xt7ghx15qg3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15qg3d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198504 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, April 1985 text GSO Newsletter, April 1985 1985 2019 true xt7ghx15qg3d section xt7ghx15qg3d (@553 S5 NEWSLETTER
I.EB)(1T]E;tC)r] POST OFFICE Box 11471
Apnl 1985
\NHl\T IS THIS lam... v
COURT of the

In brief. The Court System is a social
communityaservgce Forganization. ”(when the syste: - , ,
originate in pan rancisco over a} years ago, i -
was strictly l‘camp" fun,'and from that beginning HE LUEGRASS
derived our "camp titles. . . i.e. "Emperor , ,
and Empress" (.hose who serve for one year as the . ..';.,_“ I I
presidents of our organization): "Coronation” (a . MPIRE;,II‘IC"
gala function held once yearly at which time we
elect our new officers). etc. As the elected . .
officers of our organization, our primary goals are L PETUEPS the best BSFECt 0i OUT DFQBHIZBtIDn is
to further relationships with organizations and that it 15 Open to anyone and EVETYOUE- The CDUTt
businesses within our community, to hold functions encompasses the entire QaY community, EHd 15
and fundraisers for charitable organizations. to composed 0* 50th aDPDIHtEd RHd UHEPPDIF Ed BEEbEFS,
help those in the community who are in need of our "“0 share _ equal]? the same priVIIEQES 9”
assistance. and to recognize the leaders of our responsibilities. here is no discrimination as is
communit _‘ eVident ln that our members represent every aspect

The in erial Court of the Bluegrass Empire is 9* Saflefii both 95? and straight. A PEFSUH’S
one of the oldest court 5 stems east of the gender, 11 estyle. 0f “Dd? Gt dFESS hBS no hearing
Mississippi. Host major cities in the western “hBESUEYET 0” acceptance 1” OUT QTUUP- EVERYONE Ia
United States and Canada have a court system in HELeDHE‘
their community. In California alone there are
approximately 3. courts. So in essence, we are a THANKS TU THE BAR
chapter in an international organization. Our
monarchs attend other coronations throughout the He neglected to thank The Bar in last oonth’s
country representing and sharing in urthering newsletter for hosting our annual Valentine’s Day
relations eith outside communities. Now one Dance. They did their usual terrific job. Thanks!
associated with our organization personally
receives any monetary gain from any money raised a BAD BLOOD
our functions. The money goes directly back into from Parade Hagazine
the community as outlined above.

Throughout the years, the national Court System Effective iooediately. blood donors in
has raised hundreds of thousands of do lars Queensland. Australia, Nlil be fined $10.000.00 or
collectively to channel back into charitable. jailed for too years--or both--if they lie about
social, and vpolitical causes._ Hhen Anita Bryant the possible unsuitahility of their blood for
and Proposition 6 (the Briggs’ initiative) transfusion. Three babies died in Brisbane
surfaced the Court S"stem r§158d thousands of recently after receiving blood from a 27-vear-old
dollars to help defeat these anti-gay crusades. homosexual suspected of having contracted AIDS from

a sex partner.

