xt7gms3k0s96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gms3k0s96/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1979 1979 1979-01-22 2020 true xt7gms3k0s96 section xt7gms3k0s96 ‘—
. .
\ol. | \\l. \o. 88 Ker . e] lrrisersit) ol Kellllldfl
"M103.“ .lanuar) 32- ”79 an independent student newspaper 444‘4444444444‘ “44444444444
— —
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I \ 44 34" ' ‘. ,4
Placement servrce changes “u t W s
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I w“ 44,2444 QIII .g ’ 44 ._‘
references to be more reltable ..
. Inge; \ 122444 a... . 34* News . . e9
B) "RUN-ll Mel \RI .\\I) te\re\\ Hand delnettng the tattttg retetenees .fiwiifi .. e3 *- . ~;~v"44'444 .14 4e 4’ 4.4 , '
Stall \\:.tet sheets also helps pttttessots mateh l \n Httlst. asstslaltt dlteetot ol the .‘ "s . ’ 444' 533F344” ,III 'II ' . .' :4 ”fin-44 44* '44" “Int. ‘54 4 '4
students' names “11h thett taees l’laeernent Set \ tee satd rt ts tnrpottattt _ 44?; “a {gézéLI ff“. " ' e... 3? .' ' "
l he l’laeetrretrt (enter has "In teeetrt teats \\e4\ e had a lot ot to will lttt‘klllfl 1“! d In” Nth ll \UH 2-. ,1. .4 4§§fi 44§4§<4‘se » 4 44 ..
ttrrplemertted ttso ehanges rtr tts tlaek trotnettrploseesabottt tetetenees are gtadttatttrg ttt \l.r\ "\ott rs the £§¢f ’ 4%,?!»er I ' 44 4
student regrstratton ptoeess that that not berng \sot th .ttlIthltg that the tune to be IHIL'H Is'“ my. not In M” I|.44 “. {:::(\:\\\4°\§¥.\ fie =44 ;:-I 4'_ ‘
lend tnore etedrbtlttt to telerenees reterenees \lL‘It‘lbl aeettrate Srnee tt's Hurst satd " l he reertttttng set\te e 9’ gfiefigfig x
aeeordrng to Hart) .lones. assoetate open tntotmatton. a stttderrt ean tltth ttorn the end ot SePlL‘rnbet to ’3 3§§2§W§4¢§4 44 .
drteetor ot the l’laeernen tserHee. tenro\e.rn trntasotable tetetetreetrotn ttrtd—Ileeembet artd ltom the end ot ... 4" ‘ 4.: 444V"???
Stttderts no“ delt\ er thetr' o\sn hrs ltle.44 lorres satd .latttr.rr\ to tntd- \ptrl 44 444 v§§§4§434§x§3§ 4E I ’ ..
"Ratrttg and ()Ptrrtotr Sheets" to be It. attet \satsttrt.‘ then right to lhe l’laeement Sets tee rsstres 44:44 3 4‘44 . 4 , 4 t \
eotrlpleted b} the taettlt} member. t'ettets. students teel there rs an bulletrns on the lst. “'lhdlld 3"1ht‘l Wéé 444444444 4444444444444 4‘ ‘4 4 4f at
statt member or emploter the) ha\ e trnlatotahie tetetenee tnthett ttle. theI\ ea s‘ h rnotttlr antrottttetng \\ hat 4’45.“ .54 4444495'4‘4'v-1I I.“ -* “"*
ehosett as a retetetree 1n the past the rum dtsetrss the rssue \HIh a l’laeernent s'ott‘otatlons and eompatrres \HH hs‘ 4 2* 4 44 44444 44 ,4 . 4444‘
l’laeetnent Serttee sent the torms Set\tee stall member and ha\e a ht‘ldm? ‘4‘”“p1Wh‘N4d ””“““4“‘ § “is \ é .. :.,...::--'-::;::=:-;'“'4'42:h..4 44 44
drreetlt to the reterenee. retet'enee temo\ ed. dttt’rng the ttpeotrtrng \\eek lo , ’ 4; .-
-\lso. students mat no\\ \sat\e thetr I’tospeetne emplotets are presentls patttetpate IN the tntet\ tets s. sttttlents 4 4 ' j \.,,I
rtght to tesreu hots the_\ \\ere rated bI\ berrrg ttrtotnted \shen students \satst- trrtrst regtstet \\tth the l’laeetnent . .483 4 44 ..-
thert reterenee thett’ t’tght to t‘e\te\\ .lones sattl rt an Set \ tee. meet the eltgrbrltt) . 4I «a t ‘ 4s
.lones srttd the ehartges lend more emploter kno\\s the student “out teettttrentents tor the a\.rrlable rob and 4 §-‘ i £1 -. "44
etedtbrht) beeause hand deh\er_\ ot ha\e aeeess to hrs retetetree ltle thts stgn up tor the tntetttets ttso dass trt ‘ 3 4442..4444'~:::,
tlte ratrng sheets encourages the rna_\ possrblt gt\e more etedenee to a .rd\arree _ , Ari 4 ,g =
stttdetrts and therr ehosetr reterertees to stadent's reteretrees \lso. .teeordrng Hetore parttetpatrrrg tn an rtttets rest BI 9 day 2'! 45“ "'4'".
dtseuss the ratrttg Students then mat to Jones. students at“ grse mutt- llttrst stressed that a student should ’ " ..
deerde \shetltet to \\at\ethe1r ttgtrt to eonsrdetatton to those ehooserr as make an at‘ttomtment unit a f K
l’laeetnent Set\tte statl tnemher to or ats 4 _ . V
