xt7ghx15n565_68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. United States Senate text United States Senate 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_7/Folder_9/115124.pdf 1884-1910 1910 1884-1910 section false xt7ghx15n565_68 xt7ghx15n565 Kilfnifeb $101.;22: £5) 14110,
A I WASHINGTON/it; W/%/,m#
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V WASHINGTON,D.C., @n:ifl/2éyy
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 gratifieb Sbtaies fibenaic,
WASHINGTON.DAC.. 15‘1‘45‘87“.|ss,
Profs J. V. Patterson,
Ro:m 104, Ebbitt House, Ulty;
Dear Slrt— ,

Please come up to the Democratic Conference room of
the-genate tommorrow about 12 o'clock. My secretary, Mr. Wm. Rog—
ers Clay, W111 send for me, if I an not 1n. I W111 be glad to
see you, and do anything I can For you.

Yours: truly,
4 I” / f ‘ f 411 \m
' ‘ ‘»5fi:x”‘:‘:"* ”“-;:\__‘\)

 I o ‘i ‘3
Ehrlich biafes henaim
WASHINGTON, D. C. 115““15‘87'J88 .
Hon. W. C. Endlcott,
Secretary of War;
Dear S1r:—
. S ..,

Prof. J. V. Pattcgon, or the State College at Lex1ng~
ton, Ky., W111 hand you this. I wanted to come w1th hlm 1n term
son, but a meetlng of the $1nance 00mm1ttee brevents me From don

'1vg so. He W111 lay hlS case before you, whlch 1s a de51re to
Obtaln some more arms For use in the mllltary devartment of the
State College. If you can glve hlm flve mlnutes hf your time,
he will explaln 1t to you much better than I would be able to do,

1? I had core w1th hlm. You W111 flnd that he W111 ask nothing
but what 15 reasnnable and beneflclal. Under ble manafiement
we are bu1ld1ng Uh a college and a mlhtary school at Lexlngton
of whlch you Wlll be Freud. I know you W111 do what you can For
him, and I ask you to glve careful comelderation to what he says.
Yours reevectfnlly,
1 fl .3
g r , , g
' /v"» / . «ifw
5“ _’_r ,.’—=71 , _ /

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 meme-70:10.0, o’x/ »- H ,1887
k wmfx . \ MKQ3 mmmm,
WALK, ; 1 b
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\Kg,w, mm X \ “’RLQKRQDVL mm 1]va
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’ KK?Ki;-‘U‘L

 QJCnifeb gafafes ficnafe,
_ t ( t

 yfuifeb fafafcss facuafe,

 , QJCnich Eateries fienafe,
, WA$flNGTONJ10” Jany. 12.1902.
, .
Prof. James K. Patterson,
Lexington, Ky. ’
Dear Sir: -

I have your letter of the 10th. I appreciate the im—
portance of the measure of which you write me and will give it at”
tention. I regret that I might not have seen you before leaving

Very truly yours,
4, ‘

 QiCntieB ,$tafe$ $01.1an,
Jan. 1'7, 1902.
Mr. James K. Patterson, President,
State College of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ky.
My dear 9114--

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of
the 11th inst., and in reply thereto I beg to say that the same has
been filed :Vrith a V1817 to gjiv1ng specml attehtlon to the matter so
‘VVerhieh you refer.

I am, sir,
Very truly yours,
(MN , /V.
LV/[i 4, Liv .

 ”Altniieb $141122; fiencde,
WASflNGKm,DCq Feby. 1%, 1903-
Prf. James K. Patterson,
Lexington, Aentncky.
Dear Sir:
l have your letter of the 12th requesting copies of
the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. l am not sfite
that this publication is fir free distribution, at least it
does not appear on my document list, but I will make in—
quiry and if it can be obtained will send it to you.
Very truly yours,
/  ’
[2 ///4£M2 we
/ v a a

HOUSE BILL N0. 345. -
Mr. OOlSOD introduced the following bill, which was ordered to be
_ printed and referred to the Committee on State University
I and Normal Schools, Viz.: ,
‘ AN ACT to change the name of the State University, Lexington, Ken-
. . tricky, to University of Kentueky, and to amend parts of the laws
with reference to the same. _ V
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commomviealth 0f
Ke )2 7‘ (Icky : l
, . 4 if.