H zou would llkEDUEo advertise in the Ieuletter Chen here to receive your lru
newslet er, please send your ad copy and ayeent to "W °‘ "" 55“ """'“'”----
BSD, P.U. Box 11471, Lexin ton, Ky. 40E75. See
the calendar (or the news?etter deadline. Due to ”mm” Y” ”m“ ‘ as“ "m" ”‘"“"
postal regulations, we reserve the right to refuse "" "mm” m °' “°'°° °’
advertising due to conazgésor space availability. '5‘” ‘°’ ““d'm‘
Eigth Pa e t 3.00 ‘
Quarter Bags $15.00 “”“55‘
'23“ :23: 3333 ciinsmiziir:
ClaSSHIEd ‘ 1'00 égghtgdglttgfigl :03? Please eail above ion to: 690. P0801 llUl. Lexington. Iv £0575
NEH DlSCOUNTSHaHective inediatelyl “ghee,
iii: 1"“ «of
/ 0 or i. no. "o°.° / i,, 52'
1/2 off for non-profit groups. ,fng.’ /,/ Rig)???
lhe 650 newsletter is Bublished eunthly by the / v/.,/7/ \v.‘ 5'
LeXington Ga; Services rganization Incorporated, // m @g“;
P.0. Box 114 1, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 650 is ", . ,, 7. ’/._/;:\_.
a non-profit organization whose purpose is to :4 J M 1953‘.
provide educational, recreational, social and ”fig”: 2lg§iii§ig
referral services directly involving or relating to ' ‘bfl/ ' Inf;i\
gay/lesbian people. . 5;: .- 7/!” fl 3 ,-
Views or aginions exgressed in stories or /'\§,§ ~‘, .//’
letters are t ose of t e writers and do not ' §§FT\ *'
necessarily represent those of the BSD board or the '\\ \ ENE;
newsletter staH. Publication of the nale or ‘3 § it? if
photograph of any person, organization or other ; I ;‘\ “K1 '
entity in articles or advertising in the newsletter 2‘“? § E; if ./
is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation -/Ҥ {Q
of such person, organization or entity. ‘3
Submissions for the newsletter are welcole. All
suboissions becoee the groperty ol the Lexington SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS
Day Services Organiza ion, nc. All Sublissions ————--————————--—--—1
lust indicate the full naee and address of the 650 SPUNSDRS 550
author. although no byline will be published —-————————~———--—-————-———--—-—————-
without pereission of the author. Non-original Unitarian Universalist Church. 3554 Clays hill 223-1448
material lust indicate that that person has given The Bar, 224 E. nain St. 255-1551
his/her gereission for the use of his[her nale in in. Baldwins! 10:. p, Hamil at. 252-4933.
the Elm ication.' ADODYIDUS SleIlSSanS ”mat be tKeith Buchanan, Trendsetters 3513 Landsdowne Dr. 273—1097
accep Ed- ThEIEdltOFlal 5t?” “35 the ”RM to Kentucky Theatre, 214 c. hain St. 254-6010
an.” 501?“,5510“ ,(lnCIUdlng advertise-en 5) to Brett Johnson Gallery, 144 Harrison Ave. 255-2124
"Et PUb115hlng require-ants. Hovieola, 1759 Alexandria Dr. 273—1451
DIRECTORY x Fur’tl Feathers, 2909 Richmond Rd. 266—0226
Reflections in Hair Design. 835 Hinchester Rd. 255-3325
550 Bayline... ............ . . IIIIIII231—0335 Richardson Vision Center, 1757 Alexandria Dr. 278—0613
BSD Newsletter. Beneral..................299-0352 * Flurers by Don. 20050uth1and Dr- 273-0555
' Advertisement...”.......273--3309 Cafe’ LHNDP, 337 E. Rain St. 252-7151
Mailing List. III .... II I I JAB—3935 Bluegrass Landscape Design, 4387 Harrodsburg Rd. 223-9114
C ‘ " - 3 2 Silk Ereen House, 1050 Chinoe Rd. 268-8100
iii.liili§§il”il.§fflf?z:::::::::::::::::533-8a§i . r.
Imperial Court of the Bleugrass Eopire...252-1155 Jest“: ‘07 “3 5W? 5“- 252-6512”
Gay and Lesbian Deaocrates of Kentuck ...255-4855 Green Earth Landscaping chapany, “ti-imp
Louisville Crisis Hotline.......... (532) 537-4342 3'9““9'5! 2“ ”5‘ 5“” 5m“ 2"“919”
Owensboro Bay Alliance............. (502) 695—5246 t Rod Saalfeld. Trendsetters, 3513 Landsdowne Dr. 273—1610
Cincinnati Ga Switchboard...u....(513l 221-7900 Bowls“ Landscape Sever“: ”3-1292 “r “73-3129 -
National Gay task Force Crisis LineiBOOl 221-7044 I .i
NGTF AIDS Crisis Line..............l800l 221—70442 ”5* “M “9501mm" 95” "MB--