drsettss \.rt tons asheets ol the ttrtet \ te\\ , 444444 4 . 3 4444444744 .. 4
ay attac ma 9 atrd rob lrttnttne tn general Stat‘ Saturtla) was a big da) for -4. .4 . '44 It; '
members eatr otter .rd\tee ott testtttre Kentuels) women's basketball X 4 ' 3- 44" .. ...,
l ptepatatton. :eterentes attd letters t': teatu. lhe host I ad) lsatsttpset \o. ‘4 4,”. . f
by alle ed rapist rnttttrtt 4 lennessee bb~64 on a baslset b) a ‘ 4 . __ ' . 44 .. 5 g
(ontinued on page 0 junior forward l)ebra (Men. who 444’RJ 4 ~,_4 9 444 V 4 4
_ , . . had I} points. Starting from thetop 44444: b 4x, $334? 4:234: M'? .
B) DHKB”. NH DANIH. hloek trorth ot \lausell Street 1,“me I Is guard (.eri (.rigsln is «.341;- ’ 4 4 ‘44” 4 a ,
44444 44444444 1 44444 44\4\44444I4P444414 4444444144444444444444 4,444444144ld Joe H a H says slttmrt here ernphasiling a point to 4 4 4‘ 4 g 27 , w
t\\ r 's .\_ \\ r t o r _ . - ._ ..-- .. Its-w... "
-\rrother ternale l ls student beeante :e4ar4-4old :s4d4n4ra4 n44“ as \s4t4r4l4kdr44e' .4rl4th4re on 4444444444444 4444444444 “44444444444444" 444444444444 434‘ ” A34. ~ «*1? ’3 4
the thrr‘d warm or an alleged thN lltlltor‘ -\\enue tn tront or the K mp1 44444.4 444444444444 444“. 4444444444444 4444444444444 ° i WW 4444’ ‘5» 2°44 4 " 44”» 4
.. II~ . ‘ ‘ ‘ 6- IO center (.rtgsbs poured III I l potnts. ltt the ' a F -". .-v;t,..t.jr’* ., '
\then she \sas BIdetIItrnedI SatttrtIlaI: v‘.lpha hotrse. She satd she “as "1““ch lseutuek) forward \laria . =4‘% R . v.57: .. I ' 2:44 ‘t .
r v " v - l‘ t . . v - . - r5. .5 ---;:1*-.-‘~-.'::-,.::-:=' "Fri-’2. * '4::i:'4l.4§4f" . -- .x
. 4t4t4t4ttrt:~4t4~44f‘h4t4:1444t>wt444|t;4.4,44;4,et,,444:4441 I ‘ gIrIabbtd Ib} s44 4t444444 JIM I4444444r 4. . . . Donboft rlltdrts es past 6-5 eenter 4%: {5,74 I 1% 44.1.»..4444 4'
1 ‘4" “ I “"“"P[" n ”m l‘” h l k ‘ m IS qu Itt'ng team ( :trtl) \oble olthe I atls \ ttls. lhe ': t “with: :4’44‘:§§':=:., a” 5. 1;.”“1...f3§..:-,2;:?§¢late. ‘ 4’57=.-..-: is :v
nrght reported h} the “N ”“41”" bottont pieture slums l l\ senior ‘::- t 44/; :2?a 4""4‘4444 ,4 44244.4 1‘s
‘4\\ I understand tt. \sedrdIhtue one lhe assatlant held a Isntte to he! . .lanet lirnpertntur running through 4 5 my, 4}" ‘:/ 23:. ,4 . '4444444444 4 4 4
ttrretdentt Saturda) morntng. he sard. throat bttt she screamed and B.‘ J()“\ ( 1-“ - " ..-~'4 4' ‘55' 2w ’4‘$4
II . the rowds fans ol llaggtn Hall on M _._ .t’ _ ',-:=. ° 53:52:; .-
I hate not read the report. or talked trrghterred htrn a\saI\ \““""“ \l“"" 1‘4 “"“4‘ ' _ . 4 . . _ t - 4‘ w .."‘=="j_ . ; 4a,,
.. , . . ttr “as to the lotktr roorn . r . .. . 162' . ->
to the ollteet' t\\ ho took the report), "\\ e4t e eoneerned the .rttaeks Ale \Ilkl' kl.\\\ l ll . 4. l I I . \ II I. :4 ' '
"lhete “as an rnetdent Saturda\ related heeatrse ot tltetrrneot tho the\ “A” \\rrter 44 444444444 444 444444444 44 444444 4444 . .
tnornrng.“ l'K Satet} l)treetor lom oetrrred and haste getretalttres.4' 4444444 444 4 44 3:3, . 44444444 I_ am _EtE-I" 4
l’adget sard tneonlrrtrtatron “lt \sasat Padgett sard ttr the lserrre/ l rtdas “WW“ htl‘kk'lh‘l” UM!“ ll"! 4” . ..W t 4
the eotrrples.” Hosseser. he satd he drd ‘\l[htlllgh Satttrdat 4s assarlant “as ”4‘” “PW“M W'N'V'” l-l‘l ”1F?” ”\‘s'l f , .. 4; 4444 4444
not ha\e an} other detatls trot \seat'rng an arm) taeket. llatt'tson ”l“ PUNNC “WWW“ ”’ ”4””134 g“ 4'44 1:33 ..L’
Harrtson satd nothtng 44St‘lltttls44 satd he beltetes the three attaekstsete “4m“ ( hm" \M‘WM‘ PhOtOS by Tom Moran ’44. ' 6..- 444 4 44 4
happened “>\ gtrl \sas detarrred tor a eommttted b_\ the same tnan " \star as “ [“4” (“”1”de «‘1 h“ “WW llatl B 3&4 444°”;
less tnrntttes. btrt she got auto 44 \se lstross the gut trt the desettptton." ““1 '\|‘*'h"““‘ ”WW“ WWW“ 44 ,, [Mav- ' “"444 W
SaturdaY‘ tnetdertt rs the thtrd lte sard “ I here \s ere some .‘V‘mdi‘h- “”‘1 “M“L 44' ““11”" ”4"” '4 f}- ,. -5‘5 . .
attaek tn the earnpus area rn t\\o srmrlartttes." 4‘} ”Hm”? l‘ltlkI‘W h“ ht“ ““1 1h“ 44 -"4!_;‘.-. 4 " . - - .
