xt7gms3k0q7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gms3k0q7x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 2004 Vol.75 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 2004 Vol.75 No.5 2004 2019 true xt7gms3k0q7x section xt7gms3k0q7x ' 53‘ Volume 75, Number 5 U. s. postage
e ”at”; «4% ,- " 9% 8*..- \\ Frankfort, KY 40601 Permit No. 939 .V
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\ ‘ *' V. " ‘3! 211 KING LIBRARY SOUTH ;
/ ix; , if X .2... ’ LEXINGTON KY 40506—OC
”as ., 5'? at t 5% " ~: I if."
May 2004 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service . »
Fourth annual boot camp set for July -- May
. Camp starts July 12 at The boot camp is geared toward awards. ' News ,& Notes 1
, Georgetown College entry-level journalists but is also Boot camp tuition is $645. That " I . T ,
extremely useful for anyone want- includes three weeks of intensive . I
, ing to pursue a journalism career as classroom instruction and computer Amos and MCKlnney, i
BY DAVID GREER well as those looking for a new lab writing time, in addition to a Awards ' ’
Member Services Director career. The training has also proven continental breakfast and lunch each The National Newspaper ,
A little more than two months to be popular with those who have classroom day. The deadline to reg- Association is taking nomina— '
from now, the normally quiet con— retired but are too young to stay at ister is June 25. But those registering tions for the 2004 Amos, and, ,
ference room in the Georgetown home and are looking for something by June 11 earn a $50 discount and MCKimlf—‘Y AWardSz’WhiCh are] . _ /
College library Will be buzzing With exciting and interesting to do during pay just $595. the highest honor aWarded to - I f
activity from two dozen participants the next phase of their lives. Those who attend may commute working newspapermen and? , I.
in KPA'S fourth annual Journalism ”Anyone interested in pursuing a or stay in Georgetown where afford- women Who haye exhibited dis-
Boot Camp. career in journalism will benefit able lodging is available in nearby unguished servrce to the com—
\ This year’s boot camp W111 be l 1113’ greatly from attending the classes,” motels. [“1“th Phese ' 3
i w . 12'30' Registration 13 now open for Charles Mattox, Flemingsburg KPA member newspapers can V Anommee must be a work", '
KPA members and the general PUh‘ Gazette editor, said. ”Attending the pay in advance, charge on a credit , mg newspaperrnan or woman
lic. At press time, several individu- boot camp was one of the most pos— card or elect to have the tuition fee WhQSngmeetropol-itan h¢WS"'-’?“
5115/ including tWO from weekly itive and rewarding experiences I’ve deducted from their KPS ad revenue paper. 15 a inimber lingood -.
papers, were already registered for had in my life” checks. , sNtandmg 0 tAe Nattgnal 'f
:3??- Several .seats remain avail— Since attending, Mattox and his No refunds can be made once eXfifiheeslilfgtaeghibit con- ;
paper have won several KPA See CAMP on Page 5 tinuing and significant contribu-
——_——_____.—________—__ tions to community leadership
1 ° ' » ' ° and communi 'oumal’ism and
one blll + one day = $5 02 1111111011 saVlngS exhibit commtihilty leadership .
7 through advocacy and involve~ '3
~ If Kentucky really is in need of sav— , ed? Both deal with the Open Records ment in his / her community. ?
ing money, how's this for $5.2 million On Second 6; Law. Anyone may Smeit a nomi— I
‘ over two years. If each day of a leg- W The House didn’t take action on nation. Three letters of reference, : t
‘ islative session costs $60,000, over a T110 light M concurring with the Senate’s founda- a completed nomination form 1
. two-year budget period, that’s $5.4 “5:... tion secrecy project, instead sending and Supporting documentation, .
' million. it to the Rules Committee to die. biographical SkEtCh 0f nominee '
We’ve seen again that a lot of the 113443321511 Egggile’cst‘g; Realizing the amendment tacked on and PhOtO should accompany ‘
‘ legislative process boils down to just " wasn’t going to become law, the nominations. ,
one day per session. So let them con— . . . Senate found the perfect spot. . The Amos and McKinney
tinue that, meeting one day per year In the 2004 598.510“ For 57 prevrous The state budget bill. So it inserted Awards Will be presented at the
and it only costs taxpayers $120,000 work daysnothmg han come forward language that would allow founda— National Newspaper
. per biennium. Not $5.4 million. dealing Wlth foundation secrecy. The tions to keep those names — individ- Association’s Annual -
In the last two sessions, both rumor something was In the works uals and corporations — from seeing Convention and Trade Show. ’
chambers have used their budget bills started long before the 58531911 began. the sunshine. Deadline for SmeiSSiOI‘l is '
, for lots of other reasons. For things 13“ through some 1’000 blhs IhtrO— Public notice advertising is anoth- May 31, 2004. Contact Terri ,
, that have nothing to do at all with the duced, and scores Of amendments, er. It wasn’t good enough legislation Loughrey at (572) 8825800 01‘ ;
state budget. language to allow foundahOhs to to get passed the first obstacle, the terri@nna-org. Nomination i
In some cases, pet legislation that keep names Of donors prlvate, had House Local Government forms can be obtained at
couldn’t pass one chamber, some- hOt surfaced. . . Committee, so it wasn’t going to even WWWJma-Ol‘g-
times not even a committee, has been H Ath $119123 8ltddllj'. Taciidh onto make its way to the full House.
put into the bud et bill. ouse 1 ' I ea mg W1 ome-
V Take the Sengte's budget version land security. How are the two relat- See SAVINGS on Page 10 See NEWS on Page 10

