xt7ghx15n565_224 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Unveiling of the James K. Patterson Statue text Unveiling of the James K. Patterson Statue 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_23/Folder_5/Multipage25460.pdf Jun-34 section false xt7ghx15n565_224 xt7ghx15n565  

 @1312 Alumni Azauziatiun
university of ZRmtutkg
will rummemurate the 100th annihersaty
of the birth of

jjmuea Zfiennchg flattersnn
$atttthag,flrlartly 25
Zliafagcttc Zfiiutcl
fiexingtun, Zflieututkg
7 13. m. 15:33


 Twice; :2

91:; (“£th ~‘

5:; 5.". 591;;



2.3. ’ 33mm? $222 was

., ‘ ‘ . ‘5 . .,’ ‘ " \ .
uww 'dewfiqéfilualf'f 22}:§-.2~.g.,u.~ 1,141,“.

223’ wrmw: We; [.239é‘f'ui'an'LJm
e O

5 35:23:13 1255 2:1 imam 31*: twain-‘41.“


12:2! #1102;

Tamar-s 3. 24;:

Rantarsm“ .

4 ,

:2: A? .21» e. 91:22:;

. 1.132;}:3'2": 1151-5253.} 41.: ‘12:. ;\..‘

3.1?" Pillar.


an" 2322221}.



2'2. 22,2222: slams"; Jasraaa mammal?! awi;,.~plm3.



‘L ’5 .}.;;p<:m 3,125; 2123'er whys} was,

firmihxefiwyiz- ”

‘. C.-tsr:'Ii.m, m. L},
3:152:91: {a ‘1’. "a 2‘
(ML 2235 it)». 1 _;

I 22.22.2542521- 14:1:

“tantam-warz, w. ,ammilema 2222132225

waft»? ,: ‘z. . '2,” 212mm; man: a many

liar-3.: m: MI



'3’ o ‘ U‘ 9.332%

:. an}; :1- wwaiuévi 5.5:“ Wing»; ’33:}: ':- aw 3.1M; -1 Spying, if

m: égmczh 1:: lezwve, in pay is fieamvm? :2 '. ;j:w9\‘-{; «madam

in. . warmth
aim, ai‘.::t§~ :33" . ':.t .3“ "17‘... ' ’T- :31": {Rim}.


amalelgj'mr'a gm, WM» 2:11;:

2.33:: mar:- ': a 53;.) 1..“ =2
Eu” #:3sz r3. .1. “:Ign'f " a. WWW v..w.=~..:.. u 9 93'6"?" ”"1“”:
3151.314” 9;;- ':,§. ‘__, ‘5 law: Mr" «3:92:33 [.3399§";T":tt‘»9u‘;.rlfi
1:35;. .1»:;~.;.e2_l3.’+‘,;i fine-t , 2.. grim 523:1? “tat 5:57??? we, 21 Fwstiz'l at“? 33931331"
.1431 gems »;_ " .; ‘ 5.: -5 m: gawk}? iz-cr-sncr- all
at 32‘}. .135?
gm: i'- -_ ‘ ':~., ’i. ' .: “I Tnlvamiag 35.:' Is "’-':"‘3“"~"1 m""'"’°
£836.63: farm}:
nu. 13.?!‘0'3, 3"..‘1"

3123.313 worn 395.. "3'1

+gm-er, u.‘ L3,

in» t3; :

9-3221”? iii-:4; ."‘~m«x’l‘¢%~~-s 'za'a‘bm‘wrz w :mm‘ailéma153111033
I D D 3

yrintar, immead £1.25 «3%- liar": .ar‘imr ’2. Eris; _-;m:i x4331» denim; am; 33 mm 1:;

of 3:942:11 22:11:51ng the.» away: Jmma impelmsaly tsi‘iyplvd. 22332-1: at 131.



wily knew. :1 "films: cutter" man 3101: ’23:?! m 323;». 12:94 widows? amortize of
Wig: mzema‘mr 2:: “Find maplawmm in am «my ‘25" 34304 “furl: WE'VE! .é-row "ing-
lsmi, wee rm; “nine: mmr oxzdogwnn‘bn mgr? vammmrd 42.2mm“! m: t in» gmaplw
firmware: 13-6 use new way-1d.

zTE’maidmxi; Pox-Mormon Ems 36ft“, m a Irmyma picsam 2:22" is a: (may life

8 >
if} fawn!" i Q‘? $1, .

