xt7ghx15n565_174 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. October-December 1887 text October-December 1887 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_18/Folder_6/91236.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_174 xt7ghx15n565 53c l’i‘l/Tr-gfl‘Oll/ - all 4 @O7Lc-é '4/ l8 3?
::mfil 91%W_ “W goal
’ (Gk ‘ LflEKSMllthGI/gj) 90 géjgé‘g fiéfilgfig CDZ'
@Asnaj (,1 C®DEALER Ier.
BellHang‘ing.“ _
, l 323333133?" () And JILL KINDS 0F.,,/1.111.111!Kiri/T101“ ..//.':\",/) b‘PU/fi’l’l. 1w; .:1; A/ TERA/L. ,
’ WQgQ/E . ElEl West Main 311133311253 Emadway.
5Q gag/K W%A/ /? A0
~ . M; 6/ ~ 9%

 4 5‘7 ~ .4.-r“) 4 C ex ' .
§ _

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 sex $21 '8 *7
neffin 915% fly aw?
JUS- BROW ’ v T; L :_W \ ELL; 23‘; 51; fgg 21;; h
’ lfiuxsmnnmt \6) ~50 fiQQQE ELQQEB “1):.
@gflflfi‘fiég ' And .HLL KINDS OF AM»mwx'r/(LA' .r’lf‘lj) Min/arr. 1w; .1114 779/{1.4 L.
filgggué/fl [3E5 'W’est Mani Street, Near Brnadefl
_,___~—-—’——:__—_:_* M:_::I::_.i_.fl_________' '__'._' :__—5‘2: _._‘ _.‘“ '_ “"“ \
‘8 9% a/\/ /? g) ;/ A)
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he @@mb1H@EI@Q .,, as «3ashine @a.
NEW YORK, October 25th, 1887.
\Ve intend to make our new store, No. 163 MAIDEN LANE,
, and offer the public not only our latest and most improved Gas Machines, for ,
making illuminating and fuel gas, but also a great variety of gas apparatus, designed
to meet the daily wants of families, hotels, mills, factories, &c., &c. \Ne have
constantly on hand a full supply of gas pipe, fittings, valves and cocks, for gas,
steam and water; burners of all kinds, adapted to carbureted air gas; labor—
atory-burners (our patent), producing a perfect non—luminous flame; improved
tinners’ fire pots for heating soldering irons~—our own make—durable, economi-
cal and cheap; cooking stoves of most approved designs; radial burners for
domestic 'use; instantaneous'water heaters, for baths, offices, &c.; also, our '7
Combination Gas Heating Stove—a poifcd lmzz‘or—just the thing for the nur-
sery, bedroom. bathroom. &c. This stove has been made with special care, and
- ‘is recommended as the best cylinder stove ever offered. It is handsomely
finished. and moderate in price. T/Vo fmvzz's/z Z/zoso goods, also, for use wit/L (on!
gas. Send for our circular, “ List No. 19,” for more detailed information.
\Ve also desire to call your attention to our 045016726 Dopan‘mem‘. \Ve
handle only the best quality, and have facilities for shipping promptly in small
and large quantities. ‘We know, from our intimate knowledge of gas machines,
exactly what is needed to produce the best results, and our patrons can have
full confidence that we will faithfully serve their true interests.
We solicit your orders for anything in our line, and guarantee satisfaction
in quality and price. i
_ Very respectfully,
JOHN S. LEVIS, (Home Office, Detroit, Mich.)
Manager New York Branch.

 > .
@111 13 113 MERWKN @/ /
”83‘ Manufacturing -:- Stationerr -:- and -:- Printerfi~

