xt7ghx15n565_195 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. undated text undated 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_21/Folder_2/2216.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_195 xt7ghx15n565 Formm. PupyIMk. 3-23—88—2531. L. F/‘jV
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... . ::- .- Kentumky nglculturPE-Ll Experlment Statmn,
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Off‘cer~:. Board Of Control.
w. B. KINKEAI’).
M. A. SCOVELL, Director. 1:. J. SPURR.
ROBERT PETER, Prof. of Chemistry. PHILIP BIRD.
A.R.CRANDALL, H -- Botany. R.A.51)L"Rn. .
A. T. PARKER. Microscoplst. Y‘snlfllf‘fiegl‘ggox
A. M. PETER. Assistant Chemist. M. A. SCOVELL.
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@uflaun gfifiurauce warlluratluu {EH l5 unit-is) mganimtion of the company consists of a. governor,
Q Q: ' . 5‘51: deputy governor, and a court of twenty-four directors. The
,.c____.u-__*_ V governor to hold the office is. required to be the owner of '
92% c“, , fi‘l $0.000 of the company’s stock; the deputy governor 57,500, and
fiafigfizfigg each director $5.0m. The owner of 52,500 of its stock is entitled
‘e ’ " H , to one vote, $5,00o two votes, 5154100 three votes, 82‘;,ooo {our ‘
__—’ 7—7 ” votes, and so on, each $5,000 giving him an additional vote. l
0.9 H E London Assurance Corporation is the oldest organization ‘ E3911 departmcnt ”f ““5 business i5 kept entirely separate and dis-
5 of its kind doing business in this country, and the oldest, with tinct, oven the investments are made and held Lllstlnct in the differ-
two exceptions, in the world. It was, under the authority of 1 on. departments at i'lI‘C, marine and life insurance. Each branch
the Act of Parliament, 6 (3:0. I, Cap. xviii. on junc 22’ 1720’ in- I r1fl)iisti1t‘,~:s {Liv} hears its own eizpcnses, instcart of being charged in i
: corporaicd by royai Chm-Lu- from His Majesty King George the 13 oiic Scncrai account. the capital stock of the corporation is l‘
I First for the assurance of ships, goods and inercliandiscs at sea or 543451175"): one-half, "1' 323417375 “l Wine“ 15 paid in cash, and il
ll going to sea. By anotiier royal charter, dated April 29’ [721’ the . the lJ'JJ‘JJICt: at the call of the court 01 directors. The gross funds, ..
i, London Assurance oi Houses and Deeds from hire was einpmv'cred 1. li)’ ”mm“: ’1‘“; "{ Doccmhcr 3”" 1379,were515,886,110. Ofthis j
to grant assurances upon lives, and also against casualties or :icci- ‘ 952740795 1‘31”“‘55 1° ”1’3 “(0 ‘hiiffinmmi 56197075 ‘0 th" marine, l
dent; by fire. Subsequent Acts of Parliament {or the regulation at ; 11"": Ll“ balance, 55:52""2’37: is H'C amount available for the pay- ‘
the attairs of thcsc corporations were passed from time to time; and l ‘ "“7” "f tire 105505! should “”511 3” ”1“”‘llloui‘ 51”“ ever he required, I
l by the Act of 16 \Vic. Cap. i., the two chartered corporations were i l‘ which is; not at all probable or even prosumnblc, as the corporation ! “J
consohdatcd into one stock company. . i does comparatively a Vcry small business, and that in the most con- l
> ’ Thus. 10‘. over a century and a halt, this veteran association has 1 servativc manner. Conservatism, in tact, sccins always to have been l
furnished absolute indemnity to the army of policy-holders who l ‘ “5‘ guiding ”4‘”? The fire premium lm‘flmc tor 1879 amounted to 1’
‘ wisely trusted it to protect their property from tire and their wives i ‘ 31:09:57.1! “I'M ”13,1155“ “'0” O‘HY 9505:9530: 01‘ 3110111 53.1)cr 05m- l
1 and children from poverty. It has without interruption through l of the pl'cllllllllt‘u the entire cxpcnsc o1 management, including .
i these one hundred and sixty years carried on the, busincgs for which I commissions paid, looted up p529,435, or a little more than 31 per
‘ it was organized, and laida foundation and huilded nstructure that {.1 1 cent. The par value oi the shares is £25, on which £12k; is paid”
is as enduring as the eternal hills. It is no wonder, however, that l: and the market pricc 15 1500 P“ share, "r 550 P“ cont. /
L the corporation should have been managed with great care from the i r There. can be no question that a” a sound, ““9”” and well man
ll start, when we consider that for the privileges granted it by royal ; 'l aged compeny, the London Assurance Lorpomtion ‘5 the equal '
ii charter it was required to pay into the exchequer of the Crown the i ll any institution .01 11'”: knld 1“ the ‘Vé‘il‘l- ‘ j
1“ sum of $1,500,000 within ten months from the date of its organiza- l l; It began husniess ”l we UHMCd btatcsrm 1872’ and on Jan. I
l} tion, and that a default of thirty days in the payment of this money i H 188‘: 119'"1'355F:L”"“ ”“5 country amounting ‘0 '51728-7150?'787
l involved the forfeiture of its charter. How many insurance com- i l the total liabllmcs were only 5441’505'67’ “final 9?“ It a '
l panies of our time could or would pay such a consideration for the M él‘l‘il_iil°5 Ci 5845199741: or the 3558“ over 0116 Mllllon D0111 ’,.
if privileges granted under their charters? Another peculiarity in its i h m U' 5' government nonds. '
ii charter, which differs from any similar organization) is in reference ‘ ii
’i to its capital stock. I i
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f 3‘
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56:55 [555555w5 _______

5 69 MIQWFIARQ & 171336286 ,9 g».
[Successors to DAVID C. FROST & CO.]
[MA 5 »U/ M >//L5:6/m 402/52/ «7.75; 5:” J 755-:

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‘ MILWARD'B: co. . '
§ DEALERS In" - %W7Zlflfij @@h)_~ ‘____A /d*&’
W'RNHkafig , _y L . '
‘ vPI—IOLSTERT, “QA/ (‘/ <1? Fl/ 1
Baby Carriages, Pictures, |M0uldings, hc' § '_J _ ‘
w L Eought ILWAaD fig cg.»
LEXINGTOI‘LKENTUCKY‘ , . l ' . . . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
‘ s. I‘nallitsm‘wlches § FURNITURE COFFINS &C
h PRQMPTLY AT'fE’NDED TO- " ' . - L '
. mm ”3 »' «;éflPIANOS AND ORGANSfigsg
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' f" 72; 2:22:33 STEAM J-OB PRINTERS 313:: I;
“(9 0‘0, l300fi‘13inders and 131anfi 13009 Manufacturers,
3% 0333315931358 2% NO. 51 EAST MAIN STREET.
wafldm—‘Mém '9‘»: if Wiijflh 7' fl 7 i mm 77_::‘;M_——_
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