”:13! mer" mum. 2m, "wax-39w 3min}: was zeawr mam-st.
{W 113ho oer mom'sfxzm about fanniagg. Seminary villa?”
and calico 5,::*l:atin;.~_ «whaifiliahwntw 522:} uni; £13333?» tho "mat
train 1mg for m “w; my? ad; WWW-8m yore: .3? age is eat-goat.-
M w t; o dz) 5.; Newt» armlmrm'i farm n11? mica}: a 1 Wing»;
UMNK‘E‘L. " "

"Ea-.2700 2: ma @L 2mm: FiE“?‘3 ;,--*;v:r¢x Lyman: L22: taming-,5
muting; industry an; practical momma)? of my mthor do-
;mixuiod am whflnfin; 931‘ “gig-*2. I‘m-4111;,“ a ~°

”as; author ii ”chm; mi: simply {I} keep her 3331:;in
Mandatablm "21.3%; “no “own. “Ll-123v: jam“: 4:; 1mm: “mafia? than
hear fledgshbaro. 'I’ho xmicimg, and tho :smxmméh 1:12.43 Max:122”
and mm dairy mark, the wuzfizimg and am hating, i333.
animation of am}: «131" '1; 15;; mm work, all fi‘oll m Mar 10%;.
For wok-a or. can Hum :2. 21.332, hum-g awn/3% (if the gymn- aha
was up mull nuamigvm, mmtahlng a few firm”! at.“ sloop when:
who am“. am mt; i?K;3M33051 the.» NW {amt it mow
tho amok; arbor; rm: ;; having left: 'har min Mannie: hum
in Aloxmaxlrin. ’ . :zmjm'ity {25‘ cm 5.3Wbiw3f28 mm
1.35.15: illiwmiw. - o my father maid 3;” and enjoy aims:
and 1mg 2: WL'EJ'N Way: {1532? M: him-5,1. 323:1: W“: 851%. Mt Emil
33:63 £911". tins inclination, who}; she and not, Um rmnsi 01‘
hwwmlzfi uwuos would ’rm-e :xmvmfihel? ‘wr. 3-»; mined
“mi-w mmqmnlmokip or .iwtma‘n folk. we missed the: vil-
lage ”Air-k. 13m. shew mama? o'exwlai‘iwd.“

£21m am. maid, 9.232;? g‘zriwtima my} ems-.nlaid-‘xn m" 11;»: wildamoua. her
mmm wows. 2‘2-52' ehflrlron and Mr Cm! "mm tin»: mums: to the
river of Mr ~Zz’n‘wgfiz‘n.“

..'r:e;:1 155-33 2'0 1334:} am. we 4.7? MM“ {Lima :sozsa mm «733411 a school»
25cm“, 5;.an maroon no two for «my my! more: was 2'}: mandate: 223mg t0
pay won an: 1% MW! at" tol‘ulcm oimrgoaiu

gm. ways he.

"my another oumlemntmi {fin-o he? M.“ «561109.13 by hear
aw: aohivitiao. agsi-m {zen-(gym the older 0136's to mm! the
éiurlgzmms. to lawn tho Short” fin “wakiam, and to 14W



rim 33w: Lafirioa'l waning or firm Psalms."


53.1992 amimé 199.9! 9:92? tizirmw. 99999» Ira-.2 waver 1mm: maxim u wéaml-
éeomo 9:); 53.2: 399mm, by (.mxzwy an; humble! birth LL- (rpm nppmswci. amass
9994.9 $11k»- 9959 29m ind-.m‘fimIslzr c:.n.9£'a;;¢ am} "his “mt-1995.10.99.93 9129932939: i‘a‘az‘ immi-

399:: napalm! 113w the dofnrrmrl, mead-ding in lawn: - "rm warmly
Mia with naturao"

.- at 2,999.9; 39mm; and Emrnic spirit imam n.9, aelf-piisy. m: antenna“.

