xt7ghx15n565_216 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Unveiling of the James K. Patterson Statue text Unveiling of the James K. Patterson Statue 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_23/Folder_5/6646.pdf Jun-34 section false xt7ghx15n565_216 xt7ghx15n565 M74943;
in #7

 @1312 Alumni Azauziatiun
university of fientutkg
will rummemurate the 100th annihersaty
of the birth of
jjmuea 33321me flattersmt
Satuthagdflartly 25
Zliafagcttc Zfiiutcl
fiexingtun, Zflieututkg
1833 7 13. at. 15:33

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iii-mocha: Marina 21113 fieldetug 1“ 3mm an’ wrong, 3.5:: .‘.zsoé‘;"u»;'.en';..1e '
555.1595; ..:: ‘...z; Aux-Leill‘tj‘ emf with, and Five: 352331.! on n imam-.7 wt": Misfit-‘41“
5.;:‘a‘il;.,2r'fi2‘t .E.? 3.3.}. res-:3 ‘r z}. 3:95.: 22:" '4. an. e»: .‘.isE's» my :rr-Eusim’ 1 nine-w all.
13%"; ». ' '»“!t4"=".l?‘z:, is, 1‘9in .55 f’i‘ific : -x“ 37' .‘. :...-VH‘r: E..-i»? Mi: ‘:.zm’r" "let-58“.:ifl
em 't-r' enlmato‘x .:T~.xs’.s.' .’123 ' Tamer-33.3)" :2» L12 .4: E73‘?;"‘s-»3.-;. and, filli':}“‘{r,l :3:-zu—
Lszenr. ,:- 1+; on. renuersor. a
rifle. ,mm; niri tz-ii'.21£t‘-;ln ':.‘EL’.':‘£L‘3L42‘£ wee enigiltreti 3»_;_' 57*; 'stew- 1‘:2:’e.v,22:_jj_=\i;,
263’s animation. Woe ;_.;1mi=°;;er-: 1):; has; ”my“ it)” Hie rm? where-ti 3:); ‘53
lQVfis/Q.‘ cams. »sm fieséut'inve -" L ’5 ...;.r,;<:.>u;;;, :m. 2,2; W=-}:"ifi wt. Ly E in
5:53.11. («PE ..‘-3 . li- ‘IslfélflSH i‘iit'f...’ :‘E Yz‘ze'flttsu’a'iz‘” 3'2”}. :3 '.a‘t' 2.3.5: .'.“;-
. Liza: 1min? visit. W 951 .E..»es :1. '.'-v1.3 ..g a.» .t..-sunfish
. I
,‘ up... xii-Egg 7".£:»‘.~.'er13 1:») 202'z"i:-is:.«3'tl. zit; wig! - w.‘.l‘.-t:l':'ifi.m, H.. Li?
- - - - .4; '..E...,...,_';.._. .".-, .v .» r... ..~,,
. €213“: :..252'2.' x 5.13.335- ,‘"L)1fl‘=‘£- 3.1"- i‘fii‘e; £133..” 232‘:» L. .(7 u :.'3‘ was Lib
‘ _ . l
in:e_?«.b.;.’;,.-3,i3}3:2sz ninety 46 ':.3'...‘ -.».fr...-..:..zumou1E7.” ->" 1:121; lefty. l
._ . .,, ,» . ~ . ll
. ‘2‘ _ ., . ,. ._ . . ,. .. ,1... . .. . . 01., 5
NJ, 5...?! 13"," as :l‘gflm, 129“" s'):r§’¥&‘é§"‘l' ttbzt‘r‘l'rhfil’l, i". _Jfilzfiszfifia :Htlut‘.)
7 . . 2 ~,. .. .-. ..~, .,. >. v ,. . :9. ..s. _ ..,: .- ‘
;vs'inter. ”unisex; 4:2 6‘1 ms». «two? m1» 7:.-c arr»! wan» denim turn: a. fatally ‘
' " » ~ . .s :.. ‘ , . ., t . ., ,6 ‘ 74‘ a , ",
of 53.9.8511 ::s;:il=:lr‘rm. the slime» amass hmmeeel; urxpplmlc ~..er m: is.“
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 . . ~ --' 'AVV":
{1 . . \“ .‘_ \ , 4 . . . ‘ 2f
- .‘ \ 222- .-.., .I,..",‘_‘ ‘,. ‘ .2). .
mHl'eaas -i‘ -» .2. a ,- .2 dzfiyr‘avéai an; 22.2.! 25:22:11,711“. , 2.:: whims! 1.2.x
." > 2 2 2 2 . ». ~ -~ . - 2 v ‘ “a“ 1
j . . 2;; ‘2 -n;~'.h&rr2:.i.,§ .rxrz‘2.-v-.;“-;, fizgggwxa. y.. 222222-22 .2, 2.222223.
2" ” *
2322‘. M2 :2“ 3 :. an}; n wwai’fii in“ v2. 1.22:3»: 2:2,» '22; awai’cgise-l flying“ ivy
.* grand”: 1:: 1292-92.222, in pay 2's 52222222222222 ‘trééaixtw “5‘.fo 2:21-22 ;3;w9\‘t v'mwdmu;
:92‘ 2.3.22; frguvssarsltgz’.
4nfxsiu»_m:2§:a. 21:52:23“ 22.3.1, am} .:‘-22° the ir-zvivg; :2,-41?:- :?>2'~ :‘iemzi. 422.030
27222.2;Linnc22 2 '22E33‘t'21 1:! may: ".1! '1:..sz 3:22.21;.:'¥:z.m'm 2.224, 2:222:21» 2221-2 22222.22: 2223-