 V \ ' ‘ '3‘ \ t ”ht
5 » . . \\ s ‘ an ‘ . \ “‘\‘\\>\\t\::;:>t» its)“. t
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i ~ $\‘: \; -. o ”i V- A". ;‘\ \ :'\ .22. it it", " t“ L that" t
tags-as ,; \i . \\ ~ ~ ., gee: ’ ;-,~;s:25~:»i»’ ‘ fit
I \§ \: \\\\ . . > \\\\ g
h t
I IS peaceful moment '
brought to you by
g2 on, KY 40502

 (518,. Bed IN ’35
'55 My The board members of BSD made a weekend retreat
Nv ,i recently to plan goals for the comins year. The
- eisht-hour long session on Saturday boi ed doen to
a ist of 12 goals which BSD hopes to accomplish in
i985. The goals where then ranked in order, of
importance. by each board member, and the compiled
results, (in order of importance), are as follows:
BE. Art US - SS 1 l S 3 l . . . .
' NE A B“ INE MEETING H NLTE /4 85 -lncrease Community PartiCipation in BSD
Hinutes and treasurer’s report were read and -lmproye Aeareness Di ESQ
accepted. The treasury stands and $1,186.45. A :thihirghéiiiiifiicfiith Dther Broups
s r' l __ ' t . s 'et at r 'n re=. £1. L': d ,- .
-pe_ia arrghn wa 3 up for r'r trd't 80' y —;ncrease Phoneline Volunteers
.. s s --ol:. “t -hers’ Bureau
The SDEuLEFS Bureau reported on speaking at 2 ”799 S7?‘_. _ . .
consultations for the Division of Children’s 'gbéainfiFlndnLlél Stiblllti _
Services and has other upcoming dates at EKU and "'FSVISt More Fuureb_aed SPE‘kEFS
with new police recruits. Also confirmed that the _E;?a2:2iia Large LEhblan and 53? pride
l«S U =ate 's cc: d‘ ‘ f r ’. “ EL'a 0”.
A D pi i : te uled or Ha ch o -AlDS Education , '
The President announced the following: 'Ffll Empty Beard PailtlnD .
The mailing list is still at approximately 200 'Ffll 305151 D1F55t°r P051t10“
addresses. , . . .
The Valentine’s Dav dance made $218.00. . htt1V1t195 for the CDD1DD year “EVE, 31?”
The office space on gguth Broadway is still on discussed. at the retreat. Read about them in this
hold. and upcoming newsletters. .
Diooity’s lst anniversary celebration will be on PtSSSS _hS1P us t0 35h19V9 these 93315-
uarcm'io at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Partitledts 1“ 550
There was a request for volunteers for this r
year’s Special Dlymipcs. Volunteers may get more Thanh=i
information by writing to BSD. lim
Edwin announced that Jester’s has 1935 President
calendar’s to donate to BSD. Also that the Central
Kentucky Blood Center approached_ him concerning
setting on an alternative location_ for blood .
testing. Doug volunteered to act as liason. M
flit-In... J's. .,
nah an;
\ n . ,
1 /' /
h \ l
Ly “WL ' -
Here are the results for week El of the BSD
Eainbom Bowling League:
El"'giég'aghglceu'"2573'"ISTD"TSSG?"'"5S'" Innovatlve Greet'ngs
2 Dieoer Dan 25.0 18.9 1§é§i g: arid
3 Eu.ch 2E.D 18.0 149. a: .
Spare Parts 24.0 20.0 13334 54 Assorted Slllmess
S Bananas 23.5 20.5 18794 53
- Wizard of Dd: 23.0 2;.” lg“??? E0 Over 300 Valentine Designs in Stock
é Ehgmg Ehghh gs“? éé‘g ihgég 3% lnchxhng hAany X-Rated
a Perliin as; Paint 11522512131 35 _ , ,
10 Three ii 3.0.5 17939 so 107 West Short St. Lexmgton. Ky.252—6510

