xt7ghx15qk80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15qk80/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1979 1979 1979-10-05 2020 true xt7ghx15qk80 section xt7ghx15qk80 I _ ’ . |
I n I i l l
A UK student finds God, self, can tentment through religion .
By WALTER PAGE feel this way. Some turn to religion as midst of that. my dtitl and over those years I thoughtwould bring filled. They had the peace. knowledge \ ” .
kcpoflcf I” an answer. Butch is one of those who grandparents occasionally took me to glory to Butch. But in the end. and love of God I lacked.
Re 16 has. the Baptist church." he said. everything was the pits. The football “With this realization. [committed
Hula/l three-part series. t Religion is anindividualexperience; “With all this background. I knew a team did bad. my-office brought a lot my life to the Lord on Jan. 7. I973."
a there are probably as many unique little about Christianity. but not more work than it did glory. Besides Eight months later he came to UK.
“I was born July 7. I955. spiritual experiences as there are enough to consider myself a true that. my mom and dad got a divorce." “still very much a babe in Christ. with _
“I was reborn January 7. I973.“ m.§. people who profess to be religious. Christian." ' . he said. . a desire to you."
Butch Lawson. a former UK This is Butch Lawson‘s experience. Actually. Butch said. he didn't feel “I came to a pomt where I was At the University. Butch was
graduate student who plans to resume ' It isn‘t simple; indeed. some may at the time it was necessary to be a broken.“ . . confronted with. the wide range of '
his studies. was speaking of his Butch Lawson feels there is a place find it confusing. But it isa story Butch “true Christian.“ ~ g During this period. Butch was beliefs and practices that nestle under
spiritual rebirth. in life for something outside the Lawson isn‘t ashamed to tell. “In high scghool (”053 High In ‘1‘“th a 81" who attended a small the “thhl’dht called “Christianity.“
Butch is a born-again Christian. mundane. He said he “has come to a Butch was no stranger to l.ouisville) I went through the whole Baptist church. He began to Many people see only‘contradiction
“A born-again Christian is one who realization that the academic world Christianity before his “rebirth.“ deal starting halfback on the accompany her to church. He found and confusion in this diversity.
has been made spiritually alive alone cannot fulfill the void ina man‘s “My mom was a Catholic. my dad footballteam.classpresident.pepclub the people in the little congregation Butch Lawson sees it as spiritual '
through a personal relationship with heart." Baptist. I was raised a Catholic. even member and all the rest. ‘ ’ different. nourishment.
‘ Jesus Christ.” he said. Many college students sometimes went toa Catholic grade school. Inthe “Everything I invested my life in “I had an empty spot that they had Continued on page 8 '
Vol. LXXII. No. 36 Ker 2 I University of Kentucky .
PM”. October 5. 1979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky ‘
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Aftor11-hour disconnection a; 1 ' ' j . . f 1"" , 'E ‘
I - . l . 2W" , I - ? . , t E 19...; . I'" ) ,
. Boyd sflre alarm system sol/needs repair -. 3" . J7 ..: m. \ .» »
' -/’ . . , yms-F" "
. 53 'm ' i a. ' * ”til .
By JAY FOSSETT evacuate the building. were unable to correct the faulty " MW W1" 1%, ”W ._ \‘A‘ ‘> . _
. Campus Editor Tom Padgett. UK director ofpublic system. They called in workers from ,- .. ‘5’ ’.
safety. said Boyd residents were the Physical Plant Division to h to» J if}. ., .. ‘
At 8:51 Monday night. the fire alerted of the fire alarm problem examine the system. i 1- “w" ~ .
alarm system in Boyd Hall sounded Monday night. He said they weretold Jim Wessels. director of the 4 ' f .
and residents evacuated the dorm. the system would be turned off to Physical Plant Division. said workers \
Five minutes later.the system sounded prevent further false alarms. in his department are still searching for ' I...“ . ' . , ' . .
again. Both were false alarms. but not Padgett said a back-up system was the problem in the system. He said ,3 may? 33M fight -g .'
caused by pranksters — instead. they put into effect afterthe originalsystem they can‘t pinpoint the exact problem ' ”’2‘... '7' W31 "A' W”“"W' - .
were caused by a malfunction in the was turned off. area. ‘ » p g ’ i125!" . . ., ,. . .
