xt7ghx15n565_85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. A.L. Peterman text A.L. Peterman 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_8/Folder_8/118480.pdf April-June 1896 1896 April-June 1896 section false xt7ghx15n565_85 xt7ghx15n565 m MW of D :1sz . 23 3 .,
, ' 3

. Magma. 431,189

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 t 1 .
State (EoIIege of Kentuckg,
flexington, Kg,,April 1,1896. I
Hon. A.E.Peterman,
Editor"Southern School",
Dear Siez— ‘
In your issue of the SIst.,March an editorial on "Educational
Progress in Missippi" makes an invidious comparison between the Univer-
sity of Missippi and the State College of Kentucky and by implication
between the Chancellor of that institution and myself.
In view of the relations which have heretofore existed between us I am
unable to account for the animus which inspires the conclusion of the
article. The editorial does the State College gross injustice,it does
me a gratuitous unkindness.
. To any one who cares to make himself acquainted with the facts the
State College needs no apology. The only matter of surprise is that it
has survived the fierce assaults of ecclesiastical and political oppo-
nents and today stands head and shoulders ahove all its assailants.

I have no de sire to precipitate a newspaper controversy. My work
whether well or ill done speaks for itself. I may,however,express my
deep regret that in relation to myself the disparaging comparoson comes
from one whose apparent sympathies and commendations I seem to have
entirely misapprehended,and in relation to the College that it should
suit his purpose to traverse and misrepresent the facts.

Rflspectfully yours,
04W) mate

 State (Eollege of-Kentuckg,
jas. K. patterson, ph. 13., presibent.
. flexington, Kg,,Aer-il 1,1896.
. Hon. A.E.Peterman, ..
Editor"30utnéen School“, 3 I ,
Dear 312:? I " l ' I ‘ . _ I ‘V 2 l .
In youelissoe of the alst.,Merch an editoriel on "Educational
Progress in Lissieni" makes an invidious comparison between the Uniyer-
sity of Missippi ene the state College of Kentucky and by implication
between the Chancellor of that institution and myself. ‘ ,
In vien of the reletions which have hefetofore existed between us I am 7'
enable to account tor the animus which inspires the conclusion of the
" Article. The edito;1al does the State College gross injustice,it does
me a gtatfiitous unlindness. l l
- lo any one who cares to make himself acqaainted with the facts the
Stete College needs no ecology. The only matter of surprise is thet it
, has survived the fierce assaults of ecclesiastical and political oppo—
nents and todey stends head and shoulders above all its assailants.
I have no de Site to precipitate e newspaper controversy._My work .
. er well or ill done sneaks for itself. I may,however,express my
V 3‘ net thet in relation to myself the disnaraging comparcson pones
. ‘ ose apparent synnathies and commendations I seem to have 2
W 5“. \prehended,and in relation to the College that it should
-, ->l * ‘Hv to thanerse and misrepresent the facts.
’” I ‘ ..: V Raspectfully yours,

 State (Eollege of Kentucky, ‘
3as.1(. patterson, on. D., presibent.
, flexington, Kg,,April 2,1696.
Hon. A.L.Peterman,
Editor"South ern School", -
. Dear Sir:-

I In your issue of the Sist.,March an editorial on “Educational
Progress in Missi ssippi“ makes an invidious comparison between the
University of Mississippi and the State College of Kentucky and/by im—
plication,between the.Chancellor of that institution and myself.

In view of the re lations which have heretofore existed between us I am
unable to account for the animus which inspires the conclusion of the
article. The editorial does the State College gross injustice,it does me
_a gratuitous unki ndness. lhe conditions under which the University of

came into existence

Mississippi and the State College of Kentuckynand under which they have
developed are so dissimfilar that the data for a legitimate comparison
do not exist.

To any one who cares to make himself acquainted with the facts the
State College nee ds no apology. The only matter of surprise is that it

I has survived the fierce assaults of ecclesiastical and political oppo-
nents and today stands head and shoulders above all its assailants.

I have no de sire to precipitate a newspaper controversy.My work
wheekr well or ill done speaks ulii for itself. I may however express
my deep regret that in relation to myself the disparaging comparison
comes from one whose apparent sympathies and commendations I seen to
have entirely misapprehended,and in relation to the College that it
should suit his purpose to traverse and misrepresent the facts.