'h3137éfi h I hage+hearghthe expressifin ’thg thirds ignes a
_<:, ', c are’, u. in is case ’_.ree iees a oser’
2: EZ7)P would' probably be more appropriate. If a nan who
. ~ 1 is unfaithiultto you andldt911ih you gbogt even
:nowing ha you wou ra er no :now is
’basically everything I could ever want in a gui’
I think .you better take a close look at just what
you want in a relationship before you get involved
in another one. IF, after four aonths. you are
still hung up over a nan ou were involved with for
only three months, I tiink it is tiee for you to
ASK AUNT MARY getqgusy pgttigg tEe gast (and him) behind you.
a vious “. t e es wa' to for et about ast
He are hagpy to announce that Aunt Mary has lovers is 1to find a ngw one, alihou h I suggest
recovered a host completely from her recent health that you be very selective this time. lo neet new
Erobleas and is resuming her column this month. people, of course, you will have to get out and
HroaIBSlJ and all of your readers, welcoee back Aunt arougg. Whyfnot try a different bar than you
ary. usua y in -o. where you airht eeet a new rrou of
geople and be less likely toJrun into you khow Eho.
Dear Aunt Hary: .hlS might also be a good tine to pursue a hobby or
Last gummer I {911 in love with a guy 11 years interes. you haven’t aken the tine to get involved
younger than myself. He saw each 0 her for three in yetz but always wanted to. Houldn’t it be
nont s and broke up because I couldn’t take his pleasant t5 take a night 51355 BHU find a nan HhD
unfaithfulness which he insisted on telling me even Share? your passion for the ancient Inca
though I’d ask hie not to. Then at his desire and CIVllllétIDn for whatever)?
hope ully new look at us we decided to give it At any rate, the point is to stay bus enough
another go, as the Engligh say. This disaster that you donft have tine to worry aboui whether
lasted . days with his finally coming up with the your ex is available or not, and whether he is
phrase to exp ain himself, '1 don’t want to be interested or not. its time to move on to better
responsible for anyone elses’ happiness.I thinQSl
low the big problem. I’m still very strongly Aunt ”BFY
attached to this guy. He is basically everything
could ever want in a guy. I even feel e still .70 my many FEBUETS "hD sent cards and letters
feels strongly for me but is scared of me because I Whlle "35 1“ thE hDSPItal ("fit in lention the
said “Stay he F--- out of my life.” The reason for lovely “UHF-WSW thank Y9” 50 sushi .1 H111
the statement, of course, was anger. I did cale attengt t? answer 9355 bUt It may take a "“119: 35
down and apologized twice, twenty-four hours apart. I 5t1 I tire VEIY EBSIiY- Thank YOU 511 i0? your
However at the time, this didn’t seen to aake any EGHCEFH-
difference at all. LOVE:
Hutual Friends of ours tell ee he is not over me Aunt "it?
either, but that is an impression he leaves, not . _
actual words of his. I know he was afraid to speak It (0“ “DUld like to "FltE t0 AUNT “ARV; 550d
to me when we happened to meet at a local bar one ¥DUF 19 ter to: Aunt_Hary, 1550 PDSi foice Box
night. My guerry is this: 1) Should I be willing 14-71. Lexington. Kentucky 46575. All names are
to try again or no ? 2) If yes then should I eake kEPt StFlCtlY CDHtldEHtla - If YOU "15h 3
the move or wait for hi: to sale the move, if there PEFSOHAI rEplyv please include a stamped self
is eygr togbe one;h_3l If no, then how do I ever addressed EnVE ope.
ina y at over . is one.
Aunt aary Sweetues. I’ll appreciate any and all d2} C3313"
advice. I’ l let you know one way or the other in r a: :5 "
the near future. “£=\.
Love ya, /
Three tines a chard Fk "
,—~ .1- ii'fJFfT till.“ I .fii‘
Dear Charaer: fiLJiii-.1?TIS’-il€l‘\'€‘ '2
Sweetuns?! Really! And didn’t your anther teach tnl)‘ ‘ “ w a
you better than to use four letter words in front .‘ E5
of an old lady? Hell. Isupppse I can overlook /=
these things in ight of your emotional ternoil 'cgl _. We? 33"] :‘3.,,.Io:
) just this once. Perhaps I’m a little over ",‘lljsllfiy'
Beniitige to obscenities due to my recent ordeal. ll133“” f‘;l" ‘” ‘ . t., “«1
n o a Vice. H “' "' ' " ~< M,

