...
11:11:11 cnILZ:".=j£i~>r1 63317.37. Tar-1:! 32.5127 infant-13113. int-0 “1.11:11'.v'-:'i.'?:inf: W" 3‘11":
15551 at 31?." 03101::"2’, 1, c1 ...1... .
The}; {.7111 l1:E_.:ifi‘7..-;"il;.‘>}_',r‘tfl. on” ‘1’" 11:1:-i,«»:-1~r;3:«and. Lite 11.2"",252'ij.
:1 ”ti-1'33". fir-H1516 is: 1‘:vi_1-":.:'e;1t frat"; f'k'ez'fil'tim 53 GT .:’.zzt 7119:13‘075301 "1’“???
1.7:, 1;’-17f}, I}; arena); to '1li’1tir-j'1'"f;‘i.;'i.‘11"? 1.71:1: 51Ii.1;‘"‘.'if‘iffifijiflb} 0:57 1.’-‘11."; 'tr-er‘féaififi
:1 '5; may he Dias-1:3."r‘W-1d in naming tigng'. the A5?".i.et.i:.i'.z:e'*:e;1 51:11.5. ilw'S‘rLs'".31i.cf-13.
(3:11 "1;'-13:11} ’.‘?"1613‘1 eatii’tfi.1.‘-17116:? in; 131233, E'fi-JZf-T ::::e-e ll?" tin-‘1 i'i:;1.f“r,~‘-2;;é~;f‘-
{Jr-1" T'r'3‘1‘,’i‘_,114”21;jf m". 33.-"1111111 tiny; i1."‘;€«3 f';§;:z;%.i~: 3"‘63:3134::“Vii1gj lie;- ':'.iglfi’i'. it”; £1,1i..~'2r:cl‘:'63
the; 1312;711:111) owfixti‘: :11, 21113; tine. I: f:_:-“~.-’7;»“: 1.31:1 (IQ-"z:‘.‘i..'¥:‘?‘3.('3‘§1 ::::5235;314:1121"; 13:3
1.7152 11:715..5.941;.ifirl‘es cf that. firm-1:21, 11:11.11 :‘i_;'s'1'~":;:v“31:‘:t1.16.111"; to :r*«~:;;2:>:?"t 1.‘-.5332". 1.71.0
advinnh"3,117.3." of11,111‘11;;1'i_::'1:t'v‘=.:;g;fi 7.211: 131111.1111:1-.1011 Wit?! §~ir.e>‘1‘:;1‘ may “Hive.”—
.c: 1: t3], 111-1:131{HOWRFIIy ::"(’3f‘,G_'f1"1.F‘,-i1 i3": fiEVQI‘ of 171 sea-'3:'\1'o;’z":132<‘3z'-1, A f:Crr32"1;i.:-t:é:i.~’xr‘1

was then appointed t0 meme :1 location for the Agricultural and
Y'fechanical College. Section 3 forms a gust of the list aforesaid
ans"? ecnteim; definite mini ntr‘ee'ixv“; instimc'ticnn in .rveggI-arcl to the
n a; 341W? or? tin-3 institution ts he _'£‘(§-F:Q'tfil'¥71if§';led raw-n planed. upon an.
i?i-‘:‘u-=2nenei6~:3it haste. ‘.Clze lI-"l'.1}§11fi,_:(-a 1;; Lu: follmsmz

"Said ecrz'n-=zi_e:sai_c>n shall :-aa:::.r3c‘aivtain the insane}? m." :ir:}’;.-‘;:i=t:?e:‘.,ts 'i