Saii'ikfiesi 2m. '.'-2:,‘222'1222, E'assw.
.‘%’Jimé r 1232:: 25222-2: 9233.21r542 32:22:92: 2212223721.” Rivas $222 was
‘2 , ,, ms: ‘2 . 2 ~ x '-. .,. - .,. ~§.- .‘.-r .. ‘3
ivw'a J.“ _: ..‘» 9A1" ._.2.:_2w,w {its "5 ""‘ :.. 222223230529», MW?! ‘26}; 213212.243,” : '.‘:iu-zg‘v'u ”.::‘TII‘.
‘_y‘. 2» ' 7 . '7 ,. .,, - , 7. '\ “ {.2 ‘ ‘ '5 ~ » 4 .. ‘ . '..- : _"- "
‘Le’flwnuyfl :.2-zrfif'5,.=.‘- a x.-&..22Lef‘.2£5 I‘ITN 9.3:" :tath’g’, 33.2 ..szmz‘lit‘ffivmsla
smug 1232.; .'2»:;~.é.22.l3.’+‘,;; «3.3227? '22 :2???» 5232:? "$2221, 5:372??? ‘23 22 pw.32.=.:i aw": i222 12.3641”
"X3123;- E‘Ki‘,“ 27‘ '13 \ag“ ,‘ 22". g; 5. _;vfl 1 , ,2~. ._1 . 1")"- . __ .. ..2- 5 ~ .._). , {7 t ...1
2. 2.2.0-... ...2..“. ,2 :23 1‘ 381...»: . .:2, ...2- mi 92.212223. ~z‘~v.;xzz- 2 .M;.
2.322212" - ’ ‘22.:7’.§.:*‘2:, in??? «f' 'E‘ilxa. I r 5" :; 1..“222‘22 an 12.222124 “'et22z‘igzri
4m: vs" 12:212-23321‘2 '22:.23’2.‘ 2’1‘2.’ Tnlvarflibg 3 L22: £7.1- 9.:‘2,:2.r:- 22:23 2222;.2-2rvnl x2222».
22232217. . .2 522.259.222 (2:51 ‘2 232-391-3232;.
“L’s: ',‘t‘tmu 22:."21‘2 *‘zs;_‘..21fi'3:132 im.:‘gzau2 'vmra inkrgfr'eycé 3.;2' ' :.mt'!‘ 1‘22r\?i,2'.:r"5=t,
it's :firmdm-mia W223 g.;1§&21€xzr«: 22': 192:: “3722*? 32:1” 71:22'22122 2w? ‘.mimrefl, 32:; .'HJ
1232223222. :.zanes. .322) f“2:'.‘-:.3u7‘.'i,n:“;‘; 1" L ’23 5229252222122; E22112; worn 23.25., “pgr :15 I
' 5?:111. .253 1.3 . i222 'sirelnss 23:22.21: ._.. :2 f.r22.2":-wva“2 n .
I earth-1m»; industry ml emotwel eemw 0: my mother do-
;mixuiod tine Pegabx'inéln; 931‘ use I‘mcufllgra a ~°
”.35; monitor it walnuts mi: simply {I} keep her may
55:? resum'mble "mt as e 2,2...“ jaw is; name ?xet‘tar one:
«'3'» her neighbor“ 'I’he making, and the :smxnlita.;;. the o akin;
“:5 and the dairy mark, the mealtime, and the ironing, the
‘55; summation of am}: «131" the I'Mfl work, all i‘oll m Mar 10%}.
55. For week-a ex; ea. {21% :2. 21.332, buoy wee/me of the your aha
g}; was up mull newly.» ezmtahlng a few 32mm nf‘ sleep when:
5 who owl-3. .'.?ho rarely marmosets} the NW tmt i know
5 tho amok; erten Feoi at having left 'lmr min Mannie house
25 in Alexa-maria. ’ . :cmjm'ity of we finalmbitmzts were»
”5%: 1.35.15: illiterate. - o my father meld 3;” am; enjoy Mama
é}; and late} 2'. whiz" Filbert @1352? at £52653. 32:11: tin-’5': aim. we: 2mg!
33w fell; the inclination, wf'7.i-:’1}'t one and not, the. rwmsi of
hweemlzfi mules would ’rm-e :xmwmte'? ‘eer. ‘4»: mined
tire «warm-310mb“, of (emotion, folk. who missed the vil-
35 19.38 ”Air-k. 13m. she never e'exwlaizwd.“ ‘
'1. mad am. maid the :wiwtlma was! flea-..hla'ééE-‘xn u: km wilderness, Paar 5
. Infim sponge. her ehflrlron and her Cod. "mm the mom: to the
river of Mr them-wt.“
.flrcu‘n 1333-35 to 1334:} not new of her five eons mm 13735111 a tactical»
2am“, the nearest; mo too for any war“. were was re: examine 223mg to
pay even éai-ae: 1% rat“ at“ nation emu'goaiu
that. unys he.
“hi3: Mather ougsplemntmi {fin-o lack ei’ schools by her
we mtivitieo. slim {Magi-it the older «we to road the .33-
.;Zorlgmems. to lost)"; the Shorter '.':u tonMam, and to '..W i

