xt7gms3jxc5q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gms3jxc5q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19301212  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1930 1930 2012 true xt7gms3jxc5q section xt7gms3jxc5q Best Copy Available





S. A. Boles, Coach Carnage,
And Dr. Funkhouser Are



to Complete
Basketball Schedule
For Year

Boles Expected


Modernistic Etching to Be
Used in 1931 Kentuckian
Professor From Columbia
University Discusses Importance of Individual





12, 19.50

German Forensic Team


Black and White Is Chosen
To Convey Theme
of Modernism
Complete Staff of Yearbook
Is Organized and


and Weaver Appear
For University in Inter
national Debate

Wednesday Scrimmage Disappoints Mentor of University Net Team




resident McVey Presided at
f orensic Annir in

Combination Style of Play
to Be Used Unless Men
Improve on Court

Dr. Ben D. Wood, of Columbia
A modernistic etching encompww-In- g
Interest In the realm of Southern University, considered one of the
The Uniufca? Kftntuekv dp
all branches of the university batiW terinSTK fl Itth internatlnn
Conference athletics today turns to best authorities in the country on
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where measurement In higher education and Illustrating characteristic! of al deftte fttf G'efeck, laft night met
Sports Editor, The Kernel
officials of the conference are holdthe age, submitted by Burt Van Ars-dal- e, n team in uwmm ,unjvesity stu-- 1
The fast break system which has
dents In Mfrmatfo tell. The sub- ing their annual general session. spoke to students and faculty on
senior in the College of iAr
jeet or uiO'tMbMc iw. "Is. thi For
been rather dubiously nccepted by
Kentucky Is represented by three Monday aftenoon, December 8, in and Sciences has been accepted,
emen IndJtttHMMtv
basketball fans since its advent in
men outstanding in their work to the lecture room at McVey hall Kentuckian officials for the lnsfcle ture JustifrHif ; WiAmerlenn Cul COUNT HANS JUERGEN I HERBART SCHAUMANN
promote sports at the university
Lexington this season is not proving
His lecture which was illustrated cover page of the 1931 .year book.
'The Gormn teanr;' composed of
University of Berlin
"norlHv" Tlrtlnc fV,afVi Unrrv
theme of this book is "modern- Hans Jurmti Graf fllumenthal and
so successful in action, a scrim
University of Munich
n'.m'9ln. onrt nr w 'n FunkhouS' twltn lantern slides, was on the sub ism arid the color scheme is' blaek.
Herbert fkhaiimann,
argued the
mage held Wednesday In the Euof the loop. Ject of "Problems in Measurement and white.
er. secretary-treasurgetrative stdo'of the question and
u, .
clid avenue gymnasium indicated.
all of whom left Lexington Wednes- In Higher Education."
Six sections of the annual' featoW Knlbitert a'force and mastery com-in- tr
wide experience in the
day night to attend preliminary sesCHI CONVOCATION THURSDAY Only two practice scrimmages have
Dr. Wood described in some de the university, classes, features, or art from argumentation.
sions of the meeting.
tall the studies which have been ganizatlons, athletics, and acta
been held this year, so whether or
Other than speculation concern- carried on at the University of Pen' ties. The volume will go to press Weaver and Sidney Schell defended
A general convocation will be
the affirmative
not it will be successful is yet to be
ing possible retributory action on nyslvania in" relation to the prok February 1 and will be printtcr in ident Frank L. for Kentucky. Presheld Thursday, December 18, at determined.
McVey presided at
However, if the unithe part of the conference delegates iems or higher education. These the plant of the Kentucky Kernel the debate.
the third hour. Dr. Frank L.
versity quintet is counting on using
toward the University of Tennessee studies, carried out extensively with Plans have been made for an imMcVey will be the speaker, and
Count Blumenthal is a student at
for violating a conference rule pro tests and experiments, have been proved Kentuckian, although the the University of Munich and is a Capricious Felix Promises to will have as his subject "Between it in early season games, Rupp
hibiting freshman football practice going on for six or eluht vears un appropriation this year is $1,000 less member of the Deutsche Studen-tenscha- ft
Be More Alive Than Usual Us." Dr. McVey addresses the states that "some definite improveHe has also studied at
prior to the official opening of der the leadership of Dr. Wood. The than before.
student body on this subject
When Let Loose at Georgement will have to be made or else
school, only routine business is ex- test given in this connection was a