of study 1:1c'aeesz: many For the r:::"‘f’eet'ijv:: c;m~e;'u:-1t:mri of a :3? i,;x-r:‘i.—~r31::e:‘:
State UIiEiVU'If‘IT’:U337, much. an the _gee;;,7r>:-iph:5.cafz. {unwritten of 1.31s CC}:—
Itzsrmerilth, her siigivieultw-sd and :';:i_ne:r?2’a..7. :r“es:<31rr‘z::~;va, tar '5.:1:-T'.1_2;r~::::'2e
and dignity require to be eonstiiutreui :E'cr the nuiueratien or? Ever eons,
the 3215.13". ozif’ Ojr'jSii'l'Lfii/RI.iii-31a s:5;l:‘3;n.i_o.¢t: on? ptnoi‘eestegxsti :L-is‘» inffl‘gi‘Ti-"Zhiiff‘fl,
3:125:21, east and (maligtru‘znt 01" college ‘I‘71.‘=.'L3.(11i.3155%3, e :c:>e;r:i__r-gnt:ital farm,
Eff—g('3?1:111’1'_;’3rf4.__'}_ fienzrvtilefit, hey%,.._'L(;ult7:g=;iil geygjntjieziti l.afii'zz‘wfi;Grier:,
7:21.2.r:e‘esns, and eahinets, mic“: ts .‘r'enort the were to t‘rie next GR‘EHR‘HI
finite}?! «1V. 3'

If; will. that; '31": flit-:61}! t at in 113375}, ;f"i.:i."ta'-;t‘;~s'i gin-aster: 2::5““?’.evz;~
the islet 17:11: r‘ii'iflt‘iflfiéfl‘i, the 1‘,a‘::;»;iw‘_si?_:s.t it's-:2 0:? that {Say 1:11;"; 1:: mini.
the drivfi3.033;!Tiffll'5} 0:6? the Qis‘i;;fii‘fi;'.z_l fugwie‘siw‘,It's-‘..l was}. ‘.f-"rzfiila'i:EVER}. (5:211:23;
r:cn'tt‘azzzgjlat.esi in the Ant es“ 184771, The Agar‘ix‘s'sutu‘vn7L net-i S's-15m}:.V"an;i_=“:n?=_

, w . .,m . .y . ‘ .- ,-‘ J ,, ..i . , - . .l. . l. -, . . g . .,“H. a . q _
Coils-3:39;, gal-he and Riflylf-a‘, diii net zazrmt tne Mddfieltlmil «mutt; 6.1 tan


confionwmfllfih. An infititnfiicn of Hnivawwity proyorfiiwnfl uni prfipflrefl
an: fit: Es;11\ru::~sri_'ty ‘:.};Lzm}; ‘..'.t-xs; ;z‘~'-.r121:i.""s:>ri.. I‘"; 143130, W316») "lbw ‘3,J'15%‘3'.;i‘t713’.if331
was: '_-’)lv"~.v3<'fiz’§ moon :'1}: Lamp“):1:162:12. .‘C‘C‘H‘Jtiiiig 3:21;": m:i;:1h1'i_s‘zf‘u+r1 in. I."-.‘{i:1{;;‘f‘. on,
”33% 31s17_.‘i.‘-ce»e,;1t Lap: VQ’M‘Mi :(‘o'r‘ its: ;xiii.)fies-naneve :Vr:i_:—‘~:~_'!.:3_s":ei (1'5" :i_:1:—;:1;:'“2"ir:-
leangi; .LFvaeia'nr-s "=13va "r."%;;i.n‘rz ho eesr:i'.;z7fi.'mh a HIKE.wtmzri.tzr. 72‘3"»:2'2. ». ‘53‘?_:'.«‘i‘:
an ':.mhii 15'9“}. tin»;- 00'.Ls;?.;5.€;11t.‘L:>,-1:a_'5.it iii?" 'z‘uzr‘v: tum: “Ix-2&1: 3.;». mien-1i
1;"); ':mtiij, 53,716: Livy}. Unfit 10,71 07')3,~:§i_71::-<‘; ,i‘""‘,1;??'.;:~:} T693055}?[iiix’bsl .555}. Affl'iiix'filfi
1.19“}: of} {‘,‘-(:1; 352m (gammaL’r,1ri,;i_<;;'1, iii". 1',‘i“3"ff2;f~‘,-5‘\:'fg‘,‘;:,'js';: ‘P'ajr mini-:7 :'jxifi, ginger:
1‘», ; r;,;,- spiw': £55315; .

