xt7gms3k0v01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gms3k0v01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1988 1988 1988-03-28 2020 true xt7gms3k0v01 section xt7gms3k0v01  





UK basketball season ends in a quiet

way. SEE PAGE 3.





LaVon Williams gives art exhibit
at UK. SEE PAGE 7.



Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Windy and warm





Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

independent since 1971

Monday. March 28. 1988

Alcohol committee favors ‘permissive’ policy

Editor in Chief

The UK Alcohol and Drug Advi-
sory Council Friday endorsed a Uni-
versitywide policy that would permit
students over 21 to drink in their
dorm rooms.

The policy will be sent to Art Gal~
laher. chancellor for Lexington cam-
pus. who will decide whether to send
it to the UK Board of Trustees Gal-
laher said Friday he wouldn‘t com-
ment until he saw the proposal and
could not estimate when he would
finish considering it.

The committee’s decision is an im-
portant victory for students. said
SGA President Cyndi Weaver.
Weaver led the fight for the “per-
missive" policy, so—called because it
permits legal student alcohol use on

“It‘s especially important giving
that this is the second time a task
force has proposed a ‘permissive'
policy." she said. “I think that's dif-
ficult to ignore."

Gallaher formed the committee at
the beginning of last fall semester to
form a workable campus alcohol
policy. UK has only an unwritten

Peace Corps jobs
give UK students
chance to see world

Staff Writer

Togo. Cameroon. Yemen. Nepal.

Where in the world are these

If you find yourself asking that
question and dreaming about living
in such exotic locales. you may be
interested in a Peace Corps inter-

The Peace Corps Office. located in
210 Bradley Hall. is currently ac-
cepting applications for its second
round of internships which locate
undergraduates in such enigmatic

The internships differ from the
regular Peace Corps program in
several ways. according to Campus
Peace Corps Representative Frank

While the regular program com-
mits a college graduate for two
years. the Project for Public and
Community Service is open only to
undergraduates and lasts frotn 10 to

The internship program also dif-
fers from the Peace Corps in that-
most of the internships are located
in the capitals of the host countries.

Interns work primarily in the Peace
Corps office rather than in the field.

Initially. the intern is flown to
Washington. DC. to receive orienta-
tion and training for the internship
assignment. Some of the assign—
ments include. implementing a com-
puter accounting program for the
Kathmandu office in Nepal; writing
and organizing science and math
materials for volunteers teaching in
Swaziland; and developing a compu—
terized tnedical supplies inventory
and reordering system for the office
in Apia. Western Samoa.

Tlte cost of the internship is split
between the students university and
the Peace Corps.

While the Corps is responsible for
the cost of flying the intern to Wash-
ington. [).C. and providing housing
accomodations “in country." it is
the university's responsibility to fly
the intern to the site as well as to
cover living expenses. said Hut-

The deadline for applying for the
internships is April ‘22. For applica-
tion forms. detailed job descriptions
and further information. students
may stop by 210 Bradley Hall or call

Skits to show students
real-life experiences

Staff Writer

Several students will perform
skits tommorrow to communicate
the different situations that commut-
er students may experience.

“The idea of the skits is to famil-
iarize problems that students might
have living in an apartment and how
to solve them." said Student Gov-
ernment Association President
Cyndi Weaver. who will participate
in the program. “We will go over
the legal rights and the practical

Sandra Barnett. a political science
junior. who will also participate in
the program. said student commut-
ers will learn that there are ways of
working out the problems that may
occur while living off campus.

The “Surviving Off-Campus“
workshop will be 3:30-4:30 pm. to-
morrow in 2% Student Center.

Sharon Childs. with Student Activ-
ities. said the program will include
information about leases. security
deposits. repairs on rental property,
imurance. utilities. studying at

home and

She added that Attorney John
Schrader will be at the program and
there will be a question-and-answer
session after each skit.

Childs said UK's Commuter Stu-
dent Office is conducting the pro—
gram because it is the only
educational type of program inform-
ing students. This is the second year
they have provided an informational

“The more knowledgable students
are about the situations. the more
likely they’ll be prepared to deal
with them.“ Childs said.

