xt7ghx15n565_162 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. April 1883-February 1884 text April 1883-February 1884 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_17/Folder_1/93490.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_162 xt7ghx15n565 gig)!” No' 9401 ‘ merican 1:“!th anti flitcmm Hamel),
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$53 § c . -- 7A

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 ' [7—763.]
, _ \ II
Washington, Q). C., W/&, 28813
Dear Sir: '
« I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your W
_QWW--., in answer to my request
and desire to express my cordial thanks for the same.
Yours truly, ‘
(77154—15 M.) . Speelal Agent.

 g7 ,. 4,7 L, /7{ z
, _ {.,I / / . .
/ V / mepartiimrtt oi the interior, _fi
, ’ CEN'Spf (EFFICE- . '..;
‘ ,5' ' opjlqr Boggnnss. —7
' ' \ Any person nail-g this urd‘w iivoid the payment “._.
a . o! postural. on “iv in mutter of iuiy kind ~' 7- .
c \ ' vsill be subjc to g'l'iii'c of three "'" .
‘, ._- 3. liuml ed dollars. ' _"
l ‘ L’ , . 7',L/ I: 7 _.‘:
@% é/ , fl

 E I . .'f‘ E’ . w, E i. L? .4 I
z ’_J / ( 37:7 ,E /, . ., _
E f A: -
. L' "' HUMMER" ? L' w' ”57' E L.R.BLACKMER. L.Wr POST
AT THE '-“/7:71,»:- mew— ..‘_\‘
- - - ' - 4.5%“? EEE”! " ' 3?; “E ‘ ;‘i EEHE'\,‘i-;_:\_\
emcee”: 18%- EE’ll't.".“. , E .’-z .,
‘3‘ e 775 all!» : L “ EEE EWEEEEEWE EE- _ “E EEE
»- “LI—w???“ . \'.'- ”alt" I E-E‘EE .E E : .nlEE“" ,
”a? NEE/”mm Tj‘i'tt 7 , E‘m'iiit'iiiiiiiii iii iiii'liiEE iEIEEiEEEEEE:
‘ ~i EEE/7” W” i »0 “iii a I ' 1‘ " E -' E ’ EEE EEEEEE
" ’ Vim ‘ it u . : ',:",E
‘ it it ' i» E e E I Ell NEE .lllll E El I l E l. EEEEEE
E 4' E971?" BEST “E” 7“ l ‘ , EEE w' l EEEEEEE
E a ‘Hii‘EiE ES; ':’ E . E “E E E IE“ I EEEEEEEEEE
2W, we. flgy 5 . E I' ll E El E . E E E El El El EEEEEE
‘~ ' RcJ-x fear, 7 c’ . E EEE
I _, r ‘b : . i E
\\:_C-4 G O . 1‘37 : E MEI '1 EEEEE'
- ‘ . , EEE‘EEEEE'
Having recently completed extensive improvements E . EEE EEE E ' EEEEEEEEEEEE
and additions to our Works, we have now the most com- IEE II E . ._ “EE‘EEEEEEE
plete establishment for the manufacture of Vltrlfieg’Sewer E . .4 EEEEEEEEEEE
Plpe and Culvert Plpe in the United States. Uniting the E u u. JEE . ;EEEEEEEEEE
advantages, of improved machinery, skilled labor and El . E EEE'EEEEEEE.

_ cheap material. we guarantee to our customers excel- . EE E ' ' EEEEEEEEE
lence of quality and minimum prices, while our un- E EEEi. E EE EE . E E EEEEEEE
equaled shipping facilities (our works being adjacent to . E u] I E'EEEEH‘
the Union Depot Co.’s tracks) enable us to handle orders . EE , I H II EEE]
with the greatest promptness, savlng to purchasers the , IE EE . El EEEEEE E
tedlous delays and expense of switching cars to and * EE E i EE E [EEE

. from the suburbs. 3"»';‘»‘-PE'L'E-‘iir,i\u$‘I’QDS’3-ND'
Offica, 325 Chestnut St. Factory, Summit Avenue and Pacific R. R. F A [TE RY.- Summit Avenue and Pacific R. R.