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, April 2004 . , ‘ '
MAY 7 34
Kentucky peop e papers ' th s
Thompson named Herald- She will join the Herald-Leader teams to two Pulitzer Prizes for who, among other things, will han-
Leader editor staff on July 1, succeeding Amanda public service. dle the media for the Kentucky
Marilyn Thompson a 51-year- Bennett, who was named editor of Thompson was the one who Horse Racing Authority.
old investigative reporter and e di— The Philadelphia Inquirer in June broke the story last year that South Billy Reed, who has worked as a ‘
tor for The Washington Post was 2003. Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond, journalist for more than 40 years at .
named the editor of the Lexington Thompson’s achievements at the once a leading segregationist, had different state and national media
Heral d-Lea d er last month. post include leading investigative once fathered an illegitimate child outlets, started with the
by his family’s black maid. Department of Public Protection in I
" ' She also co-authored a book on early April.
‘ ‘ ’ ’ ’ e l< entUCky Pres S . ‘ Thurmond, ”Ol’ Strom: An unau- Reed is a former columnist and
V . . , ’ _ , V _ ' . , thorized Biography of Strom sports editor for The Courier- i
The Kentufiky Press (Permit it 939) is’pub— District 10 - Edmund Shelby, Beattyville Thurmond” with Jack Bass. Journal and has also worked for
VliShed monthly by the. Kentucky Press Enterprise . V’ , Thompson began her journalism Sports Illustrated and the Lexington ‘
AsSociatiVon/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. ' , _ , , V 1 career as a governmental affairs Herald-Leader.
‘ 1‘1urdClasss postageis paid at Glasgow, District 11 - Glenn Gray, Manchester , . and investigative reporter at The . ,
KY 42141 ubsciiption price is $8 per Enterprise f ‘ ‘ -. Columbia Record in Columbia, SC. l
iyearirlil’istmiisterzgend ElsianVe‘ofaddress DiStri t12 D C‘ . C” , ' _ She was named a Congressional chlsles anetlkéoalltegceegdfrfocrats in
fo‘ " e an sky fess, onsumer ' c . ,— orma ;V an, asey , Fellow by the American Political resented a s ecial uest lecture Vl ,
(Lane, Frankfort, KY..40601_, (502)223-8821. CountyNews . . , . . . . P P g ,
, _ _ _ V: , _ , . ' v. . .V V -- Sc1ence Assoc1at1on m 1982/ the featuring veteran political writer A1
I , . ‘ ' ' \V , {313me 13 -rfom Caudjfligmgton _ . same year she joined The Cross, reporter and political colum-
" ‘ - V . . . . HeraldeLeader ‘ . , ‘V , " ' _ , - ’ ; Philadelphia Daily News where she nist with The Courier-Journal. .
Officers ' V. . j. . . . V . , I. 2 . . . . V‘ _ :V' 'V 'V V 'V V‘ worked asia general assignment The public lecture, titled
Kenmdy-PwssAeseeafion: V' . ' V Desert 1.4 r fees? 5mm 3919210319“ . anifigliflg'firlgdmifirifizw York ”Politics inthe Media,” was pre- .
Pmsidenttiohn Nelson, ’I‘he‘Advocate. . 'rj'Stafe'At-‘Larg‘e ‘ 5 ' ' ' all g‘: » . s D ~1 N Jr 1986 1 sented Apr1l 19 in Young Hall.
Messed er 135,1va ’ ' .- Chris Poem Kentucky Kemel‘ ,. .. > ;. a1 Y eWS m as a genera Cross spoke about the role of the
,.-g.,:'~ ,r ,~ - , i -. V_ ., . Willie Sawyersg‘senfinel-Echo . . assignment reporter. She was pro- media in state and national politics. _ ‘
"‘i’ms‘iaent’ésiéél e'David.Thomberry, ' " I Patattlfaxkolwenlénlsléiiisiiéréld " mOted to aSSiStant City editor for Cross has covered Politics for
SdifiétSet Cemmonwealth Journal. . , -' Taylor»Hayes,.KentuckyNew Era investigations in 1987 and trans- The Courier-Journal for almost all I
, V (V - ' i . '. ;' , . . ,1 7;; ' ',__ : : E?" -," ferred to the newspaper '5 of the nearly 26 years he has been
,.V.Vi,ce Presidenthharlie Portmann, . Division Chairman . V_ ., V . Washington, DC, bureau in 1988 to with the statewide newspaper. In ”W” ’ ' ‘