_ The i periai Court of the Bluegrass Empire 7
_ . . invites you to , 7/ “\- ( ., .—
‘ ._\f‘- e ' Gammon w ’ . Z
' ' g . . ‘ “v. ’L ,. +543}? 52‘“.
"I“- h v/ ‘ \-,\\ ’ /./ \i‘ i ‘. .
1 / In] “ \ \ It iW .
":< i. " /' _i
5UNSET in no: moms 1
u k Fantasy in Fuchsia .
. 4:: /\ I //—_ :—_—~ A ’4-
_' _ 4;— 1
“7:; ~:-'—_;T ‘
_- 1
km“ 14 Lexington Sheraton ;
7:30 pm $10.00 & $5.00 6

 7;: w/ 3: @‘y/
‘VW not ”WMBPEJNQS 0’? 4PM" .-
, ""j‘ 5W M“; /' WV ' is .’
Q‘VW V f “ 60 WWW “{4-
‘fi W M ({WWE WW“ m- V? W?»
W’ i» '. \ we Tmst tame!“ MM ffl’.
{x .. 33‘ \AW VUdS Night Q‘azfi' . Q U) V” f
*\‘ Mwb M-ése'r's'm 396%“ THURSDAY WW w Vie) . @
mm + will will
fiw W lye/gnaw! z; n bowl i;
V W/éé'i WELL ' MW ‘43”
\ «WW/”4"? DR‘NKS WELL Dams 60 8/01; 6° “W0
* -., c, , .4 74FTER 9pm, men 9pm. 7 V 8 Ea

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.5131 .. . / 'lTFEf'I/'Ifl" // ’1/ ””7, yr HAPPY Hou '4 v) FR‘- 2 SAT, Q 1' , [Iii—*1). Viz/i
5" I {,, :1 «a . 'I""/W R ALL NlGHT ? V ARE A Q ’ '5' ll"m7////’1/}
. - 11 ' 3:. \“\\\ WED. CHAMPAGNE SPEClAL ' é -' . MA“ “OT - '- 1" '3"’1’1122'1’W‘
— w ‘ v — -'W’—-»\ ”K .—
W ‘1” W ELLEs muggy Tuu 1; -.BELLES?2?9 Coven : W ,, . - "—
§\ ALL WELL DRINKS ONfiébégg 2 ‘3 INCLUDES YOUR. ' f "5"” fW
‘ l‘\\§§§\\§\\\\\§§\\\\ -‘ .‘ a ’2 I I F‘ , A -‘ -1 ,