angles enclose vivid Potsdam, He is 23 years and
twice a year, and devotes his
old. Mr.
town Game
pected to come before the general general culture test consisting of sketches, illustrating progress in in- Schaumann, 29 years old, was wintime to stating and solving the some new and modified system will
session. It has been Indicated that 35 questions and was given to the dustry, transportation, science, and ner of the second prize when chosen
have to be evolved."
various problems which have
SuKy may not have any "Fuzzy," arisen.
several schools in the organization college seniors of a selected group of culture on the inside cover page. for the international debating team
Coach Rupp, who is sponsoring
feel that Tennessee deliberately took coneges.
few of the impressionistic In Washington. He is a student of but Sigma Delta Chi, men's prothe fast break system at Kentucky,
advantage of the peace offering of
and literature at the fessional journalistic fraternity still
Is not as optimistic about the new
The theme of Dr. Wood's address designs are of a train, an air philosophy of Berlin.
has a Kat; This capricious Felix
the conference. They may take ac- was the Importance of
system as he was earlier In the year.
the Individ plane, books, printing presses, j
tion against the offending lnstltur ual in higher
Richard Weaver has taken part has not hanged himself by the neck
The men are apt to revert to the
education. He plead skeleton, stars, and chemical equip in about 60 debates during his three in any sorority house or any other
tion loophole similar to the one for a better
ment. Mr. Van Arsdale, who Is art years in public speaking at the uniprevious training of the Illinois or
understanding and closused by the Volunteers to escape a er association
editor of the Kentuckian also de versity. He was a member of the kind of house for that matter, nor j
tne slow break system when con
between the student
penalty that the construction put and the professor,
ne nicely to do so in tne near ru
fronted with opposition, and hence
he decried undue signed and- cover which is to be International Debate team in 1928 is
on the executive committee's rul- emphasis
ture. In fact, he is very anxious
which met the team of British uni- to
on restrictive methods and
lose time and stop their drive, the
ing by Tennessee was not the one rea
inform students and faculty
Rex Allison, S. A. E., is editor in versity women. Sidney Schell has
tape." "Work with human nanew coach fears.
given It by members of the com- ture
in about 125 debates
Instead of against," was his chief; William Young, Triangle, is appearedtwo years experience atdur- members of the university likely he
The fast break system being in
Investigating the situation.
very much alive, and Is
the is
Members of the 1931 graduating
recommendation to college profes business manager, and Al Kikei, A. ing his
be much more alive than usual class voted unanimously to revive troduced by Coach Rupp hinges on
If action is taken and should Ten- sors. By means of the lantern slide T. O., Is advertising manager. Oth university.
tne team's ability to move, think
nessee be suspended, the action will he showed
when he is released at the Initial
the custom of class day exercises and act rapidly, in other words to
the startling er editors of the year book are Hor
basketball game next week.
not prohibit Kentucky playing the results that some ofbeen obtained ace Miner. Delta Tau Delta, unl'
orange and white next year. It through
versity editor: Frances Henry, Kap
The members of Sigma Delta Chi at the first official senior class meet take their opponents by storm and
his series of tests, and
will not apply to schedules already
are promising a bigger and better ing since the election of this year's drive through to a goal The at- pa Delta, class editor; FranK stone,
tacK is a system concentrated on
compiled, but, of course, such games showed degree it is possible to ob- S. A. E.. feature editor; Morton
Kat. They are particularly anxious officers.
William Young, president,
tain a
from manv colleees
energy. The boys of the
would not be counted in the con- without any
that the members of the student was in charge of the assembly, speed and team
Walker, Phi Kappa Tau, organlza
have spent the past
ference standing of teams playing all these he showed education. In tion editor: Leon W. McMurray,
body and faculty examine this pro which was held at 4 o'clock Wednes- Big Blue
the importance
two months training and practicing
the Volunteers.
duct of their Journalistic endeavors day afternoon in McVey hall.
athletics editor; and Frances L. Hoi
in order to have inexhaustable en