A lot of students forget about the
legal and monetary responsibilities
when they consider moving off cam-
pus. Childs said.


“Often students are naive about
legal obligations.“ she said. "Legal
contracts are binding and often
times aren‘t easy to get rid of.“

Childs said it is best to consider
convienence. safety and the finan-
cial aspects when living off campus.

SGA sponsoring sale
to help ill grad student

Staff reports

UK‘s Student Government Asso-
ciation will be selling ribbons to help
astudent this week.

Viji Jeganathan. a UK graduate
student who has leukemia. needs a
bone marrow transplant that she
cannot afford. SGA is helping to
raise money for the operation.

SGA president Cyndi Weaver said
SGA will be “exchanging the rib-
bons for datatiom.“ She said she
hopes the ribbon make the fund-
raiatng campaign more visible.

SGA has been accepting donation
to the “Viji Fund" for about one

week. “We‘re getting. on the aver-
age. $300 to $400 per day.“ Weaver
said. She said the donations are
“very encouraging considering that
the campaign has just begun.“

Senator at Large Ken Payne. who
chairs the “Ribbons for Viji" cam-
paign. said students should realize
the importance of the issue.

“We're not rallying for higher ed-
ucation . . . we‘re rallying for a stu-
dent's life." Payne said.

Payne said anyone who wants to
help sell the ribbons from tables can
sign at in the SGA office through
himortheSGA secretary.

policy that bans alcohol in residence
halls and allows only students 21 or
older to drink in fraternity houses.

The committee’s vote was 6-5.
with one member abstaining. Anoth-
er member left before the vote.

The proposal would allow legal al~
cohol consumption by people who
are 21 or older in greek chapter
houses. apartments, leased prop-
erties and individual residence hall
rooms of those 21 years old and
older as long as the door is closed.

The committee had already voted
to allow alcohol in campus locations
like the Student Center, Hilary J.

Boone Faculty Club. the Singletary
Center for the Arts. the King Alumni
House and Maxwell Place. the home
of UK President David Roselle.

UK Dean of Students Doug Wilson.
who is not a member of the commit-
tee. said the policy would be supple-
mented with more specific event
guidelines. “Our (plant is to use the
policy in conjunction with specific
addenda,” Wilson said. “Policy is
one thing. operational guidelines
might take a different focus."

Weaver said the committee should
strike a balance between establish-
ing order in residence halls and giv-

ing students freedom in the privacy
of their dorm room.

She said discussions with attor»
neys have shown that liability is not
the overriding concern in allowing
alcohol in residence halls. since
“dram shop“ and "social host" lia-
bility — concerned with hosts selling
or providing alcohol a do not apply.

The committee‘s main concern
was the effect of alcohol on the at-
mosphere of residence halls.

Greg Wilburn. assistant hall direc-
tor of Keeneland Hall. said alcohol
could seriously damage the ability
of dorms to serve the study and per-

sonal needs of the diverse group of
residents. especially those who want
nothing to do with alcohol

Most serious dorm Violations. lll~
cluding fights and vandalism. are al-
coholrelated. he said. “Anything
that increased the availability of al-
cohol could potentially lead to more

These problems include alcohol
misuse. said Sociology Professor
Richard Clayton “\‘thiiever you
have increased availability. you see
increased consumption.” said t‘liiy-
ton. who is the scientitic director ot

Sec P()I.l(‘\ . Page it


uni" r 14.3,,
Bruce Springsteen enthralled the more than
23.000 people at Rupp Arena who turned out



CLAY OWENr‘Kernet Stan

to watch the Boss in concert Saturday night
The performance lasted more than 3": hours

The ‘Boss’

Arts Editor

If you‘re going to accept Bruce
Springsteen‘s opening request.

“How ”bout a date." you better
ask Dad to push the curfew back
and tell Mom you'll \izike lici
when you get in. because it's
going to be a late night.