 / ,
' I
_ -15-n
rim 33w: fitment minim or that Psalms."
53.1.0 Jaime lad of thirteen» who Ira-.2 waver 21mm within a 913mm}.-
, teem-o a); 32.9: year-.3, 13;: (marry an; E‘mxblo birth at (rpm oppressed. amass
‘1," ‘ ma alike- ‘uy 22m ir;ttaa:ni:;ar:.la;~ canaraigé and ”has amnitma shire: for Emu»-
: 1mi,_.m
: ”the artpalml 113th the fi.f"7r:'38:‘3, weanling in lawn - "arm warmly
Wm with mantra."
1;; .- at. tent away and mrnic spirit; mm- fix“. golf-pity. m: magmas. ,
rm raglan»;- ?
its» ”was ::hllosmiimr rams ..:-tum Me mime batty as in. stepping stone,
, inter-e was. any; tits biamgatmr -
. ".:’. warps“, w r4: .. a ;."-, "...1 in.
, L r auflaznwmzsass. & e.» law“. .933“ we; w“
would any, _mfitisz, .72; a i‘é‘aetar-3:11:newly, ‘mm u archi—
’ tum; 9? .:g,’ furtwws. ' "
.1 m a Little Star} “Lea Elimimi Lita wagon to a afew“. Mast 1‘1‘t1'..‘:j.iged "they own tenor 0%.“ 3533 my" I; :1; the
A, ward thorny stats-ms is iifiemllgf sabli‘e by that, Lirfiwnfrii-1‘“ttifi=3ii; with. :2
. “mam-r emu. ”€422 warming; and domain in Esfm amplrz‘mg soul giant-me tam
h:~i,;g2rt. mama‘s 5;;-‘.‘ Eitmfl'a Matted m
I “iswnvlaaa aspiring
, Camels“ mmwm
‘ Thickness or sunshine
'; IE2}; «alwtm‘fi.
Glorious: rmmtnln
but my 3199.14: 1‘30
‘ Frank. changaml. «mm with 1'
‘ , mum-at, 111m Exams."
“(its .310 friars} 7!. .73. unit}! says «if him - '
"$219 ruwuml ‘m. ehramlalink; masts. Emmott «Raw;
with the keen. man-t. at” a Mom-Emma! annulled mama
‘ a3 a aimu’n-arz‘! his flanks." ‘
i . {2:1