- alarm SYstem. According to some of the dorm's “it's like an automobile." Viessels ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ a. ' »
This malfunction kept the alarm residents. the back-up systeminvolved said. “You just replace the parts until _y /n _. ” *,a~*
system in that dorm turned off for calling the dorm‘s front desk and you find the problem. You‘re neuer ' _;,,,.- w" " M , . .- .
approximately II hours until alerting resident advisers in case of sure where the problem really is until 1 4" , i 7":
workmen could “fix” it Tuesday fire. The dorm‘s staff was then you find it." , ' 4 3.
morning. The “fixing." however. supposed to knock on doors to alert Wessels said yesterday that his 4 " S's-r. .1
continues today. residents. department is changing some of the I” / y .
Monday‘s false alarm was the University Auxiliary Services building‘s heat detectors because they - ,2" ,_/ _ __. h 2
second time this semester the system personnel. who usually take care of may be causing the malfunction "11"? .- . 7 'r " -‘ . .
malfunctioned and residents had to maintence problems at Boyd Hall. Continued on page 4 A Ia fUI mess 3’ DON SZYMANSKt/“m'm'h
I A Us Police officer and a [It law student had an year law student David Howard. The force of the
UK 3 unknown WOOds now safe inpromptu meeting out of court yesterday In the crash pushed the police cruiser into a Chevrolet
' intersection of Euclid Avenue and Rose Street. Camero. driven by Nikki Rothwell, a biological
Officer John Ketron was driving through the sciences graduate student. Officer Vic Kappeler was '
By DALE MORTON would be made to “retain and preserve Lexington‘s original forest." ihtemhm’h after leavingvthe police station when his “'0' passenger t" the crusier.There “"9 “0 reported
Suffwriter the wooded areas as an educational Campbell stated that um.“ at least car was broadsided by a Volkswagen driven by third- injuries. UK Police declined to comment.
i . . . resource". ‘ .. 200 years old are found here Magazine article incorrect '
A remnant of Lexrngton‘s original According to Willem Meijer. surrounded by a younger stand oi I . I .
forest. a relatively obscure wooded assistant professor of biology. there walnut. ash. coffectree. cherry. f db H I
area on the UK campus. has been has beenaproblem withthe upkeep of hackberry. etc. UK' CIA [Ink re Ute y 0 [Ola s
. brought to the attention of the the wooded area. “Historical studies show that this .
community in afight for its continued Wild flowers and youngtrees arecut type forest originally covered much of 53' MARK GREEN .lhlhed together in asecret relationship Dav.” and Alcorn say the
existence. down when the grass is mowed. Meijcr the Lexington area when settlers t0r“ NW N “1m many 0f America‘s UhthfSlt)’ allegations t": 3159 wrong. ' '
' Members of the School of said. adding that the bark of larger arrived ”770-90)." Campbell said. and 0011589 campuses ”“0 virtual There ‘5 'no informal arrange
Biological Sciences recently criticized trees is damaged when the mowers hit “As far back as 1900. the area m Allegatlhm ht 8 t‘VK’CM hhk made espionage centers.“ ment. ‘according to Alcorn. “The only . >
the Physical Plant Division for the them. question was used asagrazing area by by Pent/mow magalitie (October UK was one of several schools arrangement we (the UK Placement
way they maintain the IS-acre Shady Julian Campbell.agraduate student cattle from the University harm." a ”SUN “6W "L‘hht‘d .Vt‘Slt‘rda." h)‘ singled 0‘" ht the article‘s description SerVice) have mm the CIA ‘5 the same '
Lane Woods. which are located who has worked in Shady lane historical report Campbell possessed Vlhft‘ht Dims U‘K‘Cthl 0f the t'K t‘th ”ht’r‘t” stories“ on American as w'th any 0th" "company Wh‘Ch ,
behind the new apartments. Woods for three years. is performing said. Pfltl‘JWh Who‘ll 0’ Diplomacy and campuses. 0th" SChOOh mentioned comes onto campus: . .