Smith 1:12"! 1’13 0:?" $2742”; 11:35.. 5f 3.51;?! 33";me in: hiya ?1"‘.‘»:‘=:w: Hf" 593%}?—
éuar’efi-x (1.?" 1.1m :f’z”;0}":i.¢13112"}::11 z",¢;3_1;;\_gre ‘LLx'; Hafiz-297:3“, ,1_:‘;’r.i"’;1;z'i:e til‘a ij £319,
$300}? ‘,‘ (33:33:,343 GJ' UH? “HEM; ‘:":.‘.’;."f‘ 12""111‘3'51 175.553," 33:53." jz""—'—"‘Jif?fi"f. "5374;.“-
fi‘;mz.-3%,.«;:-zasz; :'_:,‘.;.-'13_1 ',.;mrr; 3132:.932 is} ’:z Trix} ‘tij-‘Zr-s it; i‘flif-EFE €111.62 minim)"
Cf:f3.(i:’i:‘-i.1‘§;I=';Gil'§;$‘: L23“ mini}! any: 13mm”; 1:12; L; .3ch ‘s~>‘1:.:2,.¢‘:é'1 il-m :1()]_:1fi333_;r;- s::.':;‘»2;?.fi_
conmrism, with “1525:: 943056 or? 127% 0:2:32131162 >101; of Goriggmnzm {33> acts;
r:uppleai'szeirfl;az’z‘y ‘U'mtmato daunting; land 9633133 for ”the? {em-imment C23?

.is-1’.?" L:3113_t‘.1’r“:--‘2.'l. and 3.790315113110517. (mildews; the relation which each de—
p:?.:v"i;'rt;€:::t irr- _;;;r*<*.-u3j) m“ r1c;r‘.:i:r"tzma:nta 2:71.311. sustain to mama other and to
tag; \ffl‘yq'lmee; to wartime, .2221, lot. airy? :.jyrirwfimggra the d'Lntfr‘i‘mli;ins": of l”l.€€"‘_'.l517’?.-'
711W"! ‘3‘? “3'“ :_,‘.v“"T>"*1??~-"? O”? a"?!>2'3:«5‘a'rt’:'=°.on’t.a with ‘13'15’. f‘h‘fi’liffllfl’fiin‘s }‘:]");.{"‘<‘ij‘.-I”£21m“, to '
63:11:77) a if.) (leavijw 5.31;" Tl"'?.‘7r?‘l.‘2 J’e‘érgj'tiirml for their) re.'ii’:i".‘mt-i_xre:. irrxa'hyv'zga—
f;*~;r~.:;;1, :1.-1w:1:-1n:strata-ion 51:16? ;{j(“;-\/"!-‘LP'”2'l‘.“f%“ii.‘7 .
l Ingmyw #511151, 521:5;3'10”f“fi_i,'f_i’ the =231i;?1r,2‘:?‘i,t 1.54.1»; of 1,525, lilifllr'igji'e
3:33;» j?-"-".’,s'xf'i,~“uvl thew.- slifiijree'lfifi fi‘r'¢?,,;¥r'§j.'r"=rt": to :2,gn*lr3121tum :a’zzfi. i‘fi-w‘s Heeling}.-
“7.53 Arte, $711137: have raifgifrmlred thief-'13. fill-‘3‘ 2113mm". the: Cn'vigjijl-‘L'l, 3""‘3‘11‘rlilfl-‘3‘
lzt'v'eli‘ts :.ff’ ‘:f‘zm MOI‘I‘ill Act. T715277 ”.'::ive's. Elfi-"ii‘ari Clinisw‘lmril 51m} Q'LZ'n-xr'
f'}({'§_t«3'?‘1‘§;iff"§_:fs with? ifs-.0., ‘.‘“mv Mimi-z, ::‘l"'£‘;\r‘l—.'i.’-’-n"€ f0“ fi’fiffifi’h'igjf-ilti 03‘} 51."! ”fell
as ifis‘t’trr-mtion, The? 71:11”: graftijger‘: 'l;.‘-1e .'3(-=.3‘;>rr>'t‘ Filter mrrt,ixlflim’wsd iilto
:3 C;'17.":°.'?:-’»:'5', 01;“ study which Hanna and !:12‘-‘>-.17‘:“e.<".‘:1113i¢?=.S“:, with the <“'*‘75?iiéi?’iz"1“
tie}: 3:33.371? sprints to each. All the rariohtmery of Snivoreity 1*:
has been in operation for years and all this tl‘xrcugl': a natural