[W was i
oer/now: ¥6§DW a,“ ,

 \Vfizbrf: fif/Zf/z' / A L PETEWMN, 59,7“ ,,,“. _ I, 7 w. v. DEMAREE. Mums/we 50mm
,,1n.:f:':::: -. 77., M1 , 7:: ,, fl: 1' H. D. HUFFAKER’, {a H, (.7:.'?(‘7,LJ!‘PS,
‘3 OFTFJC/AL ORG/W j ASSOC/\TF. szvvnvs:
OF EDUCATION. 77:71:57; :i:i’:fi::l:‘:‘:%iw """"'-"*f:"::""'* ' " " ' ' "
\ 1. ‘Af_i’};;§:::‘ OF THE 1 HOME '{OFF/CE ___.mm‘
j meE‘ 55,150 A YEAR 1, LEXINGTON. KY. April 3, 1896 .
President Jas. K. Patterson,
Dear Mr. President:-

Your favor of even date referring to what you are
pleased to term "invidious comparison between the University of Missis-
sippi and the State College of Kentucky,and by implication between the
Chancellor of that institution and myself (yourself) ",is just received.
I am surprised to find that you trace comparisons out so minutely as to
make out of my article an "invidious comparison" between you and
Chancellor Fulton. I assure you that I had no intention of instituting
a cemparison between you and that gentleman, nor do I see that my lan—
guage Justifies such a view.

I meant a comparison between the institutions, not their Presi—
dents or Faculties. Certainly a man is allowed to commend one man without _
being supposed to reflect upon another in a like station, when the others
name is neither called nor intimated. .

The conditions and history of the University of Mississippi and
the State College of Kentucky are of course quite dissimilar, but I
think not so dissimilar "that the basis for a legitimate comparison
does not exist”. Of course you cannot lay two colleges down side by side
and measure their dimensions,as you can two walking canes. But investi-
gation of the conditions of the two institutions will certainly not
show that ten years ago the University of Mississippi had a more .
hopeful outlook than the State College of Kentucky. Of/course I am aware
that the State College has had to fight for its lifefflif not for its
life, at least for its growth in endowment; but in this respect it is
in no wise dissimilar to its sisters in other states. You will also
notice that the complaint in my editorial was not alone at what the
State College has failed to accomplish,but that also in attendance it is
on the down grade from year to year. As I got my facts from your own
catalogue,they come from an authoritative source.

You speak of having no desire to precipitate a newspaper controversy
I might infer from this that your letter was intended for insertion in
our columns, but there being no express hint to this effect, I shall
hold it subject to yourorder, promising that I shall gladly publish if
you desire.

¥ou also speak of spending the remainder of your life in peace ,
quietness and charity with all men. For my part I cannot see that a
public criticism of a public institution should in any wise lead its
president to lose any quietness or charitable disposition . Would you
allow me to say that I think your annoyances in such matters come from
your disposition to be continually confounding yourself with the Col-
lege of which you are the head? Can't a public man in a public capacity


 , :\‘:\;:T42:-~ :;:{.// ,_g_ [_ PETE/.mufiagv 45344:», , 4,4,4 . 4 W. QEMAPEE, 4‘4‘A/JAG' 16‘ 5317179.
" ' V V ‘ K H. S), HUFFIAHED, 3: H. "xv-7c r4593,
; (Erna/4m Ofeflrlh L 34 :m
1 21122343742“ OF . 4444 444
w3 Pia/CE. 3:;;41 YEAR, ‘.- ‘ LEXINGTON. KY4
discuss the policy of a public institution without being supposed to be '
unfriendly to its chief?
In esteeming me your friend you were strictly within the facts.
I know few men, if any, of whom I have a higher opinion or to whom I
feel more kindly than to yourself; but had it ever occurred to you that
while I owe you something as my friend, I also owe something to the pub-
lic which as an editor I should humbly strive to enlighten on public
matters? Has it also ever occurred to you that it would be disloyal
to my people to fail to give them such facts as I have regarding the
institution which is costing them so much?
- So deeply do I feel my personal obligation to you that I shall
publicly acknowledge it in an extended article concerning the College,
to be published in our issue of the 14th inst. I assure you that I
have no other object in this discussion than the improvement of the great
, institution of which you are the honored head. I do not mean to criti—

cise it in any particular, except in its lack of touch With the people.

This criticism is certainly legitimate,and the people will see its le-

gitimacy, even if you do not.