 P NEWS FROM SALUS N tlie aye Euggentlyhafféléatedlwliath shekfiisy Rights
a mm o e a mm a as orce an
The. Bay and Lesbian Union of Students was the Lambda ngal Defense and Education tund.
recognized as a registered student or anization by Anyone wishing an information on the activities of
the niversity of Kentucky during the Ball semester these roups, or CALUS are invited to visit us at
of 1982. Its stated purpose is to oppose our nefice at the Student Organization Center
legislation asainst equal rights for gay and (foice 2, Old Student Center Rm. 106). He
_ lesbian _ peop e and to prov1de a source of usually meet every Thursday evenin at 5:00 pm
information for the students of the University. at the Universit ’5 Student Center ang our meetin 5
Ten years earlier, the Gay Liberation Front are 0 an to the public. He welcome anyone wflo
attemp ed to organize at UK as a social group and, would like to participate in the group in any way.
as such, was denied permission under Kentucky’s If you wish to find out if we’re haying a meeting,
sodomy statute. However, as a political call 257-1287 and ask someone to get the posted
I. organization our right to organize is guaranteed information from Office 2 or call the 650 anline
by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the when it is manned. (See calendar on back page for
Constitution. lie believe that the key to civil times.)
rights for gays and lesbians is educa_ion and,
\ be ieve it or not, the University is an excellent NEWS FROM SLD
vehicle for that education.
3 Despite the quite vocal conservative groups on Gay and Lesbian Democrates of Kentucky is having
campus, SALUS has managed to make severa advances a sprlng meeting on Sunda , April 7 at 5:00“, The
I for area gays and lesbians. The group has worked meeting will be held at it} Jefferson Street Ii.
well W1 h University officials t0 resolve Anyone interested in more information may call Rick
homosexuall"-related problems on campus, such as Lee at 255-4865.
bomb threats to the Student Center and harassment
in the dorms. The film “Pink Triangles,"
illustrating various ways in which gays and
‘ lesbians are discriminated against in this society,
was one of SALUS’ first projects. About 175 yeop e ________
attended the film. most of whom were not affi iated I
with SALUS or 850. The next year, they brought
Jerry Heller (then acting executive director of he
’ Gay Rights National Lobby) to speak on AIDS and gay
rights at a forum the. raised money for A D l I ’
research. Dver the past couple of years, we have
sponsored discussion groups on topics ranging from
“coming out“ to reconciling homosexua ity with '
religion. This year, SALUS has joined wit four
other student organizations (Socially Concerned _
Students, Young emocrats, Emergence, and the ,PM ,, d d. t
National Organization for Uomen) to lobby for the “theSt‘hwifjgrcé‘ftiefgfiigorffjd,
inclusion of “sexual orientation" in the list of ,ng,swha,makesy0u,$2 OMWEHRA
irrelevant criteria in admissions, financial aid, ,nvememgmwmmms'pemblenestegg
an grading. The Student Government Association foryourretirement.
voted to endorse the proposed amendments and, as of Buicompoundingisafaczomrumm
February 18, the University Senate and the Board of Theeariiervoubegin vourlRA.the longer it
Trustees approved the amendments in all three will have togrow. Waitingevenonevearro
S areas. in view of the quite active opposition by getstarFedCBMOSFYoute'fiothousandSOf
fundamentalist religious groups on campus and our 0‘0““'n105‘eam'“gsvdePe“d'“g0“V°“r
geographic location, we eel this is a major cu”e(‘:“,";ge‘t d B , .
ViC Dry for the Q3¥ community. . whereaoiiislfiAagscerEESSefimels money,
' Uur projects or the fu ure include a gay_film Y ‘
n series a UK, creation of a NEXUS tage (containing
- information about SALUS that will e available to DAWDC ma
play over the phone to anyone desiring it), neeusreéeonepmesmmnve
participation in the Stonewall Union Say Pride (“”694“,
arade in Columbus, manning an information table at
the Student Fair during the Summer Advising
y Conferences for incoming freshmen, and .the
production of informational brochures to be given
.0 all freshmen next year. As students are
notoriously poor, very little of this would have 5mm..r.m..u...mm.....ii.iscsccu..imscm....m.
/ been p055}. b] E "I thflut the generous Offers 0f .1 [culalurcd bunker/dealer, mumhcl NASl) and SIPC.
/ assistance by BSD and the mperial Court of the
/ Eluegrass lmpire. 17

 BISEXUAL’S APPEAL REFUSED HEARING BY HIGH COURT But that progress has stalled and many gay
leaders believe that, in the past few years, their

The Supreme Court refused without explaination movement has hit a snag. There is even tall: of a
to hear an appeal by a public high school guidance backlash.
counselor who lost er job as a result of revealing Leaders of the movement attribute the backlash
to her co-workers that she is bisexual. to a different cliwate in the city and the nation.