 \ v ,

:_‘):L'oawasa of? 1;;«122'122 , r'lfiviiloplfgm‘tt and wxpmmion. 'E‘Emm :i.ns-11;.1’.t21'tios‘m
rauzn‘b 51")?“ if 1.11101! We to Iwmp purer—e with the 3')?"Q;3‘I’fi‘:f-: of the Fig}?
Lam-3. the 3'4'Mj‘¥.1i7‘€é}'élr-e infirm: of mociaty. fan inniitratinn vain}: taught 'Emfiay
22hr»? QG’LHNFM, him 7.7;‘min:‘~;.tv£r*e 523153 'i'.-I-';«r—; art which '.‘.‘cuxfixn‘x 1:7/1"» ”and? of
the Wroaguimm knowlnriggra and irisrixfilaticm m" half :a meat??? ragga,
aim} taughi nothing; more, would he an mmcmonima, and the ‘izmtifiu—
titan which 22:12:13.1 (3011:“in 711:2; .3.31f:ti.¥"7.li}tit311 f‘if'hta’ Eff-2:21:24; :49 if: the
”0044-43! of :i‘:=:t305¢1"?.2mi 3301733515.» m" today will. ‘ew, Iraq-:.1.:1.‘e.l:1 :13: ”3‘3-
nimfi imam. You aw; no}: in you? .‘.,Fegis‘fl.:‘at:€.n3-1 and judicial meantime.
tion deviuislg Wemm fro-r fi}"1h:-.11_F":i}‘13 a comma, hut for inf—emf;aiming ‘33-‘19
life and $775.33:er and 3:3?0Wth 0;." a he altE-xy and meatrieal, 03°;"jm‘iiflffi. .

_ ' Evmezational institutions; mus like mates. The?! grow, 9.31:1 when that-r
3433436: it; grow, "tific-3y deadline ans"; pariah. This; ire 'tim :éfimdamran'tzzl
(3 03143433131011 of funerteml Collegma rmd Univwmfl‘.ism. Tina «30332031 wheel;
grew, 0:» Should gnaw, HGRJQTTLFWE and. high summon: grow, collegvm
and. wuivnrni‘t-mra grow, and tirm callage and the 1mivew~=ity 2m #21637

 \ .
. ~9—
' 3;:90'»? r-md 1‘11""; tinerumlvrm "to 2‘: hi 5193-? plane, 11% racer-ton mhocln,
madew‘xm and Trx:i_:»=;‘:1 school}: (4,?15312 to :'1 321;;‘210? Fem-31. The Trim? 2132:}.
. (371:1)?:"1xrg'téejr- (11’? the IEtZJJJTEi'jf‘) $17143. Ti}1’[1:‘flf€‘$".i.i;y xieM-‘sy-zfljjm +316? kind .51?er
(33‘mtrfs'mtretv of all mm9":irii:rr‘3f Ni"? 337932955W1t03‘f’ "907%-
' The {371$xr‘i10i‘.<-e:r* of the Univereity :fi‘rmm the index 0.?“ 13m
:3,H.t‘r‘fifiiisil'mvm mm, I-'La‘;::="::..7., elravn‘hfifizx of a Ejecyple. ‘rl'hrfla 33:15.9 Rffitlzmd,
*‘n way- r2_5:;a;r'o'::m :'3}_:i_72;-1'?.{e z-anfi 1:23:33; :'a:»:‘%.t=:n.i; of? .1'7z§.3'21.’lf')1‘1 nail, the
Lats-t. "3,2111%“.Iiifiyfilt mm ‘rrsosrh paint-.C;;r'e::sézivr"; of 7am" Tami.(32’13103‘3-3'710‘72’3‘? $3710
r-u‘;s:2':et::r 153, 72m 11::‘1ixiet:é:.fl;32ies: — Gli‘zngxsw, fit. Am’atr’u's-I'e, f‘U”)-‘il"‘W’ff’fit mu}
Ed'i‘r'l's>‘=.n"£§h. 'Sheee 1':2.:L"r.(.:-<3 115-31 ixuwm‘niM. stelusnlr: and ;;;?*"fl‘*:’:fl 5153310018
"1; C) :'1 ”:1 133mm levelflm" L115; {5152 1%)} ::C'u‘i lath er-tgn‘mxfiiee, they: ohf.:zti,nrztd
ire: Engleqri, Vil‘:‘.:'zh’3€-9 can a’mrmeny, and lifted the run-mes; 62*? my" people
fair? above the GOTM’»:FSEJOJ‘kdim-j Maurie in. ::;:-w Offl'x‘é?‘ Emir“; 03? ’“IEL'V'OEZ‘E-
what has; made Virginia famoue .1“:er one ‘mmr‘J‘ed ‘.V'W'm‘x‘? 75‘3“? famine