5 a l U r d a ." CONCERT
night's Tunnel REVIEW
of Love Ex-
press ’l‘our
kicked off at 8 with Spi'lllgstet't.
tossing a bouquet of roses llilti
the front row and ended shortly
after midnight alter Springsteen
ran through his traditional t'\
tended encore set ending with
Mitch Hyder's "lit-tron Medley"
and “Raise Your Hands "

Springsteen gave ample time to
both his acoustic gunar .is on the
opener. “Tunnel of Love.‘ and to
his electric woodblock as on
“Adam Raised a t'aiii." lending
it all the stridency it deserved

Decked out in his bolo and cmv
boy boots. Springsteen presented
a refined look and sound that was
a long way from the polyester lci
sure of his early days There was
still. however. plenty oi time for
reminiscing as Springsteen and .i
trimmed down (‘larencc ('lcmons
sat on a park bench and waxed
nostalgia before turning in a con
strained “All That ilcavcn Will

The mood was altered abruptly
by sprawling versions of “Seeds '
and “Roulette," an unrecorded
diamond in the rough

Even the kaleidoscope-lighting
of “Cover Me" and sonic gritty
guitar work by Springsteen gau-
the song much more tlmor than
its recorded version "Spare
Parts" was one of the few songs
Springsteen bothered to explain.
elaborating on the inner strength
of a single mother

The first set ended With the
vehement “War” and the con
cert‘s only real anthem. "Born til
the USA."

The second set \\ as made up of
songs taken mostly from
Springsteen‘s eighth and eleventh
albums. The RH'i'V Ltlld Tunnel or

"”V" \cc mu (1.. Page *



SAB selects its members for next year

Staff Writer

The members of the 1988-89 Stu
dent Activities Board have been se-

Mike Bowling. 1987-88 special ac-
tivities chairman. was chosen as the
new president. Mark Tichenor. for-
merly the SATV chairman. will be
his vice-president late Thursday

Charlie Cain is the new secretary-
/treasurer. while Mary Hansen will
handle public relations for the

The other board positions have
been filled by the following:

CINEMA: Todd Hamill


Michael Hunt



Mark Guenberg


SATV: Maria Victoria deCastro



TRAVEL: Melissa Ballard

VISUAL ARTS: Stacy Kozumplik

The five members-at-large will be
Page Estes. Sean Smith. Beth Gorin.
Brad Chambliss and Scott Kuhn.

An interview board of student
leaders chose the new board after
reviewing the applications. The
members were selected based on
their applications. interviews.
grades and campus activities.

Bowling could not be reached for

Tichenor said he views the upcort-
ing year as “pivotal" because of the
possible commercialization of the
student center.

“I really thought something mid
come out (about commercialization)
this year. but it was put on hold be-

cause of the objections of some of
the local businesses." he said. “But
if something doesn't happen over the
next year. the idea could die,"

Tichenor said he also plans to in-
troduce several new campus pro-
grams through the inembersat~
large. He said one of those ideas
was a comedy night with touring co
medians once or twice a semester.

Bruce Lorch. 1987-88 concert
chairwoman. said she was pleased
with her selection as spotlight jazz

“I feel very happy." she said.
“I'm really happy for the chance to
turn the program around and make
this the best season ever. ”

Lorch also said she would support
Bowling as president. “He has a lot
of direction for plans for the board.“
she said.

The concert committee will be
moving in new directions as well
with the selection of Garlitz. Al-
though described by some as not
“progressive" in his musical tastes.

Lorch said she tell the board's decr
sion to select Garlitz “as a good

“Although this guy is not proercs
stve. I think the board \HIS mired
in cleaning house on the concert
committee and starting over." she
said. “Maybe it's better that it is
more mainstreamed "

John llerbst. SAB director and art
ex officio member of the selection
board. said the new board has
“every bit of potential needed to
meet or succeed the expectations of
the previous board. "


The article on Merit Day that
was in l-‘riday‘s Kernel contained
some incorrect information. Only
1.200 high school seniors were in-
vited to UK.