com- of the quality of the Individual to lldav. activities editor.
There is a possibility that
from claws to meow. Copies will
be worthy of the greatest
Those elected for class day posi- ergy and speed. However, they have
mittees will conslde rthe limitation
Associate and assistant editors
Dean F. Paul Anderson, College be on sale throughout the campus tions were:
been accustomed to movine so slow
schedules for members of the Southare: class section, Virginia h. ev of Engineering, returned Wednes on the day of the Georgetown game
Historian, Pat Rankin, Lancaster; ly and calculatingly while using the
ern Conference at the meeting
ins, associate editor, Mary Louise day morning from New York where and will be available at the gym' prophet,
Morton Walker, Phi Kappa Illinois system that when thev fin
today and Saturday. At the annual
Katnryn: Aurenwunp. ne aiwaaea inc ravni iiauuiiw nasluni during- - the same.
football banquet held Thursday, DeThe K am pus Kat, otherwise Tau, Hartford; giftorian, Frances ally get under fire the first game
Mary Lou Yelton and Elizabeth power show Jield at the Grand
To Hold
Hollidav. Jackson;
cember 4, at the Lafayette hotel,
Sparks, assistant editors; organlza Central Palace.
He also visited known by the name, "the evil kitty.' Grigsby, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, of the year they are likely to be as
terrified by their own speed as their
Doctor Funkhouser In an address
tion section. Malcolm Barnes, Bu-e- Newark, New Jersey, where he ad- the "feline tattler," and other obSpringfield; and poet Mae Bryant, opponents and revert to the type of
to the assembly stated that the Organization to Give Banquet
Mathls, Mary Alice Salyers, and dressed the Carrier Engineering cor noxious and uncomplimentary titles,
ball playing to which they have
time is nearihe rapidly when con
Eleanor Swearingen, assistant edi poration, and Philadelphia where he was born on the university campus Zeta Tau Alpha, Louisville.
At Lafayette Hotel
ference teams will be limited to a
The class secretary was empower- been accustomed.
spoke to the Kentucky Alumni club in the spring of 1928, shortly after
This Afternoon
schedule of eight, nine or ten games
Athletic section. Vernon Rooks; at the Engineers' club of that city. the local chapter of Sigma Delta ed to appoint a permanent class
"Half Fast, Half Slow"
per season. Kentucky, he said, is Kappa
While Dean Anderson was in the Chi received its charter. The spon- secretary, who will serve as a me
Following a scrimmage Wednes
Delta Pi, honorary Educa- activities section. Virginia Hatcher,y.
recognized as being one of the few
Mary Virginia Hailey, Harriet Hol-llda- east he sat three times for the soring of such a publication by the dium of contact among the mem day, Rupp told the candidates
teams in the South with the same tion fraternity, will hold its initiaand Margaret Cundiff. Joe famous sculptor, John Swanson, who fraternity was in accordance with bers of the class of "31 after grad the team that a new system
schedule year after year. Modern tion for eight pledges, at 5:30 o'clock Ferguson and William Frazler are is making a clay model from which the custom established by other uation.
fast and half slow break" would
emphasis on football, he stated, is this afternoon in the Gold room of assistant art editors. Earl T. Sur-gen- er the dies of the F. Paul Anderson professional and honorary JournalCommittees were appointed to at
unless they
toward limitation in the number of the Lafayette hotel. The
photoistic organizations throughout the tend to the various social activities have to be introduced improvement
initiation graphs is in charge of the Standl- - medal of award will be struck. This country.
showed considerable
games due to the great mental and
which were made by
medal was established by the Amerof the class. They were the
in a scrimmage to be held this af
will be followed by a banquet In the
physical stress the sport places on
The popularity of the publication
Roscoe Cbcfce is assistant ican Society of Heating and Ventil
ternoon in the gymnasium.
Palm room at 6:30 p. m.
business manager.
ating Engineers last January in has increased and decreased in pro
Ring committee, chairman, Earl
Three sophomores have shown
The Kentucky delegates to the
Other members of the staff are Philadelphia, and is to be awarded portion to the way in which the
Mrs. Mona Sansom, of Marshall
Michel. Buffalo, N. Y., and Frances marked ability during the practice
meeting will be busy talking and College, Huntington. W. Va., will be Mary Lewis Austin. James Dalton, yearly to
man chosen by their idiosyncrasies of Its staff members
