xt7ghx15n565_16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Agricultural Experiment Station Reports text Agricultural Experiment Station Reports 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_3/Folder_4/102657.pdf 1906, 1910-1911 1911 1906, 1910-1911 section false xt7ghx15n565_16 xt7ghx15n565 _ ' I ' M3;
1024 ' 3
MEN T STATIONS, 1906. ,‘ _
[Reprint from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for '
1 the year ended June 30, 1906.] ' ,
iC;G;O7 i-::T Tilwnmown :oovanménv Pnummo arm-e 11907 . ‘03

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, Page.

Summary of statistics of land—grunt, cullegos. _ . . _ _ _ _ v _ : _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ 177

Summary of statistics of the stations. . . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ 178

Stutistivs of the land—grunt colleges and universities _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ _ . . _ . _ . _ , ISO

Statistics of the agricultural experiment stations. . . . . _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . 200

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By Miss M. ’1‘. SPETHMANN.
The following statistical statements relate to the institutions estab-
lished under the acts of Congress of July 2, 1862, and August 30, 1890,
most of which maintain courses of instruction in agriculture, and to
the agricultural experiment stations, which, with few exceptions, are
organized under the act of Congress of March 2, 1887, and are con-
‘ . ducted as departments of the institutions receiving the benefits of the -
. land—grant act of July 2, 1862. These statistics have been compiled
in part from replies to a circular of inquiry sent out from the Office of
Experiment Stations. and in part from the annual reports of the presi~
dents of these institutions made on the schedules prescribed by the ‘
Commissioner of Education. Tables showing the annual disburse—
ments on account of the acts of Congress of March 2, 1887, August 30,
1890, and March 16, 1906, prepared from figures furnished by the
Departments of the Treasury and the Interior, are also included.
Owing to the complex organization of many of the institutions, it. is
impracticable to give exactly comparable statistics in all cases, and in '
some instances the data furnished are incomplete.
' Educational institutions receiving the benefits of the acts of Con-
gress of July 2, 1862, and August 30, 1890, are now in operation in all ~
‘ the States and Territories except Alaska, Hawaii, and Po'rto Rico.
1‘ The total number of these institutions is 65, of which 63 maintain
E, courses of instruction in agriculture. The aggregate value of the
{ permanent funds and equipment of the land—grantcolleges and uni—
;l versities in 1906 is estimated to be as follows: Land-grant fund of 1862,
‘ $12,500,55829; other land-grant funds, $3,988,068.60; other perma-
, nent funds, $13,829,945.72; land grant of 1862 still unsold, $1,005,-
736.10; farms and grounds owned by the institutions, $7,873,237.68;
' buildings, $30,322,4570/1; apparatus, $2,132,339.88; machinery, $2,-
831,046.06; libraries, $2,819,614.26; live stock, $369,913.13; miscella—
' neous equipment, $3,222,469.12; total, $81,195,385.88. The income of
these institutions in 1906, exclusive of the funds received from the
, United States for agricultural experiment stations ($867,617.70) , was .
i as follows: Interest on land-grant funds of 1862, $758,753.34; inter-
; est on other land-grant funds, $106.185.1‘7; United States appropria-
. tion under act of 1890, $1,200,000; interest on endowment or regular
3 177