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21219 Irxlentiu'e nwrle fizis EJUTi: da.I oi‘fketcfiwir 159oT, ,
by Sid boiwoon L Horn and his wife Francis M Herr, of Fayc‘tef
Cozujiy' SI.&1£: oi‘léerIiuIfliy, Ifiarth oi‘ the j‘irsi payfi, arr} the 3
Agriculiural and Mechanical Coliege or Kenfwcky, & Coryoratiox
Iniie:*iiio laWS of the State IM”1 4 A I
’thr.’izzqtmz, Kain, I /() 1‘ I ___Z/ 6 V_ , 13%
£715.47]? SIC/(x ’[lzv fan's m: i'lzv _‘blh‘icvfng dynv’fihxi .1!;:;i_'}'1' the flux
1 AW}, arr m‘w Liz/r asflu'In-rc's:
W DESC‘IKII’TIUN. I Sex-tion. I Town. I Range. II Amount.
,, ,, _ , , 7 V , , _,,,,,_I ,,,, ,,,> ,,,,4,_,
W7” 74;; I7“ I I ‘
Zflw/Y23/6 gages;
I I 'I I -
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"Lilli: Z;§,;1L;;L';;Lff :14. .. : 1L. . . .- .. ”7.1. f .. ,I, . . .. . I. . . . .....
@“ Compare Um) Ilexm'zjitzr)n, YEN]! your ]7(I]J(’l‘.s‘ and be mm: It we uni-2w! A
I 6
[Britain (luduutml (fpm'd before 1)¢2w0211bar‘301h . . . .. . , . . . .. A . . . . .. . . . l . .‘ . . . .. . . . . .
’l'otr/L'mm:(Ina........................4................... .....IWZ. ..
Uzn' rcnmnu'sxim; for attending to payment. . . . .. . . c. . . .. . . .. ,. . . ..... .I . . . . . . . .. \¢ . .0
' I_—_.
Tum!Imzounttobaremitted..........................‘..........I ”“226 .é...
Oil z’ra'fy'vt (fin/15c}: .zmumn‘, by Kim]? (’1’ rvgiséurud Suffer Wu 2051'" (w
m'mswi to your saiv' far Ni"; ‘brward TUI’ "r’u’ 1'va‘5V‘ orn'vef’r Fe? :n ' r‘u
‘, 1.>l...,...l' ,V . .. ‘P‘} ”l‘.‘ ling.
,Xumzl’j‘i’unz _wzz 3;: our jinn; 1w aw jun/rs. T'("i’_1’ {rufju
' waJ’VE 37‘ A’EI‘J'K
97. _‘I,:::O-w;:rrs wi’f 7112151? 51';in Pi‘fd‘e‘ aim" farms {"- f/zt’j' n‘vsiz'c fn 5m? {huff Hand,

 (Telephone 413.) .
Office of
. No.5 eheapude,
J.K.Patterson Esq.
Prcs’t A d M College City.

. Yours without date is at
hand and I replythat your answer is evidently with a misconception of
the FACTS.

Your plumber ( er same one else ) has misled you. Our
valves are in perfect order and the only reason the plumber could not
shut off your line was because your valve (not ours ) had been broken
by your plumber.

We can of course cut the water off to enable you to repair the
valve but in so doing we would be compelled to out other parties eff
also and leave them temporarily without fire protection. This we will

. do if necessary but it will require a previous notice to the fire de-
partment and special precautions to guard against risks.

E This answer is not made with any design of proveking or con-
tinuing our correspondence unneccessarily, We will aid you to the pfifli‘
best of our abilitiesin making any necessary repairs but we naturally
object to being held respensible fer the mistakes of other parties.E

- Very respectiully.
j: a! C24: (LU/“44¢ Supd’ t .

 ,7%T:‘:-:?;::j:::’ . 723::"7'72‘11 . WM. WILLIAMSON‘S Esnn. J. R. WILLIAMSON

€;§::*7:§::::::’: 547-1411? 7”: " W 7 4'25 455;}

{2;}:Tgigific 1*: ,_ ::7:2:,1g:%€3éf T: .15: {1?
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Ififizlnfl T: :T:_ I I —:::~’:" I .»j 4,
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1‘I1II1FFI 1 Him: 1. ..r , .— 1 . 1 ,,,=,...,,. , .
[211‘1;\O._~, wwdtfllun-ulmli‘: —~--,-!; I‘.,‘-.§;‘,§?;§,§§x‘fl If." :1 I
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”L . 3,‘ fggfiw, ;~—~_;., 1. a 1.11:,“ CONTRACTORS A - BUILDERS.
F4 'i "I. 1: $5 ";‘In "v ' 5. ’17“??? #7121129"? ‘11 ‘ ...1 3‘11“ t“-" '- 32,5, 9553533?- ‘ 1 "‘-‘",‘MM v
:13H141I1’:3§5?}§$1'“ £4.45, ‘11:;ch 1 f: ':i“,:111 H‘sfl‘lifi‘5“ ..‘“ .“_ ‘ W,” M W
1‘ up 15311131!” :.etm’u» ‘1 :ifl‘w 'Ii "iii-II“ , "it ‘51“??? " ‘ Ta P t° {Th ’
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IN §ns‘€n\'i;:::f *A-fiI fis‘i“&3)'yl ; -I>__J;_.E III, ”’39) “3:, 11:1, 33":1 i *1 s e S 1’]. C a n 1 r]. b 1 -
In I; I-‘,;,:;,'I-1I 22:1,3~:‘=:"?"§~;A 'I 1r 1w- ‘ nan: ;-' 33' :ii .- I‘Ii' ' ‘ '

