xt7gms3k0z2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gms3k0z2v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1911-05-26 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 26, 1911 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 26, 1911 1911 1911-05-26 2020 true xt7gms3k0z2v section xt7gms3k0z2v 38. State University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky. May 26,1911. _ The faculty met in the gymnasium building, those present being President Emeritus Patterson, VicewPresident White, Professors Anderson,Norwood, Lafferty, Hamilton, Patterson, Pryor, Mathews, Pence, Mackenzie, Wilson, Zembrod, Tuttle, Rowe, Frankel, Stout, Kelly, Hooper, Maxson, Snow, Gillis, Roberts, Peter, Curtis, Melcher, Davis, Brown, and Healy. The minutes of the meeting of May 19th were read and approved. The minutes of the session of the Council, held on May 98nd, were then read by Vice—President White and it was ordered upon motion that the minutes of the Council be accepted as read: "The meeting was called to order in Dean Miller's office at 3:30 by President Barker. Those present were President Barker, VicewPresident White, Deans Scovell, Anderson, Miller, Norwood, Rowe, Lafferty and Hamilton. . "Resolution by Dean Anderson, seconded by Dean Bows: That the meetings of the Council take place in the President's room,was unanimously carried. "Resolution by Dean Scovell, seconded by Dean Anderson: That the general rule which requires student balls and dances to close at one o’clock A.M. does not apply to the Junior Prom and Senior Ball,was unanimously carried. " Resolution by Dean Lafferty,seconded by Dean Norwood: That all of the rules of the Faculty, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee and Council of Deans concerning the regulations of student life and activity be codified and printed for the use of the student body and professors, and that the President appoint a committee of three to gather this data and report it back to the Council of Deans at its first meeting in September, or at first meeting after July, with such recommendations as the committee may deem proper, was unanimously carried. President Barker appointed the committee called for in this resolution as follows: Deans Lafferhr, Hamilton and Anderson. "Resolution by Dean Anderson, seconded by Dean Scovell: That at ten o'clock on Tuesday, May 30,1911, the Council meet for the purpose of passing on theses submitted for degrees in accordance with a previous order of the Council, was unanimously carried. "Resolution by Dean Norwood, seconded by Dean Hamilton: That the Deans of the various colleges be required to furnish the President or Vice-President with a full list of the books that are to be used in their respective departments for the coming year on or before July first, and the terms in which they are used and the proper number of books that will be needed, was unanimously carried. Minutes of the Faculty, May 86,1911. 33- ."Dean Anderson suggested that the Deans of the committee furnish data relative to gowns and relative to degrees so that diplomas can be properly lettered and all details looked after pertaining to the men who are to receive honorary degrees. h "President Barker ruled that hereafter the first order of business of the general faculty meetings will be to call for reports or recommendations from the Council. H.S.Barker, President. 7_ Secretary. The reports of standing committees were then called for. Most of the chairmen had no reports to submit. Lieut.Kelly on behalf of Mrs.8tout, chairman of the Committee on Commencement Exercises, reported_that the order of the procession on commencement day had been arranged and it had Eeen submitted to the deans. Provision had also been made or the securing of a tent, decorations, etc. for commencement day. He also reported that the baccalaureate sermon was to be delivered by Dr.Mullins of Louisville, and that the faculty was requested to assemble at Patterson Hall on Sunday at 10:50 a.m. in order to march in a body to the Central Christian Church, where the baccalaureate sermon was to be delivered. On motion of Judge Lafferty, it was ordered that the above report be accepted. Attention was called to the fact that there was some uncertainty as to the arrival of the caps and gowns before Sunday, and the question arouse as to whether these should be worn upon that day. It was finally ordered upon motion, in view of the uncertainty of the arrival of these garments, that the faculty definitely decide not to undertake to wear them upon that day. Dr.Pryor on behalf of the Committee on Student Organiza— tions reported verbally that his committee had approved the suggestion of the Alumni that the honorary fraternities Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi be organized in this University. On motion, it was ordered that this report be accepted. The list of candidates for degrees was then called for, the first list being submitted by Dean Snow as follows: For the degree Master of Arts in Education: Lewis Nelson Taylor For the degree Bachelor of Arts in Education: Chas.Arthur Dunn ‘ \ James Otis Lewis Jessie Fithian Hibler Mary Barret Smith For the degree Bachelor of Science in Education: Harvey Arthur Babb Obed Elmo Baird 77~ndames Franklin Bruner Lilian Terry Fergusona Frances Cleveland Hughes ‘ 34. Minutes of the Faculty, May 86,1911. _ Following the reading of the list, it was ordered on motion that the list as read be recommended to the Board of Trustees for the degrees named. .Dean Rowe submitted the following list of prospective candidates, and on motion it was ordered that the list be recommended for the degrees named: For the degree Bachelor of Civil Engineering (B.C.E.): Adams, Lois Litsey Lytle, Hendricks Gilbert Auliok,Oliver Merchant, George Brite Collings, Benjamin Hays Rogers, John Dunlap, George Green Sloan,$esse Neal Harn, Walter Andrew Taylor, Orville Heber For the degree Civil Engineer (C.E.)