 2 - Kentucky Kernel. MendsyJAsrch 20.1000



Information on this calendar at events is collected and coordnated throud'u
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-


tucky. Theintomuatlonhpubihhedasepplledbymeon-canpuspomormnthed-
ilonsor University departmentsto make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calen-
dartormmstbeililedoutandretumed totheStudentActivlties Oti'ice.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the

publication date.




tReilglous: Free Mediation Group; Free; Newman Center; 6 p.m.;
Call 266-4910

ing. prayers. 0 messages: Free; 500 Columbia Ave; 0930 pm; Call

cusslan. parties. 0 pct luclr dimer; Free; “louse/412 Rose St; 6 pm.
Call 254-1001

oReligious: Creative Prayer Gram - Time to relax. share. 0 relate
with students; Free; Newman Center; 0 pm; Call 255-0566

students Invitedl; Free. Newman Center; 9 p.m.. Cd 2550566

sReilgious. "Cornerstone" Music Practice - emf-lam is the onty
reaulrementi; Free; 500 Columbia Ave.. 6:30-0 pm; Call 254-3714

-Sports: Campqu Aerobics; Free: K—chse/412 Rose St.: 3:30 pm:
Coil 277-5190

n1 Gym Lott. 0-30 p.m.. Call 266-0102

oSparts Judo Club - Beginners welcome. Wrestling experience
valuable. Ft”; Alumni Gym L0"; 54:30 p.m.; cal “‘56

- Seminars, Learning Skills Program: Study Reading Techniques;
Sto-semester. 525'sernester; 301 Frazee iloii; 11-1150 am; Call 7-

oAcademtc. 1907 Matt MW".
Chemistry-PhysicsBuildlng: 9-4 p.m.. Call 7-7000

' Greek. Greek Week; Call 7-3151

-Movles. Stephen King's Sliver Bullet; 5195; Worsham Theatre; 0
p.m.. Call 7-0067

-Seminars: Chemistry Nati symposium - "Structure 0 Function or
Small RNA Viral Pathogens". Free; 137 Chemistry-Physics Building:
330 p.m.. Coil 7-4741

Department; Free;

~Spons UK Fencing Ctub; Free. Alulrunl 6W1; 7:30-9.30 pm; Cal


Weldon Lunch s Last Lecture west ceases mae aoaut top-
Cali 254-3714

nRellgious: ‘1uesdayt0wtogether'-TNt-aiimetarworw0
tellowship. Free. 429 Columbia Ave: 7:30 pm.; Cd 7-3909

dent Center 245; 7:30 pm; Cd 75909

oSemlnam Leanl'ig Sula Program Essay Test Tdrhg; SIC/semester
orS25/semester;301Fra:eeHdl:11-11:50p.rru.:Cal 7-0673

11c Church; Free; NewmanCenter; 7:30-ms pm Call 255-0566

- Sports: Aerobics; Free. Newman Center; 550-7 pm; ca 255-

Newman Center; 7 p.m.; Cal 255-0566

oSports: UK cycling Club Meeting; Free. 213 Seaton Center; 0 pm;
Call 02350

ences: Free. Center for the Arts: 0 pm; Call 75023

-Greek:GreetrWeeii:Cdi 7-3151

0Moviet Stephen King's Sliver Bullet; $1.95: Worsharru Theatre. 0
pm; Cdl 7-0067

0Concerts: Steven R. Chicurei DMA Lecture/"George Gershwln's-
Songbooir"; Free; SCFA Recital Hall: 12:30 pm; ca 74900

~Concerts: Distinguished Protessar Lecture: Dr. George Herring or

- Meetings: American Association or Untversny Protessors Spring
Meeting; Free; Studenlcenter 245; 35pm.;Cd 35557

. Workshop: Survtvmg ctr-Cornea; Free. Student Center 220; M30
p.m.;Caii 7-0590

oMeetlng: General Meeting Student Organizations Assembty; Free.
Room106 Student Center; 6:15 pm; Cal 7-1099