' 1
Eiis father'a "‘01,; he.” Bible: and a volwm on "Intr'ndzzw‘uion 1:0 mm.
:.Ecianoms" apparan’tly Um? unity ”200253 03:. him irliésfi‘fl. 3:0 road "haul trogfizmingg
(( tar and, again um 835351131. ‘:mtil ull Liz-W22 {3:32.114 umflnfilutd I I‘.-ail Lame 1533,! mm."
Far‘sgumwly, JAM—.115: ;.~w;_:ra:;. am 3 1151;335:3513“ mu}: 1: library, 'ijngfixt an
» : aljvalsxin:, mm: 'm $9923.52: «:9 {_gexaeaermzaly gave the. Enmgry student 2mm: accents.
26?wa the :i.e1§,;?ma:l 1nd. rewllad in i‘urégasmx's fiat-nan Jé‘x‘cagga».zblir.:, Edna's; 11115.;-
, 1: land, .‘.-Janis}: .'.'easw‘mrim, :‘npe, 11111713631 ma} Plutm'ca'iz’a Livas. and, suyg he -
V if; ":wazmwhila levied upon 512.392“ yea-5mm in Lima miggbor- L
_ 22mm} ma 1mg: gamed to rum: any books 3.“; bum-i. E mmmalmr 02100
if Marin; m3 2;. «29333: n" Sicilian molesxt iiia‘tmry, tmmd by a swan
\ mum Fa}: Dagger, who 111mg mm: swims away. inking; zany i‘athar's
harms, 31 vz‘sae m barrow it, :1»..in to anz to 27m; chagrin ‘.'}aat
. it lam-3 bean sold in: a 2:35.11 :2 en mile»: :.‘slt‘rézarfiri. 3; mntlnumfi :..-x;
3 jflaimajf' ’.’-uwwver, and cage home 523 triumph Wm: fear “223:9 'vol‘wam."
_ M. 3.2131: by 3:716 $153151: :12" u 3:1:135572 We}, €‘iiz"v;2 him at Smut-veer, €1“’T'E‘t-kin:_§ 3‘13
Maui. Shim; or: laws 3313:) u :3 '11m' 3 wahk, {than 4‘;m'1v.‘€£‘7;lli,j wit film
Exonars 731'“ his .:.‘Lasa, and b‘m ma’flmzx’ 5 «area to 'rJE't'xlmms his triunxph.
' £53011 being; asked 13‘ 3;:«0 was 11.52; gram, with 11m“ I‘Txaottisi‘: accent and
; :jziebgr 32w armred — ".249 ;.>rou, but t'mfl‘xtm".
' "22:13 \mtaugfizt Mania!" anherad upem they ,m‘sfemaim} M: adurmaxi at; the 3
£13.“: at seventeen. ‘
" Shah "7522.49 wheel ahead" saga he, "3 moeiwd fifty
:.iollam far 353:9 threes maths. 1th dizzpoaed of as fol--
Iowa: .’:: board {Jim dollar a week) was fourteen dollars;
from; :r. dunes i bought arm can; pigs of a far befiter
“owed, than we 241:} at Emma. payimg; him £23!» dmllum: 5mm :
dab“ whim-'2 fat'r-er had incurred mar gunning; the ayrowxa
3 3mm, 593:1 {the rest, my» Julian, I kept; fez-r :mmuli‘."
After the» same}. at Driftwood .Sn-bfmnm, :fi;."~m‘5 follow with a like :
liberal stipmd. In his next Budge-i; we find my follawing interesting
item. '
4 "I discover-a1 a ccmkim germ 931m t‘éWflSfi type. t