319:; $993912: '3 m;-


299:9 MW :shllosmfimr 99.99993 mm: Ms: mimfi boaiy its in. $§i§ppifig stung.

inter-e was. any; $93.3 biamga‘mr -

"fir. 99992992919999.9939. "3’93 111.9199. gas-w 1935‘ 3.93
99.9.3199. 2,9:- _;m+.tis‘9 .72; a w‘é‘aeCir-.9599,19931:.“ ‘mm 9» archi—
zwt 9: .9 "H.9r9mn9'm. ' "


92...; ~89 Little Star} “St-a Exitaimi 323.3 wagon in) a seam“. 9,129.} 13-91;. ‘51.9» ‘punr-

03:19.9" i‘lmz‘ 9:57 a 9.99.2919 i’x‘: at; inliazm alumna; tn L299: pruniéuney «191' in wt

emiveraity, he «Ina-suf‘izion'bly guiraged "13299: awn imam? mi“ 3533 my" 19:11. the


Tami them» was is iifiamllgf swbli‘c by Hum 19mm «arm 1‘9’9ii993‘23; with. 9‘9
Mama.“ 99.1.9199. ”€492 fawning; 211111 domain in Esfm amplrz‘mgj soul 331995993393 him
h:~i,;g2:t 95:99.;6195 9:957 émmli'a 34913131935?“

“isemncalaaa aspiring
Camels“ mmwm

Thr'maaa or sunshim
1'12}? «alwamfig

Glow-1w: 9991993999129.
but my 3199.14: 1‘30

Frank. changer 3L1 . a} 935m hawk
35.9warei, like: 939093.“

9319?: fr 2.999.199} 3'5. .73. wait}: says «7-? him -

"iza ruwuml ‘m. «iaranlualink; 3mm. 39mm»: 929w;
2915,93": 9.9993 keen. anew-M; 935,” a ‘cdmwfi-Emmh‘: amrmdlad 9919999:
9.3 9—9 9919925991935! his flanks."


 Eiis father'a "big he.” Bible: and a volwm on "Intr'ndzzw‘uion 1:0 mm.


iécianws" apparently 2m unly “make; 02:. him ”1:232:43, 310 read "haul hog-innijzg;

t3 and, again mid 21min. until all Liz-wt {mum umimlu‘aa 5 had. wde 1233; mm."



Far‘sgumwly, Jawi’i‘ 4.~W£_:ra:,r, :53; in , : :‘ Library, Emmi; an
‘ aljvahrxin, mm: in ‘sé'xicl‘: «is {gexaewmzalv gave the. Enmgry student 2mm: accents.
28mm the d.e:e1§,;?nm:l 1nd. rewllad in iurégasmx's Ramsay: J;‘<:a;;a~.fi3lir.:, Edna's; $4115.;-
land, .‘.~-.4anis?: 1373‘”er rm, Fape, 1111713631 22121 Pluimrca'iz’a Livas. and, suyg he -

",-wazm‘mrhila levied upon who? «ex-mus *3 him: mi,:§;bor~
22mm} ma 1mg: gamed to rum: any books 3."; bum-i. E mmmalmr oneo
iaaarin; m3 2;. «29333: n" 2011541: molesxt iiia‘tmry, tmmd by a swan
may“ Fa}: Drawer, who 111.9153. Flam: miles away. inking, zany i‘athar's
harms, 31 vz‘sae m horrific: it, :1»..in no "e—mnz to we; chagrin i'hat
it lam-3 bean sold in: a man a: an mile»: zilgizarfiz. 3; mntlnuem my
jflaima‘gf' imweever, and cage home 323 triumph Wm?) fear “bile 'vol‘wm."

Ad. 3.2131: by 3;:1. ‘ ',_: :1!" u 3:1:‘gasla-w“: Wu 3212"“! him at Shaun-veer, czv'wrr-ki,n_-_; “his
a Maui. Shim; or: laws 3313:) u a! '11m' 3 wahk, than 4;;rfi‘1vnm‘frrlzag wit film
Mans 7.71,; his; 4.10153, and the? inu’flxezx" Sue-Na ‘32!) 'ré‘i't'nmms i113 triunph.
being asked 13‘ 3:»: was 11:32; 9mm, with ham :ifzaottfwi‘s accent and


mmmd — ”.{éL won, but Emma".

"Hula \mtaugfizt Mania!" anherad upem they ,m‘sfemaim} M: adurmaxi at; the
£13.“: at seventeen.
" Shah "7522.49 wheel ahead" 35322 M, "E moeiwd fifty
:.§ollar3 far use three: maths. 1th dizzpoaed of as fol--
Iowa: 5:: board {Jim dollar a week) was fourteen dollars;
from; 4*. durum i bought arm :..; pigs of a far befiter
“owed, than we 241:} at ham. payimg; him £23!» dmllum: 5mm
dab“ whim-'2 fat'r-er had incurred rm anmylmg the ayrowxa
3 3mm, and We rest, my) Julian, I kept; fez-r :mmuli‘."
After the» animal at Driftwood .Sza-bmum, aways follow with it like
liberal stipmd. In his next Budge-i; we find we follawing interesting

"I discover-$61 a ccmkim n‘trm 93m $‘EW6335? type.