Proponents for the conservation of research in the Bluegrass area. In a “In I948. 0.M. Davenport became lmemalmhal Commerce and by name were Brown University. the They may come 'h and mtervrew , ' .
— Shady Lane Woods say it is possibily letter to Cochran Sept. 20. he said. head of the Forestry Section of the Jam“ AlCOTh- dlfeClOl 0th the UK UhlVCWty Of California. the students hh‘ Bethlehem St“! .0' ‘. ,
the best remnant of a forest left in “Action is required now to stop Agriculture School and. by I950. he Placement Scrtlce- Uht‘CTShY- of Michigan and the hundreds of othercompanies. he “'d- . ‘
‘ Lexington. unrestricted felling of dead or old trees had some of the woods fenced to allow Entitled "3PM “h “WINE-v FrllC-‘t Uhh'erShY 0t Illinois. Ifa graduate decrdes to work forthem. :.
Lewis Cochran. vice president for in the woods by service building regrowth of trees.“ the report said. Vhlkmahh dl’tlt‘h‘ "”91!“ that ”some in 3“"th to CM DtchtOT he does. _The author was mistaken. :.
academic affairs. wrote in a letter to personnel.“ “There was some objection f’romthe mfmhm “l Yht‘ acadt‘mlc commumll' Stahhheld Turner‘s Apt” 1978 “5" t0 Alcorn “hi
‘ " Sam Conti—director ofthe school of “This felling does not justify the Animal Science department to the (“at 1635‘ 7‘50 academics - . - 0" more UK and th° “”35“ "35""th when H The Patterson S°h9°t does h°t ": '
' biological sciences — that an effort disturbance of this rare remnant of Continued on page 3 than 100 campuses")and the CIA had individuals protested during his work for the CIA even inaconsulting . .
, speech. the article said: capacrty. DaVis said. Although “no . _ -
d ________________________g____4_ . ”_g 7 .C.-. ..s._.._-.._-..-w_. money (has been) received from any ‘ ' j t
o 3%— “ University of Kentucky: last federal agency." the Patterson School '2.‘ " ‘
. pictures of Penthouse to our clergy and imposing on Police reported “'t’dllcstl.z\ .lizii a man walked into year. Turner appeared here to would “he the support or federal I: 4
' them the sick and distoned Nunn campaign is the chanccryand Ciln‘iplal'lt' i t. iiL‘illllItl he was being make a speech.'Several students SUbs'dy monies. he said. .'
local repulsive to all Kentuckians." Brown said. excommunicated sat in the audience. protesting The article was partially correct: ' . '
DR. DAVID LOWE.ALEXINGTON DENTIST, Lee‘Nunn contends that a Penthouse feature on Sgt Mike Roy said tli. mar. ~tt:.:ned shortly after his appearance. They WCl’C TUl’nCl' is a member of the Patterson , . .
was sentenced yesterday to lo concurrent. five-year activities photographed at Xenon. a New York disco. noon. drew a knife and slilht'rq” litll III the right rib arrested by local police. and School‘s Board of Advrsors. He has .
prison terms for charges including the sale “cocaine $003211?“grownshrsmcmnmMWYork- cage and the lttlle linger .~.t l"? right‘hllnd and fled under heavy pressure from the been one. of the 40-plus_ board 3 _ .