With great respect,
Yours sincerely, /,
I /'/ 74 x‘// j)
,/4 ‘,’ ;~’ ./ «

 "‘ z: " '1 1
1mm W.
filtfington. M, 189
M ALPzamm,

m 5:. v

'Mm Wm. MWWMWW 2 W
W: 941:. err-WW; *7": m7 mi;

09».— M‘mec, AmbrWC—‘ffu—L/ Jam 5% L1. '1
L'JW :, mmWFm/hm WW. Zr

-,. 7:“, M; flaw. fdn‘ W I: W m'WWZ,
WA W 4-7:. MW ,1: h; KWJWL W.

M 1:. 71; Ma“. W In. M». 7W~f1m

fin! W 9 km“ -'
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5,17%”; hm.’ Wm- W414}:
wwfil‘wfia ‘Z/RW ”511%”:

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i fittington. 51m 189
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dia‘M‘flacfliewu/Z) m7, Q/mim’"? a.
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HéT/Ie an} firms/7. a. WWaLL Mail—TM.
24,4721“; 431th guys“. at W’f‘;
N174 .71, W Asap/Lab, 7er Z‘Wm
filmmfi m 2.~/W L‘W
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pm W7 twfie 57.477... W ”ML
W3 W7 x5“ Wwwew‘fi/C/
Jew)” 4.7;“, pm a flaw“. Aer/Liz, at.
hove W” M, 4‘7 him/rm Mm
mp. Afr—km (m M,W mil—«Zr,
K2... 2,.”wa #5:.) Mimic, #717, MWM .

 ”£25533? “
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flittington. 631] 189
.62. ,9 hwy/IMF mm 1;. ima4j€ ‘9 Ltij/x
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dug”? ii. {tn/P434. fan/CT? L‘M Moo AZ m‘
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‘ M 544:3). W all—fax. AW mXa‘cafi
MHz/1%; him-M: Mam; hm? 1»wa
m wheat; »L m WAC. 4116‘ mar WW1JZIZL2¢0~R
54% malt, zwwyz; £4.62. 2M.
55-14%:fo Luv/(..2 4M», 4:»: 27‘7”“;
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15......” a... .
twingmn. 41m 189
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agape». 91-4-4441 Was, W M
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WA; W W42 mm, oLM/f; rm
emf”, at) m WM 7*“ .12: AM;
fiatfiflww~ 01.3? 01 M451. 6.;
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hit thaoawac mm, as.) Z. k m4
Wm? a. mlwaz AKA/.~fin’7: irn/:3
gugzwb MAM”hr;h A; 7417,».

 V State Gollege of Kentuclig, I I
3as. K. patterson,'ph. D., presibent.
{canyon Hg” ADF11,7,IOHB'
Dear Sir:-
I have the honor to acknowledge the T‘wcoipt of your lwtter of
" the 3rd.inst.,in reply 30 mine of identical date.
1 am not prepared to admit that the State College in its nttonoance
' is on the down grade from year to year. The alleged facts is to numbers ’
matriculated,and as to the relative attendance in the Preparatory Pept.
and in the College proper you never got from any catalogue o? ours.
A comparison of the State Gillegc and its sister Cullcacs fouhond
in other States under the Act of 1662 would he quite legitimate. I still
hold that the conditions for a legitimate cwmooeison between the Univer—
sity of Mississippi and the State College do not exist. Tho former is a
denominational institution founded long before the war,and thounh crip-
913d in its reSuurces aLfi its operations hy theucigiiwitrife,hy the aid
of its former prestige and the generosity of its fihnfis soon vocovered
its former actiVi ty,the latter is of comparatively vocert origin.emhar-
tossed and almost ruined during the onrlicr Hort of its hiiot existence
. by an unfortunate connection which at the clone of its [Kth.,yeor left
it without a local habitation and scarcely With A none; the former in-
tended mainly to prOVidc on education in the lihéral art? on” enquiring '
therefore inexpensivn material equipment,the letter or education for the
industrial classes at the excense of costly apparatus and laboratories;
the former liberally endowed by voluntary indiVidual benefactors,the lat
ter after long and persistent solicitation martially and precariously