Only two justices voted to hear to appeal Politically, the countrv has taken a sharp turn
(Hilliao J. Brennan, Jr. and Thurgood Marsha 1). to the right--and gay rights has been a victio. In
In a pointed 11 page opinion they argued that the Houston in January, a re erendua that would have
question of homosexual rights 'raises serious and prohibited discrimination against gays in city
unsettled constitutional questions' that 'cannot employment was rejected by 82 of those who voted.
any longer be ignored.I A similar measure lost ast spring in New Urleans

The guidance counselor, Harjorie H. Rowland, and, in New York City--allefiedly a ouch more
sued the Had River School District in [Thin and was liberal place-~it is rare for t e annual gay rights
awarded $56,000.00 in damages by a Federal District bill to even get out of coeoittee at t e ity
Court jury. They found that Hs. Rowland was Council. .
disoissed as a d1rect result of speech--discussion 'I think the backlash has been 'going on since
of her sexual attitude--that was entitled to Anita Bryant and Jerry Falwell and ot er religious
constitutional protection. fundaaen alists go involved in oains reao

Last Harch the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of politics,‘ said Joyce Hunter, a neaber of the
Appeals reversed the jury finding, ruling that city’s Human Rights Coloission and program director
neither Hs. , Rowland’s reedoo 0 speech nor her for the Institu e for the Protection 0 Lesbian and
equal-protection rights had been Violated. The Gay Youth.
appeals court .sai. .Hs. Rowland’s firinglwas not The different climate, gays say, is affecting
proved to be unjustified because _she 'failed to the way they live, how they fee about themselves
prove that she was performing her job properly.I and how openly they can live their lives.

In his dissenting opinion Brennan discounted Said one: "It 5 never been a cakewalk but the
that reasoning. 'The court of appeals necessarily climate now is certainl' more difficult. AIDS has
held. that a verse state action taken against a created probleas and this exchan e with (New York
public employee based solely on his or her Archbishop John J.) D’Connor gasn’t helped.‘l
expressed sexual fireference is constitutional,“ D’Connor has been in conflict with the city over
Brennan said. “Not ing in our precedents requires
that result; indeed we have never addressed the
topic. This record plainly demonstrates that (Hs. , , , , ,

Rowland) did not proselytize regarding her ,1; g _ ’ ~ ’ - .
bisexuality but rather it becawe known siop y in jg" , _ ' ,
the course of her nor-a1 workday conversations.‘ .

“Homosexuals have historically been the object 3 g " '
of pernicious and sustained ostility...State '- ' . " ‘ y '-
action taken against aewbers of such groups based g ‘ - . s cc. ' "
simply on their status as members of the group - ' s A L, c, N
tradi ionally has been subjected to strict, or a . _ W
least heightened, scrutiny by this court.‘' ‘ W

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NEH YDRK--Richard Dunne. said he noticed lthe , :5, ._N,Cllls and , , ,.
changed clilate wost dramatically after he saw The ,_ Nequs Hair Products ,

Tides of Harvey Hilk,‘ a doculen ary about the gay , ,y , v. - , ,
San Francisco city sgpefivfijso; whg was shog‘dead by , v , , pom -8 pm
a former su ervisor w o a a so een a po icelan. {I ~ , ,. , , , , ,

Dunne, apboard lewber of the Bay Hen’s Health . H , , _ Monday-Friday ,
Crisis said he was deeply loved by a scenegin the :: OUTS- ‘-i96m_4.30 m ~
fill that showed a passive candlelight Vigil for v , . _ ,1 _. p -
Hilk. That outpouring of sympathy occured in 1978, ,4 y , 5, , , Saturday «
buthfor Dunne, ya :a: a 11 e iwedago. d ‘t’s , , ' g ,_ , . , .:

t’s an era a as cone an gone--an l , , > , ,> , , g .
not going to cone back,” Dunne said. 'It was a 4419 SOUTHLANDD’R‘IVVE
tine when we were all full of hopfii' t ,‘IEXINGTON KENTUCKY 40503 :

Seven ears a o, the gay ”rig s dove-en .was ;_ .l ,‘ I _, ,
oaking steady grogress in its quest for c1v11 277-2487 ~~ ,, 277 5443 .
rights. 12