sessions this year. They are Johnthinking sports. "Daddy" Boles Is a special guest at the banquet. An Doris Herald, W. W Rogers, and committee the having done tne most and their senses of humor appealed Ballard
expected to complete the basketball address will be given by Prof. E. F. Harry K. Scott.
Invitation committee, chairman, son and Worthington who have been
outstanding work in the field of to the students. The trainers are
card for the year ana coacn uam Farquhar, and music will be furnContents of the university sec- heating, ventilating, and air condi- hoping that with the publication of D. L. CRoark, Triangle, Moms- most successful in defensive work,
age may add a game or two to the ished by the university trio.
tion are a history and views of the tioning during the proceeding year. the coming Issue the "evil kitty," town. N. J. and Hazel Baucom, Mae and Sales whose offensive work has
Margaret G. Thompson and been outstanding. "Little" McGln-ni- s
Wildcat football schedule for 1831.
The society named the medal in the "obnoxious Kat," or whatever Bryant,
Those who
be Initiated are campus. The feature section inhas been playing his usual good
Doctor Funkhouser will be occupied Amy Dietrich,willGertrude Griffin, cludes pictures of the eight beauties honor of Dean Anderson because he else he may come to be called, will Rex Allison.
with Reneral conference business. Blanche Helm, Mrs. H. D. Perkins, selected by Earl Carroll, campus has trained more men in this field be established more .flrmly than
Senior ball committee, chairman, game and seems to adapt himself
rather well to the new system Ttott
ever upon sharp claws.
They are expected to return to Lex Florence Ryan,
Al Stoffel. Kappa Sigma, Racine,
Eula Shaw, E. J. snapshots, and pictures of the mili- than any other man in America
ington sometime Sunday,
tary department.
l Wis.,
and Mary Grace Heavenndge, Is a sensational shooter who promWesley, and Banker White.
and carries on experimentation in
Social, honorary, and professional this line. The first award of the
iMary Armstrong, Frances Holliday ises to be one of Kentucky's best
The requirements for initiation fraternities and sororities will be
land Ben Crosby.
are, a scholastic standing of two listed under organizations. Separ- medal will be made the last week
Percentage of shots made at
Class day committee, chairman,
for three years of college work, a ate pictures of the basketball, track, of January, 1931, in Pittsburgh, at
J. W. Wilson, Delta Chi, Plneville, Wednesday's practice session
class standing of junior in the Col- and baseball teams', individual pic- the annual meeting of the American
and Carey Splcer. Mary
lege of Education, and outstanding tures of the football team, coaches, Society of Heating and Ventilating
Hailey, Fannie Curie Woodhead and
McGinnis, 15; Splcer, 50; Sale, 50;
work in the field of Education.
Trainers, and managers will consti
Yates, 50; Johnson. 75; Worthing
Jack McGurk.
The International Relations club
tute the athletic section.
ton, 60; Trott, 71; Bronston, 50. The
entertained with a dinner meeting
Summaries, and pictures of the
are outstanding
above players
press organizations, dramatic, and
In the University Commons at 6:30
among the 22 men who comprise
Miss Emily Hardin, president of
other clubs of departments of the
o'clck Tuesday night. The members
varsity squad. Judging from
Beta, woman's professional muthe
university will be included in the
of the Cosmopolitan club, composed
the percentages quoted, Coach
sical and dramatic fraternity, anScience
On December 14. at 7:30 p. m., of foreign students at
activities section.
Rupp's opinion seems to be most
nounces that the annual tradition
the universichoir of the First Methodist ty,
Frank Stone, feature editor has the
Concert and Basketball Sec- pessimistic. Such percentages made
were guests at the dinner. Docof singing Christmas carols early
having church will present "Dawn in the tor McVey
The Political Science Forum met requested that students
at the season's second scrimmage
in the morning on the day before
tions Begin Work Under
presided and introduced
Desert, an oratorio by R. Deane
sound excellent to us.
students leave for the holidays, last Monday with Leroy Combs, snapshots pertaining to university Shure.
Director Sulzer
the members of the Cosmopolitan
presiding. There were life submit them for' use in the
Saturday, Dec. 20, will be observed.
telling the country
Mr. Shure, a revolutionary com club to the cla-about twenty-fiv- e
persons present Kentuckian.
The group will sing at the dormiThe University of Kentucky band
poser, has written many produc- each one represented.