Cldlz 56: SW' CU“. MM 7:30 pm: Cu 745%









oSemlnars: Learning Skills Program: identity Your Learning 5M0:
SiOsemester or S25/semester. 301 Frazee Hall: 3-3:50 pm: Call 7-

-Religuous. Bible Discussion Groups - Great Camission Stuaents;
Free: Student Center 231; 7:30 pm; Call 254-3997

-Rellgious. Dinner Casual Dinner 0 Good Company; 53; 500 Co
Iumbua Ave: 5-6 p.m.. Call 254-3714

-Sports; Alkido:JapaneseMartioi ArtBeginnerClosses; Free;Alum-
nl Gym Lott: 0:30 pm: Cell 266-0102

rSportsAidoCiub- Beginnersarewelcome.wrestiingemerience
VOMODD: Fr“; Alumni Gym LO"; 5-6230

- Religious: Communion Service; Free; Newman Center; 00:45 pm:
Call 255-8566

oRellglous: Student Faith Sharing - Upcoming Sunday's Gospel
Read 0 Discussed; Free; Newman Center; 9-10 pm; Call 2550566

'SOOtfl: CORTDuS AUOUCI: Ft“: K-House/412 500. Street; 3:30
pm. Call 277-5190

-Mavies: Stephen King's Sitver Bullet; $1.95; Worstiam Theatre: 0
p.m.;CalI 7-0067

- Greek; Greek Week: Coll 7-3151

-Sports: Wildcat Got! UK Johnny Owens; Free with tuil-tirne 0100,
Lexington. KY; Coll 7-3030

-Other: Exploring Motors in Arts 0 Sciences; Free; Student Center
Small Ballroom; 11:30 a.m.-1.30 pm; Call 75603

-Seminar: “Is Small Business Ownership the Future You Will
Choose7"; Free: 231 Student Center; Noon; Cali 7-3295


oMovtes: Stephen King's Sitver Bullet; $1.95: Worsham Theatre. 0
pm; Call 7-0067

oSemindrs: Learning Skills Program - Study Stills tor Law School;
SIC/semester or $25lsernester; 301 Frdaee lid; 3:304:15 am; Call 7-

- Religious "“Cornerstone Drana Practice - enthusiasm is the only

Wernent: Free. 500 Columbia Ave.; 6:30-0 pm; Cal 254-3714

-Academlcs: 1900 Summer Session Advising Conterence tor new
freshmen. new advanced standng (tronster) students. dudtors. redd-
mltted. s non-degree students.


-Other: Chi Omega GREEK SINGiii: $2; Memortai Coliseum; 7 pm;
Call 05000

. Movies - 3/20: Stephen King's Silver Bullet; $1.95.
Worsham Theatre. 8 pm; Cali 7-0067

. Movies - 3/29: Stephen King's Silver Bullet; $1.95.
Worsharn Theatre. 0 pm: Call 7-0067

0 Movies - 3/30: Stephen King's Silver Bullet; $1.95.
Worshan Theatre; 0 pm; Call 75067

°Marvles - 3/31: Stephen King's Silver Bullet; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 0 pm; Call 7-0067






lure/"George Gershwln's Songbook"; Free. SCFA Re-
cital Hall; 12:30 pm; Call 7-4900

0Concerts - 3129: Distinguished Protessor Lecture
Free. SCFA Recitai Hall; 0 pm; Call 7-49OO

-Conceris - 4/3: Concord Trio. Free. CFA Recital
Hall; 3 pm; Call 74900

oConcerts - 4/& Don Hughes/Senior Trumpet Re-
cital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 0 pm; Call 7-4900






oAcademlcs: 1900 Summer Session Advising Conterence for Corn-
munlty College Transier Students 0 Community College Applicants
cleared tor the 1900 Fall Semester.