Frmlkhn Favorite - . .. , , . V VN‘fWS Editorial PIVlSlon John V' ‘ . ‘ = , cover the Justice Department. 1989, he became full—time political ‘
Trea _ Glenn Gm; Manchester , VShmdlebower; Spencer Magnet :51“ _ Among the stories Thompson writer, and he added a Sunday
Enterprise ' . y, . " , V ,I . ' AdVerfisin Division eCh ’1, Ma Gig vi covered wh11e In New York 15 the political column to his regular :
l “ '. ; . - , ' " ’ Central Kergl'tucky Newsljjgmal g_ 5;”: allegations of government contract duties in 1999_
Past President—SharonTummskl . . .9 : , ' . . 1. :.. V ' i. ' V': , fraud by Wedtech Corp-She later Cross writes about a variety of
Winchester Sun, , ' I .l . . Circulation Division e"Krissy Johnson: 5 , wrote .a heel‘ on the subject, topics including presidential and
, ." ' ' ’ - ‘ j.‘ lexingtofiHeraldV-Leader .g, ,5 ‘ . ”Feeding the Beat: HOW Wedtech local elections as well as the 4
89a“? Of Directors ' ' f '. ; . "'V . . ' ,V I j» 'V Became the Most Corrupt Little Kentucky General Assembly and
. Distinct 1 V— Ahce Rouse, Murray Ledger Associates Division -Cliff Eeltham, . : V Company in America.” state government.
andV'Iimes , . , Kentuckinithles _ f -» 5; j Thompson jo1ned The
mm W ~' lam, Dam ‘ cm as set interim: ‘ .- at Washington 1’25“.“ 1.990 as; e”: Sun reporter receives
S . P . . V , , . G Dins ’&Sh hl Lo vill . ernmen repor er in rmce eorges t' . d' t' t.
pnngs regress reene, more V V 0. , ms Ve, . pres 1g10us IS 1nc Ion
. V V . . , . , _ . ; _ ,, _ . _ . County, Md., and was promoted to , V‘ S '11
DistrictS ~ Dorm Wimmer, Hancock Kentucky PressAssodafionStaff-T ' , . metrOPditEm PIOJ'ectS editor the .1: me dlirilsoh' Mali Stifif th
mm VV _ . DavidT. Thompsrm, Executiveljirector next year. , an e]: ari Susmess e ti or or e
. - . Bonnie Howard, Controller . ' . . She moved to the Post’s national inc es er un, recen y was _
Dish'ic‘till ->Charlie PoriInaIm, Franklm' Teresa REVlett,;Dm?Ct‘ or of Sales I, desk in 1992 when she was name named a 200?) top StUden't lournahs‘t
'Pf‘VOTi'te ' David Greer, Member Services WT ' ' deputy national editor for domestic by 3,16 Assgmate‘clll Colleg1ate Press. '
, . . . . DanVa'Lean NewsBureau hire?“ coverage. She was promoted to inson- turgi was recogruzed ' ‘
EliDlstlciictS - Ron Filkms, Kentucky DawleSpencer, NeWMedia Director ' investigations editor and then to among 116 students nat1onw1de for
tan ard Buffy Samshookkeepmg AsswtantVSue . . . . . her work last year wh11e attending
, , , Camack Administrative Assistant assrstant managing editor 1n charge E t Ke t k U _ . h .
, . . , 1 . . . . . . . as ern n uc niver31 , ere
~ District 6 — Arthur B. Post, Louisville Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant 0f the Investlgatlve team In 1999- she was a staff gembei Oi gew
Couriereloumal . _ , Holly Willard/WAN Business Clerk V, ‘ Her most recent book is ”The E i ' P
- > , Mark SheridanlNAN Account Executive ' Killer Strain: Anthrax and A as am rogress. . ,
District 7 — Kelley Warnick, Gallatin . Tami Hensley, Tearsheet Clerk Government Exposed in 2003," T ? Progress, whlch Vinson-V _
Chum}, News _ . V . - V" ' Sturgill served as co-editor for in .
District 8 — Ken Metz Bath County News L j V V V ' GOV' FletCher hires j ournaliSt :giifiéléf2200003zizrliisegl‘tnqrs :ldrclechl:
Outlook ' Staff members, Officers and Directors for Dept. Of Public run newspaper.
. . . . may be reached hY e—mail using the indie Protection The Associated Collegiate Press
213mm 9 -]erry Pennington, Big Sandy “duff; fiISt mma-I' full last '_ Gov. Ernie Fletcher’s administra- will place Vinson-Sturgill’s name in
ews nam kypresscom. ' ' tion hired a longtime journalist '
' . . V See PEOPLE on Page 11