“66b l)esptte tltetaet thetlrree\tettmsdrd “"4”” hm I hope to talk to hurt '4 9- £\.. £~ '~ - 4 . _.w-\
\eeordtng to poltee reports. the not get a good look at the man. "WWW" “Ck“m‘ "“1 ”“l 4 4‘4 i 4 - t
suspect ts a 5 toot ltl male. utth a llarrtson satd poltee belrese he ts a “”“WIM ”d” 1h“ l k WM“ “Wk 4 r K 9 ‘-4 '4 44 ’
medtum burld and short bt'otsn hart (4aueastanandappt'mrrnatel} ZSteat's 44“" “‘M ”‘9 WWW" MW” WWW“ 4 44" . 4 4 4~' _ “d4: _
lle store an old. olt\earmI\ taeket. and old. that h" “t“ kllllmlltl 44 4' ..- 4‘. “’4‘. 4444‘ e
a bltre stoektng eap \stth some tspe ot ._\\ I. -h II I l I . II .. H ‘Hk‘k‘mkl‘ “US llldk‘k‘d It‘ll lhk‘ ‘5 L 4 W4} 4 ’4 .- 4 i
trtm the ttrst ttso lllCldL‘nls. llat‘rrson 4 44 44444 _4444. 4.444 444444444444444444 ”3”” “CW“ ht" ”W‘Uk‘md l‘lim‘I 1“ d“ ~ 4- '4 3444-4444:: 5:2" 3 4
satd. Hosteser.thetlrrrd \tettm satd he 4444444444444 44444444 44444444 “444444444 4444 44 ‘t‘ 1” lhk‘ PM! lhls‘t‘ \\eeks4 .ltrtnot “444 v fig 44 '4’ k, 4
“as not \seattrrg the taeket Saturda}. 44444.44? 44444444 44444444 4‘ 4444440444444 414444 “”“Wd I'm MVPhuh “-“l‘tk'llk'd l“ “ '34' ' 4 4 34444 ..t- .~. -. 44 4
()trlan ".aZl-_\ear-o|d\sornantold M 44 4444444444 44444 44444444 4444444444 Cumberland (4”“K'tik‘ Hm" ' K4‘ “I“ f 4. ..‘4’44 4 . («444 a4 .
polree she “as raped earl) tn the llarttson satd lte or“ read the report 0“" \“ll'k' Hamel - 444.4“ >4 _ g .44 -. £4 4 4
morntng. hetote da\sn She satd she ol the thud trretdetrt toda_\ and dtsettss "Ik'h‘mil‘ 1‘ 4' wl‘httlllt‘lk' “0’" 4444's; , 4 z“, . W444 . s' 4 -
\sas ualktng trotn the Nets man ('enter' the srtuatton \stth the eampus polree M””"- ('onrr _.rnd “‘1le C‘C'.‘ game e. ~ at ‘ 44 4 , j . 4
on Rosel arre \\ hart a man approached department "Sorrrettme Monda} “”4 ”1“ “NW“- HC “Will-'9‘ H 5 . . 4 x4 ‘2. ‘ .
her trotn ht‘ltllltl. pulled a knrte and tnornrng “e \\tll probabl} hase a good Pmm‘ 3”“ ‘l\ lk‘httlmd‘ «1 {HUN 4 1'1» a . ”‘5 . 3.45444 \ at“ 4 4 ,
totteed her tntoartapartmentdoortsas long tneettng and deetde \\ hat to do \C'lh” ”W PL‘M‘IN not \leksttras - ”44444 K 1444444‘ 4 4 ‘ 4&4 4
on (iros\enor -\\entte. \shteh rs one about rt.“ he satd “mm 4‘“ "4‘“th "” eomtrrent \ 3‘ 44' 4 . .- 4 ;»4444' 4 4;» 4 44
e. ~ in s. es 1
@day _______________ .. _ .. -
lhe Home Budget (ontnrtllt't‘ has \eltt'tlttled rts ltt\l .g‘@ (I ’2 4‘ x 4
hearrng ot the tress (orrgress tot ll]tlt\tl.t\. \Hlll letleral 4 43 , 4 .
'ocaI Resene Hoard (4httlllllltll (i \\ tlltatn \ltllet on the \tttness 444 I
llsl k
llll Sll\l‘l ()l l\\ Rlllll tn the etrrrent speetal M Ore Snow headlng for Kentuc y
legtslattse sessron no“ earr be dtseettted. but not us world 4
44444|44tI4K4144441i441m1¢ mum mI” ”II. (tent-tat I‘mqnhh “I” ,lttst \shen rt \tasIalrnost all gone. (itrlt ( oast nears Kentuek} todaI\.Ithe bttt sIatdIthereIhad been no \seathet-
eltnnnate the g eent sales II” on honre trtrlttres. eselttdrng POPE JOHN P \l I II IV u (ll R v\ I IS \ sno\s lt'x-tnelt‘tl ketttttek\ \stth a sttoIst \tas lttlL‘eItsl toehangetollttrrtes related laItaltttesI I .. .d
Mcphnnh ((lNHiRlStl, ot MIMI“ tn Puebla. \lesteo IIHI \shtte blanket met the \seekend. ttr ttte east \\ htle the tsest \sase\peeted lhts \setktnd s snoss ts not esptetIe .
It seems tttst astnetttablethat the la“ makers \stll Impose a Satttrdas that ts e\petted to tune etuetal meanrtre tor the m'4444444‘4 44444 444444 4444/4444444444 444444 44444 44444 444 44444 444 4444444 44 4444444444444 444 44444 44444 444 444444444 4444444444444 4 k4 44444444444 4 44444
eethntt on state and loeal ProPem tases Roman (athohe (httteh ttr lattn '\lltt‘l'ls‘.t4 Some ”Ml“ \s‘hooi e ht ltlrerr a not her Sttnshtttt' “as PWthCd 1‘“ “H “l ””4 ‘4‘ ["1 ”4 tltlletent laetoh 4'” “1‘ M m
“rth mm .a [mm taerng damn m the \1-1) prtmatt. ”momma,“ \I” I“ “Tcmmmns on ('hnstrantt\ mum ttne\peeted \aeatton Ketttneks totnotto“. but another the deetstotr to eall ott elasses
. thL‘\ Probahh eotrld hatdls .rttotd to do othermse spread throughout the ssotld -\eeotdtng to the Ioeal \teatlret stotnt ssstenr ts bremng tn the \\ est. "()ttt sttttatron tsrr‘t lrke that or the