0 Greek: Greek Week; Call 7-3151

. Meetings: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting. Free: Student Center 245:
7 p.m.. Call 7-1655

- Other. Good Friday

- Other Women's Oral History Lecture by Pam Goldman; Free: Peal
Gallery, Noon; Call 75095

- Sports Campus Aerobics; Free; K-House/412 Rose Street; 3:30
p m . Cali 277-5190


tellowship 0 run: Free; K-iiouse/4t2 Columbia; 7:30 pm; Call 277-

ter; 6 pm; Call 2550566

- Sports: UK Baseball vs. Tennessee. double-hitter; Free with tull-tlme
UKID;Sh1vety Field; 3 pm: Call 7-3030

9 other; POW.

oMeetings - 3/29: American Association of Uni-
versity Protessors Spring Meeting; Free; Student Cen-
ter 245; 35 pm; Call 35557

0 Meeting - 3/29: General Meeting Student Orga-
nizations Assembly; Free. Room 106 Student Center;
M5 pm; Call 7-1099

- Meetings - 4/1: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting;
Free; Student Center 245; 7 pm; Call 7-1655

OSemlnars - 3/28: Learning Skills Program: Study
Reading Techniques; STD/semester. $25/semester;
301 Frazee i-laii; 11-11:50 a.m.; Cali 7-0673

oSerninars - 3/28: Chemistry: Natl SVmposlum -
"Stmcture Bu Function at Small RNA Viral Pathogens";
Free. 137 Chemistry-myslcs Building; 3:30 pm; Call

OSemlnars - 3/29: Learning Sldlis Program: Essay
Test Taking: SIC/semester or $25/semester; 301 Fra-
zee Hall; 11-1 1 :50 pm; Call 75673

OSemlnars - 3/30: Learning Skills Program: identi-
ty Your Learning Style; SlO/semester or s25/semes-
ter; 301 Frazee Hail; 3-3:50 pm; Call 7-3673

0 Seminar - 3/30: "is Small Business Ownership the
Future You Will Choose?"; Free; 231 student Center;
Noon;CalI 7-3295

~Semlnars — 3/31: Learning Sldlls Program - Study
Skills tor Law School; SIC/semester or S25/semester;
301 Frazee Hail; 3:30-4:15 am; Call 7-0673

OSemlnars - 4/0 Learrlng Skills Program: Speed
Reading; SIO/serneder. S25/semester; 301 Frazee
Hail; 11-11:5O a.m.; Call 7-0673

-Worlrshop - 3/29: Surang Oil-Campus; Free;
Student Center 220; 3 4:30 pm; Call 75590






special events





~Reilglous Celebration at Warship - Christian Studem Fellowship.
Free 502 Coiumbia Av... 7 p.m.. Call 233-0313

vReilglous Catholic Celebration at the Moss; Free; Newman Cen-
ter 0 10 1130a.m..5.9»30p.m..Catl2550566

- Sports UKBaseballvs Temessee,1ennessee:Caii 7-3030

oSports. Aiirldo- JapaneseMartlaiArtIeglmerClasses; Free Am
ninm Lott. 1 pm , Call 266-0102

rSports Japan Karate Club - StiOTOKAN; Free; Bueli Armory. 3-5

0Concerts Concord Trio. Free. CFA Recital Nail; 3 pm; Cal 7-

-Other Easter Sunday



oRellglous: Free Mediation Group: Free; Newman Center; 6 pm:

ing, prayers. 0 messages: Free: 500 Columbia Ave; 0930 pm; Cal

rReIglous: Monday Evening m - W. group @-
cusston, parties. s pot luck dimer; Free. K-tiouse/4i2 Rose 3t: 6 pm;



DWous: "Cornerstorte" Mule Practice -enth 0 the ofly
reauirernenti; Free. 500 Counbla Ave: 630-0 pm; Cd 204-3714

deans Corrupus Aercblce Free; K-liouse/412 Rose St.- 3:30 pm;