M310}? with the: aocsmnpnnyiu‘; uiznnsfla was $317.13 0 53y
mother hm gone! with my father tn is nei;.:hb:»rin;: eozmty to
5&1".th the 57=warmnr3n€2a1 asnrvics m“ an unanniuw trashy-
korizm Gh‘uroh and, upon her return. aim mu: greatly as-
imniszwi tr} sees We (weigh-a4, 31ch with the :Vztmmila not
up ready Par nae."

Ami 121w mm who built a Sniwrsity said —

(I Y

3.’ have aimys sorzaxdm'ezi mgr; arse of the greatest

{Zri‘zlafifihfi an“ 22:37 Elfin“
Pie. Pym-h fowl ta: Jim and each school
by a fighter? 12m.
868 him is. lieutmficy ”imgruamzé 93;; film better (14521133! 03‘ the
.mm- «sulzivatmj Emirimcis nf.’ living", in charge» 52? a. :36th
32.43321: :4:v:-mmstle:, mm mixaggemém‘tit”s-r: mix-2;; "mm hundred ml 2% 5&3; «293.1%: for
23.1% azmntha work.”
3 aka lanailtam. r71 2:154de blusskamiim by meg tam-cw) M? John
manna, "m.zi‘} gays 216:, "granuly «.hwnted *3»; "57% gun-u of Mulakunu and
t‘f‘fitfifl‘ hem-‘57 aiz'azughta um v2.3; film, w‘iziaai- .i "-nulv? $.11 agam‘u firm; may 31mins."
slut "m'Mz‘ he; left. 7! wizadmd an. ‘rmr, want ”a": ‘um‘. sabuut alewzs, got up
rsezgzalarly at: fawn trulr r1 1201er 35:13:17 5.11. 8-, \w.:9h-tz.fi>-j‘llla& with umber the
night gn‘avious mm: was Nady far t‘kx'x'aa mum «tally iauz’orn tim "co begin
the éay‘n fizztiw."

aaslduazm ‘J'C'ifitgj fltfihfllfiar'fi :E’um gnaw: grace, and #120 honor gradu-

cum: in“ 'xmiwr'ez’ wax!» Fania hhmuli’ ,uriszezigml 0'3" 12?»: w’mnlfifimrinl Avxafim‘v

fl/v -—~m——~__.N-.__

at Immwi 13.6, laxarimwlg 3215930213022 1:: 1:31;; cmfiurtuble home as? Edward

iiazzmoy, where "a. Mimi: boy may; 3231; fires, took 331:: boots to skim, married
2.2:; amazing“. am his armuls." mu} m is "wasfiimg rieh“ at six hundred
dollars a. year, with a metfeawrb ha Enact.

m"; I- :u! wjnma a ¢_,u. A .14 ,«no we- “7 mt” ‘Ir
sac-‘93. (‘1 ..,:I‘-.;:.:; élrfié-‘y '=» v ., a.,.:Era..-.-.4 {ah

fiftm‘ mVim mmd suwcoasiwly ms ?rine1pa.1 m“ iritewart {2311939.




larkwfllw. mm m mmée :z-s" 53":33‘3ifif.”1“!’3§‘32§1 ”xxlmt-mitju


3:15 1:433; 252.- mzlm :13 as c} amimr {Sin-er. :7‘22:22.;‘3.'.;,: w:
w >253“. 33:31: wriwi WW: 3m";- -1“ aim was: mm: m}. :1 ~22 :23 fittaoéwmfi
11m. and. ..-§=ilosop§w prai‘omvfi, and
'3sz fifitml 3231mm: raw-2&1“ in 21m 153:“: hidden fora” am: avatar“: 2)?

:.-:.Jxa [lasagna :41.” the 619.333.“ afforded. a film-.2311. ih‘ipiié'xifi. aux-mt» my?

‘3‘ git-01131183: as . “$12131 imblo.


LL": 19,} é. 351;: a;u=:;m;;.-:g :’ \{E' ”.4.“ #13:}!
2132:» mm the: em whe in 13% ”mm {Tasmania of the A {16:11.50
13.? irll-Rfiiiilakfitéyo

“3’3; 31:16 a mm. a aha-tor, n gawk; imww 0:" nine
Emma-02$ dollar” My? nathim‘; also."