‘ \nd all thrs ma\ be aeeomphshed vstthtn the next three lhe .lSttot so I attn '\mL‘tIe‘;ttl hlshttps\\lllltI\ [Ult‘etrngtlc set\ree one to three tnehes ot struts lea\rttg ottl\ hopes ot elotrdt skres l'a\ette (‘otttrtt Sehools." Heart ot
weeks. sstththe l egrslatttrealsoeleanrngupthe largeh non» the rntsston ot etangelwatron \stth soetal needs lhe\ ate should be on the ground thtstnotnrng .tuatn tltts \seek Stttdents .loe llureh saul \estetda}
eontrmetstal and teehnreal tlttster ot other ttems on the seekrng to ntatntartt tttttt_\ tn the taee ot a grotstng elatnot \nots should tlttttttttsh to lltrtttes 4 lhe \ rtton r| \\,, tthet Sentee ‘ ttd " I he students are hct‘e “C dort4t hilW
. Wwon Agenda trotrt ehttrehmen artd Iatts tor taster sotrat and poltrttal toda\ \\ednesd r\ 4\\otrl4d4 hllltu “1MB“ the same trattspottatton problem 44
. 8 ,. ‘. s ‘ -~ . , . . -
nation 444:4;14: tntra~ehttrett debate» has been patttettlatn strong tn b 4444443“ 4444444444444444444414,444 454444. 4414.444 ehattee ol stto“ lt‘t11PCY&l“lW‘ later 1” ..HI:414,4,44t4t414L4-4:114tt4t4t414t4n4t4144t‘rt4dt44t4|4k4ll44|4l4414414l4143
, lattn v\rrrertea llte esperrenee gathered ttt the ( ontetenee 444444 4444444444 4444444444444 ”4444444 44\ ”"4 ““4“ "“4 “Pal“! l“ drop “‘ ”“4 44 , 4 _ 4 4 , 4. , .
- . and then ehattgetl to sleet and snon as .. s \ ltL‘ prestdtnt ot bttsrntss attatrs. and
. _ . ot the I am t\mertean l ptseopate, tneettng Jan 3 ~l eb ll. ~ [\LllS and lo“ -lls . .
. Tlll. NHL H ()\()M\-MINI)H) (ONGRl-ZSS‘ mas espeetallt rntltrenee the thtnktng In Roman ( atltolte a eold ltottt tnos ed eastuatd aerossthe I . . . .. . . I I III II |\ deetde rt “e teel tt ts tteeess.tIrI_\ to alter
‘ ““4"“ l’restdent ( “”“4‘ recommended hl‘dl!“ m" ““44“ Prelates tn the lhrrd \\orld retttorrs ot '\\|.l and \tttea stale 44444444444444“ 44444144} 4444 44.4 44:444 4 44444 4 ”444444444 444444444444“ N444“)
‘ the lust salso tn “hat shapes up as a year-long battle o\er Some parts ot ls'entttekt hatl ”N‘h 1” ”“4 “WWI ‘44 \ m ”u “U! to lltreetot' lont l’adget satd
' ~' 44444444444444 h lt‘s‘ened up to ttso tnehes ol sttots h\ ”“4 1”“ “4 ”Nd 4444 ”4 the I'M 44444 James “ “WIS dtreetot “' the
., (arter sends ltrs spendtng blueprrnt tot trseal WM) to the weat er late \estetda\ h tlte “H,“ “mm “”1“ ”W" “t" "”‘T‘N l‘" toda\. phtsteal plant. satd ”(l or ht) \sotkers 4
‘ ~ (44.4444444 44444444 444444 4444444444 up 4444444444) 44444444 4444444 44 . . . , , lrotrr the \sest last ntght. .tdtlttronal “”h ‘hgmk‘ \sattnrng temperatures began snoss tenroutlaround4a tn at
.\ nauonalls teleused State ol the l nton address to a totnt “ARM SI \\\ SKIES “ll” HH-IIS espeetetl treat .teettmttlattons ot one to t\\o tnehes e\peeted totnotro“ helote the .Htl\.'ll ”he “mm” (enter. and would begtn .
. se.ston ot the House and Senate ttlltoda) ttt ()rlando. l Iortda llere.skresutllbeelontls \ch I . .. II . _ ol the other storm s\setn ‘| _. r , \ m lt mt ‘entr‘ll mm m '
-' “1th man) |a\smakers ealltng tot resttarnt tn spendtng. sntm dtmtntshtngtotlttrrteson lllantltng lleaeh lltghstnthe “444 4444444444 4444 444444444 k4444444444 . . e . 4 444 44444 n :44) 4~~ l l: 4l|4h‘ 4 . P
.4 the prestdent ts expected to eall tor a budget ot abottt S‘ll trpper Ills to loss ltls toda\. \stth temperatures tontght trotn \shtle ”“4 southeastern ”“44””le ““44 [44444‘44 4444444444444 444 444444 4440444444 4 44 444 .. 4'4 . 4 4444444444 ‘31
-, hrllton and a dClIttl ot totrghts $39 htttmn IS m In In” batl ‘P'mti bread .\ g4 AIM INIHt \tere espeeted to get up to another t-tsntttttons as sltek. ha/ardous artd \ltlLWM'llln and steps. he satd Streets w.
:1- tour tnehes ssotsentng beeattse ot the sno“ l‘oltee artd parktng lots should be clear unless I
. ii I As a lrtgb pressure ssstem rtom the reported tttrvnetotts tratlte aeetdents. the snovt ts tleep. he satd 4:.
' ht";
it it
t ' ‘ -- A — A A — - _ _ _ _ _ _ _.e