 , z ' ' MAY dime ,
‘ The Kentucky Press, April 2004 - Page 3 /
Hundreds of st dents enjoy journal'sm t' I
If its May, I must have survived 1,60% Minutes II program, was unable to High School and Tom Leach, radio
another SUCC€SSfUI Kentucky High Oh, By 3; appear when his current assignment voice of the UK Wildcats. .
. School Journalism Association con- Th W in Afghanistan was extended by Several students from avariety of .
‘ vention. I did and it was. e ay three weeks. Newton is a graduate Kentucky colleges and universities
Although attendance was down ___._____ ‘1“ "‘ of Eastern Kentucky University and participated as panelists on the :
- slightly at the April 21 convention , gtw ' a former reporter with The News- always popular ”What I Wish I had
By David Greer _ . . .
. from last year because it conflicted Km MW Services a Enterprise in Ehzabethtown. In his known before I went to college"
‘ with CATS testing in some high Director ‘ Place, Nancy COX, WLEX'TV panel discussion. Courier—Journal I
schools, more than 720 journalism anehor, spoke about the importance reporter Chris Poynter was modera- r‘
, students — print and broadcast - Louisville CBS affiliate, brought a 0f journalism in today’s world. The tor. ;
. enjoyed an excellent program of satellite news truck for students to Lexmgton broadcast journalist dld Several print journalists were .
. . break-out sessions, speakers and the see and visit during the morning. At an outstanding l°b- . panelists the night before the con—
‘ j awards luncheon at the Clarion times, the truck was enveloped by a . Other convention presenters vention on our Pizza With the Pros
‘ Hotel &: Conference Center on sea of students interested in seeing included Russell VFISI noted news- panel. They included Chris Poynter, 3
l ' Louisville’s east side.The more than the equipment the pros use in the paper software trainer and CODSUR‘ Denise Smith and Paula Burba, all j
3" . 720 students represented nearly 40 field. ant; KPA attorney Ashley Pack; with The Courier-Journal; Chip '
1 high schools belonging to KHSJA. Also new this year was a KHSJA California teacher Donny Fugate Cosby, The Herald—Leader; Matt ,
5 ‘ To keep such events fresh, I like exhibitor show featuring displays who t01d students and teachers hOW Stone h t h d - ;
. . , , , p o ograp er, an Jim .
‘ to try something new at each year’s from Eastern Kentucky Universfi)’, 23111;: if; §:?tr‘::
dents were moderators. Both ses- speech to cover. The original Bowling Green; Yvonne Cappe and we can again 100k forward to con-
? sions had large audiences. On the keynote speaker, Jeff Newton, asso— Mike Farrell, both of the University vention attendance approaching 900 f
. broadcast side, WLKY—TV, the ciate producer With the CBS-TV 60 of Kentucky; Jill Lewis of Corbin as we had in 2003.
' Golden rule 's 'mportant part of c stomer service ’
During a recent Newspaper , , . but sometimes you don’t have to be I’m atalker and that is sometimes a
. Association Manager’s meeting in Advertlsmg 'W ”1% talking to the person. The ”tone" is weakness according to Atwood. ;
‘ New Orleans one of the seminars Plus é , thereifonly on the computer screen. Develop a good ”elevator speech” '
focused on customer service. The gen— —— 1' We "'33 Sometimes we are so busy when e- meaning that if you only have a limit- ;
eral rule of the seminar was ”treat oth— =::'% 1%! mails come in that the object is to ed amount of time with a client tell ’
ers as you want to be treated." '13:: ‘. 9; answer the question and hit the send him everything he needs to know in
Easy enough _ right? By Teresa R9013” button immediately. Think about it - the time it would take you to make an
. That should not be hard to under- KPS D'reCtor of Sales . § the e-mail should be like a conversa- elevator ride. That’s hard to do — but
. stand. The reasons behind treating ,, . _ . tion. Atwood suggested starting the e- we all could come up with a short and
_ ‘ others that wa far outwei h the con— authored Journal Of a Mld Llfe mail like a letter. Call the person by sweet sales pitch that would wow the -
. y g . CriSis. Her web Site www.joumalo- . .
sequences. Did you know that It costs famidlifecrisiscom has some more name and give a general intro and customer. My youngest son, Beau, :
an average of five times as much to interesting tidbits of information on it. then go into the question or problem. told me once that he had. too many
‘ attract a new customer as to retain an Being good at customer service is Make sure that you commurucate words in his head to be quiet because
existing one? That makes you want to so basic that we sometimes lose track both verbally and non-verbally w1th they were all just trying to come out. .
be a little nicer huh? - . the client. If you are at a meeting and Bless his heart, he gets it honest. ;
. _ q of the whole purpose. Make the client . . . . .
Of dissatisfied customers 20 er- . the conversation is gomg well make Solvmg customer challenges is all
r P happy and everyone is happy. When . . ,
_ . cent will tell more than ten e0 1e. . sure that your client knows you are about usmg the PRESS method. By
. P P you develop a rapport between clients , . . . . . .
That could be disastrous! Of dissafis- and newspapers a lot of things come interested in what he or she is saying. keeping the first letters of that word in ,
‘ fled customer, 91 percent will never together. Deadlines can be bent-if not Don’t let your eyes wander over the mind, according to Atwood, you can
return. Up to 90 percent of the cus— broken _ and clients can be made room or let distractions show that you set yourself up for success. P — Picture '
tomers who take their business else- happy with last minute additions. are not totally focused on what your yourself 'in the customer’s shoes. R - '
where report having been satisfied Watching the ”tone” of e-mails is client has to stay. That could be a big Really listen to the customer. E - '
prior to making the switch. This infer- another way to develop good cus- mistake. Eveninacrowded restaurant Educate your client. S - Solve the
mafion was shared at the seminar by tomer service. No you can’t tell how try to make the client feel like you are problem by starting over. S - Set a pos-
‘ Christee Gabor Atwood who the person feels when an e-mail is sent totally focused on their needs. itive tone for future busmess.

 , Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, April 2004 M A)? 2004
Newspaper readership steady in top 50 markets ‘
: Innovative approach boosting read- For example: Nielsen/ Net Ratings data by CSFB 6. Providence/ New Bedford (71.4 .
ership in many markets 0The (Memphis) Commercial Media Research, newspapers report- percent)
\ Newspapers in the top 50 markets Appeal: (As of March 31, 2004: daily: ing for both March 2003 and 2004 7. Philadelphia (69.5 percent)
are reaching nearly eight out of 10 177,723, Sunday: 240,712) Through showed a 21 percent increase in 8. Milwaukee (67.9 percent)
; adults (78.6 percent) over the course retention efforts, geographic pricing unique audience over the last year. 8. Norfolk / Portsmouth / .
i of a week (five weekdays plus a and product enhancements, The The report cited increasing public Newport News (67.9 percent)
: Sunday), according to the spring Commercial Appeal grew circulation interest in the presidential primaries 9. New Orleans (67.3 percent) ‘
. 2004 Competitive ‘Media Index from after a decade of declines. The aver- as one factor that may have con- 10. Harrisburg/ Lancaster / . ‘
the Newspaper Association of age daily adult readership increased tributed to the strength of newspa— Lebanon/ York (66.6 percent) 3
_ America. The CMI is an NAA analy- from 41 percent to 46 percent from per Web sites. An NAA analysis of the latest Fas- 1
I sis of market data from Scarborough 2001 to 2003, while Sunday gained 62 ”Newspapers are multi-media Fax data from the Audit Bureau of - j
. Research covering the period from percent to 64 percent during that organizations and they are expand— Circulations for the six-month peri- 3
3 August 2002 to September 2003. period. Within their designated mar- ing their reach through various 0d ending March 31, 2004, shows 1
NAA also reports that more than ket area, they added nearly 59,000 channels, including Web sites,” that 37 percent of the daily newspa- 1
. half of all adults in the top 50 mar- weekday readers and 61,500 on Sturm said. ”It makes sense to con— pers (310 of 836 newspapers report- :
‘ kets are reading a newspaper every Sundays. Among the product sider newspaper Web sites when you ing) gained circulation. The average
. weekday; 53.4 percent reported by enhancements are seven new com- are looking at the complete newspa- daily circulation for the 836 newspa- ‘
the spring 2004 CMI, compared to munity editions consisting primarily per audience.” pers reporting for comparable peri-
54.1 percent in the fall 2003. Each of content submitted by readers. The following are NAA’s spring ods was 50,827,454, a slight drop of
Sunday, 62.0 percent of adults in 0Jackson County (Fla.) Floridan 2004 CMI top 10 newspaper markets 0.1 percent (from 50,890,613) over
those markets. read a newspaper, (As of March 31, 2004: daily: 6,924; for adult readership: the same period a year ago. On ‘
down slightly from 62.5 percent Sunday: 6,926) Daily: Sunday, the average circulation for I ,
reported in the fall 2003 CMI. The Floridan has grown daily cir— 1. Hartford/ New Haven, Conn. the 659 newspapers reporting for
' ”The good news is that each culation more than 26 percent since (63.7 percent) comparable periods was 55,075,444, ‘