“parts: Alirida m Mattel Art m Closes; Free. Alth-
ni Gym Lott; 0:30 pm; Cd 266-0102

deans: Judd cu: - Beginners welcome. Wresteug eroerteruce

-Serninars: learning eur- Program weed m SIG/semester.
S20/semester:301Frmeeiial;11-11:00mCd 7-0673

loam-4 pm; Cd 7-1000

a.rru.-4 pm; (‘41 7-2700






oAcddemlc - 3/20: 1907 Matt Symposium. Chern-
lstry Department; Free. Chemistry-PhysicsBuildlng; 9-
4 pm; Call 7-7000

oAcademlc - 3/29: Distinguished Protessor Lec-
Arts; 0 pm; Call 75023

voademics - 3/31: 1900 Summer Session Advis-
ing Corlerence tor new ireshmen. new advanced
standing (transter) students. auditors. readmitted. 0

oAcodemlcs - 4/1: 1900 Summer Session Advising
Conterence for Community College Transter Stu-
dents 0 Community College Applicauts cleaed tor

Compagnle Claude Beauiclalr; 56; Student Center
Theatre; 7:30 pm; Call 7-1096

ences; Free. Student Center and Batman. 11:30
arm-1:30 pm; Call 75603

oOther - 3/31: Chi Omega GREEK SlNGlii; $2; Me-


0% - ‘Ii: Wm? M HIM: Lecture by



OOther-4/Ml0: European PastryCde'; Student
Center240: 10 arm-4 pm:Cd 7-1650

rnopoltai Chub (interndtland aid Americau stu-


-Sports - 3/28: Campus Aerobics; Free. K-
House/412 Rose 81.; 3:30 pm; Call 2775190

rSports - 3/20: Aikldo. Japanese Martial Art Be-
ginner Classes; Free; Alumni Gym Lott; 0:30 pm;

oSports — 3/28: Judo Club - Beginners welcome.
Wrestling experience valuable: Free; Alumni Gym
Lott; 55:30 pm; Call 8-4156

OSports - 3/29: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm; Call 272-1013

oSports - 3/29: Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN;
Free. Bueil Armory; 7:30-9:30 pm.

rSports - 3/29: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5:50—7 p.m.; Call 255-8560

tSports - 3/29: UK (Noting Club Meeting; Free;
213 Seaton Center; 0 pm; Call 0-2350

OSports - 3/30: Alklde Japanese Martial Art Be-
ginner Classes: Free; Alumni Gym Lott; 0:30 pm;

oSports - 3/30: Aldo Club - Beginners are wel-
come. wrestling experience valuable; Free; Aiurnni
Gym Lott; 5-6230

oSpons - 3/30: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose Street: 3:30 pm; Call 2775190

-Sports - 3/30: Wildcat Goli UK Johnny Owens;
Free with full-time UKID. Lexington. KY; Cali 7-3038

OSports - 4/1: Campus Aerobics; Free. K-
House/412 Rose Street; 3:30 pm; Call 277-5190

08ports - 4/2: UK Baseball vs. Tennessee. double-
hitter; Free with lull-time UKlD. Shiveiy Field; 3 pm;
Call 7-3030

OSports — 4/3: UK Baseball vs. Tennessee; Tennes-
see; Call 7-3030

0 Sports - 4/3: Aikldo: Japanese Martial Art Begin-
ner Classes; Free; Alumni Gym Lott: 1 pm; Call 266-

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Kentucky Kamal, Monday. March 28.1088 — 3









Jlrn White
Assistant Sports Editor



m Lasso/mam

Villanova's Rodney Taylor swats an Ed Davender shot away from
the rim during UK's 80-74 loss last Thursday night.

Sooners shift gears to find Kansas City

By T()l)l) JONES
Sports Editor

BIRMINGHAM. Ala. Oklahoma
coach Billy Tubbs believes a basket-
ball should be put in the net. not on
the floor: '

“I think ..the NCAA committee
needs to look at a 15-second shot
clock." Tubbs said with a sly grin.

Tubbs‘ love of McBasketball was
put to the test by Villanova Saturday
in the finals of the Southeast Region-
al. But to no avail. ()klahonia just
shifted gears and cruised by the
Wildcats. 78-59.