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 the mayor’s executive order barring those seeking T
citzlsgntracts fromtgiecrieineeingfegainsfi gays. 1 AH APDLDEY FRDH EDD‘E
--a Virus a c ie a ec s omosexua p , . , . , y - ;_ .
males, intravenous drug users ahd haitians--became r PD$§Edtan Eddhgphzggft epologized {0'1 QQE‘dgil
part of everyone’s vocabular around 1981. Since Lemaees 31?, :Ed“ Er'd‘;la Ad?” :a,5° app 09 Se 2
hen, homosexuals claim that they have increasingl ”C1 _E a “J 0 'Er gumm' tan- 0:. ‘15 D scan-
become targets of discrimination at home and at languege.“ 1” a recen. Parade ”393‘1ne interview,
work. he sai , I wanna apolonize to the gay people--i ve
'AIDS has made it tougher because it has never_ really apologized. 'And to anyone w o’s been
prompted discrimination,‘ said Hark Chataway, °{*9”°E§_PXIP“Y ti” R01 thl"? I V3 dVUe'rlTD LPEYI
spokesman for Bay Men’s Health Crisis. 'Every day t“ h°“”‘E*“a15!,-° 'Ed Skel 0“! “Ctte J eason. 0
we deal with people who have been thrown out oi “”YQBE "h” doesn t agree: Sorry. A blg wet kiss.
homes or thrown out of work.‘ I’MHJVSt Affine to €9t a laugh.“ , ‘
Fort‘ percent of the AIDS cases nationwide are b _ I m I”?:k dt ha 91”1 gerf°“'h 1, gst ?: seage
in the ew York metropolitan area. Even though the ,ELaESE tl'E_ ? seelgeop i daog '. 3?, I Itle
disease is spread only by intimate contact gays in {a 99 0" eur, .150” I é”5,t o meveesfi tJth t‘9
the health care field say that ignorance atout what ‘0 599 ”EDP E ”“1 9' 0" wan D or en.
V causes the virus is rampant. SPRIHB FLINGII
At a recent public hearing held by the New York ‘
State . T35k . ”EC? 00 Gay .Issues, set up to The Spring Flin is what we are calling the
investigate discrimination against gays, opponents first Volle'ball/Botluck of the vear. It ",1, be
at 93V rights SDUVEd “P wearing "35~5 and ’EfUSEd A ril 26th 6:30pm until dark, at: Jacobson Park
to speak 1“ 0 a microphone that ad been 'used By Stelter AB. Come jion us for the start of this
iiisitiatiii’tiiliaiecfiihtiit” 5°“ "3”” cm” 5 1“” "Fm 1“ ““3 Park"-
Rebecca Porper, director at the New York City
Bay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Hotline, said tha
the fear spread by AIDS "has made people’s DDES IT MATTER
homophobias come out and has given some sic: people from Dignity NH
all he reason they need to bash gays.‘ '
Porper and others in the field say that violence My father asked me if I was Bay.
agains homosexuals is riSing. Attacks, she said, 1 said, "Does it matter?"
are also more widespread than ever before. He said, "No, not really.“
I told him. 'Yes.‘ _
'The whole thing that is going on now has HE 531d!,"EEt OUt 0* IY Ilia!"
touched off paranoia in the gay community. There I guess It ABttEFEU-
is paranoia about losing one’s job, being attacked, .
about the possibility that being gay will be HY b955 fiSkEd 99 11 I “33 DAY-
declared against the law.‘ I 531A: 2095 1t matter? "
For all the complaints about discrimination and ”9 531dfi_ ND; "Dt_r9311Y-
adversity, there are those in the gay community who I tflld 1:. YES- , In
see these current hard times as a way to bring the “9 Silda, You ’9 fired, fABDUL
gay community together. I GUESS 1t mattered.
'Any time t ere is a confrontation like this, . . .
there is an opportunity to build a coalition and HY Frieng ASREA “E It IqEAS bay.
come to ether ' said Tim Sweeney of the Lambda I 531B: 9095 It matter:
Legal Degense hind. , HE