week newspapers in the top 50 mar- 2002. The paper attributes its success 2. Pittsburgh (63.6 percent) a drop of 0.9 percent (from
kets reach 79 percent of adults, and to a heavy focus on more local news, 3. New York (62.9 percent) 55,576,059) over the same period a '
more than half of adults on a daily improving carrier routes, aggressive 4. Boston (62.6 percent) year ago.
basis,” said NAA President and CEO attention to retention and a partner— 4. Cleveland (62.6 percent) ”The circulation figures are in
‘_ John F. Sturm. ”Over the last six ship between editorial and circula- 5. West Palm Beach, Fla. (61.2 range with what we’d expected,” ' .
months, the economic outlook may tion. ”Editorial is excited about the percent) noted Sturm. ”At the same time, RH“
, have changed from week to week, growth and watches the singlecopy 6. Providence, R.I./ New Bedford, newspapers are moving forward
but newspapers remained a constant numbers with anticipation each Mass. (61.0 percent) . with new and innovative programs 1 '
for advertisers, delivering a steady week," according to Publisher Roger 6. Tampa/ St. to gain and retain subscribers that
_ reader base they have come to Underwood. ”The editorial staff Petersburg/ Sarasota (61.0 percent) are paying off at a number of news-
_ value.” knows they are part of the reason for 7. Buffalo (60.5 percent) papers across the country.”
In addition, Sturm said, newspa- the growth.” 8. New Orleans (59.9 percent) The CMI is based on audience
pers have worked hard over the last ”These success stories — and there 9. Philadelphia (59.7 percent) research data collected by ,
few years to put into practice reader- are more — show that with a lot of 10: Harrisburg/Lancaster/ Scarborough Research, New York
ship recommendations from the hard work, creativity and commit- Lebanon/ York (59.5 percent) City, to which NAA subscribes. ‘
’ Readership Institute. ”We are begin- ment, newspapers can influence Sunday: Scarborough, a leading media/mar- ‘
ning to see progress well beyond readership," Sturm said. (For more 1. Cleveland (75.4 percent) ket research firm, measures 75 ;
what many expected,” he said. examples of newspapers with read- 2. Tampa / St. DMAs (including the top 50).
”Newspapers of all sizes are incor- ership and circulation gains, please Petersburg / Sarasota (73.9 percent) Scarborough collects data via tele-
porating innovative approaches to contact Sheila Owens at the number 3. West Palm Beach, Fla. (72.1 phone interview and a mailed con- ,
increase readership and they’re above.) percent) . sumer survey booklet and seven-day 3
beginning to pay off. At this time, the Sturm also pointed to newspaper 3. Hartford/ New Haven (72.1 TV diary. Scarborough collected .
' industry has gone from understand- Web sites, which are experiencing percent) fieldwork for Release Two 2003 from
ing readership to doing something significant audience growth. 4. Pittsburgh (71.9 percent) August 2002 through September .
about it.” According to an analysis of 5. Buffalo (71.6 percent) 2003. I
Send your news to Dana Lear, KPA News Bureau Director, at dlear@kypress.com. .1
Information received by the 20th of each month
WIII appear In the next month’s Press. - .