__________._ _ _.
A -'
Stew Bolling" lhomiis ( lurk “an inn [Inch-rt “utter Tunis Jamie \‘nught Tom Moran I“
filth" I" ( ltlt‘ li/Ili'ml/ li/Il'” Ruth \‘Illtlnlly NU liltior Sporty fill/or [hm lot of Pholoxrulihi 7;
Debbie “(Daniel I ,3
. (In “llll‘
Gnu Hdd‘ L 1"“, I." 'lyylilulll 1 VII I III H
mm“: “(Donald in"... “firms Jack wanmighi ‘ ‘ ' John (lay Lina. (‘Impbell l
\I‘umwng [mm in... lllll [Jr/on (o/u li/iiim No" Holds Brian Rlclterd Photo Manager ii
dOt . IS & Ch /"ldL’t’\ [ill/{ll 'lyylylum Spurn Milli/Ii g:
Q I ma U ”I Dents . r
Repair need 3 none, » tantrums: WM “VI" " ,. :
l »\ I
m ' l l. . - \ ‘l l ' ‘ z
_ should be met he‘l'ElEl” mil . . .. I . / I
. , , - 'e- .r »..- l' ,‘ . /
Ea - ' if 'a \ Kl. ~....——-' - ' l '/ x i
i, I. "‘ , ' ’ / , s.
I —- I‘. ‘ ‘ \ . . \ \ ,' I l
in nort orms “a": /, s i .. . t .
;. 913d "» . I l ' ”h. \ I l'iI ,, I, 1,.
Mv " ' I“ t. ., - , <"""' / .
' ' _ / .’ x 9 / \ ,/ '9,“ :
Whether Boyd Hall passes or fails local building ~ ” I. ‘ ' "\ . ‘ ’ 1 s ’ . ‘
‘ / ‘1‘ ‘ in s ’
standards is unim ortant. . . :I .~ 1 fl / . y . . .A
' p . . . . ‘ - . {“I", ' - . i, Q ( ~ f
\\ hat matters is that many sections of the Mirth .6: . , I f - . l .| , .. )fl W _ |
L ampus residence hall art in disrepair.and students II J. ‘; \\\{ ’ CO‘ED y‘ 6 .t. . . \\ .
who liye there must endure inexcusable is; _ I O4 . _ ”\S .‘ .
discomtorts; dratty sections that are either too hot 3 f :..f« "E0 y I 67 1 g . ‘ ' "-x‘g . I . 55
or too cold. leaky ceilings. holes in walls. unsightly .1 ' "I; II II I- :95}; )W% ‘I . . ' \e, . ' l l 4‘ is?
bathrooms. exposed heating pipes and a crude :ny5: “2%; .(\‘T / / , I 3‘ '3 - ”’1
. . . n:- sr.'. ' ,. r '. . i'
“study room“ complete with sink. bicycle and a wig‘»‘t“1s .‘ e: ,1 / \ , ‘ \\> -. ‘2
, L, .’- if ,1‘F',.,: ‘ , 2 '-' ‘ ‘ .’ . -e ‘ = a;
single chair -, 4:533 '- .M’z'gs' f “V, “‘ ' i ...-‘ 3‘ r5 \ .- V: 31»
» - . .’ -'.-- [1‘ -' a ”45m- . v . ' _ -. J y‘-
,\ \ isit trom a city housing inspectorturned up no go: ., is}; '{pf’cr ‘ if _ sh. \ ,
'. . -.=’ &.§§;'2zit. 9.414113 -: $153? . f , l \ .' , .. f .. " / i
y iolations ol city building or housing codes. and the ~14"; agar-a5. (mafia-I:;_._.v-:z:5».-;I~I‘-:.~I;It;:...-I ‘ 1 . y M ,t .. ~ ~ :I s
' . - g‘..3*33’53§--) -i.ire-E512.'.*¥.".'~;73:-‘-'.’~;‘-..1“>.i“‘§.z ( .0 I. n -l . 1 \s i “ Jr a
inspector said Boyd Hall wasnt in too bad 27-:2 .fighiegfire, ‘~3"r1-.2vi~<¢th in}. 's o". l - i ' l I! ‘1 \
' ’ .41“ ..I gvfigxy, “azfiksi'ci‘fsj- ’bf-s . ‘ / a (N - ' l .
liying there d,f;t‘§,,fir%,y\ " ”£33 (.3 1-?“ \ '. ' ‘l l l‘ 1 \l ‘
. . . .9. 5 72912;. :1. -'»: .-,.'-'.;'.';, ‘ ..-t.. i:“:, o s l .
t , y ; . . :fis. -;','at;;,:_‘;g'rrzj:gz. . -. .2" . ’ ‘ was» , s.
lt is 1 lrlblllc lt the idaptability of college 3;:sfifiwH‘ .II.:.: .. ,.\\ , ) ':-;. l W: w, ”s .. m ‘“ . . W \ sh , 3
students that some Boyd Hall residents protested a y 720:, '1 3,55:Helétaefyfia.-';:I<-.;_A.=.~:_‘.pa_ .41“; .. . .. .. I .. ‘ I - , J’s. , , G“. I .ei . “Ah-tees! -.. ”i. ..
' . . k... . u" .;.‘-»}F.igg’r$jr.gggg‘fivgqi,-l§.tI,l;Ii-¢II" 7' " 3:93;; 2a‘.',I:'I‘-;.':g;"fi* V ”*‘II a“ ‘\ \ :3 v 31-1151: . . ,y’ c . 4,9}! 333.; .yhggsyefivaye, fit ‘. .y “g
new plan that will convert their home to a freshmen 242‘ kfil¥‘iifitt‘§z.§?£§él%§g“Migéfilaiifl‘am'firle1?" I. . sesaw'wqwh. ~4/hyi v‘i “my” " . “MW-9W" & ’4 ‘3 ii
. . . ' we -7~-".’.w”.w —; -Z‘ .223. -. .--,-;.s-..“-*, v. ~ . -: .. '-
women .s dorm next year. Ey idently. the terrors that ”5 “1+1:2W,Wg?fi‘flfli*Ffi’ffiiu‘fim :,I;.shrill-332:2?{w3337-33, ,. 4-42-9331, l , . -;- r. «fighyegzgfis, r“ - - '.,s.- . 3, .Is '31 u. d?"
. ' . ' ragga-43.12;:a ,z‘n-Iis tA'Qfii'fiw' .?fi't@l,glIa"/’filtiifiigesfffjni'y'“(Ii-1““':3I"',‘i.\“t-‘(l'I-I (zigza- _.' ,£5*='='§‘- 3.. .I . toilets-z: .u .rr and as}; . “M
were already known were preterable to unknown ”If F- I- - - a , -' - -~ . . ~ ~ .,. ~ ~ .. .. ,
ones. ()r may be they didn‘t want to move to the tar-
llung new apartments somewhere in the nether children liye. n Boyd Hull hasn‘t been improycd by not enough Fxpansion to the South now stretches an
regions beyond Commonwealth Stadium. or didn't August. the complaints “.11 be mum and loud. (ampus housing is so met-requested now that uncomlortable distance trom classroom buildings.
want to Inc in soon-to-be-coed Keeneland Hall. The t‘mtemu should take steps h, substantially closing down Boyd or any dorm is out ol the and that‘s probably the reason the new apartments