 i4 N
'l 2
. § 1. That the name of the State University, Lexington, Kentucky, .
i 2 be changed to University of Kentucky, and that all the acts of the
3 General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky or of the Con—
i 4 gress of the United States, making provisions for the establishment,
i‘ ~ 5 support or maintenance of said institution under whatever name given
'f 6 which have been heretofore enacted or which may be hereafter enacted
i 7 shall not be affected by this change of name, and all the revenues accru—
’ 8 ing from these and from all other sources, State and Federal, shall
9 continue to be paid over by the State and Federal authorities to the
10 Treasurer of the University of Kentucky for its use and maintenance.
§2. The appointment of students from each county in the State
I 2 as now provided by law shall be made between the first day of June -
3 and the first day of September of each year, and no competitive exam-
, 4 ination shall be necessary to beImade by the County Superintendent
5 unless there are more applicants than there are appointments to be
6 made from the county, but the County Superintendent must be satisfied
‘ 7 that the appointee is able to enter the classes of the University or the
8 Academy. Should a vacancy occur in any appointment at any time
9 after September 1st in any year, it may be filled by the County Super-
10 intendent. The President of said University, with the approval. of the
11 Executive Committee, may make such change hereafter in the plan ;
I 12 of making such appointments as may seem best.
’ §§3. The Executive Committee may determine the manner in 3
2 which rooms in the dormitory may be allotted, and may make such pro— '3
3 visions as may be proper for such County Appointees as are not able
I .' 4 to be accommodated in the dormitories. .
I §4. All existing laws applying to said institution and not herein .3
2 modified shall continue and be applicable to the said institution under i
3 the new name of University of Kentucky. 3 i
y ,

 Emerlcan €0nt€rence EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
flnterna’tional arbitration, 75:335.;233ttm25‘v-
......G... D- 0- ....Z‘fififthfllifiifiiili?‘
WASHINGTON, D. C.,......-.......Decemb.er..-5.., . -.190 4.
President J. K. Patterson, LL.D.
Agricultural and Mechanical College,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

You will see by the enclosed circular letter that the Na-
tional Committee of the American Conference on International Arbi—
tration is inaugurating a movement in favor of the arbitration
treaties recently negotiated by Secretary Hay.

Arbitration between nations has been so universally ap-
proved throughout this country as the rational, humane and enlight—
ened method of adjusting international controversies that it needs
no argument to convince the intellectual and philanthropic that the
extension of its sphere of operation will be of material benefit to
the treaty powers and in its moral effect beneficial to the world.
To crystallize this strong public sentiment and to impress it upon
our representatives in the United States Senate so that the arbitra—
tion treaties may receive their pronmt consideration and consent is
the present object sought by the National Committee.

We earnestly solicit your cooperation in this cause and
ask you to write a personal letter to the Senators from your State
and to your personal friends in the Senate expressing to them the
hope that the treaties will be approved, and approved early in the
session. You, of course, appreciate the fact that any expression
favorable to the treaties by the prominent men of the country must, i
' wr: ; + ‘ . '- ' -- * . ..,” ' - n + 'C. \
gicggiggsggogeogi§:;::::gIbe made at once, :lnCB the present in the

We shall deem it a favor if you will communicate to us
what action you may take in this matter, and, if it is not askino
too much, to send us copies of any letters which you may write upon
the subject.

Respectfully yours,
#Cha i rman .
ancs. C/Secretary.

 ~ WW? . ”-..... ~~>—-—~~ . —-—, ‘W""”‘“""‘"——“" .,
' E?
' ln Senate i
' 2%
2. .
Regular Session 1910. , .33,
Senate Blll No. 66. 3 I
.. — . __. “___ 3 3 3 3 i
THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1910. ' _ §
Mr. Combs introduced the following bill, which was read the first time at i
length, ordered to be printed and placed 011 the calendar, Viz: {