Ltt‘z‘twi‘csfi’gy :{"'on‘z‘:=*-1v';.-d hgr ,Ts:'2‘,:‘r;'r-ru:::-t. "flat. 3:51.115: ‘r:,5t1:";r'r;)31, 33M}; ‘r7:32,;_*:_;';o;*¥_ much
7 EQ‘CM“ in Vite-'3 :1:-two's: 7:31:72 waréefiaim‘: have to ":."ixtslit rm i.‘z:T'.7-w.res-tv~’:a fix-v"
1‘30 :f«€2r:zi‘:;1a 11511": v.23" ria‘LT, 1.>ifi'C:;TQT;“-‘”;i’lu'i. ta- when. or ;)o;3vfl_:t‘?;;ig>_~1’£ 3: :‘i,j'i“§3,=‘j§",
Yale flit-”i ‘Z;-3,"'\r!'z":~1.

‘_‘afizoz'm Fit:7_,:’13i)'r‘3'3t‘in'3=’l t2: the S.,-1 l'u‘f-Ll‘ilk‘a': "arr-Jo 723111 1;.“ 23771.
T? mall 7302.3;territarja ‘rxraeiy' N ‘:.-am e vaeiifixw ‘33.", g-
flirty?“ The; 1.11151 gal-:.?: antic-35:39 (’2~‘1t‘,;-:‘r'x‘1_i_«3"js-e;i atria? tiara fiat, =.';;? 1:952”:
ace-e V16??? :oni‘it,zas:5,,i_n:; that? Eritjfraz-zr-to ‘=1j:'n,:.‘:,ji,-:~3,‘:.1'7;:253. 5‘2?‘_11A£'f‘,3.;z:'€:i'. 31“.»7' 1:1:
nut-v; towiersi m“ {wallow-13255;, {Vi-gfij‘iflgj to the {Mia-i; our: s~;r=i“?;j.ot;1
23’1“?” Zi'i‘a'r" il'ijf's'sh’ é1tiy'1;g f’?16,000,ooo,,

;=;_z§<'1 {fig-LC? '7?“i_s'§$jz‘:‘;.'f?"'i_i ‘fz~‘\,':',';":‘;yfi;:’1’ [2.552, 1:16:17'2fag-I: >;"c31-;.::',\_'r'».‘-)Lit-:::!éflllfg‘xi t3}‘3-r’0\1,¢3:‘-£ .':
C-‘i' J‘Tfli’),Ci?C’{35,-..'}, LL: BIT;GREG’JML ’3‘:F€-«,’-;1'};‘.7 guy-137;»: 5741C" 5;‘;(;;r':z- 15?:3'9

'97;‘. ii; 1377371.: «'.:".;>;'?} 'iv:s‘:i,;1'§,r'zi,~f«fig-n: 7-}V<";,1‘?1-:-' 71719.4. (ms:- :2 “.72 (17° :-'2;<2’7.';:':%"

> "_'.{'.‘.3._z'_gv;:i.:1*a;7;- 3733'}: 01111.7. Hex-'2' 1 11:11 ‘7) 2732537722.:7-uigi,Ego-7:,
:H “as. aol‘yggintc'; 7:31:71; 7:37"): :1.:1 :3'7'63'.:1;'l?1:=-1 fij'avawri.'i_;;.<-;f;:i_c.~:s: twa—
": ‘1? "12?? C57", . , '

