xt7ghx15n565_39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. S.M Smigert [?] text S.M Smigert [?] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_6/Folder_6/110554.pdf 1894, 1900 1900 1894, 1900 section false xt7ghx15n565_39 xt7ghx15n565 . ,p _ _. V ' ‘ ‘
_._—_— 47»M - a y
‘ ,L‘,“ ’:-’..r fi'é i
'Ihoy Are No Longer Av:1ilnble"for Duty
as Instructors at Colleges.
Tun KANSAS CITY Tunas Bmzm r.
141! (1‘ Srnnnr. N. lV., E
Wismxe‘rom D. G., Jun. 6.,

By a recent act of Congress, otiicers of the
army on the retired list are no longer availa-
ble for duty as instructors at colleges.

The law requires that such details shall be
made from the active list, and in pursuance
of this. Secretary Lamont has relieved all the
retired oiiicers now serving as instructors in
the various schools and colleges.

Those who may now enjoy this retired pay
at leisure are Captain Edward J. Siivers,
Clinton Liberal Institute, Fort Plain, N. Y.;
Captain Henry Catlcy,_ Fairiiela Sem- ,
inary, Fairiield, N. Y.; Captain Edgar C.

VBowen, Cathedral school of St. Paul. Garden
City, N. 12; Captain Charles Ii. Warrens, St.
John‘s school, Salina, Kain; Captain Joseph
Sladcn, Bishop Scott academy, Portland,
()rc.; First Lieutenant Melzar U. Richards,
Mexico Military Academy institution, Mex-

‘ ico, N. Y.; First Lieutenant Charles Ii.
(Jabaniss, Danvilie Military institution, Dan-
villc, Vu.; First Lieutenant “'arrcn R.
Durston, Ohio Military institution, College
Hill, Cincinnati; First Lieutenant George R.
Burnett, \‘.‘cstern Military academy, Upper
Alton, 111.; First Lieutenant \V’illimn A.
lilnwicldic. Iowa State Normal school, Cedar
Falls, 1a., and First Lieutenant Louis H.
Uriclnan, Marmaduke Military academy,
‘ Sweet Springs, Mo.

To make up the deficiency in instructors
which was thus created, the number of
officers allowed by law has been increased to
100, and Secretary Lamont has made the fol-
lowing additional details: First Lieutenant
N. F. Waltz, Twelfth infantry, is detailed at
the Memphis Institute, Memphis; Second
Lieutenant William C. Neary, Third infantry.
at the University of South Dakota, Vermilion,
8.1)., and SE‘ugtqip :!gmn “mm, Tenn; infan-

, try, at the 0 age of St. irancls i avier, New
York city. The remainder of the details nn—
dcr the new law have not yet been completed.

‘ , . I“ Iv - i ' n L

 navyyar. - r, x, u s . . . ._
andinessengersnvere hurrying to and fro
from the headquarters of the various depart-
ments conveying orders and communications,
while the oiiicers stood in groups serious-
ly discussing the mysterious advent of
the United States steamer Thomas Corwin.
During the day seVeral important messages
were received from W'ashiugton by Captain
Glass, acting commandant, one of the the
patches received being in cipher and un-
usually lengthy. Heads and chiefs of de—
partments received telegrams during the
day, as did also Commander C. E. Clark of
the Mohicnn. On the various ships along
navy yard and alongside the quay sailors
and workmen were on a rush, evidencing
‘ unusual activity, while the executive oillccre
and foremen were impatient lest some detail
be forgotten or overlooked.

Early this morning orders were given that
steam be got up on the Mohicon and the ilres
banked. Other orders were given at the
same tune. and in a few moments the Mo-
hlcan’s rigging was alive with the fleet-
footed Ablu'e jackets. who flew about the maze
of ropes in response to the pipings of the
bontswain’s whistle. By noon everything
was in readiness. Executive OflicerWad-
ham was interviewed and said that
if the Mohican was needed to
go to the island she could sail
in ten minutes. Said the executive: “We
are provisoncd for one year and a half and
have an ample supply of coal in the bunkers
to reach the island. As the currents and
winds in the Pacific are new it is more than
probable she could reach Hnwail in ten days.
If additional reinforcements are required
the Mohicnn could by a little crowding give

‘ passage to 150, which with her own crew,
would make the fighting force 275.”

3 Other oiflcers were interviewedgregarding

:‘ the reticenee of the State and Navy depart-

; ments not making,r known the purport of the
Hawaiian situation, and it was generally in-
terpreted that the Secretary’s reticence was
due to the fact that the situation was so seri-

‘ one he dare not give out news until he had
consulted the President. During the day
it was positively“ learned that trouble
was imminent, andi‘tdmn'n’l Irwin had so re-
ported by tlié Cohvin, suggesting that if it
was the policy o!‘ the administration to re-
store Queen Liliuoknlani force would he re-
quired, and that the United States forces now
the‘ ' l‘ . - '" ‘

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