 ,1 A .
{J \
1.5 .
i ‘ 'AN ACT to make operative and give efficiency to Section 6 of an action of the-
General Assembly 1908, approved March 16, 1908, which makes it obli-
j gatory upon the State University to establish a medical college, and to- g
1‘ ’ make the necessary appropriation.
' Whereas, the General Assembly of 1908 enacted (Section 6 of the act.
‘ approved March 16, 1908), that a medical college should be established by the-5
" \ State University:
And, whereas, there has not been since the date of the enactment afore-
said a sufficient amount of money at the disposal of the State University to-
. ‘ carry the act requiring the establishment of a medical college into effect:
: And, whereas, the necessities ol' medical education in Kentucky ren-
der it imperative that steps should be taken and means provided at the-
earliest possible date, to establish the medical college aforesaid; '
-, And, whereas, by conference With the authorities of the State Univer—r
7“" " sity it has become apparent that with the extension and enlargement of the}
existing scientific plant possessed by the State University upon the Uni-
versity grounds, viz: Chemistry and Physics, Anatomy and Physiology,. -
Bacteriology and Materia Medica, and with the erection of one, or more ad-

. (litional buildings and their proper equipment for the use of a medical col-
lege, the State University will be abundantly able to provide for medical
students the necessary instruction in scientific subjects related to the art.
and practice of medicine, and covering the first and second years of a medi-r
cal course of study;

And, whereas, by the erection and equipment of one or more buildings,

l _ in the city of Louisville, under the ownership and control of the State Uni-

versity as hereinafter provided, abundant facilities for instruction in medi-

‘ cal science during the third and fourth years, especially in its relation to

‘ clinical observation and practice, can be provided for the use of the said‘
medical college; V .

8 of the State University, as provided for under Section 3 of an act apt

i 3 ‘ ' __
And, Whereas, it has become apparent that these two branches of the -‘
Medical College of the State University can be carried on more effectively
and with more substantial results to medical students by placing instruction
in subjects purely scientific in the State University at Lexington, and by ,1:
placing the subjects Which deal with the application of science to the medical i
art in the city of Louisville, Where superior clinical facilities exist; there-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Ken-
, § 1. That $150,000.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the
2 erection and equipment of suitable buildings upon the State University
3 grounds in the city of Lexington for the instruction of freshmen and
L1 sophomore medical students in the scientific subjects aforesaid, and for
5 the erection and. equipment of suitable buildings upon a site in the city
6 of Louisville, for instruction of junior and senior medical students in i L
7 the subjects related to the application of the art of medicine and sur-
8 gery, during their third and fourth years of the medical course, and
9 that _an appropriation of $45,000.00 for the current fiscal year beginning
10 July 1, 1910, and continuing each year thereafter bemade for the upkeep ,
11 and maintenance of both departments of the medical college, for the
1‘2 salaries of professors and assistants and for other current necessary err-
13 penditures.
ll And be it further enacted:
§ 2. That the medical college thus established, one branch of which is I
' ‘.’ placed upon the University grounds in the city of Lexington and the
3 other in the building or buildings provided for under the preceding
4 section and located in the city of Louisville, shall be under the exclusive
5 control, jurisdiction and management of the Board of Trustees of the
6 State University and that the deed to the property thus purchased and
7 erected in the city of Louisville shall be vested in the Board of Trustees

 , a». ,”ng . , f _ {,~.l\\ =7 1.7-. V
7 ~ 4 ’" ‘
9 proved May 9, 1893; and that the oBard of Trustees of the State Univer—- ‘
i 10 sity of Kentucky shall expend the money hereby appropriated for the -
i 11 medical department in such a manner as appears to them to be most ad— ‘
12 vantageous to both departments of said Medical College. » :
13 And be it further enacted: , ,, :
§ 3. That the dean of the Medical College and all professors, assistant
V 2 professors and instructors in either branch of the Medical College of ,
3 the State University, shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the
4 State University, by Whom their salaries and tenure of office shall be de- _ i
5 termined in conforniitywith the provisions set forth in Section 3 of an ;
.1 6 act approved May 9, 18.93. I
i 7 And be it further enacted: . i
- § 4 That all degrees conferred upon graduates of the Medical College of
2 the State University shall be authorized by the Board of Trustees of the V if
p .i . .3 State University and conferred by the president thereof. ,
l .