approved Mar. 17,1908,

‘ Rec. 4 of the Act of the lent General Aneefile/éhaflxifla
the name team Agviculturnl and Mechanical College he that of fltatm
Univq rnity makem distinct pyovinion for the continuance of an
Agricultura1 6011a 3e and ef a College 0f Mechanic Arte as integral
parka of the Univernity. Thia in a feature cannon to all Univer-
flitiee nvgnuimed under the Land Grant of lfiflfi. The? retain dietinn-
tive Coliegee {on Agrjeutturm and the Mechanic Arte an integral
pxwfin of the UniVQTQity organization, anordinate in dignity and
importanae with other nonraee of instruction. Indeed in very
many of the Land Grant Univereitiae, they are the moat natahle
fRatUTEH of Univwreifly inehvuatiou. For example, illiuoin, Gurnmll,
Wiencnsin, ohio, Indiana, Hinsamri, Yebvaeha, fimlifaraia, Minne—
sgcia, 'éfsznmeeseegma- :fn‘u‘i 1’I€afit Viirgjifilitl.

7'91?“ ’3 )‘
in the Dyinion uddreemei to the Auditor of Public Aoeounte
the Attorney General expreuned the opinion that the Agricultural
college in dead. I have «hown that the?“ in n Oellefi“ 0? Agricul—
ture and a college of mechanic Arts. Theee form film HROIQUH of the
Univoreiiy. The former has wHIAVged lie sphere of operation«, in-
cludiug Hugh more than wee cowerined in the Act of 1889, agricul—
tural and deflfiifl chemietry, origin of soils, chemical analysie 0f
saile, soil phyeiee, variation med improveWent of plante, prinoi‘
plea of eteek breeding and «took feeding, Wairyinfi, :HtOmolcgy’
analyfiis of FHVfiilizoye, administration of Pure Wood new. It has
mince 183? lleovporated the Wiperinent station He Ode of ise De—
pertmentm and employs For thin gunpoee alone a eieff of Kore than
a score of mew and women. In the fame of theee fante and than»
activities, reaching out all over the Commonwealth, in the Agri—
cultural College dead?

- ~3.§’.(r". )-

"E‘oe pr mitivc cozriccption of Eleni-mitts ,I‘J'ts hm: developed
into "fafcehanietxl 77,331;_—;i,’115‘:r‘.‘-l°i?ifl, Civil Engirzeerirg , 773:1ect:r‘iesl Thugincer-
1ng, Thins], Tinglneerin; null (livil Swim;(Wing;. It :13 longer cm—

. fines its'zeli‘ te “011M333: :.‘tt‘rt'wgg and «*z:‘z;v":')eir‘.‘tir'*y. It (iflr’ef’: not :lz'i_:xc:f;:.crl
tanner-3 hilt 11520;“: l‘et‘srar‘vi'ai;"we, =7?'xc:'1i_etf7"y :fmr‘r }"r1}’r‘xia";rt it hulilbif‘: the
pref-c:s‘miouel and i::ui‘=1>';'t:r‘-11:11.3. aeti‘viti,r:n which run: the ‘.'":Cizi; 3'.z":f;><2-r-
tr'a‘rrt fixatcztwa in 210:?«121'1! .=¢:i,zte:~is.‘-, girth—green. It has restizvtata:=‘:aé deserts
and ime'ir'ef‘: 0i“ ;var‘efr': who hilild your.“ 'rwlifitr’owls, sage-m yew" rivers, ohms":
your mines, 5:11;,th your“ eitim: with reservofiw: :ar‘ad i.3‘é-‘J‘3“«}l0ii 11:»:‘4'3
and li.;;?;'3;i‘!'x;l; ,3;l_:1.:itva. It e‘m;;}:‘n,1'.ries 3:43: who devise z-afrir‘: ”cutie? fit-1:3"
3r::i«:37':in<-ery, .‘r‘cua'm out is». i‘rnmt‘i.v-_;:,a:tion tin-:4 {i‘iF‘JSt'fl/‘é-rl‘y’ :~.‘:Z:?;i,32.;~; incre-
ment h'y Lwtreucut to tic 1” oi“ 3\(’1‘3‘~i{:5_€3<55£4-§ and 2.1;:LteJ-izizl :::-salt}; {:25-"T
”Ch-2 State and (If the 32:3;t1'_o:rx. free these ssv'jfleI'xcc-n; of? $22-$71? Visit
the 'tj?li.‘l*‘€l.‘9“§lt1f today. You will fitr'ui the Aggr’icultiLrul (3 {3.119st in
new and. enlmnfiod quarters, with increased matriculation :::-1d increas—
ed fi-idili’ties for work. Visit the various department s oi“ Pngincer—


