xt7ghx15n565_71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. University of Tennessee text University of Tennessee 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_7/Folder_12/115370.pdf 1892-1905 1905 1892-1905 section false xt7ghx15n565_71 xt7ghx15n565 i;
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THE PRESIDENT. Wgflgéggé’l M, i 1;; 4. 1 L
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 é—FE‘ZZVA? i
/ 1v tell i
as 3 WM r IN \D
@1990 131%
2‘3 raga/AM
5% MW gvdgdlfi
~ Average
. . .. Lnio merit. daily attendance.
cents a day; and 1n 1899 1t was about $170.00 a year, or 00 cents M ‘ ‘ / ~ N 9 N ‘
. - .'assachusetts........ .......-.l:11,97r 360,311
a day. The production of Massachusetts in 1899 was $260.00 T . $9 8915 359 N31
for each man, woman and child, or 85 cents a day. The most ennessec . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ . . . . . . . . . , . . . 0,1 _.
favorable figures make the total annual production of the people Massachusetts taught school 188 days in the year and her en—
of Tennessee in 1899 less than $116.00 a year, or 38 cents a day, rolled pupils attended an average of 1413.5 days. Tennessee taught
for each inhabitant. Another wayito express it is to say that the school only 85) days and her enrolled pupils attended only 6.2.8
average family of five in Tennessee must live on $580.00 a year. days. The average Tennessee child is absent 26.2 days in the 89
counting everything produced on the farm and in the home, as 7 days of the school session.

. well as sales and money wages; while the same family in Massa— hilassachusetts expended for all purposes of her public schools
chusetts has $1,300.00 a year to spend, and the average family ”in 1898-00, $13,880,838, which was $38.55 per pupil in average
of the United States has $850.00. Put these facts together and daily attendance and $5.07 per capita of her population. Tennes—
we at once see their tremendous significance. The proportion see expended for her public schools in the same year, $1,628,313,
.,_..__ Which is $51.62 per pupil in average daily attendance and only 83

. The data used in this paper were derived from the reports of the cents per capita of. population. The averace expenditure for all
commissioner of education of the United States and of the state board . ‘ . _b .
of education of Massachusetts. from Butler’s "Education in the United the States Of the 1111101] 15 $19-00 per pltpll 111 average Clally attend—
States." from articles by Dr. Wm. T. Harris, commissioner of education ance and $2.67 per capita of the population of the entire country. .
0f the United St“‘""5 and from ”“3 Tcnnessce State “worm The power of education in production may be presented again

‘ JAN 5 1901 '
Dear Sir: - 4. ' 1
_ . The inclosed leaflet was prepared to suggest to the

1people of Tennessee and the South a line of thought appropriate
for the last Christmas of the century. I have used Tennessee as
an illuStration. because her educational conditions represent the
average of those in the South and it is my own state. The conclu—
sions apply with equal force to every Southern state, and it is A
hoped that others will make the applications to them.

Many explanations and excuses for the sad condition of
our public cohools will occur to the Southern reader; but I had
to deal with facts and felt it my duty to point out the inexora-
ble law of progress even though the demonstration was painful. I
Is it not time to cease discussing the past and making QXplana—
tions for Our unfortunate conditions and to get to work to im—
prove them? If this law is true, if production is as eduCation, . '
how can we eXpect to make any progress if we do not heed it?
How can we expect to be pardoned if we do not strive to live ”
up to it in the future? *

If you approve, will you not, for the sake of the cause,
have this paper'published, discussed and applied? A few copies
can be had for distribution, if desired.

4 ‘ Very truly yours, l
f" “v r x .45 ‘ . .
442442.41: .’:/.«Iflr/mw/ .
. d”

aunsm-nmns‘rnm K N OXV I L L E
_ .28 ri'ng'usi; 131305
Presidsnt James K. PetLergon.
Stete Collins 0f Kentucky,
‘ 5_evi:/=.~i;.:)r1, THEM/Inky.
21891" 3143‘." .
Years ‘0 Ln: §3esifiewz?f Tic finiversiby has
"ween receivafi 1?? his (OMS—mne. "mi 1 :.'-‘:‘gf‘agr‘.
there is a Department of Domeszic iciunoe 2t the
Quiversity of .ehressee, Whose h97d is a ném*er of Lhe
faculty pxoper, rankinn 95 9? ihfitructor. 9nd re031VLrh
at present 3 Salary 0f 71096. A SLaLement of the cowrse
of stufly 07ferafi mnfi OLHfif 1nf03m9110n in re77rfi b0 1W9
departm 5 October l‘~ (75"
Presjfient Tamas V. Batter‘son,
Strata C0? Isms oi‘ Yentucky,
Eexj "#1502, 7"”.
IxTy (10,11? Prrassfiv‘“ mt Pave-son:
You»: 7919-30 of the 7th, mfi‘rjpv inquiry as
to the salaries paid por‘i‘essors 3'15 ass: stint prof‘esam‘s by
the University Oi“ Teunesseo, "ms fiu‘ir 1”»?091'795. ""3 1.22m '
no sac?" s*-'stezn as ”our owes-tion? iatr/ly. Hat’revefi, a pay our
assistant _p‘x"Of-‘ESIZ'"‘I‘55 from Dina. T'iuvwfl WW to t‘trel‘“? 7117:3477 (103193: -
9 ”wr- m1" IJ“'c“,T>..{;::\‘1‘:'; f'nrm tr *tTW'emzr‘i tr: t".">,~~1:y-:ffi‘-ro Fun-
'7‘1'425. Trev "re ;~«=,.r:70v7?‘z'Tr-‘, 0:11" 1." PM Thar?“ «“1" TWQS'“ ms.
Trustin’r thit “ff": inferntr'ir‘n "r511 ”90‘? ”on in
ti 9 ta I»; 01 sqijca. to you.
Pr-‘wir‘tent. p?