§ Wells, Emery Coleman, Samuel Boin I Watson, James Saffel Bell, Benj.Duncan Wilson, James Morrison ' The list of candidates for the degree Bachelor of Science in Agriculture was then read by Professor Hooper as follows: Ball, Arthur Carlton Routt, Grover Cleveland Collins, Minerva Wilson, William Boone Mastin, James Edward Worthington, Elmer Francis It"was then moved that the above list of candidates for the degree Bachelor of Science in.Agricu1ture be accepted. Professor Mackenzie reported that no work in Ethics had been completed by Mr.W.B.Wilson, but that he was willing if the conditions were satisfied by next Tuesday to allow him to graduater Professor Wilson then moved as a substitute to the above motion that the list as read be recommended and that the Council meeting upon next Tuesday be given power to act on the doubtful case as in the case of others. The motion was carried. Professor Norwood then submitted the following list, explaining that W.E.Hudsonwhad been a candidate for a similar degree upon a former occasion but had conditions at that time which were now removed. On motion it was ordered that the list as read be recommended to the Board of Trustees for the degrees named: For the degree of Mining Engineer (E.M.): Harry Draper Easton. For the degree of Bachelor of Mining Engineering (B.E.M.): Chas.Krémer Bain Walker Burton Paynter Paul Francis David Walter Smith Geo.Matt Hendrickson Chas.Wm.Wardle William Edward Hudson Kessack Duke White Phil Holloway Byron Demetrius Williams (Q m mum-«mm.._..w . Minutes of the Faculty, M u 3p g A For the degree Bachelor of Nech Jas.Alfred Boyd John Campbell Perry Hogan Cassidy Minor Armenius Cleveland Chas.Elwood Daniel Ernest Thompson Douglas Virgil Lennard Downing Sprigg Case Ebbert John Jas.Fitzpatrick John Milton Foster r 36,1911. 9! 55. nical Engineering (B.M.F.): Wm.Augustus Lurtey Frank Thorpe Miles Grover Cleveland Mills Harvey Lee Moore John Alfred Needy Albert Brown Phister Jos.Bishop Sanders Geo.Bryan Shanklin Theodore Slade Ben McAtee Smarr Wallace Clifton Duncan Wilbur Wesley Stevenson Arthur Board Haswell Richard Spurr Webb Professor Anderson reported that Mr.O.L.Day, a Senior, was now ill in the hospital, and moved that if he should be able to complete his thesis during the summer school that he be given his degree when the thesis is completed, and that the announcement be made on commencement day relative to these facts. The motion was seconded by President Patterson and was then carried. Professor Anderson also submitted the following list for the degrees named: For the degree Mechanical Engineer (M.E.) \ \ Jcs.¥iles Sprague Cornelias Bailey Lyle Paul Clifton Crunwell Henry English used For the degree Electrical Engineer (E.F.): Llewellyn Chauncey Brown Chas.Miller Roswell David Chenault Estill Frank Faymond Rellman halter Christian Kicsel On motion it was ordered that the list as read be recommended for tie degrees named. Judge La’feety then read the names of the following prospective candidates for the degree of LL.B.: Virgil Yandell Moorefl_ Thomas Harris Burrism;\-V"V Hatiscn Greenleaf Colson Alpha Hubbard Evert Kathi; Otto Carston Martin James Dwire Rees Marion Rexford Schnaittcr m.mmmmmm...w. Minutes of the Faculty, May 86,1911. 35- Following the reading of this list, it was ordered that the names as read be recommended to the Board of Trustees for the degree named. “Professor White on behalf of Professor Miller then submitted the following list of candidates for the degrees named in the College of Arts and Science: Bachelor of Arts: Bachelor of Science: Mattie Virginia Cary Olline Pierce Cruickshank William Claude Shultz Marion Gilbert Johnson Anne Dowd Simrall Lucius Ernest Smith Leslie Neal Weller Alice Cary Williams It was ordered upon motion by Dr.Pryor that the list as read he recommended. Professor Mackenzie presented the name of Dean William T.Capers for the degree of A.M., with the motion that he be recommended for that degree. The motion was seconddd by Judge Lafferty and carried. Professor Davis submitted the name of Miss M.E.Hayden for the degree A.M. On motion it was ordered that she be recommended for this degree. Dr.Tuttle presented the name of Miss Katharine Schoene and moved that her name be presented to the Board and recommended for the degree of M.S. in Chemistry. The motion was duly seconded and carried. Professor Davis then made a motion that any other candidates whose names might be inadvertently missing from the lists should be referred to the Council meeting on next Tuesday with power to make recommendations. Professor White reported that Robert Guthrie Strong, -who was deficient as a candidate last year, had now re— moved his conditions, and he moved that he be recommended to the Board of Trustees for the degree 8.8. The motion was duly seconded and carried. The meeting adjourned. {W LL)7;7 W a: 1f<§fLPresident 5f the University. H ‘5' ,i W A ‘ ,/ plus/.7 \ fijfl/L)V;€QO;MAAAA9 Secretary of the Faculty.