Perhaps the change in dorm assignments will renovate Boyd Hall 1m, summer bcl'orc opening question. But in lormulating long-range plans. haven‘t been highly requested. The choice property
inspire more action on making Boyd Halladecent next {31L paving particular attention to the Boydandotheragingdormsshouldbccitheri'cbuilt closer to downtown should remain reserved for
building. The parents of freshmen girls will problems cited aboye. So tar. the repairs sccm 1., lrom the inside. keepingthc outer shell. or replaced campus housing housing that now needs to be . .
doubtless be very circumspect about where their have been limited to new coats of paint. and that‘s by new buildings prctcrably on the North side. improyed. .

' ’ mm ' h t t ce ds all othe 3
Franklin 3 mo ate discovers the world t a rans n r
BY GREGG FIELDS “No." he answered. looking star\ing lesh go eat and then come and liquor in yarioiis stages ot Big Belch. lhc couple screamed and l
contemplatiy e. "What do you use lora hack " digestion. ”Please." be gasped ran back to their car. l .

In my tour years at this bastion of mixer with it?“ l'ndct protest. l droyc him to brcatlilessly Still holding his hand oyer his I )
higher education. he discoyered two I cleared my throat. “\eyer mind." l‘lcsh‘s. homc ot the Big Belch I held my nose and tried not to look mouth. l‘ratiklin turned and darted .
groups that cut across all socral. That eyening alter dinner we droye sandwich i\.s we walked in the down. “Betore we go. l-ranklin."lsaid down a hall that said “Restrooms" . '
political and economic barriers: the out to John‘s apartment. which is on a manager locked the door behind us. calmly. “let me thank you tor barling oy er the doorway, / L
drunks and the sobers. gldegtreet oft Richmond Road. [he “You‘re our last customers tonight." on my ll‘s‘i‘w‘ll ll’IL‘s Congratulations. lgot upand walked downthe halll ll ;