 State (Eollege of Kentuckg,
3‘15. K. patterson/ph D., presibent. .
. ‘ flexington, 1{g”
( 2)
endowed hy State aid compensating in some degree for thn Sacrifice
through incompetent State officials of the munificent original endow-
ment by the Federal Government;the former enjoying quietly tho revonues I
accruing from voluntary bequest,che latter compelled to Fight every two
lyears to retain the State aid grudgingly given and reluctantly continu—
ed.;thc former ot piece with all ito canoes contemporaries,lho latter
surrounded by persistent and inveterate enemies,forced to rowel mali-
cious attacks fro m every quarter,the oonstitutivnality or its mainte-
nance contested in the courts meanwhile;the former drawing iln patronage I
_ mainly Iron urban constituencies HYd well to do planters,the lattor from
a rural hopulotion possessed of very moderate meons.I ask you candidly
do thehe contrasts furnish you the hosis of a legitimate conuarision,
and if so would it he such as you conclude? I know that a skillful dio-
lecticion may find elements of comparison in incompatible subjectb,ir a
Polytechnic School and a Theological seminary - hotn educatlounl insti-
gutions,ond in a Church Steeple and 3 Railway Bridge - honn Wurkh of
Engineering,hut to most minds the things compared would scvq qulfio in—
A word in re ference to your puhlic mission as an ecitor. I roadily
3 grant that you ha ve a public duty t) discharge. But there uzy be two
ways of performing a puhlic duty in the event that toe necessity sxists.
Suppose that 1,38 your friend,should conclude that toe payer which you
so hbly adit and between wnich and yourself a very lutimulv rulafiionship

 tate (EoIIege of Kentucky, ' '
3as. K. pattersonfph. D., presibent.
flexington, Hg”
. (3) ,
= exists,fails adequately to perform the functions which it assumes to .
discharge,that its results are incommensurate with its professions its
opportunities and its resources,l might assail publicly and without warn
ing its tone,temper,methoos and results,oausing you emharassment,morti—
fication,perhsps hoing you a palpable injustice. Or I might,as your
friend,say to you“your paper,though a qood one errs here.commits mistak-
es there,exaggerates tnis,ninimizes that,makes the worse appear the bet-
, ter reason,vitiates puhlic sentiment. I might in a quiet conversation
convince you that reformation was needed in these. Now which of these
1 alternative courses do you think a friend would take? Do you not concede
that I would more effectively Vindicate my title to your friendship by
the latter cuurse?You have beer on pleasant terms with every member of
our faculty,so far as I know. We meet n'd exchange salutations day after
day,ond yet so tar as I know you never hinted defects in the management,
or suggested how the College might become o more ootent leverage for
good. You might say that personal considerations should not withhold
criticisms of a public institutions,nnd yet if I am credibly informed
Personnl considerations did for a year or more estop censorious public
criticism in the columns of the"§outhern fichool". should you douht this
statement 1 could give chapter and verse should the necessity arise.
1 readily as ceut yuur disclaimer of unfriendliness,but I think
most people would agree that you adopted a rather odd way of manifesting
your friendliness. I stand shout as close to the State College as you

State (EoIIege of Kentuckg,
3‘15. H. pattersonfph. D., Presibent.
( 4)
do to the "Southe rn School“.Not that the State College belongs to me,b
but the public holds me responsible for any alleged imperfection in its
management and results. You seem toAnot unlike the Physician who makes
a diagnosis and assumes the existence of a malady without having seen
the patient or taken the trouble to ascertain what morBific symptoms
Neither my former letter not this are for publication,at least not
yet. V
Your Ob't.Servant,

 \xltif::,4// .. A, L. PETERT'MAN, Err/Toy. .,_- . _ w, v. DEMAREE, Mmmwe Emrop.

"3":i”‘::::"i- V "k"\<"\"::::'r'l;r:' V L H. D. HUFFAKEP. R‘. H. CA1 QOTHER‘S,

OF EDUCATION. 5:7 7:74.77, 7,#-:7v7 .-7.7..,7.. _.7.. _. 7 7
, \AvtgiiéLuYEnii/EgséT OF THE i HOME iOFF/CE.__—mm“\‘
.i pie/cg, $150 A YEAR h . LEXINGTON. KY.. April 9 , 1896 .
President Jas. K. Patterson, ,
Dear Mr. President:— ,
Your second favor, dated April 7th, is just receiv-
ed. I assure you it gives me sincere pleasure to have this full and
free discussion of a subject so differently viewed by you on the one hand
and by me on the other.