’emiden‘; Bantam -

"11?; must. but bvaumx: in mind ifiwi". ”mm dotteimi
froze .hmztlmky immunity this; imllege "and withing. “it; had
0:3 am far expzerimztul or 4thch purpxmus; no banning“
m Mimry. no tgwlagzml fir :aimmla,g;iw1 “blasts,
1m «Mimic-a1 or philmwgfl'zlml Amman“. m museum, no
{W155 or Man implements. no sum}: - absolutely nothing.”

2pm: 4311:: "-va mask: 923-: aimmtlaas (aw-Amish ferapnam in 9mm, 3
gram; .Eniwamity.
2;; gm: git}; a)? migtam. casszSLfl-zim as." $13.3 ability an: impired
3:5 his awn-lac, e352<3iixiuxi with 132mm; an: yxrpw. i’w <:::s::;s;,.i~ -..- ‘_ :— 3‘ . ., .3 .‘fi - ‘ . ,_
cane $1.319 :ma: «1: .-~e&-§:fi;~'. «:2 1.321 31:: mil mm: m: .222»: mam}; mm um:

5:323 alwaieany 133383.655» fussi.31’iw, i-Tm agimniu Man, 1:13 gmalmzaz wk‘flress.

the 1mm mam}. :u’" 2:: «3:11:35: presideub. 5mg? :3: 3:33 15m}; tit-:3 'ssamfis :2: 31::


$52213; denmaismizisml 2’..23a‘€.§.?.a:3,i:ms; ans 3:. :mriag aha“; Hm»: :11}. 1.32:: Remains:


3:96:52 ui‘ :2:111.a=: thiw‘j, 1&2 131mm:- mini jurist, an rwvwa. wueshm, pon-

der-mm 3.22,: Earsaismyla, (war; irmb 5:?, wad magma-3 6495:2832 £23192. 9:13. the:

frail figure :; 353. :1. Zinfzm'rmr; imam; 1:33:23 his era: .232. Exam M: Manda


audit: 3.31125 9593 m: 1! Tight?! :3 am -r:-~:.;~.;le. Lama-w. Mblizéw, anuhzmiczefi, reacly. rah-mat


aayor far 3. £“mv. .iiitmrzg-wa iu‘tldszz ma «a 3:31:23 ,gmaflmt aw? 1323:; «349:3
.r l. . I

imam: van. in: 1am..’t 22:23 triands my: 29:2: manna-3 7:13:11 fuem, :ufi:.%=i:e,; 91in
big: Esm‘mr 3:31.33: watrtmmgg. 2.7: 113:: Fermnin arena, in: littfl'flllf)‘ ”drank

3811:;31'3: 1:11] battle 2cm? his gmara.“
3:? mm iv: 3:51: miaiat an“ a nilmm {shat sank“: be felt. “dais 3131:1119
vim-z hid: aoflm‘me m his ammfitlw fuels.

law: aim ' 3,13 «Eggs 3." =12“; mania}: and ding: has? weer: 21:34:"! 313:3; an

n 15

». : , f - ~: In
1934:,1K35i Pager-1‘ ;

13:: .1"? :3.¢-:.zl:ms 23:13:39. “Elisa fWflix': 'njasw :.~;‘ :3 when

: 2

the 143.3:‘3m4'3M, $1233.13}? an? 3525352315 ::31‘-.x:::=ir.:€:: my; 223:: qrzqaqarfiéxrzzasivmmm

9f .:'=ur9zvz: W; 1:::w 37232:": 3:23:31: an: flashbag wit 3:12“ iiicgr'blmz maria 3113.
”m entrant-filmy? mushy!“ mid Em, “walk far my
:zmmnw Lwi‘am gm “manna-”:2. 3:: 234.1: hungry :33“ “amazon
in :Qvas-u.=.z:”rg at: ganglia} i=3 $325.5. am far as E 3mm! has
vat-safari. .313: imfiltmiwa féfiifldO-fi a;:::.~::;:..;;:: :ammmm: (If
the: :‘lzazmmi (mmmmm. x: :g'mifimm gait-din in kiwi 1:9
«3 ’2'; $12.21*; farm 23:: gram? wax-k mi“ we flfit-E‘IW! swim! sari-
w of 32:35} make. 19:1er 13316-241'53ifl’aflk' item hm: gmwmmly in-
cmwci by 1: mmamwmlth. mirage awn-231 objuofi 3w; 1mg:



inc:- girrmvixm 33 15.25am!
swam. 54.2; 5333333315325,
.iniszws 3)?
3157252355335 3:9

:«i‘lfi ”CR! “371-
“2367‘ 1 3'3!-


5.; 231219.343
5253.5 5335.