to an undercover state police officer. Xenon dhmn's 1:“ inflict: c°t|°€ihhedf '3“ W“ :t “whims-l Yt‘h rtzcxchhlhwmcated» CIA. three American students members Since its inception in 1974 »
. ‘ US. District Judge Bernard T. Moynahan Jr. Broadway opininp othEv‘me": “ “’5 ° °w'h8 t c ' '3’“ “thlhwoi “at thawed with assault What and nine Iranian students were (the Patterson School was formed in .
imposed the sentences without comment. He set bail g '_ ' dhadh “calm,” Bch- Wh° "h”d ”"5 leat- canceled given sentences ranging from 45 I959). ,
127‘??de at $50.00? when defense attorney Harry naflon h" mp ‘0 ( h'cag" “hm hc “““0‘” "‘“t the hop“ to 90 days in jail. Their crime? Turner is one of the two Rhodes '
I f l , v ' - .
Lowe waszflr‘iseicileheegiay on all I0 counts ofan POPE JOHN PAUL " FLEW FROM THE B"; THE (:ARTF‘R ADMINISTRATION HAS $016531“ Turner; talk. Bu: SChgia-Lsdaggxlbfag'txmfihgzmg:
indictment charging conspiracy. illegally writing cities of the East to the small towns of America‘s PRO-VIJM'D .‘vcnate Democratic lL‘iitlf‘l's II will soon are 8 more. urner. l “p | I h s to . g . h
. prescriptions and sellingcocaine.AIsosentenced were heartland today after reaffirming church opposrtion ‘Chd (ODBTFSS a lite-year defense plan that will develops: was. also Visiting the country W 0 are prominent In t e .
Coleman G. Hay. 36‘ Paris. and Jill Wheatley. 22‘ to women priests. He said that limiting the priesthood increase military spending in an effort to win support campus in his capacrty as 3 fields of diplomacy and commerce. .
Lexington. to men is me way “God has chosen to shepherd his tor~ the SALT ll treaty with Russia . ‘ member of the Board. of The board has two former US.
They mi. plug“ “my m on, conspiracy coum flock." lbt’he‘c they can do it h) bmcmhcrfi said Senate Advisors for the University‘s senators. three former members of .
_ Ml“ whmley w“ Lowe‘s Office “mum my, A tearful official of an international Roman Dchmmhc "3ft“ Rt‘he” t» 5”“ "And ' “I“ 8“ Patterson School of Law and Federal Reserve Banks,aformer U.S. .
according to testimony. was an intermediary in two Catholic women‘s group pleaded yesterday forapapal further to say hm 0th) tha‘ the.‘ Sho‘hd- hht that thc.‘ Diplomacy. which. Penthouse secretary of state. Dean Rusk. and
. ‘ comm gig, to undercover mrcotic, detective Larry ludlencctsaylhvhe behcm POI)e John Paul ”0?an :‘im mil '5 bccau." I do h‘“ hm'c'ha‘c th‘S "tat" has been told. does work for the several notable locals. H. Foster
; Woosiey. 58:32:13 IEpicw‘lsthdraw his opposuion to ordaining £38521“: up prior to the presentation of the five- agency. Moreover. it has also Pettit. a past mayor of chinmon; . .
' ' State “Have we women been so long With you and vou Senate Democratic Whip Alan (‘ranston ‘ald he been learned that the ”W's .COCthe‘ Vice preh'dem f9,
. my: not known us?“ Rosalie Muschal-Reinhardt has hm. "8M“ assurance" b) mt Defense l'niversitys placement serwce academic affairs; UK President Otis '
. - :5 DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE roa ”"1,th j“... m “king .... We .0 m“. Wm. Departmentthattheadministrationexpectstobeable has an ‘informal arransemcm‘ Sinsletlry and Davis himself 8"
i , i ExtieEBRNN‘ii'rinlggNaiyri 3:22;” fin-‘hblastedfthe OffiCials of the Rochester-based Women‘s Ordination ”fend th‘ Ph‘" t” the Sula” “00' by Nht'cmb‘t- With the CIA to help recruit among. its members. . i .