You lay great stress upon the “College proper", and I am entirely
willing, for when the "College proper" is compared with what might be
termed the "college proper" of the University of Mississippi, the dis—
parity is even more glaring than when the two institutions are consid—
ered as aggregates. '

Since you insist so strenuously, however, that the comparison shall
not be set up between the Kentucky State College and the University of

‘ - Mississippi, I am willing to take your suggestion and attempt a com—
parison between the State College and a sister college, founded in
another state, under acts granting portions of the public domain to

, state institutions. The Arkansas Industrial University at Fayetteville,
without any Normal annex, but with a Pedagogical department,in which
the matriculation amounts to some thirty a year, has enrolled a total

~ of 570 students since the beginning of the present collegiate year.

' About one hundred and ninety of these, as President Buchanan informs
me, are in what you would term "the college proper." Now, how many stu-
dents in the "college proper" of the State College?

You insist upon close likenesses in comparing public institutions,
and yet you liken my relation to The southern School to yours as Pres—
ident of the state College, and "by implication" you liken the journal
to a state institution. May I remind you that the state wholly owns the
College and has not a cent of stock in The Southern School; and on the
other hand, that the editor is one of the owners of The Southern School,
while your sole relation to the State College is official? You think
that a"skillful dialectician might find elements of comparison in in-
compatible subjects, such as a church steeple and a railway bridge."
May I not add that in this case such a dialectician seems to have dis-
covered elements of comparison between a state, its property and one of
its officers on the one hand,and an editor and his journal on the other?

Yet, even if you should, as my friend, conclude that the paper
fails "adequately to perform the functions which it assumes" and should
state that fact publicly, I can't see that I should have any reason for
accusing you "by implication" of being unfriendly to the journal, much
less to me. i should have less reason for reaching such a conclusion

 :\::\¥;A 5/4/ / ;__ L, PETEPMAN, Eons», . .._. ,,.. , W. [DEV/«WEE. MAI/£0136 EDITOR
"‘x' : ' ""'W*" V f ' .’. H. D, HUFFAKEP, R. H. CAeoTHEPS,
5 OFF/(MAI, CIVGAN T A‘IZ’JCII-IE [7../")175.
OF EDUCATION. : , ,- ,7 We. 77:7” acacia v:l::—..—-:=.~:» -


:(LE.::[::ff\/:_SS.I W THE H OME {OFF/CE ..——-«nr:l\“\
if you had for some years been one of its writers, had fought its battles
all over the state, both in public and private, and had come to be rec-
ognized by the masses as one of its most steadfast friends. Your com-
parison is further weak in not remembering that as one of the directors
and the largest stockholder in The Southern School, I am far more re—
sponsible for its success or lack of success, than you as President of
a college, with a big board of trustees behind you, primarily responsi—
ble for the College's policy. Are you willing to admit that you are re-
sponsible for the present course of things on the State College campus?
Your unhappy comparison, when handled, dissolves. It reminds me of the
hair of a mummy which crumbles into dust on exposure to the atmosphere.

You say I "never hinted defects in the management or suggested how
the college might become a more potent leverage for good." As a matter
of fact-and I am surprised that you have forgotten it—I urged a popu-
larizing policy when I first became connected with the college, contin-

, ued it during all my relation as one of the faculty, and have persist-
ently recommended that course since my resignation. SO fully did I be—
lieve in such a step that I followed it in my own work, and I am confi—
dent that nine out of every ten people who know me and the College and
my former connection with it, will remember that this is the complaint
I have made against the management since 1888. In fact, I have discussed
this question with you personally so often that your forgetfulness as-
tonishes me,when I remember your prodigious memory for facts, dates,
places and persons.

You say if you are ”credibly informed, personal considerations

'did for a year or more estop censorious public criticism in the columns
of The Southern School." I am not sure I can interpret your intimation.
If you mean that "personal considerations"-persona1 friendship- delayed
the criticism I am now making upon the management, I plead guilty. Is
this your charge?

You compare me to a "physician who makes a diagnosis and assumes
the existence of a malady without having seen the patient or taken the
trouble to ascertain whether morbific symptoms exist." In this case, I
have visited the patient for years; I have sat up with him for a long
while; I watched over his bedside and noted his excessive sleep; I urged
him to take exercise—to get the outdoor air; I entreated him to go
among his friends who were begging for his company, telling him to quit
being so Suspicious. Not content with that, I analyzed the contents of
his stomach, and after this diagnosis, and considering the large quan-
tities of financial "elixir of life" that have been injected into him,
candor compels me to pronounce him a very"sick man." Shall his friends
come to his rescue, walk him up and down and shake off his drowsiness,
or leave him in this comatose condition and suffer his sleep to become .