tories, and homes of prominent uni- and talks were given by two majors
divided into two sections
tions of note, among which "Dawn
At the conclusion of the dinner has beenwinter,
of Political
versity faculty members and friends. in the department
To Be
for the
the 'concert section,
In the Desert" Is considered one of Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, a member
custom of the fraternity Science.
It is the
the best. Some of the most promi- of the political science department and the basketball band. Both
Herald D. Schimmel spoke on
to hold a Christmas breakfast at
of the university delivered an ad- bands will be directed by Elmer G.
nent Individual numbers from the
one of the hotels, after the caroling, "Implications of the Congressional
oratorio are: the "Divine Lullaby," dress on in part: Administration." Sultzer.
and this year, the breakfast will Elections.;' By carefully prepared
The dramatic interest group of
a duet for women's voices; the He said the first colonies were esThe basketball band will be a
be held at the Lafayette hotel. Miss figures and statistics he showed that
chorus, tablished 400 years ago, there have special feature at all games this the Y. W. O. A., assisted by the Y.
"Song of the Shepherds," a
Mildred Little is in charge of ar- the Democrats composed a major
The fall pledging exercises of and "The March of the Wise Men," been Involved two policies of adminwinter. The concert band will give M. C. A., will present a Christmas
rangements for the affair, which ity of the newly elected seventy-secon- d
play, "Why the Chimes Rang Out,"
Scabbard and Blade, national hon a male chorus.
istration, that of assimilation, such classical programs.
Congress. Of the thirty-thre- e
will be attended by several friends
orary military fraternity will
this presentation was as Frances has employed, and the The Concert section has the fol- at the Vesper Hour Sunday afterstates
electing governors, eight held Saturday afternoon, Dec. be begun inonJuly. Among
and patrons of Phi Beta.
noon, December 14, at 4 o'clock, in
the mem- autonomlcal method, as employed
At a meeting of the fraternity Democrats replaced Republicans, at 4:30 o'clock
the Memorial auditorium.
conjunction with bers of the choir are the following In the Dutch East Indies. Both lowing members: trombones,
Monday afternoon In Patterson hall, and one Republican and one Farm-Labor- the first Cadet inHop of the year. university people: Dorothy Dayj systems have problems of public
Bogardus, Baker; baritones, group is composed of girls who are
health, education, differences in Adcock
replaced Democrats. "Acit was decided that the Phi Beta
and, who,
and Welch; saxophones, Interested in dramatics
six men will be pledged at that Mollle Mack Offutt, Mary Atkins, language, land ownership, inter-ra-cl- al
octette, which has appeared at sev- cording to Mr. Jouett Shouse, chair- time.
Mary Alice Salyers, Lenora Howe,
marriage, taxation, forced or Hamon, Hoblltzcll, Hohn, Blades; throughout the year produce plays
eral programs recently, will broad- man of the Democratic National
The Cadet Hop will begin prompt Mrs. R. McCrocken, Alice Moss, contract labor, double codes of law, miscellaneous, Morsch, Boyd, Mich- for the Y. W. meetings. These stucast Christmas carols from the Committee, this is 'a mere forecast ly at 3 o'clock and continue until Mrs. Charles Bailey, Mrs. Leonard and stand of mother country on the
dents make no claim to dramatic
extension studio of WHAS at 1 o' of the next presidential election." 6. Music for the occasion will be Land, Banker White, Harold Ashley, control of colonial commerce and el, Lynn, Tudor; basses, Neuman, powers but aro interested only in
The Republicans say that the furnished by the Kentuckians.
clock on Christmas day.
the open or closed door In regard to Watts, Lee; cornets, Halnsey, Bag-sha- interpreting the Y. W. program
a David Young, Foster Peyton, Gor- raw materials produced for foreign
Democratic landslide is due to ten piece orchestra. Judging
Lisanby, Howard Williams,
Buskle, Struble,
Jennett; through dramatics. The Y. M. C.
"crazy-qull- t"
conditions (differences the early sale of season tickets,from Bcattle Davis, B. P. Ramsay, Victor consumption, and many other probhas cooperated with tho group
drums, Buskle, Stark, Templin, A. the production of this play.
in opinion among the Republicans series of six Hops to be given
Portmann, and Abner W. Kelley.
In the various sections) which ex- tms year will surpass
clarinets, Myers, McGurk, Traylor,
Tho members of the cast are: Hol-ge- r,
those of the Of this group six are members of
past years in attendance.