appropriation, $122,980.91; State appropriation for current expenses,
$1,308,150.31; State appropriations for buildings or for other special
purposes $3,088,917.32; income from endowment, other than Federal
or State grants, $677,138.21; tuition fees, $993,003.38; incidental fees,
$631,936.99; miscellaneous, $1,659,663.77; total, $13,516,759.16. The
value of the additions to the permanent endowment and equipment
of these institutions in 1906 is estimated as follows: Permanent
endowment, $1,215,081.73; buildings, $1,715,118.99; libraries, $152,~
963.23; apparatus, $227,310.63; machinery $131,800.20; live stock,
, $56,211.87; miscellaneous, $133,597.19; total, $3,965,119.81.
. The number of persons in the faculties of the colleges of agricul- 1 1
ture and mechanic arts was as follows: For preparatory classes, 180;
for collegiate and special classes. 2,151; total, counting none twice, ,
3,020. In the other departments the faculties aggregated 1,667,
making a grand total of 1,687 persons in the faculties of the land~
1 - grant institutions. '
The students in 1906 in the colleges for white persons were as fol-
lows: (1) By classes—preparatory, 5,890; collegiate, 22,823; short
course or special, 5,695; postgraduate, 517; other departments,
22,038; total, counting none twice, 56,919. (2) By courses: Four-
year—agriculture, 2,779; horticulture, 132; household economy, 926;
, mechanical engineering, 1351; civil engineering, 3,730; electrical
engineering. 3,166; mining engineering, 1,061; chemical engineering,
377; architecture, 281. Shorter than four years—agriculture, 3,883;
dairying, 720; horticulture, 161; veterinary science, 821; military
tactics, 17,372. ' 1
The students in colleges and schools for colored persons were as -‘.
. follows: (1) By classes—preparatory, 1,511; collegiate, 682; short
or special, 310; other departments, 1,016; total, 6,552. (2) By 1
courses—agriculture, 1,798; industrial courses for boys, 2,106; indus- 1
trial courses for girls, 1,120; military tactics, 1,798. "
The graduates in 1906 were 5,220, and since the organization of ‘
these institutions, 67,122. The average age of graduates in 1906 was i
22- years and 3 months. The total number of volumes in the libraries .
was 2,161,612. The total number of acres of land granted to the. i
States under the act of 1862 was 10,320,812, of which 798,053 are still i
. unsold. i:
Agricultural experiment stations are now in operation under the
act of Congress of March 2, 1887, in all the States and Territories,
and under special appropriation acts in Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto ,
Rico. 1
In Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Hawaii, Missouri, Ala- 4‘
bama, and Louisiana separate stations are maintained, wholly or
' f

in part, by State funds. A number of substations are also main-
tained in different States. Excluding the substations, the total num-
ber of stations in the United States is (30. Of these, 55 receive appro—
priations provided for by acts of Congress.

The total income of the stations maintained under the acts of 1887
and 1906 during 1906 was $2,017,492.12, of which $960,000 (Hatch
fund $720,000, Adams fund $240,000) was received from the National
Government, the remainder, $1,057,492.12, coming from the follow—
ing sources: State Governments, $709,902.05; individuals and com-
munities, $8,304.37; fees for analyses of fertilizers, $100,186.57; sales

. of farm products, $135,526.96; miscellaneous, $103,572.17. In addi—
tion to this the Office of Experiment Stations had an appropriation
, of $197,900 for the past fiscal year, including $18,000 for the Alaska
‘ experiment stations, $15,000 for the Hawaii Experiment Station,
$15,000 for the Porto Rico Experiment Station, $20,000 for nutrition
investigations, $74,200 for irrigation and drainage investigations, and
$5,000 for farmers’ institutes. The value of the additions to the
equipment of the stations in 1906 is estimated as follows; Buildings,
$169,875.50; libraries, $22,080.29; apparatus, $57,439.98; farm im-
plements,$2‘2,706.52; live stock, 5651,97 7.68; miscellaneous, $22,812.75;

total, $346,892.72. 5

The stations employ 950 persons in the work of administration and
inquiry. The number of officers engaged in the different lines of
work is as follows: Directors, 52; assistants and vice-directors, 17;
special agents in charge, 3; chemists, 171; agriculturists, 47; agrono-

‘; mists, 68; animal husbandmen, 7‘2; poultrylnen, 12; horticulturists,
, 101; farm and garden foremen, 31; dairymen, 4'5; botanists, 54;
I plant pathologists, 21; entomologists, 76; zoologists, 4; veterina— .
, rians, 36; animal pathologists, 3; meteorologists, 8; foresters, 9;
l mycologists, 5; biologists, 3; physicists, 5; geologists, 7; bacteri-
‘i ologists, 25; irrigation engineers, 13; in charge of substations, 26;
, secretaries and treasurers, 32; librarians, 14; clerks and stenogra-
l phers, 55. There are also 64 persons classified under the head of
“miscellaneous,” including superintendents of grounds and build—
? ings, gardeners, farm mechanics, laboratory assistants, etc. Four
3 hundred and thirty-four station officers do more or less teaching in
l the colleges with which the stations are connected. During the year
i the stations published 463 annual reports, bulletins, and circulars,
l which were supplied to over 7 58,000 addresses on the regular mailing
lists. A larger number of stations than formerly supplemented their
regular publications with more or less frequent issues of press bul-
letins and other special publications, and most of the stations report
i a large and constantly increasing correspondence with farmers, on a
‘5 Wide variety of topics.

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