 \s 7::7:>{?:“T::ifé§'é;./. / A~ L PETE/“MAN, Cmrow. .....A . . . W, Y, DEMAA‘EE, MANJSING) Eulrort
'7 " ""'v'” 7 " V 7' '7 " H. 3. HUFFAKEQ, Q. H. CmvorHEres,
‘ C’FF/LT/g’\!., CREAM . /\ $x70/1'E Em‘mw'
8‘17: [3:4 HTJ'V S
' WEEKLY \‘v’LZST OF 7"er
.J Pace", $/ 50 A YEAR, ‘u LEXINGTON. KY.
Again, I may asseverate my friendship for the institution and
for you. I felt confident at the outset that you would not believe me,
and that fact kept me from speaking longer than it should. It is a fact,
however, known to everybody else who knows me at all—a fact which you
will confess when all things are reckoned up. I waited for years for a
change of policy; having despaired of that marvelous "going to be" or
which I have been so long and so confidently assured, I have at last
concluded that I should labor publicly for a course which will bring the
College into touch with the people for whom it exists.
Yours truly,
/7 /"‘.,
[MK/>44 -
./ . Mir/1 "6'?//74>&§i7,‘7 /

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 >~::::“77»’E//:::J, . .4. L, FEIEA“‘AN, Eu/rw' ,l \V. ‘v. DS‘JA/x‘ii. $147.43WG EDIT-"3,
‘ #77” V ”777" 7 V V" 5". D. HUFFAI\EFQ. 5?. H. CAROWHE/csl
_ OFF/CAM OPEC-AN , ,.,mmaw r.~~
T I”'“ '; .4-
S '7 A TE DEPA 5?)" WEN TS
ortoucm/ors. . . .. y 7 .. 1:3" . .._ng 7,
SNOW PAVING Siri‘sre’wr'ow LEXINGTON, KY., AND measure m»
‘ “ ."JCO-é‘ee/H‘J‘ALJ.
r\.‘.1,EOHEt~J/ES 1 HOME OFF/CE _.....“m\
i W"“’ ‘ , . , z w. , . “.0
u‘ PP/OE. $1.50 A YEA/'8, u LEX/[VG TON, KM. A1111]. 7.4, wry-:14.
Pros. James K. Pattrrson,
Izenr Fir. Prefa'Lflviyfl-q-
Yours of Auril IBtn, announcing furth r discussion useless and
~ . -_.....-n '. , ‘. w ‘1,-.,‘ Joe. 1, ‘ ‘...
closed, SW .aq 13 you are conscrneu, is at hand. I regret unis QCClSlLL,
w . ' . .r», .,,. ..-. ' - s . .,' ,. ... ,,; . w; + - ’.-
for I Know for muntut exer01sss LEON union I delive “01c proiit, or for
which I have a better relish than for dissect1ng your logic.
You asked for a comparison with some other institution than tne
Universitv of Kississiypi. You got it, and now you are even more
. ' ~ ». - , . , - ..7. r . ..4. —.—_. , .1‘...‘;..»,-.
anx1ous to gci rid or it. You seem to onVo almos. a” much u...u of
seoihc and roadins the figures of othmr colleges, as of g1v1ng your own.
_ 4 g) --- . - ..4 1‘ ' _. 7‘ _.H ‘1‘ '7”. J. . , '
As statistics are no ofrensrve to y32r nature, I Jerome; to offer
‘ '5 - .a — n... ,7. . , *7 —' P,\'~. .—' 4- ,
1W statement rngfrnlng Lnfi atteLdanfio upon tub LHLlefiib} of
. . ' . . . -J . A m , .1]. .r - Pt -. .4.. : ..,: f 4.. ~ ,.3 H1, :—
MiSSissippi and the attendance upon toe Stntb 401L31u9399m5 to nave con
' -\ - , .n'- .,n'. ‘. ..,.. .'. Tr . ' H- a .. _ ,.’. .‘ . .‘ j ..- .~ ,‘3
taincu two errors, IlCBb, in saying ”GHLUCAylb population