\ ‘17)(‘3") )~
1135-5. You will find :1-‘0123113333 31212213337131 facilities Outgpmvm, new build-
1113:?) in prawns; of 00.111327111051911 {121:2 1111422? e031r372.¢‘1(::r':1‘1;1021 fat.“
151113 m":1:11:1‘563136233 0.12;“ 0111 0219313. 33321331339313 my:1.1.3113«3;3t m 33233123208, char.»
1232221}? =312‘1zi (3115;11'1631‘3311214; 2'1:1n,2'1_1'j1r-:33§J. ‘(mz will 193.31%. ii3'1r231’e-3us-veé‘1. 34.2121015371—
1:;t,mz1 3'1331313:r;7i_3133 1121M) 1.2152136) 1'ii3:151‘1“"§',';’7fi'11tF; fOT!‘ 'fmm'iuiiaal 12.2112. 33332351122?
“23323231111335. A3913 2,2113% sengienmm 0:23 1223:1313? ifoveiue'ezyt, :rmi.:1.v.‘i.f.:f,
119131321555 ‘M'zeesw :ifr'rzz 2101‘, the? f3?1$13"51f3i2‘23'if3tiJI-fi (3:2? sheaf/1'1 23112. 1'23” life,
intemxre, 311iLv=211iLagrea1t :md twimxphatnt, 7:1 3.:i_:~i"1-:- growing, e3:u:y:1s"1r1;i.:r1;r_.;, -
C?”F?e‘5'lil‘.‘f.‘.i'21§j "out 2.1:;- rmw 13137111111252151 aver antiwar? mm gyms» and time. T3331
up the s;3:17.>:i.31g;;s-: cf mighty, 7337 3233212103,“:111;; the :—';11.<3‘1;3'_1162:='1:3<:~ 3:22:26}; in
2,2211 :3C»21:'iji_t'i_o:s1 of 1313313, and 2313:3231 1?:1":‘1.1¢=3€§. Thin yen may :10 {3:123 din—-
S301”:11‘,“E_€3'i'2 2'11 "1, fellow. 232.12; 3.111;: 31:13.33113' 7"};115: 3102. 3115?, 1302-313 '12:“; 33:13.3,

' and I its“; 2'31?! 350 3313.1;LHVK-1 {STM'fi 313312633" yams" 1'3031143v'1lcm111321 .7111 3.312;. 1:"—
3;;::)-:~3“1;:3-t.'23 — " " ... .- >¥ -: -‘ ‘.- I: " I‘ !,- 133:” 1‘3"“: ' ‘,"H‘ 4.“ 'I‘.,I‘ "III": I'_ ‘('.’
\ f;(37':I‘,:”;‘3_I_;:ZI‘;:1(~:5;!; 1,1?! I”! ;,.=,k};,;3!75’3 A,” 5' kwi‘z in» ““‘-'5‘! Luv-ML“ “L [1..
w. - < . ~ . ._ . ,.m- ,1 .M.-.,‘ 1 .1: ”.2. ,2 ",I“‘«'-'." ,' J.. V“: 1:., 1.; :7, -. . {..1 __
“i - =s;::!i',;i‘§,y. '37:!!3-1 \Lljl rum in: wt!“ 1m. 1mm. .. .xv x ..1?! I . V1
* . - * “new 1". ..:'.1~‘t , ...:.. 43".!!4‘! .-,,_ -.‘_
" 1 1‘ r»!!! '..I-ra:-'!'I"€; E11 US$31" gone! l-‘UIV r3.a;:!’!:gfm. ‘ Fr ! 712,11. rmj ,, .I. ;
V.-.v,_—.. r v .
- . ' - ., . ...'.... . .. -,_‘ .. .‘ » ,. " ;-.-3- . V..‘ , .,._-7.4}. ,‘.. ; .g. r‘ .:.,..