. .
.;.5:.3733.;sg 51:; L 3.353..

9323531133 7135'}. away.

3'3? .11}? .

41.533: 3,3- Km» .13

‘ . “5% 5: ‘.
Jarr- flfl “3.3.:

7:51:15 3.333245335551331
Lt; muse“: , mm 5.3.5” -..3‘ .532-‘milems 53. ‘-

1.533331053535st 2 ‘ .2 -. ‘3 1-52-3151; 33.22?

as: 5.333 wammmifiz 3:3:- u;:5ara 75.5.. as


mains 5.5255 Thimmiw a! this 2.535355: .3

:1 .1: 5.1233 "zmrdzs in"

532133 .Fni‘rmrai t»: m 33:53 L331 gram;

“55¢; a 35mm 5133-55 2 :53'


'53 31.52:” univ-wai i333. 3153
$53.23 3135535335 an? 5:25 . .. 535: 5‘3;
1133 3.393535. .mr , 5 5 :m


méiml 5,1:‘53 ‘55-.5553: 55, 3555‘: C; "225% mg} 5.5:. 131.11.
.52.: 33333?

(W: _...iL-’§n-.'-" ’9?»
affiaiem j .553 .2235 3.5518” mm” ,iu: ., 33:1
N13. 3535.353 1:333! 5-3323“ 5555;551:355;

., «~1-
33’, 5..

"53:5 casings" 2:

41:33:. 33 - 5;;

.1“ 3. 317.133 3.


51:- 21 1353313555? 5:11.533; my 15.333333 .mu.

L. x: ‘h‘
3 . (3’3": 35:1?

6.35.35 1-

.~ '1.

M33; IVA-(9.37.1534;

7mm 1»; 3135;}; 72.3 .. ‘
Ema” 35252 .2 :5 333231323}.

;.-.:w:3~.‘- may

1 33335333 ‘31.»:2'51315333

751331.352 :33?
5.2313 £23 an;

3313353155. “-3.3 711:1};35'55

manly 1’11:- “imam.

$.33- 5;.~.«3u;5 revere-5:25.13;- 5:‘:23mk $5365.
5M5w-ma yea-r53 of H.132
35311.5 *1 555: 3133-3. re 5533

inaa‘aleeéxml 15,235

3“ .~ 51.3333: 313 '5: ‘3,

LII" .

3113355333558. Twill, tragmblu urn-.5 331331333335; 5.292383%193‘3

lewd i353 153w: -

mu zaphaaail ulna; 53235- slew-33.3.5333

1353303333335! 5233533331?

3.5.53 Eunwawi Iii-1133 tiaaiwrsity.
:sz‘siw 1.3:;
are 35123 (:3

.Lssntzze‘ety rare
.5. 115313323 . "

33353343323533.3313 .




/ ..
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The James Kennedy Patterson memorial program, planned
by the University of Kentucky Alumni Association for the birthday
centennial of the man who,for 41 years, guided the destinies of the
University of Kentucky, will take the form of a dinner meeting Sat—
urday evening, March 25 at seven o'clock at the Lafayette hotel, to
which all friends of the University and of the late president are
urged to come.

The highlight of the evening‘s program will be the
broadcast of 30 minutes of the program, from 9.15 to.9.45 p.m., thru
the University of Kentucky extension studios of station WHAS, Louis—
ville, radiocasting over a frequency of 820 kilocycles. Dr. Frank
L. McVey, presidentcof the University of Kentucky will preside as
toastmaster at the banquet and will introduce the radio Speakers
who will be Dean F.Paul Anderson of the University College of Engi—
neering and Mr. Alexander Bonnyman, Knoxville, Tenn., prominent alum—
nus of the University and chairman of the Patterson Memorial comb' .
mittee, who has been invited to speak concerning the Patterson momor~

Dean Anderson has chosen for his subject, "A Founda»
tion", and radio friends and alumni of the University will welcome
this opportunity to hear the popular engineering dean pay tribute to
the venerated President Patterson. Reservations for the dinner may
be made by writing or calling the office of the Alumni Association,
University of Kentucky.

Other prominent speakers at the banquet will be Hr.
C.N.Manning, Lexington, alumnus and secretary of the Patterson Memor-
ial committee and Mrs, Mabel Pollitt Adams, Tampa,Fla., author of

President Patterson's biography.