 ~ . i
s 'r A N D A R D O Q
J Jf‘ =2 «ILA-k " ,.i' I
’ LFILHJX'LE ) 25 ”w .:fi///rmn;
gal, ' ELAN 5 £2
m m . h
" a. "‘ . 7 . r: .'
5 E g 5 5 v r”; *5 . o 2
t; - e -,—_«, H ‘5 ._— Q 5: ° 3 E 3
E EJM-U-bn-‘ég mm: 77,-~51
.‘3 afi a? E’Q-EE 12 M: a .5 3: 0
n 3““6;$§55m §e u zdc :" 7
" U U7 ‘ ,5: .... “4 r: ‘ . V ‘~\

:3 51"“ E s g 3—2 2?; .2“ g 9: I \ L\.\ 7
'0 11 5 i 6 . u ‘0 ,.. .c F> , ,7 7 z -\\6 l.‘ “H ,_ ‘1 7': ~ 3 . "
i w_.v_.:_. ~ L112 3 _<_. d 5‘0 “Vise; k -O

Inch. Lbs. E — ““ 1%: ‘1" i' '=;
3 $ 15 $ 50 $ 60 $1 70 $ 90 $ 45 7 7 3200
4 20 60 80 2 10 1 ‘20 60 9 12 2000
5 25 75 1 00 2 50 1 50 75 12 19 2000
6 30 1 00 1 20 2 90 1 80 90 15 28 1600
'7 35 1 25 1 40 3 50 2 10 1 05 10 30 1300
S 40 1 50 1 60 4 00 2 40 1 ‘20 ‘23 50 1000 '
9 50 1 75 2 00 5 00 3 00 1 50 2B 64 800
10 60 2 10 2 40 6 00 3 60 1 80 33 78 730
12 75 2 75 3 oo 3 50 4 5o 2 25 40 113 600 O 5% A
14 90 3 25 3 so 5 4o 2 70 52 154 520 g 11111111“ mtg/_—
15 1 oo 3 75 400 6 00 3 00 57 177 420 —' c\ 7 g‘, ,, fl: 7“;ch A
16 1 20 425 480 720 3 (so 66 201 364 2%: “‘i l . 7} 1 .- 7' $532555}? _
$8 150 4 75 $00 9 00 4 50 3‘2 25: 392 figs—#7? ‘ ‘ i : 11‘ $5:
0 75 5 75 00 10 50 5 25 J. 31 5 éfg‘E’EEASE ‘ u 1 u - g5:
21 1 90 6 25 7 60 11 10 5 70 100 345 240 5*" ' ‘17 \_ ‘51 /
‘22 2 10 7 00 8 40 12 (30 (i 30 110 380 218 Wig/24’ .
‘24 2 50 8 00 10 00 15 00 7 50 130 452 150 A in]?
REFSizes above 12 inch not governed by the usual discounts.
Our Pipe received Fin! Premium, over all competitors, at
the late Exposition of Railway Appliances in Chicago, which is
well known as the most critical market in this country, and the
stronghold of the “Akron” Sewer Pipe. \Ve invite the atten- _.
tion of purchasers to the significance of this fact, and would say §
further, that our confidence in the quality of our pipe is such, imjbruumlfl‘l E W901i!" §\ 7
that on all car load orders we will, if desired, give prices de- 711%; %\\ “ ///:—_ \F‘
Iivered on track at destination, we assuming all risk of bI'cal'age $52 3:? \\i iiiiiflii///—: I “y ”if.
in transit. “'0 think this plan will commend itself to pur- 71‘ WI?» ‘7‘ "’ \\L// / @’4;&€0€ "
. Cl'lfli‘xCI‘S, as it enables them to calculate, with acmracy, the ."liq‘nlllll" ”Pays? “are“, ‘
actual cost of the pipe delivered at their nearest depot. ’"V’NBJV’ )

 - ,7. gal.) 7X7“, {7%, 7%??? a 75: W32
0.46671. K7676” ((7 f 7(( CQZ/[67/ / QM, 07% /L47 Q/p / 7/7, ;Z/fl4/Lfl‘f70 (1 X O(& 2% /§/,§5§ LEW