My roommate is one ol'the former. party was audible tor three blocks. he said. also. on landing sortie ot it on my could hear him moaning. I pushed I‘ .i
So are all his triends. So are most of John opened his door after we “So where‘s our pri/c'."' l'ranklin shoes " open the bathroom door. Franklin ‘
the people he met here knocked. “What‘s happening?" he s‘tid lhc waitress walked by.“(‘ould you yyas lying on the floor. his head I I . ,

.’-__._.. . ..__.-,. ,.__ H__._ __ , A ”why “ '_ _ . ,, , « . , '5 - . . . "\ ou know. lm gomg to qurt
l “"0er l-rankins remark and led two please hui.. Oh. my (rod. Hey. propped on the lip ol a commode. I _ .. . I .

I . I z“ . '. . ." . . . . . * . .. . . , a» . , drinking. he said. “From nowon l m

the [“0 ol us to a table. “c but down (reorgit. she yelled back into the Are you all right. I asked. D I k' _ 'd t. (

ran In an I I ’e and a middle—aged waitress came oyer kitchen. "bring a mo'p. ()ne ot thosc "You didn‘t tell me this was a onntlhe wagon. “l? ingiislstupi ‘ l .

. and gave m each a glass ol water college kids iust tossed his cookies.“ rcyolying restaurant." he said.spitting h deal?" [elm‘e’lli er 1 e ast time .

b re fields “I et's make it uick college creeps ~~ “Oh. no." Franklin said. putting his into the commode. ear l ‘lt‘ 5a: ' ,
‘ ‘ _. q ‘ ‘ " l' . . .. . , , , “F- kl' . . He grinned. It was last Sundav
____..______ _.._A ., ._ ____.___.___..,.__,.~_____. W". she said. “ll it weren‘t lor you two l‘d “ml 9‘” ll“ mouth and “Um-H} I laughed ‘1‘ mm ”ll m- you re mornin but don't remind me u '

Every Friday al‘ternoon at l250t05. yelled over the music. squmting his he on my way home," ‘ulggcr'ng l‘" the ”0m dom- 8““‘8 ‘0 hayc ‘0 get up. for one thing 8 i

. 7 . ' . . , ~ -- i . .,.. .. . ' . .. . It was licked. He looked in need of the restaurant‘s closin . For another. . ,
Franklin becomes tor the next ’48 eyes; Hepaused, Who are you. . lgcsl’tthIlych‘inglls_\0u_\0uf0\\n . . g‘ . h‘ i ll h k hi h' h . b'gh .. Gregg Fields is I joumlllsm senior
hours a raving. craying. lll-bel‘laVlng [m (,reggI [ sald_ Remember? key." l'ranklm said. an L\()rkl\l .is t uti cy s on t c t is 1st e womcns at room. who h“ offered insubstantial amount \
alcoholic who makes WC. Fields look We've known each other \lnCC lhc waitress sneered. “What do you handle. A mld‘llc‘i‘PCd WUPls“ HC dragged himself up. He mopped I . . .'

.. ' , . _. , , . . h‘ ‘ -, .. . . s , to any lniversity official who can
We a member of the Temperance elementary school. Mme appaitntly unaware that t c his lace and hair with paper towels I I I .

. .. ' .. - - .- ‘ '. . , . , . ‘d . ”(ad h . d' . . . “I‘ guarantee he receives his diploma this =
l n10” Oh. yeah~ he galdItalllngugalngra "“C.” both thC Blg BL‘lCh TL\ldllTilHl “sh kllML . “d c UP to lrom l t. ispenser. m SO “fly His column will .ppcjf every .

last Friday. when I got home. wall.“Hurry up and getamugolbeer. platters.“ I said quickly. hoping to the glass-door. liranklin greetedthcm cmbarassed. he said. l‘donday .
l‘ranklin was at the kitchen table. We've gotagood game olbun going “ avoid burned food. “And colt-cs.“ h} W‘s‘rmll ”WWWW“”Surgllalc’d "1 don! blame .V'OU- ' .

e u I Q N . _ v; ,_ ”I, VF A _ _ _‘__“__,—v.,..—._.._— —_‘_—_———_————-————‘——_‘—_———————
pouring cornflakes into a bowl. What S bun? l asked. Alter the waitress lelt Franklin 2
"What‘s gomg on',’" I asked. "It's a game where everyone stands produced a bottle ol scotch and mixed .

“Nothing much." he answered, around and drinks." he explained it with his watcr.“l getso hungry when T \ 1 q 1
setting the cereal box on the table. "SOUDdS complicated." ldrink." he said.“lthink alcoholmuss ‘ ELSE we . . ll . ‘l 44" .
“You want to go to a party at John‘s “That depends on how long you hat tapeworms int." He sipped his l l l " ‘ ~ ‘t- \ l I ’l ’ " _

tonight?" play." he said. drink. “By the way. did you get to sec 1, M 8T1“. ' "T 1'in ‘l 9 9 n ‘. -
I sat down and put my books on the The apartment was so crowded that Sheila?“ 'l' ' y‘i ’ f . .»
table “I don‘t know. Remember the my elbows made imprints on my “Yeah.“ I said. “On thc way out I WRED Wt . a J |\\T\ P I'd W \

last time John had a party and when stomach. The tipsy crowd swayed and heard her yoice. When I looked down | . 0y HIT I" ,’,I;,.,_:_‘I‘s “ “E, i‘ - \ \ / .

the keg ran dry they accidentally swerved. like a weeping willow In a saw I was walking on her.Shc‘d gotten i Tl“? UlkNll l. A 1-} (Ty; . . l t i. . ‘ \ 6 .

tapped a can 01 Tumor in a Drum?" bl’CCIC. The Wise was dcalening; drunk and fallen on the floor," l GM l \QqQ/Il g; l 4 J ‘ ’ ~

“It was an ho;;est mistake.” conversation was impOSSlblt‘» He laughed, “So I guess you didn't l W "‘ \“ \\ “913 ,2 ‘ at. , ‘\

liranklin said, “Besides. that stufl‘s After a few minutes l grabbed it cup hayc a very good time." -. is. _ I: ' \‘Q‘:Q\‘ .‘ ‘

retty ()d m ite " ' " to o eta beer fr )m the ke .wh ‘h -‘ . ‘ « . - i / V ‘ “git \ g _ ‘ . ‘/, /"

p I git i d with tonic He . g g t g Is It wasnt bad. It was Iiust .iwlully . l I A . a ‘ ‘0 - ll "‘ .I ,

reached into the refrigerator. pulled was in the bathtub. When I got to the hard to talk to people what with the ”(.3 .I .O‘ at A? * -1 *3 "3. ‘4

out a can ot Vliller beer and popped bathroom I saw Franklin. He had the music and the booze.“ l' ‘i*‘ '- . fl _ *[E El ’6' "t’ l '.