5 mm magazine m Pgmhlyysm “3'“; “trifle '2 Conference. , . g If the Department of Defense speeds preparation agents. The 'UnIVCI’ISlly of 0am said the board meets twice a
, f: “ representative of Brown‘slifea‘tyle P 89 While Catholic feminists expressed anger and at liff ”t” defense budget and its five-year plan. Kentucky denies havmg ”any year. but Turner is an infrequent
3; L“ Nunn. brother of GOP candidate Louie Nun" frustration when they learned of ' the pontift‘s - A - °b°lhtd t" hmushl 1" '1 ‘9" thl‘ .W-‘af “hit a arrangement With the CIA. attendant of the meetings; he has only i
2; and chairman of the state P'TtY- said he bought ClIht comments. many Catholic women said they agreed "mm“ ‘ chance ht “MC“ ( rah‘thh ‘a'd ‘ attended two meetings to date. f . .
. ‘ y; copies of the September issue 0‘ pcmhom magazine w‘th "‘9 P°P'~' 0' that they “Wtd ampt his VICW‘ There are several incorrect facts in Davts said he is not aware what i,
' r i , ,3 and has been showing them to women‘s clubs and Weather the paragraph. Tumer‘s reaction was to the local .1 -
i ' - church groups. Another dozen orsocopies have been RETIRED ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP Alden The Patterson SCh°°t l5 h°t h 13‘” complications Wthh "0” from h“ '1 ' ~ ’ .
: . l given to ministers and “mm.“ workenwhowantto Bcu‘75‘hld‘ounulhistripgouc popejohn pm.” PARTLY SITNNY AND VERY (‘OOLtoday with school and there were not nine. but visit to UK. Turner had to catch a
. .‘ '« ‘ circulate the “Flint l0 ffitndt. headded. after being slightly wounded by a knife-wielding hlahs in the upper 50s. Variable cloudiness tonight. eight Iranians arrested and two planethenightofthespeechand Davis ._ ‘
.' . .p l . “The idea of Louie and Lee Nunn sending nude intruder in his Sacramento crummy. with temperatures dropping to the lower 40s. Americans. one being a UK English said he only shook his hand and said .' .
’i j i v. ... __._ professor. goodbye. ' i
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 . - ' __.7. VW
KENTWKY Dabble McDaniel Jay Foe-cu Si!" Mn“! Mark Green Tho-u Geek Cary London 1
r Editor in (‘hiel (‘trmpus Editor Tenn Young Pall Mann Entertainment Editor Dim-tor 0/ Photography
Associate I'jltlor Rkllud MCDOMM
(‘ary Wlllb LII- Douceord (‘lndy McGee John (‘Iay David Maynard
Managing Editor Editorial Editor Kirby Stephens Spam Editor Photo Manager
. . . ('o/ri Editors Irina Ilkkud '
edltorlals & commnts Assistant Sports Editor
|______.__________________—__________________________________ —.._.
' I ' I i
' I
,- Committee 3 recommendations need CHE s, legislature s approval .
Yesterday's recommendations for funding ofa new But the two buildings are still far from being built. But. because thepeople of Kentucky deserve. and services education. . . _ . . ;
pharmacy school building and a Primary Care Center The recommendations made by the state CHE finance are rightfully entitled to. the best medical care As the state s'largest and most influential institution ._
for the UK Medical Center by the Council of Higher committee at Wednesday night‘s meeting only helped possrble. which can only come about through of higher learning. UK should serve as the leader in
Education‘s finance committee was not onlyapositive to lay the foundation for their construction. These constant improvement of health and education these areas. .
step for UK but for Kentucky as well. recommendations must now be approved by CHE at facrlities. After all. UK's College of Pharmacy is the only .