Helen Glover; Steen, Frances
Barlow, Cornett, Vlnapal, Chrlsman,
Season Phi Beta, university musical soror- Pre-Me- d
Everett Velrs spoke on the "Hoo- tickets for the entire six dances ity, and one Is a member of Phi
The Y. W. O. A. is promoting a
Foreman, Eayes, Frye. The drum True Brown: Bertel, Joe Ruttencut-te- r;
ver program" as obtained from Pres. may be purchased from any mem- Mu Alpha, musical fraternity.
Woman, Irma Pride;
Christmas bazaar, today from 3 to
major will bo Crosby Bean and the A Priest, Old
Hoover's address to Congress. The ber of Scabbard and Blade for $2.00.
Robert Rudolph: Knights
8 o'clock at Patterson hall. Christlibrarian will be Ritter.
and Ladies, Y. M. and Y. W. Freshmas novelties, candles, and cake will presidents address concerned the The tickets may be used for one boy
Omega Beta PI, professional
Tho members of the basketball man Group.
be on sale, and the money from economic depression, which ho at- and date for each of the Hops or
fraternity, entertained band will be: trombones, McDowell,
over- six Doys ana aates lor one Hop.
Assisting In tho production are
these will be used for charitable tributed to
production, method of sale of Rus- Single admission tickets are fifty
Tuesday night with a smoker hi the Zappln, Bishop, Amerson, Holtz-cla- Marlon Hess Galloway, Eleanor
purposes mainly.
Caudill; baritones, Gaines and Wlard, Peggy Smith, Dr. Abner
Miss Martha Carleton of the Y. sian wheat, and the drouth.
cents for each Hop. Thus by the
The SuKy circle is giving the an- Science building. Invitations were
W. C. A. senior cabinet will superpurchase of a season ticket, one may nual dinner dance for the members Issued to outstanding upper class Wheeler; miscellaneous, Heatlunan; Kelley and a Choral Group,
After the vesper services Sunday
saxophones, Markley and Warren
vise the bazaar. She will be assistsave $1.00 on tho series of six of football squad at 6:30 p. m., at pre-meand the faculty members. (tenor);
clarinets, Perry, Stern, afternoon, the members of the
ed by members of the freshman
dances, one being given each month Phoenix hotel. The entire varsity
Tho active members are: M. L. Bean, Gibson , Poynter, Blnford, faculty club will be at home to the
cabinet who will take charge of the
throughout the remainder of the squad has been Invited, and the
SuKy circle will act as host. A ca- Barnes, J. D. Hays, Kendal Holmes, Fain, Cave, Norvell; basses, Thur-ma- n, students attending. Members of the
various booths. Each booth will
school year.
Persons who desire additional
pacity crowd Is
represent a country where Y. W. O.
Randall, Jefferson; and Tem-pe- l; Y. M. O. A. and Y. W. O A. comTho chaperones for the occasion ent to do honor expected to be pres- Andrew Mlddleton, Charles Palme-te- r,
Drlnts of annual pictures for
to Wildcats of 1930.
A. work is being carried on, and
will be Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. McJohn Prewltt, Woodford Ather- drums, Jolmson, Crowley, mittees will act as hosts.
the coaching staff
the girls in charge will be dressed :he pictures indicated at the time Vey, Dean and Mrs. Paul P. Boyd, Members of and the alumnus of and ton. Hamon Back, John
Hale, Hedges, Polsgrove, Peters; horns,
their wives,
were taken, may get
in the native costumes of countries.
Prof, and Mrs. E. F. Farquhar, SuKy circle are expected to attend William Hendrlck, William Hubble, Lowrey, Blackerby, Cohen, Bates;
iiem by calling or seeing Rex Major
An unusual program has been planand Mrs. Owen R. Meredith, this final banquet. Each year this Luther Vaughan, Robert Wise, Paul cornets, Hcrrington, Moore, VaughAllison, editor of the KentuckTwo more Hollywood screen arned for the afternoon.
Capt. and Mrs. Clyde Grady, Capt. organization entertains the team Davisson, Griff Morsch, Horace an, Sullivan, Munford, McDanlel,
announced yesterday.
The advisory board of the Y. W. ian, it was be
and Mrs. H. D. Schelbla, Lt. and and any man who has remained Lynn, and Horace Miner; Faculty Hoys, Hubbard, O art In, Ashley, Car- tists having gone bankrupt, brings
This must
done today or Satduring the entire members are: Dr. W. R. Allen, Dr. ter, and Thomas. The drum major back to mind that that is one town
O. A. and the Woman's club of the
Mrs. Percy LeStourgeoo, Lt. and with the team he
urday, Mr. Allison stated.
university are assisting with the ba- Mrs. Crlswell, Lt. and Mrs. James year whether has has received to R. S. Allen, Dr. W. D. Funkhouser; will be Marlon Custard and William where even the stars are not allowbeen invited
letter or not
ed to twinkle if they cant put up.
E. Reese.
Ardery will act as librarian.
and Dr. Barkenbus.
the banquet.