. . e . . y ‘4 .— , "f==- - ‘ . ‘

the top I stared in disbelief as he kegs hose in his mouth; the tap was lhe “film“ brought 0“, orders. . lfinfi , ' .' WW4” my . 7‘ LA ‘ I,

poured the beer OVCT the cereal. 0“: l‘rankhn drained his scotch and I — ; I ___ _ f- . l .l

“Franklin. why are you eating l groaned. “Why don‘t you drink ll water. then produced a bottle ol 1 T -. , . l '
corntlakes with beer"" out of a cup like everyone else"" bourbon and mixed some “fill his l ' F '7 l ‘ fr! '
“Because l didn't have breakfast." Franklin pulled the hose out of his (‘oke "You know..., 1 t" ; mil. AM ‘ ’ , . I ..
he said mouth and belched so loudly the wall Suddenly shock crept into his lace. . - l' ' 1mm l‘ '5‘ ' l; " .
. ~ - n ‘ u ‘ u i l ' A I
“You re supposed to use milk its QUIVCICd. lSh nawt aslressthat way. His mouth dropped open and hall 1 y l l I." ‘ .I
nourishing" he slurred. He stood up. then sat chewed sandwich began dropping l i; l 1 WT m l
“Hey. no problem." he answered. quickly back down. “Oh, wow. My onto his plate. “Purple onion." he l y ' I * ‘ ,
“l‘m gomg to drink screwdrivers with head's spinning." gasped, “There‘s purple “mm on i . I . l' .
it They give you Vitamin C." “What do you expect" lhe last time this." l l l ", . P WM 4 ‘I e
Arthur. who lives nextdoor. walked you drank this much ittook l‘ourtuhcs “I know." I said l ~ .4 l -‘ K h .
u . . ' I
in Franklin. do You have any Jack 0f toothpaste Md a home Ol lavoris HIS lorfhc‘du M“ "0“ matted “‘"h l r ’ T“ l " I ‘mDOLE (a ‘
Daniels“ he asked Just to cut through the sludge on your sweat. His skin was white. “I cs get out l - . ‘ t ' “9" 9 ‘ I“ LY . . '6!
“Sure Why" tongue the next morning,“ of here.“ he said nervously. l . l ”“53? ‘ . ll c0 l . 1 B C"
“I ran out of mouthwash and can‘t “Gregg. could we leave here for “But I haven‘t finished eating." I l ‘ ' . B“ 17‘ L m, 2" '

get the taste of vodka brownies out of awhile?“ “Pleesh, I‘ve got to . I his stomach i )‘l a l . l' th , ' Es“ l“ I

my mouth. I can‘t stand chocolate “But we just got here."laiiswcred. started ierking and his throat ' . I 'l‘UE l mlv . .‘ ' lil . , I 1' . '

aftertaste." . “Besides. Sheila called today and said quivered. “I think I‘m goingto ,. to. . V R‘. “ " ‘ T. ll l‘ , ‘ \t l Wlll ' t |

. I looked at Arthur. “Have you tried she'd meet me here.“ .“his head drew back and his mouth — .4 1’, W i ll ' - ;
toothpaste?" “Pleesh " he stammcred “I‘m 0 cried uncontrollablv ()ut fl w ‘ 3 ill ' '/ . .
. ‘ .' “5 _A__.__m.____————-——_—'————_
p e food _____~ _. _.... u”- l
| . ‘
_"" ‘ " r . s ' ~~ . ‘-' ' -- ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ / ‘ - - '- " ‘ “Mm-v... Is. " ‘) ’

 ’lllt. Kl N ll ( Kt Kl.R'\l.l.. Monday. January 22. l979—3
a r t S & ' Plasma donor special with this ad.
: . One donor Twenty donors '
on or ammen .
" Iele ision offers a servant's 5 00/ O I: I: $50 $1000
s . I I 0 in 14 days in M days
View of White House domgs MOST BOOKS ”We
HOLLYWOOD (AP) — 1 he danced yiith his daughters and Room from the point ol \ieu .
first time Maggie Rogers had a mischicious sense of Of its characters. Maggie is @plasmaalliance
. enteredthe White House.acow humor. dillercnt liom Matilda." (‘ole
- . - . . .. 254—000
was grazing on the lawn and lhc series olleis a rcicisal ol said RUUH was a story about . 2043 Oxford cum I “m, pm. Mon-Fri.
William Howard 'laft was in roles from Rim/i lor (‘ole and ser\itude Burksmrrt uI l/lt' Clrdlnul Volley Shopptng Cantor Set. 5 “mg pm.
the Oval Office. li'gganis. ln All("s Riiuri ”/lllt' Home is about service. A LL RE C
: Magiestayed onasakmaidto l'ggams vsas Kil/y. and ('olc lhe ladies madea contribution ”Modesty should only matter
3 first families until Franklin was her daughter-Helms. at the “hue Hotlsc. lltcyVlcrc H
Roosevelt was in his second Matilda. apartoliery historicaleveiits.“ IO thOSB Who ale SUCCGSSfUl.
,_' :21: ghewzra: Lhne $252335: “liverything isdillerelit from R RY MC‘ U I RE _ Cranston Behemouth
g A utograph hound tel/s B J TH O MAS '
Rogers Parks who as a child , i i
i . 0 0 . . .
§ was discovered by Taft playing . . w. llys'l l[ N ll 1,.‘\
S in his oversize bathttub joined f h t ,r'p P H IL KEA< ( Y ‘ ~ ‘ I "7 r i
r ‘ i 4 .
i by her mother and remained 0 IS V38 8 Ire , ‘5 ll A‘lL' ll 5 /ICl’L\
until the end ofthe Eisenhower —‘_—————— ‘
administration GREENWOOD, Ind. (AP)- cd. I (II/AP POINT lth SHOWS!
Backsiai'rs a] the White Paul Christen is one one He doesn‘t consider his KE ITH ‘ :R