 : L. R. BLACKMER. ’1 L. w. POST.
‘ ry’ulmurilt — a ‘-
* scrim!“mmmmummm .11 '
i Sfififlfifivw‘ 3fJé§Ag£¥I§l¥EJQ§:E gi: :‘§E§%1Ee
1‘ Ii \...‘u UNI. ; Wt“ "if; :3;; TEfne’vF—LF :T:-Vim.» er? 2:.: ‘as-k LP; 2;; =2; $13 3:: ,_,
:5! Emit-MEBT‘ . ~ ' -
' ”J PlIP'Eiw ;asi’ii '
:l . .chAM
i?! 1 WHHIIWis ‘ * A
OF Fl C E, 325 CHESTNUT STREET. ivmuns‘umu “I mms. . l , , ‘3 V ‘
FACTORY, SUMMIT AVE 84 PAC. R. R. ‘ @2573/ CgéfllJ/—~n—ép~r——l}mml—SEQ—W/yy——n
“limitllsmes K, Pattersgaiifisq,rim President. '
Agricultural College of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.
On the back of this sheet, We show cOpies of a few of the
letters we have received from officials of Public Institutions, to
g” which we have furnished Sewer Pipe, and beg to suggest, that if you ,
contemplate improvements about your premises this season, in which
Sewer Pipe is required, you may find economy in dealing with us direct,
thereby saving the dealer’s or middle-man’s profit.
Our SeWer Pipe is vitrified and salt glazed; its reputation is
national and established as of superior quality, and our prices to all '
responsible purchasers are uniform and always as low as is consistent
with the return to us of a fair margin of profit. ‘
We are prepared to make prices, delivered at your nearest Rail-
road Station (for car loads only% we assuming all risk of breakage in
transit, and if favored with your orders, will endeavor to merit your
_ continued good will»
We enclose price-list which is subject to large discounts.
, Yours Respectfully,

 x ’> . ,) '1 i
St. Louis, Mo. . .
' Gentleman: Your favor of 1\Iarch Ellst is at hand. In my opinion it was good
economy for us to buy-our Sewer Pipe directly of you, with the agreement to pay so much
- per foot for it, delivered in good condition at Independence. No doubt you can get bctter
freight rates than local dealers and those who wish to use your pipe. The eight thousand
feet of vitrified socket pipe, purchased of you last year, was excellent in quality and is
giving us entire satisfaction. \Vith it we extended the main scwcr of this Institution to the
VVapsinicon River. I consider that your dealings with us have not only been just, but
even generous, therefore I will not hesitate to place in your hands another order for goods
vvligirgvei‘ we need anything in your line.
Very respectfully yours,
V GERSHOM _H. HILL, Superintendent.
H'. F. CARRIEL, M. D., Physician and Superintendent.
St. Louis, Mo.

Gentleman: Replying to yours of recent date, I will say it gives me pleasure
to state, that the 5,000 feet of pipe we purchased of you in 1885, and the pipe purchased
of you in former years, has given us cntirc and complete satisfactidn. In all our dealings
with your house, we have found your mode of doing business very satisfactory; I do not

" ' ‘ ' hesitate to recommend your firm to Public Institutions and individuals. - v ,

I think the pipe you manufacture is equal to the best in the market, and your prices

' to us have always been as low as the lowest.
Yours very truly,
H. F. CARRIEL, Snpm'intma’cnt.
» HORACE WARDNERl M. D., SuperinIendenI’.
BLACKMER 8: POST, ANNA, ILL., April 7, 1886.
St. Louis, Mo. ,
' , Gents: In reply to your letter of the Slst ult., we have found your Sewer Pipe
. satisfactory and economical, and have always found you fair and honorable in business
transactions; and I can unhesitatingly recommend your pipe as excellent, and your firm
as reliable, as my experience justifies this statement. ‘
Very truly, ,
H. VVARDNER, Superintendent.
GEO. T. FAIRCHILD, President.
BLACKMER & POST, ‘ MANHATTAN, KAs., April 3, 1886. 1
325 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, lVIo.

Dear Sirs: Answering yours of the 30th ult., I have to say, that we were
satisfied with the pipe purchased of you last fall, and of the economy from dealing directly
with yourselves. Our car-load came through almost absolutely free from breakage.

The only slip was from a charge of local rates per 100 lbs.'up0n the fire brick sent
with the pipe, of which I had not thought when ordering.

Yours truly, ,;, -
GEO. T. FAIR’CI—IILD, President.
' 1'

 @/ %¢fiz¢/[Z¢Z/ @Q? , /fa° 3
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n/mwa @mmmm’flifmw
Sanford’s Inks, ‘ @011th Of @ . c . p d 162 a @@ c
Sanford’s Mucflage, . . .
- 3111:3305: Sealing Wax, $Eai1oeeefiPemEees and Bmdees,
Perforated ’Gxum Labels, MHNUWGWRHRS 0F BHHNK BGGKS 0H EVERY Dfiscmpmx,
ThOIrlP-WI’S Binder, 28 West; Benet-h 109139992,
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