. The reasoning is simple. its meeting Oct. l5in Bowling Greenand.if approved. In the past.. people around the state. and accredited pharmacy school in Kentucky. Therefore. _
With construction of a new building. the College of must pass at next summer 5 meeting of the state consequently their elected officrals. have criticized the it serves a vital function in Kentucky by providing the ‘
Pharmacy WOUid be able to consolidate its programs legislature. validity of UK s allotment 0f state funds..Some say state with the pharmaceutical needs necessary in
”hit" one building. This would improve interaction It is imperative that recommended funding for the UK receivgthtoo miw'ih money for thizfithlgl: implementing sound medical services. . 3
between students and faculty. ma] for both the primary care faulty and pharmacy SCh°°i also pass :{gifilmghs 8568022..ch s: T111131: lllziinnf‘agjored And. because UK's Medical Center is the only if
quality education and effective research. through these two groups- “y I - y - - ”J p “tertiary“ medical care institution outside of
' ' ' facilit would lye the over the other state universmes. _ . , . , , , , . . .
LikeWise. a primary care y g - - - Loniswlle it‘s res onSibilit liesm rowdin Eastern
Medical Center necessary space for crowded Not because the CPiiCSC 0i Pharmacy — ranked And a Similar argument has been vaiced about the , ‘ , p , y , p 3
outpatient services as well as provide opportunities fourth bestin the nation earlier this decade —. could two buildings in question because state officials have Kentuckians wrth high-level medical care. .
for better instruction of med students in patient-care lose accreditation because 0fth§ fragmentation 0i questioned if enough. funds are or can be made So. when CHE and the state legislature debate
services. Currently. outpatient services are housed in the college into five different hUiidihgs- available for the building‘s construction. funding for the pharmacy school and primary care
University Hospital. Not because the Medical Center — Eastern There should be no question. Whether or not the center, they should not consrder the buildings as it
Thus. through construction of the two buildings. Kentucky‘s only “tertiary“ medical care institution — previous arguments are valid or not should not enter improvements for UK. Instead. they should view ; i
health care services across the state inevitably would is experiencing crowded conditions which cutback on into this case simply because we are talking about two construction of the buildings as a betterment of - j
improve. both outpatient services and teaching space. of the most Vital human needs — health and health Kentucky on the whole.
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L tt 1‘ th Ed '1‘ New UN representative
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It was good, but... Scarborough contends that Properly used, pesticides can be very importing natural enemies of same ’8 a foreign pallcy expert ' ;
“Farmers well know that their beneficial without any detrimental into the infested area is not yet ‘
John Scarborough‘s article of Oct. 3 pesticides pollute more thanthey help. effects. practical, due to a large extent to the ‘;
(“lnsect Article ‘Bugs' Columnist") . . " and makes insinuations to the On the second point. pesticides may difficulty of finding insects that will 3 TOM BRADEN . -.
was CXCCiian CXPOSins the style in alteration of nature‘s balance by actually bring the natural balance not become pests themselves after y bureaucracy. He knows the people i.“ ' ‘
WhiCh Michael Satchel] spectacular- pesticides. On the first point. back in line. in selected instances. checking the unwanted critters. the department. who “a.“ a hand m 3
. . . . .. . . . . Some black people are blacks first. makin the olic he Will be asked to .
IZCS the SUbJeCt material In Super bugs Sea rbo rough ma kes a bad Crop production would tend to throw These maccuracres did not detract like Andrew Young And some to use 3 p y g
...“presumably to make 800d COPY in assumption; pesticides do harm to the the insect balance out of whack by from the main thrust of thearticle. but R C - follow and he km?“ exactlyat what
, . . . . . osalynn Carter 5 much-criticued mm to inter ect his own 0 men so .
a widely-read Sunday magazrne such envrronment. generally, only when increasing the food supply for I felt they needed to be corrected. hrase “ha en tobeblack "like Don p i . p ‘ -.