 ' ' ' MA Y
The Kentucky Preggpépril 2004 - Page 5
W hat didn ’ t happen during the ‘ 04 session
By Kim Greene 5 3 Experience tells us, though, that a around to resist them. be ample opportunity for public
KPA General (k number of the bills we fought this Another bill that will likely resur— input and commentary.
Counsel p '1 session will be back again. We face in 2005 is some version of a We learned a valuable lesson

. Dinsmore 8: , 31;...) know that because a number of homeland security exemption to the about networking and seeking out

Shohl .. them were repeaters this year. Open Records and Meetings Laws. natural allies during this session.
People are still I}? For example, this was the third There were two filed this year, HB For example, the Kentucky Chamber
4 ‘ scratching their a “a; .j 5 year in a row that someone pro- 188 in the House and SB 49 in the of Commerce and the Kentucky
heads and asking posed a bill in the House of Senate. We were fortunate that the Society for Human Resource

. ”what was that that just happened Representatives that would have sponsor of the house bill, Managers joined in our opposition

, p in Frankfort?” According to many, allowed criminal records to be Representative Mike Weaver, was of HB 371. Their interest was not a

‘ this was the least productive session expunged. This year’s bill, HB 371, willing to take the concerns of the concern about the integrity of court

3 of the Kentucky General Assembly went farther than any before when it news media and other constituencies records. Instead, their interest was

1 in recent memory. said that people convicted of class D into account in the fine-tuning of his about the integrity of the job appli-

, From the point of view of the felonies could ask the court to bill. The result after several meet- cation process and wanting to know
news media and the public’s right of expunge the records, in essence ings and re-drafts was a bill that cre- that there would be no state-sanc—
access to government information, rewriting judicial history as if the ated a new exemption to the Open tioned lying in response to an appli—
this unproductive session carries crime never occurred. As if the Meetings and Open Records Laws cation which asked whether the
both good news and bad news. The arrest and charge never occurred. that was specific as to the anti—ter- applicant had ever been convicted of
bad news was that House Bill 263 And, of course, as if the conviction rorism records it intended to protect a crime. So, in 2005, the KPA may

. did not survive. Representative never occurred. Look for a repeat from public scrutiny. Care will have not only ask you to contact your

’ , Derrick Graham’s bill would have on this bill next session. to be taken in the next session to see representative and senator about
required the Attorney General’s Several others bills were versions that that happens again. bills. It may also ask you to contact

‘ office to provide detailed explana- of bills proposed in the 2002 or 2003 KPA will also have to be vigilant other organizations in your commu-
tions of the Open Meetings Law and session. HB 20, the bill that created about some language that was nities who might share KPA’s objec-

, Open Records Law to local govern— identification cards for volunteer slipped into the budget bill at the tions to a particular bill, to see if you

‘ ment officials. This is the first time firefighters but made the informa- last minute. As you will recall, that can enlist their assistance as well.
in a long while that anyone has tion contained on the card confiden- language would have made confi- The bottom line for the 2004 ses-

' ,1 sponsored a bill with the intention tial, was in its second go round. So dential the names of donors to pub- sion of the General Assembly is this:

‘ #9— of enhancing public access to gov— was HB 111, a bill which would have lic university foundations and the It is terrible that the Commonwealth
ernment information. We hope exempted autopsy photographs and amounts of their donations. This of Kentucky is now without a budge

. Representative Graham will try videos from public release. The was a transparent reaction to the et and without much-needed tax

‘ again in 2005. same is true of the bill that would lawsuit between The Courier- modernization. But at the same

The good ne