.7114” I..“ ;I - 7 J . ,,,_.<- . ,I,I1I _ - ,I_,,I, . . . . .. . V 1
I;;E'gfiftrfiffizI’i"¥‘“n:mal (SE—Ty; ' »A'E’H-lficf‘j‘: \Ium1fnL-[urursoffimh, Ihmrs, Blinds, I-lunrmfz. ('cxlmg, .\Imx‘.dm::. Munich, 11 mmus, Bcv: Hives
rag-r ‘5“‘11"..:a» - i ""- "' _, .m-II,ingéaj'jrIi-ji.:.2:~,(#5.; . .. I, ' AND WEATHEREOARDING.
’_gif‘XT‘I—T'Lfifi‘figgggég "* .-::‘::=“:‘=£§—£:=~r= .—;t501hcu \\‘ \ :lrd 1'22 6; 1:31 \\ . Mum hr. thrrmzh [0 \\ mm 5!. Hum”; .‘hll 1‘ tummy on \\ alert:

/ ’7

4 a I _.__.._.__H._._.____~___~__.*“.___..__~__.~__.——._—.___,_____..
I ' f
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 é! ;I-I I I I? 7 I -
. I3??? I“

 ‘ 2,3,3;:,,v:;:;.*;fi75§§;;77}f;—;;:;~-l7- _ William \\'illinmsnn’s Esme .jv‘rflT E R M S CASH .1::-_c. J. R. \\'illi:uns.m
91%”: , / / {4W
1'»! 2:39.A_7\!95!___i"~3_ EW.—"L JED Kilian-”1H . fidficlmgfifiwnmL-fir B 0:11: ghf 01f “r I L LII:A NI S() ,,, 7 BR 0 g 3
”"‘1‘“ ‘WILLIAMSONVaV BRO-.El ,7: :.-..- ‘.‘Iii-i _ llilwmmt’afioffib5.92.9? e.— e c.» ..'“ w u . .- 7. its: :‘..- ._ ..~... , :7:: -
will :[ijL'BEIQ”YAJRLD'Y -1 gfgdfigifi 8": ~——_ _4 7 1,01an magnum“. . gyniffl
ill its“ ' “Gil-:.Esi‘ehsmoqwig'rk' [ fl??? , “9e-.,-i.. W ‘*‘—w1l'i'lx‘i’m‘é3fl'é‘1‘éfl'fllf : '1.7.112”<' C O N T R A CT 0 p S A N D B U I L. D E R S .
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51",4l‘g—‘3glg; ‘E$;3'§ i .:1-”Q,” "j’nlfill fixy‘fiigfifll‘flg“ SE.“ Mnnufnclnrcrs (.l'th, Doom, Blinds, Flooring, Ceiling. Mouldings, Mantels, Frames, Bee Hives.
lily—“:5 ”l l @Lfi l p ; ...... mmmnaomnme-
..1 Hailfiuf” '..-7"": M ‘ ..' “'::." ’ 1 . , ’"”'—‘:’3‘..'T.é»w; --: . . .
Egggfie‘tggghlc” *3:, Wholesale and Retail Dealers m Lumber and Shingles.
é%2%§éif£%£§¢§fig:?jiég ()ll‘u-onnd Yard 122 and I‘ll W. Main St., through to Walter S! Planing Mill fronting on Water St.
-<»,_—:-?,Telephone 110m§u> ‘
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Successors to DAVID C. FROST & CO..
V —Wholcsal(‘ and Retail Dealers in—=
(@mefl alum (Qwsaag, mafiimg, Sgacag amcfifil IF©©€§1
Coal Yard and ‘Varelmuse —~Nos. 214, 16 d: 18 W. Short and W. Main St. Office—No. 4 West Short St-
,. w ,, W ,2: . 2%,? ,, ,. , .4 IV .fi‘arw ,H,' w ,. 7 ._ _. 7 ,. .3,_ \, ; v: ’ -..::., , I: A -: ; ,:—_.:., _,V,,,‘. ,
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