35 Parade. However. i must take issue improperly used (i.e. when a farmer particular insects. enabling these pests i’chen 5:0 has succeeded Youn that WhCh the policy comes down {0' i
with one of Mr. Scarborough‘s doesn‘t follow labeled directions to overcome their natural enemies. Don E. Thomason. Jr. ry. - - g mm to expound. he will have i
remarks thou h carelessness or indifference) Also natural control of sts b Produetlo A iculture ni as ambassador ‘0 the United Nations. something with Wh'Ch he is "0! m 3 ii
' g ' ' pe y n I! se or There are 0th" differences between disagreement and of which he need not ~_. '
the two men of course. Young was a be ashamed. '
civil rights leader and a politician. Young was not a foreign policy 2' 1‘
I h e w _"——'_—" expert and never quite grasped its 1; t
O r O o intricacies. He lacked a feel for ~ ‘.
blade" report nuances. He did not understand that a 1, ,
policy enunciated toward one country : 4'
—-———-—— had to be carefully worked out in ’.
. I McHenry was a foreign affairs student advance not only with experts on that ii. i
,8 from the pen Ofman and He did” teven get andabureaucrat.Youngisahigh-liver country but with experts on other i.
who likes to go out on the town. countries whose interests would be i
McHenry is a modest. family-oriented affected. if.
t0 ,0 f th b f 't t t th ' 1. man who wouldn‘t becaught dead ata The weakness was also apparent in "i. :1
p 0 9 copy 9 are I W9” 0 6pr In er cocktail party. unless, as a diplomat. the minds of some of Young‘s f '2
attendance was part of his job. predecessors. They thought that their ,- 1‘
By JOE LINCOLN so do my parents. [do notdo anything for fear of being labeled a expect to be granted your rights when Young speaks forcefully. thi‘ihS 0W" stature 01' their relationships to i
that He or they or 1 should beashamed homosexual?!? you refuse to demand them? How can out his opinions in broad strokes. and the White House could make up for '3 :
Considering the responses to my of. And no amount of citing passages Anyway. my gay brothers and you hope to gain respect when you lets the chips fall where they may. lack 0t kh°‘”i°d8° and hard work. T° L E
first article. it is easy to see that fear from the Bible can convince me that l sisters and l have to cope with our own command none? The closet is a Moralistic and at times bombastic. he some extent, they were right.
and prejudice are only out-weighed by am wrong. problems. which contrary to popular humiliating ordeal; we are like so minced “0 words and P¢°Pi¢ said Of Blit Adlai StCVChSOh came “P h 1‘ i
ignorance on the UK campus. In all Yes. it may be the Word of God,but belief is not our homosexuality. many rats scurrying for the chinks in him, “He tells it like it i9-” "0P?" because he did h°t know the I". i.
fairness I must apologize to some of it was the pens of men that wrote it Rather they are the traumas that arise the wall if someone should stumble McHenry,on the 0th" hand.is 5°it‘ bureaucracy. Cabot LOdBC simply ,‘ ‘
the straights who read my from being unable to express ourselves upon our sexuality. spoken to the Point where his listeners didn‘t W°ik very hhi’d- Pat Moynihan :i i
commentary; I did you a great and our affections publicly for fear of Stand up and be counted. I am not sometimes have t0 35k him t0 speak exceeded his instructions and to“ his A
injustice by assuming you were repercussions. saying you should make a general uP-ionceheard hideIiVCTEPaPcron jOb- i i
intelligent and mature enough to Why shouldn‘t I beallowed to hold announcement of your homo- th° political situation i" SOUth Africa MCHCMY “iii d0 h°thih8 °t the 5: l
, handle an alternative lifestyle. But hands with my boyfriend? Why should sexuality; unfortunately this is not the in WhiCh he clearly delineated the 3011- HC Will be quiet, dutiful. f: \
many of the letters to the editor (with l have to be careful of my pronouns in place unless you wish to make yourself various points of view in that hhti°h persuasive and. as the former 3) .t
several welcomed exceptions) proved mixed company? What xiv” you a martyr to the cause. But make without ever using the word, “racist." colleague said. “determined.“ Most 5 i
once again that Joe Lincolns are still down and the minds of men that straights (not all of you. l realize) the yourself known to other gays. Also. and quite clearly. MCHChU’ important he ‘Viii know what he is Z i
the bogeymen of your puritanical translate and interpret it. And I need right to make us hate ourselves for Yes. there is safety in numbers, but Wiii h°t cut the “8““ that Young did- talking about ih h detailed hhd 5 .