Seniors Select

Members to Act
On Committee

Dean Anderson
Sits as Model
Of Medal Award

Education Fraternity

Is Entertained at
Dinner Meeting

Phi Beta to Sing
Christmas Carols



University Students
Sing in Oratorio

Students Speak
Before Political

Band Is
For Winter Months

Christmas Play

Feature of
Sunday Vespers

Scabbard and Blade
Pledge at Cadet

Christmas Bazaar


Entertain Faculty

SuKy Circle Is Host
Football Squad



* Best Copy





Friday, December

12, 1980


Lexington Publication of 1807 to
Be Reprinted in Exact Duplication1
A book printed in Lexington ovct
a century ngo has been recovered
and is being reprinted by George
Fowler of the Brown Book Shop,
Only three of the oriLouisville.
ginal copies remain In existence and
it is with Interest that historians
nnd the public In general have




tains names of persons from nil
over the United States. The binding paper, and printing arc to be

trustees was toastmastcr and Introduced the following speakers, Mr.
John Y. Brown, graduate of the College of Law, Mr. Harry Gamage and
Mr. Bcrnle Shlvely, coaches and Mr.
L. Q. Forqucr, retiring captnln of the
After the election the new
captain, Mr. Ralph Wright, gave a
short talk.
Following the dinner the varsity
team received letters and the freshmen players were presented with
numerals. Small gold footballs were
given the senior men on the team.
About 200 guests were present.

exactly the same nnd photocopies
of the original poems have been
made. The frontsplcce is n copy
of the original wood-cu- t.
Phone Ashland 3648
Llbraties and institutions through
out the nation nnd especially in the KB
bluegrass have subscribed to the
learned of its reproduction.
Miss Boyd Receives Honor
"Life and Travels of John R. book because of Its value as nn anMiss Betty Boyd, senior and editor
by Himself was printed in tique nnd as Kentucky history.
of the "University High Lights" re
for a motor trip of two days, reDYNASTY
Lexington in 1807 by Daniel Bradturning to go to housekeeping at ceived a sliver loving cup at a meetford. It is an autobiography of n
ing of the Kentucky High School
British soldier who came to this
In graceful ecstasy, the fir tree their home on West Third street.
The bride is a beautiful and Press Association In Georgetown, for
country nnd later Joined the Amerbends,
having written the best published
softly between its charming representative of South- editorial in a high school paper.
His profession was
ican forces,
ern families of prominence and In- subject selected by
nnd in his
that of a
PnMln Cnninl. ...111
Miss Boyd, was
travels through Kentucky he came with Its annual Christmas party Lightly, from its shimmering green fluence, and was educated at the "Fundamentals."
Sacred Heart convent in Cincinnati
It sends.
into contact with many families Mondy afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in
Miss Boyd is a daughter of Mr.
which are prominent In the history the recreation room of Patterson
A message with meaning full of and the university where she Is a P. P. Boyd, and plans to enter
member of the Chi Omega sorority. university upon completion
state. It contains historical hall. A special feature of the proof this
of her
information of the nineteenth cen- gram will be a talk on France by With thoughts atuned to future She has been a leading member in high school course.
tury which Is unique In its personal Horace Miner, n
Junior League work In Lexington