 I I I . 'I“
,"f CED
, ,
Male}; with the: aoamnpnnyins‘; Lfimnsfla was 3517.50.15)!
mother hm gem with my father tn is neighbnrin: eozmty to
athem 233w Suammamtal asnfl'ica m“ an usamiuw pream-
(/ » horizm Gh‘uroh and, upon her whum. aim mu: greatly aa-
i;~.misz~zed 53:3 sees We cwkh-g spam with the {mustang not
.3 up ready Par nae."
Ami 121w mm who built a Sniwrsity said —
"3; figure aimys uommdm‘eé Jags use or 3:329 greatest
izrizmgha an“ my limo“
..';m AL 2:19.12 5.:3 night when Pie ham-”b; gnu-.333 t3 «It» and each school
3s mmmwderfi by a fighter? 12m.
we sum-ct {we 323m 3:). lientmficy ”imgruamzé 93;; film better qmli‘ty 03‘ the
1332253 3:64:23. .:mrss- .'.eulzimtad Twil'hefiis nf.’ living", in charge» 52? 3. 3631091
3 3mm: Liza-“maths, the mixaggemém‘tit”s-r: heir-3.3; "mm hxmdmd ma! mew «293.1%: for
23.3.3733 azmntha work.”
~. team 3.3.6:. landlord. r71 biguhemr’md blusskamiizh by the: ‘.Emfie‘» M? John
j mum.“ "mm? gays 313:. "gran-3:13; «.:‘wnted '33»; the Sum of Mulokuxm and
733.1%: hem-~57 airazughta um v2.3.5 film, w‘iziaai- .i v-nulv? $.11 agam‘u firm; may 31mins."
mt, "a.:'%z‘ he; left, if M.,:Ldifiui an. 33mm want ”a": ‘um‘. sabuut alewzs, got up
i‘segalarly #11:: Mar, trek: r1 3.2013 3mm“: 5.11. e, 3?»,313nt1112-j‘111aLZ with umber the
night gn‘wious Lmri was Nady fv'vr mma karma «tally 331130?!” tim "co begin
the éay‘n 5211:1323."
tithe; {3351334231333 ‘gr-camg fltfih'filfiar'fi :E’mzw gnaw: grace, and the: inner gradu-
, ML: in“ imam? smart. Fania h M33521? 5.;risae319al 03" 52335;: w’mnbgfimrinl $428,6er ,
at Immwi 13.6, laxarimwlg 321593021303 13:: 1:31;; cmfiurtuble home 3.3;»? Edvard 3!
iiazzmoyn where "a. blmk boy may; 3231; fires, hook 331:: boots to skim, married
2.2:; amazing“. am his armuls." mu} m is "wasting; rieh“ at six hundred -
dollars a. year, with a methwrt ha bact-
SE‘RA {3 riff-.1523! Eli-£333 3‘1‘é'f‘f’.£?§....=;’2"ii}‘?€ ,
5 3.13m- ?mvimg aamd suwcoasiwmly ms ?rinalpa.1 m“ Sitewar't Canaan. ::

 ,.-..“ . . #7221.-.“ " " r
2 T 2‘ .
2, .‘ . . . '\ , L 2 2 .r‘ .. I
' ..:, 5.“ _._»: .-2»:
‘ ’5‘.“
31223712232421.3122. am? as: firms-252212222221; 1’7‘:'22‘22§;2"1”<’3§"12u 2222.2.22222222'22233. 222 2.22 3.21-2.22
{, s. 2.. - -, .._ u - -:. .-~= ,..‘\., in A. ' .., .1. .,,w... '...
:11. MM!» tgfififiulia,md as a}. 2m22a2r “.Y. 2...”.2: .'udfltiL .,,? 5“; 32.7-5. 25's., '21‘WT:.-.2.z!‘~.,‘.: .{Sifi'

- Varsity. tam 222227223222 WW. 1.222;;5-12‘23‘9“:3 is 1:32., Jams-7': 22222222222212.2122 .-' 2:3 eteoéwmfi
( '2 13.2.22. 21:11.1 ..erk-mwgs. 2:22.222 2.222225%; 212.2 22.222? mamas. :r-zaflqyméxm. 22,32 :2: 12322323,; wii‘e,
i 223:; years; 22221122222222 5223.2: his 1322223321222 , ; 2222.2; 222.222.1122 13.12,». 1.22.325 11:. am L _, 2*:Léi,5222:2s
% gammaetul «2212;222:132. 1; was ti. a _.’afl‘l’dfig 3122.; 2:22 0625.}: 2.22223 1. 222.23,;
:4 p
i ' $23.11 23:22:33,216?" - it: asl’i‘MwE 1.11.;- ::.-sse:.';;fu;l* ..2-,22.2.‘~.":.221‘227.,2 “23.2: 2i; 22 22143.1 his 22:?