nightmares. not tell you that man is not perfect. being different? Not one damned more importantly there is security. For that matter, neither d0” he have “h0ihiiy “3" '
Nothing is more pathetic than a (Besides. i am sure GOd didn‘teven get thing. That is what we need: the security and the With" 0i hh Adihi Stevenson. ii Rosalynn 0'1"!“ in "With With g
christian who is so stifled in his own to PYOOf a copy.) The time is fast approaching when reassurance of our peers. Together we Chht’t W89 0' 3“ Arthur Goldberg hihCi‘ militants t°t the reiteration of . '
faith that he feels the need to be a if nothing else. the reactions have we will not have to take it anymore. can do anything — even in Kentucky. t° “‘th 0? iOi’ being soft-spoken. that phrase “happenstobeblack.”She '
religious bully (unless it is the man demonstrated the need for better Take a look around. Like it or not. And don‘t let anyone tell you Yet ‘ i°t 0i P¢°Pi¢ in the State W“ ticking 0“ the President‘s
: who is so uncomfortable with his own understanding between straights and there are approximately 2300 otherwise. Department think he‘ll be a better appointments and repeated the phrase
_ . sexualitythat he believes it is necessary BIYS- Most assertions made by those acknowledged gay males and females ambassador to the United Nations after each name. Her audience didn‘t
5, to prove his masculinity by subduing attacking my article were ridiculous at on this campus. We are everywhere. than any Of those figures who loomed like that word “happens.” 0"“ fiBhtS I
’ the token gay). best. And I am truly sorry for anyone and you cannot disperse us by We are gay. and we are good. large. oriented people want blacks to be -
~ ’ 5, But these are your problems and who believes them. You live inaworld invoking the names of Sodom and We are gay. and we are proud. “Measured.“ “thoughtful." appointed “because" they are black. . '
f you must deal with them as youseefit; without hope because you do not Gomorrah or by sweepingusunder the We are gay. and W! are strong. “unflappable.” "equanimity" are So the militants may be unhappy l
. I would suggest an honest allow for differences. Differences carpet of conformity. We grow ”Von!"- fly by 80’- descriptions which come to the minds with McHenry. He is not a militant. i
. confrontation with yourself. You may provide for change, change promotes We are realizing morethan everthat of those who have worked with him at He is an immensely able authority on ;
: be surprised what you find. Ofcourse, improvement, and improvement is the we have positive contributions to Four Bottom. One man to)". “the foreign Iii'i" Wh° ”happens” t° be '
lsuspect that some of you would bore reason for hope. make to society, and we will not be Jo. Lincoln In a homoeuual UK most determined person I have ever black. lthink hiuppointmentmarkn i
. yourselves to death. thereby doing all And the burden you straight male: denied our right to perform those student. He and 30000. other gay. known.” milestone in the history 0thi| country. i i l
‘ y of us a great favor. have tocarry! Howean youeverupire services. will be mg... in ‘Wulllngton on What McHenry is good at is
. . _I am a Christian, as are mgny of my to being a complete person when you I call upon all my gay readers to October 13 it support of a gay rights something some 0‘ hit recent To. mama-mum i
' . friends. God knows that lam uand have to suppress half of your emotions stand up for yourselves. How can you bill proudly Mg In Cm. predecessor! “Chit He it [004 ht the Ills €05!“ "Ii W 0" Fifi".- i
' l
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