The victory sent the 34-3 Sooners
t0 the Final Four in Kansas (‘ity this
weekend where they‘ll meet Arizo-
na. Villanova went back to Philadel-
phia with a final mark of 24-13.

"This game showed we can win at
any tempo." Tubbs said. “if we're
forced to play that tempo. we‘ll do
anything to win."

Oklahoma was indeed forced to
play that tempo. Villanova had no
other choice. The pregame statistics
said so.

Before Saturday. the Sooners and
Wildcats had both played 36 games.
Yet. the Sooners had attempted 1.020
more shots and made an even 500

That amazing statistic led to this
one — Oklahoma was averaging
104.7 points per game while
Villanova was tossing in just 72.2.

“if we hold them to less than 150
points we might win.“ Wildcat coach
Rollie Massimino said at the pre-
game press conference.

Villanova used its offense , not
defense —- to assure that the Sooners


5 .-...»¢ 4‘. " .-
aa‘ ‘

would not turn Saturday‘s final into
a pinball game. Each Wildcat pos
session featured a healthy milking
of the clock before any shot was

“Our plan was to hold the ball for
it) or more seconds and get into the
How." Massimino said.

"Villanova should keep a stat for
time of possession like they do in
football." Tubbs said afterwards.

“Was that boring or what? We
wouldn‘t have 1,000 people watch us
if we played that way."

The Wildcats‘ slow-down tactics
drew ’l‘ubbs' ire but proved very
effect 1 ve.

Villanova outscored top—seeded
()klahoma 10-3 in the final moments
ot the lust half. The late run had the
Sooners by the horn after 20 min-
utes. 38-31.

“I knew we had a battle on our
hands 10 minutes into the game."
Tubbs said.

The Sooners‘ frustration showed in
their hurried shots. They hit just 13
of 31 l'or 11.9 percent in the first
half. Villanova drilled 57.1 percent
of its field goals.

“l‘iii used to running up and down
the court." Oklahoma center Stacey
King said. “When they spread the
court. that‘s new to us."

“Being seven down in that type of
game is like 20 down in our type of
game." Tubbs said.

The Wildcat advantage grew to ~18-
10 six minutes into the second half
when Doug West buried a jumper.
Then the roof caved in.

King muscled inside for two of his
game—high 28 points. That ignited a

BIRMINGHAM. Ala. — The eerie
silence in the Kentucky locker-room
Thursday night was so disturbing it
was loud.

Players slumped on benches. All
eyes burned holes through the car-
pet. Silence.

The problem with setting grand
goals is dealing with reality when
those dreams come crashing back to

Such was the thud for UK.

The road to the Final Four ended
for the Wildcats in the semifinals of
the Southeast Region. Less-talented
but opportunistic Villanova dashed
Kentucky's national championship
hopes. 8074.

”I don‘t know what happened,”
UK sophomore guard Rex Chapman
said. “I just know this one hurts."

The hurt looked just as great in
the eyes of Kentucky coach Eddie
Sutton. His sights were also set on a
national title. The grand prize has
eluded him for 19 years.

“We felt we were one of the teams
that could get to Kansas City.“ Sut-
ton said. “Now. our season is over.
It‘s difficult right now."

Sutton dealt with the painful pre-
sent by once again looking forward.
There will be other days.

“I gave them a little philosophy
like I do after the last game of the
year." Sutton said. “i told them that
throughout your life you‘re going to
have days when you meet adversity
and many times it depends on how
you react to that.

"They need to react very positive-
ly. I hope they learned a lot of
valuable lessons.“

Talk of the future was fine for the

Sooner charge of 11 unanswered

“They were like a time bomb
waiting to erupt." Villanova forward
Mark Plansky said.

The Oklahoma run turned an
eight-point deficit into a three-point
lead. it also changed the tempo.

"The game finally got to the point
where they had to come to us."
Tubbs said.

“They had to shoot the ball and
start playing our style of ball.” King

Villanova didn