i; .. 122,222: flail-.5222” £7.73" €22: 1‘7? 22.2.2221 222? 2.3.22 .2i,;t3‘2%y ..mz gsfiuheh‘ilg: 1:; Biffgfifi
.7 F55? -
i‘ 2772:7222; his «tlfla‘wr. it! 3.3327 Mega}. Ewart}? Fry-:22: its; «2122;782:2138.
.2 2 335mm“ "Swarm. 3:122: amazixaizi ~31 222;;1’54'53' ‘ 22.222393, “Wk. was
i 12:? 2.2.2:. 32.2222, {ware—Mar wriéws irs mania. 2.23323 .2-2ur12222a2 ..
i -' .2221 7:214:35; 2172;; 2:22:m§9 2522324394213. «as: 2... may £mn.;,aa¢m. :22» 2222.2: sews .--w2:2‘ié:i23t. ..:- 23.212: delved
5 a 5:. _I: 32; 2.22.2273“ 2:329. £37229 mitten .-
,.’ $.22: W231; j'fig’i’fiiz’tlj. auerig is} $2.32; 3'53: 311-32931 as: $2. law-:37 {m ’.Z 22,2 1,.3033312315 513;};
«2a the 2.2m ammfifirm 21.121222 awe/ta "2f .23.}. 2%;-2:2. :‘Iitxesa's 3.:: 12:22 3.12:; 2 1.2322273.
1 3225 L:.- 72:27.2; 13222337. '2;3.-.f.ra_;;,‘.-.~:. e..-I" ICE-3 sages '3‘! 22212122221, “:63; be»
.\ _
\. . 2. ., 'e . 2,. ,. ~ p.12, . w. - .,
new 11.2% 1.1: is. ans-2 27123." £122.22 22w A:w¢1ifit‘t .2221} 222222.732.“
../ .v .7 ..7, , . . . 2. . .
..2} avast. per; 223221;; { 2.22s»! smelled... 232.0 shims»; 22.222211222221232
2‘, was 22:21, 5:: 22:22:22}: In. aa m2 is‘msighaia 22222231229.

 . — ' ' - 14
‘ -7...
”There an quick spirits“ am ééyron, “scrim ear: Mr.
3:? naught ”h 41?; Net.”
(‘ ' :‘iscarg ;aazkze him wide, ;iflihfllflalifis 5.3231192, 53§=£¢1080phy prai‘omv’i, and
‘ " ' '3sz fifitml seinmmzs rwaxaloi in 24m 153:“: hidden fora” am: agataries 0f
5: 5.153345er-
3, 4:-.;Jxa guasrg :41.” he 619.333.“ afforded. a Hakim. ih‘ipiié'xifi. cant» say?
;- 901132183: as , arias-1 zine-bio.
; 23> ;- ~a;.::z.r::4:x: ;. 4;:-472444;:43'2'; 4.4.443:
| Jr."
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, 3‘ full mama.
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1! ..-:2 the; ':.fl'lanm-
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ace :rlwaieany edgier?» fefl...ar¢g. 23m eges’nm 1mm, 1:13 gnu/31:13:: izfz‘flreas.
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' , Maze} ei‘ Hula-33 Lissawy, 1&2 Sasha-.392- azrm‘é jurist, 4)? rwnsm. wusshm, pon-
dwzrzmfi 3:2,: fereaismida, (war; sine}? a? 32.333, wed magma-i m-gnixmfi iii-92. 511}. 13:6
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A ‘iméive 1923. “La 1am._’t 2:.-:23 Friends my: 19% manna-3 113w fem, El‘fif3'r13‘g'A 91in
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, 36115;}??? -..-11.‘ battle m1} his guitars."
3:? mm 1:: tie: miaiat an“ a nilmm {shat 36:41:”: be; felt. this 31313119
wwaem laid: aoflmm: m his ammfitlw heal. ‘
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‘ lav-gateway 12,931.: 313:; .:«f‘ fix-mien 23;;1isiu “Eliza ffiws: en": 'fijasi‘y ;g‘ 1‘: ”Eh-aim.
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“in animarfilmry mansivsra“ mid Em, “walk far my
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emmrwxi. m :imfiltutiwa i‘mmm-A i;?rrerm..;;§z mmmmme (If
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w of hm Finite. fimw haven-army hm; hm: gemmmly in-
cmwci by .., mmamwmlth. vfimam awn-231 cybjuofi My Swag:

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‘ 7.~:-,_:;6 2:23:52; 3:; :fiafectiw. “-67:31. flawem titm’e i»: any 72.32.2326 :3?
‘ afflniemty 55:2 322:5 ina'isr2a2‘h..ir~t:., 31:326.: mama»: .2 3 warez}. ear
» filig‘hii’fifi 3:133:26! exams z‘iifiqékifiit ’-.;=.“' ;~;.:.::u~.‘: gpfitagalw, Fume :_'«i'
1 iii-£62182) 222231.33; 12'-.227. Lu'f'd’fifiufé 3 2.2263221212211573 initial ‘..-ya man;-
'2 mi sad gammy me. using."
:5. 7
.3 7 a“, 3:23.412’. -'.4'7.:<::-21i;—=:, 7.7.3311- 3'72“... .2311 33.61;»- 33:; -72:.s.~.72;;:;6':7’ ~32"
g lavarzi ~32" 135...}. '6 ».;‘.;Z-~ .77:«.:.:.:'$ mama? 2;» 779.1351»: 13:22:72.3 Tusfi—as's
1 ~ 3 O
‘E. _;:4 a Earrazx «333.32....3. 223.22: "warmsiwsrw magmly in “£133.35.
i fizz: frfixzmw o.‘ this 3.29.3233. 3.32.1131 ..ay- tavfiug reverend};- mzzmk Grad
‘ 3:62:72. {.3375 almaie aflrtrsxwzw 33mm 63;; "finausfiag Faxrtynzm years; of 2:39.22
Lawvz v.2. Zaixu“ -.: :,:n..; germilems magma; :mileir 315»;- {aha aux-tux??? mu!
'7 flaming-3mm 7? ail rim; 3 '.«mr. «.26.? 33.32633. in he: inaameemml 1.2m
as: 2.54:: lawmmlti: my: M79161 7:32;. as zaps»; 3:354 "$63"? 31‘.-.":.u‘:r'.iw‘flm‘: 55"].‘335983
. mains 6%:r2 Thimmity at this 2.522322. haw.
6:12»; 21:.»er m" Rluhu‘rfis. H.253], tragmblu and staiwur'l‘: 6.292w®15m
' :31" iii-1:7 .Pnixmreity mum 2.266 35mm; .:‘r¢5.idaz7;ait: loved ’..-.0 law: -
”..‘;a :2 :3 6.1mm: amt-m {‘31- :rkm aphazfl-zzinig am? eleuwtiim
_ 5.!“ mn- eléimahiiga 2:12:22: any :.vi;2mr 3.1m. «1.190th ézimali‘
by 7.311%:251- mlwraiams. in: 3226-3 Mama-mi 527115 tiaaiwrsity.
, £219 mam an 21127.23 :31" My; .zumz‘giay an; .:La'51fi;,zg.§‘.‘y are symmaymrm.
111; Lax—.33 raw}? Dar .‘v‘=:?;."~;:m'g 2:» are 2:12: «hilm'anfi

 ‘ . ' ‘ .//”‘/’- ( at
V .5./"""‘ ;:..3‘7‘: :-' .
The James Kennedy Patterson memorial program, planned/////x
by the University of Kentucky Alumni Association for the birthday
centennial of the man who,for 41 years, guided the destinies of the
University of Kentucky, will take the form of a dinner meeting Sat—
urday evening, March 25 at seven o'clock at the Lafayette hotel, to
which all friends of the University and of the late president are
urged to come.

, The highlight of the evening‘s program will be the
broadcast of 30 minutes of the program, from 9.15 to.9.45 p.m., thru '
the University of Kentucky extension studios of station WHAS, Louis—
ville, radiocasting over a frequency of 820 kilocycles. Dr. Frank
L. McVey, presidenteof the University of Kentucky will preside as

_ toastmaster at the banquet and will introduce the radio Speakers
who will be Dean F.Paul Anderson of the University College of Engi—

‘ nearing and Mr. Alexander Bonnyman, Knoxville, Tenn., prominent alum—
nus of the University and chairman of the Patterson Memorial comb' .
mittee, who has been invited to speak concerning the Patterson memor~

Dean Anderson has chosen for his subject, "A Founda»
tion", and radio friends and alumni of the University will welcome
this opportunity to hear the popular engineering dean pay tribute to
the venerated President Patterson. Reservations for the dinner may
be made by writing or calling the office of the Alumni Association,
University of Kentucky.

‘ Other prominent speakers at the banquet will be Hr.
C.N.Manning, Lexington, alumnus and secretary of the Patterson Memor-
ial committee and Mrs, Mabel Pollitt Adams, Tampa,Fla., author of
President Patterson's biography.